Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1902, p. 5

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so . a THE oDA!ILY WHIG. SATUROAY. NOVEMBER 22 For consumption, bronchitis, weak lungs, and throat troubles, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion Is unequalled. It is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It is a combination of healing Petroleum, nerve-strengthen: ing and tissue-making hypo phosphites, and other cura- tive agents well known to physicians. Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion heals diseased membranes, allays irritation and inflammation, improves nutrition, regulates the stom- ach and bowels, and relieves diarrhcea and night sweats. Iwas told by three doctors that I had quick con- sumption. Angier's Petroleum Emalsion was pre- scribed and agreed with me perfectly. | Within six months I had gained fifty-nine pounds in weight. My cough was cared, and T had no more night sweats or hemorrhages. Iam now in perfect health. ~-- B. H. Walton, Medford, Mass. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is sold by druggists everywhere. Remember the name and insist on getting Angler's. Large size, 1.00. Small, soc. ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY DISEASE We the undersigned druggists are fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 50 cent bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney-Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the wyrld that po- sitively cures all troubles arising from weak or diseased kidney : "Monev cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved after use of one bottle. Three to six bottles effect astonishing and perman- ent cures. If not relieved and cured, vou waste no money." HENRY WADE, Devegint: ston) Ont. G. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, Kingston. THE MOST RUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S COCOA An admirable food with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and main- tain robust health, and to re- sist winter's extreme cold. 8o0ld in one-quarter pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Hommopa- tf thic Ohemists, London, Eng- land. . EPPS'S COCOA GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOUR. Incipient illness is check= el and vigorous health maintained by drinking the "MAGI Caledonia Waters. Sold by best dealers everywhere. Wonderful Success THE LIGHT THAY LIGHTS. Do mot be disappointed by buving _imitation mantle the best. THE KERN BURNER guar cheap burners. when you can buy Is made upon honor, and every Buteed. They are made of heavy material, finished, equipped with the best mantles ¢lassware. Give the light and save gas J. W. OLDFIN,* one finely and KING STREET. : 8 fe [a Eo To i oF) se dT] JO ST Se SRE CT: DON'T WASTE MONEY ill-fflavored but- .On poor, ter, when-you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and * finely- flavored, for 25¢c. Try a pound and see how pleaséd you will be. { Clarified Milk Co., 'Phone 5¢7. Brock & Bagot Sts. INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STRELT. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAH PRODUCER: FRE | vents falling and gray hair; Cures Dandfuff, Ecrema wind Neurwnlgia, Head and Face PAR Ladies champooed ar home if desired Mme. Elder, New York, 186 Priacess St. ~ MONEY AND BUSINESS, L LIVERPOOL, - LONDON -AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Sowbany, Available assets, $61,187,215. n addition to which the policy holders have for security un- limited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and Citv Property insured at, lowest rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. - MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL interest om pity Loans granted | on Apply to ol Frontenae @ op IN thous msi NAMED PRIOR AS SUCCESSOR TO PREMIER DUNSMUIR He Was Sworn in as Premier and Minister of Mines--His Cabinet Remains Practically Unchang- ed. ; Victoria, B.C., Nov. 22.--Premier Dunsmuir, yesterday, handed in his re- signation to the governor ana recom- mended Hon. E. G. Prior as his suc- cessor. Col. Prior was sent for and had a conference, as the result of which the former was sworn-in last evening as premier and minister of mines. The composition of the cabinet will remain practically unchanged. The gnation of Mr. Dunsmuir had been ending for some time. . He Was A Truck Dog. He was dirty, scrawny dog, but he maintained the dignity of his stand- ing, or running, in fact, in dogdom. He might have been white at one time, 'with his black. spots defined sharply, but circumstances evidently had compelled an existence that in re- cent years had not permitted 'a bath other than that proviled by falling rain, and the indications were that he had not taken advantage of oppor- tunities in that respect frequently, He was trotting along under a truck that crossed Fulton street at a busy hour of the day. He glanced neither to the 1ight nor to the left, but kept his gaze on the heels of the horses in front. Hf he had been a coach dog he would have been under the axle of the front wheels, but, he- ing a truck dog, he was under the vear axle, Whether he had been train- ed to trot there as g protector of the tailend of the 'truck from the exas- perating urchins of the street, says a writer in the New York Times, or had of his own volition dropped back to ¢ ar position as a concession to the rence between a coach dog and a truck dog, the chronicler knoweth not. At any rate, he knew his duty, and he was doing it. \ Portland Tidings. Portland, Nov. 21.