RANGE is the Corner Stone of a Happy Home. Makes cooking a pleasure because it has every known device to ease the work and produce good results. Special features-- broiling and basting doors, asbestos lined and ventilated oven, deep fire-box, '"McClary's Special" duplex grates, sectional features are not found on any other make of range. ? . Makers of the "Sunshine" Furnace and Sold by all enterprising dealers. --- cast-iron linings, etc.--its best Write for catalogue. London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, /8t. John, N.B. "Cornwall" Steel Range 14 Rubbers Ghat Wear And made on new sty- lish lasts, fitting pecfectly the latest shoe shapes. Enough beter than other Rubbers to make you come back for another pair scmetime. This is the weather you n: cd them. Mclemoll's Wonderful Success THH LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. Dg not, be disappointed hy buying cheap imitation mantle burners when you can buy the best. THE KERN BURNER Is made upon honor, and every one guar- anteed, They are made of heavy material, finely finished, equipped with the best. mantles and glassware. : Give the light and save gas. J. W. OLDFI 28 ier. TESTA Dt ATR = DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, ill-flavored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, for 25¢. Try a pound and see. how pleased you will be. Clarified Milk Co., 'Phene 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. Vee RITE aT on Ved st Toa To MEN AND WOMEN. Ure Big @ for unnatural i inflammatic en of us men Pre ocean an, and Bat astrine iit Evans CHEMIQSL Qo, Een oF poisono: \( Scla by 7 express, prepaid, for on OF 3 Bottlon, $2.75. her. E00 rent on aust | a : Ladies were out.in force at the city FOR SALE. { hall on Saturday night. They enjoyed A GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED BUSI | {he debate. \ ness in" flourishing condition ood rea | Bs Nie ine 8 TL . . sons for selling. Apply through Whig For bargains in toilet 'soaps try ice. - Mcleod's drug store. -------- p Never Falls Established pp 28 Years \ HAVE YOU A COUCH ? @% a dose will relieve it. a HAVE YOU A GOLD ? § A tone ove nr Will de Be sure you ask for oe : T10]0s fung Tonic 3 and see vou get it. Try it also for Bronchitis,Asthma Influenza Whooping Cough Consumption Prepared bv OWBRIDGE Ji Tor Severe Asthma and Bronchitis "For severe asthma affections, and bronchial | i combined with much 'cough- ping, it has immediately given relief, | when all other remedies have failed." | Charles F, Forshaw, D.D.S., Brad- | ford. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNSIGHTLY THAN TO SEE A PERSON WITH THEIR FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES? IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNCOMFORTABLE AND PAINFUL THAN TO HAVE BOILS? BAD BLOOD Is the Cause of Boils and Pimples. Bad Blood can be Cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr, Wm. O'Mallay, Mudawaska, Ont., writes: --I used to be terribly bothered with boils' and pimples, caused by bad blood and run-down system. I'took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it made my skin nice and clear, and built' up my constitution. Any person using it will never be bothered with skin diseases. The Late Mrs. A. G. Davey. At about 12.30 p.m. on November 10th, Ellen Eliza Davey, nee Ella Wal- ker; of Enterprise," passed quietly to rest from toils and cares otf this world, to 'her place amone the angels, She was thirty-eight years of'age and had: been a member @L the Methodist church here for over iv nie vears, During her earlier life, shortly before her marriage and for a short time af ter her marriage she was a faithiul | worker in both the chur hand Sun. lay school. She jeaves. a husband and four small children, two boys and two ji ¢ivls,- to mourn her loss, | merous friends and acquaintances, She | was universally liked by all who knew | besides So I guaranties my Latest 'Method SoeOrbS AD DAG INE or Sor Sonal sbsor! s also all drains, thereby stving ro Trea! |ervousness, weal Youneed pay nothing until been established. This shoul Las (alied 30 cure you, call or write placed me as the foremost specialist of those who cannot call. BOOK from Windsor, Can. All duty and express CTURE tment t0 be » permanent and positive cure for trioture, without cutting, stretching or loss of