Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Dec 1902, p. 1

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LOCAL MEMORANDA. Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Scout's Revenge, Grand opera house, ' Love is a fever. Marriage is a feb- oy or sun rises ednesday 'NOI IS THE TIME. Special inducements to buyers to reduce our present stock of grade BEDROOM SETS. "Tuesday afternoon out of place as loves a woman $85 Hedroom set, 75 Bedroom set, for $65. Polished Soden Oak, Bishop preaches ede h' eveoing. 65. 5 Sideboard, Polished Golden Oak, Polished Golden Oak, Others ranging as low as $6,50. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess treet. Practice Experience us, that the best way to succeed in businesg is to say what When selling a suit, overcoat, anything we handle, we explain the qualities of the goods as well as the faults, if there are any. Knowing the nature of the article, vou can judge for yourself. You'll get A BEAUTIFUL TABLE. An artistically arranged table reverse is unpleasant. what you expect. Here are the facts : We keep clothing that is up-to-dafe. Our gent's furnishings are the latest, sell have no rival. JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. AUCTION SALE OF PIGTURES. Attend the sale of Pictures with- at the Xing street and the furs we ROBERTSON BROS. (GRAND OPERA HOUSE. |) TO-NIGHT. A STORY OF LOVE, HATE AND REVENCE "THE SCOUT'S REVENGE." A ROMANCE OF TEXAS. A play that will live when all others sale at Hanley 8. WEDNESDAY, DEC 3d. KIRKE LA SHELLE PRESENTS AUGUSIUS THOMAS: MASTER- ARIZONA New York success. WEDNESDAY at 2:30 and night THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 2:30 and 7:30. JOHN H. MILLS, * AUGTION INSTRUC TIONS K ROM THE CLARENDON HOUSE, New York produrtion, Seats on sale at THURSDAY, Dec. 4th The James W. Walllck "Amusement Co's oF pt "QUEEN me HIGHWAY" dr. ama. of Western ON WEDNESDAY Pec. The lot is. 22} feet r sensational scenes and olimax- sale at Hanley's Cl at Smith Bros. Will be Brighter Overcoats Good Selection, Reasonable Prices, Best of Trimmings. Up-to-Date Style, Fit and Work Guaranteed. CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS Gift Selection Made Easy and Pearl Sunbursts Future Delivery Picked While Possdésion' at ance Gun Metal and 350 King St. RAPIDLY MENDING. Sir Wilirid is Making Progress at mier's health is mending rapidly. long walks and Live Stock Market. YOUNG GIRL FOR GENER AL : There were about and kambs offered GENTLEMEN DO > i cood animals sold at Shoei sold at from 2. Good lots of fat hogs ------ a. ot The H. .D. . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY DECEMBER 2, 1902. FOUND THRONE nas, And May Sit On Durbar WAS SOLOMON'S LORD CURZON'S SEARCH HAS BEEN REWARDED. it At The View Across the Camps at Delhi--A Special Service Pro- vided so That the World May Know of the Doings at an Early Hour--What May Occur. Calcutta, Dec. 1.---An extraordinary rumor is in circulation .in the Bazaar, in connection with the arch- acological researches of Lord Curzon, the viceroy of India. It is believed he has been searching for the throne of Ring Solomon, and it is now report- ed that the throne has been found and, it is stated, that Lord Curzon will sit on it during the coronation durbar. It is then expected that some astonishing supernatural events will occur. The view across the camp at Delhi, from Flagstaff Hill, is a delightiul picture. There are "lawns, flower beds, avenues of glittering tents, and silken shamianas, with gold draperies and waving flags as far as the eye can sce. A special "telegraph office has . been fitted up to accommodate 200 o era- There are thirty emergency which have a working capacity of nearly a millions words per day: LOOKS SATISFACTORY. Terms May Be Arranged Between Britain and France. London, Dec. The Daily Express says that there is every prospect of a satisfactory conclusion of the negotia- tions between Lord Lansdowne and M. Delcasse, the British and French foreign ministers respectively, for the settlement of serious outstanding dif- ferences between Great Britain and France including the French shore, New Caledonia and Morocco questions, adds that meanwhile an- The paper i other movement is afoot aiming at closer Anglo-French relations. The supporters of this movement look to the appointme nt of a joint commis- gion to' which disputes between the two countries can be referred, follow- ing the lines of the proposed Anglo- American treaty of arbitration of 1897. THE IRISH MUST VOTE. Hierarchy Insist on Members Sup- porting Education Bill. London, Dee. 2.