Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1902, p. 11

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DAILY » G FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, Take Nature's ; Tonic--Fresh Fruit Salt. Nature has its panacea for all our ills--if we've been slow in | finding it out, that's not Natu- re's fault. -- In ¢ Abbey's " (crystalized fresh fruit juices) she gives us the best of tonic laxatives--it stops headaches --stimulates digestion -- pre- vents dyspepsia -- keeps the body's natural channels, the bowels and kidney's, healthy and responsive -- drives out poisons--purifies the blood-- and insures the blush of health 365 days every year. EE RTE - All Druggists sell 7 The exclusiveness of the. patterns and styles of 66 Shirts commend them to men of a discrim- inating turn of mind. Look for this name inside the Collar. For sale at all best dealers, Clark's Plum Pudding A perfect Christ- mas delicacy--Put up in neat air tight tins. No cooking needed. Heat an TO EAT La SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Do you know Clark's deli- cious Pork and Beans? ik ost moggeey OOD PURNISHED ROOMS ITH OR without hoard, 101 Queen street ISHED all versity aoop Fr ROOMS board, at TOUR with veniences, Avenue 1y BEA the Harbor Apply to Nickle ROOMS, NO between Bagot also stable a Apply 45 William WEST facing Tnxes & KING STREET fully situated Rent. $240 and Kirkpatrick, Rogers BAY HOUSE, * street, streets, and d street OCCUPIED BY R. Al No. 111 Brock street, wi putor, fixtures, etc... for mu dd meat trade Avnly t ckay, Jr 154 str STORE Brock UNDERTAKERS ------------ eee HARRISON UNDERTAY street Quality Price t \rerooms ul FUNERAL pire Street Kingston Drennan. Fy. FP Co ' oe 8S. CORBE tor, 481 Pr : Succes to W M defn con- Il-| Rideon | The Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels are kept in healthy action by the MAGI Caledonia Waters and life made worth living. Sold everywhere. TA FATAL JOKE | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. GOMRADES BLOW UP BOY WITH AIR PUMP. ---- The Youths Are Now Under Ar- rest, Accused of Murder--The Boy's Stomach Was Greatly i Distended. New York, Dec. 5.--Harry Ruit, employee of a locomotive works in Paterson, N died -in a hospital | there yesterday, as a result of a prac tical joke played on him by five of his fellow-employees. They were arrested, charged with having caused his death. | It iis alleged that they "blew up' Ruit with a pneumatic air pump having a | pressure of 110 pounds to the inch. [Soon after this the boy's stomach be: {came greatly distended. After several hours of great suffering he died. Wher the ment accused of having caused Ruit's death were arraigned in eourt lin Paterson, the dead boy's father rushed at ene of them, named Dorn, | knocked him down and started to kick him. The father was restrained by | the court officers. The accused men { were held without bail on a + charge of | manslaughter: | NAVAL DEMONSTRATION. | | To Compel Venezuela to Settle | Claims. | London, Dec. 5.-- The joint naval the British and Ger- has been demonstration of man fleets, against Venezuela, substituted for coercive measures by a single power. The object of this dual arrangement is 'to render the menace of the seizure of the customs and a temporary interruption of President | Castro's financial supplies so formi- dable that the claims of both powers will be taken up and settled. There are rumors in diplomatic circles that the state department at Washington, aft er securing positive pledges from the (ierman government that the Monroe doctriie should be respected and the lebts collected without a permanent occupgtion of anv port or island, has encouraged Britain to adopt similam coercive measures simultaneously, Thi: {action is attributed to the double pur pose of keeping Germany under re- [straint in the enforcement of coercive measures and averting the seizure of the customs compelling the Venezuel | | | an dictator to yield to a demonstra: of the two fleets. | i | A Shocking Kiss. Kansas City Journal. Kissing is shocking to per sons, but two young persons in Kans as City can truthfully