--The social given Ly the ladies of Emmanuel church and held at Singleton's on Tuesday. even- last Miss Eva ing was a success Morris has returned after an extended vis t to fiends in Brockville. Mrs. J. Morris and daughter, Miss Nel visited the former's father, H. Dulger, Jaldwin's Corners, on Sunday. Orme Murphy is around again after a seri ous illness of two R. Willis has recovered from a hick which he received from his colt. Dr. Menzies took his departure from this weeks. severe village recentlv. W. R. Bolton has closed his saw mill. for the season. Some of the young people from this village attended the school concert in Elgin on Friday evening. The chunt ing party returned: on Wednesday, bringing with them in all five 'leer. Mrs. H. Horne is Chantry. Mr. and were the guests of Gallacher on Wednesday. William Kennedy returned from the west and purposes removing with his family in the spring to Maritoba. Mrs. FE. Harrison has not yet retyrued = from Pakenham, where she is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Murphy. . visiting friends in Mrs. Stanley Gile Mr. and Mrz, A. Now Take Notice. The © Dominion commission on the subject of "cattle guards will visit Kingston, Monday, December 1st. This action is taken . ip response toTg¢om plaints of farmersdand stockmen 'and unless they: come forward and give their views and eviderice the inference will be clear, that they have only im- aginery - grievances. Licenses Signed The Frontenac county lieense com- missioners met at the" Windsor "hotet on Saturdav. There were present: I. Doyle, chairman: F. Hockew, A. Man- son and'.J. J. O Rielly, inspector. The | nse holders all paid their dees till | 1903, and their _licenses' were | signed. "The Span Of Life." no melodrama more popu in spite There is lar than "The Span of Life," of the seasons it has been before the public, and production at the Grand, on Saturday next, will be wel A LITTLE TYRANT. The Troubles Not Due to Original : Sin. ' There is no tyrant like the teething baby. His temper isn't due to origi- nal sin, however; the tyrant suffers more . than the rest of the family. He don't know what is the matter. They do. The trouble is they do not al- ways know what to do for his lord- ship. An Ontario mother writes to tell what is best to do. "When my baby was teething," she says, 'he was so cross and restless that I hardly knew what to do with him. He had a poor appetite and ate but little, and was growing thin. I got a Dox -of Baby's Own Tablets and they made a great change. He now rests well has a splendid appetite, and gives me no troubl: at all." This is the ex- pericnee not only of Mrs. D. K. Sch- voder, of Hanover, Ont., but alo of thousands of mothers all over the do- minion. A baby teething is cross be- cause his' blood is heated and his little bowels constipated or unhealth- ily relaxed, and his system heated by the effort of getting the teeth througn the gums. Baby's Own Tablets act like magic not only in this, but in all ailments of little ones. Sold by drug- pists or sent postpaid at 25 cents a box by writing direct to 'the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y : = HUGH " TTIORRIG Aroused Memories. "Ah!" said Gentleman Jack, the re formed safe-cracker, as he labored with the pie that his wife had baked fo their feast, "this seems like old times to me. I wish, though, that I hadn't destroyed my kit of tools when I de. cided to lead a better life." The Golden Rule. The true * rule in business to euard and do by the things of others as they do by their own.-- Hindoo. He sought for' others the good he ired for himself. Let him pass on. Egyptian. Do as you woull be done sian. One should seek for others the hap piness one desires for oneseli,--Budd hist. What vou would noc wish done to vourseli do not unto others.--Chinese Let none of you ti®at his brother in a way he himself would di-like to be treated.--Mohammedanism. 'o not that to a neichbor which vou would take iil from him.--Gre cian. The law imprinted on the hearts of all men is to love the members of so (cty as themselves.--Roman. y de by.--Per- Women Doctors In Paris. A statistician has discovered Paris has now filty-seven women doc- tors out of a total of 3.600 practi tioners. Compared with America the proportion is small, but it hone the. less shows a rapid disappegrance ofa «trong prejudice. Twenty vears Paris had only seven women. physici ans. Every vear a large number of ago | diplomas are given to women oradu | ates by the medical faculties of Paris and Montpelier, but Frenchwomen are in the minority, the greater number of candidates being Russians and Rou- manians. scented at the a pair of no criminal Judge Britton wa Orangeville assizes whi there business to transact. cloves, being comed by the lovers of that sort of entertainment. lering an old hove' summer, Hamilton is con reunion there next SRIU A NECESS ARY ADJ corner that-reminded me of a foot He--Just saw something around the ball game. She--What was it ? NCT. oF that AGRICULTURE. A COLUMN OF NOTES FOR THE FARMERS. An Active Campaign Needed Against the San Jjose Scale-- The Best Selling