THR DAILY WHIG, ' SATURDAY. NOVEMBER a2 tabi ats nti AT FIRST GLANCE ----t-- Would Appear That Local Remedies Would Be Best For Cure of Catarrh. It would seem at first glance that catarrh being a disease of the mucous membrane, salves, sprays, etc. being applied directly to the mem- branes of the nose and throat, weuld be the most rational treatment but this has been proven not to be true. The mucous membrane is made and repaired from the blood and catarrh is a blood disease and any remedy to make a permanent cure must act on the blood, and when the blood is pur- ified from catarrhal poison, the secre: tions from the mucous membrane will become natural and healthy. ] In this climate, thousands of people seem scarcely ever free from some form of catarrh; it gels better at times but each winter becomes gradually deep- er seated and after a time the sufferer resigns himself to it as a necessary evil. o¢ Catarrh cures are almost as numer- ous as catarrh sufferers, but are near- ly: all so inconvenient and ineffective as to render their use a nuisance nearly as annoying as catarrh itself ; anvone who has used douches, sprays and powders will bear witness to their inconvenience and fail@re to really cure. 'There are a number of excellent in- ternal remedies for catarrh, but pro- bably the best and certainly the saf- est is a new. remedy, composed. ol Red Gum, Blood Root and similar an- tiseptic remedies and other valuable catarrh specifics. This remedy is in tablet form, pleas ant to the taste and sold by druggists under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and any one sulferingg from no cocaine, opiate nor any poisonous mineral whatever. A leading druggist in Albanv speak- inr of catarrh cures says, "I have sold various catarrh cures for years, but have never sold * any which gave such general satisfaction as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. Thev contain in a pleasant, concenirated form all the best and latest catarrh remedies, and catarrh sufferers, who have "used dou- ches, sprays and salv have been as- tonished at the quick relief and perm- anent results obtained after a week's use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets." All druggists sell full sized packages for Catarrh may use these tablets with absolute assurance that they contain fifty cents. Fixing Up The Home For Christmas Curtain and Drapery department busv with the Holiday worl many people want the new curtains peries hung, the new portieres in place Le fore the Christmas homecoming, that we going to be rushed next month Hence say: let us have vour orders fds early poskinle, The curtain in better shape than it is | right now Then, again, Curtains make very aco ptable "Xmas wilt yal purchase now while stocks are fresh we will lay it aside until wanted, LACE CURTAINS--Beautiful effects in Brus sels, net, Irish Point Duchess point Rew ance, ete An endless variety to ch from $3 to £35. a pair. Heavy portieres and drapery materials all styles -and shades We can give just the effect you want. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. It is al So and dra Our ready wi in vou CHRISTMAS FURNITURE Special Stock Now In, Parlor Stands, Ladies' Desks, Pivces, Easels, Dressers, Revolving Fangy Tables, Easy Chairs, Music Screens, Rocking Gent's. Chiffonicrs, Book Cases, cte. Jardinierre Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, We wan ted. the CHRISTMAS IN CARPET DEPARTMENT--- Rugs, Curtains, Cushions, Drapes, etc. COMFORTERS AND QUILTS--A ni stock imported from England, $1.75 to 820. Wise buvers are already selecting and hav- ing their presents stored; vou should be amongst them deliver when and purchases amd gat the selection vour You store avoid rush. Yours, I.E. HARRISON CD. Uadertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. Is an old, well established and re- liable preparation. Has been pre scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists in the Dominion of Cana~ da sell and recommend as being the efore. only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants; Mental and Brain 'Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price $1 pes | package, or six for $5. One will s lease; six will cure. Malled L: ~etly on receipt of