Regulate Your System. You can protect yourself against chronic constipation, biliousyess, typhoid ever, grippe, and all kindred complaints by using Salt! It will keep the various organs of the body working smooth- ly and will drive out the poison that causes disease. It is the most won- derful regulator of health, the greatest preventative of disea- se and the best tonic and laxative known. Sold by all druggists. You will see a pleased expres- sion on the face of the man who wears 66 Shirts He knows he has the best. They Fit well, Wear well, Look well. Look for this name inside the Collar. For sale at all best dealers. Wonderful Success THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. disappointed by buving cheap burners when you can buy Do mot be imitation mantle the best. Is .made upon honor, -and everv oie guar- autoed, They are made of heavy material, finely finished, equipped: with, the bést mantles wd glassware: . Give the light and save gas. J. W. OLDFIN: 3 KiNa ESR REE RDN R DON'T WASTE MONEY = On poor, ill-flavored iit ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter," sweet and' finely- flavored, for 25c. Try a pound and see how pleased you will be. Clarified Milk C 0. |. *Phoene 5(7. Brock & Bagot Sts. INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 113 BROCK STREET. 8 BTR THE) J oe - ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE second floor over Mahood's z Btore corner Princess and Bagot streets. tn trance on Bagot street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH ants' Bank Buildiug, ocormer Brook ant Wellington strects. 'Phome 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near eoroer of Queen _and Montreal Streeta. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, Market Square. Anchor Building, Phen MAS. . MONEY AND BUSINESS. bn LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Available Insuran v assots, $61,187, 1215. addition to which the pokisy holders have for security the un ted liability of all the stockholders Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old o ving new rates from business get RANGE & STRANGE. Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALI interest om city or Apply to ofl Frontenar an and Evertmne "Sodlaty. Office op posite the Post Qffice. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from thousand ten thoes and dollars Te a a GODWIN'S INSURANCE Ee RIUM over Exvorees Office. Market Sounare wr UNDERTAKERS. . F. HARRISON CO0., UNDERTAKERS 233 235 Princess Street. Quafity and efficiency the beet. Prices the lowest arerooms, 90. Night Calls T. FP. Harrison, 81. : . ®_ QORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 Bringies Kingwton, Sucosssor tc Bn Drona, To Have Another Trans- continental Line. TO LOCATE AN EXTENSION 70 | WHITE RIVER. There the Line Will Join the Al- | goma Central -- The Grand Trunk Has a Franchise and May Operate it at an Early | Date. Toronto, Nov. 21.--The Globe, - to-| day, states that the Canadian North- ern railway company just sent out two surveying parties from" Fort William to locate a route from there to White River, where proposed extension, easterly from Fort William, will meet the Algoma Central. This route is in- tended to run considerably farther north than the Canadian Pacific road, which skirts the lake shore. The Al- goma Central railway running north | from the Soo is completed to within | twenty-five miles of White River. The Globe also says that a well-defined rumor is that the G. T. R. have se- cured a franchise which will enable them to reach the Soo from the west and on to Sudbury, or join the Algo- ma Central whose Manitoulin and North Shore road mav run north to Sudbury after leaving Manitoulin, and before turning west to the Soo. Ten cases of smallspox are reported to-day from Torbolton, Carleton county. Six clauses of further particulars charging payment of money for votes and th ving of railway tickets were filed, morning, in the South Ox- ford election petition, trial of which has already been partly disposed of and will be re opened on December 1st at Woodstock. Joseph Gentile was found guilty this morning, in the police court "oi two charges, first of uttering Cana dian counterfeit coins and second «ol uttering United States counterfeit coins. On. the first he was sentenced to ten years, and on the second to three vears' imprisonment, the senten- ces to run concurrently. Concert In Portsmouth. A pleasing entertainment was con- ducted last night by the congrezition of St. John's church, Portsmouth, i the Sunday school room. The a attendance testified highly to the abi lity of the congregation to present an attractive programme. Solos. were rendered hy Mrs, Birkett, Mizs Bates. J. B. Walkem and James Halliday, and readings piven by Miss Arthurs, J. W. Henstridge and Mr. "Walkem. Mr. Henstridge read a statement of affairs of the church, showing the fin- ances to be in an excellent condition. Rev. J. 0. Crisp made an efficient chairman. How To Regard Them Kingston, Nov. 19.