time. on, equalises circulation, stops pains inthe grolus, © organs their proper nutrition, vi' alizes the partsand re- stores lost powers; in Stricture is absorbs the kness, backache, etc., while in ali prostatio troublss It is the treat ment oar excellence. So positive am I that my treatments wil, cure you, yeu ean ~ - PAY WHEN CURED are convinced that a (borough nd complete cure bas conviaco you thas [ have confidence Treatment, otherwise I could not make you this proposition. It wakes no diJereuce why ? { Each Time You Call You See wie Personally, Oreach time you write i$ receives my personal attention. The ramber of yesrs I am established in Detrols, and the cures [ accomplished afier given up by other doctors, bas the country. OONBULYA TION FREE. write [or blank for biank for home treatment. i FI Al medicines for Cavadiap pat charges prepaid. .DR.O3OLDBERQ, °° \vOoPWASD AVE. In Varicocele is tricture tissue, st ps smarting sensation, inmy Y.atest Methoo Call or Perfect sysicin ol Lowe 1 D. wiLCOX ov. Notbing sen: CO. OQ. THE DAlLY FHE CHURCHES. THE WORKMEN WENT TO BETHEL CHURCH And Heard An Able Discourse -- Prohibition a 'Topic in Churches--Dean. Norton at St. George's. .On Sunday 2xorning the United Workmen of the city attended divine service at Bethel Congregational church. There was a splendid turnout of the members, including about 150 men, who occupied the centre pews oi the church. The pastor, Rev. D. N. Morden, welcomed them on behalf of the officials and congregation of the church. He reviewed the history of the order, and commented favorably upon the good work it had done and was still doing. The preacher's able sermon that followed, was based upon the text : "God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of Christ."" He laid especial © emphasis on principle that the cross represented self-sac- rifice--the living for other's good: The A.O.UW. was an illustration o. this principle that meant so much for mankind, They existed that they might help their brethren. Special music was prepared for the occasion. A quar- tette, composed of Messrs, Arthur El- I;s, Mr. Robertson, of Queen's College, Sergt. Grey and A. D. Nelson, of . St. Paul's church choir, rendered two sel- ections which were much appreciated. -- St. George's Cathedral. The preacher at matins at St. George's cathedral on Sunday was Ven. Archdeacon Norton, Montreal, his text being Numbers xxiii, 6, "What hath God wrought." The speaker dwelt upon the fact of the Sunday be- ing the last in the church's year, anc upon the many blessings which hav come in the year about gone. The close of the war, honorable peace, the restoration to health to Kino Edward, who was proving a sovercign no mean rival to his mother. We should recognize the fact that these blessings and our liberty and just administra tion, were from God, and render hin the thanks of noble Christian lives. At evensong, the Lord Bishop of On tario preached eloquently from Can ticles ii, 16, "My Beloved is mine and I am His." Of the numerous songs of Solomon, only this beauti ful one is preserved.to us. It lis called the song of songs, and is no mere love song, but is 'typical of the relation ship of Christ and His church. The bis hop divided the text into two parts the first showing the relationship o Christ to the individual and to the church, the latter half showing the relationship of the church. and the in dividual to Christ. The preacher ela borated both these points. great Prohibition Day. Yesterday was prohibition dav 1 the First Baptist church, The temper- ance lesson was taken up during the Sunday school hour, and at the re-as sembling of the school, Dr. Anglin present by special invitation, gave very interesting talk on the "Phvsio logical Aspect of the Prohibitior Question." Then follcwed a brief pro gramme of prohibition exercises, Ther was a recitation by Master Jack Dick son, a song by Master Harold Single ton. a reading by Miss Abell, a chor- us by the school, and a_ telling pro hibition cartoon in chalk by Mis: Jean Laing. In the evening, the pastor spoke strongly in favor of the Liquor Act o 1902. He pointed out the oblicatiol resting upon every voter to exercise his franchise on the present occasion The electorate, said Mr. Laing is the power behind the government, Ii Ii our government makes our laws, wi make the government. It is now