THE DAILY WHIG. TUES Av. NOVEMBER 25 Angier's Petroleum Emulsion aids diges- tion, improves nutri- tion, and' increases weight and strength. It is pleasant to take, and agrees with the . Thousands of well-fed: people cannot digest and assimilate their food. They therefore get insufficient nourishment, and are slowly starving: Angier's Petroleum Bos sion with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soa is for such. It helps digest and assimilate the food, cleanses the stomach and bowels, improves nutri- tion, tones up and invigorates the entire system and thus Increases health, weight and strength. Physicians pre- scribe it for' persons who are recovering from any illness that has left them in a weak, "run-down" condition. Get a small bottle, take according to directions and watch re. sults. reyes amepeason le wld by getting Angier's, Large size, $1.00. Small, soc. ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S. 4A. ------------------ ee If you would know the luxury, ease and calming consciousness of being well dres- sed wear 66 2" Shirts They are the leaders in Fit, Finish and Fash- ion. Look for this name Inside the Collar, For sale at all best dealers. Thousands of Women Are Kept, in Suffering and Many Die Owing fo False Trealment, PAINE'S CE.ERY ~~ COMPOUND ~Never-Fails to Banish Disease i and Re-establish Last- | | ing Health, f / Tho fsands Lept owil ol wollen are steknecgs for months and years to the false treatment and the use of wort less medicines, and we are in clinel to believe that Milton. thought | 'of this class of almost dying women | when he said i i PHe : angelic guards ascended, mute and sad." The common sense treatment of to iday for weak, rundown and suliering women, is. Paine's Celery. Compound. Fis marvellous medicine is spoken of 1 the civilized world. find part -of d men and woaien of ofl clas 1 soemed i +d new lite, from its use. A calories ex mple of the curing powers of th reat compound comes from Winnipew, } Man.; Mrs. H. Harbour writes as fol lows : happened to swe one of vonr publica: ! tions¢ -in which T read of others bein . I concluded to try Paine's (Wl { v Compound myseli, and | nou thank God for the wonders it accor | plished for me. I was suffering fn heart disease, Kidney trouble and gon eral weakness, and days wa. | \ some not able to stand without experien- | mg great pain. Singe I used ihe com pound I am able to get about h house and work, and can now et | anything put before me." i B SAHIN! cv | PHOTOGRAPHERS! # & Do you know that ROTOGRAPH Will give 1 differént results than anv other F fe paper ? I will send vou a 4 package 16 x 20 R®&tofeaph Brow . Papir for 3 $1.50 and prepay x args. 48 513 QUEEN ST. w, i TORONTO, CANADIAN AGENT. 3 wr eAPresy IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Blade)» T:eubies. lite men, i "A month ago T was 'very sick and |' IT IS COMPLETE] *™=2=™= [NEWS OF WORLD| p= NO MORE OFFICERS REQUIR- ED JUST NOW Orders From the Militia Depart- ment--An Old Man Found Drowned--Canada Ready to Aid Britain. Ottawa, Nov. 25.--In a militia order to-day, it is notified that application from officers of the Canadian militia for commissions in the 5th Roval Gar- rison Regiment, stationed at Haliiax, cannot be entertained, the establish- | ment of officers of the regiment being | complete. , { leave of absence 'on medical certifi- | cate is granted to Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col.- A. A. Farlev, R.C.GA.. from the 24th until February 24th, 1903. ; Leave of absence with permission to | travel abroad is granted to Lieut. J. S. Tait, 6th Regiment, D. of C. Own Rifles, from the 15th inst. to the 14th March, 1903. The body of James Irvine, an old man, was found in the canal near the Laurier bridge He had been released: from jail two days aco, hay- ing served a term for vagrancy. The supposition id that he fell into! the ca- nal in the dark. Sir Frederick Borden, minister of militia and defence, at a meeting for the purpose of oreanizing an imperial navy league, said that Canada was prepared to do her part in the defen: of the empire, hut the government | would not consent to paying over to | the British admiralty money over | which it had no control. | inst, A GREAT QUESTION. Pastor of Bethel Church Delivers | Temperance Address. On Sunday evening in Bethel church, Rev. D. N. Morden delivered his first | temperance address in this citv. In introducing the subject he expressed regret that his duties were such as prevented him from. taking'a more | active part in the present campaign. Ie desired, however, that the mem bers of his church and congrecation should know just where he stood in reference to oné