--(To the Iditor): In your issue of yesterday, an intet- view with an unnamed individual 1 published in which numerous state- ments made by Mr. Ferguson are flat- ly contradicted. Now, =~ Mr. rnditor, since Mr. Ferguson made his state- ments __in__public, it does not seem reasonable to expect the public to ac- cept the contradictions of this "un- known," pspecially-when the sworn re- turns of state officers go to prove that Mr. Terguson's contentions are absolutely Yours; -ete.--3.P. WAY. correct: New Intake Pipe Required. The intake pipe, in connection with the water works-system at the Royal Military College, has been subjected to a thorough test, the result of which was to confirm the belief that it leak- ed in a number of places. When the nozzlx was closed enough water coull «till be pumped to fill the big tank. The necessity of placing a new = pipe was made very plain. Jenkins' Overcoats. Perfect fitting, . extra yalue, long, loose back, very swagger, $10; $12, $13.50, 815. Temperance workers were to-day en- gaged in canvassing merchants and business men for subscriptions in be- 'half of the prohibition cause. The county councillors and a few leading citizens of the city and county were to have been photographed in a group at the court house this after- noon. SURVEYORS OUT FINEST OF THE SEASOY._ Verdict of Audience Who Witnessed | The " Show Girl." Three hours of mingled hilarity and | | delightful melody, wit n entrancing | display of women, tells in brief the | story of Edward E. Rice's produe- { tion, "The Show Girl," at the Grand opera house last evening. Thére is not any discernible plot in the play, but there is a puisant concord of ex- quisite color blending, fascinating music, rythmic dancing, | and revelry of all sorts, { Girl" is not a comic opera, nor |in particular. Its {not be found in any glossary of thea- | trical terms. A "jolly bit of tom- | foolery, * the programme calls it, and | the programme is just about right. | But it is tomfoolery that is never { loud, never vulgar, never repellant; | just the jolliest kind of tomfoolery all the way through. There are come- | dians who are genuinely funny and | ehorus girls who are genuinely pretty; | songs that have some point, to them {ear long after one has heard it, strik- ing effective costumes, stage pictures | that always please the eye, and help laughing at. Among the best of the features was the remarkable animal act of David Abraham, who made a most realistic { cat and created uproarious fun " with | his antics. It is probably the best | performance of the kind ever seen in | Kingston. Another big number was the acrobatic dancing of the Three | Rosebuds, and another was thé unique act entitled "Learning to Dance by 3ook," contributed by lbrank GC Young and Bessie De Voie. Anna Mec- Nabb and Neil McNeil, gave a "'Bow- wy Tough and Bowery Gayrl" act that fairly electrified the audience. Mr. Lalor's "Spotless Town" had a similar experience. Robert L. Dailey, Miss Yolande Wallace and chorus scor- «d a big hit with the coon song and lance, "Susie-Anna-Anna."" and the military march of the cadets at the Jose of the second act, to the accom yaniment of the soldier's love song, sung by David Lythgoe, was a spirit- successful number. "Ka trina," sung by Kathryn Hutchinson nd danced by Paul Chute, scored eavily, as was to be expected. Especially taking proved he Way of a Sailor. * **As the Prince «d and highly as Garrick Forrest roles to overflow- of the piece Robert L. Dailey, Macready, filled the ng. They were the life on its humorous side, needs no extended comment. They were closely and most ably assisted in the fun making by Marie Hilton Vivien Epps, Yolande Wallace as Lady {'larissa, and Bessie De Voice as Lady Bettie Pringle. Kathryn Hutchison was the Miss (Cecelia Gay. Miss Hutchinson made a :omet-like rise from the leading role, but fills her place ad- mirably, as she is young and pretty, a tall, fairy-like blonde, winsome ways and an excellent singer, good reader and actress. David Lythgoe the Capt. E. Ross Armor, and sang and acted to the ge oral acceptance. He is a manly looking voung fellow, and kept his character well in hand throughout. . The Jhonnie "Jhones of Neil McNeil; 'and the Lord Cadwallad- er Dyce of Frank C.. Young were- in exeellent kéeping. The four Rain- bow sisters were as charming. Many others in the big company and 18 clean currants, 25¢. Lemon and orange peels per 1b., 15¢. Citron peel per Ib., 20c. 1 lb. best 30c. cocoanut, 1b. pail pure jam, 45c. 25 lbs. best granuluted sugar, $1. 