DAIL BRI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3, 1902. The Time To buy an now, before gels broken. Popular Shades. Stylish Shanes. Perfect Fitting. Sar the points which make our "OVERCOATS At $10, $12, $13.50. So much coat buyers. 3 JENKINS y 114 Princess Street Poona sssaas AUCTION SALE --OR-- PICTURES is of right sizes overcoat the range ® sought for by over- : At the King St. store. Goods are sold at your own price. At- tend the sale; 2:30 and 7:30 every day. No reserve. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. Overcoats Good Selection, Reasonable Prices, Best of Trimmings. Up-to-Date Style, Fit and Work Guaranteed. CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS Goh OOH OMRON OBO OofrOBOe0s MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT. Will Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing Fungers. PRICE C. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. THANKING THE PUBLIC ' FOR past favors, | desire to state that my place of business will be closed after the loth: of December before which all ac- counts must be paid and "parties having accounts against me will present them for "payment and =obtve; " Wo -BASSAM. P.S.--Wedding breakiasts, ete, sup- Blied, as as usual, drow go A Allred 5 street EVERYTHING IN APPLE PIE ORDER BLACK AND WHITE PUDDINGS, Frankiorts, Fresh Pork Sausage, Ten= derloin. Cooked and 'Pickled Pigs Feet, Head Cheese, Boston Baked Beans, Cooked Ham and Tongue, Bologna, Corn Deel, atc. All the choicest found at Myers' Pork Market, 60 Brock St 'Phone 570. DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER Befors you think of getting your eleighs and outters ready for the first sleich drive. Have them made ready now. Winter will come with a rush ay Send them to us and get them painted, trimmed and repaired, We are also prepared to store through the winter. all kinds of carriages and vehicles Lote of room. Call wee us. W. G. FROST, Carrlage Painter, 402 Kiang Street East TO-LET. FURNISHED HOUSE, NO 57 George St Possession at once. Ap- ply to Mrs Lesslie, at Nrs. Mur- ray's, 212 Kine St GOOD STABLE, BOX STALLS, HAR- ness room, and drive house, Lots of room 10 store rigs Apply to W DD. Mcliae, 124 Barrie stredt WANTED. A GOOD COUK. APPLY AL WIND sor Hotel A FEW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN xood salary Apply, to W. HH. Houg- son, 51 Brock street A FARM HAND; MARRIED GOOD wages. Avnlv in the evening to In Gioson, corner Queen and Barrie streets YOUNG WIRL FOR GENFRAL HOUSE- work No washing Apply be- tween 7 and 8 pm Mrs. T Harrison, 178 University Avenue LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DO OUR work at hon spare time, §5 to $10 per week. Address with two cent stamp. Box 249, London, Ont AN ELDE RLY MAN, WITH BEST OF seeks employment as ume Kee trust AGENTS RISPRECTABLY NER getic aodn and ome 8 Re ex tra goo i 1 lines Teas, ( ¥ Shoctal ? ties Fhe Star Co. IR Kingstor All who are in favor of closing the barroom and stopping the treating system vote "YES." LOCAL MEMORANDA. # The Daily Note Book Fgr Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Arizona,' Grand opera house, 8 p. m. Military ball, new armouries, 8:30 nm Referendum returns, City hall, 7 pan, Thursday The sun riscs Thursday at 7:17 am. and sets at 4#3 pan Special Advent serviads this evening at Portsmouth and Barrietield Sale oi pictures, Thursday, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m, old Whie building Voting on the relerendum question opens at wine o'clock 1 nursday morning Christinas sale, St Andrew's hall 2 High tea and concert, a 1o-IuIrrow 25¢ concert, 10¢ The liveliest Christmas advertiser is Faylor, of the drur store. He has a wrhly attractive stock Leave your names at Uglow's for subscribers' list and secure choice seats jor pessie McLachlan concert, December 12th Woman's Art Association sketch hibition till Thursday evening. vatrick's gallery. Admission 10c., cluding' gea