wv TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Expreas, Quebes, St. John, NB routo, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Nave Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. 6:30 p.m.--Loocal for Sharbot scotiag with CP.R. east and west. 0:10 a.m. --Mixed, for Renfrew and inter medigte points. ot KE & P. and C. P. R. Full particulars Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Ags. for Ottawa, Montreal, ton, To Lake, eon- F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Supt. MERGING INTO WOMAN- HOOD. General Lassitude--How Overcome This Condition. Aiter bebyhood, the is just . entering womanhood. then that she is subject to headaches and strength, mothers upon their tonic, such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Henry McIntyre, Port: Dalhousie thers in caces of this kind. She says [HE BAY OF NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Depronto and all Jooul ed irom distressing headaches, and Train leaves Oit Depot at fnibti its: her oti rm Ry WILROK, CP.R. Tel aor | fainting fits; her appetite left her and HIRES BRANCH LINE TIME TABLE Trains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street : GOING EAST. ait EERERER GOING WEST. & Nail i Fy % h ast press No. 7, _- i" No. 16, Local .. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. except Monday. Sh: 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except unday. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. DOMINION LINE MAL STEAMSHIPS. Californian ...... .... *Norseman *Turcoman. Colonian *lrishman. ' : California, 1908, .. as Steamers marked * do not carry RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, , single aocordi to steamer and service, Saloon, $87.50 and up- wards, single, according to steamer and aer- is FROM BOSTON Merion. wiiiivan: . Saloon $50. Third class $28. NEW SERVICE Bowen tg the Mediterranean. Vancouver ...... .. Nov. 29th New England ...... ...... «w... Dec. 6th Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spacious ptomenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agé. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence 8t. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. Montreal and Portland. Al | Li Liverpool and an ine Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Pretorian, Nov. 15, 5 a.m. Nov. 15, 2 p.m. From St. John. From Halifax. Parisian," Sat. Nov. 22nd. Mon., Nov. 24th. Bavarian, Sat., Nov. 29th, Mon. Dec. lst. arn Cabin, Bavarian and Tunisian, $60 upwards. i Cabin, Parisian, $55, and upwards. First Cabin, Pretorian and Oorinthianm, $50 and upwards. J Second Cabin, $37.50 to $40! Liverpool, London, . Third Chess s6 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, , Glasgow, London. Montreal to Glasgow Direct. 8. 8. Siciliau, Wedoseday, Nov, 19th. at daylight. lst Cabin, $80; 2nd Cabin, ard Ginn, 38. . "P: Hanley, Agent. City P De pot, Johnston and Ontario strests, J. P. Gilderslesve, Clarence street. BERMUDA... THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beautiful scenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British armv and navy, is unrivalled in its attractivencss, reached by the first- class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter. The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND , DEMERARA, also afford beautiful and interesting tours, all reached bv steamships of the Quebec © Steamshi Company from New York. SPECIAL *RUISE TO THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU ARY, 1903 For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIDGE =& CO., Agents' 39 Broadway. New York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. Dec. 10th HARD GOAL The Old Reliable SCRANTON, Un- equalled for Heating and Cooking. S. ANGLIN & CO. UINTE RAILWAY .could be." my daughter, Bertha, stand the least exertion. medicines, but they did not help her. Then I took her to 5 doctor, and al- for a long time, she seemed to be growing worse, and I began to fear Pink Pills, and Before long there was a decided improvement in her condi- tion, and by the time she had taken nine boxes she was once more enjov- ing the best of health and had gained fifteen pounds © in weight. I would strongly advise similar sufferers to ive Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair' trial, as