30 lbs. yellow sugar, %1. Corner Johnston and Divi- sion streets. Whig for young wo- of answers, An advertisement in the place "for easy work for a man _broucht a shower and she was engaged hour of reaching town. His The Monkey --My, but our business collars an' not a single peanut. » N View. ji« bad! We've taken .in over four delightful fun } "The Show |' a | | musical comedy, nor anytning at all | proper title could#w It is likely that Mr. MacPherson, of | and music that rings pleasantly in the | snatches of burlesque that one can't | "That's | Waked the Prince; "Psyche," "*Reg- gie's Family I've and 'I'he One | hat He Loves Best." Frank Lalor, as Dionysius Fly, and and their work | as | chorus to this | al- | | | | other features deserve' mention i space permit. The whole show, in a sentence, is huge, lively and intensely and pleasantly diverting. At Mullins' This Week. 3 lbs. of new selected raisins, 23c. | Finest layer raisins per lb., 10c. 5 lbs. | made 20c: 7 | THE. BAILY WHIG, _FRIDAR. NOVEMBER ¢ a1 NEWS OF W WORLD TELEGRAMS FRO FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. na Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Miss Jennie Plant and Robert Tim- mins, Renfrew, were marriea on Wed- nesday 'night. { Vancouver, will be the liberal candi- | date in Burrard, B.C. | The czar and czarina are at their palace at Yalta, on. the southern coast of the Grimea until the middle | of December. The control of the Manhattan rail- | way company has passed into the hands of the Inter-Borough Rapid Transit company, more familiarly known as the Subway company. Miss Lillian Donnelly, youngest | daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Donnelly, of Detroit, Mich., is dead, aged twenty-two. She formerly lived at Peterboro, Belleville and Toronto. The Dominion Coal company's con- | tract with the New England Gas and ('oke company, of Everett, Mass., ex- pired to-day, and no more coal will be shipped from Sydney to the works | at Everett. The Danish steamer Knud II, from Copenhagen, and the British steamer Swaledale, from Hamburg, collided on Thursday night at the mouth of the Tyne. The Knud II foundered immedi- ately and the master and seven of her crew were drowned. Arthur L. Coilins, general manager of the Smuggler-Union Mining com- pany, was shot on Wednesday night by an unknown assassin, at Pandora, Colorado. Mr. Collins was plavir- cards with friends, when a charge of buckshot was fired through the win- | cow into his back. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. | | Spinach at Carnovsky's. | "Hom. William Harty has returned [from Teronto. J. P. Chapman, Deseronto, was a visitor inthe city to-day. Up at Queen's it will be "D.M.G." instead of "G.M.G."" as hitherto. Rev. Fr. Murtagh, Marmora, is in the city renewing acquaintane es, S. C. McBride, in New York on a | purchasing trip, returned at noon to- | day. | Chief of Police Baillie is on a hunt- | ing trip in the northern wilds of Fron- tenac. H. L. Geene, | Kingstonian, is in friends. Miss Pearl Valleau, Deseronto, is the guest of Mrs. Hoppes, Johnston street. The: steambarge Ringleader is loading coal at Allinson's dock, Island. In the matter of nickname Queen's will only have to change the emphasis a former city visiting Toronto, the un- Wolfe | to make "Gordie" into "Gordie." F. T. Wright, T. E. W. Boulter and A. Lighthall, Picton, have arrived' in the city to attend a Masonic function this evening. A large number of other Pictonites are also expected down. Mr. Joye, St. Thomas Hospital, London, England, representing the Student Volunteer Movement, was to give an address to Queen's; Y.M: CA. on "Mission Work in West Africa. I'. C. Kearns, son of James Kearns, manager of the G. N. W. Telegraph company, has entered the local branch of the Standard bank: as a junior clerk. Increased business has compell- ed the hank to increase its staff. At this afternogn's meeting of the county council, J. 8S. R. McCann sul;- mitted his report of the audit he had of the colnty finances of the four years. The report showed past county to, have 5 balance of $32.- the | 000. pleasant Barriefield, load of conducted a town. hall, A van M. Finnigan dance in the Thursday evening. | voung people from the city attended: I Music | Jenkins' Overdoats. Perfect * fitting, extra value, long, | loose back, very swagger, $10,.812, 213.50, $15. « New canned tomatoes. New canned corn. New canned peas. New canned beans. Jas. Redden © & Co. The, Whig's want advertisements, like all others, are kept in the paper only for the time ordered. Business is done on business principles. No padding | out- is attempted. a | their friendship with & was Croshy affair was Thornton's orchestra. well patronized. Chairman White, of the city proper- tv committee, accompanied by Police ('onstable Arniel, went down to the smelter site this afternoon to investi- dispute between two citizens supplied by The gate -a who have been using thé grounds on aifirace. If found necessary, they will summarily expelled therefrom. Stewing oysters, 30c. Carnovsky's. Two "Ottawa "chanpies™ followed the "Show