Special 'services at St. (Gieorge"s ca- thedral daily at 10:30 am., 5 and 8 wom Bishop preaches each evening. All sents free; strangers welcome. This day in the world's history: Brit- ish, under Gen. Plumer. enter the Trans- vaal, 1899; H: M. Stanley reached east coast Africa, 1889; Ajrikander congress at Worcester, Cape Colony, passes reso- lution favoring independence of Boer republics, 1900; battle of Hoheulinden, R05 poleon captured Madrid, 1808; flight of King James 11, 1688. ex- Kirk- in- All who are in favor of closing the barroom and stopping the treating system vote "YES." A BEAUTIFUL TABLE. An artistically arranged table is the delight oi all persons oi taste, and the reverse is unpleasant 1t behoves you to select good and pretty China, which you can do here at a very moderate cost. Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- ful. We carry a large line and prices are right. ROBERTSON BROS. Open Saturday evenings during De- cember. (| GRAND OPERA (HOUSE. |) TO-NIGHT. KIRKE LA SHELLE PRESENTS AUGUSTUS THOMAS MASTER. ARIZONA The London and New York success. An- American play by an - American zuthor. "Nothing better ever ---produced."'--N. Y. Herald. Entire New York production. Prives Sle... T50 Seats on sale gt Hanbvs Haniev's. THURSDAY, Dec. 4th The James H. Wallick Amusement 2 oF UtOl "QUEEN %: HIGHWAY" A picturesque drama of Western life; First time here Sce a tribe of real "indians. kipfe fight with real: wolves, and--other-sensational séenes and climux- es Street Popular seats, 75bc. Seats on sale at Hanley's. Tuesday, Dec. 9th, John "MACBETH PRESENTATION OR ARTS' BUILDING OF eiti- hands hy the at show, 4 9 'cl prices, 25¢ Thursday, Suc. ock, . Box 35¢., Griflith, in NEW ARTS BUILDING University, erected by the zens Kingston, will be formally ed over--to the university authorities the Mgyvor and City Council on evening of FRIDAY, December Sth, t o'clock. \ opportunity for hinlding' will be wes will take he open to the invitation FRANCIS KING, Registrar, University THE Oueen's ol full inspection. of afforded as the pro- place within it and public without fur- " ce wil her Council STRAYED. PREMISES Montre Owner property MRS. C et A YOUNG have same hy paying expens or INTO THE Sullivan, HEIFER Proving ses. ~ AT THE GRAND. can and 'Arizona' To-night. August at the A New York, "Arizona" competing rdeords bv weeks more to its profit schedule. Now direct from these metropolitan successes, to which Philadelphia and Washington also contributed, the en tire original company comes to the Grand to-night. inning last wt all adding fifteen he busin 'Queen Of The Highway." Thess who enjoy a hearty laugh will be disap pointed on witnessing the not coming production of "Queen of the Highway. The first scene is laid in ng Hollow, a pest station in Mountains, and itjis <aid ¢ : £ kept lau { al A ho r 5 or ie Tae ' An Kv hands of 1} & ne buts « : he the t { not fn the « "I'he i= said to 1} with auiteal situations vhich r Nt the more SErPONS Scenes and offend no nes ationality or creed. At the Grand on Thursday, Dec. 4th ---------- Xolasses 10c. a guart at Gilbert's | SO remunera- | SHOW PROFIT Year's Results on the Inter- colonial RR. CLEARED IT UP. A BIG DEFICIT FOR THE PRE- VIOUS YEAR WIPED OUT. Poor Showing For Canada--Bad Meats Supplied in South Afri- can Campaign--One Can in Three Was Decomposed. Ottawa, Dec. ~The operations of the Intercolonial railway for the fiscal year ending June 30th show financial improveient. The total earnings am- ounted to £5,671,355, and the working expenses to > a, showing a pro- fit of SUHN I he earnings as com- pared with ii previous year increas- ed by $699,150, while the expenditure advanced by only $114,141. The loss of $458,156 in 1900-01 has therefore been wiped out, and in addition, as already stated, there is a balance of 96,2 to the good According to the report of the gov- ernment analyst at Cape of Good Hope, ( 'anadian meats supplied