om privilege to say whether the saloo with its attendant evils shall be con tinued or not. As Christian men wi owe. it to our country, to our fellow citizens, to 'the homes of our province to ourselves and to our Saviour, tc banish the bar-room evil, by marking our ballots in the "Yes" column or Dec. 1th. Church Paragraphs. The venerable Archdeacon of Mont veal will preach in St. James' churcl next Sunday morning. - Rev. Prof. Macnaughton pFeached ir St. Andrew's church on) Sunday morn ing, and. Rev. Prof. Ferguson in th evening. A week of praver has been arranged to be held in St. George's cathedral during next week. Services will be hel each evening. During the offertory at service in St. James" church last. evening Miss B. Tandy rendered in good voice and Allitsen's beautiful solo. "Like as The Heart Desireth." In St. John's church, Portsmopth last evening, Retv..J. O. Crisp preach ed a sermon in favor of prohibition, sweet effect . ------ "Kennedy with much taste and feeling. 4 b WHIG, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 24 which he thought it would be well to try. Rev. Mr. Macgillivray, of Chalmers church, is preaching a series of Sun- day evening sermons on "The Spirit of the Age in Relation to Religion." The half yearly committee meetings of Ontario diocese begin this evening by the meeting of the dignified rural Eight committees deans. meet on Tuesday, and seven om Wednesdav, with the executive committee on |_ Thursday morning, followed ,by a quiet day-and-a-half for the clergy, in preparation for' the advent week of | prayer. | Sunday, being the last after Penti- | cost, was observed in St. Mary's ca- thedral. High mass was celebrated by | Rev. Father Maguire. The sermon was | preached by the Rev. Father Kehoe. and the choir rendered the mass of the Sacred Heart in a very pleasing manner, the several solos being taken ! by Misses Murphy, McCabe and Mr. | CANADA IS EIGHTH. Dominlien's Status in the World's Marine . Shown by Figures. Canada stands eighth in point of ownership of vessel tonnage among the nations of the carth. leading Spain, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, areece, Japan, Turkey, and other countries. As of yore, Britain heads the list, the United States being se- cond, then Germany, Norway, France, Italy, Russia, and Canada, The comparative figures are as fol- lows: -- Total net tonnage. English, Including Canada and the colonics 10,304,33 American . + 2, German ...... .. Norwegian French itallan . Russian .. Canadian spanish ..... Swedish .... Dutch .... Danish Grecian ... Tapanege .... These figures are given in the an- nual shipping report of the Marine Department, issued recently. The re- | port shows that the total number of | vessels remaining on the register { books of the*Tominion, on the 31st December, 1901, including old and | | | | { new vessels, sailing vessels. 'steamers and barges was 6,792, measuring 664,483 tons register tonnage, .bheing | an increase of 57 vessels, and an in- crease of 4,949 tons register, as com- | pared with 1900. The number of | steamers on the registry books on the same date was 2,177, with a gross tonnage of 297,421 tons. As- | per ton, the value of the registered | tonnage of Canada, on the 31st De- | | suming the average value to be $30 | { | cember last, would be $19,934,490. The number of new vessels built and registered in the Dominion of | Canada, during the last year Was 335, measuring 31,481 #bns register | tonnage. Estimating the value of | the new tonnage at $45 per ton, it gives a total value of $1,551,645 for | new vessels, i By provinces the record stands:-- | Sailing Steam- Steamer Vessel ships ers. ton'ge. ton'ge. | N. Brunswick 015 126 10,303 75,293 Nova Scotia ..1,080 1353 17,764 214,560 Quebec .. .. 351 3,8 4 | Ontario .. L635 1,076 P. B. Island .. 180 21 Brit. Columbia 676 351 Manitoba. . 