DAILY. WHIG FR1DA . DECE MBER 5. | A FATAL JOKE | GOMRADES BLOW UP BOY WITH AIR PUMP. et The Youths Are Now Under Ar- rest, Accused of A Murder--The Boy's Stomach Was Greatly Take Nature's | | | - Tonic-- Fresh Piviended, ' New York, Dec. 5.--Harry Ruit, an . 3 ra employee of a omotive works in F 1t Salt. | Paterson, 'N.J., died in a hospital { there vesterday, as a result of a prac: tical joke played on him by five of his fellow-employees. They were arrested, charged with having caused his death. It is alleged that they "'blew up' Ruit with a pneumatic air pump having a pressure of 110 pounds to the inch. Soon after this the boy's stomach be came greatly distended. After several hours of great suffering he *died. When of | having caused Nature has its panacea for all our ills--if we've been slow in finding it out, that's not Natu- re's fault. -- In ¢ Abbey's "' (crystalized fresh fruit juices) she gives us the best of tonic laxatives--it stops headaches (the men accused --stimulates digestion -- pre- Ruit's death were arraigned in court . i 2aters he dead boy's father vents dyspepsia -- keeps in Paterson, the 3 ySpepsia keeps the rushed at one of them, named Dorn, knocked him down and started to Kick him. The father was restrained by the court officers. The aceused men were held without bail on a charge of manslaughter. NAVAL DEMONSTRATION. body's natural channels, the bowels and kidney's, healthy and responsive -- drives out poisons--purifies the blood-- and insures the blush of health [t 365 days every year. All Druggists sell To Compel Venezuela to Settle Claims. London, Dec. 3.-- The joint naval demonstration of -the British and Ger- man fleets, against Venezuela, has been anbstituted for coercive measures by a single power. The object of this dua! arrangement is render the menace of the seizure of the customs and. a temporary interruption of President (Castro's financial to supplies so formi dable that the claims of both powers will be taken up and settled: There are rumors in diplomatic circles that the state department at Washington, aft or securing positive pledges from thi German government that the Monro doctrine should be respected and the debts collected without a pérmanent occupation of anv port or island, has encouraged Britain to adopt sintilar coercive measures simultaneously. Thi l'action issattributed to the double pur pose of keeping Germany under re {straint in the enforcement of coercive | measures and averting the seizure of the customs compelling the Venezuel {an dictator to vield to a demonstra: ition of the two fleets. The exclusiveness of the patterns and styles of 66 A Shocking Kiss. Journal. . | Kansas City Lr S | Kissing is shocking to sons, but two young persons in Kans | as City can truthfully say last weel {was frightiully shoeking. In the mair commend them to § | office of the Western Union at Eight} 4 | and Main streets there are employed | number of young girls. They ave called "check girls." There ure times during ing the day that these girls haven't | very much to do, but sit at one of the | tables, shake their feet and make eye: at one another. During one of the 'dul | moments last two little girl | were sitting opposite each other, talk ling now and then, and dangling their | feet from the high chairs. Each held | hand on the table and occasionally their fingers would run across the tele {graph instruments. Just what possess Fad these oitls to kiss each. other is.not | known, for gitls don't usually prefer i to kiss girls, but during the time tin referred to they bent over and kissed | Each girl had a hand on an "open" some per men of a discrim- inating turn of mind. week, Look for this name iusice the Collar. For sale at all best dealers Clark's Plum Pudding : telegraph instrument, and when the A perfect Christ- | Kissed cach other their moist lips mas delicacy-- Put completed an electrical circuit. The a shock that followed nearly -upset the up in neat air tight tins. No cooling needed. Heat an i girls. They were so amazed that they I are still wontlering how it all happen ed, -- | The Jam-Eating British Army. | Harper's Weekly Ta [Now that we know that the