during the South African campaign make a very poor showing. Ninety-four sam- ples of tinned meats from this coun- try were examined, and only thirty- three pronounced sound--about one in three. Twenty-three of the samples were slightly decomposed, and thirty- eight decomposed. The showing that this country makes as against other foreign competitors is very poor, and will not tend to better the prospect for the sale of Canadian wares in that part of the world. Hon. Raymond Prefontaine will vis it the prime minister at Hot Springs before the latter returns to Ottawa. J. H. Loftus, Ottawa, is one of six fortunate brothers who have fallen heirs to an estate in Ireland. They are grandsons of the late Sir Nicho las Loftus of Mount Loftus, Kilkennv Ireland. Mr. Loftus | said the estate would be worth about 87,000,000. Their father was the only son of the deceased Sir Nicholas and came to (Canada when a young man. He re- turned to the old land but once, and that was some eight years before "his father's demise. 'The six brothers are: J. H. Loitus, Ottawa; N. L. Loftus, Perth; Edward Loftus, Montreal; G. H. Loftus and P. H. Loftus, Lock- wood, N.Y., and D. H. Loftus, Syra- cuse, N.Y RECORDS MADE. In Connection With the Educa- tion Bill. New York, Dec. 3.--The London eablé says: The final debate on the education bill was opened in a perfunctory way. The opposition was bent upon making an effective de- monstration against the measure for the sake of .the moral effect on the country, but every #&rgument is now stale and no new reputation can be made. Protracted as the general de- bate has been, on this contentious bill, the number of men who have distin- ouished themselves can be counted on the hand. Hon. James Bryce leads off on the opposition .side with Llovd- George--and Samuel Evans, both inci- sive speakers, behind him: and two are added to .the government benches, namely, - the prime minister, who has combined firmness and flexibility, and Lord Hugh Cecil, whose voice has 'a ring of earnestness which has not been heard 'since Gladstone discussed the questions of church and state. The bill is expected to reach its second reading in the House of Lords, on Friday night and Lord Rosehery's speech on™ that occasion awaited with keen interest. The rumors pecting Lord Salisbury's intervention are stil contradictory. His frien Is assert that he is more likely to try to keep Lord Hugh Cecil in order than to attempt to amend the hill. Iribune's is closest To Have New Line. - London, Dec. 3.--Five English ship- ping firms are coinbining to form a new line of steamers between New York and the far east. Howard 'Houl der, of Houlder, Middleton & Co., is at present in New York. perfecting the arrangements for the NeW service which will known as the American & Oriental Transport line. The com bine will be English in regard to the tonnage employed, but the business will be done with United States mer- cantile 'houses. he Loss Of Over A Million. Petroit, Pe. There th: lst on far tl and the loss the unlerwrit'rs has been over a mil Hon dollars. About thre-quarters of this has been an hills, one-quarter on Unicss there shonld be = ex ceptionally bad luck havé heen th the lakes 1s season, to ws dur the las few davs of the season, this vear wiil go on record as one of fair profit to the marine insurance business. A Theatrical Monopoly. Montreal, Dee. J. B. Sparrow, the well-known theatrical man, now controls «all the English theatres in the metropolis. He is to take over { conversing Proctor"s: Theatre, formerly Her Maj from and the or. Ye in pen ary na Lac yn <ufoade last oy Hy OJ KinscH with his sueperders--tiing them around a peg which was ud to hang his clothes upon. He had quently. threatened to take his life with fellow-convicts. Wa sena ward hefo be « tor him of com cher of t ligic The der Ne ing It in t M ing A of vote the Willi She Fidl ary. Tor nou gar In in requ ton Je offic supe year 200 lowe in shot ry act Joh Ar of t not ted Mc run } firen | burn stan tect phor turn Ww ill dent. M: hom hris dren Do Not Want to - | estin waln | Oo Milburn, sident pro-tem. Mr. rished of my days. Shipnients of algamation throughout the At Messrs, Mrs. Arthur magnetic land every 'electoral district majority in favor of prohibition, Mr K Johnston, rere trolled or Engineer bad done to HE HAS RESIGNED. I1l-Health Has Caused His Retire- ment. CHAPLAIN MILBURN. wshington, Dec. 3.--Rev. W. H. the blind chaplain of the now in California, has for- his resignation to Pre- Frye. It will be placed re the senate." His will ected by the senate. Milburn in his letter Frye says that ill-health to retire from the te, led successor to Sena- compels position, and he adds: t is with deep sorrow that I have a to this decision, as it was my wish that, under the favor he senate, I should conduct its re- jug services during the remainder pen PITH OF THE NEWS. Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The anthracite coal strike commis- sion will resume sessions: at Scranton. James Oliver * was committed for trial, at Tweed, for shooting Albert G. Skelton. It is probable that a degree in household science will be offered at Toronto University. The C.P.R. has decided to refuse cattle for Halifax or John from Ontario. Si he chief of the Warsaw police is un- arrest on 'a charge of taking bribes from procurers. gotiations are on foot for an am- of linotype companies world. Blake and at Manitoba $1,700 was : Devlin's meet- ihseribed to the Irish Home rule fund. has been definitely decided that Capt. Wringe will sail Shamrock 111 America's cup. of Cobourg, has been he races for ss Holland, appointed dirveétress of manual train- and domestic school at Stratiord. t The Hague the Second Chamber the States-General unanimpuslv vd in favor of the ratification of Brussels sugar convention. Heath, refict ofthe late Rev. iam Heath, is dead at Brantiord. was the daughter = of Rev. Wm. er, a Wesleyan Methodist mission- at a meeting of the society, - an: discovery re- of the north Harvey, astronomical an important the deflection pole #* recent onto nced ling in New oave election the a and vote opera- two-thirds act into the the six districts ured to carry was mred. hn Cameron, a clerk in the post- at Fredericton, N.B., has been srannuated. He has been thirty-five s in the service. His salary is 81,- a vear, and his superannuation ul ance will be 870 a month. Kate Hassett, leading woman ith's threatre, Philadelphia, was and killed Monduy night by Bar a well-known Syracuse a member of Richard Mans- company. After the murder nston attempted suicide, w crety _ which, within four weeks he regatta, has been coachea, con- trained by any one who is an amateur, shall not be permit: to participate in the annual races © wr, at Henley, Eng. It is obviously an attempt to exclude "foreign entries irom the races. . ACCIDENT AT MORRISBURG. Murphy Killed, and Fireman Devaney Injured. Ont., Dec. Yesterday ocenrredd on the Grand James Mur while Fis badly yrrishurg, a. cident by which Encineer wreal, lost his life, yan, named Devaney, was el. An east-hound freicht was ding at Mon ishurg station, pro wl, it by the sema e. A allo east- lu 1k, Mo s second hound rushed into the standing train Several cars of both trains were over and consi leralle damage was the freicht. The Grand Trunk make. inve tigation into the acci wl irphy was instantly killed and for he lay pinned down by the He foaves a wife and three chil- S de URGE SPEEDY ACTION. Trust to Presi- aent Castro. claims £1,000 - ated that the 6 Vennezuela amount rman to Zen: 100K HER LIFE A Pathetic Episode In San Francisco. THE CAUSE OF IT A HORSEMAN"S YOUNG BRIDE KILLS HERSELF. ¢ Just Throw a Little Dirt Over the Body of Your Girl," She Wrote--Who the Young Woman Was. San Francisco, Dec. 3.