say last weel was frightfully shocking. In the mai office of the Western Union at Eight} and Main streets there are employed ¢ number of voung girls. Thev are called "check There are times during ling the that these girls haven't some girls." day hand on- the table and occasionally their fingers would run across the tele ! graph instruments. Just what possess led these girls to kiss each other is not known, for girls don't usually-prefer | to kiss girls, but during the time tins | eferred to they bent over and kissed | very much to do, but sit at one -of the | tables, shake their fi and make eve at one another. During one of the dul l' moments last week, two little girl | were sitting opposite each other, talk ling now and then, and dangling their [ feet from the high chairs. Each held | { | r | Each girl had a hand on an 'open' { telegraph instrument, and when they | kissed cach other their = moist dips | completed an electrical circuit. = The { shock that followed nearly upset the | girls. They were so amazed that! they | are still wontlering how it all happen | ed. The Jam-Eating British Army. Harper's Weekly. Now that we know that the British 8 | armv-consumed in the South African war 31,500,000 pounds of jam, the fact computation «i | sts some nice the statistics of sweetmeats. For in stance: if the British army,.in order to crush a comparatively small provinei without al state that began the war | an_army, needs « to, be sustained. by | over thirty-iour million® pounds of | Jam, what quantity of jam | . . "a . | would be. necessary. for it if it had. a real war with some gieat mili tary state? Would there be jam en ough in the world to meet such a cris lis? And what sould become of the | finances of the British empire if such a case some of the Chicago mer should "commer" all the jam inthe world just before the war began ? i A Toast. Fill high the chalice with good cheer i For stmas com hut Quee a year With hollv--brusht an 1H istietoe, We'll care not how the winds nay blow | But by the cheerv, vule log's blaze, On this. the children's dav of days. | While gladsome carols greet the ear ' We'll drain the chalice of good cheer «« Bibby's."" Oak Hall. " Bibby | Jove" long overcoats : x {Boys reefers, $2 to 3G. Bibby Co. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By 'Reporters On Their Rounds. ~fruits at Redden's geton's for Dents' gloves. Overcoats at The H. D. Bibby Cg. No cases have been entered foy/ the county court sitting on Tuesday. The H. D. Bibby for overdoats. The Highland Cadets will drill at the armouries-in uniform to-night. The election case of J. S. Gallagh- er, M.P.P. vs. Sherifi Dawson, for $3,- 200 has been settled. The Kitchener. 'The new manufactured by ourselves, $15. Livinggton's. Dr. Carl Y. Ford will be a at the Brantford Kennel Club's on December 3lst. Henry Folger returned ® this after- noon from New York, where he has been for the past two weeks. All our fruits are new and the best quality, Jas. Redden & Co. Sergt. Bailey, of the D.0.C.'s office, Kingston, has been granted three days' overcoat $10, $12; judge show leave of absence, and is in Montreal. The vote at Sunbury stood: Foc pro hibition, 133; against, 13. This is a and has been un- local option village, for ten or twelve der temperance rule vears. Gloves at the H. D. Bibby Co. Another meetin of the Victoria dav celebration committee has been called to meet this evening. A few more ac- counts will be presented if a quorum is secured. For swell neckwear Livingston Bros. A personator at No. 1 poll, Syden- ham ward, yesterday, was detected, and the oath was demanded." This he declined to take, and, therefore, was allowed to go with a warning. Buy your "Christmas groceries now. Our stock is large, a quality the best, prices the lowest. Jas, Redden &, Co. that a new clerk appointed this wegky Macdonald, thd emnlovee. will not It was expected have been Francis post-office however, days vet. would to succeed superannuated The appointment, be made for a few For Saturday we are making a Ladv Cream cake with pure cream. | think it will be satisfactory. With the cool weather, the Charlotte Russe are all right. We have a large assortment Aiternoon tea assort W. J. Crothers. to select from. ment made to order. Allen Announcements. Allen, Wolie Island, Dec." 4.