69TH YEAR. NO. 275 KINGSTON; ONTARIO, TUESDAY DAILY BRITIS NOVEMBER 25, 1902. sess Yi NOW IS THE TIME. Special inducements to buyers to reduce our present stock of High grade BEDROOM SETS. iS set, for 875. set, for $65. set, for $35. Polished Golden Oak, Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom sideboard, lehoard, Polished Golden Oak, for $5 $55 Sideboard, Polished Golden Oak, for $45. Others ranging as low as $6.50. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess Street. WHA1 WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN DO FOR YOU. We have helped many people se- lect, just the Silver Piece, Ring or Watch they were looking for, and have given them only the best. Our Cut Glass and Sterling Pieces are attractive, which we take pleasure in showing. SMITH BROS. OPTICIANS and JEWELERS. Sterling Novelties. The Place to Buy Gas and Electric Fix- tures is at Breck & Halliday's. finest stock between Mon treal and Torouto. A visit to our show rooms will reveal this fact, and everv citi zen will be cordially welcomed. They carrv the eer. BRECK & HALLID Imported Worsted i Trouserings . I Princess Street. * CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS. BY JOHN H. MILLS. Sale of Cattle Without Reserve. I WiLL SELL AT -FARM OF 0. Mc- Michael, n-th villavw. of Cataraqui, ON WEDNLSDAY, 26th. the following :--15 head 3 vear IBull, 3 s ol; 4 vearkings i calves: mower, plough, machine, $312: y wd dther goods. at 1 st under $10 cash, over on "approved endorsed notes = olds; row brick st Sale on month's at 6 pero interest JOHN H. WHO IS YOUR AUTCIONEER ? W. MURRAY, Jr. MILLS; Auctioneer. Is serving nearly every bodv mow in that line. He has a reputation for good sales' prompt returns and satisfactory settlements You will he monev in pocket bv employing W. MURRAY, Jr. [OT WAIT TILL WINTER Before vou think of gltting your sleighs and outters ready for the first sicigh drive. Itave them made ready now. Winter will come with a rush shortly. Send them to us and get them painted, trimmedand repaired We are also prepared to store through the wiriter all kiuds _ of carriages 'and vehicles, Lots of room. Call: and swe ua W. G.'FROST, Carrlage Painter, 402 King Street East. LOST. LAST EVENING A LADIES' GOLD WATCH with biue 1 wiw 1 King and Sydenham streets, or or on Bagot streets or Uity Keward tor its 'return to this STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM 81 EARL STREET BLACK cocker puopic der ease return Anvones harboring after this notice will be prosec ted AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD Goon ROOMS also table board. May be hal at Mrs Bredon's, 24 Stuart street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO roms, wit modern convenien tral. not far from Citv and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of irom three to fiva, 193 Farl atrest 1 handle a needle L tish © LOCAL MEMORANDA. . -- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell Bros. for furs. ihis is St. Catharine's 3 and concert St. 8 p.m. ' day. Paul's school but it is still 11 Le wicked, fashionable. Auct:on sale of a.an., Wednesday. The sun rises Wednesday at 7:08 a.m. Clarendon Hotel, and scts at 4.25 p.m. The faster a man is' the slower he is about paying his debt Luck is a mighty uncertain thing to sit around and wait for. Sale of cattie by Mills, near Catara- qui, Wednesday, at 1 p.m. stock at 0. XMcMichael's, Wednesday Sale of Cataraqui, 1 pn, Ureditors of Hyman Alramson meet, office of W. Mundell, 3 p.m, Wednesday. It wiil do no man any good "to love a woman unless he keeps on telling her so Sale churcin and evening Mission board, Ontario diocese, 10.30 a.m.: general mission committee, 8 p.m., Wednesday. Lots things that a man alout a woman he {finds out by dent--accident to her. A woman handlés a as much cleverness as a and thread the world's history : Bri- defeat. Boers at Kustin, 1899: Can- adian boundry treaty signed at Halifax, 1817: Paul Kruger reaches Pars in flight irom' South Airica, 1000; Isaac Watts, hvin writer, di final partition of Poland, 1 William of Normandy drowned, 1120. refreshments in St. Paul's this afternoon and schoolroom, discovers acci- with rood story would bear This day in DINNER SETS. We have a handsome variely of every shade and color, beautiful sets from $5 up. Don't fail to see them. ROBERTSON BROS. SATURDAY, NOV. 29 Afternoon at 2:30. Evening at 8. he Greatest of all Melodramas THE SPAN OF LIFE With the World's Premier Acrobats, TRE DONAZETTAS, FORMING THE HUMAN BRIDGE. Six Years" Consceutive Suc 5 Popular prices--Eyening, he 25¢ 85¢., HOC. ; Matinee, 15¢. and 25c. Seals on sale at Hanley's. OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) Are particularly suitable for wedding and birthday gifts. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. KIRKPATRICK'S ART - STARE. AUCTION SALE. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE OWN: or that valuable and woll-known tavern, "THE CLARENDGN HOUSE," Brock street, Kingston, will be soid by the undersigned on the premises, on WEDNES- DAY, the 26th day: of November, at 11 a.m. The lot is 224 feet by 66, and there is a nght of way ck streev to rear. There pwill be one reserved bid. Terms and conditio lo known at time of sale. lwmmediawe po ion. WM. MURRAY, JR. Auctioneer. Nov. 7th, 1902. * FORESTERS, ATTENTICN | A UNION MEETING OF ALL ME M- biry, of tue several 1OF. Courts in the city" wilt be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 26th, at 8 o'clock, at the Y.M.C.A. roon tor the purpose ot instruction. JOIN HERA Her » ~ NOTICE. THE PERSON WHO TOOK COLLME dog from 85 Frontenac street is known, fhe saiae must be rewurnda wo wvoud fur- ther role r { * OJ FILOATE: SEERING His WIFE. Left Deseronto in Company With 1. a Strange M On Monday night the police were ap pri ed by telephone message row ite seronto of the disappearance irom there of a Mrs. Sager; they were ask- ed to keep a look out | ww the woman. PNTOR Dic i Hay public i holding no aD « professional rtificate a man, Secley s Bay. aki Lai ( SARND PER HOSE. AFRESH YARN Ime Why The Kaiser Visited The King TO HUSH IT UP. THE GORE TRAGEDY WILL BE CLOSETED. Wireless Messages to Flash Be- tween the King and the Gov- ernor-General Very Soon--Dis- cussing the Sugar Bounties in Parliament. London, Nov. 25.--A story, which gains no creaence, is current here that the kaiser's . visit to "England was made for the purpose of endeavoring to secure Great Britain's consent to the acquisition oi the Danish West In- dies by Germany, and the support of England in the war which would fol- low the breach of the Monroe doc trine. According to the yarn, King Edward declined to be a party to the deal. y A dispatch to the Chronicle, from Paris, says that the opinion prevails among Americans that the Gore tra gedy may be hushed up owing to the amily influences of Rydzenski, whose uncle and other relatives are in the service of the czar's househola. It stated that Grand Duke Alexis using his influence in favor of Rydzcn ski. John H. Heaton, M.P., in constant communication with Signor Marconi, in Nova Scotia, experimenting with hs system of wireless telegraphy, said last evening, that the wireless telegraph was almost ready. King Edward and the postmaster-general are to hear within a few hours from arl Minto, governor-general of Can ada. Arrangements for the transmis sion of these messages have been practically completed. T. L. Shaw, liberal member for Ha- wich Burghs, contended that the West indies would be robbed of their best customers, Russia and the United States, because the countervailing du- ties would have to be enforced against them. Mr. Chamberlain intervened in an incisive, closely reasoned speech, in which he appealed to the national sense of honor in support of the Brus- convention. It was a measure of justice to the West Indies, and the fis- cal policy of Britain must be worked out without reference to foreign coun- tries. The proceedings were brought to a close after some cross-voting, by a majority for the government. . The apparently indifferent attitude with which colonial interests are re- garded by Sir William Harcourt and other liberals is not justified by the statistics of trade "for the past nine months. These disclose an inercase of over £10,000,000 sterling in exports to the colonies and a decrease of £20, is 000,000 to countries. Since 1900 the exports to Canada alone have increased hy, £2,000,(040), while the losses in trade with Germany, Ja- pan, France and Argentine have been wiped out by gains in exports to the United States. The debate on the sugar bounties convention was a dull performance. werald Balfour, who proposed the re solution committing the house to measures for rendeiing the Brussels convention effective by means of coun- tervailing duties, contended that the aholition of sucar bounties would be a step inthe «dhirection of free trade, and the government . benches cheered Fim in a perfunctory way with their