Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1902, p. 3

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THE DaiLY WHIG. 'THURSUAv, DECEMBER 4. HEALTHY KIDNEYS 'ARE VITAL. If You Have Pains in the Back, Yorr Kidneys are Unhealthy. ed to lc even better attended this . year thoa usual. The out-of-town ex- A special arrungenient has been made | hibits were not at all up to the by which every reader oi this paper | mark, but Kingston's . work passed ay receive a trial bottle of Warner's | the high standard it has achieved in Sale Cure, the only absolute cure for Miss all forms of kidney, liver, bladder blood diseases, free of charge. The following letter A Barker, abstant postmaster at | Gight satisiactory bits, Asters," Stevens Point, Wis., says: "1 had kid- j ost deceptively natural; and '0ld kev and bladder trouble, with severe | Jimnmy," whose criticism, "It's just out of ir Shon Som hi like myself, sure," when he looked at healthy condition of my kidneys. I his portrait, was only putting In a Foard that . Warner's. Safe Cure Co. different way the remark of every one would send a [ree trial bottle to any sulicrer. I wrote the doctor ei the whe Sa the pictus and knows Ye company and stated my case and sent | Imodel--were may be the best, but the him a sample of my urine. free of charge. I took the trial and = dicted as the doctor prescribed. After | Stronger appeal to one at least. Of 1 took the trial bottle 1 felt much re:'| Mrs. John Strange's attractive little lieved and Jousht a Jurce hotue from display, "Weeds," a bit near "Hazel my druggist. t cured me anc never velt pan in my life than 1 do now. It dell" most perfectly depicted, lead, is a godsend to those who have kidney | with "The Road By the Lake," a or eae trouble, or pains in the] strong second. A combination of rock: WARNER'S SAFE CURE will purify and strenthen the kidneys | $0» was a pretty bit. Mis Philp, who and enable them to do their work; it | is a gheat acquisition to the sketch will cu lame back, rheuwinatism, rheu- | club, sent four gems, from which it matic gout, diabetes, Bright's discase, was hard t ick th favor uric acid poison, inflammation of the vas harc 0 pick the. favorite, so hladder and urinarv organs, eczema. and beautiful were her three Hower stu- st ray ed restore the patient's health | dies, $0" eminently eatable were her ne . : , : : a ig apples. | Miss Machar's interesting o : if In Doubt Make This Test savtches from Monterey were much ad- ' ' mired, the custom house in that After your urine has stood twenty-} quaint old southern city being the four hours, if it contains reddish, brick- | place where the Stars and Stripes dust sediment, i" particles or germs float were first hoisted when California in it. or it is cloudy, vour kidneys are} : . + : in y came into the union. Mrs. Nash's A iree trial bottle has often been | thred artistic entries, the prettiest of sufficient to cure cases of kidney disease | which was perhaps "The Maples,' when the simple home test described made one wish that the above has "heen made in the earliest , ). tha association's sthgos of the disease. painstaking secretary had sent more. Warner's Sate Care is hat ou Reed In Mrs. Boak's exhibit, "A Study vou can buy it at any drug. store, 2 in Cron" DI he Sa Yu In Green, caused much adlsiring con: Cure, substitutes contain dangerous | ment. Miss Porteous' three sketc hes firiies 1 here is noble "just as good' as | can scarcely be too highly praised, so arner's Sate Cure rHOC y > wet 7' Werner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable ge od ore they. "This is the best, and contains no narcotic or harmful | sald the artist who knows, pointing drugs. It is free from sediment and is | to her sketch of the bridge over Cata- vicasant to take. (Beware of so-called aqui cree | 5 PP Kidney cures which are full of sediment Te ih eck, but the Philistine who and a bad odor: they injure the system.) | Just knows what she likes, was com- "Safe