pon In South America and Australia pastisre is abundant and oxen of the finest quality are plentiful. . Bovrilis prepared from. these cxen and the supply is so considerable as to enable the manufacturers to use the best materials at a nominal cost. It is prepared by a special process, which ensures the retention of both the stimulating and the nourishing properties of the beef, ther:Ly differing from ordinary meat extracts or beef tea, which merely stimulate without nourishing. The effect of stimulants is transitory; a mere flicker of of greater fatigue, Bovril energy purchased at the price Nourishes AND trengthens. When It Comes To Carving You want a knife which will cut and you want one which will stay sharp. It takes gvod steel to mak» a knife of that kind. Here are carv- ing sets made of the best material. Yeu will enjoy one of them and you will find it a pleasure to use them. CORBETT'S HARDWARE. ""Social'"'. Brand Teas and Cof- fee's; in"1 Ib. and } 1b. packages, 5¢., 40c., 50c. 1b. "Social" Brand Baling Powder and Cocoa, 15c., 20c., 'and 25c. tins. Preniium Coupons in each pack- age. Jersey Cream Yeast Cakes. RETAIL. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. Carrisges Carriages EVERYBODY Who has.rubber tires on their carriages' are well - pleased wit! the ease and comfort they enjo; in driving;7 if you have not go: them o your carriage you should send te LATURNEY an have them on and enjoy yow JAMES LATUENEY, C \RRIAGE MAKE R, 390 Princess St! « Kingston, HARD COAL The Old Reliable SCRANTON, Ua- equalled for Heating and Cooking. ANGLIN £CO Foot of Wellington St. is. WHO IS YOUR AUTCIONEER ? W. MURRAY. Jr. | Is servir e ¢ nearly oly line ; He hike a reputation for plompt returns and satisfactory You will be money W. MURRAY, Jr. avery in that | good sales, ! settlements. | brow now in pocket Bv emploving 'The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO RC Capital, - Reserve Fund « 81,C00,00 » 80,000. President : JOHN HOSKIN, Q.C., LL.D. Vice- Presidents : HON. 8. C. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Ee. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Authorized to act trator, Trustee, Receiv: tic, Guardi Ewe Depoiit s: : reasonable custody. Bonds and othe Insured Solicit as Executor, Adminis at = prices. Parcels received for saf valuables. Guaranteed and ates, Administrations on are continued in the professional cg For further tion's Manual. information the Corpora see -- BRECHE A MANON LADY TELLS OF HER EXPERIENCE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS The Great and Well-Known Kidney Specific for the Cure of all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Mrs. P. Bertrand, Breche A Manon, | Que., writes:--I think "it nothing but | right for me to let you know what DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have done for me: For five months I was badly troubled with a sore back, and such severe pains in my kidneys.that I could. scarcely. walk at times., I got a box of DOAN'S KID- NEY PILLS, and béfore I had them half taken I was greatly relieved, and with another box I was completely cured. I cannot help but give them all the praise I can, and will never fail to recommend them to all kidney sufferers. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. are 50c. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. LUISe COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor... Can be given in glass of water, tea, or coffee, without patier's knowledge. Colonial {Remedy will cure or destroy the dis- cased appetite for alcholic stimulents, whether the patient is a confirmed inebriate, '"tippler;" social drinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to have an Appetite for alcoholic lignors after using Color ial ly. Reme: indorsed by Members of W. C. T. U. Mrs. Moore, Supesintendent of the Woman's Christian Tem nce Union, Ventura, Cal, writes : "'1 have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given secretly. I cheerfully recommend and indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem- bers of our Union are delighted to find a practical and economical treatment jo aid us in our temper- ance work." : Sold by dru everywhere and by mail. = Price $1. Trial package free by writing or calling on Mrs. M, A, Cones (for years member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), Catherine St,. Montreal, Sold m Kingston by J. B. McLeod, Prin 8 street. INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP Superiorte ull other forthe Tellet and Nursery. =x x Made by John Tayler & Co.. Toronto. x Rj | (ee [eo Te Fer eo oe ow, | CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. vents falling and gray bair: Cures Dandruff, lczema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Nae sags Ladies shampooed at home if desired Mme. Elder, New York, 166 Princess St THE DAILY WRHIG, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 24 sats THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY : BRITISH WHIG, published each 'evening. at 806-310. King Street, at $6 per . Editi 8 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHAG, 12 pages, pub lished every Thursday morning at $1 a Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stvlish and cheap ; mi i 8. ork: Biot improved PENSE. PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' SPMPORTING GERMAN RAILS, Mr. great wealth, running into has a grievance against Mackenzie & Mann, the constructors of the Cana- lian Northern railway, because they representing' many mil ions, Clergue, have given an order for a large con- signment of