price, Send pamphlet--free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. After. Wood's Phospbodine is sold in Kingston at all drug stores. NOT THE SAME OLD PLACE BUT THE SECOND DOOR ABOVE, YOU will find the bestevariety of cooked nfeats in the citv, alo fresh pork sausages, tender loin, bologna, pure lard, mild cured hams FOR USE oF T THE BRAY FIREMEN. Old Horse to be Sold surance No Action Taken. mittee on fire and light was held i the city engireer's office, noon, Thess: attending were : man Bell, Alds. McCammon, Kia neer Kirkpatrick. An account fr forty-three bags at dierent times, was presented passed. A letter and catalogue from IHayward & Co., sented. The catalogue quoted of aluminum helmets and other sug i lics for firemen, time ago considered the question « purchasing fire proof helmets firemen. 'the Hayward: firm quoted oe of $5.52 cach, ceight to be added. Chairman said that about twelve helmets woul be required. After a short diseussion, moved by Ald. Harkness that aluminum helmets be purchased, total cost not to exceed S67, John A. Gardiner tion of the committee it twely the fire department as would ensur the lity heing kept in class the insurance schedule. Ald. Craig asked what hy the assertion that was some ure from the pumping station. The city engineer replied that th be placed on the water main at the tank, so that "direct pressure from th Some of the ol stand the pressur pounds; they nov about eight fire of about the event of fire. mains would not demanded, 200 stand a pressure of pounds. The steam velop a pressure pounds. Ald. King informed the member that the question of inereascd insur ance rates had been considered by th water works committee. At his quest the city had written to the sce- retary of the fire ers enquit ing as to what would be ne- to be done here in order t luction of the rates. retary's reply stated that th 20 cessary secure I The- se to the fire would warrant the rate by five per cent. tion would only be granted after ments Ny reduction of th But this reduc a the fire appliances and water system, and upon condition that thes would be found sati-factory. The: let- ter stated in conclusion, that if ° surance business in Ontario is found more profitable in the fu than in the past, the Underwriter might find it necessary to again crease the rates. . All. King gave the committee som information touching the making of the insurance rates. There is standard charge of fifty-ei begin with, charges 'due to local conditions. sas not any guarantee that, event of the city going to considerable expense to meet the further demands of the Underwriters, the rate woul not soon after be again increased. Chairman Bell stated that Kingsto in class "A" of the insuranc no Ther was all cities. Kingston was not made ai exception" of. Ald. Harkness expressed the opinio that was hich time thas the cit began to think about carrying it own insurance, To which Bell replied that a" cominittee of it der consideration. On motion of: Ald. Craig, tion" was decided upon Mr. letter. Chairman Bell had been offered #110 for grey horses of the fire department; one that becomes nervous when on any of the appliances. A horse, onably, had been. secured free charge to do work in the departmen for the time being. Another horse wa laid up sick, a new hoof. well of the 'no Gardiner' one of th th The committee though chairman's suggestion, sub-vommittee; com- Aldermen with th Craig the Harkness, erman prising Cammeon, a chairman, together to exchange the for the horse th the cost not tc was appointed horse in question, chairman had in view, exceed: $25.--Carried. Alderman Harkness wanted a and ladder, truck, but the committe thought the matter might well be lef to 'the {rooning comnuttee to with. Chief Elmer said that a pair of ball- wheel or [200. ordinary would A of 880. ' pair cost about Gentlemen Who-Are Bald. Or have thin. hair, chould «call Prof. Dorenwend at British Hotel. Thursday. Nov. 27th, and his wonderful devices «in {oupees ane wigs worn on over 65,000 hes Ex planation and demonstration free. dies visit Prof. Dorenwend's show rooms and ses the many beauti ful inventions in styles of human hai wigs, bangs, switches, ete coverings, A New York Advertisement. railroad for