of the greatest ques- tions the people of this province will ! ever be called upon to face. The pres- ent is a most critical period, and if. on December 4th, the vlectors refused to endorse the Ontario prohibition | act, the cause of temperance would, in the speaker's judgment, receive a blow that it would take many vears to recover from its effect. He avas not one of those who believed that 4 prohibitory liquor law would mean the SO serious salvation of our young wen, for if prohibition does come in- | to force there will he the same need | of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and if men are saved lat gall it will he by per- il trust in Christ. But while pro hibition will not SuVekgne voung man, it will give us better: nen to save-- men who will have stronger wills to | resist temptation and Mh more useful to society and to the church of Christ because of never having been weakened | physically, mentally or morally hy | the use of strong -drink. 2 It is a recognized. fact loons and barrooms are responsible | for creating the ereatest munmber of drunkards. and it mav he safely esti that the sa mated that seventy-five por cent. of our fellow-men who are addicted to the use of strong drink took their first | ula in a saloén or at the bar of ome hotel. Abolish the bar-room 'and | the treating svstéin-and - the tempta tion to drink is entirely removed from the vast majority of our vouny men, The question iv this: Shall we ro this terrible temptation the -pathway-of-vour hove wml mine? Can we pray "Thy Kingdon Come" and=tdo nothing towards remos ing an | vil that is keepime hack. the kingdom | wore than any or all other evils com move from bined ? How ° hich will our nraver, "kead ws not into temptation' as. cend, while Ave sanction a law- that places so awfel a "temptation in the pathway of our fellow men ? The peace and, prosperity of? Europe depended larcely upon tha result of the battle | of Waterloo. The * terrific charge of | Napoleon's veteran troops led on hy cenerals who had nover known defeat irresistible hut at the a Hrht moment --the opportune time --there | came from the lips of the "Iron Duke" the memoralle: command, =" Up Guards and at them." Every man sprang to his place, the hollow squares in Brit ish troops were extended inte, charging the hitherto invincible "011 of France, were driven back and one of the test hattlestin his tory was won. A eat battls ic to be fought in this province of Ontario on December 4th next: not bavone Ss, but ballots will he the dveapons. Great is®os gfe af stake, Let every man. be n. his place. Let us it ourcelyves true (an: s who, love their country - and - their God. Tet every man hy praver and work and vote do«all that in him lies to re wwe this curse. of strong drink, this sreatest bariier to the incoming. of God's Kingdom. : ---- Carnegie Is Sixty-five. New' York, Nov, 25.--1t is Just sixty * years to-day since a baby bov de stined to become world famous as a philanthropist, first saw lines Guard," the: light of dav at the little town of Dumierline, Scot. The boy was Andrew Carnewie, } vorente heanshi him to this coun trv while he was a mere child, and at ten vears cof ace he began his career in tL3 blue uniform of a district me. wncer bov in Pittshurg, a city which has <mce benvtited gncaleulably through his benefactions, Mr. Carnegie is now in London. re win from a slight jlness. Within niht he is expected to return re ond take up residence for the ater &n his magnificent new home at cornor of Fiith aventtie and West -- examination: failed to show that any thing had been removed The city has been fall of cicar tra Stanuard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings (hoy) vellers for the past few days. | have y inches tall, The, mild Celestial has long been noted for intellectual subtlety beyond the comprehension of the Caucasian Whether he smuggles opium, evades the poll tax or draws pair from his sleeve, he maintains a. smile that seems the personification of innocence. But Toronto has shown the Chinaman in a new role, may explain the apparently incongru- ous name of the patriotic revolution- ,John has shown himself a boxer, not in the heraldie, symbolic- al sense of the recent uprising that cost his nation the disputed indem- nity, but in an actual and substan- mix<up on Yonge street. the Caucasian race exercised his claim to sovereignty by calling a passing Chinaman a name | that can neither be sfrelled nor inter- | preted for publication in English, and for fear the Chinaman would be un- able to comprehend the words with so foreign an accent he emphasized them with his fist. Acchbrding to tradition John should and passed