iron rails fiom Germany. have invested fifteen milion dollurs in firon mines in mills, and railways, and Mr. Clergue says that the the plant will involve the loss of two mil- lion dollars a year to the people of Ontario. the Clergue company non-operaticn of Now two things are cal'ed up against the railway contractors. (1) That they have on the line of railway, and presumably under their control, the most valuable iron mines, which, if developed, in Mr. Clergue's opinion, 1 would pay more in a month than the duty on all the foreign rai's in seve- and (2) that subsidizes the the govern- rail- ral years; ment of Canada way to a very extent. Mackenzie & Mann are perhd}'s not (quite so optimistic as F. H. Clergue, but they are far-seeing and enterpris- they pur- hase the German would not rails if there advantage ng men, and was not an immense in it. I hese German rails at $32 per ton in the home market. The freicht to Port Arthur is $6 per ton, making a total of $38. But the prie & Mann is $27 per ton, the Clergue company cannot produce the the German are sold to Mackenzie at Port Arthur, at which price rails. The advantage to manufa turers is the hounty of $6 or The 'anadian iron business must be hene- it 7 a ton. inference is that the fitted or bonused in some way or annot succeed. The contractors are expected to if advantageous is purchase their supphes in Canady, they can do so at as erms. "At pregent the this," said Mr. Clergue, in an inter- iew with the Globe, "that while the yovernment gives a bonus to encour- the situation age the production of steel rai's absence of duties allows the market to e exploited by foreigners." What can passed, making the railways which re- the only be done ? Laws could ie eive subsidies and charters from Canadian government employ (Canadians and use only Canadian That is - the of the legi<lation which applies .to the lum- voods. essence bermen and their mills, and what is good for one-kind of businets ought to be good for another. rn ar rn REFUSAL OF EVIDENCE. On two occasions the report of the roval 'commission on the liquor traf- ic has been quoted largely in public liseussions, _because it was supposed to represent the facts most carefully 'ollected. Being a most costly produc. to be very valuable, public tion it ~ought but the more one' knows about tocuments-the- less regard he has for them. This thought comes to mind as one turns' back to the newspaper aecounts commissioners' proceed- ings. and that their Toes not embody all that: was offered upon the subject with which it deals. The Montreal Witness of November 6th, 1893, contains the record of a Toronto meeting at which a dispute oc- curred which dell nigh resulted in the lisruption of the royal commission." of the royal reflects report I'he" question under consideration was the admissability of the evidence which Mr. Spence tendered prohibitory law Ques- and the touching the operation of the in the North-West Territories, tions were ruled out of order, witness refused - permission to answer them. What .the Witness termed the "gag law." applied when Mr. Spence produced twenty-five letters from lead: ing men of the province, within a year after the Scott Act was repealed, in- cluding one from Judge Macdonald, a was royal commissioner, in support of the statement that the repeal of the act had been accompanied by an increase of intemperance. Dr. McLeod support- ed Mr. Spence, Judge Macdonald op- posed him. Sir Joseph Hickson reius- ed let even one éxtract be read. Mr. Spence then produced the replies to of ninety-two physicians in Toronto, but what they contained no one learn: ed, as the chairman refused to allow thew to be read The climax was reached when Mr. Spence or discussed. was forbidden to read from the re of the port commissioner of the North West Mounted Police, to the effect that | 1 intemperance had increased under the | license system in the North-West. | "A draft. prohibition bill," says the | same report, "drawn up bv Mr. Spence | PRE- | This bill | and others was submitted. | set forth the evils of the liquor traf- | and proposed the enactment of al the importation and sale of all fic, clause prohibiting manufacture, intoxicat- | ing liquors for beverage purposes. The | proposed machinery for carrving out} the law was based upon that enacted | in the McCarthy Act. Dr. McLeod ask- | eraph." In point of fact, the formed ed that this bill be placed on record as one of the exhibits. Sir Joseph Hickson tossed it to Dr. McLeod, and told him he could have it if he desir- ed. Dr. McLeod warmly resented this, and after a spirited tween the commissioners it was placed argument be- by Dr. McLeod with the secretary. pre: sumably to be treated as an exhibit, but the chairman declined to give any assurance that such would be the case." After reading all (his one is less in clined to regard the report of the com mission with. the sacredness that some people attach to it. It is voluminous enough, but it certainly does not con- tain all the evidence that was submit- ted and all that was available upon the subject. : The povernment of the dav was ask- ed to pass a prohibitory law. It ap- pointed a commission to ccllect evi dence as to the need of this law, and the commission reported adversely. = S---- EDITORIAL NOTES. IT would be just like the miners and operators to get at a compromise by the shortest court will, as things go, be in session all winter. - route. The arbitration Compulsory vaccination will be en- in the public and separate Ottawa this week. There will not be any exception on account forced schools of ol