Te SHE ESCAPED THE XNIFE. Ten Months of Peace After Dread- ful' Suffering. Operations are becoming a fad; every young man, as soon as he is graduat- ed from a medical college, considers himseli caj. te of undertaking the most serious and complicated surgical work," and hundreds of lives are sacri- ficed annually to this mad frenzy of incompetent men, to rush into work which should only be undertaken as a last resort, most experienced and careful surgeons, It is a pleasure, in view facts, to read thé following letter from a woman who has becn- saved from one of these "dangerous opera tions. "1 know I should have inform: ed you long ago regarding mv case of piles and the good done me, and 1 be- lieve I am cured. Last D sent for your I have never bothered since then, and before suffered for the last eleven vears, at the time I wrote to a child, and they came down with the delivery of the child by the hand- ful. 1 could not get them back and | suffered everything; and the doctor said nothing but an operation would ever relieve me; but I read of your remedy in our daily &@wspaper aud I told my hushand to get me a box and 1 would give it a trial before consent ing to the knife, and thanks he to vour wonderful medicine, 1 was saved from the operating table. Every person suffering from piles that my husband and myseli hear of, we recommend © your wonderful medi cine. I just used one £1.00 hox of Py ramid Ointment and two of Py ramid Pills, and 1 was, com- pletely cured. If they the slightest return I will certainly some more of medicine, but | hardly think I' will need anv more for it will be a year the duv of December «ince. 1 had them and that makes it ten months and past now. 'Thanking vou again wishing you abundant suc I Mrs, S. Hodgson, 105 W 11th St. Moines, Iowa." Pvramil Pil: gists for fifty be mailed to anv price, Pyramid Drug Co., Mich. Write this firm for little hook describing the cause and cure of piles, A SENSIBLE HOLIDAY GIFT One to be ciated Riit hoth handsome an Axminster been I had and book. hoxes I hope, ever show Sth and remain, Des <old package drue a will address on receipe of hy or ('ure cents home would Rug from large well selected stock. These Rugs superior in a high degree, both ture and design. any a be and are tex- app in and useful our in for in Hearth Rugs, Hall Rugs. Rugs «arge rooms, Rugs for small fact every kind a rug at below all other competitors Let rooms, of prices away us show them to you 'R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Fancy Parlor Chairs -- great va- riety Rattan and Mahogany ete $2.50 up. Parlor. Tables, $1.50 'up, in Tac, Bl, Mahogany and Oak. Bedroom Seats stock $3 up Upholstered made to early. Rugs, in or order, Place your order Carpets, Cushion Cpxers, Com- Curtains. purchases fofters, Blankets We mas "Buy ear Iy T. F. HARRISON GO. UNDERTAKING, EMBALMINC. 9, Wood's Ph Ibe Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re- llable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists In the Dominion of Cana- da sell and recommend as being the cfore. only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of T Opium or Stimulants: Mental and Brain 'Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption 8nd an early grave. - §o, or -six for $5. please; six will cure Mailed » ptly on receipt of price. Send pamphlet--free to any address. The Wood Company, 'Windsor, Ont., Canada. store your until C st- WHILE STOCK 1S LARGE After, Marshall, of these { mber || I had given. birth | and then only by, the | | | | | | | | | | | | | | what-over LIKELY L0ST Y 10ST 0 yh n stated that she was loaded 'with No Tidings of the Steamer | Bannockburn. SORROW HERE OF LOST FRIENDS. | No News Received at Fort William From Arriving Boats--The | Kingstonians Who May Have | Found a Watery Grave. A message from Fore William, Ont. says: "No further news of the where abouts of the steamer Bannockbuin has been received. None of the boats wriving daily: report any tidings of the missiny vessel and thought has foun- it generally is 8 | dered. | { | pany { hate get | | | would | Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Kingston at' | sj} drug stores. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY IBY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers Sad indeed was the despairing news which reached the city Monday night, announcing that the tug Boynton had returned to Sault Ste. Marie, alter searching the north and south shore of Lake Superior, without obtaining any trace of the missing steamer Bannock burn. That news was a sad blow to | the hopes of officials of the M. T. com- and to relatives of the unfortu- saiiors aboard the missing steam er. It swept 'away the last reserve t6 which they clung, and left thew in a condition of sorrow and despair. Up last night hope was maintained the return of the searching tug pring news of the missing steamer, announcing the safety of the crew, but the fates decreed otherwise, hope had to he abandoned. It cenvrally conceded that the missing steamer is not within carthly hailing distance, that she has found to that [an everlasting berth in the unexplored | depths of Lake Superior, and that the tacts of her-foundering will never known. It is asserted by 'mariners that the Bannockburn's boilers must have exploded, causing her to sink immedi ately, without giving those aboard a moment in which to seek to escape. Ii this theory then the big steamer quickly sank beneath the wa ters of that great lake, carrying down her crew to a quick and sure death. It ix sad to know that many lives were lost, but the sorrow strikes home the deeper when it is known that the greater part of the crew were well known in this city. At least ten of the crew Kingston, and the latives is shared in by the munity. Capt, steamer's ahle be is correct, So hailed from of their re whole com George Woods, the commander, while not a Kingstonian, plied the harbor for so many years that he came to he looked upon almost like a native. His home in Port Dalhousie. This was the first season aboard the Bannockburn of Geo Booth, chief engineer. He was an, engineer of wide experience, having followed the hfe of a mariner, as did his" father before hint, almost all his vears, He was the second son of Capt. Booth, Booth & Co's and was aged about thirty-three He was married, his family residing on Thvi ston street. When he left home he left behind three bright little children, but one has since been summoned to the other shore by Him Who suid, Suffer little children to unto me." "George Gillespie, watchman, was a of James Gillespie, Allert street, an attendant 'at Rockwood Hospital for the insane, He was unmarried and about twenty years old. He was a twin. brother, the surviving brother residing at home. Edward O'Reilly, also a native of Kingston, & aged-about twenty-one. He Q John (Reilly, Raglan read. voung man was well-known city, The of sixteen-year-old sore trial 'to his four brothers whom he supported. The five live with thei grandparents on John ston street. Lhe voune wheelsman was the eldest son of the late Thomas Cal laghan, formerly second engineer on the steamer North King. James Garvin, one of the deckhands, was a son of Michael Garvin, shoveller at the M. I. company elevator. The father boards at the Ontario house Ihe gon was unmarried and kept him self. His mother | William = i. Chalkle lived Chatham street ther, a member of the Salva tion He was an employee---in Dr. drug several years aso. would about twen ty SOrrow is © of rd, vears, coal yi come son was vouth son of The the a deck hand, Is in the be Arthur Callaghan, wheelsinan, will voune orphaned a is second mate on with his mo who 1 Army. Chown's His years. Ernest Rodway street, in company a moulder. 'He would be abont twenty one vears old: Before going on the Bannockburn sailed with Capt. Woods on the Glen garry. « Joseph Mehonald the deckhands, whose name was heretofore given. He was "a son of Martin McDonald, corporation labor er, and formerly drove the delivery waggon of KE. McFadden. Cecil. Linton, oiler, was James Linton, Wellington street, op posite the H&: market, and was a voung man who had followed sailing being desirous of qualifving for a ma rine engineer. He was unmarried. Charlee Selby, Jr engineer an the Gl fated steamship, a of Charles Selby, of the Kingston foundry He was unmarried, and member of the local machinists' union. The voung man served his ap prenticeship at the foundry, and was reckoned a e¢lever machinist, He¢ a seroeant in the T1th Regiment ing a keen interest in and: in all-mihtary matt well known in the 'city Capt. Gaskin points out that one of wr ditfer $ BE 1 the lannockburn have blown up a rock had nery bottom store ape be two on Stuart brother hoarded with his he steamer of not was another a son of second was son a was tak ment second, and a collision, cht Ho the thir and r througl it Wannockburn to was vrrevestivis found. The Bannockburn, the 1st ten dave evverdne va Port Williay, to Mi Hand inst hound on wa frog it I most |. mat | | | CAUSED BY THE THOUGHTS | | | | | of gold, cargo of 85,000 hushels of wheat. She usually had a barge or two in: tow, but on this trip was alone, hence the big cargo, her full complement. It has 000 bushels, but Capt. Gaskin says would be impossible to get that Jit woul into her hold. With her hold full, 85,000 bushels, she would not 'be !loaded down to within' a foot of the Plimsall