Dritish Farmy--econstned--in the South African 31,500,000 pounds of jam, the fact {war J ? | suggests' some nice computation n the statistics of sweetmeats. For - in stance: if the British army, in order to crush a comparatively small provinel al state that began the war without lan army, needs to he sustained by | over thigty-four million pounds of TO EAT jam, "w hat quantity of jam oN {would be necessary for it if ; it had a real war with some great mili | tary state § Would there be jam en ough in the world to meet such a eris- is * And what would» become of the | finances of the British empire if 'ir such a case some of the Chicago mer <houll "corner" all the jam in the {world just before the war began ? SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Do you know Clark's, deli- cious Pork A Toast. and Beans? Fill 'high the chalice with goad cheer | For Christmas comes but ce a vear 1 With holly bright and nustetoe, | We'll care not how the winds nay blow : | Hut by the cheerv vule log's blaze, ii ih -- On this, the children's dav of guys While sladsome carols greet the car TOLEY We'll drain the chalice of good cheer = ir --- ep a x S----------TT-- COO FURNIS WITH © » INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphe Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. New fruits at Redden's. Livingston's for lHents' gloves. Overcoats at 'the H. D. Bibby Co. No cases have bern entered for: the county court sitting on Tuesday. The H. D. Bibby Co. for overcoats. The Hichland Cadets will drill at the armouries in uniform to-night. The election case of J. S. Gallagh- er! M.P.P. vs. Sheriff Dawson, for 83, 200 has been settled. The Kitchener. The new overcoat manufactured by ourselves, S10, 812, %15. Livingpton's. Dr. Carl Y. Ford will be a judge at the Brantiord Kennel Club's show on December 3lst. Henry Folger returned this noon from New York, where he been for the past two weeks, All our fruits are new and the best quality, Jas. Redden & Co. Sergt. Bailey, of the D.0.C.s office, Kingston, has been granted three days' leave of absence, and is in. Montreal. The vote at Sunbury stood: Foe pro hil ition, 133: against, 13. This is a local option village, and has heen un der temperance rule. for ten or twelve years. Gloves at the H. D. Bibby Co. Another meeting of the Victoria dav celebration committee has been called to meet this evening. A few more ac- counts will be presented if a quorum is secured. aiter- has For swell neckwear Livingston Bros. A personator at No. 1 poll, Syden- ham ward. vesterday. was detected, and the oath was demanded. This he declined to take, and, therefore, was allowed to go with a warning. Buy vor, Christmas OrOceries Now. Our stock is large, the quality the best, prices the lowest. Jas. Redden & Co. It was expected that a new clerk would have been appointed' this week Francis Macdonald, the post-office emnloyec. not to succeed superannnated The appointment, however, will be made for a few days yet. For Saturdav are making a Lady Cream cake with pure cream. I think it will be satisfactory. With the cool weather, th Charlotte Russe are all right. We have a large assortment to select from. Afternoon. tea assort- ment made to order. W. J. Crothers. a---------- Allen Announcements. Allen, Wolie Island. Dec. 4.--Louise McDonald is visiting friends in Corn- wall. LaFleur, Kingston, is visiting her parents 'in this vicinity. H. C. Hogan and C. Docteur spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Kingston. Archie moving to Bediord; he has rented his farm to John Murphy. The patrons of we Susie alt kd + factory held a meet ing on Tubsday evening to settle the business for this season, and to elect officers for the coming season. Ww. CG. Woodinan was appointed salesman and John Irvine scerctary. Loretta Dolan. Kingston, spent last week at her unc John Quigley. Thomas Murphy, se jouslv ill. is improving. Duncan McDonald, Watertown, N.Y. is visiting his parents here. How Two Wards Stand. Alderman R. F. N. McFarland, who has headed the poil in Frontenac ward for a number of years; will not likely stand for re-clection. In fact, he told another alderman yesterday that he would not. This, with W. H. Carson's . removal from the city, leaves two vacancies in this ward. It is possible that the election there mav go by acclamation.: There are also two vacancies in St. Lawrence ivard. It -is said that the conservatives will be satisfied i they can get one man in. that St. Lawrence, stands in. good chanee to elect her re presentatives ' by acclamation. SO too, ---------- Allen -L. O. L. 