--The pathetic suicide occurred Saturday night of Mrs. Carlotta Hemmingray, for four months the bride of Robert Hemmin- gray, a well known horseman, of Cin- cinnati, whose two horses, Hindred and Lord Kitchener, run at the Ingle- side track. The young: wife, girl of eighteen, evidently in despair . overs her husband's threat to leave her, shot herself through the head with a pistol. She was found with her mo- ther's pistol clasped to her breast. She left a note to her husband, say- ing :° "Don't curse me when.I am gone, please, but I am heartbroken and can- not live without vou, as I love you withsall my soul. © You'll bury me, won't vou, Bob? Just a litte dirt over the body of the girl who would not live without you, dear. I am sorry 1 did such a wicked thing as gossip, but 1 am so young. Only re- member, Bob, that you have trifled with my heart. When you told me that you did not want to talk to me 1 just longed to kiss you and throw my arms around your neck. but you would have knocked me down, 1 died without a kiss." Hemmingray first met his wife Hot Springs, Ark., one year ago, and four months ago marned her in Chi- cago. Her mother is Mrs. Campiglio, a soprano singer at St. Paul's Metho dist Episcopal church at Cincinnati. Her stepiather, Charles Campiglio, is organist of the same church. Mrs. Hemmingray's maiden name was Car- lotta Stevens and she had attended a fashionable boarding school in New York and also at Sycamore, Ill. SO in WANTED--MALE HEIRS. Royal Families of Europe Are Not Well Supplied. London, Dec. 3.--The recent birth of a second daughter 'to King Victor Emmanuel of Italy has suggested the idea to one writer that the custom of European royal families of intermar- rving is perhaps responsible for the unfortunate lot of many reigning houses in this respect. Whatever the reason "is, the follow- ing are undeniable facts. The emper- ors and kings of Europe number se- venteen.. Of these thirteen reign un- der the so-called Salic law. . Of these thirteen, mo - less than five, namelv, the emperors of Russia and Austria and 'the kings of Belgium, Italy and Wartemburg, have to-day to look for heirs outside of 'the direct line of suc cession, because they have only daughters. - Besides these, - Queen -Wil- helmina of Holland is as yet child and the Grand Duke of Hess: is without a son. "The Grand Duke of Luxembourg a middle-aged onl" son, who has daughters; but no mals heir. After his death there are abso lutely no collateral heirs in the male line. Emperor William has six sons. The Spanish crown rests on the head of a delicate 'posthumous youth andthe only son of his father, King "Edward VII had only two sons, one of whom is dead. In Servia and doms this point is less, 1s other minor king- further illustrated. SAYS GOD IS COMING. Leader Pro- Holy Ghost and Us claims the News. Lisbon Falls, Me., Nov. 29.--The Rev. F. W. Sandford is running an- other convention at the home of the Holy Ghost-and Us Society, at Shi- loh: As-is usual at these conventions, Mr. Sandford is the central figure and he startled his heavers by- déclaring that-en October 2ud of. this' year he received orders from God: for him to prepare for the return of the King. He said that he has been commission ed as the true representative of God on this. earth, that God was surely coming and that it was the duty of those present to prepare: for His cdin- ing. alr ady trembling in ontinents are the sight of God," he said, 'and when He reaches earth all hell will sing an oratorio with keys depressed in acknowledgment of Him." Mr. Sandford also said that been instructed fo renew the kingdom and that he was simply obeying the orders of - Gods in making the state: ments. he had TO STRIKE SETTLEMENT. Thousands of Soldiers Will Main- tain Order. Marseilles, Dee. 3.