Six mile in city of 17.000 KINKY Street sala track arnings. Great \ opportunity also franchise Address B. W., New of net, per interurban Wi electric lighting for for care ol: Street York. Journal, 6 Horr ten re ct pe | and bacon Give ws a call, at livers' new store, 60 Brock street, "Phone 370. the remedy (hat clres & T0 BUY HELMETS and New One Purchased--What the In- Underwriters Want-- A regular meeting of the civic com- Friday after- Chair- Craig, and Harkness, with City Eng1- of cats at sixty-ine cents per bag,hought and S. PF New . York, were pre- prices The committee some for the in luding¢ duty, Bell was the Carried. called the atten- to the neces sity of making such improvements to of meant water mains would not stand a direct press- Underwriters had asked that a valve pumping station could he obtained in engines de re insurance Underwrit underwriters would recognize improve apparatus that thorough inspection and approval 'o works in- futur in up icht cents to and then there are other in the schedule, and was affected by the rates which "the underwriters imposed upon Chairman the council already had that question un- ac: announced that he used good which could be purchased - reas of awaiting the growing of that the grey horse be sold and a new one purchased, and on motion of Ald- Mes veterinary surgeon of the department, grey new pair of wheels purchased for the. hook deal bearing wheels would cost about $160 on American see I.a private E ry )- i a S e © ° l e v v {} s e © 1 © s a e ¢ 8 1 @ n n v S s © © t S t f © > t 1 | | | | minion Meth people. anni Railwav i conference fis gownedN\ | one aay. an | tractive te 4 | neen, and spect his new patent structure. | i tion, conference THE WARDEN'S ADDRESS. At the Final Session of the Coun- ,.. ty Council. Warden Spoor made 'this address to the county council at its closing ses- sion, Saturday morning : "Before leaving the. chair, I wish to thank the members of the council for the great honor conferred on me in January last, and for their heartv co- operation in transacting the business of the county the ensuing year. "1 appreciate your vote of thanks to me, gentlemen, and beg to add that, while I have endeavored to be fair and just to all, the unfailing courtesy with which you have always has made my duties as com- treated we, presidipg officer of this council paratively easy "1 congratulate this council on the fine appearance and condition of our county buildings, which are a credit to Frontenac and to your elforts as coun- cillors. The Kirkpatrick memorial fountain towards the completion which you have generously voted the county funds, has greatly im proved the appearance of your court house and grounds. In connection with the erection of this very fitting tribute to a worthy man, I desire to make special mention of the efforts put forth by E. J. B. Pense. "1 am pleased to say that the fin- ances of the county are in a healthy state, notwithstanding extraordinary expenses, during the past four years, and I think that the council of 1903. will be in a position to reduce the county rate. Our present system of financing as: shown by the special au dit has proved very satisfactory. "It will be to the lasting cridit this council, that, they have taken the. first ste in dealing with the much -- question of tolls, and while the scheme presented may not be ap proved by all, vet I confidently ex- pect that the matter will be finally adjusted, as to deal justly with every municipality in the countv, "1 cannot without expressing mv personal regret at the loss which this council and county sustained in the death of our esteemed colleague, the late George Wright. Again, I thank vou for vour strict attention to business' during the year and 'for the valuable assistance you have render ed me in carrying out the duties of my office." INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Try Oak Hall for caps. Antiseptic Tooth Paste in tubes, McLeod's. drug store. Another day ol and all is well. : Christmas will be soon here. Adver- tisers can reap benefit by early an nouncements in the Whig. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows Tike crystal. Over 4,000 tons of hard coal have come to Kingston this month. Fully 2.500 more are expected next week. H. Cunningham, piano tuner {res Chickering' New York. Orders re- ceived at McAuley's bookstore. detween thirty and forty new books are expected at the public library in a' ow weeks--ther Jast of the year's purchase. Sale of useful and fancy articles, by St. Paul's Guilds, school room, Tues- dav, Nov. 25th. Afternoon and even ing: refreshments. 10c, The Christian Eideavor rally, to have taken place in the First Baptist church on December 1st, has been post poned ~until December Sth, Try Oak Hall for your gloves. The public library cleared about $2 as a result of the Jubilee Singers' concert given recently in the City hall under its auspices, : Anthracite- coal is selling, at Montreal, Brockville, London Hamilton: 8&8 to £0 in Toronto, in Quebec: Kingston, 87.50. The ratio of voters to nen-voters at the City hall last night was about one to fifteen or one to twenty. The audience consisted mainly of women and children. Through the exertions of Aldermen Bell, Mallen and McLeod the nuisance coround, which existed beside the rail- way track in the vicinity of the hay market, has been cleared, and put in good conaition. 1 Improvements to the west wing of the dormitory of the Kingston peni- tentiary are about completed, making it the best appointed compart ments in Canadian prisons. The Kit chen is being enlarced and improved. The strongest life fnsurance company the world desires to arrange with active man as district agent for Frontenac county. Also local agents wanted. Expeuience not essentials At arms. Address EE. J. Den- encral manager, 9),. Yonge Toronto. likely, that the ist church, of of of SO close 10¢. pleasant weather 88 in and S10 one ol street, Tt Do pastor of Ottawa, will a A deteymination as to matter rests with each co ega- The ladies' aid: of Queen street Methodist chirch asked the general to make the wearing. of law of the" church, but the ned. - The officials may o 'don In Rt. Montreal preacher is wear the gown, gowns the ) le Antlifi church, Dr. James' one, the s} ask '¢ Bibby's."' Oak Hall. " Bibby's."" overcoat ~t and alo by A vood has saved manv a doctor's Overcoats, ¥3. 310, 812.- 50, 81a, The H, D, Bilihy Co. hill. 1x $15. "by" Postum Co., SPECIAL AUDIT : SHOWS COUNTY FINANCES IN GOOD ORDER. Grants to Charitable Institutions | --Ask Government to Estab- lish a School of Forestry Here. The county council met ,again on Friday afternoon. On motion of Councillors "Toner and Avery, these nominating officers were appointed for the January elections : Listrict No. Archibald Hutton, Joyceville; No. x James Russell, Wolfe island; No. 3, William Blacklock, Glenburnie; No. 4, Hugh Creighton, Sydenham; No. 5, Joseph Rogers, Buriidge; No. 6, Alex- ander Munro, Ardoch. Wiliam J. Murray addressed the council, regarding auctioneer's licenses in the county, and on motion of Coun- cillors Sproule and Pillar, "the clerk was instructed to look into the mat- ter and report at the January sion. The Queen's honus was settled at $735. The-e grants weie charitable institutions : General Hos pital, $700; Hotel Dieu, $400; Infants' Home, $75; House of 'rovidence, S100; House of Industry, 875; Orphans' Home, $75. "The General Hospital rer ceives $100 more than last year, anil the Infants' Home and Orphans' Home each Ee increase of $25. J. R. McCann, ale to make a ial audit of the county accounts from July, 1897, to November lst, re- ported thus : "In accordance with your instruc- tions | have made a special audit of the books of your treasurer, David Purdy, covering the period from the date of the last special audit, viz, July 13th, 1897, to October 3lst, 1902, and beg to report: "1" have carefully examined vouchers for each payment and found the same authorized either by the board of audit, the council, warden or chair- man of committee. "I have traced all entries from the cash book and journal to the ledger and found each item to be correctly posted. 