'No. 3186. Allen LOI. No. 316 met Tuesday and elected oMcers for ensuing year W.M.., Henry Grahgm; deputy master, Huch Johnston, Jr; chaplain, Ed ward Bennett; recording seerctary, J. Cullen; © financial secretary, William Foden: treasurer and trustee, James Kane, re-elected; D, oi C., J. Watson committee, R. Alexander; W. Dean, W. Morrison, RK. Fraser; F. Milo: tyler, G. Laturney: past masters, W. Neill, W. Mulligan; auditors, R. Alexander, F. Milo. ------ > Off On a Trip. Rev. W. W. Peck. Napanee, expects next for a tnp to start on Monday his bro to the North-West to visit ther at Fdmonton, 'and another bro ther at Los Angeles, Cal. He will be absent three weeks or a month! Persian Lamb Jackets, Made from the choicest skins. Fit and Binish guaranteed. Campbell ros. manufacturers of ladies" fur jackets. ---------- « Bibby's."' Oak Hall. * Bibby's."" a .« Bibby's." Oak Hall: « Bibby's.' -- | Rove long overcoats, ¥1.50 to |X 50 Put on one, of our overcoats, stand FOUR GQOD FURNISHED ROQNMS, []}, as recfers, ~82 to 36, The H. D. Yhefore the glass and the sale is made, with board, with all modern cons Lab Co x' S10, SI12.50, The H D. Bibby. Co veniences, at 1¥1 University Avenue DIHDY OL 43 KING STREET. WEST. BEAUTE] =7 fully situated, facing the Harbor, | Rent $240 and taxes Apply wo} Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nick! ~ HOUSE, 7 street, streets; rear. STORE OCCUPIED BY R der, Nos 111 Brock strect frigcerator, fixtunes, etc ior i and meat trade CAAvply to John McKay, Jr, 151 Brock street UNDERTAKERS. ROOMS NO between Bagot and also stable and Appiv 45 William street ALEXAN: | with re- mm TF ers and HARRISON CO., UNDERTAR-! 233-235 Princess street. Qualty | the best. Prices r vs -- Warerooms F. Harrison, 91 ee FUNERAL DIRF- Street, Kingst Drennan 0 lowest Night ~ CORBETT tor, 2W1 Princess Successor to W Pt calls--T 8 M The Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels are kept in { healthy action by the MAGI i Caledonia Waters and life made worth living. Sold everywhere. | married a tit . fi v By | carless . i "I t'ink I'd radder Le a coal baron would youse radder be, a dukess ora ess.' McDonald intends ¢ '| Parma, and "THROUGH FIRE LIPTON'S CHALLENGER HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. Caly Strenuous Efforts Saved the Challenger--Work on the Boat May Be Retarded as a Result. London, Dec. 5.--Shamrock IIT, Sir Thomas Lipton's new -challenger for the America's cup, haa a narrow es- cape from being burned last night in a fire which did great damage to the Denny's + shipbuilding yards at Dum- barton. Only strenuous efforts saved the challenger, now well advanced in ber construction, from destruction. Red hot cinders were blown on the rooi. and sides of the shed in which the Shamrock lI is now being built. The fire was most fierce in the fitter's shop, and the wind blew in thé direc tion of the Shamrock's shed, which is only thirty vards * distant, for an hour. A special © force of men had hard work to safeguard the. challen- ger. Eventually the fitters' shop was gutted, but the fire was gotten under control: All the material parts of the Shamrock Il are safe, although the construction of the vacht will be de- layed for some time. Shipbuilder Denny said he feared at one time that there was not the slightest hope of saving the challen- cer. The fire was of accidental origin. The damage done to the vards is es- timated at £100,000, and about 700 workmen will lose their employment by the fire. A correspondent conveyed the first news of the fire to Sir Thomas Lip- ton, who was much concerned. = "She tainly begun with bad luck 3 said Sir Thomas, "Shamrock Il started with a bath, and finished with a fine bath when she dropped her mast and sails in .the Solent. She, Loo, had' a fire when her sails were all burned. 