--A notable victory has heen achieved by the Trish Roman Catholic hierarchy over the United Irish League. William O'Brien's policy of abstention from Westminster -has heen regarded with disapproval by the Irish bishops and John Redmond, as leader of the nationalist party, has conseque antly found it advisable to in- timate to his. followers that their presence in the house of commons may he of real importance when the educa tion bill comes down from the Houses of Lords. Thanks For The Kaiser. Fssen, Prussia," Dec. 2.--The work- men emploved at the. Krupp works held a meeting, yesterday and decided to send an addr to the Kaiser, thanking him for his speech in defence of the namé of the late 'great -iton master. The address also contains a promise that the men will not allow anvone connected wth the persons wuilty of the slanders to work with them. Will Send No War Ships. Kie',. Dec. 2.-1t has been decided that no German warships shall = be «ent from here to Venezuela, at ~ the present time. The ecrui-ers" Araidne, Niobe and Amazon, which, it was an- nounced, some davs ago, would go to Venezuela to enforce German claims against © the country, will join the Northern squadron on its Norwegian cruise. Accidentally Shot. Flyin, Man., Dec. 2.---At the skating rink vesterday, Mr. Nicks, of Wycka ford, accidentally shot Angus in the back with a shot gun, contain: ing a charge of No. 2 shot, at a dis- only Tour Lesslie's chances are slim, portions of. his fur coat rand clothing having been driven right into his body. tance of foot: Strick An Unknown Ship. Boulogne, Dee. 2.--The torpedo boat destrover 'ehorter, Lound. from Rou logne to Cherbourg, was in collision h an unkwown vessel in the Chan Sunday nicht. A dense fog at the time. The Dehorter damages and nar- on account of water. nel prevail d sustained rowly escaped foundering on extensive of the rapid inrush Ready To Be' Slaughtered. Dec. 2.---All cattle land Liverpool. ed from the United States. at Rirken head, since the notification of preva- lence of foot and mouth disease in New England, have been aeclared to he free' of disease, Four thousand head of cattle are now awaiting the work of the slau ere Followed To The Grave Montreal, Dec. 2.2 The funeral of the late Abbe Colin, superior of the Semi nary of St. Raloiee, took place, this chitich--en Iargely att ecel morning, from th Dame and was very | several Hundred piicsts and | ties besides citizens following the re wmaoins - . > ( ------ PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Allan line steamer S temporarily repaired, leit Quebec day for Glasgow. An unconfirmed rumor was current in Vienna on: Monday night that the czar had heen blown ow A special app eal is being made for funds for for the University of Toronto, The French' and = German ¢ommand- ers have refused to evacuate Shang: hai before February! One of the prifiipal convents in Montreal, the Jardin de FEnfance, is closed on account of small-pox. G. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Ont. be the liberal candidate in North tario for vacancy in federal house. Oliver, accused of attempted murder at Bridgewater, was arrested at Belle- ville and taken to Tweed for trial. 