'An account in the name of the county is opened in the Ontario Pank to which all moneys received are de- posited and all payments mac le by cheque. The balance, in the bank to the credit of the county on the 3lst of October, 1902, 2,233.94. "1 would recomme nal that all ac- counts be scrutinized by your auditor and finance committee and passed by the council before payment, and that a by-law be passed to give this effect. "An account of Joseph Doust for supplies for jailer in CGctober is miss- ing, a duplicate for which has been written for. "There has been borrowed from the bank the sum of. $10,000 to meet pres ent requirements; this will be met by he county rate } ich is payable in December. As the finances of the county are improving each year, it is not likely that your treasurer will re- quire to horrow money in future. '1 submit herewith , cash statement of receipts and aisbursements for the period above mentioned, showing a balance on jhand of $145.44. **1 have to report the payment of an account of $44 for linoleum for jailer's quarters in June last, which is illegal. s accounts at this date in the are open, a complete report cannot be made until the close of the vear, at which -time 1 beg leave to make my final report. I wish to bear testimony to the. courtesy and atten- tion shown me by your treasurer, whose books and papers are kept with neatness and accuracy, facilitating the work of your auditor very material- ly. Ses. by-law account made to the is & Mr: McCann gave the" assets as 170,683.56, the ° liabilities as $137,- 613.95, ana the surplus as $33,069.61. On December next, he said, after this year's taxes had been paid, the county would have a clear cash sur- plus of "89,062: Councillor Avery expressed satisfac- tion that the © county affairs were found to be going on so smoothly. Ii a" general andit were made every few vears, it would be a good protection to the county. Hitherto, the council had been too stingy in that regard, and in the long run it didn't pay. The amount beings paid to, Mr. Me Cann, he said, was not too much for a man of his ability. On motion. of Councillors Pillar and Toner. the special® auditor's report was adopted. Moved by Councillor Wood, by =~ Councillor = Reynolds; 3st seconded that = the THE LIFE OF The Man Behind The Desk. "Cotice, staked me hard for about ree years and 1 was troubled with gestion, headaches I had no appetite and 2 ond not sleep anil Iwas steadily losing flesh all the time. I had spent a small fortune on me- dicine and doctor's bills; 1 consulted several doctors, one"{old me that | had liver trouble, another told that I had kidney trouble, others jre- scribed remadies for numerous com- plaints, but none helped me and _1 finally lcoked. upon my bad stomach as a part my miserable existence, giving up all hope of ever being my- self again. - T 1 knew that the cause of it was all due to office" work, which precluded suflicient bodily exercice and the of nen nomisking and non-dig food, and the drinking of tea and I had to quit my "work as lost my mental and physic al strength. A friend of mine, who weighs ahout 210 pounds, and who looks the pictare of health: adviced me to use Grape Nuts as fi food and drink Postuim Ce- real Col He said that his perieet health was due to the use of these two pure cereals. He said that they would build up the del@ate cells of the brain and body and restore me. to health.. - I acted on his advice and have no cause to regret it. I have cow been 'using Graje-Nuts and Postum Cofiee for ~ some time and am in perfect health and weigh ten oounds more than I exer did. Grape-Nuts food is essence of all cereals. 1 eat it four times a day, prepared with cream, pouring some of it out of the box into my hand and then eating it. Postum Coffee has al- so helped me greatly." Name given Batt}e Creek, Mich. ot car ing 4 tive coffe. the crystallized gand drowsiness; nme. council strongly urge the Ontario gov- ernment to aid ' in establishing a school of forestry at Kingston in connection with the School of Mining and agriculture. Carried. The Closing Session. The county council held its closing session' Saturday morning. The finance committee recomended that these bills be paid : S. Henderson, 65c.; €. H. Otto, Sion Simmons Bros., $114.39: © W. Jackson, &1; w. Massie, Jr., $5.12; Whig, $132.95 Joseph Doust, 81.60; Kaney, Selby & Co., 2160.50; McIntyre & McIntyre, £33.25; Hart & Riddell, S10: 97; J. G. Foster, $2 R. Uglow, $5.80; Thomas McAu- v, T8c.; Walsh, §2.50; James Reid, 86.25 McKelvey & Birch, $0.14; Bell Tele phone company, ®]2. FT Doust, £2.10; T. McAuley, £1.50; J. Corbett, £6.35; Carnovsky company, '82. 