Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1902, p. 8

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glow and immense heat of our coal will ~ make itself felt with -- pleasure during --the cold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, too. Let us fill your bin with meen WEAK LUNGS Hi PrP PTT PWN 9% LEAD TO nsumption. -------- THOUSANDS OF PERSONS THEIR GRAVES AS DREAD ARE HASTENING TOWARDS A RESULT OF THIS DISEASE : A cure is now within the reach of, Pul-Mo stands alone--the use of any every sufferer: PUL-MO if used as directed will check the progress of this fatal disease and restore the afflict- ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you and use Pul-Mo, 'which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul-mo isan absolute cure for Consumption, Throat and Lung: Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all other mediciné as an assistant is not necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing food, get plenty of fresh air and out-door exercise, and use Pul-Mo as directed, that is all--Nature will do the rest. Pul-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by druggists at $1.00 per large bottle, or you may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents. f your druggist has not got Pul-Mo in stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address FREE OF ALL CHARGE. ¢ Address all letters to | The Pul-Mo Co., Toronto, Ont, other consumptive symptoms. : -- x -- -- Our Coal iv as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. Bach lump stands by itself. Good solid coal ol i oal reaches the --so much solid fire. After c Sue e earth from the mines, impuri Sirisdy of t6e, out by hand. Thereafter it is screened several times before it reaches you, and dirt, slate, etc. really have it' the dealers are careful. Ww are very careful. no chance, nn Al cae? Foot of Queen St.--'Phome 9 SLR EPPO IENE Frosh Mined Scranton oal Just Arrived JAMES SWIFT & 00. "Phone 135. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. A Cosy Bright Fire Is an ateraction for every one. The cheery BOOTH'S COAL. Phone 133, Foot of West Street. The Place to Buy Gas and Electric Fix- tures is' at Breck & Halliday's. finest stock between Mon treal and Toronto. A visit to our show rooms will reveal this fact, and everv citi ren will be cordially welcomed. They carrv the msn, Atchison Globe. IMPORTANT NOTICE. CAUTION.~I¢ Is ' Saved_Life When Given Up By Three Physicians.' "As a public speaker and singer, 1 always find it invaluable for clearing the voice. It acts like magic on mv children for throat and chest com- plaints, and 1 have known it. save life when given up by three physicians. John Bailey, Pastor, P.M. Church, Ramsgate. FREE! OUR 400 PAGE, CLOTH BOUND, ILLUSTRATED "Guide to Investors" and "Daily Market Letter" A most valuable aid to investor or specu- later. Correspondence, also STOCK, GRAIN AND COTTON Orders, all amounts. HAIGHT & FREESE Bstablished co Main Office, 1890. . 53 B'way. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, - Ontario, the..charadh ail. financial responsibility of your broker, is as impor tant as the selection of right stocks." INSTEAD OF BUYING SHOES FOR THE CHILDREN 50 OFTEN MAKE THEM LAST LONGER. PACKARDS SPECIAL BLACK DRESSIN FOR LADIES ANP ERIBRENS FINE SHOES WILL DO Moving To Glendower. Gleéndower, Nov. 20.--Rock drawing is stopped for a while on account of bad roads. Charles Babcock is erect- inh a cow stable. William Hoppins, a resident of Vennachar, for a number of vears, is moving to this "place. J. Kelly, working near Wilton for some time, has returned home. G. Tim- merman, while out hunting one day-{ last week, captured a large mink. | Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. A. Snyder, Verona, at Sanford leeman's; E. Bab- cock, Piceidilly, with friends he | Archie McGown, Desert Lake. at = A. | Leeman's. The Man's Trouble. An Atchison husband death's door so long his wife re- marked that she supposed he was having his usual trouble finding the keyhole. -------------- It takes alot of liquids to make one Princess Street. BRECK & HALLIDAY, r tion. solid with the boys in an Ontario elec- hovered at | | | | | | trying period Rachel Gurney preserved i the | her | : : | enemies, and preserved her from manv | scathing references to her Bond street | days. $ > { THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22. IS ROMANTIC. THE CAREER OF THE COUNT- ESS OF DUDLEY -- She Reigns at Dublin Castle as Vicereine of Ireland--Her Step From the Counter to the Castle. When the Earl and Countess of Dud- ley left last "month to assume their new and honorable positions as vice- roy and vicereine of Ireland, it meant that Consuelo, Duchess of Marlbor- ough, heiress of Vanderbilt millions, and one of the most ambitious wo- men in England, had received a smooth setback: at the hands of a former Bond street shop girl, who, through her political astuteness and adroit tact, had spreaa a blight over - tershire, and to large estates in Ja- maica. Many an English mother had