--Louise McDopald is visiting friends in Corn- farm to John Murphy. The patrons of Gilt Edge cheese factory held a meet- ing on Tuesday evening, to settle the business this season, and to elect officers the coming season. W. G. appointed salesman for for Mullican; auditors, R. Alexander, Fr. Milo. --~-- Off On a Trip. W. Peck, on Monday North West Edmonton, An weeks Rev. W. tart the ther at ther at absent Napanee, expects next for a trip #0 visit his bios and another bro Cal. He will be a month. to to Los seles, three ol Persian Lamb Jackets, Made the choicest and guaranteed. Bros. of jackets. skins. Fit Campbell ladies' far from finish manufacturers ft Bibby's."' stand ¢ Bibby's."' Oak Hall. Put on one of our overcoats, made, Co. Lefore the elass and the sale is Sx, 810, $12.50. The H..D. Bibby married a title | "If vouse rinda tink I'd radder be a coal baron ess.' |i i would vou be a dukese or a «i Thomas Rice, constitutes ors the company, her of about danchter | Parma, from she y tor & "THROUGH FIRE LIPTON'S CHALLENGER HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. . Only Strenuous Efforts Saved the Challenger--Work on the Boat May Be Retarded as a Result. London, Dec. 5.--Shamrock TIT, Sir Thomas Lipton's new challenger for the America's cup, haa a narrow es cape from being burned last night in a fire which did great damage to the Danny's shiphuil ling vards at Dum- barton. Only strenuous efforts saved the challenger, now well advanced in her construction, from destruction. Red hot cinders were blown on the roof. and sides of the shed in which the Shamrock III is now being built. The fire was most fierce' in the fitter's shop, and the wind blew in the direc- tion of the Shamrock's shed, which is only thirty yards distant, for an hour. A special force of men had hard work to safeguard the challen- ger. Eventually the fitters' shop was gutted, but ihe fire was gotten under control. All the material parts of the Shamrock II ave safe, although the construction of the yacht will be de- layed for some time. 4 Shipbuilder Denny said he feared at one time that there was not the slightest hope of saving the challen- ger. The fire was of accidental origin. The damage done to the yards is es- timated at -$100,000, and about 700 workmen will lose their employment by the fire. A correspondent . conveyed the first of the fire to Sir Thomas Lip- who. was much concerned. 'She begun with bad luck early," said Sir Thomas, "Shamrock II started with a bath, and finished with a fine bath when she dropped her news ton, has certainly mast and sails in the Solent. She. too, had'a fire when her sails were all burned. 1 am, of course, thankful that the new challenger has escaped, but I fear that the damage done to the shipyard may seriously retard the work on her: Coronation Lodge. (Coronation Lodge, No. on Wednesday elected the following of R. J. Elliott, W.M.: Albert E. D.M.: E. Bennett, P.C.M., chaplain; John Orr, recording secre- tary; James Bean, financial secretary; James Gillespie, treasurer; John G. Hurley, D.C.; William Cullen, lecturer; first eommittee; John L.O.L. licers : Skeggs, wall. Susie LaFleur, Kingston, "is visiting her parents "in this vicinity. | Gaskin, C.M., trustee. H. C. Hogan and (. Docteur spent Ottawa, Dec. 5.--Judge Jurbidge Saturday and Sunday with friends in [ gave two by judgments, in the ex- Kingston. ,Archie McDonald intends | chequer court, to-day. In the Domin- moving to Bediord; he has rented his }ion Iron and Steel company vs. the king, an action to receive iron boun- ties withheld owing to Auditor-Gener- al McDouball's interpretation of what pie iron, the decision fav- who are awarded all they went into court for with costs. Woodman was and John Irvine sceretary. . Loretta Dolan. Kingston, spent last week at Orange Officers Elected. her uncles, John - Qu , Thomas Last evening L.0.I., No. 325, elect Murphy, seriously ill. is. improving. [ these oilicers for 1903: WM., John Duncan