on. | alas, for the theories of racial super- | jority and the hope of Anglo-Saxon doniination and survival, turned round and hit from the shoulder with such bewildering swift- ness that the young white man fanci- ed himself in a street | Pretoria celebration. John never mind. ary sect. tind veung man of smiled tial that set the Police Court. tax on laundries, being struck badly object to and called Fishing Fer Ducks. In India an ingenious scheme 18 prac. ticed for taking ducks on a line, which is attached at one end to a flexible stick stuck up in the mud, the other extrem- ity having a double pointed needle of bone attached to it. The latter is bait- ed by stringing upon it some grains of Presently along comes Mr. Duck, ! swallows the needle and finds himself a captive the moment he tries to fly In olden times the Cape Cod fishermen depended largely for bait up- ' on the seafowl they took on their voy- To catch them they threw out fishing lines with hooks on the end, to which were attached chunks of cod The latter floated because of the oil they contained, and murres, gulls | oi the and other birds swallowing them were quickly pulled in, skinned and chopped | up. \ corn. away. ages. liver. Roast Peacock, In the old days a peacock was per- | haps the most gorgeous and decorative dish on the Christmas 1 vard. This was prepared by first carefully removing the skin without losing the feathers. was then. dressed, stuffed with all kinds of good things, roasted | and finally sewed into its skin, still re- taining the brilliant plumage. beak was gilded, and this dish, fit for a king, was placed upon the table amid the blare of trumpets and the raptur- ous applause of the revelers. The fowl A Giant Marguerite. A_ Gananoque correspondnet of The | Globe sends word of what he thinks largest marguerite his is seven feet five is six feet two inches, stem four inches in diameter, This plant will drink two gailons of water each day and has been in flower for two years and ten months continuously and has had as many as 1,100 flowers on at one The plant is now six years | © is perhaps town. one large root. time. old and is the admiration of many | people. oe ------ % Musicand Animals. An eminent violinist, Herr Baker, tested the sensitiveness to music of cach of the animals in the zoological in. Germany. gardens of the violin idly as the changed, played. terrified, His Last Ventare, "hat is our old friend Hardup doing nowadays?' "7h. he's gone into real estate." "That's the very last thing I should Walter N. drveoods dondy 7 Mi l 1. formerly stenoora phe re tl of the North American pany, has de cided to ron etonm, Del where che time at tending her her, who "was ill. Report was made to the police that a 'K.:& P. railway freight car had Hheen broken into on Raturday. An! Turkey Fortune Teller--Beware o beling to get vou within hi | cards predict sudden death for you, that the Celes- car strike or Spectators say his Oriental ty in the hottest phase of the melee, and that when a friend inter- vened to save the white man further damage he accepted it with philosophic indifference. "The East bowed low before the blast In patient, deep disdain, She let the legions thunder past, Then plunged in thought again." No representative authority was in sight, and it is not | yet known whether or not John will | be asked to pay a war indemnity in It is natural that he should oppose indemnities and the but that 'he should from of constituted accented epithets shows a new trait in his character.-- | Toronto Globe The the known and which is owned The plant width influence on the puma whose moots changed rap- the music much excit- ed and nervous when -quicksteps were Wolves showed an apprecia- tive interest, lions and hyenas were leopards were and monkeys curious becoming unconcerned Mills, merchant s received, 2 lbs, for AN EVIL TORTUNE. grasp QUARTERS OF EARTH. -- Matters That Interest Everybody a --Notes From all Oven--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. - Rev. Father Oberholzer; aged sixty- nine years, is dead at Rochester. Two "men were Killed by falling elevator in New York, on Monday. Marie Catalina, the last of the fa- mous Serrano Indian weavers is dead A | in California, aged 107. 