Girl" company to this city vosterdav, a couple of the charming horus ls being the attraction. The two swairs loft here for' + Hamilton: there to further enlarge the limit of the, voung lad- be sie g, | Police Constable Diamond is enjoy- ing his annual vacation. Rigpoed out in vellow boots and straw colored .leg- corduroy breeches and coat. armed with a shot-gun and 500 rounds gings, of ammunition, he went across to Bie Jav. Wolfe Island, to vid -the waters of all the wild ducks making their home there. x Mrs. John S. Smith, Union street, complained to the police this after noon of the strange conduct of her hushand, who loft home yesterday to «ek work and failed to return: She expressed the fear that he had left the itv for parts unknown, and the po- lice were asked to find him if pos ible. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has received ail his fall importations for order work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- ed and a large assortment to choose from.. For low price and durability he defies competition. Jenkins' Overcoats. Perfect © fitting, extra value, long, loose back, very swagger," '$10, 812, 313.50, 815. oy «Bibby's.'* Oak Hall. " Bibby's." Perfect beauties are our Westminster overcoats, $8. 810, 8}2,. R12.50, 814, $15. The H. D. Bibby Co. eel eee. | It has been decided to' organize an | Employers' Protective Association. } ploy WEDDED AT NAPANEE. The Election Trial--Returning From the West. Napanee, Nov. '21.--A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the residence of William Vine on Wednes- day evening, when his daughter, Ma- bel, was united in marriage to Rich- ard Vanalstine, Napanee. The bride was assisted 'by Miss L. Vanalstine, sister of the groom, and a like service was performed for the groom by Wil- liam Vine, brother of the bride. Rev. S. TSBartlett performed the ceremony in the presence of about eighty invit- ed guests. The presents to the bride, who. is one of Napanee's fairest daugh- ters, were elegant and testified to the high esteem in which she is held. Af- ter a short honeymoon, the newly wedded couple will take up their resi dence in Napanee. Mrs. Clif has sold her dry goods business to Miss Ross, Winchester, who will take possession at once. E. A. Rikley is somewhat improved the past few days, and his friends are now hopeful of a recovery. W. T. Dockrill, travelling passenger agent E the C. P. 2, was in town yesterday. "Ww. Grange arrived home on Wed- ei from a three months stay in Manitoba. W. A. Grange and brother, George Grange, are expected in a day or two from the west, having also spent the last three months in the prairie province, Mrs. Stewart arrived Wednesday, from Sault Ste. Marie to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. James Birrell, John street. The excitement over the election trial, which opens here on Tuesdav next, promises to be interesting. Both parties are out with subpoenas, and in some instances the same man gets two subpoenas. Some cannot imagin: why they hav o been selected as 'know: ing things." All the horse trade deals and hog dealings for the last nis months are to be resurrected as bear: ing on the votes of some citizens. Mrs. Walter Clark, Ernesttown, seriously ill of blood poisoning. very low that her friends have grave doubts of her recovery. Mrs. Hurst has been appointed collector for the York Countv Loan and Savings Com- pany, in place of Miss Maggie Me- Goun. . 18 SO Died At A Ripe Age. One of Prince. Edward county's aged and highly respected residents passed away Wednesday morning in the per- son of Pheobe Howell, relict of the late Griffith Howell. Her death took place at the residence of her son, Wel- fington W., on the old homestead, in the third concession of Ameliasburg, where she had resided about seventy years. She was born in Sophiasburg eighty-seven years ago, and was a daughter of the late Major John Alli- son. Her husband preceded her to the grave fourteen years ago. Six sons survive, namely, Rev. J. E. Howell, Hanover, Ont., John A., David AM. James R. , Wellington W. and Cyrus R. The dece: red was a staunch me :mber of the Methodist church. Supplying The Gown. Otiawa, Nov. 20.--By a vote of se- venteen, to seven, the official board of the Dominion Methodist church has asked Dr. Rose, their pastor, to wear a professor" s or teac her' s gown in the pulpit. The Ladies' Aid Society of the church is supplying the gown. The opposition is not likely to prove irac- tious. ------------ Buying Furs. In buying furs if you goods made from the choicest with the best of linings and made by the most skilled and up-to-date fur- viers you will buy furs manufactured by Campbell Bros., manufacturing fur rie rs. appreciate skins, Men's stylish 812.50. Dunlop, overcoats, $7.50, $10, The Grand Union. PUTTING IT STRONG. But Doesn't It Look Reasonable. This may read as though we were putting it a little strong, because it is generally thought by the majority of people. that dyspepsia in iis chronic form is incurable or practically so. But we have long since shown that dyspepsia is curanle, nor is it seh a dificult matter as at first appea The trouble with dyspeptics ey are continually dieting, themselves, or going to opposite ex- treme or else 5 ; the -alieady over burdened stom: ach with bitters v r dinner pilis," ete, which "in \ 7% increase the difficulty even if in some cases they do give a slight temporary relief. 