tongues in. their checks, for Cobden- ism long ago ceased to interest them. Sir William Harcourt on the" other hanl, made, a thumping argument against this' fre¢ trade measure, and John Morley and other Cobdenite doc- trinaries 'warmly applauded, It was a fantastic-masauerade--in-which-men-on- cach side of the house séemed to have stolen each. other's clothes. Sir Wil liam Harcourt's argument turned up- on the cheapness of the workingman's marmalade and jam and demonstrated that bounties micht be had for those | who taxed themselves in order to cheapen sugar in the English market, vet mivht also he.good for those pro fiting in them. He declined to eonsid- or small an interest as that of West Indian planters and charged the government with aiding=>to close the door which had been open for sugar «old below the cost' of production and handing over the key to a European svnlicate or trust, which wa#& openly plotting against British commerce. Mr. Chamberlain met with hearty greetings from the entire house ves terday in his final appearance before denarting for South Afgica. Heo was evidently touched by the warmth and sincerity of the reception. Such de- monstrations of resheet were markedly vith the rather theatrical 0 JOHN DILLON WORSE. Irish M.P. Had a Relapse Monday | SS JOHN DILLON. Chicago, 111, Nov. 25.--John Lillon, ri h leader, who hecame ill yester- day at the Grand Pac inc Hotel, suf- fore! a relapse last night. While his ns say there is litle likelihood condizion wil become alarm- at an- physi i that ing they are in tendance upon him, as they fear turn for the worse. Lilon's engagemn 8 to speak almost constant oti er Mr. in Canala have Leen cancelled. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Proctor Moore, of Carleton Place, was found dead in a railway culvert at Smith's Falls. Mines, governor of Havana ws Cuba is not hostile to 'tates. hinge fifteen pounds was Alexander Mon- Gein. prosiuce, the Unijted A child we born to Mr. and Mrs, roe, Watertown, N.Y. iwansas City police stopped a ficht which was to take place Thanks. i. ing evening. : Joseph Wilcon. a well-known engi neer, of Philadelphia, died suddenly, on Monday, aged sixty-four, Toronto retail merchants will peti- tion the minister of inland revenue to set a standard for vinegar., B. Flint was sworn-in as clerk of the House of Commons, and entered upon his duties on Monday. Mrs. Lydia Grippen, aged 101 wears, the oldest woman in Saratoga coun- ty, N.Y., ix dead at Corinth. Charles Morrison, Woodstock, been appointed assistant private sée- retary to Hon. James Sutherland. The students of the Hanoverian Uni- versity, Prussia, have decidéa not to yt any. of (he Rhodes scholar- ships. A Centralia, Mo.. young woman lay in a trance for fifty-six days after a quarrel with her lover. She cannot be awakened. Stephen Wilson, homestead inspector, cession for divorce from his wile, chacl Wilson. On good authority, it is stated, that the railway companies have abandon ed the proposal for general advance in freight rates. The miners and operators may reach bull- on has Red Deer, Alberta, will apply next Ra- HW a successful settlement of their, trou- bles without the intervention of the president's commission. Sir William MacDonald, Montreal, has given an additional $25,000 to- wards the MacDonald Institute at the Ontario cultural College, Guelph. Prof. Clark, oi -- Northwestern Uni- versity, sa any unskilled American workman can keep a family in com- fort on £200 per annum, and save money. Felix Herman, a retired carpenter, dufialo, N.Y., died on Monday from injuri's received from hoys plaving football on the street. Une lad has been arrested. Fatal contlicts = between police and Havana, rioters at strikers have taken place in The police dispersed the last. All trades have 'heen' called out in sympathy with the cigarmakers, The Austrian league to combat the white slave trafic will establish bran- ches in all the important towns and frontier stations at Austria and take active means to suppress the traflic. Mrs. Julia Nickson, a pretty young chiropodist of New York, killed her self hy turning on three gas Jets, and rinking Kali an ovnee of prussic acid. iends she was highly emotion- say Herr Krunp's funeral will take place ol hors, A mob went to of Witham the honu Mr. Sacer, husband of the woman, | in contrast was in the police station this morn: [preparations for his departure to-dav. ing conferring with the members of ee 5 the ¢ with reference to the disap