'Mrs. Hopkins, superintendent of Bui- falo .Orphan Asylum, charged with cruelty, has been let off. It has been found impossible to complete the naval buildings at Washington within the limit of $S,- 000,000. The hearing in the case of Albert Patrick, charged with murdering Wil- liam Rice, New York, has been ad- journed. : Students exiled to Siberia, have re- ceived an amnesty, some uncondition- ally, some still to he under police sur. veillance. A private letter re t cceived in Ottawa states that Sir W i d Laurier is much benefited by this visit to Hot Springs, Va. He will return in three weeks, President Roosevelt has congratulat- ed Gen. Chaffee on his work in China and the Philippines. He has assumed command of the department of the east. Katharine Tingley, of the Point Lo- ma Brotherhood, says Gerry will be beaten in the controversy over the eleven Cuban children, detained at Ellis Island. The ministerial society of ~ Salt Lake have adopted resolutions oppos- ing the proposed election of Reed Smoot, one of the twelve apostles of the Mormons, to the United States Senate. The steamer® Chili, of Buffalo, sunk in Detroit river, ofi Amherstburg, in 'ollision with the steamers Oswego ind H. B. Tuttle on Sundav. lies in twenty-two feet of water. She has a hig hole in her starboard side. In replying to foreign notes re Vene- mela, Roosevelt said that punishment inflicted upon any of the South Ameri- "an republics by a European power mast not include the seizure by that power of any American soil. The king of Portugal bid farewell to King Edward at Windsor, on Monday, and proceeded to Blenheim, where he lunched with the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough. The Portuguese monarch will remain in" England for some time on a private visit. A romance which becan in the hus- t+ of rehearsals in the east, culmin- ated in the wrriage. of Thomas Whitebread and Miss Frances Freeman "Florodora"™ company, at the City of the Golden Gate, on Novem- her 17th. The Ontario department of fisheries, is trying to get spawn of the ouan wmiche, the noted game fish, to put in the St. Lawrence, but the Quebec au- thorities refuse to allow it to be tak- 'n from Lake St. John. The fish lives in swift waters, and is a famous fight- or o- The publication of the Botha-Cham- berlain correspondence oives sincere satisfaction in Brussels, to those who have réfused to follow the current of hostility to Great Britain. A better veling is growing slowly, but surely n Pelgium toward the nation she has wed so much to in the past, "| ARRANGING FOR OPENING. Arts' Building to Be Handed Over on Dec. 5th. Monday afternoon a conference took lad" between members of ther civie Sinance. committee and trustees of Queen's University with reference to the handing over --of the new Arts hailding by the ¢ity: to the college au The result of the meeting thorities. as 5 decision to have the ceremonies ke place on the evening of December Sth, on the occasion ofthe twenty ith anniversary of the induction: of Prindipal Grant. A committ®e of five, oiprising Profs. Cappon, Dupuis and Dr. Rogers. with Mavor Shaw ad Alderman Walken, was appointed to complete grrangenients. 'The chan Sandiord emia Judoe McLennan and other prominent sons in connection with the university witl attend. It is hoped that the new Rev. Dr. Gordon, will make local public. "appearance "on the aceasion. The r« wil be pin to the public tended that the occasion wi marked bv the stwdents, w ctor, Sir rincipai, his first proce Te is be suitably When The Schools Close. "wi'l pmohally s from 171i lay, for the The day forthe December 22nd, or likely that the vil end on-the preceding + schools will re-open on The publi" <chools lose. three weol Christmas hols January Sie Another lot of black Ceylon tea just i [| 23¢., at Mullin's ' grocery. tall, dark man. He is even rfow houll he succeed in his designs, the TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR nal, to-day, reports > Buyin Rvs i i = fn Sn fix ~~. cL oY The Ning of Ranges--* Buck's Happy Thought » a Raaxgezse ott There are three essentiab things to consider when baying a Range; ality, Consumption of Fuel, and the I's: The price is the least impartant, A, good Range will last minpy years, and when it saves in fuel it pays for, its self, 'while a cheap Range is constantly adding to its price in, extra consumption of fuel. The " Happy Thought" Range is the lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the 'most perfect Range constructed, # It is a perfect cooking apparatus Write the Manufacturers for an Nlustrated Catalogue. * 3 3 § THE WM. BUCK STOVE CO., "3% vrponn un eg le McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St. - Attempt Made to Kill a Servian Crown Minister. . Vienna, Nov. 25.--The Menics Jour- an attempt to assassinate M. Todorovic, - Servian minister of the interior, when he 'was about to leave for the Suptching to- day. The persons attacked the minis- ters with revolvers, according to the reports, and ten shots were fired. All went wide of the mark. A fourth man then attacked M. Todorovic, with a knife, but was beaten ofi. Advance Guard Christmas Goods. 