her case seemed as hopeless as All weak and ailing girls and wo- men, sufierers from backache, head- aches, indisposition to work or exer- cise," who show by their pale and sal- low cheeks that they are in ill health, will find prompt relief, bright eyes, rosy cheeks and' active health in a fair use of br. Williams' Pink Pills. You can obtain these pills from any medicine acaler or by mail, postpaid, at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Never accept anvthing else which g dealer may say is "just as good." Canadian Fruit In England. Messrs. Elder, [Pempster & Co., Montreal, have received news that the consignment of Canadian apples, shipped by the SS. Lake Champlain, was the finest show of fruit ever seen in Liverpool. The immense size and solidity of the fruit caused surprise. A few samples, which were weighed, comprised 5 Betinheimer, weighing six- teen ounces; King Pippin, fifteen ounces; Fallawater, twelve and four- teen ounces; Ribstons, eight, ten and twelve ounces each. The fruit was splendidly formed, and free from blem- isn. Cremation A Sin. Halle, Germany, Nov. 20.--The Pro- testant synod, held here, after a heat- ed debate. refused to accept the mo- tion that clergvmen be permitted to attend cremations or hold divine ser- vice over a body before it was carried to the.crematory. The synod stamped cremation officially as a "sin; not. a mere infraction of ethies."> Meanwhile] anti-burial societies' are formed all over Germany, and the existing cre- matories do a large business, "while new. ones are reared in many parts. How Dr. Von 'Stan's Pineapple Tablets Give Instant Relief. They're handy to carry--take one after eating--or whenever you feel stomach distress coming -on--suffevers have proved it the only remedy known that will give instant relief and per- manent cure=no long, tedious treat- ments with" questionable results--best for all sorts of stomach troubles. 35 cents. Sold by H. B. Taylor and H. Wade.--96. 1,000 Natives Killed. San Francisco, Nov. 21.-- W. J. Campbell, who has just arrived from Guatemala, brings additional "details of the damage caused by the recent volcanic disturbances.. He says : "There is no clear idea vet of the loss of life resulting from the eruption of Santa Maria, but.l believe that 1,000 natives have been killed." At a reception of 500 Piedomontese pilgrims, to-day, the pope jocularly referred' to the unfounded rumors, yes terday. of his indisposition, adding: "My time has not yet come. We have many things to accomplish before death." To be free from sick headache, bil- iousmess, constipation, etc., usé Car- ter's "Little "Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. In the German reichstag, on Thurs- day, the secretary of the treasurv, Baron Von Thielmann, announced that the imperial budget showed a Foot of Wellington St. 00000000000000000000 FOR > Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache and Constipation, TAKE BERTLMS They cure Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams; and all Nervousand Tremb- The First Dose will give reliefin twenty minutes. This is no For a Weak Stomach, Disordered Liver and Impaired Digestion ling Sensations, etc. "fiction. they act like **Magic". Every sufferer is earnest! and they will be acknowledged to be WITH BEECHAM'S PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore femalesto complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. Sold by all Draggists in Canada and deficit of 837,500,000. Lots of people in this world would be miserable if they couldn't und fault, invited to try a Box of these Pills, A RIVAL. 'A TRYING TIME! [Re Will be the Superintendent of WHEN YOUNG GIRLS ARE Marked by Pale Faces, Heart Pal- pitation, Loss of Appetite and to most perilous time in 4 young girl's life is when she It is dizziness, heart palpitation, feeble ap- petite, and bloodless cheeks and lips. This condition may easily develop in: to cansumption, and to prevent this-- to keep the young girl in good health should insist taking a blood making Ont., gives sound advice to other mo- "About three years ago the health of began to fail. She grew weak and seemed unable to She suffer- she lost tlesh. 