'Ihe funeral of the late Principal MacCabé, in Ottawa, this morning, was one of the largest ever seen there, ilian, to- a convocation hall mav On- November, 1902, was the warmest November recorded by the meteoro- logical office in the recoras begun in 1830. The purchase of the White Star and Domivion lines was completed on Monday, the payments totalling $22,- 500,000. The export cattle trade of Ontario has been practically paralyzed by the action of the British and Canadian governments. The London Daily Mail is publish- ing a series of special articles dealing with the financial methods pursued by J. Pierpont Morgan. Thomas Howarth, banker, Oakville,- Ont., attempted suicide by shootine. He will likely die. He was despondent over financial matters, The colored brethren of the First Colored Calvinistic Baptist church, Victoria street, Toronto, are in litiga- tion about the fund of the church. Pressure is to be brought to bear upon the railway authorities with a view to 'securing from Manitoba the same rates by rail as by water route. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the United States will ask congress to vote an amendment for- ever prohibiting polygamous prac- tices or teachings. Sir William Higgins, in his annual presidential aadress to the Royal So- condemned the system of high- er education in Britain as being too mediaeval in spirit. The Canadian football team will meet the team of the London Welsh on January 26th, Oxford on the 25th, the London Scottish on February 2nd, and Cambridge on the 4th. Hon. Edwara Blake, M.P., and Joseph Devlin, M.P.. delivered ad- dresses on Irish affairs before a large audience in Association hall, Toronto, on Monday night. A messace from Judge Forbes, Liv- erpool, N.S., announces that nursing sister Forbes, who went out with two of the Canadian contingents to South Africa, died this morning of pneu- monia.. Joseph: Lepine fell from the roof of the: new auditorium building, Quebec, to the floor of the first storey, a dis- tance of fifty-four feet, this' morning, and was very seriously injured. He is thirty and married. Brokers are forecasting a general improvement in London Stock Ex- change business after Christmas, and an ultimate revival of mining specula- tion after the political results of Mr. Chamberlain's mission to South Af rica are known. With his face battered in and his gold watch missing, the body of John (). Brookman, aged twentv-five.: who had been purdeved, was. found in an old carriage shed, at Whitney pier, near Svdney, "N.S, late on Saturday nicht. So lar no arrests have been made, IN HARD STRAITS. They Cannot Get Work Nor They Get Home. Cape Town, Dec. 1. Large numbers of Australians who failed to obtain em- ployment. at Johannesbure have ar- Can rived here on their gal home, They find now that they cannot obtain passage as the two ipping firms, running boats to Australian ports de- cline to take passengers. owing to the existence of small-pox in Cape Colony. The men are, therefore, in the position of being. unable to obtain-aork or re- turn to their homes. ¢ Recognize Protestant Schools. London, Dec. 2.--A DPolitische cor- respondent, in an article quoted hy the Vienna, says it hears that the v | British ambassador at Lesslie | | vear, | age price, | while last year government. Constantinople as demanded recognition by the | g Porte of several Protestant schools es tablished in Turkev, to which recogni tion has not previously heen accord- ed, though the Porte sromised to orant it. Turkey previously recognized { the Russian and French schools found- ed withofit -official sanction. Manitoba's Output. Winnipeg, Dee. 2 from creameries and --Reports received cheese centres of | the province show that the amount of | creamery butter manufactured . during | the season of 1902 was 1.406.150 lbs. la decrease of four per cent, from last when the amount manufactured 2,460,870 lhs. This vear the aver- however, has been 18.6 cents it- was only 17.9 cents. was To Build An Air Ship. Dec. 2--The Autovelo Paris, says i Colonel and Major ke nad are about fto buill a st able balloon for the The plans hae heen ap proved hv General 'Andre, the minister of war. The air ship will he ready by neat spring. The outer casing will be of cotton. enclosing an inner o of India .rubber. A Case Of Smallpox. Toronto, © Pec Phere is a4 new ease of smallpox the iss Cott; Hosnita!, The § nt 1s aovoung Hay iltonian. who came home last Satur" | dav. developing "small OX veste rday. ~ 2 BEAUTY'S FATE Ryfka Offenbach Sentenced For Blinding a Man. DESERTED