a Some gp . ar ¢ of his wife. He informed them BAS QU IT THE COURT. t he was cuployed by the Ratk ty bun company and 'also conducted a Alleged He Had Much Control secon] hand goods stare, Monday alt Over Czar. won he set 1s Wh oh ol { the 1 i re ie i ily ES " Nav. 2 3 i Si fren lk Deseronto, She we nt ahav with \ st ure snys ha} i bility Gl , t ad spiritualist and hypnotist, who, a an ado child, 'but failed to return hy ort. had: remarkable nu ch we back, ; over the czar, left the My rostate it he had been an court in consequence of the told 3 sister the plan ot | vor ntations . made from various Jopement had heen perfected last week, wuar notably the court physician, Tarn ! the fikst | py Ott. Tt" das alliged: that th year took no important Gecision with- | . \ home, but |, " ' Phitiny who advised | returned and was tor- | } maiest re d matters af | ninion that the el } il «wav and ot into® | port. Th | ins 1 ! 1 here of ne | 3 rr i For high livers try 'McLeod's Liver | Bot | pills, 10 per Lotti commons. Prue, Cold Springs. N.Y. to tar and feather him and his housekeeper at tacked the place with hn stones and smashed every window door in the house. A fasilade o ts was fired and. Prue fell in the neck and cone 1 st ov tim "is in a critical condition. Whole arrests are catened Martial Law Declared. Ruenos Avres, Nov.e25. As 'a result of the striles whi h have broken ont the oo wnt his is<tied a decree « tahlish ir tial law in this eitv and throuy the rwovinee of Duenos it Avres and Santa Fe. STRUCK OIL from the little old house in Berlin, where his father livea in poverty. while striving to cast the first steel oun. Kaiser William will attend. The vast estates go to his widow. William Webster, Perry, N.Y. marn- ed four months avo, shot himself oun Sunday. hecans wife refused to go ne with him om her father's house. After embracing her he drew a revolver and fired the fatal shot. Walter Morshea + London lawyer, now a United ates' (i ian, has brought suit aca t the Puntington estate to recover SHM OD O00. alleged : : FC : to have been 2h it from the Al Central Pacite railroads by Huntiog anil, Stanford: and oth» And Right In The Town Of Chatham ARE EXCITED OVER THE FINE FLOW OF CRUDE OIL. A Well Capped Four Years Ago Has Been Opened and With the Very Best Success--People Are Going Wild Over the Oil Pros- pects. Chatham, Ont., Nov. 25.--The ex- citement under which this part of the country has been laboring. since the recent discovery of oil in Raleigh reached fever heat here, vesterday, when the cap of a well, which was sunk in the centre of the business por- tion of the city, four years ago, for gas, but which revealed neither gas or. water was removed and the well was found to be full of oil to within «ix feet of the surface of the. ground. Pumping of the well showed a steady flow of oil and arrangements are be- ing made to explore the find. The ef- fect on the city is startling and the price of property here has already taken a big jump. ELECTION TRIALS. Dates Fixed For Hearing Of Re- maining Petitions. Toronto, Nov. 25.~--The election fixed dates for the trial of all cour remaining provincial election trials 'as follows : North York, against Hon. E J. Davis. liberal, at Newmarket, Decem- ber 16th. Sault Ste. Marie, acainst A. Mis- campbell, conservative, at Sault Ste. Marie, January Gth. Kingston acainst Pense, liberal, and North Ontario, against Hoyle, con- servative were fixed for Toronto, De. cember 13th, which means they will be dropped. The petition against H. Clark, con- servative, in Centre Bruce, remains to be set for trial. REPAIR SHOPS. These Are to be Centred in Strat- ford. Stratford, Ont., Nov. 25.--The man- avement of the Grand Trunk railway has decided to centre in Stratford the chief locomotive repair shops for the ystem in Canada. The work of en: larging the existing buildings will be commenced in: the spring and when completed the present stafi will have to be augmented by some two hund- red or three hundred more workmen. The works at Montreal will be devoted exclusively to the construction of new locomotives. NOT COMPLETED. Eberts Will Not Remain in the Cabinet. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 25.--Col..Prior has not yet --compieted his cabinet, Attorney-General Eberts having, aiter several days' consideration, declined to continue in that position. = Mr. Eberts' portiolio . has been ofiered to Mr. McInnes. The presiaency of the council, it is thought, will be taken by C. W. Clifford, Cassigr. The op- position is preparing to contest Mr. Murphy's seat in West Yale, when he offers for re-election. : 2 Mr. WANT BETTER WAGES. To Ask for Sixty-five Cents Per Hour. Toronto, Nov. 23.