saiety mark. The Bannockburn™ was built twelve vears ago on the Clyde, and was a fine steel steamer. On her coming to Canada she was rated Al at Lloyds. She was valued at abont $140,000, and was insured for $100,000. Her large cargo was insured, of course, by the parties consigning it, but the amount of insurance is not known by local officials of the M. I. company. The general theory accepted is that the steamer's boilers burst, which would account for her sudden disap- pearance. She was a sturdy, seawor- [thy steamer, one of the best sailing the great lakes. Only an irreparable accident could: have rendered ker wn- seaworthy and resulted in her going to thé bottom. wv AT THE GRAND TO-NIGHT. " The Scout's Revenge.' 'The Scout's Revenge," will he at the Grand to-night. It is a melo- drama dealing w th the efforts of a young government scout to rid the locality of desperadoes, headed hy a scoundrel of aristoeratic birth, who masquerades in society as a gentle mau, and is determined to win, by fair means foul, the hand of hi. benefactor's daughter, a distant rela- tive. In this he is frustrated th scout. The production has heen' given or by 1 a complete a of special scenery, ¢ Arizona "Arizona," drama, " Wednesday Night. the" dashing military appears at The Grand theatre to-morrow «night. The Montreal Star "The picce posses a great degree of heart interest, and the audi from 'start to finish, is thom in sympathy © with the jplay- says: ses ence, oughly ers." " Queen Of The Highway.' The attraction on at the Grand will theatregoers, who wish to see realisin, grand scenic effects, combined with a thrilling, sensational story western thrilling, sensational story of western told story of "these days of old, days those days of forty-nine," and than the porn A. I'avl w, who the picturesgne sheuld The Success Thursday night, be a treqy for fo who can tell it better lar author, Charles was raised among characters and scenes which make his latest play "Queen of Highway' one of the greatest es. of the season. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. "Leo, the Royal Cadet," to put on in Arnprior local amateurs, drilled by 0. F. Ie cember 1th and the late Dr. a member for is he by Telgmann, ore 2th. MacCabe, of the board of entrance to the Kingston. Ottawa, oN Royal of was amines Military College, John Campbell, Listowel] is dead, aed gichty-vight years. He was a resident of 'Kingston in the fifties, a large tannery. He later Merrickville and Listowel. Joseph Graham loft for Toronto on he noon train. He is' the del from the Aesculapian Society Queen's, to the annual banquet given by 'the "medical faculty of © Toronto University "in the Students' Union building, Queen's Park, to-morrow evemny Rev: Go 60 Huxtable, writes Montreal Weonss that 'it against "truth and honesty name of Principal Grant, a great man and a good man; after he is dead, ard represent him as' being a whiskeyite He was nothing of 'the kind. He -hat ed the peeursed liguor license laws as as I do'? manag 4 at to the is a crime to libel the much MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. wharf: Niag Steamer Crair's ara, up. Crawford's wharf : Schooner Queen of the Lakes, cleared for (Fswvego schooner Tradewind © arrived from Os- wego with coal. Richardsons' elevator: Schooners Pilot and Aviadne, from bay ports, with grain: steamer Arabian' cleared 1 Oswego to load coal for amilton : | WILL CURE You oF Rheumatism ELSE NO MBNEY IS WANTED. tor After. 2, experiments, I have learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not to turn bony joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage, and for- ever. I ask for no money. Simply write me a postal and 1 will send vou an order on vour nearest druggist for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure, for every aruggist keeps it. Use it for a month apd; if it succeeds; is only 8.50. If it fails, I will pay your druggist 'myself. I have ro samples, hecause any me- dicine that ean affect Rheumatism { quickly must be drugged to the verge of danger.--I.use no such' drugs, and follv to take them. You must pet the disease aut of the blood. My remedv does that, even in the dificult, obstinate cases. ! ter how impossible this seema vou, I know it and I take the risk. I have cured tens of . thousands of cases---in. this way, ana ~my-records show that 39 out of 40 who get those six bottles pay gladly: 1 have learned that people in gener- al are honeste with a physiciaa- who wes them. That is all 1 ask. MH 1 18 0 to fail I aon't expect a penny from you. letter with a | druggists, write me a postal card "or I will send you my book ab- Rheumatism, medicine. Take .it for a month, as it won't harm you anyway. If it fails, it is free. and I leave the decision with vou. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 40, Racine, Wis. Mild cases, not cured hy one or fwo bottles. Simply the Scottish societies, councils the cost : 1 and an order for the chronic, are often | At all | | SCOTCH DINNER pin, HILD IN COMMEMORATION OF ST. ANDREW'S DAY. ' The Scotchmen Feasted and Toast- ed -- Guests and Speakers -- Laird of Glenburnie's Fiddle Made the Braws Dance. Kingston Scotchmen and their friends made merry at the British -Awm- erican Hotel Monday night, the oec- sion being the time honored ban- quet of St. Andrew's Society in com- memoration of Rcotland's patron saint, and' in remembrance, too, the land o' cal At nine o'clock the banqueters were seated, and after the chaplain had said grace, the feast he gan, The guesis at with Hon. McComb, the head table President W. PF." Nickle were : Senator Sullivan, Rev, Prof. Mr. Pense, M.P.P., Prof. Cappon, Chaplain Mackie; Dr. BE. H. Smythe, K.C., of St. George's Society; Dr. Ryan, of St. Patrick's Soci ety: Alder man J.B. Walkem, representing the mavor; George Robertson, St. John. N.B.. a former president of St. An drew's Society, and J. W. Holt, also of St. John, N.B. Besides members of there were pros ent Col. Montizambert, D.O.C.. W. D Hart, Alderman Graham, and Sidney Green, of Toronto, > : During a Ill in the dinner Mclnty K.C., with an vie ac cent, read the greetings received from outside places, and was paid a geeat compliment by Senator Sullivan, who asked him to render the messages in English. The haggis was duly honored. A. M. Chisholm preceded it with a Union Jack, while the procession wound up with the musicians playing The Campbells Are Coming." Over it Second Vice president David Scott said the Burns' orace. At eleven o'clock the toast list w begun, but it was half past two lock be Hore the fiddle and the reels ecased. "The King" and "The Gover General" were honored, and My. Mcintyre, K.C., offered a special toast to her majesty, Queen Alexandra, on her birthday, whic h heartily drunk. So also was "The President of the United States," to which Rev. Prof. McComb was asked to reply, and he did so with aptness and much humor. The professor stated that he came 'to have a dinner and he consid ered it a scandal that he was forced to pay a penalty. Incongruous phe nomena, he said. could sometimes he brought into unity, and as the United States people were cosmopolitan, he would establish his connection with them, by pointing out that he was born in Ireland, had married a Scot tish wife, was educated chie Mly in Eng land, ministered in the United States, and finally became a professor in Can ada. If Christ were to eo through the streets of New York to-day, Prof. Me Comb declared, "Wanted, A Man!" might truly step forth, for he was a man Who had shown valor, not only on the field of battle, but on the broader field where the battle of morals was fought sud won. (Applause. ) Prof. Cappon proposed "Canada" in an able speech. As to the claim of Manitoba to the title of "Premier Province," he pointed * out that it would a long time before the wes tern winee could justify that, for Ontari intellectual pre-eminence will long give her precedence. The moral and intellectual nature, the centre of Canadian nationality, is in Ontario, and not "in Manitoba, Prof. Cappon dealt briefly with Canada's politieal destiny which did net to-bede finitely settled Her nationality was not in the least impaired or weakened by being part_of the British empire; The Canadian, he said, would never merge his nationality with that of any other, for he had the national senfiment implanted in his blood. (Applause). The Canadian type, the professor pointed out, lay retween the old British and. the American: DB. MM. Mélntyre is reply, declared that Canada's glory was in the fu ture. Seotland's was in the past, and it was doubtful if Scotland would ever reach any. hicher ' In proposing "The Land 'a' Cakes." Johu Meliityre, © K.C., repudiated the stereotyped statement, "Canada For The Canadians: Rev. Mr. Mackie, re sponding: stated that the reason he left. Scottish was' not on ount of poverty op crime, but like the Queen of Sheba, who went to the court of Solomon, to Canada he cans he hi greatness of the land; a sojourn here of seventien years, he could sav that the half had not Been told. (Applause). "The Legislatures" was proposed hy vice president, 1.0 MéD. Mowat. who declared that since Canada had been inderihed upon the map, her legisla had heen controlled hy Senteh men. I was fitting, he said, that this toast should proposed in an assembly of Kingston Scotchmen, for if the 'records of the legislatures were searched no