1 am, of course, thankiul that th new challenger has escaped, but I fear that the damage done to the shipyard may seriously retard the work on her. Coronation Lodge. Coronation Lodge, No. 352, L.0O.L. on Wednesday elected the following of R. J. Elliott, WAL; Albert E. Skeggs, D.M.; E. Bennett, P.C.M.. chaplain; John Orr, recording secre- tary; James Bean, financial secretary: James Gillespie, treasurer; John G. Hurley, D.C.: William Cullen, lecturer; Thomas Rice, first committee; John Gaskin, C.M., trustee. Ottawa, Dec. 5. --Judge Burbidge gave two by judgments, in the = ex- chequer court, to-day. In the Domin- jon Iron and Steel company vs. the king, an action to receive iron boun- ties withheld owing to Auditor-Gener- al McDouball's interpretation of what constitutes pig iron, the decision fav- ors the company, who are awarded all they went into court for with costs. ficers : Orange Officers Elected. Last evening L.O.L.. No. 325, elect ed these officers for 1903 : WM, John Lovick: D.M., John Paige; chaplain, Robert Lewers; secretary, W. J. Me Clelland: financial secretary, W. Me Cammon; treasurer, Robert Moxley: D. of C., Robert Gray; lecturer, Sam- wel Swann: foreman of committee, W. R. Hood; secretary of committee, Rob committeeman, ert "Sexsmith: third George Holland; fourth comimitteeman, W. J. Murray: fifth committeemas Robert McFarlane: trustee, Robert Moxley; auditors, John Lovick and John Paige. The lodge meets on the first Thursday of every month. W.C.T.U. Meeting. The recular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held Thursday after noon: There was a much larger- at tendance than usual. Tt was resolved that the usual order of bisiness. be dispensed with and a prayer and praise service held instead. Mrs. Pike opened this part' of the services with a few very impressive and sympathetic re marks; nearly all the ladies present led in prayer or singing. At: 4:30 the usual educational" half hour service was conducted upon the subject of scientific temperance instrue- tion in schools. Griffith, Napanee. Mary Stratton, beloved wife of P. D. Griffith, died on December Ist, in her fifty-seventh year, alter an illness of about nine months. Deceased was a | daughter of-the 'late John Stratton. came with her parents Besides her husband Death Of Mrs. | fiom England. she leaves | five brothers, W. H. and { Frederick, in Manitoba; James, Par { ma; John, Michig Alired, - London, {Ont., and a sist Mrs. Deane, of a life long { Michigan. Mrs. Griflith was and member of th Methodist church "an ardent Sunday school worker. Her end was peace. Owl Shot In The Street. To-day noon a large, grev owl was observed sitting in a tree top on Main A number of boys' were coon engaged in' pelting stones at it, but conld not dislodge' the bird George Clenahan; driver of T. H. °F guson's delivery waggon, who lives in that street, secured a rifle, and. the owl was soon his. It is a remarkably large and finely shaped. bird, and the owner will have it mounted. It is very seldom that an owl invades the streets of a city. street. Reliable Authority. People are forever lecturing the edi jor and declaring that he should refer to heads of institutions and 'others in special authority for confirmation or rejection of reports, There might come force in this, if these persons were 'any more reliable than first in formants. Now, vesterday the Whig was asked to make a correction, and did out of courtesy, knowing the first statement to be correct, and the contradiction to be a well-intended fib. he? SO i New Organ For Cooke's Church. Cooke's church Ladies" Aid Society met last evening and elected these of President, Mrs, W. J. Paul; | vice-presilent, Mrs. Johnston secre ! tary-treasurer, Mrs. W. Caniem. Af ter the, business meeting, freshments were served, The ladies unanimously lecided to undertake the raising of monev to purchase a larger organ for t the church. Already 8100 is on hand for this purpose. fhominion Steel A BILLIOT BUSHELS. ! Product of the North-West in a Few Years. Montreal, Dec. 5.