Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1902, p. 10

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I he Invalid Requires nourishment in a concentrated, palatable and casily digestible form. Bovril should therefore form one of the chief items on the diet list of every invalid, as it is the embodiment of all these qualities. ; Bovril is not merely a stimulant to prop up the flagging spirits for the passing hour. It is a highly nourishing food, containing all the strength - giving properties of the best lean beef in the most palatable and easily digestible form. Bovril 1s Liquid Life. TRAVELLING. RAND T SYSTEM BRANCH LINE TIME TABLE Trains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street: GOING EAST. oh» EREERE lilo EEERRE v 11, 12, 15 and 18 daily, except Sunday. . For Fufluns accommodation, tickets and all other ormation, apply . e J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. except Mon Nos. 6, 7, Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Montreal, Quebeo, St. Jobn, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To ronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. §:80 p.m.--Loocal for Sharbot Lake, eon seoting with C.P.R. cast and west. 8:10 a.m. --Mized, for Renfrew and infer mediate points. Passengers having Kingston at 12:40 p.m.: arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Peterboro, 80 Boston, 7:30 $:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7 p.m.; am; St. John, N.B., 11:35 a.m. Full particulars st K. & P. and O. P. R. Tioket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Gen. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR JR., Supt. oS ae, Beg jot 88 oe " vas Ay Aor ao R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Clarence street. DOMINION BAIL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE *Norseman - . 6th *Ottoman ... 13th Colonian 20th *Irishman 4 27th California, 1903, . 3rd *Norseman . ve swe we Jan: 10th Steamers marked * do not carry pass- enrers RATES OF PASSAGE--Salaon, $50 and upwards For Avonmouth Deck and Bristel From Pertland. . .. about 6th Dec aie . .. about 20th Dec. 2. ... abowg 3rd Jan FROM BO>TON Manxman Turcoman Englishman Merion . ri Mie ena Dec. 10th Saloon, $50 Third class, $28. NEW SERVICE Boston to the Mediterranean New England. . e Dec.. 6th Commonwealth, . . Jan. 3rd, 1903 i Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spa- cious promenade decks " anley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St D. TORRANCE & Co, Gen. Agts Montreal & Portland ALLAN LINE - CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. Tunisian, from Halifax, Dec. 8th. From St. John. From Halifax Bavarian Nov. 29. - Dec 1, 10 p.m Tunisian, Dec Gg. Dec. 8, 10 p.m. Corinthian, Dec 13. Dec. 15, 10 p.m. Pretorian, Dec 20 Dec. 22, 10 p.m, FIRST CABIN---Tunisian and Bavarian, $60, upwards. Parisian, $55 and upwards. Pre- torian and Corinthian, $50 and up- wards 4 S40, Other steamers, $37.50; Liverpool, Londonderry or Loudon. Third * Clase--$25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London New York to Glasgow and Londonderry Sardinian, Nov. 27th; Laurentian, Dec 11th : Sardinian carries 2nd and 3rd class passengers only J.P. HANLEY, "Agent, City Passenger Inpot, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts I. GILDERSLEEVE, Clarence St KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. Badichs 2:7 COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities for securing positions 821 Queen Street. Kington. SEND FOR CATALOGUE ~ COomlederation "Life Buildings, Toromto. LINE SECOND CABIN--Tunisian and Bavarian, | Practice AND : Experience Has taught us, that the best way to succeed in business is to say what we mean. When selling a suit, overcoat, or in fact, anything we handle, we explain the qualities of the goods as well as the faults, if there are any. Knowing the nature of the article, you can judge for yourself. You'll get what you expect. Here are the facts: We keep clothing that is up-to-dafe. Our gent's furnishings are the latest, and the furs we sell have no rival. Don't miss it. JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. Oarriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires om their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. : JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 490 Princess St. Kingston Wonderful Success. THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. Do mot be disappointed by buying imitation mantle the best. THE KERN BURNER Is made upon honor, and every one guar- anteed. They _are made of "heavy. material. finely finished, equipped with the best mantles and ~lassware. Give the light and save gas. J. W. OLDFIN,s RIN. HARD COAL The Old Reliable SCRANTON, Us- equalled for Heating and Cooking. cheap burners when you can buy $S. ANGLIN & CO. : Foot of Wellington St. 0000000000000 00000000 RTM TST TR DON'T WASTE MONEY ¥ : = - : i On poor, ill-fiavored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, for 25c. Try pound and see how pleas you Clarified 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. a ed Milk Co.,! -- "or may be impunity hy Any dyspeptic {food stomach medicine used with drinkers Caledonia everywhere. the Waters. MAGI Sold of Auction Sales SAVE MONEY iBY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, - : Auctioneers 3 : THE DAILY WHIG, 'SATURDAY, 'NOVEMBER! 