time.would be found when 2 representative of the Limestone city had not occupied @ high place in the of this countr (Applause). Hon. Dr! Sullivan replied on bhehali of the senate, thanking Kingston St. Andrew's for the respect it always paid. that body's representa tive. The senate was" called many bad names, But nevertheless it discharged a great | auty, and was essential in this country, 'he senate, he declar edi was actuated by the highest sen- timents of truth, honor and justice, The speaker referred to the railway committee, which was so composed that its deliberations eoull be car ried on in Gaelic. In conclusion, Sena tor Sullivan paid a glowing tribute Scotland. Mr. Pence, of the Ontario parked thot ment mig! not was in a minds clouds his leg John as oO was and Theodore Roosevelt Cry, he seem peaks. so he eame heard of the and after tures he SOCHety to MP... replied on behalf fegislature. He re though that govern be in all 'hearts, jt The outlook. of He pointed ler was a truly o Scotchman, and hoped that when Fe cast ide his mantle of of ice he woul be spoken of® with reverence was Sip Ontario, legislature, ioculariy intinjated, had been cat strids religi did it not have Kir Oliver "Evidences of "Chri<tianit Ross bible, which the people A enved., (Laughter. said he was proud whick | through cours the clorious side, for. Mowat's and of | to ious § great Scotch sons, had reflected cre- dit upon the dominion. |, "Sister Societies," ably proposed bv R. J. Mchowall, elicitea opliee from Mr, Robertson, St. John, N.B.; Dr. Snivthe for St. George's society, and Pr. Ryan for St. Patrick's society. Police Magistrate Farrell pr posed "The Mayor and Corporation, that body who are said "to attend 'to city business when they have nothing else to do." Alderman Walkem, on be- bali of the: mayor, made a graceful reply. -s "Scotehmen's Wives "and Bairns" jp was toasted by Dr. Richardson and J. C. Paterson. After the fourth Cestate had been honored, the laird ©' Glenburaie, William Craig, played reels on his fiddle, and - the braws danced with delight, A. M. Chisholm {did a clever of table dancing, among the dishes and glassware. During} the - night patriotic Seatch songs were rendered by W. Craig, Veterinary Major Massie Dr. Richardson. An excellent orches tra, under the le: adership of Mr. Ar thurs, discoursed sweet music, all through the dinner and toast pro gramue. piece aul ol INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. at 'lhe H. D. Bibby -Co. toilet soap, 33 per cent, ae. per MeLeod'sy drug Overcoats A pure glveerine, | store, A steeet railway conductor will next week wed a young lady residing in Williangsville, No matter what goes wrong, blame the police for it. "That seems to he the unfair attitude of some citizens. WW. H. Reid, butcher and exporter, hippi several ear loads to Montreal, route cake. beef England, What would he a better present than a lovely picture. Come to the sale to morrow at 2:30 and 7:30. No J. H. Mills, auctioneer. Street car No. 23, one of the Belle ville cars converted into a respectable looking "tram," will make its ap pearance on the belt line to-morrow, taking the place of No. 11 Messrs. Lemon and Claxton, of the firm of Lemmon, Claxton & Lawren- son, left yesterday for North Augus- ta tgs place hot water heating plant in Dr. Dunn's residence. The Tuesday morning markets = are I etting to be of little account. It is seldom a dozen rigs appear on the square, and to-day's market was no exception to the now established rule. One year the ground good. To-day store doors no fire was May morning. According to the Toronto papers ever other paper the one that capitalists will buy up-for Mr. Willi son to conduct. Mayhaps the old Globe is the that Mr. Flavelle has in his mind's eve. All the cheese trict have not season. Some en to reserve. ago and to-day snow covered the sleighing was was warm and bright; were open and little required. It was like or a 18 one this dis down for the are still turning out ese, an unusual ocenrrence. at vanced season, hut testifying Wo quently to the mildness of the wea ther and the good grazing for cattle, factories in closed HS The .Wrong Method. Mary's cathedral on Sunday Fr. Mea referred the liquor "question, expressing the chwreh's opinion | that the passing of legislative act was not the way to control it. He pointed: out that when Christ came to" reform society, which was then more corrupt and: immoral than now, He did not appeal for leg- islation. He went to the basis of so- ciety, appealed to men's hearts and showed them the wav. the 'truth and the light. | Fr. Mea also appealed. to his people to desist from strong drink. ; A promitient Roman Catholic stated this morning that the members of, his church would vote almost solidly vnst prohibition: they did not he liete that legislative restraint was the 'way to curb the traffic. In &t. morning to, May Build It Themselves. The people of Wolfe Island, who, through their reeve, ave advertising for a ferry to the city desire a boat that will cost sorfiew here about. $15, 000 or $16,000. "sit might clogely ye- semble the Pierrepont in cons struction, for we wait a steamer that chin carry plenty of frdight," said a prominent island resident. "The island will have such a boat, even iY the tow nship has to build it. We firmly believe that it would be money well invested, Two trips a week would he made to Simcoe Is land on Thursday Saturday. There are 2000 pegple Wolfe Is land, and the ought to pay any company well." : and on service Oak Hall. the ON ere "Bibhy's." We have sfonest '¢ Bibby's."? and hand appeared a), 813. Bibby Co. smartest ats that have Xo, 8 The H. this season, 50, 814, 815. ttn mn NEED JEE TH, Serious Failure--of Body Comes From Lack of a Good Grind- ing Mill. Mother had her hoping in that "A few vears teeth all taken ou, way to relieve her suffering, but fail- ed, and it left her gums so sensiti that the wearing of false teeth or the proper mastication of food were equal lv impossible, so that in the spring of 101; she failed rapidly, mind and body, both giving wav and for manv weeks life" and "reason were" despaired ol. one agro o At call of her absoluetly must ishment, something 'try Grape Nuts," | tained a packa rich cream, She began to Jiked the food k between times her, Rhe physician he take more nour Ceasily divested, imnicdiately pre pared and fed her Oh some with from a reoul she good, ten an ly would ready at take it well if we began to noon and a had; any br once - It is now three can eating the food: covered her healt} fleshier and stronge sically, than prove since she Le has fully re better and allv and pha months previ mont hs She looks r ment for 'manw Grape-Nuts her that sit fre m anv ne givens hy Mich furnished nouvrichment savaned img Kind 'of Postum ( sossible other of | said | "Jing A RARE "RELIC COPY OF PARER MONEY 1S- SUED IN KINGSTON" Town Council of Sixty Years Ago Was in Financial Straits--How the Stringency Was Relieved-- | The Bill is Highly Prized. At the last meeting of the Kingston Historical ~~ Society Prof. Shortt made mention of the fact that in INI2, during the construction of the town buildings, the cotincil of the mu- nicipality of Kingston, in order to meet its liabilities, issued paper cer- tificates, pledging the towns taxable income in payment. A linited aum- her these cer 3 were issued and put into general lation at the time. Few of them now eaist, but C. 'I. Dickson, Alfred street, is the fortunate possessor of one, in a fairly goad condition of preservation. He considers it one of the most valu- able units of his large coilection o toins and paper money certificates. This unique certificate is about the of ordinary bank bills now in circulation, and is printed in similar style. In the middle of the bill, but towards the upper edge, is a cut, in size about one by two inches, which looks to be a view of Kingston, but iv 50 blurred that the outlines cannot Le clearly discerned. Across the face of the hill, in large type, are the words : "Incorporated by act of par- linment. The commonalty of Kings ton acknowledge themselves to be in- debted to J. JJ. Shaw,' or bearer, in the sum of five shillings, Panda at the office of their treasurer, twelve months after date, with interest, for the payment of which 'sum the rates, assessments and general funds of the town are hereby pledged. Kingston, October 26th. 1512.7 Acro the right hand end, on delicate lace-like work, are the words "one dollar," the let ters being about half an inch long AT the top and bottom corners of the left hand end. in an ovsl background of delicate ines, are the figures "1," denoting the denomination of the bill. These figures are about one inch long, and around them are the word: "ore piastre."' letween these two ovals a small square, containing this announcement : "By authority oi an act of the common council of the town of Kingston." The whole bill is enclosed in a chain-like border, mad¢ up of the words 'one dollar" in small type. In the very middle of the bill the British coat of arms, of unique desi inasmuch as the lion is represented as lying down, white the unicorn is standing The bill is numbered 1,2 series. "A 4 signed by John Counter, as mayor, and J. J. Bur rows, treasurer. The seal of the city. in red, is just above the signature of the mayor, towards the joNer righ! hand corner. The name *"J. J. Shaw" is_written in the place