--~TFhe strike of stokers and dockers eontinues. In ad- dition. to the municipal police ten thousand soldiers d gendarmes are the neighborhood of Le erve ord The prefect is ith t} of the r n \ Ww to of rej tatives men 10Y pur- nr about a settlement fall For The Kaiser. Frankfort, De 3 The Frankfort Gazette savs Wilhelm Hildebrand, of Hoetliiz, who died "recently, left an estate of the value of £75000 and I £150,000 in cash to Egiperor 'William TISH i EIGHT INCHES FALLEN. A Heavy Snow Storm Set In In Montreal. . Montreal, Dec. 3.--The most im- portant. snow storm of thes season set in last might and. up to o'clock, to-day. cight inches of » had fallen. After that the fall turned to rain. a The new steamer Toledo, built at Toledo, for the Sup company, of Philadelphia, arvived here to-day on her way down the St. Lawrence to Port Arthur, Texas. The Victoria hockev club, of Winni- peg, which has again challenged for the Stanley cup, will, it is announced, leave the association with which thev are connected afid form a new organi zation. George James, president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey League, states that such action will stand in the way of their challenge, until such time as the club has won the cham- pionship of the new association which they are forming. CHARGES AGAINST POLICE. Inspector Grant and Captain Stephenson Are Accused. New York, Dec. 3.--Inspector Don- ald Grant and Police Captain John T. Stephenson of the Mulberry street sta- tion face six specific charges brought against them yesterday by District At- torney Jerome. The charges are: Fail ure to properly enforce the law; fail- ure to properly report cases; false re- ports: neglect of duty; neglect and dis- obedience of orders and conduct un- becoming officers. Some of the places raided are in the precincts in which the two officers are stationed. ONE EYE RUINED. Blind in Left Eye by Falling on Tumbler. Watertown, N.Y., Dec. 3.--Little Lil lie Suffel, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Suffel, of No. 55 Main street, is in St. Joachim's hos pital 'suffering from the results of an unusual and serious accident. The child fell from a high chair and struck her face on a tumbler on the floor. The tumbler was broken, and a piece of the glass cut through both eye lids and the left eve, totally destroy ing the sight of the eye. FOUR PARTIES. Engineers Will Go Forward From Different: Points. 3.--Speaking at a meeting of the Edmonton boara of trade, while in that town, Mr. Wain- wright, vice-president of the Grand Trunk railway, said that just as soon as the prope transcontinental line was authorized by legislation four parties of engineers would be started to work, one from North Bay, one from Wirinipeg, one from Edmonton, and the fourth from the coast. Winnipeg, Dec. Live Stock Markets. Buffalo, Dec. 2.--Hogs--Receipts, 4, 50) head; market fairly active, lle. to 15¢. Tower; heavy, $6.50 to $6.60; mix ed, $6.40 to. $6.50; Yorkers, $( to $6.10; pigs, 86.10 to $6.50; roughs, $5.75 to $6; stags, 84.75 to $5 Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, head; market, steady; top lambs; 35.- 25 to $5.95; culls, to good, $4.25 to 315; ye arlings, 83.75 to $1; ewes, $3.50 to #4; sheep, top mixed, $3.50 to 83.76; culls to good, 81.75 to $3.10. Chicago, Dec. 2.--<Hogs--Receipts to- day, 45,000 head; to-morrow, 40,000 head. Left over, 7,500 head. Market active, oc. to 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers, . 85.80 to $6.30; good to choive, heavy, $6.25 to $6.50; rough, $6.10; bulk of sales, $6 to $6.20, Sheep and lambs. --Receipts, 3,900 20,000 head; sheep steady; lambs, 10c, to 15¢ lower. Good to choice wethers, $3.60 to $4; fair to choice, mixed, $2.50 to $3.60; native lambs, $3.50 to 5 Will Be Private. London, Dec. 3.--The public will not be admitted to the Royal performance of "The Prva by Mrs. Lang- try, at the mperial Theatre, London, on December Sth. The play, written by Mrs. Langtry and J. H. Mannos, wil have its first performance on "that night by order of the king. The stalls will be occupied only by members of the royal family, The royal circle and dress circle will be given up to mem bers of the royal household. Wrecked Vessel"s Crew Is Safe. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Dec. 3.--The tug Philadelphia, which arrived "last night, reports the crew of the steamer Hebard, which .went aground at Cop per Point Sunday night, all safe. The Warmington and" Francombe, two of the three schooners" in tow of the Héebard, when she went ashore, are at the Soo. The third schooner cannot be found. Want To Come Here. Toronto, Dec. 3.--A colony of Euro peans in Brazil, is anxious to come tor Cunada and has written to the pro vincial authorities for information and has "also applied for allotments of land. The letter states that there are 200,000. in' the colony, but that only 10.000 families wish to come here. The request is made for transportation to Canada. To Check The Trusts. Washington, Dee. 3.---Senator Cul lom has introduced a bill to amend the Sherman anti-trust law. It pro hibitd interstate "commerce in afticles produced by the trusts, the pe Vv for violations leing a fine of from X50 to 85.000 May Be Detayes. Victorin, Bf Dec. 3. The election in the Yul i tO repres ent th terre ammo took place vires t | the north ar the result ¥ not He kn 1 t i rrival ol the next steamer in Viclofia > Crosse & Blackwell's peels at Gil bert 's. . HIG. LAST EDITION + WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont., Dec with snow or sleet; north-westerly winds, coming much colder STEACY' The store that sets the pace in 8 --Strong winds, Thursday. strong fair weather, be- tha newest goods, not how cheap but how This business with the people. ed up to highest pitch--the time to buy is this week good and how new. s in closest touch Business is key- the , because stocks are nliect, and now the there is elbow room at the coun- ters. Christmas only three weeks away, so do not put your purchasing off till the last week. FUR LINED CLOAKS For Street or Even- Ing Wear, Ladies, anticipating the pur chase of a fur-lined garment this ud- vantage to place an order sarly. We shall mates for season will find it to their be glad to give esti. this class of coods on application. BORN. TELGMANN--In Toronto, December 1st, 1902, the wife of Bismark Telgmann, of a daughter. --~ BOARD. GOOD. ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS Isoard; _aiso table board. May be had at Mis. Breden's, (24 Stuart St. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO single ' rooms, with. modern conven- iences, central, not far from City and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of three to five, 193 Earl strect. irom LIVING IN NEW YORK. Owing to Rise in Prices Board Will Also Go Up. New York, Dec. 3.--Owing to- sharp increases in the retail prices of near- lv all common articles of household supply, "estimated roughly, at" sixty: live per cent. since January Ist, of this year, boarding-house keepers hava made, says the Herald, a general in- crease in their rates of one dollar a week. Nearly 'everything required in the kitchen shows; according to Statis- an advance in cost, with the ex- ception of coffee. tics, A Huge Property Deal. London, Dec. 3. frechold property Kensington, this auction Monday property shops and hotels, -Eighty-two acres of in the district of city, was sold at for $2,525 000, The contains 1,450 residences, The bidding started at £2,500.000, and jumped $50,000 at a time. The hammer fell within- a quarter of an hour. The name of the purchaser was not divulged. "Christmas Gifts. We have an inimense stock of Christ- mas perfumes. Taylor, 121 Princess street, . All who are in favor of closing the bar-room and stopping the treating system vote "YES." § Gate ar rete Gee GA An SPECIAL SALE. Cut Glass Bowl, 7 in. in diameter, $5. Vinegar Bottle, 7 in, high, $2.25. Bon - Bon Dishes, $1.85. $2, $2.25 $2.55, $2.75 | Jelly Dishes, $2.50 to 14 $385. : 1§ Al reduced prices for .# cash. JOHNSTON & BRO. JEWELERS. TV TVLV TTT VRETVLTTETNTRVLTLTTVVTTVVT LETTS TRY ABET TA WERE CTL TELLIER RAT TEETER i