Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1902, p. 6

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TH K ua LX WHIG, Tu ESDa Y, NOVEMBER 25. adit --_-- A Sweet Stomach comes only by having a perfect acting liver and good digestion-- both can easily be had by using Beecham's Pills RAT TRAPS This is the time of year rats and mice come into the house. The OUT-OF-SIGHT TRAPS will catch them all. Rat Traps, Only 20c. Mouse Traps, Only 10c. Bargains in HARDWARE and SPORTING GOODS. Prices always lowest. W. A. Mitchell. DO YOU TRADE IN STOCKS, GRAIN OR COTTON ? 1f so, we offer our services, ers, for either cash or marginal Lions. Purchasing upon extremely moderate maggins stocks in multipies ol 16 shares upwards; grain in lots oi 1.000 bushels upwards; cotton in lots of 100 bales up- wards. Every convenience at any and all of our otlices for the prompt and efficient handling of orders. Let us present vou with a free copy of our 400 page hound illustrated "GUIDE TO 1 RS and our "PAILY MARKET L PER" Advantageous to investor and specula- tor alike. Correspondence solicited. HAIGHT & FREESE Hatablisued Mein Office 1850. CO. : as brok transac- 3 Bway. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, Ontario, "Determiniug the obarscter and financial responsibility of your broker, is as impor tant as the selection of right stocks." FOR SALE. . FLOUR AND FEED BUSI- condition. Good rea- Apply through Whig GROCERY, ness in flourishing sons for selling. Office. THE 5 P11. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Canada sends $9,000,000 anhually foreign countries jor Susur. yarn iront wood pulp is now cle of commerce in Germany. [very square mile of sea is estimated Lo contain some 120,000,000 fish. Five hundred and thirty-two tons of cigarettes were exported last year from Egvpt. Coke, a by-product in the man gas, has increased 200 per price in five vears. 'The total exports of ter this year will probably Feach $30,- 300,000, the greatest on recor : Dn Be occupv nearly > 000,000 acres in Central America, on which over 20,000.000 coffee trees are planted. Exports of cheese and butter from Montreal to Britain last week : Cheese, 18,961 boxes; butter 20, 910 boxes; both in excess of the same week. last year. "or the whole season, up to Novem- ho 8th, the export of apples from all America has been bushels, as 1,006,687 compared with 285,967 for the same week of last year. The October output of the Dominion Iron and Steel company irom three fur- naces amounted to 18,000 tons of pig jron and 14,700 tons of steel. This is an increase over the production of the previous month of 2,800 tons of steel and 1.000 tons of iron irom the same number of furna pi s. With all fur- naces in operation the company should be able to produce 24,000 tous of nig iron and 20,000 tons of steel per month eee een 1.0.F. Officers In Session. of T.0.F. officiald was in this city on Monday evening, there were present: G. ; organizer, Belleville: G. MM. Elliott, deputy supreme chief ranger Toronto: G. I. Dickinson, high secre- tary, Manotick, Ont. J. 8S. R. Me- Cann. high treasurer, this city, and Pr. Herald. hich chief ranger, this citv. The meeting was held for the purpose of disenssing further organiza- tion work in Kingston and the sur- rounding district. "The Foresters' Temple, has not a single vacant room," <aid one of the high court officers' this morning. "It has been said that this wax a white elephant on the order's hands, but it has turnedeout to be the host investment the ever had." to ' an arti- ufacture of cent. in cheese and but- A meeting held where drown, in Toronto. now order Boys Between morning firured school. Damage Property. vening and Monday of he oreatly dis. Liings at Cataraqui In addition thev wrote ob- language upon the walls. The of two Loys have been given to the police. Such oifences are becoming verv common,' and the first offenders caught will be severely punished. Fridav « a coupe = the outhui scone names JUST AS EASY To Buy Reliable and Trustworthy Goods as Unreliable Goods. You Will Be Pleased Mith What You Purchase From Us, but if Perchance You Should Not We Will Cheerfully Exchange It. Joace Curtains These goods are all finihed with the new -stitched-edge, which is warranted to stand the washing and does not allow the edges to unravel or cut. Handsome designs in light and centres, wide widths and 3} yards 2, $2.50 $3, $3.50, $3.75, heavy patterns, plain and fancy Tong, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 $4, $5, $6. Frilled Mugling and Nets acey designs, so much 18¢c.; 20e,, R5c¢c., Light drapes, R2c., in demand for curtains and 30c., 33c., 37ic Handsome Swiss Curtain Nets 30c¢., 40c., 60c., New Spot and All the latest ideas, 12}c 35¢., 50c., , 18¢.4 75¢., 90¢ yd. Fancy Mugsling 20e., 25¢., 30c., 35¢. yd. Pillows and Cogies We have them in all sizes 18 x18 in., 20x20 in., 68c., in., 35c., 40c., ~48c., 50c.,.60c., 24x24 $1.85. 