--The master plum: bers of the city have decided that the price Hist for steamfittersy gas fitters; and plumbers: shall, hereafter, be at the uniform rate of sixty-five cents an hour, such rate to into effect im- mediately. "This is an advance of fif- teen cents upon the price list that pre- vailed before the strike in the . suni- mer. -------------- To Insure Only Christians. Topeka, . Kansas, Nov. 25,--Rev. C. M.. Sheldon is at the head of a moves ment to establish at Topeka a life in- surance campany that will only write policies on the lives of Christian peo- ple and total abstainers. All the chur- ches. of the United States are to be asked to assist the organization. Rates will be from' ten to twenty per cent lower than in the old line com panics that accept men who drink li quor. Was Interested In Navy. Cologne, Nov. 25. --Commenting on the sudden death of Herr Von Krupp. the Cologne Gazette says that, dur ig the last few vears, the great gun maker, at the suggestion of the kais er interested himseli a gieat deal in val afia The acquisition of the erman do vands, at Niel, was doe not only to busin but also to the personal interest he felt in the development of Germany's naval pow er. reasons, Strange Malady Affects Hogs. Ottawa, Nov, : which ranidiy tacked the swine | the Lawrene, of unaffected animals 1 for of infe A strange maladay wes 'fatal, has at of the sonth shore of numbers St. and large + being slaugh- n Szils From Hglifax. Mant 2%. The Allan lin FRAT I from Halifax mE tht. on Mon no passengers ite gd eighty four PLAN TO AID IRELAND. Earl of Dudley Suggests Scheme to Help People. Belfast, 'Nov. 25.--1he Earl of Dud- lev. on an official visit here, said, in reply © to welcome that: he had come to Ireland with the same spirit of impartial inquiry that animated Mr. Chamberlain in going to South Africa. The Irish viceroy, proceeding then to deal with the land question as the crux oi the Irish problem, sug- gested that 4 sort of round table con- ference of representatives of land- lords, tenants and other interests in Ireland should be held to endeavor to arrive at a mutual understanding ana possibly some scheme for the good of Ireland and the increased happiness of her people. Plan of National Councils. London. Nov. 25.--The Daily News, in connection with the speech made by the Karl of Dudley, publishes a report thai the government. intends to deal with the relations of Dublin Castle to the Irish administration and that it is considering a project which is not ais- similar to Colonial Secretary Cham- berlain's plan of national councils. ---- MADE APPOINTMENT. -- Patronage Will Be Exercised By Two Ministers. Montreal, Nov. 25.--In the course of an addiess, at the opening meeting of the hyele tion campaign, in Maison- neuve, Hon. Raymond Prefontaine an- nounce | that a commi-sicn would be appointed in a few days to decide up on a site for a dry-dock in the east end of Montreal; that he and Hon. Mr. Rernier wonll exercise the patronage of the public works of the province, and that Hon. James Sutherland had just ivformed him, hy telegraph, that Pail Merciar would be appointed resi- dent engineer in this provinee for the de; artment of public works. DR. M'INNES TO RUN. He is Ex-Lieut-Gov. of British Columbia. > Vancouver, B.C., Noy, 25.--Fire, yes- terday afternoon, destroyed two dry Lilas Yilled with lumber at the Royal City Miils here. The mill and sash, and door factory were saved with dif- ficrlty. Los:, $14,000; iasdred. Dr. Mclnnes, ex-licutenant-zovernor of British Columlia, announ'es_ that he will be an indepenient candidate for the seat in the commons, made va- cant by the death of George R. Max- wel. ------ On a Run With Hounds. Montreal. Nov. 25.--The Karl of Minto. accompanied by the male mem bers of his suite, is taking his second run with the hounds to-day, escorted by a number of the members of he Montreal hunt club. . The party took train for Pointe Claire this mornine. from whence they proceeded to lle Biseard. -- News Not So- Favorable. Paris, Nov. 25.--A despatch to the Petit Journal, from Toulon, says the latest news from Tetuan, Morocco, in recard to the uprising of Kabyles is not so favorable. The warships 'oth- uan and Chauzy will be completely equipped tosday and held in readiness to sail at 'a moment's notice. Explosion In Embassy. Rome, Nov. -25.