--"Your North- West will produce, in a few vears, a biljon--phshels of grain." This was the remark of J. S. Stevens, general wanager of the Great Northern, who is on his way to New York. "Sir Charles Tupper was thought to be extravagant when he estimated vield at two hundved million bush; "Well," said Mr. Stevens, "vou will need to mulliply that by five. I know the country and its possibilities, and I am not afraid to predict a billion bushels of grain in the course of a few years," Makes Us Feel Big. St. Thomas Journal. Oil at Chatham, natural gastat Windsor, iron at Michipicoten,. corun- dum in Hastings, nickel at Sudbury, gold at Rainy River, silver near Port Arthur, marl at Durham, and Owen Sound, copper all along Lake Super- ior, and spruce, pine, and other woods show the marvellous endowment of this great province, Sugar at Berlin, tobacco in Essex, beans in Kent, and grain, garden stuff and fruit everv- where, evidence the marvellous fertil- ity of our soil. How can Ontario fail to become great ? Jilted By Countess. Berlin, Dee. 5.--Prince Radziwill, whose wedding with the Countess Chottek, Archduke Francis Ferdin- and's sister-in-law, was broken off be- cause her ladyship refused to pay the prince's debts, this royal ne'er-do- well caused the arrest of his business manager for alleged fraud. The prince now living in seclu- sion somewhere in Poland. He cannot og to any big city on the continent without fear of arrest for shady finan- cial "operations. : is Overcoats at The H. D. Bibby Co. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS. Dec. Canadian Pacific Toledo & PP. Montreal Street Toronto Street win City. ... 116 Halifax Stree 105% Rich. & Ont. Na u8 Detroit United § Commercial Cable ... Montreal Telegraph Bell Telephone Montreal Power Dominion Steel, Pid. Nova Scotia Steel Laurentide Pulp Ogilvie Flour, Pid. Daminion Cotton .. .. Canada Colored Cotton Merchants Cotton Dominion Coal ... .... Dominion Coal, Pid. .. ... Intercolonial Coal, Pid. Montreal Bank . Molsons Bank Toronto Bank Merchants Bank 170 Merchants Bank, Halifax 186 Union Bank .. '... - 136 Hochelaga Bank . uL 140 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. ) Sth. Unicn Pacific St. Haul Manhattan . RB. R. Transit Sugar xs People's Gas 1 3. Steel 1 $ Miss. Pacitic Southern Pacific Western Union Atchison, Pid Louis. & Nash. Louis. & Nash. Rock Island in Pennsylvania, RR. Metropolitan RR. Atchison Seutharn RR. Baltimore . Amal. Copper IS A SERIOUS MATTER. The Most Serious and Fatal Dis- eases Arise From Indigestion. Chronic indigestion or dyspepsia, | while a very common trouble, his for come time been looked upon by able physicians as a serious thing, = and that: no time should be lost in treat- ing it properly at the start, because recent wesearches have shown that the most serious, fatal and incurable dis + origin in simple dys gestion. 3 is simply one form of indi sugar and starchy food assimilated by the diges- ase the al eases have th pepsia or Diabetes gestion, the not being tive organs. In Bright's dis bumen is not properly assimilated. While consumption ansl dyspepsia are twin diseases, and it is beyond ques- tion that dyspepsia makes a fertile <oil for the seeds of consamption. But the 'trouble has been to find a remedy that could be depended upon to cure dyspepsia, as it is notoriously obsti nate and ditlicult to cure. This has been the question has puzzled physicians and dyspeptics alike, until the question was solved three years ago by the appearance of a new discovery in the medical world known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which which it} was claimed was a certam, reliable cure for every form of sto mach trouble. Physicians, however, would not ac- cept such statements without first giv ing the' new remedy many tests and carefully observing results. For three vears the remedy has been thoroughly tested in every 'tion of the country and 'with surprising and satisfactory results. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be honestly claimed to be a specific, a radical lasting cure for indigestion in the various forms of acid dyspepsia oi cour stomach, gas or wind on sto mach. too much: bile, undue fullness or pressure after eating and similar svmptoms' resulting from disordered digestion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets were not placed "before the public until this three years' trial left no doubt as to their value and they have recently beer! placed in the trade and can be found on sale at all druggists at the nominal prige of 50c. per package. No extravagant claims are made for the remedy. it will not cure rheuma- tism. pneumonia, typhoid fever 'nor anything but just what it is claimed to cure and that is every form of sto mach trouble, No dieting is neces sary, good wholesome food and plenty of it and vou may rest assured that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest Druggists claim for it that its a to dyspep- recommend | New table raisins,at Redden's, oe A - KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. i water comes freely Norge auasuio lent tomer St other 8 » Nd v not 1s quite so freely, it ls da in color, you make a small g OA A deposit or brick dust colored sediment; give your sion ate attention or mere tions will ses in. My treatment teed asa positive sure forsuch eon: serious eomplios ditions, snd rememder yt DAY WHEN CURED. You need pay nothing until you are esonvinced that & and has esta ed. S this is fair, 8s you run no chances. INSULT FRER treatment. Perfect system of home treat If you cannot call, write for blank for home mens for those who cannot call. BOOK FREE. Mi Canadian Jaticuts shinbed : Windsor--All duty and transportation charges 'o names oa envelopes or packages--Nothing sent O. O. i : - $1, $1.50 each. each price. . DR. GOLDBERG, 208 WOODWARD Ave, KIDNEY PILLS All Forms of Kidney Trouble from Backache to Bright's Disease. If you have a Backache, Sideache, Scanty or Highly Colored Urine, or anything wrong with your Kidneys take Doan's Kidney Pills. Loxx, Bathurst Village, N.I.--they will eure youn. @ says,--I was wv much troubled with severe pains in the small ot my back, just over the kidueys. A friend told me about Doan's Kidney Pills, so I procured two boxes, and before I had used them all I was completely relieved of all pain. There is nothing like thew. KIDNEY PILLS They red Mr. T. IE ANY Of the Following Articles Are on This Week's Shop- ping List, Pay a Visit to Our Store, For We Verily Believe We.Can Suit You to a if Ladies' Silk Ties, Scarfs and Featherbona Collar. tts, 25¢, 60e., Toc. Chatelaia Belt and Wrist Rags, 40c., 60c, 60c . 75c, 90c., $1 to $4 50 'Gilk and Velvet Fancy Bolts, 2Zc., 83¢ , 40c, 50c , 60c , Tde , 850. each. Cushion Tops, Handsome Designs, 25c.. 35¢., 50c., 76¢., $1, $1.80 each, Cushion Sateens and Rope Cords in a variety of colors Cushions Filed with Down, Batting or Feathers selling at exact cost Silk Neck Ruffs for women, $2 to $5 each. Children's Red Toques; Sashes, Stockings aud Mitts. Other colors also in stock. Fancy Cashmere and Wool Knit Gloves for women and children, Way's New 8torm Searf for 1a lies and gentlemen, 80c. and 75¢ each. White Wool Boas and Clouds, 25¢., 3c, 50c. each. If making a new Coat, Deess, Suit or Child's Dress, buy a NEW IDEA PAPER PAT IERN. Children's patterns are 10c , all others 156. each. NEW IDEA FASHION SHEETS ALWAYS FREE--ASK FOR ON A GENUINE OFFER. Cu-tomers making cash purchases from now to Jun: 1st to the amount of $10. anc pre-ent'ug cash checks, for which you receive a 10e. coupon for each dollar spent, will be given the New Idea Woman's Magazine fre» for one year. RUMLEY BROS. -- -- i _-- CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES ! Have you seen our collection of Knives: and Forks, Scissors, * Pocket Knives, etc. ? This was specially purchased for the 'Christmas trade. A SUITABLE PRESENT Can be easily selected, here give the BEST OF SATISFACTION. Lemmon, | King Street. In Our Window And You Will See the Best. Men's. Shoes Made : in America, They are rn ers INViCtUs Shoes A. ABERNETHY'S S"25oge. "LEAD PIPE All Grades. There never was as good as manufactured by the asure to it because it gives such universal satisfaction. CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. and these goods are sure to' Claxton and Lawrenson, TAKE A LOOK |