22x22 in., 75¢., 90c¢., $1.10, Feather Pillows for Beds Filled with the real geese feathers. covered . and theroughly sewn, all $1.75, Free from 1.25, $1.50, odor splendidly $ $1.80. Pillow Cases and Sheets Ready-inade, correct sizes, neatl ¢ y cewn, low prices. Corner Brock and Wellington Sts. MARK ar "YES" AND CLOSE t up ALL THE s BAR-ROOMS. Provincial Legislature Has Gone As Far As It Can--Scott Act Failed Because No Machinery to Enforce It. From Local Prohibition Committee. The ballot paper handed each voter at the polls 4th, contains "Are you in the simple favor of bringing force of 'The Liquor Aet, 1902 The ballot will contain two columns after this question, over one is Pprint- ed "Yes," and over the other, "No.' sire to put a cross under the word "Yes." This means that you are opposed to the "bar-rcom and the treating system. HH the friends of morality win the day, evéry bar-room in Ontario will be closed on the first of May next. What an untold blessing this will be ! The friends of the liquor traffic are trying to make capital out of the fact that the act does not to- tally prohibit the traflic; though it hard to believe this gives them anv sorrow. "The provincial legislature has gone as far as it can constitutional ly, it is because the authority of the provincial legislature does not Sn bevond the Kmits of the province that this act does not prohibit sales of liquor by brewers, distillers or export- ers in Ontario to persons outside the province. It does not prohibit brewers or distillers from selling to licensed druggists, but «tne sale is beset with vestrictions that will prevent tippling; the sale is only for mechanical, scien- tific, medicinal or sacramental purpos- The act prot bite all sale by brew- ers, distillers or exporters to any oth- er persons, or in any premises con- pected with any private dwelling. In question : the premises, the law is the same for drinking or permitting drinking on brewers and distillers as for other per- sons. The fuilure 'of the Scolt act is para ded as a reason for voting ¢ wnst the liquor act, but the Scott act failed not because it was not a cood law far it went, hut because due pro- vision. was not made for ad it. The case very different with act, for breach fine of at £200 is imposed for the first offence and for the second imprisonment, wonder lic juordom is alarmed. The gover nment of Ontario has pro- mized to enforce the act and it can just as readily as it can eq force any other, if it so determines, and those who say it cannot be forced pract o 'on the supposed v of simple people. The act provides that the government shall ap- point a chief inspector for the pro- vinee, and a local inspector for each electoral distii-t in the provi, mora local inspectors if needful, duty it shall be to administer and prosecute persons oliend #.avainst its provisions. All these in- spectors will act direc tly under the t without any interveni yoards of commissioners. If the professing Christians of Cntario who are voters will rise to the occasion, the awful ineubus of the bar room -will be thrown and an era -of prosperity will be ushered in which the province has never known. There are M electoral districts in On- tario, that if in each district 215 more votes are ca<t than voted jin the plebiscite cof 1891, w hen 192,380 votes were "egst for prohibition, the victory will lie won. Vote yes. Meeting of =the executive o clock at headquarters; (Wedn sdax). The executive committee ward-will meet nicht quarters at seven o'elock. To-nieht Syvaenhdin, -Frontenae Victoria wara meet at quarters at 7 as is 1s a A NO enforce it en the I aw governn g oli, SO at five to-morrow, of every at head and workers head- pn St. Lawrence, Ontario, Rideau ward workers. in his place. To-morrow, Cataraqgud Let and every nian be MITCHELL ARRIVES. At Washington; Seéking to Adjust Differences. Nov. Washington, -- President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, arrived here this morning. The object of his visit was to hold a with. Mayne Maecveigh in of the of the coal commission, to the controversy possible, and adjust among themselve conference { furtherance anthracite that the oget tog their differences suggestion strike Agreement Reached. Washington, Nov. 25.