5; HN. Wilton, £1.25; J. Laird, 75¢c.; Dalton &. Strange, y Breek & Halliday, 13.45; LL , $27.45; Municipal World, 75e.; nad & Farrell, 865.90; McMahon, $412.75 D. Purdy, $5.25; J. W. Edwards, $2.15: 'Dr. Spankie, "$1 ; Harrison & Co., $100.80; McCann, $259; ! i: T. McMahon & Canadian 'Freeman, 812. & Birch, $23.99; James Malle on, 8526.22, Contracts for. jail supplies were thus awarded : Groceries, Henderson & Co; meat, Waddington Pros., 3c. a pound; bread, R. H. Toye, 2 cents a pound. Announcement was made that the Folger note had been settled in full. Council decided to advertise the toll road question in the four Kingston newspapers for three weeks previous to the January elections. On motion of Councillors Reynolds and Campbell, a resolution was pass- ed expressing regret at the removal of Councillor Ruttan from Frontenac. He had rendered faithful service to the county, and had done - what he thought was right. Councillor Ruttan expressed his appreciation of the vote of confidence. Warden Spoor was asked to vacate the chair which was taken by Council lor Toner: Councillor Avery then moved , hearty vote of thanks to the warden for the able manner in which he had filled his high office during the past year. The resolution was conded 'by Council'or Campbell, and carried unanimously by a standing vote. Warden Spoor made a graceful reply. The council then adjourned, sine die. se- SUNDAY SERVICES. The Subjects to be Sonsidered by Clergymen. Baptist church. the Question First "Prohibition, Hour." St. George's cathedral.--Rev. Arch- deacon Norton, D. D., Montreal, preaches in the morning, the Bishop of « Ontario in the evening. St. Paul's church.-- Holy communion at 8 a.n.; morning service, 11 a.m. Evening, 7 p.m., preacher, Ven. Arch- deacon Norton; D.D., rector of Mont- real. Everyone welcome. Brock; street Methodist church--Rev. Eber Crummy, B.A., B.Sc. pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 2:45 p.m.; pastor's Bible class withdrawn; "evening solo, "The Holy City." Miss Munroe. Bethel Congregational church--Rev. D. N. Morden, minister. Services, 11 a.m.. and 7 p.m. Morning service, spe- cial sermon preached fo Limsetone Lodge, A.0.U.W. Strangers cordially invited, seats are all free. Cooke's church, Presbyterian.--Rev. Alexander Laird," minister. Services, Ham. and 7 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m: Strangers welcome. Morning subject, "The Au- thority" of Christ"'; evening, 'Shrink- ing from the Call of Christ." Iirst Congregational Church, Wellington and Johnston M. Solandt, B.A., acting pastor. Ser- vices, 11 a.m. and p:.m.. Rev Dr. A. W. Richardson will preach at the evening serviee.. Sunday school and pastor's Bibe class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at «eight o'clock. Seats are free and all are welcome, Sydenham Street church.--Rev. J. Philp, M.A., D.D., pastor. Sunday, Nov. 23rd, sermons by the pastor, 11 theme, "Fellow Helpers"; 7 p. Two Ways." Great Lip Lessons. will be made in aid of St. James' "church, Montreal. Anthe "Come Unto Me; Ye Weary." ing anthem, "Shout the Glad Tid- ings'; "Emmanuel," Arthur Craig. 2.35 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class. Monday, 8. p.m. Epworth League; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer and praise meeting. Queen Street Methodist éhurch, Nov. 2rd, 1902.--Rev. J. Cooper Antliff, M. D.D., will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morning subject, "'Prokibition." Evening subject, "The Wise and Fool- ish Virg Morning anthem; "Sane: evening anthem, "Sun of Mv Soul'; solos, Miss Sparks and Miss Armstrong; quartette, "Jesu, Lover of My Soul." Misses Armstrong Sparks, Messrs. Shea 'ard Dillabough. In the afterncon an open ze:sion of the Sunday school will be held and addresses will be given on "Temper ance." Midweek service on Wedn sday at 8 p.m. All welcome. -- Evening, of the corner streets.