--There was a vio- lent gas explosion in the British em bassy here yesterday. The entire build ing was shaken and much china ana glassware was broken. Three workmen were injured. New Dried Fruit. California apricots, © prunes and pettth os, "Syria figs, Peraan dates, Texas pecan nuts and Brazil nuts, at Carnoivsky's. -------- combers association, Bradford, Kng- land, has issued a circular announcing a suspension of payment. The asso in tion _has a capital of $10,000,000, The association owes S300,000, covered hy hook accounts. The sum comprises forty-one distinct firms. Rev." Mr. Leitch was inducted into the pastorate of St. Paul's Presbhyter jun church at Madoe, Tuesday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Mackenzie preached the sermon, Rev. . Mr. Wilkins addressed the minister, and Rev. Mr. Burns the people. " The celebrated Russian scholar and historian," Prof. ~Mitjukefi; has been centencerd to six months' solitary con finement on a diet of bread and water for suspected sympathy with mal on tent students: Robert Nevius, Jasper, is busily en baved in the poultry trade. DP." Burns & Co. Nelson, R.C., "want him- to buy fourteen carloads of poultry. Mrs. W, A. Imour, Brockville, has received a telegram, conveying the sad news that her sister, Mrs. Islets, Mon treal. died on Sunday. 25 1's. best granvlated sugar, 31, at Mullins, The Havana « {ears are runbing to-day without 'intérruption. No fu thet di turbance has Len reporied. AN HONEST DOCTOR. Editor : 1f any of your readers sui Jer from sexual weakness resulting irom vouthiul. folly, premature loss of strength and memory, weak back, varicocele or emaciation, my Latest Method "Treatment will cure them, So positive am 1 that it is an infallibl: cure, that nothing need be pala until "the cure is eficcted; this is certainly a fair proposition, for if 1 had anv donbte as to its eflicacv, 1 could no make this ofier for patients to pa when cured. li makes no differcice who has failed to cure them, let then write me. and | will send my book and blank for home treatment free. Thev ean aadress me in confidences Dr. Goldberg, Dept. M., 208 Wood The directors of the Yorkshire wool. Toronto, Ont.. Nov. 25th, (10.a.m.)-- Fair and cold to-day. Wednesday, strong north-east tp north local SPECIALS EVERY DAY SHOPPERS STEACY'S Kid Cloves- Black and every fashionable color. See bur spe ciuls, 75¢., $1, $1.25 pair. Sable Ruffs--Iixtra values, best quality shins, $10, $13, SIN, $22. New Winter Coats--Just to hand, $5, $7, $10, $12. New Handkerchicfs--1,000 dozen dainty styles, extra values, 10c., 15¢c., 20e., bc. I ------------e For eyerything new and up-to- date in stock. dry-goods inspect our BORN. Brockville, Nov. 23rd, MULDOON--At to mr. and Mrs. J. ki. Muldoon, a son. MARRIED. FREELAND-BELL--AL Kingston, on Nov. 24th, by Rev. Alexander Laird, Hilton Gladstone Freeland, of Toron- to." to Hannah, daughter of-the late Alexander Bell, of Peterboro. CATARAQUI WARD. Cataraqui ward are All electors of opposed to the Referendum cordially invited to attend a meet- ing to be held at the comunittee corner Princess and Mon- treal streets, WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Vote NO on the 4th PALMISTRY. WOOD, THE QUEEN OF be at Randolvh Hotel a jew days. Her ability to read secrets and thougits will surprise you. Une Cal will convince, . 2 rooms, MADAME Palmists, will Canadian Banking. Joston News Bureau. The most interesting sign of the times from Canada is the proposed:in- in her bank capital. If Eng lishmen--who--view --with--such distrust imancial expansion will but look a lit- tle nearer home, they willl see a growth or expansion which places that of the United States quite in the <hade. Six million of people in Cana- da now have bank' deposits of four hundred and fifty million dollars, a vain of two hundred million dollars in five. years. Canada may well challenge the world to match it. : ---------- Several Pelleville merchants wero <windled by the bogus cheque man, crease FO We Bw {In Preparing for Christmas | We place orders for months ahead. even be- fore we decided to move to Montreal. The goods have ar- rived and must be sold at once. : : The prices are so low that nothing in Canada can compete. Cut prices for cash. Goods may be select- ed for future delivery. i ' ' AC. JOHNSTON & BRO. ' ' ' ¢ ' ' ¢ t ' ¢ ' ' ' ' ' $ ' ¢ JEWELERS » ward- Ave., Detroit, Mich. winds, cold with snow falls. i ¥