--An amicabls agreement has heen reached hy the re- presentatives of the United Mine Work Union and the anthracite operaiors. ers' coal LAWYERS.PUNISHED. They Will Spend Time on Bread and Water. Vienna, Nov. 25. 925 peasants Kharkoli, day, on a charge of rel During the trial of Russia, to ellion, the the peas declaring of cichtee go J vers, defending | ants, court i that i proceedings were a f that the wholesale | the p= Lsion, Th i~hed the me: ve 1 and water the room, sants minister law ar's was rs by condemning them solitary confine diet, for the government. their demon ions fagainst | I. 3 I Avlsworth, B i mm ' { of Falls, with ants, the twenty 1.001, Hie compani i Smith's cart {| er apph "I'he Span Grand Op ft took HOW'S THIS We offer One Hun fred Pollurs Réward r will be at hi Saturday 1 in Toromito and | | | ¥ | wi Tc le lo, O. F J ib business Y & Co. ve vears, an ali arry out Deva z y . Willing, Kinvan "& Marvin, Whole Todlddo, 0 Catarrh tly of ists all' Cx is 1 upon the bi the svetem per re ken sod and Testimonials bottle. Sold | |» | ee ! free. Price | Drugeists. Hall's The. Family Pills are thé best. on Thursday, December , into ! regard to such prohibited sale and to | Y lvote in or | whose ! ne | each , institwted i | in the | and Montreal, | for | not be cured bv [li eve | THE TRI'.L BEGUN. | ---- The Lennox Election Trial is How | "Proceeding. Special to the Whig. - | | Napance, Ont., Nov. 25.--In the] county court htuse, made famous by | the trial and conviction of Pare .and' Holden, the celebrated Dominion bank 'robbers and jail breakers, began at two o'clock to-day, the Lennox coun- tv election ana eross-petition trial. The original petitioners against the return of Thomas Carscallen, conser- vative, were J. A. Perrv, W. R. Per ry and John Gunn, while the cross ! petition bore the names J. Baker, H. Milling and Revbén "Her- | ring. against M. 8S. Madole, the un- | seated liberal candidate. 1t will be re- | membered that in the returns an- , nounced by the returning officer on May 20th last, M. S. Macole was de- clared elected by a majority of three, There was a reconnt and the county indge declared, m tie vote. An appeal was takén to the Toronto courts and there several ballots, which the coun- ty judge would not allow, were count- ed in with the result that Mr. Cars- callen, the conservative candidate, was declared elected by a nrajority of two. A protest, enunciating fifty-two charges, on statutory grounds, was ivled. This was followed by 4 cross- petition on behalf of M. S. Madole, ' which specified 139 charges. Lo S. Watson, K foronto, and { W. 8. Herrington, ¥.C., Napanee, ap- peared for the main petitioners and i W.:Cassells, K.C., E. J. Bristol, and Eric and Armour, Toronto, for the cross-petitioners, The spacious court room would not contain the vast throng which sought admittance. Special seats were re- served for ladies of which there was a large number present. The trial judges are Justices Maclennan and Os- ler. Before proceedings opened Mr. Bris- i tol asked for summons for the appre- hension of Hemer Miles, E. PP. Smith, J. P. Hulet and B. Derbyshi [ | whom summons | refused, ana also for G. M. Suther- { land. The judges took note of the ap- ! plication. Stephen Gibson, returning the recent election, was the first wit- i ness examined. Had in his person cer- i tain papers pertaining to the election. Did not have a certificate from A. M. Ruitan to vote in No. 1 ward, Had a certificate ig W. H. Perry, to No. 2 Yad also had a certi- ficate from F. W. Hart to vote 'in 7 ward. Total vote polled was 3,160. Declared Mr. Madole to have a maj- i ority of two. As a result of the re fcount a tie, was declared. In the elec tion of 189%, Aylesworth, liberal, was edad elected by forty-three majori- | The seat was declared vacant and yy election following, Mr. Aylesworth {was returned by 108 majority. Carscallen's financial account was pre- | sented - and disbursements were shown to he 8276.76. Mr. Watson evidence of Mr. examination for to trace agency to the conservative association of Lennox county. Witness declared he dill not know why this or ganization was in existence. He had never held office. Witn declared he | thad not gone into an examination of | the election accounts. He left that matter to his financial "agent, Mr. Ruttan, secretary of the Lennox : sociation. Looked "after the organiz | tion in Napanee. W. N. Dollar acted as j treasurer. Witness declared his per- i conal account to be $11. Paid cash to } his financial agent for election ac- { count, Got 8500 from conservative ast Is ciation at Toronto. Got a cheque La officer in { | i | \ \ i No. N