Porses--Soil Suited to Wheat Raising. Cream should be kept cool" until a short time, twelve hours or so, be- fore churning, when, if necessary, it should be warmed up to about sev- | enty degrees to facilitate its proper | ripening. : Insect pests on strawberries are so numerous now that it is generally re- garded to be better and easier to set a new bed than to try to kill the in- sects. Ploughing up the old bed in | August will destroy most of them. | Hon. John Dryden, provicial min- ister of agriculture, says: '1 have no doubt that if an active campaign is instituted, the San Jose scale can be eradicated altogether." It is the conclusion of fruit men that apples keep much better if they are | hurried into cold storage as promptly as they are picked, instead of being left in the orchard in piles or in bar- rels te sweat. s According to the: Missouri Agricul- | tural station, the best form of farm | waggon one with axles of equal length, broad tires and wheels tmirty to thirty-six inches high in front and forty to forty-four inches behind. The best selling horses to-day are heavy draughts, carriage horses and [saddle horses. The Clydes are a good I draught breed, and seem to be 'most {in demand. The Standards claim wnat their stallions will get good carriage horses | Fully $60,000 has, according to Wil- | iam Rickard, M.P.P., been received by the farmers of West Durham apples this season. The American Agriculturist says that one bushel of carrots, if proper | lv fed to horses, is worth a peck of oats. Michigan ps for corowers will lose between oné and two million dollars by the failure of the bean crop. | On the wuck farms within a few miles of New York more than 3,000 women farmers and farm hands are employed. | The Beaverton. Ont., plant is mak- ing enough peat for the use of the town, and a surplus besides. Methods now available under which peat can be prepared for use as fuel at a cost of 50 a ton. To ve young turkeys kang birds up are of lice, and grease them the thoroughly with lard or kerosene. The soil in the vicinity of Qu'Ap- | pelle, Man., is well suited for wheat ising. Richard ~ Johnston, a farmer , savs he took 8.500 bushels from a field of 105 acres with one plough- ing. Of this amount the crop last ve 5.600 bushels. For this vear's crop he simply sowed the wheat the stubble. The wield, of course, was not so heavy, but he got 3,000 bushels. Manitoba flour ranks first. A special r was mn test was recently made in Ottawa | with nine barrels of our from Mani toba, Washington territory and Ore gon. The Manitoba flour produced twenty-one pounds more of bread than the others. The Canadian North-West. Land company sold during October 33.000 acres of land for $205.000, which com pares 'with 19.24% for $100,754 i during October of last year;=and the of acres i total mumber acres disposed of during the first ten months of the vear was 162,000 for S2:202,000, as compared "with 85, for . $165,311 during the corresponding: months of 1901. The department of agriculture re ports that the Hessian Hy has "almost disappeared. The pea weavil did con | siderable damage this year. Potato rot caused much damage this year. In of the pro vince they will he leftan the ground. some sections Che. yield ~ will be small in conse quence, The London. Eng., Telegraph says Canada is a highly pro five lant, and that the department of agriculture is an energetic one, in that it has shown the dairyvmen and farmers the way to prevent hutter from moulding by wrapping it in paper sqaked in a solution of brine composéd. of an ounce of formalin to a callon of brine. else had failed. v« the above to their friends, but a the medicine which has made the France Bears Heaviest and Russia Lightest. New York Sun. With a population of 57,000,000 in habitants, Germany now. furnishes an annual contingent of 340000 oldiers, which must he reduced to al ter deducting the exempt from' service, according to the latest figures given in an article in The Courier des Etats Uni=. A considerable share of these 113.000 men are immediately incorpo This fact will be worth many thou : : : : RY sands of-dollars 8 year fo our butter aftd either in the Jandstunn or in the trad . \ recruiting: reserve, however, so that le. os NCO fi The «total number of apple trees of) the number of men really. nce Fpotal : y th : wl : ied in the regular army is only 220, nearing m «© come read or- i - . a A Arne re if the Ui ry ers wis BU. But this number is sufficient to gaa nreas a Fe at bring up the present. eficetive force to 210,000,000, an increase of 75,000,000 195.000. The men serve with the color : U5, 7 y serve wu = mn ten 'S h publication, Engineer ing, says: "The only country we can took to for the timber must have is Canada." There are only five Euro pean countries which export timber-- Russia, Sweden, Austria-Hunecary, Norway and Ronmania--and their ex ports are nearly 2.750.000. tons short of the total required Furope. The E we amount in Remembered Her Pupils. Florida, Nov. Rev. Mr. Perley. Harrowsmith, gave a fine temperance lecture here last nicht. Our popular 99 only the required time to cain instruc tion. The length of service in the tine is two wears for the infantry, three viars mm the cavalry and one year in the train. » In Russia, where conipulsoyy servie has heen in existence for the last this the men are obliced to serve teacher, Mise Lottie Walker, has been | ; d for another vear. B. Mar in. after spending the summer in the ited States, has returned AM. en was very successful in drilling | a well: he got plenty of pood water at | home twenty-three feet. W. Walker has re | turned from the north with a couple | of fine deer." 0. Redden is making svat fmprovements on bis dwelling) and outbuildings. A. Babcock has rent- | ed J). Dave's farm and intends ta move the first of Mdreh. Wo. Huff he vemted H. Purlev's farm, near Wilton, Lat Saturday afternoon, Mrs. J. EF. Storms entertained, her Sabbath school ts. aml presented each of them with | ken of friendshin. 