Cure" does not constipate; it is a} pletely fascinated by the evening most valuable and effective tonic; it} Light whic Jowed ~ softlv i - kills the disease germs: it is a stimulant gh Hep th lit softly ii the 10 digestion and awakens the torpid | Smaller sketch, 'Macdonald Park. hiyer iE A sketch of a leafy brook in June, {ARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the| was a charming bi { > % bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. Mise Dr Ca i of work from 8 iss Jrummond's brush, and her Trial Bottle Free. "Cottage Window" was a good in- terior. Of Miss Betts' excellent work, To convince 2LIY, sulersr from dis i | Marnqui Road," and the mill at eases of the Kidnevs, liver, bladder anc Collins Bav. were a ny Llood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure NM P yore the prettiest, them, a trial hottle will be sent abso- rs. Powers' two delightful exhibits lutely. free, postpaid. Also a valuable | "Buttermilk Falls and Cree k,! were and was selected from He sent me a trial bottle and analysis of my urine medic! booklet which tells all about the really | i i . ! ; almo Bo 8 n- diseases of the kidneys, liver and blad- ONY over looked, m admira der, with a prescription for each dis tion of originality of idea shown in esse, and many of the thousands of tes- | her third entry, 'Canadian Wild Fiow- tinoninls received daily irom grateful | 00 isite li cketches Inn who Bare Sor) covert Be Jar. ers, exquisite littla sketches of any ner's Safe Cure. All vou have to do is | different Kinds of the flowers which to write Warner's Safe Cure Company. 44 ;row about this part ofs the worl Lombard St., Toronto. Ont. and men-1 . 1v oll of the being : tion having read this liberal off f nearly all « om og lite. uh er in this paper The genuineness of | known to the geeat majority of the this offer is fully guaranteed by the | spectators. This clever lady was heine vublisher. warmly congratulated on all sides = both for her idea, and the carving out thereof. BRANCH UKE TIME TABLE rains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street: GOING EAST. . 2, Fastern Flyer .. 2:28 AM. -0. 16, Local 8:15 AM. No.6; "Wait 12:83 P.M. No. q, Fast Express . 1:17 P.M. No. 12, 7:18- P.M. GOING WEST. No. 8. Mail .... na. 1208 AM: "No 38; Fast xpress . 228 AM. No." 11, Local . 9:08 AM. No. 1, Inwenstional' Limited 12:23 P.M. No. 7, Mail 3:20 P.M. No. 15, Local 8:03 P.M Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 ron daily. No. 8 daily, except Mondav Noa. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 18 daily, except Ilman aecommodation, tickets and all other inivcrmation, apply te HANLEY, Agent, Cigv Pasa. Depot. A Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : for Ottawa, Montreal, 12:40 p.m.- Express, 2 B Boston, To Quebeo, St. John, N.B.; llalifax, ronto, Chicago, Denver, Reunlfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, Si. "aul, Winuipeg, Vancouver, Beatilo, Portland, and San Francisco. 5:30 p.m.--Looal for Sharhot Lake, .eon- meoti big with C.P.R. east and wit: and inter 8:10 am. --Mixod, for Renfrew mediate poinrs. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Peterboro, $:10 pm; Tcronto, 7:30 p.m.: Boston, 7:30 a.m; St. 'John, N.B., 11:35 am. Full particulars at K. & P. and O. P. R. Wicket Ollice, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, FA FOLGER. JR., Gen. Pass. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweod, Napmnes, Deseronto and el} local | Poizis. Train jsaves Oitv Hall Doput at 4 Pw KR J WILSON, CIR Telegraph Of Bos, Clore strwen. Tr "ALLAN LINE CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. Tunisian, irom Halifax, Dec. Sth. From St. John. From lalhfax Bavarian, Nov. 29. Dec. 1. 10 pum. Tunisian, Dec 6. D&E?" 8, 10 p.m, Corinthian, Dec 13. Dec. 15, 10 pm. Pretorian, Dec. 20... Dec. 23, 10 p.m. FIRST CABIN--Tunisian and Bovorinn! upwards. Parisian. $55 and Jprards Pre- torian and Corinthian, $350 and up- wards, SECOND CARIN Tenician and: Bavarian, fis Uther Sten 37.50: Liverpool, Loendonderm or Le Third £2 d £26 Liverpool. c Derry, Doliast, Glasgow, London New Vo kien filaig wan=) apdandrrry Sandinion, Nov. . 27th; . Laurentian Dec. finian carriage 2nd and 8rd class « only . HANLEY, Poot. Cor Jahnat P-SILDERSLEEVE Agent. City ard Ontario Cipfence St Passenger Ste { TOLD IN THE 4 TWILIGHT. The annual cxhibition of the Kings- sociation always very the Woman's Art As- popular, seem- former years. Ella Fraser, whose highest praise is perhaps the meritorious work of her pupils, sent soft summer time which steeped the "Mill Stream at Collins Bay" made a ing-chair, table, window and cadet, from Miss Margaret King's clever fin- gers, made up a picture easily recog- nizable, and "The Spring," by her al- The exhibit of china painting exceedingly good Wis and here Miss Fran- Macaulay ried off the horors her exquisite miniature of the Countess Potocki, and her lovely work with on a tea caddy. Miss Mabel Dalton's chocolate jar was beautiful, and so was a vase, but a lovely little flower- like fare on a hon-bhon dish, took away the glory from the larger piece of work. Miss Helen = Fraser's china basket was much admired, and at lrast one of the plates in her exhibit was 'a lovely piece of work. Mrs. Bar- ber's vase was very pretty, and "Miss Minnie Moore's whole entrv got any amount of praises But all the exhibit- ors in this fascinating branch of art dirt svonderful work, and distinctions are tnvidious. An interesting little corner was eiven up ta wood-caring, with the Misses Grace and Jessie Kirkpatrick, Miss Anna Lesslie and Miss Louise Nickpatrick as competi- THE FOOD SYSTEM THE SOURCE OF LIFE. Any Derangements of Liver or Kidneys That Interfere With Digestion and Assimilation of Food Rob and Deplete the Body. DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER - PILLS. It matters not how petite, how vou relish your food or much you eat, so long as there 1s anything to interfere with proper digestion and assimilation pf the food by the body; strength and vigor will gradually decline and weakness and i debility take their place. The most frequent cause of disorder- ed digestion 1s sluggish action of the liver, neys and bowels. 'The whole alime v canal, through which the food passes on its way through tne body, becomes choked and clogged, and the system is poisoned and dis: good your ap- how il ease, * | Dr. Chase's {heen marvellously Hy this class of disease, cause they hyver Kidney-Liver Pills have successful in exact principally be act directly on the Kidneys, regulating and in vigorating their action, and resgoring and bowels, | 1 {them to health. fr i Mis. Owen Cummings, Weseronto, {Ont., states: 1 was in very poor {health when | began to use Ihr Chase's Kidnet Fiver Pills. 1 had been a great sufferer from constipa tion and stomach troubie and was wenk wlan down in strength. 1 was graduat!y growing worse every dav, and ally decided that | would have to do sowething. Hearing of many being cured by Dr. Chase's mad nev-Liver © Pills | began using t#em, and soon noticed a marked change for the better. 1 continued this treatment until I was cured of constipation and my stomach. was restored to a healthy: condition. lt only took about three boxes of pills to entirely cure me." Dr. Chase's Kidneyv-Liver tills, one pall a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Fdmanson, Dates & Co., Toronto tors for the compliments which were bestowed, 'equally lavishly' by admir- ing women, who didn't understand the technicalities, and by the one who did. Miss Gildersleeve was the ex- hibitor of pyrography, better known to the uninitiated as burnt work, and a very attractive little exhibit was. But aiter all the greatest interest centred round the old china, for the pleasure of seeing which, must thank Mre. ly" carried it out. To' speak of all, view, most of which came from the valuable collections of Mrs. and Yates, and Mrs. Hooper herself, would were three old blue Staffordshire plates the only ones known to be in existence with decorations of Canadian scenery. a Spode willow meat dish, a Chelsea plate, date 1745, date 1784, a prez, sent two plates, one a Delft, years old, and the other a Strasburg. of even earlier date. sent several pieces of old Davenport, dish, date 1505. by Mrs. Mackie Other contributors were, Mrs Mrs. Nash, Miss Betts; Mes. Mrs. Folger, and Miss Gildersleeve, In the water color sketches distance, branch carried ofi the palm, her das: Marsh," being really beautiful. is rumored that this sketch kept in town if possible. Miss Ireland, daughter of the president the Hamilton A. A., sent textile designs for cotton, been accepted by a Mrs. Dignam's A Coalport vase leit Mabel dard, and other Toronto things very poor. Miss Ethel King haps the best work of the branch. Taken altogether, one to gratify the eye, the artistic sense, and are due its enterprising promoters, noe we. did per- Amofig notable additons to the Wo- man's Art exhibit, which arrived late to be catalogued, were a beauti- ful miniature of Miss Irene Kent, work of Miss Hattie Wrenshall, which the delicate treatment of the pretty fair hair of the sitter, deserves much praise; three busts in.clay from the deft fingers of that clever sculp tress, Miss Baker, and a number of meritorious little pen- Emily Clark, of Victoria avenue south, man. ite evervhody: Richard Hooper, who originated the idea, and so successful-, or! hali indeed, of the rare old bits on: Miss he impossible. Some of the rarest bits A Regent Park meat dish in old blue, quaint black Wedgewood teapot of 1766, and other rare bits dated early in the eighteenth century, all' belonging to the collectors named above. Miss De- amongst other rare things, four hundred Miss Machar and Miss Macaulay, a Davenport fruit was 'very beautiful. Dalton, Oliver, from a Miss Baine of the Hamilton "Dun- It will" be of six clever which have Hamilton firm. work was unfortunately far below this clever lady's usual stan- were Montreal the exhibition was and stimulate many thanks too the in Alwington avenue, cil drawings, contributed by Miss De- prez, * 2 a2 =» The engagement is announced of Miss Mabel Clark, daughter of Mrs. em ee BIC OIL STRIKE IN KERN RIVER, CAL. ° HIS is wherd oil property has {GOOD REASONS FOR GIVING THANKS HY should you invest in East- T advanced in price frem $10 an etn Consolidated Oil Co. acre to 85,000 an acre in two stock NOW? vears--the richest fuel oil section in * BECAUSE of the absolute certainty the, whole world ! : iid bi that von will double your money The astern "onsolidates Ji y . within tle month ! Com heidings in this tract Montreal, Canada, Nov. 28, 1902. BECAl 11 yon can' buy now at alone shou pay the = present divi- Soc' a er and ice dends, to say nething about over C. B. HEYDON & Co, Toronto, Canada: Pend shan wo. thy, price Ses to 1.200 acees of choice oil lanas and ¥ BEC CUSE Ni ugany Las 1 x . calls 3 . A 3 ts Ce y 8 over 100 producing wells in Ohio. Gentlemen--One year ago, after thorough- produ ing oil el's and over 2I, acres rich oil 1. d. ¥ ly sifting all the. oil companies, I decided to invest in Eastern Consolidated and have never had occasion to regretit. I own 4000 shares ot this stotk which has already doubled in value and I understand will double again be- fore January 1. I have carefully watched the company's management and have been well pleased. Therefore, taking into consideration the addi- tional fact of the big oil strike on our property in Kern River,Cal, I have decided to increase my holdings to 10,000 shares in this company; check to cover the same is enclosed. Io less than one year ['have received $200 in dividends on my present holdings, which is about six times as much as I could ob- tain in any other safe investment in the same time. ) Yours Respectully, Production|| has INCREASED | at one jump at therate of nearly 25000 bbls. of oil monthly. Stockholders from all parts of Canada are doubling their holdings in, anticipation of the almost immedi- ate rise in price of the stock. This is the. stock that has paid 20 per cent. in dividends on thie invest- ment, in ten months, Why shoulan't you make money in ACT AT ONGE : : | a good oil stock as thousands now v {living in affluence have done before NOTE--This is the kind of letters we are receiving from all over |You? the country. Stockholders are doubling their subscriptions so fast that sree re ahi eee If you wish any part of the present 0c. allotment of stock in the East- |. C. subscriptions seem inevitable, { ern "Consolidated Oil Co., you must THIS OPPORTUNITY act at once. Write to-day for prospectus, if vou | Is one you cannot afford to let slip! 250 invested now becomes £100 {within 30 days: £200 becomes $400; 8500 becomes £1,000, and so on. No oil company whose stock is on the market can equal this' record. We challenge comparison ! grasp have not already seen one. C. B. HEYDON & CO. Roems 401 STOCK GOES T0 $1 A SHARE THE MOMENT 'PRESENT AL- and 402 Manning Chambers 72 Queen Streei, West. LOTMENT IS EXHAUSTED. IT| Cormer Queen and Terauley Streets, Court House Square, MAY COME ANY DAY ! TORONTO, ONT. Bulldiag, Are you 'ready to this op- portunity ? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | other accusations made, it is not | needful that 1 should add more. -- 3 A Misstatement Corrected. J. PHILP. DR. Je COLLIS BROWN'S Kingston, Dec. 4.--(To the Eaitor) : 1 regret that it is found necessary to trouble you readers further PRODUCE AND PRICES. CHLORODYNEL Complete 'You have appendicitis, ¢ lung he peered throng rh. the patient with liver complaint and a mild form of dy Mv foe will he $25.7 Here he turned off the cirrent and over, "It's all right, doctor," 1 the have neglected an opportunity to secu . mentioned," Hamilton, to Mr. George Taylor, son \ or your The Rates Which. Govern the Local of Sir Thomas and Lady Taylor, Tor- with what has resolved i itsell into a Markets. > di personal matter. There is, however, a a oe att Hs. ate out jor the maitiave | TEstatemont in Mr. Mudie's *'Rejoin- Kingston, Dec. 2.--The local produce Invitations are out pr * marriage ay'? hic claims attention. He | market quotations are: - Miss Urges ely Young, danger of ee a ye Ey I ac- is Vid amaiva oranges, 20c. to 40c. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. aptain and Mrs. G. .xoung, and :ledwe \ "subs i orrect- | a dozen; apples, 15¢c. to 25¢. wek or i grand-daughter of the Rev. Dr. Young, know Jodgred a, i 'inl el to ¥2 a. lemons 200 onde CHL 1 DYNE is admitted by the profession to be the of Toronto, to Benjamin B. Halliday, Whig of November 25th, charging him | bananas, 30c. dozen; cranberries, 12jc. most wonder! il and valuable remedy ia ; he | Ceremony tales Place at with misquoting Milton, and refused |& Jou t. ' ever discovered. race church, Winnipeg, on Wednesday vive hi > oy s of v che y egetables-- Potatoes, S5e. 95¢ . EE mE he 3 give in the grounds of the charge rh oS ; todo. 2 CHLORGDYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, ; The . Dowager Lady Dufferin, whose | }}o pest answer to this serious | and beets, dtc. . bushel; onions, 60c. Cousumption, Bronghitis, Asthma, daughter, Lady Hermoine Blackwood, | i iatement is to rehearse the con- | to 70c. a bag. ' has taken up the profession of a hos- | (yrsation in full, which 1 now see _Grain -- Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1 effectually checks and arrests those pital nurse, and is at present on a | ould have been done in my former | 75¢. to 80c. a bushel ; white winter CHLORODYNE too 'often fatal diseases: Diphtheria visit to her mother in Ireland, lives | communication. and Canadian spring, ' 65¢. to 67c. a : Fever, Croup, Ague. ? principally at Clandeboye, which was | Mr. Mudie called me to the telephone | bushel; local soft wheat, 65c. a " ! > left to her for her lifetime by her late | und asked if I had said in my" Sun- | bushel ; - Northern, No. 1, 0c. a ! acts like a charm in Diarrhoea and is hushand. One of her younger sons, | day sermon what the Whig had re- | bushel; buckwheat, 45¢. a bushel: bar- CHLORODYAE the only specific in Cholera and Dysen- Lord Frederick Blackwood, who ® in | ported. 1 answered that 1 had not dv Je. 5 bash) peas, 65¢c. to 68c. a tery. the 6th Lancers, is just now on fur- | seen the report, would he state it. He ushel; oats, 30c. a bushel; rye, 47¢. a aoe lough, and is also paying a visit to] did so a told-me where it might be | bushel. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Ep- his mother's home. Lady Dufferin has | found. I said 1 will look it up. In a Flour and feed--Bakers'- strong and ilepey, lysteria, Palpitation and taken for three or four months the | very short time 1 telephoned Mr. Mu- jhrers' flour, $2 to $2.10 a cwt. : Spasms, Duke and Duchess of Montrose's house | die, saying I had found the report, ungarian patent, $2.20 to $2.30 a : wre : in Pont street, and is expected. over | and ne that in my sermon ha cwt.; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4 to GRLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Alnost immediately Tob the winter, "given a quotation from Milton; afd +8550 bbl; Corn meal, $1.40 to $l: o Rheumatism, Gout, Conger....Toothe............ which she will spend in town. Fed made reference to the quotation | 60 a& -cwt.; 'bran, $16 to $18 a ton: ache, Meningitis, ete. * 4 x = in his pamphlet. 1 did not. however, shorts, $20. to $22 a ton: hay, $6.50 From W Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D., formerly Lecturer at St. George's hos- 3 Cards of invitation are out in Otta- | 'vmember making any stricture there- | to $7.50 ton; siraw, $4 to $6 a ton. pital, London--*I have no hestitation in stating that I have never met with | wa for the marriage of Miss Florence | on as 1 was secking at the time to Hides--These prices are given by any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic and a sedative. I have used Jowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. | emphagize another line.of thought. | John McKay, Brock street : -Beel hides' | it in consumption, Asthma, Diaarhoea, and 'other diseases; and I am per- C. Bowles, to Mr. Eugene Forsey, of | Mr. Mudie thén asked if 1 would | No. 1, 7c. 4 Ib.; lamb i 40¢. to | fectly satisfied with the result." Wolfville, N.S. The ceremony will take | write him, giving" my views of Mil- | 50c. each; horse hides, $2 to $2.25 "Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he re place at the residence of the bride's | ton's quotation and his application | each; rendered tallow, Bic. a Ib; un- | ceived a despatch from Her Majesty's Council at Manila to the effect that parents. Lisgar' street, on Saturday. | of it I answered, thanking him, but | washed wool, Ge. to 7c. a lb.; washed Cholera has heen raging fearfullv, andthat the only REMEDY of any thie--20th of the month. " "tated that my time was so occupied | wool, lle. a lb; washed wool in | service wag CHLORODYNE.-- See Lancet, December Ist, 1864. * « * * that I could not grant the request. | trade, 15c. a lb.; dekin sking, 50c. to x . ' The very latest fad in giving a din | To this he replied, "Then | shall vo |oc. ach.' * © aa CAUTION--REWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. " 4 tiv ai soe nto the Mgr. could only answer f1sh-- white 18 mackerel, salmon . " . PRY Is jlo Tne 7 Shetty sink : that he was welcome so to do. trout, 12c. a Ihe; salt salmon, salt CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir Ww. Page Wood stated that DR. J. COL- Jath of ihe Rnd. damask: candio: Thus commenced and ended this [ trout, salt mackerel, ciscoes, pickerel, LIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE ; that the with simplest shades: but on the new | Memorable conversation. 1 shall leave | 10c. a Ib; sea salmon and Seattlo sal whole story of the defendant Freeman was delibertaely untrue, which he re- nul sg Vi . it. with your readers (without further | mon, 20c. <a Ib; salt codfish, Fe. to | gretted to say had been sworn to.-- Ses Times, July 13th, 1864. menuholders almost any sum can hel Loopy die tor themselves 15c. a lb; kippered herring, ie. a Sold in bovtle of 1s. 14d., 2s. 9d., 48f 6d., and Ils. each. Nine is genuine Lip Yin are i the Best [tesla whether the statement of Mr. Mudie dozen; porch, 20c. a dozen; pike, Te. ne without the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne™ on the Government h) Phe fon n i i 0M is true that 1 acknowledged tho "sub- | Ib.; halibut, 15c. a Ib.; bloaters, 30c. | Stamp. Overwhelming Medical "Testimony accompanies each hottle. tate exactly in the natural colors, and | fiir oh rraatness of the. report Ja dues ines haiale, Toe SOLE MANUFACTURER--J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell street, placed at each plate, so that a poppy. |. and whether his attempt to jus a : : y " | Bloomsbury, London, Eng a rose, a buttercup, a pansy, etc., will | itv" his course and ------ inc is DYSIPTS, 40c. to 60c. a qt.; shell, clams, " y make a charming garland round the | oll found tod. sit A 2 13 |e, a dozen; shell oysters, 2c: a doz- = wm -- table. The communications from the pen of ir Sei oe i 2 { Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Osler and the Mr. Mudie appeared in the i be- Povliy r=Turkeys,~12e. a hs goose: Miszes Osler will sail almost immedi- | 0 1 dee vided: to reply. © vapor each; chickens; and fowl, 50c. to seg Tf 3 Yi | Pl ontroversv : air; ducks, SCe- to 90c. air. . ately for Canada. Miss E. Osler's mar-| is not congenial and I would gindly al ' o a pa gp riage' will take place in January. jro i Abia Meat -- Beef, forequarters, 4c. to - on ney t pla 1 January, m | have avoided it, but when so severely | 5. a Ib. hindquarters, 5ic. to Gc.; Ne raigleigh, | anc ersiste 7 SSE wr tr 8 Mn Hy : On Monday night Lady Minto gave | oe LC Inte aye It ie ] said ok pork, lorenuartess 70: 19 Bri Lind a most enjoyable voung veople's dance As T have in my former correspond- quar iors Ph . Roan, fo for her daughter. Lady Eilecn. [on answered the charges 2 : 'mis 5 Ne Tok, Feria 6c. to on ' OUR Be ------------------------------------ quoting, misappiving Po s r x rl ore \ = - See the newest, for' this Christmas- 1 3h ish a og one oy ane hinipuarters, Te tu: Has tonglies, French Stagware, at Taylor's. presumably, 1 said, together with = > Butter. 5 . Wholesale -Creamery, Sle. a Ib; o | farmers' in prints, 20c. a lb.; in rolls, 1§c. a Ib. : Retail Creamery, 25. a lb.; farm ers' in prints, 22c. a lb; in rolls, 20c. gk Which begins next MONDAY: , 8 ib * will be the event of the season. Eggs. Everybody is waiting for it, as it will hee al Ball Bes * mean new goods at wholesale prices. | 2 . Full particulars in next Satur- ) | cure. that nothing need be paia until Fie pp B® : : s ! the cure is effected; this is certainly » Diagnosis. | fair proposition, for if I bad an 11 ub le announced the physician, joubts as to its efficacy, I could no: his Xray apparatus: also traces of | make this ofier for patients to pa: , ' < a: also R25.10 in your pocket. | when cured. It makes no difference > : | who has failed to cure them, let them #* day's WHIG. , . STROUD BROS., Importe 109 Pri ncefs' St P Rr 9 AN HONEST DOCTOR. Fditor : Ii any of your readers suf fer from sexual weakness resulting irom youthful folly, premature loss of dtrength and mpiemory, weak back. | varicocele or' emaciation, my Lat | Method Treatment will cure them, [positive am I "that it is an infallib! tc ld the patient: the examination was write me gnd I will send my book and hlank for home treatment free. Thev can andreas me in confidence Dr. Goldberg, Dept. AM. 208 Wood ward Ave., Detroit, Mich. All Grades. There never was as good as manufactured by the CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, - TORONTO, ONT, that vou things to me other patient, "hut. it seem te ten cents and the von

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