conscientious scruples. Additional charges of gross ecorrup- tion have been preferred against Don- ald Sutherland, the respondent in the And 'he is the at South Oxford election. purist who posed. for snap-shots the London. recent conservative banquet in The conservative papers that Mr. nervous about He to show have it Prefontaine is somewhat results in. Maisonneuve. Well. he is not the man He has not is, eh ? it got any weaker since the constituency very much. gave him g majority of 1,800. the hali- have department The Anglicans petitioned education for a hour's religious instruction in the pub- lic schools each day, and the recogni- The other look after their interests in the schools. tion of voluntary schools. aenominations will, of course, News which dis- decision of the judge "The result of the Lis- It the London sents from the is and remarks : [gar election trial does not add to the lustre of Canadian justice." The News does not mean, of course, that the judge was incompetent for the dis charge of his duty. Monk, campaigning in Quebec the anti-English platform, warned by the Toronto Telegram Mr. on is to be careful as the party will lose two geats.in Ontario for every one it. will gain in Quebec. "The imaginings of Mr. 'Monk are temporary. Yes, vain," says our con- very vain. Some good will surely be done by the Chamber the visits of Roers, the of Commerce the farm labourers, journalists, and men They will migration agents, telling the story at from England tq Canada: be so many im- home that will carry conviction with it, Every visitor will a kind Calch: be of The Ottawa Free Press, speaking of Rev. Dr. Gordon, from its knowledge of him while he was located in Otta- wa, says: "He is a man of ledrning, of attractive personality and of busi- ness ability With these, qualificatfons he ought to to grapple with the problems bequeathed be able successfully to him by his distinguished predeces- sor. The university has a great work before it, and it ted on the filling of the gap." WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. may be congratula- Not At Present. Hamilton Herald » tt looks as if the weather due in July and August had been held hack and had just caught up. True For You. Hamilton Times A Canadian for better. Too many of our institutions have in the past seemed to regard Canadians as unlit for the goed plac eS. Queen's. That Quite A Discovery. Toronto Star. Chancellor Burwash that holi- ness is reached by many roads, but we don't remember seeing Holiness on the list of stations in either the G.I. R. or C.P.R. time table. says John Bull In War. Ottawa Journal. $ Brians "iictle wars' keen on. Fighting on the Indian frontir is alded to the figh ing in Somaliland. The Brig: empire rubs shoulders with so many ncizhbors that digs in the ribs are always coming. A Graft. Belleville Intelligencer The Haniilton Spectator, spea' ing of the office of leutenant-governor, AVS ; "The office is useless, and the coull he done by. a phono- whol» work thing is a "graft" already. The mariage of Miss Annie EB: Mackin, of Utita, N.Y.. to Thomas Hichey, of Camden township, Adding- ton county, took place, Novemher 6th, at: Tamworth. Rev. Mr. Jones per- the - ceremony: The happy couple will take up their residen eat Morven. Lever's Y-Z (Wice Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder ustea in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. n "the act sin hours. Sold by H. B. Taylor and MARK IT "NO". fis THE LIQUOR ACT OF 1902 EXPLAINED f i Showing That it Does Not Mean | Prohibition, But is Simply the | Old Scott Act Revived. From the Local Anti-Prolibition mittee. On December 4th next the following { will 'be submitted to the people of | Ontario : "Are you in favor of bring- ing into force the Liquor Act, of | 1902 7 . | Before we vote yea or nay. we na- | turally 'would like to know exactly | what this liquor \act is; what effect it would have if passed, and whether it! would be in the country's best inter- | ests to have such an act on the sta- | tute books. There are those over-zeal- | ous persons who will tell you that the liquor act means prohibition, or. at least prohibition to a . great extent. But the liquor act does not mean pro- hibition by any means. It does not prohibit the manufacture, the importa- ion or the sale of liquor. What it does do is simply to transfer the sale and consumption of liquor from well regu lated. places under the supervision of the license departinent to drug stores, rrivate houses, livery stables' and low dives. A prohibitory law is one which pro- hibits the manufacture, the importa- tion and the sale of intoxicating li quors. The liquor act, if passed, would not do this: ' | Com- | | v Vote No. The present just liquor laws of On- tario are held up to the whole world as models for the control of the liguor traffic. Do not besmirch the fair name of Ontario by enacting a law that would hold the province up to ridicule, Vote No. Will an increase of the use of strong liquors sold in low groggeries (which if it becomes operative wiil foster) promote. the cause of temper- ance ? No. Vote, No, December 4th. WHAT HE REALLY WAS. Chairman of the Conservative Cen- tral Committee. Glen Lover Farm, Nov. 21.