0. Babcock and Iv have moved into their fir residence. J. E. Storms intends \ v next Mondav to pe ple veeks, Visitors: Mrs, | w wr and daughter, Portland: -------- Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has received ui! his fall importations for order work: in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- od and a large assortment to choose | frome. For low price and durability tv Years, five vers inthe regular-army, thi teen | < in the reserve and five cears in the Opoltchenie, which is the came as the reserve of the French ter vitorial armv. With a population of 152.000.0000 Rnesia inrnishes cannuall O<0.000 conscripts, of whom about SHO G00 are voll for service, Under these cirnmstances the government can well afford to be gengrons in the mat- ter of exemptions. Their nimber am otnts 16400000 <6 that the real | number-of-men- inthe tarservice 205.000 in 1891 and 15,000 in 2, In Austria the annual contingent is 470.000, hut exemptions reduce it to 117.000, The lingth of the regular ser- vice is two and a hali years, In lta- fo--where--the annual contingent is 315.0000 only 205,000 are found to be good for servien which varies 'from i two and a half to three vears. As to Black / Ayer's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. . And you can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling. $i All draggists. | & C. AVER GB, Lowe, ice to health by her advice and medic Women should remember that it is Ly ing such remarkable cures, assisted by Mr: are ine after all other means had failed. . Pinkham's advice. 1akham until she has more than a miilien from wonien in all classes of society who h . - . R 2.4 a} = or If von are asked by a druggist to take something else, demand the medicine which you J "Saved My Life." «Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me when all I suffered a long time with female troubles." « Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine saved me from a surgi- cal operation. Doctors said an operation was necessary." Thousands upon thousands of women throughout this country are not only expressing such sentiments vriting letters of gratitude containing just such expressions to Mrs. ave been restored ia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that is perform- mow is best-- greatest mumbor of cures--the medicine whose recerd is unequalled by any other medicine, exclusively for women, in the world, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. exemption from military service, in Austria they amount to fiity per in Germany to thirty-seven per Italy to twntyv-seven Frans to twenty-one pe Russia to nineteen | of wen incorporated France is enty Germany forty per cent, cent. cent. Feent,; in in cent., and in | cent. The number in 'the arm f eight per r cent. cent, in Auiria in Italy thirty-three per cent, Russia! twenty percent The ot for are © In France twenty per cents, in Germany thirty-seven per in Austria fifty in Italy twenty-seven per cent. and in | por { and in Pre | fit ervice one cent. per cent. Russia nineteen per cent. Out of everv thousand men from the ages of twenty one to sixty ther are in service in France 551 in Gor | many fortveeicht; Ku forty | three, in Austria thirty four and in | Italy thirty. In case of the ii I oures are increased in Germany to } Austria to ninetv-six, i171 ftaly to. 107 and in These figure mn ta in mn elahty at Frafle on, bea the heatics " Bibhy's." We have t} Oak Hall vl brother-in *the man has a lat intthe insurance business. ~ "ky Osk Hall for sweaters. avers per WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. nd Hoor over Mahood's and Bagot SE lc. Will Pay for 20 Hours' Burning. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. © | The Little Beauty Night Lamp Will Stand or Hang. | Just'the thing for halls, bathrooms, basements, bed- rooms, etc. Burns ordinary coal oil without odor or smoke. ARCHITECTS. #200; corner Princess trance on Pagot strect. OFFICE, g Bure, streets. Ea. POWER ants' Bank Wellington streets. & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCI Building, ernet, Neock H- aod ARTHUR ELLIS, site of New Drill Hall, ARCHITECT, near eorusr Queen and Montreal Streets. OFFICE of HENRY P. SMITH, Anchor Building, Market ARCHITEOT, ETC. "Pinca Boot and Shoe Stare JUST OPENED At 207 Princess Street, Opposite T. H. cal Auction wi John's Grocery, With a full line of up to-date stock 1 and inspect goods. Please MATTHEW JOYCE. _ SAVE MONEY Sales. "BY'EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN,- Auctioneers, FURNISHED ROOMS TH OR WITHOUT BOARD; board Apply 168 King pear City Fark. ALSO TABLE West, stroct

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