20. CHURCH NEWS. RELIGIOUS WORK THROUGH- OUT THE WORLD. King Edward Sings Heartily at Service--Memorial Presbyterian Church to be Built at Pre- toria. . Christian churches have 47,000 adult converts working with them in Japan. tishop Strachan, of Rangoon, has resigned aftér working forty-two years in india. There is a society in the north Ireland "for the discouragement Sunday travel. The Salvation Army are building a citadel, costing $90,000, at Cleveland, Ohio, for institgtional work. ' Last year 44,000 bibles were circul- ated in Fgypt, where ninety-two "per cent. of the. population is Moslem. 'The presbytery of New York city has dismissed Kev. Dr. Chapman from the pastorate of the Fourth Presbyterian church. 'the Swedish Baptists of America have just celebrated their jubilee in Chicago. Pastor G. W. Lindstrom came as delegate from Sweden to attend the jubilee. The Enochites, a new religious sect, have arisen in Russia. 'they are said to disseminate among: the peasants a of of | terrible fear of the approaching end of the world: 'the British' Weekly "says King Id- ward rarely fails to jon in the sing: ing of the hymns at services at which he attends, and his distinct pronoun- ciation of the words is very audible. The governments of the United States, Germany and Great Britain have consented to exercise their kind- ly offices with the government of Peru to secure public worship to the Peru- vian Protestants. A prominent London minister has re- Geived. a letter headed with a skull-and cross-bones, threatening him with the same fate as Mr. Kensit if he persists in speaking against the education bill and the influence of the priests In seeking to get it passed. 'Lhe assembly of South Africa decid- éd to erect a new Presbyterian church or cathedral in Pretoria at a cost of £15,000, as a memorial of Scottish soldiers who fell during the war. An appeal to subscriptions is to be made to Presbyterians in the mother coun- try. ringlish services for Lutherans are ihcreasing rapidly in New York city. The corner stones 'for two new churches have been laid this week, both to be English speaking. 'A third Lutheran church . has just purchased property and will inaugurate English services. An interesting experiment was made recently in an knglish town where nine churches and parishes co-operat- ed in one church army mission for the whole town. The largest hall in the town, which holds 2,000, was packed Enormous open- every nearly every evening. air meetings were also held night. The diocese of Ontario has a surplus of S389 in its home mission fund, whereas last year, at this time, it was facing a deficit of $1,875. The bishop's forceful efiorts have overcome the in- difference of some clergymen" and of many people, but it is a shutting of the stable door after the horse has been stolen. Fhe 'stipends have been so poor that clergymen will not offer themselves and the surplus arises chief- ly from five missions being vacant as to ministerial care, an average sustain ed for several years. Congregations have dwindled down, and now = when the tardy help comes, it cannot _ be used and even if it could the way up again is hard. '" They Sell Well.'* Says Druggist O'Dell, of Truro, N. Want any better evidence .of the real merit of Dr. Von Stan's Pineap- ple Tablets as a cure for all forms of stomach trouble than that they're in such great demand ? Not a nause- Ss ous dose that makes one's very - in- sides rebel--but pleasant, quick and harmless--a tiny 'tablet to carry in vour pocket. 35 cents. For sale by H. B. Taylor and Henry Wade.--104. If vou had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for. occasional use. In Perth on Wednesday a quiet wed- ding took place at the residence of Charles Meighen, "when his youngest daughter, Ethel L.,'was married to R. J. Smith. The eeremony was per formed hy Rev. A. H. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Smith leit for New York. Rarely ten per cent. of the children in Brittany can speak or understand French: A WORD OF CAUTION. Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney Tablets are: prepared from the reseription of Dr. Zina Pitcher (formerly Professor of Materia Medica "and Genito- Urinary Diseases, Mich! igan College of Medi- cine, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.), .which he used with wonderful siccess for over twelve years in private practice in the Western Hospital, De- troit. They contain specific ingredients not found in any other kidney remedy, and it is not urprising, therefore, that they make cures i many cases other remedies proved altogether ineffectual We woull caution ou in purchasing the ablet$ to see that the accompanying cut, prin- tel in green ink, and Dr. Pitcher's portrait and signature, are printed on the package. Refuse substitutes and imititions, as these are sure to disappoint. ? ' The price of the Tablets is 50c. a box, or three boxes for $1.25. at all druggists, or sent by mail by Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. adlressing the Dn . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Prohibition Question. Kepler, Nov. 27.--(¥o 'the Editor) : My contributions in favor of the ab- olition of tolls and other letters so- cial and political having always found a place in your paper, 1 encroach still further upon your kindness with a slight review of a lecture on prohibi- tion giver here by Rev. Mr. Craig, of Cataraqui. This lecture contains near- ly all the salient points in favour of prohibition, and 1 must congratulate the reverend gentleman on his excel lent address. 1 am not of opinion with him_that the license system has been fostered and protected" by law. Law has been from the earliest times y restricting a license system, which was at one time practically 'free to all and sundry." It has not only restricted the number of licenses to one in -seven hundred, but has forbidden these to sell except at certain hours and oh certain days. It has further restrict ed 'them regarding those they_.may sell to. We do not call this fostering. Nor has it created a special class any more than a special class is credited by sending members to parliament, or by the ordination of ministers to preach. the gospel. Licenses are grant- ed only for a year at a time, and if a hotel keeper is deemed unfit for his calling by constituted authority he may be excommunicated or suspend- ed. Then petitions. from the people of- ten play a prominent part in the op- ening or closing of hotels. It may be true that the liquor trade receives from thé people eighteen mil- lion dollars per annum, but is it not also true that a great part of that has to be returned to the people ? We hear little or nothing in this country about rum-sellers becoming million- aires, while many of them are known to live frugal lives. They have to pay for that which they receive, and the prime producer is the gainer, while middle men and laborers receive their reward. 1 would not, however, up- hold the liquor trade. I am in favour of prohibition as a theory. Yes, they said Columbus was wrong and that he would never succeed, and he was right. We have a few such examples as Col- umbus and we have thousands of ex- amples of foolhardy undertakings that ended in disaster. We call a man wise if he succeeds and foolhardy if he fails. That's a peculiarity of human nature. You know some men were caricatured thus after the failure of the Scott Act. We can all agree with the quotation from Gladstone, we have used it often but we take objection to figures,which can only be estimates. Has the license law been making for unrighteousness ? Would the reverend gentleman prefer a return to former days ? While it is true that some men of the very worst character have been given licenses is it not alsg true, does history and the news of the day also not teach that some men ofthe very worst character have secured positions in church and state? The method of granting licenses does not justify one in stating that bad men are chosen for hotel-keepers. However, supposing such were the case, would a prohibitory law that could wot be enforced lead to better resaiis ? 'The high li ense system has andoubiediy driven the worst elements ont of the 'business. The reverend gentleman admits that the present law cannot be enforced, vet claims a new law could. Under the present law no one doubts that parties holding 'no licenses throughout the country are selling liquor, yet with all their inspectors and with all the hotel-keepers arrayed against them and the law in their hands it is only occasionally that one of these parties can be convicted. Abolish the licensel hotel and you abolish the most dead- ly enemy of these "dens of iniquity." A few years ago in Western Ontario iquor was being supplied to the bo tels and the government received _ no account of it; the inspectors could pot for some time find the source. Final- ly it was learned that private stills were in operation and one was cap- tured How many are still running no one knows, Now does it not seem folly to think that 'where mild legis- lation cannot be enforced a more stringent and far-reaching law can es pecially when the latter conflicts with what the people or many of them deem to be their personal liberyy ? This is the great point at issue and this is the point prohibitionists for- get to discuss. Mr. Ferguson spoke shrewdly in Kingston when-he said