--(To the Editor) : In vour comment on my let- ter vesterday, vou were in error in stating that 1 was an agent in a do- minion election. Your statement to that effect, during my campaign, was used against me with effect. I never was an agent at any dominion elec- tion, and know nothing about the dis- tribution of boodle, directly or indir- ectlv. In justice to myself, I feel that vou should put me right in this mat- ter. Yours very truly, D. D. ROGERS. The Whic fellows have looked newspaper fvles and find a little tinction without a difference. Mr, Rog- ers was not the agent in the election referred to, but he was a working agent, and the chief one, as chairman of Sir George Kirkpatrick's central committee. Advertisements may be seen bearing his signature. His denial, is not the kind of evasion that people admire. The nominal agent is usually a pure innoceiit person, kept free of the things in a contest which Mr. Rogers denounced, but the chairman of the central committee is not al ways so fortunate. Mr. Rogers seems to have happily escaped an imminent contact. The Whit's reminder of Mr, Rowers' agency did not hurt him one- hundredth part -as much as his own expressions to men of opposite "par- ties. These people compared notes. up dis- Warrior Woes. Through . damp, cold and exposure many a brave soldier who left his na tive hearth as "fit" as man could be to. ficht for country's honor, has heen "invalided home' because of the vul ture of the battle ground--Rheuma tism. South American Rheumatic Cure will absolutely cure every case of Rheumatism in existence. Relief in Henry Wade.--98 . -------------- Pratt's headache powdprs cure head ache ana "neuralgia, 10c. and 2c, packages. McLeod's drug store. J. B.. Dandeno, M./ a former teacher in Newburgh School, i- now professor of botany in the Agri cultural College of Michigan. 0 GZ, BUY THE GENUINE --MANTFD BY ARRGHRIPE {dollars a pound. See Sn 3 oC Oey OR SAL BY A QRGGISTS, PRICE 30¢. PLR BOTTLL Mrs. Tupman, a prominent lady of Richmond, Va, a. great sufferer with woman's troubles, tells of her cure by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DEAR Mrs. Prxgnay: -- For some years I suffered with backache severe bearing-down pains, leucorrheea, and falling of the womb. I tried many remedies, but nothing gave any positive relief. "I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in June, 1901. When I had taken the first half bottle, I felt a vast im- rovement, and have now taken ten bottles with the result that I feel ike a new woman. When I 'commenced taking the Vegetable Comi- pound I felt all worn out and was fast approaching complete nervous collapse. I weighed only 98 pounds. Now I weigh 109% pounds and am improving every &ay. I gladly testify to the Denefits received.'-- Mrs. R. C. Tupyax, 423 West 30th St., Richmond, Va. 'When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not | believe it would help me" ? \ Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discour= aged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange- ment. of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege= ! table Compound will kelp you just as surely as it has others. ! Mrs. W. H. Pelham, Jr., 108 E. Baker St., Richmond, Va., says: "DEAR Mrs. Dominon--I must cay that I do not believe there is any female medicine to cbmpare with Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Com- pound, and I return to you my heartfelt thanks for | what your medicine has done for me. Before | taking the Vegetable Compound I was so badl Ad off that I thought I could not live much longer. The little work I had to do was a h burden to me. I suffered with irregular | nlenstruation and leucorrheea, which caused an irritation of the parts. I looked like : one who had' consumption, but I do not look like that now, and I owe it all to your wonder- ful medicine. i "I took only six bottles, but it has made me feel like a new person. I thank God that there is such a female helper : as you." . IF} = ~-- WW Be it, therefore, believed by all women who are ill that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they should take. It has stood the test of. time, and it has hundreds of thousands of cures to its credit. Women should consider it unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, Mass., will answer cheers fully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she has just the knowledge that will help your case -- try her to-day -- it costs nothing. - $5000 FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of -- above testimonials, which will proye their abéclute genuineness, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynn, Mass. 7S IRTED 7. IE WE MAY I COME IN? Who ever asks such a question at this store 2 Who ever says : "Am I welcome 2 Somehow at this store everybody feels at home. Everybody is invited here We note with -pieasure the constantly increasing number of folks -who-egard this store as "my store,",. Ou¥ customers are tr ated cour- <* tepusly and fairly, and when they buy things they find they'd ratber not lave, Roding their money back. . a ere's a general feeling of frien lliness for the s'ore, of confidence in its methods as well '3s in its Clothing, and you may be sure that, while we and our helpers may make mistakes, that confi leiice shall never he abused. Fall and Winter Clothing, Haberdashery and Hats are all in and we are at your THE H. B. BIBBY CO'Y,, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. Aluminum was first dis- covered by Woehler, a Ger- man, in 1827. In 1885 Deville, a Frenchman, made it in considerable quantity, At that time it was valued at ninety In 1SS1 only 150 pounds were used in The chief Amerjca. Last year nearly 2,000.000 pounds {use at the present time is in household utensils and for this purpose it easily leads in durability and cleanliness. When you are down Brock street come in and see what we have in this line. McKELVEY & BIRC 69 and 71 Brock Street. : H,