manoeuvred in vain to entrap this wealthy voung peer, who was too busy just then sowing wild oats to pay much attention to marriageable daughters. - Tg the downcast Gurneys, the pair were redolent of an atmosphere of prosperity, which shed its irony over their unguccessiul establishment. But nothing of this was apparent in the bearing of the calm, quietly dressed young woman wait upon the countess, and adjust various pieces of headgear "to her waning but still attractive face. There is little doubt that the Coun- tess Georgiana would have satisfied her craving for elsewhere, had she had but an inkling of the tremendous fascination young woman was g ed her into the shop. dar A A ---------------------------------------- Earl of Dualey, to secure the post which Consuelo coveted above all else for her own spouse. It was a battle of wits, played be- hind the scenes, between Rachel Gur- ney, one-time shop girl of London, and Consuelo Vanderbilt, daughter of one of the most powerful families in America, and the palm went to the shop girl who won the heart of the Earl of Dudley while selling his mo- ther a bonnet. This latest preferment rounds out the career of Rachel Gurney in a wondrous manner. transforming her in a dozen years from a modest milli- ner to a nominal queen, transplanting her from 5 shop to yz palace, and lift ing her out of a sordid atmosphere of pounds, shillings and pence to 4 position of eminence over nearly five million people, in a country where her rank is nearly equal to that of Queen Alexandra's. and her social sway ab- solutely undisputed. The political significance oi the sit- uation is thatthe shop-girl stands higher, at court .than the millionaire Duchess "of Marlborough, and that many a royal lady with political as- pirations for her husband has outstripped by a girl who possibly learned shréwdness when © she haggled over hats "with her tight-fisted pa trons, or® who counted out thrup- pence. and tuppence to greedy trades men. But in whatever school the | countess learnea diplomacy, she is a post-gracuate, and might give point- ers to many an American ward heeler. It undoubtedly was a satisiaction to this beautiful woman, when she rode at the side of her husband be- tween masses of huzzahing people last month in Ireland, to look back upon her well-ordered life, and * mentally survey the dizzy heights she had scal ed since her . shop-gil days, climbing from poverty to wealth, and then from trade to court, and being usher ea into one of the proudest positions ir the, gift of the king by his grace | lv» upon the heels of business failure, | to reinforce their | expensive | dull, ana the blues had 'settled | thickly.on the inmates oi the millin | ery shop, the door opened, and Geor- the Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Victoria. ~ Coming as her marriage did, direct- it would seem that Rachel Gurney was the special pet of fortune A dozen years ago she. and her er Laura, who is now Lady Trowbriage, having shared the crumbs of fortune together, weve working hard to induce titled ladies to buy bonnets: They spent their days in the gloomy shop in Bond street which their mother managed, her daughters assisting her. The patronage of the aristocracy, es- pecially of dowagers, who do not need social power with millinery, proved anything but remunerative, and many times the little trio were 'on the brink of ruin. Sometimes when the shutters were put up at night - the cash till would be almost empty. But even at this dignity which cloaked the inuendoes of her matchless later from One day when trade was unusually down giana, Countess of Dudley, floated in bearing in her wake her handsome, dissipated eldest son, heir to the great Dudley "estates oi 30,000 acres. together with. great iron and mining | RACHEL GURNEY, COUNTESS OF DUDLEY, VICEREINE OF IRELAND. been | the dearest plans of the American duchess, 'by aiding her husband, the the young earl was but twenty-five, Rs oul had buy lately inherited $20,000,000 from his father, and was astonishing Londen with his extravagances and excesses. He was regarded as a spendthrift, but - no drawing rooms were barred to him, for evervone was edu®r to capture the golden youth ana his great fortune. It might be said that Rachel Gurney had for rivals every marriageable girl who came forward to | millinery confections | this | to exerciee over | the blase young man, who had follow- | At that time | i ~ r - | Doctors Say That Every Human Ache is Rheumatic. Kidneys. Keep the Kidneys Healthy and Rheumatism Will Disappear. YOUR KIDNEYS ARE DISEASED A TRIAL OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST KIDNEY OURE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY READER OF ' THIS PAPER | WHO SUFFERS FROM KIDNEY, LIVER, BLADDER OR BLOOD DISEASE. aXe solute cure for all forms pol disease of have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. kidney disease: during the last thirtv years. It is prescribed and used digest the food, th | store "the patient's health lier stages of the diseawe. "WAR Safe Cure : any one. of Station 16, (Beware of --they are harmful.) and effective speedy cure, the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. oe a To convince every sufferer from diseases of whe kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a tria) bottle will be sent absolutely free, postpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet which tells all about the diseases of the and bladder with a prescription for each disease, and many of the thousands of testimonials received daily from grateful patients who All you have to do is to write Warner's Safe Cure Company, Rochester, baving read this liberal offer in this paper. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher. If Promptly. Pains in the small of the back, ER e ot the | : neck, rheumatic pans and swellin over the body, jaundice and eczema tell you your Paar xe al and are not able to do their work properly. If any of these symptoms great care should be taken to stop the pregnating the entirase and prevent it becoming chronic progress of the disee system IF IN DOUBT MAKE THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass; after it stands twenty-f you. find a reddish brick dust sediment Tia Sous the urine or the urine is milky or cloudy, you will know vour kidneys are in a diseased condition and are unable to perform their work, the result will be the bladder and urinary organs will become inflammed acid will poison the blood, thestomach will become affected and unable to e system will become weak and th ul down of the general health, with Bright's disease TL, be sluesk prove fatal if not treated with promptness and great care. Warmer's Cure will purify and strengthen the kidneys and enable them to do their work, it will cure rheumatism, uric acid poison, inflammation and The free trial bottle has of Liots tiv "Bighteen years' experience with Warner's Safe About eighteen years avo I was complately tes aud rheumetism which had a pretty strong hod on me. I h suffered everything. The doctors had almost given me up. ~ My Warner's Safe Cure has grownstronger since that time as I k ber of the members of the Boston police force who had suffered from kid- ney, bladder trouble and rheumatism have heen entirely cured and are well and robust men.to-day: in fact every one that I have advised to use Warn- er's Safe Cure has been'greatly benifitted Ly it." The Seat of Rheumatism is in the Thousands of Men and Women Have Disease and Do No It Until it Has Into Bladder Rheumatism, or Bright's Not painful ladder, torpid liver, cloudy urine, pains in uric 1 NER'S SAFE CURE. The following letter is a sample of thousands of unsolicited letters re- ceived from gratful men and women who have MOSES C. THOMPSON, No. 23, K.P. Boylston St., Bogton, Mass., August 7th Warner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable end contains no narcotic or harmful drugs: it is free from sediment and is pleasant to take. so-called kidney cures full of sediment and of bad odor Itdoes not constipate; it CURES RHEUMATISM If you decide Warner's Safe Cure is wha you need you can buy it at any drug store: two regular sizes, 50c. and $1 a bottle. There is none "just as gowd'"' as Warner's Safe Dy doctors themselves in the leading hospitals as the only ab- Cure. kidneys, ess' chaperonage launched into Lon- don. society. Now for the first time Rachel Gur- ney exercised . that potent influence which was afterwards so strong a factor in inducing Balfour to give the vice-regency of Ireland to her hus band, thus trampling on the ambi- in London society, and that her | tions of the Marlboroughs. charms should have prevailed over She reformed the Earl of Dudley. such odds makes her later conquests | From. one of the most tempestuous less surprising. The Duchess of Marl- borough may at least. console -herseli that she yielded her laurels to a worthy foe. The minute the Earl of Dudley set "eves upon the "shop girl, he felt a powerful attraction towards her. The bored look flew from his pale face; his languid attitude chang- ed. to one of eager attention, and when the trivial purchase of the bon- net had been completed, the young man left the shop very deeply in love. At this juncture the unsteady busi ness collapsed, and the shop on Bond street closed. its doors finally on, the Gupneys. Friends seame to the rescue, for Mrs. Gurney: had not heen. born in trade, but had been an aristocratic beauty before her marriage. Rachel was adopted by the Duchess of Bed- ord, and Laura by the Duchess of Somerset. Rachel was sent for a a fashionable finishing then under the duch- short time to school and was Delicious Drinks and Dainty Dishes -------- ARE MADE FROM AKER'S BREAKFAST ! while shop girl peers in the kingdom, he be- came the most decorous. His wild associates were forsaken and his fa- vorite haunts no longer frequented by him. 'The hand of the shop girl had stayed his mad career, and placed on him the first restraint which he had ever known. Of course there was fierce. opposition on the part of the young earls fam- ily. But Rachel Gurney's fascinations were not of the sort to he discounted by , family prejudices. 