in substance, we had nothing to do with the pust, but were dealing with the present. Yea, verily, let history and expericnce hold peace. Yours ior true tempeyance, DER TRAGE REISINDE Great Clearing Sale During the month of December. Pre- vost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, is having a great sale, commencing on December 4th, in ready furnishir See hand bills for prices. This is a genuine sale. ------ coffee creams. nougats. best assorted. Cadbury's chocolate caramels. Cadbury's milk. chocolate. Cadbury's cafe au Lait. Cadbury's finest Mexican. Cadbury's assorted cliocolates mm 1 Ib. tins. James Redden & Co. President Roosevelt, in a letter "re the appoititment of Dr. Cram, a negro, as collector of port of Chasles- ton, has made it plain that neither race nor color: enter into consideration with him in the filling of offices. While governor 'of New York he appointed two negroes to' important positions. In Christ church, Belleville, on Wed- nesday evening, Miss Minnie A. Pa- Cadbury's Cadbury's Cadbury's los, daughter of F. Palos, was mar- ried to George: Ormond, a G.T.R. fireman, Guests were present from Toronto, Kingston and Deseronto. At Pembroke, on Wednesday, Wil- liam F. Burke, of the firm of Dunlop & Co.. and Miss Florence G..Shannon, daughter of Patrick Shannon, lum- berman, were married. At Kemptville poultry fair last week the prices paid were 10ic. a lb. for turkeys, Tc. for geese and 6c. for ducks. : Miss Cora. eldest daughter of Wil- liam Capper, Brockville, was married on Wednesday to Alec. E. Jackson, CHKarles . Brennan, of Gananoque. has purchased an hotel in Lyndhurst. and will remove there next spring. On Sunday last Abraham Burns. 'of Glen Buell, died at the home of Henry Clow, aged forty years. made clothing. order work and gents | Five Points of Superiority in "Famous Active' Ranges. L.--Ventilated oven. 2.-- Thermometer in oven door. 8.--Broiling and toasting door. 4.--Basting door in large oven door. 6.--Sectional cast-iron linings. These are all practical features--not mere claims, as in common ranges. Before buying a range see that it has all these features --they are indispens- able to good cooking, and the "Famous Active" costs no more than ranges that have no "Famous Active" special features. Makers of the 'Sunshine™ Furnace and "Cornwall™ Steel LEMMON, CLAXTON & LA Write for booklet. Ranges. WRENSON, AGENTS. Mc<Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St.John, N. B. -- ------r AGAINST PROHIBITION. Goldwin Smith Writes to a King- stonian. The. following are extracts from a letter dated 26th November, written by that eminent man to Mr. Mudie : "My views on the subject of prohibi- tion remain unchanged. "I trust that 1 am not less sensible than the prohibitionists of the evils of intemperance, but the results of the various experiments in the way of prohibitionist legislation convince me that more harm than good is likely to be done by attempting at once, for- cibly, to extinguish a taste which, when not indulged in to excess, can- not be called criminal and which is al- most coextensive and coeval with hu- manity. "Canada is a temperate and an in- creasingly. temperate country. There seems to me to be no special need here for exceptional and arbitrary leg- islation. 1 have confidence in the self- restraint and moral tendencies of our people." Pittsburg Township Council. Nov. 17.--All present. The clerk be- ing absent on account of sickness, A. Rickey acted as clerk pro-tem. Min- utes of last two meetings adopted, ex- cept the resolution regarding Grass Creek bridge. The letter of J. Ashley ley left over till the next meeting. On communication of J. Smith, asking protection and personal safety, on motion, Allen-Darling, A. Richey ap- pointed constable, at $20 a year. No action on the letter of Minnie Mec- Auley, asking a refund of statute la- bor tax. Accounts passed : R. Brash, repairing bridge, $3.50; R. Wenborn, culvert and work, $3; Rathbun Co., lumber, $62.25; J. Vanalstine, work, 23; I. Gillespie, gravel, 85; S. Rickey, repairs to hall, $7.15; Rev. Jenkins, cost, ete, on arrears of tax refunded, $4.31; W. Woods, work, $5.25; A. English, $15.75; W. Woods, stone, $20.65; H. Johnston, work, $12; J. Donaldson, work, $1.25; B. Mullen, cedar, 25c.; S. Woods, stone, 39.30 G. A Graves, removing nuisance, $2; J. Curtis, drain, 81.40; A. Tait, per J. Doyle, $50; E. Bradden, do., $25; J. Hudson, work, 93; J. McKendry, gra- vel and work, 85.50; B. Flynn, work, $2.50; J. Spence, work, 25c.; R. Webb, gravel, 95c.; J. Vanalstine, culvert, $3; M. Forrester, gravel, 55c.: J. Webb, stone and gravel, $24.50; R. Whyte, work, $1.50 and balance on stone, $3.65; I. Allen, stone, $13; S. Dufie, do., 85: R.; Brash, work, $3.50; R. Wenborn, culvert, $8; T. Marshall, stone, $I "A. Tait, on account, $3.25. On motion, Allen-Darling, W. Murray offered $20, in full of his claim for damages. No® action on Mr. Hunter's