HER ESCAPED FROM SIBERIA BY MAKING LOVE TO GUARDS. Goes to Catlsbad, Where Brother of Victim Has Her Rearrested for Crime--She Will Now Languish in Prison. Vienna, Dec. 2--Ryfka Offenbach; a Russian adventuress of extraorainary beauty and daring, has just been sen- tenced to three years and a hali "in prison here for blinding her former lover, Rubin Stamoviez, the son of a wealthy merchant or Lorz, Poland. Rytka ran away with Rubin, who had stolen a iarge sum from her fa- ther. When the money was gone Ru- bin. deserted her, and she blinded him with sulphuric acid. She was sent to Siberia on a life sentence, but by making love to a whole series of officials she escaped, and after extraordinary adventures reached Carlshad, where she set up as a reigning beauty. The Russian: police discovered her, and, in order. to escape them, she suddenly married an old beggar at Lemburg, thus becoming an Austrian subject. She left the beggar immedi- ately after marriage and at once re- sumed her career in Carlsbad, but Rubin's brother got her arrested, and she has been sentenced to prison in Austria. Among her admirers, it is now said, were an archduke and two German princes, who made every exertion to get her free. A Hungarian nobleman of great wealth, dazzied by her beau- ty, has written her that she can go to him when released © and he will marry her. He calls her not only the most beautiful creature living, but a heroine. : WILL BE GIVEN POWERS. To Do Commercial Business in Great Britain. London, Dee. 2.--1t is expected that governmental powers shortly will be granted to the Mareoni Wireless com- pany, which will enable that con ern to work independently. At the pre- sent time the oflicial regulations pre- vent any commercial wireless opera- tipns within three miles of the Eng: lish shores. The signaling station at the Lizard which, it is sed], was ac- quired through Lloyds at an annual amount of £5,000, will he used mere- ly for experimeotal purposes. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Dec. 1.--Wheat, white, bush. 0c, 714c.; wheat, red, Tle.; wheat, spring, ,70c.; wheat, goose, 65c.; oats, bush., 31lc. to 35c.; peas, bh 76¢. barley, bush., 44c. to 50¢ bush. , 51 buckwheat, bush. ~.; hay, timothy, per ton, $14 to 816; hay, mixed, per ton, 36 to $9; straw, per ton, 810 to 811; Seeds, pet bush! : al- sike, choice, No. Si alsike, No. 2, $6 to 26.25; 1 $5.50 to $6; timothy, "$1.10 "apples, per bbl, $1 to $1.50 dressed hogs, $7.75 to 8.25; egos, new laid, 30e. to 35¢; butter, dairy, I8c. to 23c.; but- ter, creamery, 2lc. to 26c.; chic kens, per pair, 53c. to The; ducks, per pair, 0h to turkeys, per Ib, lle. to 13c.; geese, per lb. Zc. to Se. pota- toes, per bag, to 21.10; per bag, T0e, . carrots, per bag, 10¢. to 50c.; parsnips, per bay. 15¢. to S0c.; cabbage, per dozen, 30c. to 30c.; cauliflower, per dozen, 60c. to 75 celery, per dozen, 25c¢. to 35¢.: beef, hindquarters, 87 to 3%; beef, forequart- ers, $1 to £5.50; beef, medium, car- case, $4.50 to 26; beef, choice, carcase, 26 to $7: lamb, $6 to RF; mutton, $5 to 86; veal; choice; $7.50 to $Y, onions, 2 Chopped Off Two Toes. Denbigh, Nov. 28. --Philip Plotz, one of our settlers, had the misfortune, while cutting wood, to chop two = of his toes off and to split and badly bruise a third. Dr. Wricht, Plevna, was called to dress the mutilated limb. The new owners of the plumba- ga mines have started -a gang of ten men to work. under Wiliam Chatson. They are putting up the most neces- sary buildings; and intend to double their present foree when they start ae- tural mining operations. Rev. P. Craig and family ave still in New York. The spiritual wants of St. Paul's congre cation were istered to by anville, one of our theran ministers, Revi M. Voss, Strathtay, condacted divine service last- Sunday, in the Lutheran church at Raglan, which congregation helongs to this mission. The approach ing voting on the liquor act of 1902 ix last Sundav ably admin Rev. G. Brackebush, Eo- former pobular Lu also exciting very little: interest here, and no excitement at all. Neither the friends of. the new act nor those