McDonald, Watertown, N.3 Lovick; D.M., John Paige; chaplain, is visiting his parents here. obert Lewer: secretary, W. Me > Clelland; financial secretary, W. Me How Two Wards Stands Cammon; treasurer, Robert Moxley: Alderman R. F. N. McFarland, who of C., Robert Gray; lecturer, Sam- has headed the pol in Frontenac [uel Swann; foreman of committee, W, ward for a number of years, will not | R. Hood: secretary of committee, Rob- likely stand. for re-election. In fact. ert Sexsmith; - third committeeman, he told another alderman esterday George Holland; fourth committeeman, that he would not. This, with W, H.W, Murray; fifth © committeeman, Carson's 'removal from the city. | Robert McFarlane; trustee... Robert leaves two vacancies in this ward. It ! Moxley: auditors, John Lovick and is 'possible that the election there mav | .John Paige. The lodge meets on the go by acclamation.: There are also | first Thursday of every month. two vacancies in St. Lawrence ward. a Ss It is said that the conservatives will W.C.T.U. Meeting. be satisfied if they can get one man The regular monthly meeting of the m. so that St. Lawrence, too. [wo was held" Thursday after stands in good chanee--0 elect her re one here was oahnch dares at presentatives 'hy acclamation, tendance than usual. It was resolved that the usual order of business he . Allen L.-0. EL No. 318. dispensed with and a prayer and praise Allen "L.O.L. No. 316 met Tuesday | i6 hold instead. Mis. Pike opened and elected offic rs for ensuing year |. "part of the services with 1 W.M.. Henry Graham; deputy master, very impressive and sympathetic re Hugh Johnston, Jr. haplain, = Ed- |, pe nearly all the ladies present ward Jennett; recording secretary, oJ. lod in prayer or singing. Cullen; finandial secretary, William At 4:30 the usual educational half Foden: treasurer and trustee, James hour service Was conducted apon the Kane, to : D. of C., J. Watson: | cabiect of scientific temperance instruc committee, Alexander, W. Dean, W. tioh in schools. Morrison, 8S. Fraser, F. Milo; tyler, G. Laturney; past masters, W. Neill, W. Griffith, Napanee. wife. of P. December 1st, in alter an illnes: Deceased was a John Stratton. and came with her parénts ncland, Beside her husband broth NH Manitoba: James, Mu Aired, London, a ister, My Deane, of MM: Griflith was: a life long the Methodist church and Sunday school worker. Her Death Of Mrs. Mary Stratton, Griffith, died fifty-seventh year, nine months, ofv the late beloved on b. five in Michican, loan 0s Frederick, John, ane ra. of mag tint., Michi member an apdent end was peace. Owl Shot' In The Street. grey owl ree top number of hoys pelting stones dilodge the was on were ail it, bird. large, .in'a noon a sitting To-day observed Main street. A coon engaged in but could not George Clenahan, driver pf I. H. Fer guson's delivery waggon, who lives in that street, secured a rifle, and Ahe owl was soon his. It is a remarkably jarge and finely shaped Hird. and the owner will have it mounted. It is very seldom that an owl invades the streets of a city, Reliable' Authority People are forever lecturing the edi and declaring that he should refer institutions and others in for confirmation or There might if these to heads of pecial authority rejection of report ome force in this, Were anv more reliable formants terday Sas he person first in the Whi orrection, i than Now, ve 10 of ~t statement to be correct, nnn to be a well mahe a courtesy, ashed the the knowipe and inténded air sO out 1h Church. Soe For Cooke's (Cooke's church Ladies' Aj ot last evening and elected these of President, Mre. W. J ice-president, Mrs. Johbistor Son Te wry itrens My Woy er the bu<inessgoeetinge served, The lad tecidet to ulertake the onev tb purchase a larger org church. Already 100 is on for this purpose. = at! Redden 's New Organ urer, ANG mn refreshment unanimously raising ol afr i h New table raisin A BILLION BUSHELS. manager of the Great Northern, who is 'on his way to New York "Sir Charles Tupper was thought to be extravagant when he estimated the yield at two hundred million bush- els.' "Well," said Mr. Stevens, need. to multiply that