account of sheep killed. Bills of W. Rea and R. Wenborn léft over; on ap- plication for more pay, by no action." On motion, Allen-Max- well, Mr. Tait to get twenty-five cents, the same as others, for every cord stone put out. Moved, Allen-Mc- Lean, that we enter 'into a contract with Mr. Tait to crush 500 cords or more stone if needed at 32.40 per cord when piled, to begin at the rear of township on the first-oi May, 1903; and to" continue until said 500 or more cords are crushed and placed on the road, and 'when quarrie® by Mr. Tait the price is to be £3.65. Carried. Selectors of jurdrs voted $1.50 each. jv-law = appointing Mr. Baillie, S. Donaldson, James Rea, Alexander Martin, - Sr., and John Dillon, de- puty returning officers, was passed. A. Rickey, acting as clerk, voted, $2. On motion, Allen-Darling, the price for the hall per night to be $3, from this date. On motion, Allen:-Darling, the licenses for taverns to be 2100, and wine and beer licenses, 850, to take effect in 1903. Adjodrned till De- cember 15th. Nov 27.--A special meeting was held re Mud Creek matter. All present. On the report of J. F. H. Bogart; town- ship engineer, moved, McFarlane-Darl- ling, thyt ithe report he referred back to the engineer for fuller statement, with regard to the estimate of costs of repairs and parties liable for such repairs; the rceve and Mr. Darling to <ell the work of removing the obstrue- tions in Mud Creek ditch, on Tues day, December 2nd. Carried It is possible that New Mexico, with a population of 300,000, and property valuation of &200,000,000, will apply for "statehood. Conscripts to the number of 241,634 have been called to the French army this year. Fluid beef, 4-lb. bottles, 75. Mec- Leod's drug store. Athens will hold a poultry fair December 5th. \ HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollase Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. on , WL. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney, for the last 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug- cists, Toledo, Hall's Cetarrh Cure taken internally, acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of the system... Testimonials sent free. Price 76c. per boltle. Sok bv all Druggiets. Hall's Family Pills are the best. J, Moran,' Anemia, Sleeplessn Grippe, Shortness of down system. The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, - Heart and Nerve Pills. BALE SEALY SINE They build up the yitality, give Nerve and Brain Power im- dispell that Weak, "lined, Listhos No Amit foe e you feel full of Tike and They are a sure cure for Nervousness, Nervous % tion, Palpitation of the Heart, Brain Fag, Faint or Dizzy Spells, After Effects of La iri reath, General De. bility or all troubles re a. oi Price 50c. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, all dealers or Milburn's renew Lost ood ess, No Ambition feeling and Toronto, Ont. ) > JAS. FcPARL THIS WEEK SIDEBOARDS Golden Oak. Finished Side- boards, regular $8 for ..... Golden Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $10, for ... Solid Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $18, for ... $6.50 $15 All grades reduced this week, JAMES REID. The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt "and Hops. -Pérfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. AND, AGENT. 2606600000002 Fresh Mined Scranton "Coal Just Arrived JAMES SWIFT & $0. 'Phone 135. FHP 9%00 NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. A Shhh abbbhbt - CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE vents falling gray hair: Cures Ecsema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas sage. Ladies at home if desired Mme. Bilder, Now York, 166 Princess St. KING STREET, KINGSTON. Our Coal ir as Clean jas Though It Were Wash- = . ed and Brushed. Bach lump stands by itself. Good solid coal evince of th. earth rou" the mies Impurt surface ol ie ear rom tl ee, or ties are picked out by hand. Thereafter Lis "screened several - times -béfore it reaches you, and dirt, slate, etc., really have mo chance, if the dealers are careful. Ww are very careful. . Hoot of Queen St.--'Fhone 9 . BERMUDA... THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equabl winter temperature of 66 degrees, beautiful scenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters' of the British army and navy, fs unrivalled in its attractiveness, ed by the first class iron steamers: TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter. The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford besutiful and interesting tours, all reached bv steamships Soa walip Company from New York. (SPECIAL CRUISE TO THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For i lets and dates of sailing a ERBRIDGE & CO. Agents, . New York; J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO TABLE board. A y 168 King street West, pear Cy Park - 1

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