Mr, | read extracts from the | (arscallen given in the ! discovery. It sought as » S200 from Mr. Bristol. Did not get than SH00. Got 00 nder Carscallen, Marmora, from Uriah Wilson, Napa- money: in his pocket and fu it in "the. ordinary course of 'husiness. Could: not, that the | v would not have been sent hiy | had an election not been "pending. fed not say just what he did with ER money. None of it was used in | more $1 Alex K100 { nee. Put | from and say money pavment of his election accounts: triah Wilson is member of parlia- for- Lennox and Alexander Cars- member a of parliament for Neither election, per would show from ment callen t [North Hast: ! somals or business books ! any record of the §200 received j diese tivo members of parliament. I N: Osborne, sworn, testified that ! Knew rooms Meleod Mr. room 1 Cw Mc- roofs. « Saw list of vot- of Napanee. committee named Ty was 'whegd conservative tw located. A boy i had charge of the rooms. Saw i Carscallen in the committee ane aften. Messrs, Cd G , Hart, oo the a yYoler Naw Knight. others in over riding. 1s, Peters Callum and these men ers for the on, Cong whole | | | | | CUPID CHANGES PLANS. i i tA Pretty Romance Ended at the Altar. N.X.. Nov. culminate when Miss .--A pret at the al- Addie May Rev. Henry Morristown, will _ning, ity romane tar this & { Beach, this city, will wed } Cun ningham; of Harrisburg, Pa. The i bride is a handsome voung g When we was a voung girl of sixteen or se- j venteen, Mr. Cunningham, then a stu male a Visit this city in the of 'missions and was enter the home of Mr. and Mrs wi mutual at first tway he wy his "of carrying the vospel to ved tobe orator. He took a thre in Princeton Theological from which institution he last year. to at It Straiz 18 love ave an n 1 aris gre One a pulpit nirse Seminary, craduated a -- rugin his old a long will be of. King returned after + Ottawa Valley. He and will be entertainea club. 1 of works of building Grand Opera wine been referred wuncil. Most of the ston to mor will consider a (ros ing-i Housb, to them aldermen the H of Grev: advance rs, husiness aprea the whi h her harbaa, P. R Mon limited nun nr ort Colborne ht trains on the C. near Clareufor Ont., ¢ollic day night, y * annual i made, 1.7 'ed, / b REASON WHY ELECTORS SHOULD MARK BALLOTS "NO". Ontario Has Good License Laws-- Let Well Enough Alone--Direct Taxation Would Follow the New Act. From the Anti-Prohibition Prohibition means direct taxation. The workingman would have to pay more for his daily bread and ordinary necessities of life. Why not vote, "No," : : Will the proposed liquor act mote temperance ? No! Will the liquor act, if it should be- come law, lessen the evils of immoder- ate use of intoxicating liquors ? No! Will the act if it becomes operative encourage our young men to be more moral, self-reliant and manly ? No! Are Christianity and temperance promoted by such legislation as that proposed in the liquor act now before the people of Ontario ? No! Will the passage of the act promote peace and good will among all classes of citizens ? No! Better let the license victuallers help pay the cost of government mainten- ance than to throw the entire cost upon the workingman. Better vote, No. - Ii the "Liquor Act of 1902" is en- forced it will not stop the sale of li- quor, but will close licensed hotels un- der government supervision and re- open uncontrollable "'shebeens'" with which the city was cursed for many vears. That's why you should vote "No." The license laws as they now stand are good laws and under their provi- sions Ontario, "the banner province, has prospered and grown in wealth. Let well enouch alone and vote, "No." The meeting at the anti-prohibitioy committee rooms was well attended yesterday afternoon. Come one ! Come all ! to-morrow Wednesday afternoon, Committee. pro- , 3:30 p.m. Frontenac, Victoria and ward meetings to-night, 7°30 friends of liberty, come ! Svdenham p.m. All THE CITY MISSION. Officers Elected at the Annual Ileeting on Monday. City Mission meeting The Society held its in the Y.M.C.A. par- lor on Monday afternoon. The attend- ance was not large. Rev. Douglas Laing, president, occupied the chair, and Rev. Thomas Brown acted as retary. The treasurer's report showed a small balance in favor of the mis- sion' after all expenses had been met. An interesting report was read from the city missionary, Rev. R. M. Ham- mond, showing that much good work se ' had been done during the past vear. he submitted the Number of calls of which 350 were to the made to ministers, com 39; services held or help- to hospital, jail and House of Industry, 539. In