5 lbs. new clean currants, 25c. 3 lbs. new selected raisins, 23c. Finest layer raisins, per lb., 10ec. Seeded raisins in packages, 10c. Cooking butter, per 1b., 15c. Finest cooking molasses, per qt., 10c. Lemon and orange peel, per 1b., 15c. Citron peel, per lb., 20é. 4 packages jelly powder, 25c. Finest cocoanut, per lb., 20c. One stone good - pastry flour, 30e. Mullins' grocery Corner Johnston and Division streets, The Men Re-Classed. The watches of the police force have been reconstructed, according to the capabiiities of the men, and the class. es to which they now belong are: Si- lent four, Constables Aiken, Diamond, Naylon and Tuttle; big four, Constab- les. Arniel, Bateson, McGarry and Hazlett; deep thinkers, Constables Craig, Graham, Timmerman and Nay- lon; masters = of ceremonies, Sergts. Nesbitt and Snodden. ------------ Max. Wolfe, a Yonge street furrier, Toronto, sentenced some time ago to three months in the Central prison for stealing furs from. 7%. Hemphill, as- sicnee of his estate, has been released on the order of the attorney-general. Queen's sophomore vear in arts holas an "At Home" in the ' new building next Friday night. The senior vear in arts will have a similar func- tion on December 12th. City Commissioner Coalsworth, To- ronto, is recommending that no building be permitted in the city more than fourteen storeys in height. He considers anything higher dangerous. A party of twenty-three Ontario men returned this morning "from a tour of inspection of certain mining proper ties in Arizona and California, in which they: are interested, «the mother of Charles = M. Oliver, killed-byv a - street ear on Carlton street, Toronto, on October 20th, has issued a writ asainst' © the company for 815.000. James A. Dart, Toronth, 5 contract ol, has a writ claiming $3,140 from the [2 Eric and Pacific rail way. as a balance on 4 contract and for breaches Miss H. Cook. after a visit with her brother: on Brock-street, leit-to day for Butler, Pa.! to.take a posi tion as head nurse in a-hospital. Dr. Vanston Curtin, Brockville, "will practice his profession in Embrun, Ont. Dr. Curlin is a bright graduate of Queen's. > The Rathbun company hae five arse shanties in operation along the Ene of the Central Ontario failwav. The news of P. FF. Egan's coloniza tion scheme for Ontario ha aroused great interest in Chicavo. New "Souvenir" =. "Test and try before you buy " is a homely, old, commercial invitation, but it's good to give and to get. in 'the purchasing of a new range. The 0.3 t* Souvenir "invites comparison. and criticism with any kitchen range made anywhere--and if youre contemplating buying, and will give'the time to com- pare it on points, of price, style, dura- bility, appointments, complateness, econ- omy and general good service, the "Souvenir" car afiord to abide by your judgment. Now put it to the test. f The best in the world is its place in Stovedom--and it's *"at the top" on its merits. It is handsomely mounted and most modern in the minutest detail of construction. 'The Rerated Oven ® idea is a special feature. Sold everywhere. One will last a lifetime, S. J. HORSEY, Local Agent, - Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers. Wholesale Branches--Toranto, Montral, Winnipg. fa i >, x : I EE - - - ho ATTACKED WITH KNIFE. - Princess Street, Kingston. Made by THE GURNEY-TILOEN GO, Limited. Ramifen, Canada Fine and Moist by Putting It In a some specially fine boxes which we are selling cheap, every kind. description and price. 7 Lemmon, Claxton and Lawrenson King Street. Rats and mice cannot touch it there. We have Coal Scuttles, Roasting Pans, etc, of 3. COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Nov, 25th OPEN, CLOSE. 100% 991 176% 177% Union Pacific St. Maul Manhattan - it. 'Irgsit Sugar * aw People's Gas 1i.8. Steel, Pacitic wuthern t Pref... sifir F . il American loco 2 Amal. Copper MONTEEAL STOCKS. No BUY wlian Pacific 1284 do L. 31 real St - 285 Oo Str 1143 City ' 1154 & Ont. LL Petroit United 87 Commercial Cable Montreal Power rominion Steel Dominion Nova Scot Scotia Steel, Mills Siwened) KH } Kingston, Nov! 25th Gi B00 kK 160 f Halifax Bank 186 APOLOGY. 1902 HEREBY REGRET HAVING SAID « detrime ye character of lobby of the of Thurs- 1 apolorize to that occasion J GOWDY i In Our Window in America, They are Geo. A. Slater's "IAW Golden Oak Finished Sito 8 Sy boards, regular $10, for ... * Solid Oak Finished Sis boards, regular $18, for ... All grades reduced. fhis week, JAMES REID TAKE A LOOK And You Will See the Best Men's Shoes Made invictus Shoes Golden Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $8 for ..... $6.50 a OS wine