130 88 Yukon .. seu. «11 11 Totals .. ...6792 2,177 298,421 664,813 PEALE IN SOUTH AFRICA. . Ring softly, bells; life blooms from death | to-day; i Your notes remind sad hearts of lonely graves On furrowed fields of battle far away. { That mutely say: * Tig sacrifice that saves." - Then softly sing on thle calm sungmer eir, Mig "falling bloom, where fruits will soon appear; Tell of the ceasing of war's bugle blare, And victories ,of peace, sublime and near. | Ring softly, bells; good comes trough tofl and tears; . The heritage we claim of Freedom's dower Is frultage of the struggle of long years, Born of the dying throes of cherished power, And 80 In fields now ploughed by cruel war More splendid fruits than e'er those | lands could show ! Will prove that not the greatest {ll by far ' Is brave surrender to a worthy foe. | Ring softly, bells, a sacred Sabbath lay, From lofty turret and from temple tower; | Your notes foretell the coming of that day 'When truth and grace shail wield impe- rial power; When Justice, Rand, Shall*o'er the world extend her boundless with her even scales In | sway, While Mercy's wings, outspread o'er every ~ land, Shall herald In the world's milennjal day. Toronto. 1062 W, H. Porter. -------------- Dennie' Farney, clerk in the British- American hotel, is in Cobourg, at- tending the funeral of a friend. . Sleighing was enjoyed in Kingston m November 27th, 1901. Will the | same condition exist this year? i gi. in', ain's it? Dis secicide's postp } | 'Desperate Dave at Cape Vincent, N .Y.--Lemme %ece, Thursday's T'anks- oned fxr a iow days! . / | tour of inspection, has returned | HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREET | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH: i | ARTHUR ~ ELLIS, | sitively cures all troubles arising from weak or diseased kidney : sufferer is not relieved and improved | ent cures. | Lacgest and best equipment in Canada DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing - Escapes At- tention. bi . A new baptismal font is being built in comnection with Christ church, Clayton, N.Y. 2, Lieut. Mills, "A" field battery, on a and resuntied his duties. The Williamsville street car has been taken off that branch of the road for the winter months. Richard Chown and Harold Ainslev, Napanee, spent Sunday and Monday at their homes in this city. Thursday night next the members of Court Earl Roberts, 10.F., will conduct a quadrille party in the Whig hall. A pleasant dance was held in the Whig hall Saturday night by. a num- ber of students of Queen's and their lady friends. William Davey, Barri¢field, emploved at Pembroke all summer in improving the town's streets and walks, has re turned home, : F. L. Guillam;" who has been visit- ing his brother, Prof. Guillam, of the School of Mining, left on Satur- day for Germany. . Queen's junior year in arts has de- cided to hold no social function this session on account of the death of Principal Grant. . The election trial in Addington against the return of M. Avery, M. P., will go on. It will be heard at Napanee, at an early date. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock etreet, has received ai! his fall importations for order work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- ed and a large assortment to choose from. For low price and durability ha defies competition. TO-LET. 4O0D ' FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH © without board, 101 Queen atreat, 8 FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, with modern conveniences, at 191 University Aveaue. 43 KING STRERY, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY situated, fucing the Harbor. Rent $240 ad Som. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers 1 0. between Bagot and Rideau streets; also stable and sheds in rear. Apply 46 Wil- liam street. i ------------------------------------ 115 STUART STREET, 9 ROOMS: HOT water heating; Also other dwellings, stores and oflices. J. 8. R. McCann, &1 Brock St. STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. 111 Brock street, with refrigerator, fia tures, etc., for pork and meat trade. Ap pl to Johm McKay, Jr.,. 151 Brock UNDERTAKERS. A Ty TY. F. HARRISON CC., UNDERTAKERS, 283-235 Princess 'Street. Quality ana eficiency the best. Prices the lowest 'Phones--Warerooms, = 90. Night Calls-- Te Harrison, 8) 4 8. 8S. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 i Successor to Princess Street, W. WM. Drecunan. ARCHITECTS. | = | WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, ! #econd over --Mahood's - Drug 8tore, oorner Princess and Bagot strests. Ea trance oa Bagot street. onw' Bank Building, corner Brook and Wellington streets. _ 'Phome 212. OFFICE corner of ARCHITECT, site of New Drill Hall, near Queen and Montreal Streets. ETC HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, x "Phene Asie Building, Market Square, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Company. Availablo Resets, $61,187,215. n addition to which the polioy holders have for security the un- imited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and Citv Property imsured at lowest possible rates. Before resbwing old or giving new budinesa get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE UR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county debentures. Apply to 8S. GC. McGILL., manager Erontenae Loan and Investment Societv. Oifice op posite the Post Office. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from one thousand to ten thous and dollars. For particulars apnlv a GCDWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, aver Express Office. Market Sonar A GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY DISFASE We the undersigned druggists are fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 50 cent bottlé of Dr. Pettingill's © Kidney-Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the wyrld. that po- "Monev cheerfully returned if. the after use of one bottle. Three to six bottles. effect astonishing and perman- If not relieved and cured, vou waste no money." HENRY WADE, P*®*§'iLL ion. Ont. G. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, Kingston. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Unegaalied facilities for securing positions. #2) Queen Sires, Kingston. SIND FOR CATALCGUE Confaderation Lile Buildings, Toronto. Stanaard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrheee and Aonings tN 43 HOURS. Cures Ki ney end Biadds» Tiaubles. ao) ROTOR Tr © PACKED IN TETLEY'S BONDED WAREHOU 4 IN OLD LONDON. SES "From ARCIENT INDIA = and SWEET CEYLON. : Prices--$1, 70c., 60c., 50c. and 40c. per 1b. At Yeur Grocers. ARE ALWAYS FRESH AND FRAGRANT. | I | COAL AND WOOD PRODUCE HEAT. E.B.EDDY'S MATCHES CREATE FIRE. The latter is indispensable +4 | | | | | | | Don't ex- periment | to the former. No fire can King Boward with other | be started with so little trouble 009. huni e Headlight 500 god inferior as with an Basie Jooane 1 1 UseEDDY'S EDDY PARLOR MATCH ERAS Comet FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, 44 00000000 0PCI 400000000000 00000 Kingston. 2201990440 T0000 00000090 0000 | | | | | | | | | | { He SN * Refreshing. Invigorating. AY THESE ARE QUALITIES OF OUR JAPAN TEAS. These Teas are the teas used by the Jupa ese and they know good ten. While Blacks are much mors widely used in this country there are always a proportion of our customers who buy Greers. A fair Japan Tea at 20c. per Ib. A good Japan Tea at 26¢. per 1b A fine Japan Tea at 80c per lb. A choice Japan Ten at 40a. per 1b A Very Choice Japan Tea at 60¢ per 1b A superb Japan Tea at 60c. per 1b Stroud Bros., ve 109 Princess Street, Kingston. ohn, wk ye a A BIC SILK BARGAIN! LOT (--1200 yards Heavy Plain Color Corded Bengaline Silk; colors, pearl grey, old rose, rose pink, sky blue, navy blue, bright navy, turquois, cardinal, brown, purple, helio and black; the regular value is $1 a yard, 2 Sale Price 39c yd. LOT 21400 yards Plain Color Noviteau Checked Bengaline Silk; colors, white, cardinal, brown, navy, castor and black; this line is a ready seller at 75¢c; Your choice while in lasts oa} 39c yd. LOT 3--500 yards Light Color Shadow Dresden Silk, suitable for dresses, waists or drapery; every yard worth 75¢C. Your choice now for 39c yc. LOT &--jo0 yards Fancy Persian Pattern Satin, suitable for trimming or evening waist; in good demand by all milliners this season at 75c. Sale Price now, 25c¢ yd. The above lines are all this season's goods, new, bright and ever so pretty. A few days ago we secured the lot from a wholesale silk house at a great bargain, and now share our profit in this wonderful bargain with our patrons. a Big Silk Bargains For a Few Days at : ~The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | .ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET. KINGSTON. "CRY WAR, WAR!" Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tariff and made in Canada, means something. THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, Babbit, Lead Pipe helps toward that end. One thought in all lines-- "PERFECTION." % 2 SL CANADA METAL ¢O., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. 3 ~~ CRUMLEY BROS.