who are satisfied with the present state of affairs, have made anv effort to gain or influence the electors. Great Clearing Sale During the month of December. Pre- vost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, ic having , commencing on December fon, ih ready made clothing. work and gents furnishings. See hand bills for prices. This is a genuine sale. = order Judging from the number of tickets that are being sold there will he a large crowd ¢ the Mifitary ball 'in the new ar <. Wedndsday even ing. eeemben The place has been | beantifully de for the occasion | Uhy W SH New n r at The H. D. Pibhw co : | great sale," E DAILY BRITISH WHI To HEAVEN ESTABLISHED. Colony Under Name of New House of Israel. Livingston, Wexas, lec. 2.-~-The vre- ligious enthusiasts who came here from Ohio and Michigan and-establish- ed a terrestrial heaven in the dense | forest of pine trees five miles from here, have just celebrated the seventh anniversary of their arrival. These fanatics call. themselves the new house of Israel, and claim to have received Divine instruction to es- tablish a heaven in the wilderness of Texas, where shall he gathered togeth- er the twelve 'tribes of Israel, = num- bering 144,000 people, This heaven, they say, shall not be destroyed by fire when the remainder of the world is consumed. The colony has less than 100 membersy They live in rude little patches of 'ground, citizens. log cabins, till and are good WON $1,000,000. A Gift a Senator Offered For a Grandson. Butte, Mont., Dec. 2.--A son was born to W. A. Clark, Jr, last even- ing, winning the million dollar gift which Senator Iva Clark offered to his sons and daughters, a year ago, for the first grandson presented to him. + Bride Made Of Zinc. Paris, Dec. 2.--French custom offi- cials at Avesnes, on the Belgian iron tier, stopped a wedding party a few days ago for the customary inspec tion, The bride's silence and rigid at titude aroused suspicion and on rais- ing her veil the officer was surprised that the young woman showed no sign of resistance, He was about to pursug his inquiries when the driver of the curt whipped up and the party was soon beyond the official's jurisdic- tion. It was learned 'afterward that the "bride" was made of zinc and was filled with contraband liquors. To Stop Sending For Cattle. Toronto, Dec. 2.--Lo al cattle ex- porters whose supplies are already congesting here, haye_ stopped further congestion by notiiving drovers not to send in more cattle. This, however, only transfers the loss to the drover who must keep and feed his cattle. Looking at the situation in a broad way exporters here take a very opti- mistic view. 'They expect that the embargo on New England eattle will necessarily he extended to all United States ports and that as soon as Can- ada transportation and shippins faci lities are increased, Canadian trade will have an enormous espansion Richest Lace Owners. Paris, Dec. 2.-- The costliest laces in the world, according to a French lace dealer, are owned by Mrs. Astor, whos se laces he estimates to be worth 300,000; the Vv anderbilts, who have £500, 1000" worth; "the pope; who has £000,000 worth; the Queen of Fng land, $275,000 worth; the Princess of Wales, $250,160 worth, gnl the ex-Em- : press Eugenie, whe has a magnificent collection, one specimen of which is said to have cost $250,000, ------------------------ To Take An Appeal. Torento, Dec. The Toronto Flee tric light Co. are appealing from the decision of the board of county jud ges fixing the assessment of their plant, poles; wires, ete., in the «ity att $250,000. The judges. held that the exemption clause in the assess ment act applied only to the Toronto railway working plant in the strepts, but the licht compeny contend that the exemption applies to their plaut as well. Ten Years For Artist Syndon. Dec. 2.