--D. solo, Our Muddy Streets. "I never before saw so much mud in the streets or on the walks as at present," remarked a prominent dry goods merchant jast evening It is next to impossible to keep our store clean. Customers, who cannot avoil the mud in the streets, track it into the store, and' the result is that we have to clean the store every even- in And it is 4 faét bevond the possit i litv_of dispute that the mwl was never on the streets than it is this the result; doubt, of the fail ure to keep 'the streets in proper re- pair. Shoes, and dispositions are ruined hy such streets as have ex isted during the past week. King ston's streets hay a seldom beep worse than they at present. deeper fall, no dresses are " Bibby's."! Oak Hall. ** Bibky's." R10 "beauties are dur new overcoats, wvervbody H.: D. Bibby Co. Grosvenor The SO « Bays: of your ladies have began to think Christmas. Merchants advertise stocks. Ege Coke Cure in bulk. Shampoo and Dandrufi McLeod's drug store. \ . 'organized with these officers : desire to and' SPORT REVIEW. LIMESTONES' SCRIMMAGE * SOMEWHAT HEAVIER Than That of Wellesley's -- Dr. Clarke's Junior Hockey . Rule a Wise One--" Junction Joe "' Runs for Parliament. The gate at Ottawa Canadian champioaship amounted to nearly $2,000 The English cricket team to beat the Australians during the present tour was Yorkshire, who disposed of the Colonials at Leeds for twenty-three runs. Bannon, the ex-Toronto captain, is to receive $2,000 from the Columbus American Association baseball club, for playing second base and captain- ing that team. The Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., curling club has protested to the city council against the granting of a saloon li- cense for premises adjoining the curl- ing rink. With free drinks in the rink, a saloon wouldn't do much business. Belleville hockey cli has been re Honor- ary president, H. Corby, ex-M.P.; hon orary vice-president, Thomas Ritchie; manager, H. 8S. Burrell; secretary- treasurer, F. B. Hudson; captain, H. McGuire. Jennings, formerly of the Military College rughy team, played with McGill 11. against Queen's 11. this afternoon. In Montreal, he was con- stantly a touch-line "'wall-flower," his scrap only ending with the final blow of the whistle. Joseph Clarke, the candidate for re- presentation of the Yukon territory in the Dominion house, is none other than the famous "'Junction Joe," who used to play rugby with' Toronto 'Var- sity and Brockville, against Queen's. He has a brother at present at Queen's. . The International lacrosse game be- tween Harvard and a team made up of Oxford and Cambridge undergradu- ates will be played on this side next year. The year following Harvard will send a team to England (0 play a return match. The English team will probably play teams of other | universities during its visit. Dr. Clarke's proposal to make the rules regarding eligibility to play on junior teams of the O.H.A. sigilar to those in force this year in the O.R. F.U. junior series, is a wie move. t will get rid of the age limit trouble, which has constantly arisen in past years. And further the proposed new rule will be fairer all around. Chancellor James R. Day, of Syra- cuse university, made an addr in chapel, in which he said : "Mass plays which are directed at one man for the sole purpose of disabling him must be eliminated from football. We start- ed this year with a brilliant team, but now about half of them ave in the hospital or just coming out because of this kind of football." The Toronto Wellesley team to meet the Limestones this afternoon was thus composed : Full-back, 'Tyner; halves, Harcourt, Tooze, Hewitt; (captain); quarter, Brown: scrimmage, Cooke, Purse, Harris; wings, Marsh, Hunt. Dale, Sharpe, Miller, Schooley Suckling. The scrimmage averages 171 pounds, much lighter than that of Limestone The Toronto wings and back division are, about the' same weight as thosé of the Kingston team. Secretary J. D. McMurrich failed to secure the Canadian rugby union's share of the gate in the match at Ot- tawa on Saturday for the champion- ship between the.Rough Riders and Ottawa College, and the action of the teams is sure-to cause -trouble--for them. The game was played under the auspices of the C.R.F.U., and the union was entitled to one-fifth of the receipts after the expenses--were de- ducted, and it is alleged that the clubs refused to submit to the taxation. The all-Canadian football team, go ing to England, has now been. com- in the recent rugby match Royal Joanie, BABY'S OWN SOAP IS UNRIVALLED FOR NURSERY AND TOILET USE. - ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mras.