'Such treatment of h simply makes matters Whht the stomach wants is a § Now how can the stomach .be come rested, recuperated and at the came time the body nourished and sustained. This is a great secret 0 the secret of the uniform success Dyspepsia Tablets. This tively. new remedy but its popularity leavrs no is ui at starving 1g and this is a or Stuart's is a compara success and doubt as to its nierit. " The tablets will digest the food any of condition of sto- way, regardless tg UI'he sufferer from dyspepsia accord- ing to directions, is to cat an abun- 'dance of good wholesome food and use the tablets before and after each meal and - the result will pe that the food wiil be digested no matter how vour dyspepsia may be, because. before stated, the tablets will digest the food even if the stomach is wholly inactive. To illustrate our me aning plainly, if you take 1,800 gran: of meat, epgs. or ordinary food and place it in a temperature of ninety-eight de- and put with it one of Stuart's Tablets it. will digest the < almost as perfectly as if as arees, Livspepsia nicat or egg the nicay was enclosed within the sto- mach. The stomach, mav "he ever so 'weak vet these tabléts will pe riorm the work if digestion and the body and brain will be properly nourished and at the came time a radical, lasting cure of dyspepsia will be made because the much abused stomach will be given, to ne extent, a mich needed rest. Your druggist will tell you that of all the wany remedies adverti-ell to cure-dys- of -them --hage given so neral satisfaction as Stuart's Dysy a Tablets, and not least in importance in these hard | times is the fact that they are alco the ¢heapest and give the most good for the least money. pepsia none complete and bad | COICO COUOCOIOO0O00 The Old Reliable 7H ' | Seososevesessessesoeds « bl £3 ) = : rT ied Ti -- Strength, Purity and Flavor Combined. IN LEAD PACKETS 25¢c., 30c., 40c., 50c., 60c., ~ 70c. and $1. W. G. CRAIG & CO. Wholesale Distributors for Kingston, Ont. 000 ©90000Oe® QRQILISOIOIO OOOO ® 1600000 aN e ® ® ® © COCCI: «THE ORNAMENTAL NUTMEG." oS A wooden nutmeg,--a pictured peach,--or a shoddy shoe,--may be so finished as to rank with " Works of Art." But all three are strictly omsaguatiall They are made to sell--not not made to use, Reliable leather would be wasted in shoes with such a purpose. The Slater shoe has wear for its first pur- pose, and so uses such leather for its uppers and soles, as will ensure creditable service, It is a " Conscience Shoe," and the Makers could not shirk responsibility, --since every pair is sold with their own own valuation, stamped on' the soles in a slate frame, viz. $3.50 and $5.00. > \ Goodyear Welt Process. - F. G. LOCKETT, Sole Local Agent. DO YOU WANTS - For Saturday Night. Men and women citizens by the hundred purchase their Saturday Night Wants at our busy BEE HIVE STORE. If your Saturday wants are cn this list pay us a call as our prices are an attraction. ital good or Do you. want' Warm Undervests Drawers ? Do You want a "pair of Kid Gloves ? Do vou want new Gloves ? ; Do you want a Silk or Leather Belt? Do cashmere or wool . : Do you want a nice Flanneletta Wrapper ? Vo you want a Woel or Silk Shirt vou want a good Wool or Cash- a : Y Waist ? mere Stocking ? Bo vou want a comfortable Stock- Do:you want a Cheviot, Serge or inr Supporter ? I'rieze Skirt ? Do' vou want something really com- Do you want a Winter 'Cloth Jac! et? abl: in Corsets? - forts in = . oe . Do you want a Fur Collar or Ruff ?* Do vou want Hair Piiis or Hair z Combs? Do you want a New Hat, DPonict,. ys : Do you want Plein or Faney Hand Veil, Leather or Cloth Tam, Wcol kerchid: 7 Toque or Hood ? z | Po you want a Ribbon or Stock Do vou want a Wool or Tapestry | 2 ; , ) Collar ? £arpet, all selling at 20 per cent. off ? CRUMLEY BROS. The deal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | jondon Porter Full of the Virtus of Malt and Hops, , Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. "McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET. KINGSTON. "CRY WAR, WAR!" Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tariff and made in, | Canada, means something. THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, Babbit, Lead Pipe helps | toward that end. One thought in all lines--' 'PERFECTION.' [CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT ..