For The Kitchen It's "just that for the dining room -- and we sell both kinds. as as imporfant Carving Sets complete, and separate knives of various made of edge- and all small- shape s--all holding steel, priced. AT CORBETT'S HARDWARE. If you like a good cnp of tea try our "INDIA BLEND" 25¢ ,/80c , 86c, 40c., 50c¢. pourd. For best results in baking use STARR BRAND BAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. SECUAITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signu.ure of I Seo FaceSimitlo Wrapper Below. Very small and as ensy 10 take as sagar, r ~~ | FOR REABACHE. CARTERS ITTLE VOR DIZIINESS. FOR BILICOSHESS, FOR TORFID LIVER. FOR COHSTIPATION. FOR SALLY SKidl. JFGR YHE GOSIPLEXIOR » oRNUING MUST mAVE 3janatuns. 2 ee | Puraty Yegeinble., ETRE CURE SICK HI2DAGCHT BRIGHTEST OF ALL. Our new 300 candle power YOTTO INCANDESCENT - GAS LAMP is to be seen in operation at our show rooms. It burns only from gas per hour. A steady, light, well adapted for store business = place. See it at show rooms. BRECK & HALLIDA 6 to 8 feet of bright or our Princess | ment, Street. HARD COAL The 01d Rellable SCRANTON, Una ze equalled for Heating and Cooking. S. ANGLIN & CO Foot of Wellington St. 9000009000000 00000e | | bition THE WHIG -- 69TH YEAR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG is pub- .shed every evening at 306-308-30 ang street, Kingsion, Ont., at six dol- lars per year, payable ,in advance. Advertisements, per line, six lines and over--First insertion, 135c.;7éach subse- (ueut consecutive insertion, 8c. a Measurements by a solid scale, lines to the inch. Births," Marriages or Deaths. one sertion, 50¢.;.two insertions. 73c Wants, Lost and Found, Personals, Articles for sale, etc., 1c. per word in "aily issue; minimum charge, 25c.; three nsertions, 50c¢ Notices in reading columns are subject special charges. All charges for ubscriptions are .due and wivance. Oflicers of -anincorporated or societies will be held personally sponsible for orders they rive. Contracts for a special space are made for long terms for mercantile an- nouncements, but notices of help wanted, ior sale, to-let, partnerships, tenders or ani thing beyond actual announcement of goods or manufactures for sale are excluded from these contracts. In case an advertiser becomes ihsol- cent before expiry. ol. .a contract the ad- vertising shall cease and that performed hecome due immediately at the rate charged per. line for casual adyertise- ments. . The publisher will not be responsible for misunderstanding of verbal orders Written directions should be placed on all copy for insertion All advertise- rents are subject to the approval of the publisher In case twelve in- to and mn advertisements Dayable associations re- legal of errors or/Omissions in pub- any other jadvertisements, the Lister does not hold himself liable for damage further than the amount re- ceived by him for such advertisement. THE WEEKLY BREFISH WHeG, 12 aves, 84 columns, is published every Thursday morning at 1 a year, if paid n advance; otherwise 81.50 per year. Attached to the paper is one of the st Job Oflices in Canada: rapid, stv- and cheap work: nine improved nr.ting presses EDW. J. B. OFFORD, Business or PENSE Proprictor JOHN Manager Assistant I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' ELECTIONS. Yarmouth, N. S., the RECENT BYE- The eclectfons in and Argenteuil, Que. fact that public feeling is not running From make clear government. constituencies the by the conservative party against the Laurier hoth ~ent that it and likely to win. quoted reports were out was standing in great favour to very were in order the Incidents that anxious, and very uneasy. whi h confederation, "how liberals were Yarmouth, has gone liberal election ex- cepted, do- mirtion had it failed to return g libe ral The, battle the con- stituency was ably led on-both is largely since one would have surprised the member. in si les and the liberal success due . championship of the minister. to the splendid liberal by the Mf. K.C., candidate, suffered a lust ral election the a majority finance the defeat 22] ection hé was defeated cause conservative the In by Corning, in gene by votes. hve of 838 votes, which is em- phati aliy a repudiation of the con servative policy and conservative cats, Mr. of ber), could hardly be late expected to de father in a Christie (son the mem velop the strength of his political eontest. His opponents re- as a weak man, and his defeat. They. miscal and suffered a severe garded" him counted on culated the case Mr. Christie' deal, and means s election means" a to the old rout. the conservative They re old with an they Mr. the the wisdom of great party it most. to racial cries; sorted their tricks and and effect can best understand. Borden, party's JTeader, will see his=programme before -he-re-- sumes. the signed to turn public sentiment in his revisimg campaigns which are de favour. FAVOUR OF RESTRICTION. the city yesterday that it free IN The a very vote in was satisfactory in full, one was tolerably and the and lair expression of the public wind The day was walked to the ballots with upon a great question, line, and most people and cast their polls marked deliberation. mparkable point of significance is the re temperance senti- The some row th of indicate. by which the 181 is ground lLigures vote of discounted the seriously on that the people were not minded, that the plebis- cite uid not involve a bhsiness-like proposition, and that the result was not such as would have prevailed had pr Thi be similarly similar this proposition been 'nt. | plebiscite of INOS can { discounted: and for reasons. It was a meres test of public deeling, and in" regard to the prohibition of manufacture and sale of liquor in It the the dominion. showed a cliainge of N60 votes, from a majority for prohi of 143 in IN to a majority ralnst of 417 in ISS, Mark ast in 1848 1.566, the total vote ¢ against it, Then ATTENTION | HIG HEST PAID sind Ehoord Hand is. Cluthice. Fu Stoves, etc new Cent's i Musical Inst buve a large and Furniture space. | have evervt an anchor to suit the eel. I. ZACK Second door below Corbett's. irmiture, clot ing, public. Give 271 and 273 FOR NEW | Priacess St. the total vote cast on Thurs day, 1,183 for, and 1,550 against, and the - Liquor be the with which Act comes favour 1902 regarded The or those who support the the votes, 1804, result : has been at once temper apparent. | ance party, | sale of lignor in more restricted { tor, gamed | 0 as i with the cfiort of and {compared with the the party gained respes tin the arcomplishments whi opposite ana vo m comparison fof their now with those of [Ss and 1898, rv ward ip the city gave plebis rio, St wo prohibition nhani, Ont taraqua, and Frontena againsy prohibition. 1 cand |) the wtoria majorities wards have « thev ted theme there is a This year on posifions oceuy 195, but in all | of | certain to the greater restric caning m | But 1 { smart. the H. Db. THE DAILY WHIG. FRIvAY. DECEMBER 5. tion of the liquor traffic for which the Act oi 1902 provided. The outcome of the campaign is very evident. The licenSe law will be made to conform with advanced pub- lic sentiment, and, failing in this at- tempt to secure practical prohibition, the people here who want it will seek another appeal to the electorate at an early date under more favorable con- ditions. : EDITORIAL NOTES. The day of impersonation is past. It cannot be attempted without great on conviction, |, risk, and the penalty, is very severe. Yesterday's election was one of the quietest on' record. There was a com- plete absence of excitement. Men, un- der- the ballot; can say a great deal and not open their lips. The Monetary Times has a word to say to the individuals, few dollars want to gamble in stocks, and in a short time become aniazing- ly Our open-mouthed fools. rich. 'contemporary calls them kept out of the elee- All conservatives worked side by side, for Act 1902, difference, The was a Politics were tion yesterday. day liberals and or of without a "strictly confide 'ntial" against the Liquor word of circular failure. Domestic science has been blocked in so far as the public school until the people, remodel the s London, pupils are concerned, in the next election, board. Some trustees will, pr back descover that they have become numbers. Ottawa is selling the coal the cil bought in England at %8 a ton. It will lose about £14,000 the deal, but the people have the fuel, and they grateful for it. When the the English coal it compliment to get it at any price. ------ Dr. of McGill College, inclined to censure the Canadian min- they did not fall jn with the Champerlain programme the Dr. is a comparatively new comer coun by council are ordered was a Peterson, is isters because at colonial 'conference. Peterson in Cana- da. Is he competent to pass judgment upon the government ? -- The Canadian Churchman advocates thes regulation of the liquor traffic ra- ther than the of it. It wants "such legislation as will remove prohibition temptation out of men's paths, and secure, as far as possible, a sober to the use of po- pulation in respect in- toxicants." It should be a little more explicit. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. Cause And Effect. 'oronto New We. learn om Dr. Parkin--that col- lege tastes differ. This doubeless ac- counts for. the diversity . of their yells.' } Here's A Revelation. Foronto Star. Marconi does not think his wireless system wil supplant cables or land telegraphy. 1f not, it will be a good deal of a plaything: The Place For Fun. Isxchange. - It must be a continued in Ireland, according to Joseph bevlin, M.P., who says there it law but the policeman's baton. Hallowe'en no A Refreshing Contrast. New York World. Chamberlain's words concerning his American life : "I have found her my best friend and truest comrade' - come as a ray of light through' clouds in this era of the rapid-fire divorce suit, > Ask And Ye Receive. Ottawa Free Press. France is now clamoring for a pre- sident of the Roosevelt type. to, through the Globe, clamors JJ. R. Booth. The baby cries for the moon. Not ene of the three are lise iy to get what they so much want. for a Special Advent Services Last had a servive, St. George's cathedral at praver preached forcibly which will he evening week The great attend evening great congregation The bishop on the subject of grace, resumed at the closing day service to-night. ance throughout the week has been re- markable, in view of the quiet meth ods and absence of ritual attractions. Ihe attendance at Anglican churches is not what it ought to be and it is hoped that these services will revive ga proper spirit, especially among men, Great Clearing Sale During the month of December. Pre- vost, of the New York Clothing Store, Lrock street, is having a great sale, onimencing on December ith, in ready made Sotkiag order work and gents furnishings. See hand bills for prices. I'his is a genuine sale. The Difference. beach, a biting wind clouds; bad weather: all things were right, there together. A frowning Ram-dripping Yet in sight For were my we skies, Deen azure The the ocean 'sleeps, ar is sweet and mellow, feel old, and glum and cold, She's with--another * fellow ! Oak Hall. ove "huilt for 10, R12 Co * Bibby's."' Westminster natty, SS ** Bibby's." that alon have vou a0, reoats \ppearance 8 Fabby Jenkins' Overcoats. This is the Weather Our the long and swaggi lor overcoats store is vercoats, Men's 7.50 nits £5.90, Union. procurs heavy winter 7 Dunlop, the Grand Welch Marqueston able at Livin ties only on». who with a Toron| NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. -- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by =the Dear Public. The profits of the Royal Bank Scotland were £245 128 last year. Hon. William Mulock will address the liberals of Hamilton on December '26th. : Lieut.-Colonel wey, C.M.G., commissioner in been appointed governor of St. Hel- ena. : The socialists of Nanaimo, B.C., have nominated Parker Williams, a miner, to oppose Mr. McInnes. The Op- position will not likely nominate a candidate. The body of Dennis Donoghue, ty-five years old, who from his home at Oswego, on Novem- ber 6th, was found on Wednesday in the Oswego river, J. Wesley Smith, best known citizens, thodist, is dead. His estate is valued at £200,000, and the church is not for- gotten in his will. Robert Gorman, Ottawa, of the temperance forces, says if the vote had been taken on January 1st, instead of Thurdday, the necessary majority would have been obtained. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company has purchased the steamer Virginia from her American owners at Baltimore. This steamer is a sister ship of the Carolina, which vessel is popular on the Saguenay route. 'hile speaking on the education hill in the House of Lords Thursday night, urging. its passage, the aged Arch hishop of Canterbury, almost fainted, fell back to his seat, and had to carried out. The incident created a considerable sensation. A heavy siow fall prevailed on Thursday over the English channel. Warning guns were fired at Dover for the guidance of shipping. Wrecks were reported from Aberdeen and Grimsby, but there were no fatalities, Mrs. Margaret Lynch, Dundas, Ont., aged seventy, who had been connected with the Salvation army, was found drowned in the Dundas canal day afternoon. It is not known she came to get into the canal. It is said that there are cighty cases of smallpox in around Pembroke. The residence W. Williams, son of Rev. Dr. Williams, of Montreal, under antine, some of his children being flicted with the disease. The London board of trade, consid- ering means of obtaining systematic information regarding trade matters in certain of the self-poverning col- onies, is, with that end in view, send- ing Henry Birchenough, a writer on statistical and political subjects, to South Africa. At the last session of the legislature the date of the municipal nomina- tions in Manitoba, outside of Winni- peg, was changed to one week before election, instead of two wee Many towns, unaware of the law,' held nominations as. usual this week. Thése are now declared by the attor- ney-general to be illegal. The death has occurred in England; Lat the age of cighty-two. of John Hungerford Pollen, formerly of Oxford University and connected with _ the South Kensington Museum for many vears;" He was one of the last sur- vivors of the Oxford movement in the English church, became a Roman Ca- tholic and was a friend of Cardinal Newman. 3 Henry Lionel Gall S.0., for- one and a leading Me chairman how about and of is af- FORGER WAS CLEVER. Didn't Get Cheque Cashed, But Took The Meat. Ixpositor. "he police and evervone else who knew anything of the operations that very clever young cheque forger, who victimized several Brantford mer chants, and who was finally in Kingston, are ready to admit the forger was--a rather clever daring person, though the police knew all "along that he would certain- lv be nabbed somewhere, (Tt likely that more Brantford merchants than anyone knows about, fell tims to the daring of 'the stranger, but they are naturally not very anxi- ous that the facts should be publish- ed. H. A. Foulds, of told an interested erowa last night of a very narrow escape his firm had had of being robbed. He had read in the papers of the experi ences of merchants fin other places, and only a couple of days before the forger visited Prantiord, warned his partner. Mr. Smith, not "to. accept any cheques unless he knew theo per son who presented 'them. The Torger called . at "the shop bought. meat from' Mr. Smith to value of a little over a' dollar, dering a Standard bank cheque in pavment. Mr. Foulds absent at the time, and it so happened that there was not very much small chanoe in the till. Mr. Smith told the cus tomer that he condd not be hothered cashing the cheque, and the latter re plied that perhaps he could get it cashed somewhere elsecand_went &ut The peculiar part of it is that in a short time the forger came back' Paid the meat 'and took it awav. The police say, of d&urse, that the forger was clever enouch to know that sus would be aroused unless he took the meat" awav, and that he was then onlv starting his work in Prantford and not ready to cet ont. : Brantiofd vie Foulds, hearers Smith & of and the ten Was Tor pic ions was mr --iin. Oak Hall. Bibby's. heen the HM overcoats bh befare you buy Bibby's. Buvers say our them all The H. D. have and X|2. Nee them Co: whe Xin Ribby Jenkins' This is the weather store. ix the ' Overcoats for overcoats OVercoats, Or i a0, place ne and swagger; Rjo, R12, 813 Stroud 's Dis ount Sale" underws fl a + Grand Union The H. D