( MONTREAL. THE FINEST PiPE MADE. PERFECT SHAPES. J Tein CGuaranteed not to burn. Sold in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by WM. BAKER. pleted, and its composition is as fol- lows: Tait, "Vancouver; Scholfield; Victoria: Farrell, Halifax; Rauld, Hali- fax; Craig, Montreal; Powers, Ottawa; Gillespie, Victoria; Jack, Montreal; Britton, Toronto; Stanway, Montreal; Ogilvie, Montreal; Randle, Nanaimo; Purvis, Revelstoke; Darling, Toronto; Marshal, Hamilton; DuMoulin, Ham- ilton; McClure, Montreal Macdonald, Dalhousie; Fenerty, Halifax; E. Phil- lips, Brockville. The Toronto Telegram very bad break when in reference to the Queen's and McGill system: "They are miliar with the game, and went it blindly in opposition to something they knew so little about as to be utterly incompetent to judge of it." Well, if they knew nothing about the new game, and were incompetent to judge, how then could they be sup- posed to vote blindly in favor of it? Their course in opposing the unknown new, and sticking to the known old, was the wise * method. The Telegram must admit the logic of this. makes a it remarks opposition by to the snap back not at all fa- State Of His Health. A letter received in Kingston Archbishop Mackray, primate of Ca- nada, still an invalid in London, speaks with deep gratitude of the sym- pathetic resolutions of general svnod. In most ways the archbishop never felt better, gnd if he could move ab- out again would be equal as ever to any duty. Though still' confined 'to his room his grace is free from pain. from County's Capable Treasurer. The result of the special county au- 'dit reflects credit upon the capable treasurer, David Puray, who has been in office since the big defalcation. Mr. Purdy has all the county financial matters in fine order. So well did the councillors think of his services that this year they made>an appendix to his salary. '" Bibby's."" Oak Hall. " Bibby's."' Boys' overcoats, newest styles, new- est materials, $3.50 to $8.50. The H. Bibby Co. Tavlor for the best fresh chocolates. | Ask You to Tell § . is wanted. which hook to send. I will the risk, * order -- good at. any costs $5.50. gist myself. word shall decide it. If it fails, one can neglect jt. I do just as I say. me. on those terms, cause "they were cured, My Restorative is mv" time's work, as difficult as physicians like cancer---makes a cure impos: results are but temporary. weak engine' more steam. when given the power to act, make weak organs well. is no other this reason there want, and adiress Dr. Shoop, Box 40, Racine, Wis. . Shona pot chrome, ald" y Reliadive io | and trust I have furnished my Restorative to hundreds of thousands and 39 out of each 40 j I want not a penny oer "discovery, I have personally tested it in thousands of cases evir meet, have so periected it that it doee not fail, cave when a cause-- My success comes from strengthening Common treatments merely doctor My treatment power which alone makes those organs act. 'Anv weak vital organ does its duty and there No other remedy strencthens weak tre which any man will ofier on a plan like mine. Please tell me who needs a remedy like that. Bimply state which book you > Neo. In Humanity' s Name Me a Sick One Who Needs Help. I. ask simply a postal card stating all to see that your friend gets well the rest, ,and accept all I will do this :--I will mail the sick one an drug store -- for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative, He may take it a month at my wisk. If it succeeds, it I will pay the drug- And the sick one's mere tn I do that so that those who need help will accept it. I have what those sick ones must have to get well, and. I want them to have it. I make my offer so fair that no sick the cured ones to be fair with have paid gladly, be- result of my life- the In my vast experience | ible. = the inside nerves. organs, and the best reatores the nerve It is like giving a the is "no 'other way to and for diseases inside nerves, 'atment' for chronic T 0.3 on he ant 2 on the Kidneys. Book N the Kid Men (sealed.) a 3 on o 4 for 5 for LI or two bottles. Dr.