addition to this work, a 1 quantity good literature was distributed, The election of offieers then place, resulting ag follows : President, John Melntyre, K.C.; secretary, "I. F. { Harrison; "treasurer, W. G. Strainge. The ministers of all the evangelical churches of the city were appointed vice-presidents. "Rev. Mr. Hammond was re-appointed city missionary. Amon other followi me things fioures : DOR, repofts mittees, etc 112; w sick; Oi took as An unknown woman committed sui- vide in Central Park, New York, on Monday, hy drinking earbolie acid. CURED OF PILES SEVEN YEARS AGO A Clironic Case of Twenty Years' Standing Cured Perman- ently by 3 Dr. Chase's Ointment, To be relieved of the dreadful suffer- ing caused by piles a wonderful thing, but to be permanently cured is even better. Dr. Chase's Ointment brings relief from the very first appli cation, and as is proven by hundreds such letters as the following, it cures thoroughly and pe rmanently | Alex. McLaughlin, for thirty years a resident of Bowmanville, Ont., writes: "For twenty dong years 1 suffered from itching piles; and only. persons who have beén troubled with that an noving disease can imagine what I endured during that time. About cn vears aco | asked a druggist if he had anything to-eure me. He said that Dr. Chase's Ointment was most favor ablv spoken of, and on his recom me ndation I took a box. Aiter three applications T felt het ter, and by the time I had used on box I was 'on a fair wav to recovery. I continued the treatment until thor- oughly eured, and I have not suffered anv since. IT aw firmlv.convinced® that the ointment ade a pgriect cure, "I-eonsider Dr. Chase's Gintment an invaluable treatment for pries. In my case [ think was remarkable when von consider thats gam ectting up in years, and had i long sufferer from this disease John Tuttle, sman, 107 street, Kingston, Ont., states, most men who do much driving, sit- ting great deal, antl often exposed to dampness. 1 have bes ferer from piles. As a ies I had piles for a number of and tried nearly everything I hear in_a yain rt met cured, hut « succeeded when I used Dr Chase's Ointment. The first applica- tion of 'this orand preparation brouzht me relief from the dreadful ite yr. burning &nsations, and less than boxes matle a perfect and rmanent cure. | am grateful for the dom from suffering, and desire oth- ers to benefit hv experience . with pr. Chase's Dintment."' Dr.. Chase's Ointment, 60c all dealers or Edmanson, Co., Toronte, is sev- the cure n so a Stuart "LiKe expres a great suf of fact years, could a ol to two mv a hox, at Bates & O-MOITOW Morning WE WILL OFFER A VERY SPECIAL ; BARGAIN 261 LADIES' BLACK SATEEN Shirt Waists For Winter Wear. These are: made in the very latest style. Some are Hem-stitched, back, front and sleeves. Others are finely stitched and trimmed with small buttons. The materials used are first- class, as the maker of this lot is well-known as reliable. The regular values range from $1 25 to $1 50 each. Your Choice To-morrow Z5c. Each. This purchase was from a manufacturer having too large a stock, and rather than hold them over accepted a cash offer we made for a portion of the lot Sale Opens at 9 O'clock. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-122 Princess Street, Kingston. OVERSTOCKINGS --AT THE---- Lockett Shoe Store. Ladies' Best Quality, 50c. Misses' Best Quality, 45c. Children's Best Quality, 40c. THESE ARE THE RIGHT KIND -MADE TO ~* FIT SHOES PERFECTLY. F. d. Lockett, Sy HAIR! BARI HAIR! BALDNESS, THIN HAIR, DiSCOLORED HAIR, ETC. PROF. DORENWEKD COMING ! tie will be at British American Motel, THURSDAY, Nov. 27th, Ladi-a' and Genw' Wigs, Toupees, Switches of every deseription, ete. a Sf Nr TNT NSS Nf SINGS ONS NNT tl nt ONG SNS With sanples of lair Goods, Bune Wavy and PI Fronts, ' tle cdn -improve vour pe ul appearance. Plain featarcs and disfivurcd heads caused through the Joss of huir gy 2 Sehetion. fine looks to the skill of Prol. Dorenwend. and Protects the head. new D'atent Hair Btructure, patented all their Adorns his over ns ol First class cut Private Apartments hair, especially prey and, white hair, taken in exchange. + TH Secured at Hotels : Remember for Oaly Ong Day Toursday, Nov, 21 = CRY WAR, WAR!" Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tariff and made in Canada, means something. \ THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, Babbit, Lead Pipe helps toward that end. One thought in all lines--* "PERFECTION." CANADA METAL €0., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT.

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