-- Leon Syndon, the artist, who shot and , killed Lucien David, a stockbroker, while - the lat ter was walking along the shore at Etretat with - his wife, was sentenced to serve ten years' imprisonment at hara . labor and pay a fine of one- franc damages. The judgment will be contested. Rouen, Francis Joseph Honored. Vienna, Dec. 2--Throughout the dual monarchy to-day there were celebrations to mark the [ifty-fourth anniversary: of the accession of Im peror Francis .loseph to the throne. In the capital business was generally suspended, and in all the churches thanksgiving services were held. Mr. 'Willison Leaves. Toronto, Dee, 2-0, 8S. Williton's resignation of the managing editor ship of the Globe, took effect last night. John Lewis, for some time chief editorial writer, has trusted with the conduct of the paper. Found " Not Guilty." Quebec, Dee. 2. Pilot Rious, in charge of the steamer Siei'iin, when she struck something while procesdingr down the river from Quebec, has heen fornd not guilty of big re ponsitile for the accilent. Bchools Are Closed. Windsor, Ont, Dec." 2. Belle River public schools have Teen elised owing to the presen e of diphtheria. Three deaths have alvealy occurred and seven families are down with the malady. "8 At St. Andre dinner, Halifax, Gen. Sir Charles Parsons praised the work of the Canadians in South Afri ca in the recent war He suggested the formation of an Imperial Colo nial battalion. with headquarters in wis England, the different colonies to fur nish the men for the various com panies. "Gurd"s Gusher." the oil well re ently aiscoverad in Raliizh township, received a partial test, on Mondav, | and in tenehours flowed five hundred | barrels of ml { Yes or po | intend to go to the sale of pretures on King stiget to mor row at 2:30 and 7:30. There will be a | great sacrifice, J Toronto, Ont., in western eastern. snow or Meacy gleac LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES Dec. 2. (10 a.m.)--Mild cold and cloudy in portion; ; casterly gales, with Wednesday, rain. [STEAGY S "The store that <ets the pace in \ the newest goods, not how cheap but how good and how new. This business s in closest touch with the people. Business is key- ed up to the highest pitch--the time to buy is this week, because now the stocks ave fullest, and there is elbow room at the coun- ters. Christmas only three weeks away, sot do not put your purchasing off till the last week, FUR LINED CLOAKS| For Street or Even- ing Wear, Ladies anticipating the pur- chase of a furlined garment this season will find it to their ad- vantage to place an order sarly. We mates shall be glad to give esti. for this class of goods on , } applic ation. BOARD. GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS Board; aiso table hoard. May be had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart St. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO single rooms, with modern 'conven= iences, central, not far from City and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Farl strect OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR CWN CCLORING) Are particularly suitable for wedding and birthday gifts. It will he a pleasure to show them to you. KIRPATRISK'S ART STORE. Melnnes Victoria, B.C. Tunes was sworn in as provincial a cretary and minister of terday. and North Victoria will he opened at once. stituency government acclamation. My the loriiy. Vancouver, lin, tive of quest loader. ~ SWORN IN. Taken -a Cabinet Position. Dec, 2.---W. W, Has B. Mc- education yes It, is expected North Nanaimo return to his con at once for reelectipn. "The anticipates his return by Melnnes 'is confident McInnes will covernment will have 4 good ma B.C., Dee. 2.-C. ex-premier anl former representa West -Yale, has a: ran West-Yale, conforming with thé n of R. MeBride, the opposition A. Sem eed to No reserve at the sale of pictures to morrow. - It will he a great chande, €30 and 7:30. J. H. Mills, auctioneer, Rubber sponges at Taylor's. heen ene. PAR IT - mew. BVA RARACT TATE TVET ANBAVLCLIC ERIC TERT CLRT ETSY H. Mills, auctioneer. | Seen vnsessssrssrasaang SPECIAL SALE. Cut Glass Bowl, 7 in. | in diameter, $5. Vinegar Bottle, 7 in, high, $2.25. Bon - Bon . Dishes, $1.85. $2, $2.25, $2. 55: $2.75 Jelly Dishes, $2. 50 to $385. All reduced prices. for cash. A C. JOHNSTON 4 BRO. JEWELERS.

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