by fi "vou will ». I know the country and its possibilitiés, and I am not afraid to predict a bilkon bushels of grain in the course of a few years," Makes Us Feel Big. St. Thomas Journal. Oil at Chatham, natural gas'at Windsor, iron at Michipicoten, corun- dum in Hastings, nickel at Sudbury, gold at Rainy River, silver near Port Arthur, marl at Durham, and Owen Sound, copper all along Lake Super- ior, and spruce, pine, and other woods show the marvellous endowment of this great province: Sugar at Berlin, tobacco in Essex, beans in Kent, and grain, garden stuff and fruit everv- where, evidence the "marvellous fertil- ity of our soil. How can Ontario fail to become great ? Jilted By Countess. Berlin, Dec. 5.--Prince Radziwill, whose wedding with the Countess Chottek, Archduke Francis Ferdin- and's sister-in-law, was broken off be- cause her ladyship refused to pay the prince's debts, this royal ne'er-do- well caused the arrest of his business manager for alleged fraud. The prince now living in seclu- sion somewhere in Poland. He cannot go to any big city on the continent without fear of arrest for shady finan- cial operations. is ------------ Overcoats at The H. D. Bibby Co. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS. Ros Pacific Ph AH & P. Canadian Toledo L. Montreal Street Toronto Street Twin City . Halifax Street 'Ry yien Rich. & Ont. Nav, .. .. Detroit United .. Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph Bell Telephone Montreal Power a Dominion Steel .. Dominion Steel, Pid. Nova Scotia Steel Laurentide Pulp Ogilvie Flour, Pfd. Naminion Cotton . Canada Colored Cotton Merchants Cotton Dominion Coal ... . 126 Hiominion Coal, Pid. 000 Intercolonial Coal, Pi 80 Montreal Bank 260 Molsons Bank 216 Toronto Bank Meee 260 Merchants Bank ... . 170 000 Merchants Bank, Halifax 186 000 Union Bank « 126 000 Hochelaga Bank . Loo 140 NEW YORK STOCK BXCHANG EF. Unicn Pacific ..... St. saul Reha ttan R. Transit a Pacific Western Anion 73 Erie ea. Ro Reading Swit en fee . oY N.Y. OC ae, 1531 Atchison, < Pid. =... | O84 Os Louis. & Nash: 141% 1414 louis. & Nash. ries ae AS 1263 tock Island 141fF 141} Pennsylvania RR. 156% 1563 Metropolitan RI 140 140 Atchison R1{ R23 Seuther RR. « Bit 324 Baltimore -. 98%: 98% Amal. Copper «sever BF 57 IS A SERIOUS MATTER. The Most Serious and Fatal Dis- eases Arise From Indigestion. Chronic or dyspepsia, while a very has for indigestion common trouble, | some time been looked upon by able | physicians as a serious thing, and | that no time should be lost in treat i ing it properly at the start, because recent researches have showin that the | most serious, fatal and incurable dis- | eases have their origin-in simple dys- | ligestion, pepsia or Diabetes is simply one form of indi gestion, the sugar and starchy food not being assimilated by the diges tive organs. In Bright's disease the al banien issnot. properly assimilated, While consumption and dyspepsia are twin diseases, and it is beyond tion that dyspepsia makes a soil for the Is of consumption. the trouble heen to find that could depended upon to cure dyspepsia, it i= notoriously obsti nate and diflicult to cure. This has been the question which has puzzled physicians and dyspeptic until the question was solved vears ago by the appearance of discovery 'in "the medical world Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, claimed was certain, for every 'fofm ues fertile Bit a remedy nas be as alike, three a new known as which it was rehable eure mach trouble. Physicians, however, wonld cept such statements without ine the remedy many carefully observing results, For three years the remedy has been thoroughly tested in every section the country and with surprising satisfactory results. Stuart's Dyspepsia honestly claimed "to radical lasting cure the various forms sour stomach, ¢ too mi ch hile after gating resulting from a fst not first tests a an { Ane new of and Tablets be a for indige of acid dy a wind, « fullne inilar can speci * stion in pepsia of tor or nm uncle and disordered mach pres ure vmfitom d restion. Stuart' placed three vears' their 'value heen placed found sale