'The stormy courtship brought about the inevitable marriage, which took place in 1801, and 'wits one ofthe most brilliant - af- fairs of the season. The . fascinatfons of the newly stamped countess were next exercised upon the family of her husband. The upshot © of this was that Countess Georginia, who was bitterly opposed to the marriage, became her daughter- in-law's strongest champion, and re- pudiated the attacks of English news papers, by pointing out that the erst- was of splendid line- age, being .a descendant of the great Hugo de Gournay, a Norman baron, who came over with William the Conqueror. As for London society, which was at first inclined to be patronizing, the countess treated it summarily. By na- ture an aristoerat, she allowed so- ciety to wait upon her and made ro advances. Result, society courted her young COCOA | | | ABSOLUTELY PURE Unequaled for Smoothness, Delicacy,and Flavor Our Choice Recipe Book, sent free, will tell you how to make Fudge and "a great variety of dainty di-hes from our Cocoa and Chocolate. ADDRESS OUR BRANCH HOUSE Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. 12 and 14 St. John Street MONTREAL, P. Q. interests in = Staffordshire and Worces- This Ww extravagantly and it was not long un til the early® impulses of disapproval were completely buried. From the very day of her marriage the countess steppad into a new world which she has since completely = con- quered. She is a great favorite with King Edward, who inv ariably address- es her as "Rachel." It may have | been that the severe experience of her | early days taught the countess to keep the goods fortune had bestowed upon her, for no woman in England has a more devoted hushand. The couple are more like a pair of lovers than the parents of four childrén, and are constantly seen in each others' so- ciety. In appearance 'the countess is tall and slender, with Madonna face, wavy black hair, very beautiful brown eves, and splendid teeth. She is charitable " and penerous and one of | the cleverest amateur musicians in the London smart set, playing on many | instruments besides the piano. An admirable quality which the countess possesses is that she knows how to dispense the enormous income of her husband generously, and it is «aid her entertainments are far more imposing and splendid than those given by the Duchess of Marlborough. has won King: Edward's heart, who has not hesitated to commend the spirit. which. actuates the Dudleys in helping to make soc ial life in Lon: don splendid, while the deficiencies of the Marlboroughs in this respect are «aid to be largely responsible for their [Ga 1] Sagi 1 . The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S ondon orter E P Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. 2 Perfectly Agreeable to the Most _Deticate Palate. JAS. "McPARLAND, AGENT. ~ KING STREET, KINGSTON. quality and flavor. FROM ALL OVER You hear our cusfomers urging their friends to go to Jos. Silver's for their clothes and furs. A GOOD REASON WHY Our stock is choice, select and per: fect. Our price is low and above all, we treat evervbody alike. If you go away from us not suited, with either price or quality, we don't see that anybody else can. A trial call will convince you. JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. P.S.--When you are about to pur- chase your furs don't forget us. We are sure to please you. STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELF Linen Markers, Beals, Stenails failere to land the Irish vice-regency. | re Sh sromp, Tolll OPYORD Whly Olen. Chocolates Chocolates Ganong's G. B. Chocolates Are the highest grade made and cannot be discounted for COME AND SEE THE BEST AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. A. J. REES, Princess St. Te. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan- didats for Mayor. lor 1908, I respectfully eo- lisit your votes aad inflognte 40 elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a ocas- didete for the mayoralty for the year 1008, aad ask for your votes and fn- fuentes on WY J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 respect: 'fully solicit your votes amd influence to elect me as Mayor for 1908. -t J. H. BELL. FOR BALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O, Bex 88. nidney t Know Developed Trouble, - Diabetes 5 1sease, Which Will Provc Fatal Attended to passing of urine, in- are you have and if in it, or. particles' floating in or diabetes, whioh will Safe rheumatic ut, diabetes, Bright's disease, of the bladder and urinary organs and re- vigor. 1 ten been suflicient to cure cases of kid in- case when the simple home tes t described above has or made in day Sv been cured by Warner's Cure ought to satisfy cured in four months ad faith in now a num- .) It dos 0 is a most valuable 1 tonic; it kills the disease germs; it is a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a It has cured all forms of liver Y., and mention

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