ar, Dunlop, Overcoats at Bibby Co | khani or of | | ted literally senior divisional | Southern Nigeria, has | [to veritable battalions of | It would certainly have to be limited disappeared | of Halifax's | | were a | tions, | shining gold, | all ablaze in | is garbed in primrose, | green | dazzling | be | | woods | Jigud lamber, la positive Thurs- | Y | their TP. Q., quar- | to the pleasures and | attrac tion is great | the | Kenty's, en of qhite | | Friday | Miss "She MYSTERIES OF COLOR Are Described By A British Bank- er. is stated that exjpc:iments have which have proved that in stripes of the three blue, yellow and red ible at a zivin ais tance than those painted even in giey; and that therefore it is possivle that in future ail guns on service will be so colosed: And if the plan were alopted, we should prob- ably Se¢ Our war vessels also decora- in "1ainpow fashion," gs term tie string of flags It been made guns painted prin ipal colors --are more in the sadors | arranged from stem to stern. But what an outcry there would be if in order to make an army invisible, the same plan were adopted for sol- diers' uniforms, transforming them in harlequins. to the service ubiiform. The theory is of colirse quite intel ligible, as these colors, with their gradations 'and combinations merged and blended properly together, gre resolved into an absolutely colorless hue. What a sad this woull thereon mals, depressing world all an without color; if flowe ani ourselves, the shy, everything pale uniform ghastly grey. cnstling, with "haty few could be beautiful withput or. But happily our fair i int carth is lavishly adorned in a many- hiel Ieauty. What more lovely, for instance, than our woods and gardens when the heautifving touch of autumn hays painted the trees and shrubs in all manner of vivid hues. The grace ful pendent birch, is now a vision of the symmetrical beech is bronze and burnished, irridescent copper; the horsc-chestnut its foliage bor fringe of delicate sea- aquamarine; the study oak is a rich russet; the sumach is quite in a brilliant carmine fire, scarlet the ely, and many another beauty of the are all emblazoned in their many gorgeous hues. But perhaps mo.g beautiful than all is the rarer which now flaming in rhapsody of vari carmine, amber and mauve, sometimes flecked and veined with a levely tint something like a hlend between a garnet and a chryso- lite, each one of its many-pointe.l leaves varying in the enrichments of ornate embellishment. And with the azure sky above and be tress, grass, Ncarce excep- col dered with a or and the dogwood, is amtheyst and { 'the still brilliant sun lighting on the nature-adorned he who is not entranced and enraptured must indeed be hopelessly deficient in that taste for the beautiful which adds so much the enjoyvments scene, of this life. But not only are there many such, but there are those also to whom no presented by the far beauties and glovies of that realm which those inherit who remember and serve their Creator, and whose misdeeds have been ol liter rated from the great record through the atonement made for them by the Re- deemer, reater Bath Brevities. Bath, Dec. 4.--Mrs. Robert Caldwell was in Bath on Tuesday, looking ter her property in. connection with the fire a short time ugo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson are visiting at William Chambers, at Chambers. Our boat sery 1c e ve ry ir regular now, caused by too much rough weather. On Monday last while Edward MeKen- tv and Edward Wemp were driving to station at Ernesttown, the horse ran. away, throwing them both out and up against a wire fence, but they escaped with only a few scratches. Cy- rus Baniage has purchased the two houses owned by G. A. Wartman, sit- uated opposite where the Rogers block formerly stood. He moved into the house on Monday. moved into the house next to E. Me. The phonograph concert giv: hv Charles AT Gunn, in the {own hall, on Thursday night, was success, there heing only af- is a very | attendance. caught | that and | lof Westport Waiftings. Westport, Dee, |. Brockville, spent Sunday in town the cuest of T. P. Hogan. Mrs. Bic ford, who spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. Goodfellow, left for her home in Susan McCalierv, Newboro, spent Sunday at homie. We are pleased to Mrs. EC P™Enright around again: intends joining her husband Collingwood in the near future. O'Hora's many friends were very ry to hear of her sudden demise. 