1 spent much money on though his treatment was persisted in she was going into consumption. Then I took her to a specialist, but his | Goldwin Smith's Views on Pro- treatment was likewise unsuccessful, posed Colonization Scheme Finally upon the advice of a lady "r . : iriend, a aoctor practising in Chicago, | . 1he proposed settlemont of an Am- Bertha began using Dr. Williams' | "rican colony in the north of this A NEW APPOINTMENT. Clarified Company. Maritime Farmer, Truro, N.S. "We learned with much ¢ | days since that J. W. Mitchell, B.A. for two years past Dominion superin tendent of maritime creameries, , to accept the managership newly-created City Dairy company, o Kingston, Ont. Our personal acquaint ance with him extends vears, and as instructor in mikk-test intendent of the government cream » | eries in the Territories, his work has acceptable as at Truro. He leaves the service with the good will of all with whom he has come in contact, and with the highest appre- been just as ciation of the commissioner as well. porations are able to secure the ser- . | vices of a government employee, and »| is at the same time a reminder to those in authority that conditions to- : day render the cost of living consider- ) ably greater than was the case when some positions were created. It is thought improbable, in view of the fact that Nova Scotia now employs an inspector for the province, that a dominion official will. again be ap- pointed. Mr. Mitchell leaves for a vis- it to similar institutions in the Uni- ted States before assuming his duties in December. THE INEVITABLE RESULT. province is not likely to be regarded with fear or aversion by anyone who, like myself, has 4 number of friends and connections in the United States," remarked Dr. Goldwin Smith in a con- versation with the Telegram. "To those who cherish and wish to keep on foot strong anti-American senti- ments it may appear in a different light. 1 do not see that in itself it need involve any political change. The newcomers will "probably be content with our institutions, which are fully as good as those they leave behind. The rush of American population into the North-West and British Columbia affords matter for more serious reflec- tion. It was certain that when the land in the United States had been taken up, as most of it has now been, there would be an overflow of popula- tion into our far western provinces, and that those provinces would large- ly become American. The builders of the C.P.R., who stretched out Canada to the Pacific, may thus have been in strumental in bringing about political results which they neither desirea nor foresaw. Sir George Cartier solemnly vowed that no American should ever have anything to do with the C.P.R." An Old Resident Gone. Ivy Lea, Nov. 19.--One of our old- est and most highly respected citizens, Alexander McNeil, died on the 16th inst., at the age of eighty-three years, eight months and eleven days." De- ceased had occupied his late residence for fifty-six years, it being also on the same lot on which he was porn. By his earnest efforts in agricultural lines he became the possessor of a comfort- able home, in which to spend his de- clining years. Being of an honest and genial disposition, he endeared himself to each of his acquaintances. When quite a young man he labored in some of the western townships, and also joined the militia during the trouble 37 and '38, being stationed in the vicinity of Kingston. He was married in the neighborhood, deceased was re- claimed, and up to the end of his jour- ney proved himself steadfast--in the faith, giving to his vis gen good reasons for the hope of'eternal life. As a _ citizen he was never prompted to! seek for public office in any case, but was, nevertheless, quite ready to _expostulate in SNELL re- He leaves to mourn his form politics. John A., at loss 'a. wife, two sons, home, and Daniel, who lives at De- pauville, N.Y.; two daughters, Mrs. Steacy and Mrs. Stoops, both of Lansdowne village. He also leaves a hali brother, Thomas Spencer Eliott. Our pastor, Rev. R. Stillwell, was as- sisted in the funeral ceremonies by Rev. Mr. Heaney, Presbyterian, and Rev. W. E. Reynolds, Methodist min- ister, (the latter having been our pas- tor. seven years ago, when Brother McNeil was received into church mem- bership!, who also referred touchingly to his acquaintance with deceased. Black River Bridge Breezes. Black River Bridge, Nov. 17.