left blank for it. The signer was the father of the present mayor. J. J. Burrows, at that time treasurer. was afterwards made a judge, and resided at Beli. ville. It al an historic r of size 18 of The is seems st a pity that such of the times of our fathers, who reared such a fine monu ment to their memory the cin builaings are, should be included wm a private collection. It doubtful is another copy of the famous municipal money is existing, and Mr. Digkson is quite, within bounds in treasuring it as 18 HAD LAID PLANS. But These Were Frustrated by the Ever Watchful Police. Carter; the Jorger caught Saturday night by police, Sergt. Snodden, after trying . to pass a forged 'cheque Daniel Couper, grocer, has a very L high opinion. of the efliciency of the Kingston police force. He became sus picious at the prolonged stay of Mr. Couper, avho ostensibly left his store get Carter's. cheque .cashéd, but who gave the police the tip. of Car ter's ~ presence, - He says he was on the lookout for a policeman and was picpared to skip; he looked for a <onstable wearing two rows of bright buttons . down? his coat front; and was not prepartt for a visit from a policenian wearing a reefer coat with plain puttons He says he saw Snodden crossing the road towards him, but took the "big fellow" for a fireman. He was very much surprised, therefore, when. the plainly dressed man plac d him under arrest, Carter admits having gone through Ontario cashing forged chéques, and that "merchants of Sarnia and Kingston the only ones who re tase them, At Narnia he | hind narrow escape, but at Kings | ton tell into the clutches of the law. He purposely chose Mr. Cou per's place of business to hegin | operations, knowing" it. to he some distance front the police station, the object being to have 'time to get safe ly away in. the event of a policeman Being summoned from headquartirs. Heo was surprised at -thie quickness with which the policeman responded the call, and would scarcely be lieve that he had covered the dis tance between the station and Mr. Couper's grocery store in short a time. He was' also surprised to learn that the police were expecting a visit from him, and that the me chants had been warned 10 look out for him. on to savs were to aceept in to SO "* A Birthday Party. Mrs. Dutton, Barrie street, birthday party on Friday {last in honor of her daughter, Mi-s Fumma Dutton About thirty voung people were present. 'The supper | bles were pretudy decorated, the ar birthday cake being much ad The evening was pleasantly dancing, music, ete, congratulations gave ta and the to the spent in extending voung hostess, of To Have A Table, Monday "of the 11th to purel rooms honorary hoki 1 ceting on nicl 3t. { pool table for the ) also decided to admit The serge lance d enterta benefit of th Wee ks. ants bers intent for mei Sale And Concert. At 'ooke's he Poe npon and ev Ahm chur ad evening i $ ' What frayed your linen? Not Sunlight Soap-- : No: indeed! Ferema and Neuralgia, £3 Christmas Bifts . . . Ebony miliary lowest prices manicure S--i Very hair brushes at sets. large stock our Leather es. Inglish lates. H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 124 Princess St. *Phene 59. Successor to H. C. Mitchell. specialty travelling 'rolls and cas- and Awgerican Choco- ... ONE WINF GLASS OF ... ofbran Malt Fxirac Before retiring will positive- ly build you up and give you an appetite. SOLD BY E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST asa DRUGQIST. Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King and Market Sts., Kiagsten, Qur Coal i= as Clean as Though It Were Wash ed and Brushed. Each lump stands by itself. Good solid coal --s80 much solid fire. After coal reaches the surfuce of the earth from the mines, impuri- ties are picked out hy hand. Thereafter it is screvned several times before it reaches you, and dirt, slate, eto., really have no chance, if the dealers are careful, Ww are very careful. Foot of Queen St.--'Phome 9. 0600000000 Frash Mined Scra nton rh -------- a -- re --t i Coal Just : Arrived ho & JNMES SWIFT & 80. "Phone 135. 000900000000 NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win. ter.. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. : i : A Cosy Bright Fire for every The cheery heat of our coal will with pleasure during the cold weather It's just the kind to cook with, Let us 6ll your bin with BOOTH"S COAL. 'Phone 133, Foot of West Street. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER PRE- te falling and ay hair: Cures Dandruff, Head and Face Man sage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired Is an atrraction glow immense ma and e ited! [elt too. Mme. Bider, Now York, 166,Princess 8t,