1s a daughter John Hamilton, who lives a short distance from here, and died at her home in Mount Fleasant. A party of pleasure seekers came in on the B. & W. on Monday, about ten o'clock and returned early in the even ine. The salé héld in Hareir last was a' sueeess, James E. McGlade on in Mrs. sors She of tan block week At Queen's This. Evening. at cight o'clock the Kingston arts' butlding will be-form ally presented to Queen's | University by Mayor Shaw, on behalf of the zens. The eift will be received acknowledged bv the chancellor, Sandford Fleming. The proceedings will occupy less than half an hour, and" will take place in of th large el roons. Afterwards, the people will be invited 10 inspect the building. - A band will discourse mu sie. This evening citi and Sir one A Venerable Tyler. Ball, the venerable tyler lodges, (was pe-clected to for the thirty third tine Sto John's lodge last tyler of Min conception and has for a great Ther few better in the city, and cea popular. Edward of Masonic that position by the Ancient night He has also heen den lodge since its tvled Cataraqui many vears. posted" Masons tamiy lon are more none * Bibby's. Are Oak Hall. the on an oN * Bibby's."' fact that Xn creoat that Stores von awake to bere will buy a we money ate other Yibbye Co Boys' Overcoats. Ructans Chesters; ps Jenkins riers, Underwear at Bibl vy Co The H. D Wallace Covert has | not a | small | Lansdowne. | 'The YOU CAN DISTINGUISH THE AROMATIC . BOQUET OF "From ANCIENT IiRDIA and SWEET CEYLON," From all others. They are Fragraatly Delicious. Prices -$1, 70¢c., 60c., 50c. and 40c¢. per lb. An Idea... That we are going to smash the record on 310 and $12.50 Overcoals. These are popular prices with many men for an cvercoar, and we have set out to capture the dollars of tho.e men with the very swecllest coats of the scason. Our ge g GROSVENOR, WESTMINSTER. GLOSTER, REGENT, Oxford Greys, Friezes, Beavers, Vicunas or Montenacs--No man ever saw hand:omer Overcoats. Overcoats, $6 to $15. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., One Price Clothing Store, Oak Hall. "We ARE VERY GRATEFUL To the Host of Patrons of The Sutherland Shoes For the splendid business which we have en- joyed this Fall, and wish tJ announce that we are now receiving many very swell lines of Hockey Boots, Fancy Slippers, Etc., Etc., Suitable for Christmas buying looking for the "RIGHT 1 at y San SHOE STORE DICE ROOK) ®) ® » o vo When you are NG" you will ts 3) @ 29e © oe PAID THE MEN' S FINE. LONDON ance Copan S61 NT Company Withdraws Ac- tion Against Strikers. Foronto Telegram G. UO Donoy International M hue, solicitor for the Machinists, Kingston, had differences with the Kingston Locomotive Works, received word that the difference be the strikers dnd company, so far as litigatién is concerned, was | settled. Thi action taken at the request of the who paid the fines imposed strikers. Litigation against as all civil .actions, drawn., Of course, mean that the hut there are many means that in a short will be adinsted to ithe all concerned who have some has tween was company, on the tht'se men, has bein this has heen who time isfaction of ' Society ; the Post Of with = a not NDRED THOUSAND wetted, ¥ V i TOT OT think it my tl ne dor 0 ANCE EMEORIT over Offite, MM Suuare Ollice oppo does Hot strike matters sat Jers MEN AND WOMER. i Big & for unnatural Re harges,ipflamimeti ne, id guriaets or ulcerations 0 siriotars. muooud jpenbransa, a, ginloss, and not astrl gent or poisonous. THE Evaua CrEuoa Co, Ge ooinaT, 0. [FDR B04 by Drugelsts, Officers Of Court Frontenac. The following Court Fron tena No. DY, LO. Fa were clected last 4.P.C.R., Wilson to Wales John Jenkins; V.CGR., J. erson; rycording secretary McCann Wwe: treasurer, H. MN. SW. IL B.. Wan. officers of Guaranteed evening Lamb organ J. J. financial Thomas Putman; MeCirath Jackson MORE COUNTERFEITERS. Dollars Arrested Hol x. Do eros