--Apple picking and packing is about over and ploughing is the order of the day. Both evaporators are still running at full blast, and will continue to run until nearly Christmas. Alexander McDonnell has purchased a new gaso line engine of ten horse .power,. and has also erected a new mill and is now prepared to do custom work. William Keogh returned from the north on Sa- turday, bringing with him two deer. A. E. Grimmon and John Shannon went to Montreal on Monday, where cach will dispose of a quantity of ap- ples. Our cheese factory will close down for the season on Friday. Fd- ward Grimmon is erecting a new pig- gery: Marshall Hobson is doing the work. The steamer Alexandria and barges Water Lily and Aberdeen load- ed apples in the bay here on Satur- day. Mrs. A. E. Grimmon went on a visit to Brighton and Smithfield on Saturday. Clarence = Hubbs, visiting his parents here for the past week, re- turned to Picton on Monday. The concert given in 'the church on Thurs day evening was quite largely attend- ed" A Day In Life Of Farmer's Boy. t a few with { headquarters at Truro, had resigned over seven ing at the Ontario Agricultural Col- | glorify God will never help mankind. lege Dairy School, ana later as super- It is a good omen when private cor- CHURCH NEWS. RELIGIOUS TIDINGS FROM MANY LANDS. Mystery of the Bible--The Wesley- .] Our acts make or mar us; we are the children of our deeds, 5 The scholarship that does not A man may think he is doing God's -] work when he is not even doing God's will. Last year 44,000 Bibles were circula- ted in Egypt, where ninety-two per cent. of the population is Molsem. Frederick Philipson Slow, of Lon- don, has given £10,000 towards the foundation of a South African college. ~ Rev. S. Sheldon, late of Grace Bap- tist church, Westmount, has accepted a call to the Baptist church, Corn- wall. Rev. Theodore L.: Cuyler advises ministers to study John Bunyan's im- mortal Pilgrim's Progress next to their Bibles. Rev. F. W. Hollinrake, Grimsby, has accepted an invitation to succeed Rev. Dr. Wakefield, as pastor of the Me- thodist church at Paris. Twenty-five years ago there, was not a Christian in Central Africa. To-day three hundred native teachers preach Christ in the villages every Sunday. Rev. Edward A. Wicher, M.A. B.D., Claude, has resigned his charge in or der to accept a call to the pastorate oi the Union Protestant Church of Kobe, in Japan. Dr. Strachan has resigned the bish- opric of Rangoon. Forty-one years ago he went out as a missionary to India, and was appointed: to the see of Rangoon in 1882. At the village of Swancombe, Kent, England, a manse for the minister of the Congregational church is being built by the free labor of young men connected with the building Ta There is one Christian minister to every 900 of the population of Great Britain, one to every 165,000 in India, one to every 220,000 in Africa, and one to 437,000 in the Chinese empire. The Countess of Dundonald, in me- mory of het mother, the late Mrs. Bamford-Hesketh, has given to -the Bishop of St. Asaph £1,000 for the diocesan Clergy Sustentation Fund. Menelik, the Emperor of Abyssinia, is an out-and-out temperance reform- er. Not only has he, prohibited the importation of intoxicants into Kthi- opia, but their manufacture and sale f are forbidden. Rev. H. J. East, M.D., and Rev. A. E. Carson, who were sent out to Haka, Burma, by the American Bap- tist Missionary Association, are the only missionaries among 150,000 | ! ignorant and degraded iis Mrs. J. M. Treble, daughter of the |} late H. A. Massey, has given the Met- ropolitan church board, of Toronto, the sum of $20,000 for the restoration and renovation of the presént organ in the church or for a new organ. The new moderator of the general assembly of Australia ana Tasmania is Dr. Alexander Hay, of Queensland. | He is a hative of Perth, Scotland, | and,.after holding charges at Leitholm and Cupar Fife, proceeded to Queens- land in 1870. Henry H. Rogers, the Standard oil millionaire, has erected and equipped g a new Unitarian church in Fair Haven a8 a memorial to his mother. The set 9 of chimes for the church will be eleven in number, and will cost more than any other chimes in America. Here's a late story anent Christian Yeience. A Boston mother said to her « ¢ f t [to