at all' drug nominal prices of Sc. per No extravagant clans the remedy, it wi Dyspepsia Tablets were uo the public until. th left no doubt as to they trade hefore trial and n have recently and « ts at 'ka the on pre ure nae not cure rheum onta, ty fever 1 1 ist what it that is « No ome food tism, i pho vihing to cure a mach trouble carv, good whole of 1t and vou may Stuart's Ih it: Dru pleasure to clan ol sto a 13 viv form divting and plent sured that 1S nes rest pepsia Tablets w for that it i 1 oy uuiv fn laim it sts it such recommend t because at e Product cf the North-West in a i Few Years. Montreal, Dec. --"Your North- West will produce, in a few vears, a billion bushels of grain." This was the remark of J. S. Stevens, general KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. BT au dull feeling in the region © f She kin Ad mos your water e Tn 3 Hens i color, while =" other EE on de net make 1 ee it 0 Fr color, you make a small pantity. or youmay haves mucous deposit or brick dust colored Sagi give your yore tention or more S37i0ut 40hplISAsIonS WIR MSH IL. My treatment gua! A ne oaTe Lor IRE Cone tedrmemberyet PAY WHEN SYRED: You need pay ething aati th you are eonvinced that & been established. is fair, as you run no chances. If you cannot call, a for home Areatment, Perfect ments for those who cannot call. BOOK FREE. Medicines from Windsor--All duty and transportation charges rie No names oa envelopes or packages--Nothing sens C. O DR. GOLDBERG, 208 WOODWARD AVE., 9 Cer. wihoex Stree DETROIT, KIDNEY PILLS| | CURE 'All Forms of Kidney Trouble from Backache to Bright's Disease. : If you have a Backache, Sideache, Scanty or Highly Colored Urine, or anything wrong with your. Kidneys take Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured Mg, T. LoEN, Bathurst Village, N.P.--they will cure you. He says,--I was very much troubled with severe pains in the small of my back, just over the kidneys. A friend told me about Doan's Kidney Pills, so I procured two boxes, and before I had used them all 1 was completely gelieved of all pain. There is nothing like them. KIDNEY PILLS IF ANY Of the Following Articles Are on This Week's Shop- ping List, Pay a Visit to Our Store,For We Verily Believe We Can Suit You to a "T." 50c., 75c., Ladies' Silk Ties, Scarfs and Featherbone Collar tts, 25¢ , $1, $1.60 each. Chatelain Belt and Wrist Bags, 40c., 0c, G0c. 752, 90c., 81 to $4.50 each. ilk and Velvet Fancy Be'ts, 25cs 83c, 40¢, 50¢, 60c, Tic, 850. each. Cushiin Tops, Handsome Designs, 25¢ , 35¢., 50¢., 76c., $1, $1. 50 eacli, Cushion Sateen: and Rope Uords ina variety of colors Cushions Fil ed with Down, Batting or Feathors selling at exact cost price. Sik Neck Ruffs for women, $2 to $5 each. . Children's Red Toques, Sashes, Stockings and Mitts. in sto. k. Funey Cashmere and Wool Knit Gloves for women and children, Way's New Storm Scarf for la lies aad gentlemen, £0¢ god 75¢ each, White! Wool Boas and Clouds, 250. _38¢., 50c. each. If making a new Coat, Deess, Suit or Child's Dress, buy a NEW IDEA PAPER PATTERN. Chil fren's patterns ara 10s, all others 153. each, NEW IDEA FASHION SHEETS ALWAYS FREE--ASK FOR ONE. A GENUINE OFFER. Cu tomers making cash pur-hases from now 5 Jan 1st to the amouut of $10. anc pre ent ng onsh checks, for which you receiva a 10e, coupon for each dollar spent, will be given the New Lea Woman's Magazine fies for one year. RUMLEY BROS. Qther colors also CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES ! Have you seen our collection of Knives and Forks, Scissors, Pocket Knives, etc. ? This was specially purchased for the Christmas trade. A SUITABLE PRESENT Can be easily selected, here and these goods are sure to give the BEST OF SATISFACTION, " Claxton and Lawrensen, King Street. TAKE A LOOK In Qur Window And You Will See the Best Men's Shoes Made in America, Ty ore nvictus Shoes Geo. A. Slater's ddl OE A. ABERNETHY' S SH9Fore. LEAD PIPE All Grades. CANADA METAL CO., Lemmon, There never was as good as manufactured by the A WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT, "A satisfaction

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