Miss Margaret Gammell in 1846; | Aittle daughter : = "If vou had my | direct a dolar or two into.your pock- and erected the house of logs (on a [faith darling. vou would have no | ¢t- In any event you needn't look for plan of his own), which: is still both toothache." "The hill replied : work or patronage to Toronto. When neat and commodious, and good for "Well, mother, if you had my tooth- the departmental man gets your another hali century as a dwelling. A ache oh wouldn't have any faith" money. he is through with you. Our few years ago, during revival services x OTTTR parson in England Tatelv merchants have received large ship- went to preach in an old, remote ar- | » ish, one Sunday, when the aged sex- | I ton, in taking him to the place, in- | 2 sinuatingly said : "I hope your riv'- rencé won't mind preachin' from the chancel; ve see, this is a quiet "lace, and I've got a duck sittin' on fourteen egos in the pulpit." The "Historic Roll,' which Zhéars the names of nearly a million persons. who have subscribed to Guinea Fund" of English Weslevan Methodist is to be placed in the | h y Ic Q Fhe] -- an Historic Roll Found--Gen-t of 3 + eral Notes. upon somewhat at length upon the value of part : "A Bible that can be perfectly comprehended gence cannot carry the conviction to the human heart that it is the word of God. demands for its sustained efiort. which he victim of a primary blunder in mental operation. kingdom of mystery. In problem solved wider range of stamp of the infinite upon the Bible. parable, of prophecy, of uninterpretable emotion, Too Many People Dally With. Ca- develops with a rapidity that no other pleasant cure that mands. deep-seating and years Don't dally with Sold by H. chant you patronize may .be able to represented you the "Million | lage of destroyed by } THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 82. jure failed to observe the weekly day of rest, and that no country could ever be prosperous where there was Sun- day trading or Sunday excursioms for: pleasure. We congratulate our Baptist bre- thren, says the Presbyterian Witness, of Halifax, on the completion of their effort to raise $75,000 a Acadia Uni- versity. Mr. Rockefeller 'gave $15,000, but this gift was available only when £60,000 were paid. This amount was paid and £700 over. The efiort was begun three or four years ago, and the result reflects credit on the presi- dent of Acadia, who exerted himself heroically to secure the object. The result greatly cheers and strengthéns Acadia. Chancellor James R. Day, of Syra- cuse university, in a recent address "Belief in the Bible," spoke the mystery of this book, He said in by the human fintelii- S. J. HORSE THE GURNEY-TILDEN Braaches -VANCOUVER, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL. It Is Well to Remember That SOUVENIR RANGES WITH AERIATED OVENS Are made by the oldest, largest and most extensive stove builders in Canada. the largest sale. every stove. Consequently they have Our personal guarantee goes with Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Y, Local Agent, Kingston. CO. Limited. Hamilton. Yes DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT Krit-to-fit = underwear from ordinary underwear. in one piece of material from top to bottom which makes it fit and wear so well. COMBINATION SUITS _. Are worn by thousands of men, women and children the world over. terial, all dealers. MANUFACTURED BY THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG. CO., 613 Lagauchetiere St., Montreal. Mystery is the Bible's divine redential. The normal, growing mind mystery as' the background The man who ontends that he cannot believe that cannot comprehend is the The tree, the flowers, the vuit, are visible signs of a veritable fact, every brings into view a thought over wider ields of mystery. Mystery is the t is in this atmosphere of miracle, of unfathomable type, of soetic sentiment, of soul-awakening hat the soul communes with God." tarrh. It strikes ome like a thunderclap, isease dues. Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal >owder is the radical, quick, safe and the disease de- Use the means, prevent its They are Geo. A. Slater's In Our Window And You Will See the Best Men's Shoes Made in America, invictus Shoes ---- A. ABERNETHY'S SH ORE. of distress. catarrh. Agnew's ives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents. B. Taylor and H. Wade. 1. Be Loyal To Your Town. Buy what you want here. The mer- ents of goods for the fall trade, their vices are right, your money is spent t home, and if the goods are not as can return them to our dealer. Again, we repeat--be val to the local merchants. It is the nly way to sustain our own. Rich Woman Burns Town. . Nov. 20.--The Tyrolese vil- |! Matsch was almost totally fire yesterday. Seven undred persons .are left destitute, and Vienna, THIS WEEK SIDEBOARDS Golden * Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $8 for ..... Golden Oak Finished Side- 8 boards, regular $10, for iE Solid Oak Finished Side- 1 5 boards, regular $18, for 9 All grades reduced this week, JAMES RLID. - . monumental building which is to be | 500 cattle perished in the flames. The : ---- cr mites erected at Westminster. The roll will | fire was started by a woman who IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT stand eight feet high, and consists of | owns most of the village. She wished i '. rl er ---- 22,000 pages. to punish peasants for aisrespect to- 2 Qs 3 Rint : : wi, gl . . 233r-2. Gordon Sprigs. prowier of | wards her. News Of The Districts On Both | witheas baarh 0) att ce ™® ape Colony, made a speech during Sides Of The Line : his stay in London on the observance Most young men get a lot of iye , me FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH of 'the Lord's day. He expressed his [| mixed with their wild oats. Ww. J. Plunkett, Brockville, has leas- Doar, th all modern conveniences, at firm conviction that no man could An early crop--the small boy's first ed the Stewart house, Lansdowne, and niversity Avenue. veally prosper or live to old age who | hair-cut. will take possession about December . 15th. 43 KING STREEY, 'WEST, BEAUTIFULLY ------ EE ---- Charlés Brennan will remove from situated, facing the Harbor. Rent $240 - Oxford, N.Y., Nov. 20.--After milk- | ing nine cows and doing up his other | morning chores the other day, Homer | Bull took his dog. and his gun and went out hunting. He returned.in the afternoon with nine quail, a grouse, four ¢ottontail rabbits, two English hares, 'two gray squirrels and a fat and was back in time to milk coon, the nine cows and do up the evening chores before supper. i 4 U. S. America. In boxes, a5 cents. Betting odds 'do not prove anvthing except that the bettor has nerve. = Yon 2, NA hw, pol "hoa aS wi ---- ---- Seopge Buiter Brit 7 2 S~-- "l beliebe Ize got 4 nibble !" -- oN YS CRE -- ca MAC Ee J\ 2 \ SAT) and W. s | pers Crews. Picton. Dr. John Ferguson, son of J. Ver guson, - Easton's Corners, died at Ot- tawa. late home for burial. Miss Ida Fell, only daughter of S. B. Fell, Morrisburg, and E. P. Neelin, Kemptville, were married in Winches- ter, last Wednesday. Barrie house, at Barrie, for the two years, has taken over the Anglo- American hotel, Belleville, and is now in possessibn. Miss York, Gribbons, Scotland, and Leonard So Gananoque to Lyndhurst about April Ist next. there. N. He has purchased a hotel Sprague has sold his residence farm © in Demorestville to W. He may buy a residence in The body will be taken to his P. Lewis, who has conducted the past Edith Gribbons, New of the late kdward Agnes daughter Brockville, were married on Wed nesday night. and taxes. Apply to K ick, &N es. Apply irkpatrick, Rogers HOUSE, 7° ROOMS, NO. 86 BAY STREET between an streets; stable and sheds in rear. Apply 46 Wil- 116 STUART STREET, water heating; Also stores and 3 Brock St. 9 ROOMS." HOT other ' dwellings, J. 8. R McCann, §1 STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. 111 Brock street, with fiz tures, eoto., for and meat trade. Ap ly to Joha McKay, Jr... 151 Brock UNDERTAKERS. r. F. HARRISON OC. UNDERTAKERS 233.236 Pricosss Street ua ned Phones Warerooms, 90. Night Calle-- s 8 OORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR,"241 WW WW Nvrenass I, ; Joe, W XX. Waltham "Put a girdle about the world." ** The Perfected American Watch,"" an illustrated book of interesting information about free upon request. American Waltham Waich Company, Waltham, Mass. Watches. round waltiap, willbe deal is different You see its knit all All sizes, all ma- ---------- $6.50 TAKE A LOOK 3. pm SR