Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1902, p. 6

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Practice AND Nod Experience Has taught us, that the best way {0 succeed in business is to say what we mean. ! When selling a suit, overcoat, or in fact, anything we handle, we explain the qualities of the goods as well as the faults, if there are any. Knowing the nature of the article, vou can judge for yourself. You'll get what you expect. Here are the facts : We keep clothing that is up-to-date. Our gentls furnishings are the latest, and the furs we sell have mo rival. Don't miss it. JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. Cold Weather Calls for Weather Strip We have it all sizes. The neatest thing on a door or window. Prevents cold and snow blowing in and saves coal. Also, our Springs are acknowl- edged the BEST in town. See them on all the best doors. We put them on without extra charge. W. A. Mitchell. HARDWARE. from Wear a Pair . of our Women's $3 Shoes And you'll have the sat- isfaction of knowing that your feet are as elegantly dressed as any in town. Their good fitting quali- ties and comfort have never been equalled except in shoes that cost you-a good bit more money, and wear there's no end to it. Mclematt's **% STORE. Wonderful 'Success. THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. Do not be disappointed by buying cheap imitation mantle burners when you can buy the best. THE KERN BURNER Is made upon honor, and every one guar- anteed, They finished, TiAsSsSware. *(iive the light and save gas. J W.OLDFIN. #3 xixa Auction Sales |. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, . "Auctioneers are made of heavy material, finely equipped with the best mantles and | - THE vAILY WHIG. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5. 5 PL. EDITION. SIEQOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What-Is Going On lu the Business World--The Market News. The United: States government report for December makes the crop 10,470,000 bales. Some $50,000 worth of shipped on Thursday by irom Peterboro for export lhe directors of the Dominion lron & Steel" Lo. announce that the net earn- ros for October, including the bdunty, amounted to $34.000 'the Russian wheat crop is estimated at 27,450,000 quarters, or 219,600,000 bushels, compared with 22 958,000 quar- ters, or 183,664,000 bushels in 1901 Atout --241.600,000 bushels. ol corn were ground into flour and meal in the United States in the past census year, or nearly hali the consumption of wheat A big dairy trust is * under way. a trust which will include all tue dairies and creaweries in Canada The pur- pose 1s to increase the product and will ragse the price on the market Comercial failures In the United States November 1,000 in num- ber and $9,276,716 in amount of de- faulted liabilities, compared with 974 failures a year ago' jor §9,070.446 The total capita} of the International Axe and Tool company will be $42.- 000.000, of which §17,000,000 tent. bonds, §4.000.000 seven preferred and $12,000,000 common he issued. Canada the sugar Yaterson, " An advance in likely to iollow bounties.' Gross earnings of Canadian Pacific show crop cotton bacon was the G.T.R. during five per per cent will affected by ion. William Customs, states: sugar is the fof in- will be indirectly convention. Ministes of the price of the abolition "of the month of November an crease of $392,000, and the increase for five months is £2,053,000. Grand Trunk"s earnings for November increas- ed $262,160, and for five months §l.- 031.650 : A natural soap mine has been dis- covered near Ashcroft, British Colum- bia. The composition of the soap seems to be about one-fiith borax. A com- many has been formed to work it, and already 275 tons have been taken out of the mine Interest and this month by and industrial corporations of "the ed States will aggregate $50.6. as compared with pavments of Sia, - G61 in December of ast year This is the largest sum paid out in interest and dividends in the financial history of New York. The Dominion Coal Company has de- clared the regular quarterly dividend of dividend disbursements the important, railroads Unit- 149 two per vent. For the first eight months of the vear the net earnings amounted to 81,633,000. This meang that the company carned enough to pay its dividend for the period mentioned, at the F rate of eight per cent. per annum, and have SH10.000 10 spare The earnings or - the comnany have, in fact, for the first eight mouths been enoug h to pay the Whole year's dividend and leave au halance of $34,000 me ---- Has Returned To School. The boy from Frontenac school, who has recently been playing truant, visited the Board of Education rooms vesteraav with his mother, who is do ing all in her power to guide the boy's footsteps aright. He promised to reform and to go back to the school this morning, if permission given. . The lad declared that, while 'he had carried a revolver on the street, he had never taken it into the school building. was Given A Trial. Street car No. 23, which formerly chased the residents of Belleville off the tracks, was given a trial here ves terday, after a thorough overhauling, and found to be in' first-class condi- tion. Another of . the Belleville cars is being made ready for service. These cars nave gongs that sound like unto those of the fire brigade waggons, and scores of "citizens rushed to the Jloors vesterday when the gong sounded. At Mullin's This Week. 3 lbs. fancy mixed candy, 25¢:: 1 1b. pure Java and Mocha cofiee, freshlv around, 25¢.: 3 lbs. black tea dust, 25¢.: 2 lbs. black Ceylon tea, large sealer cream baking powde 95e.:* 1 1 1b. lemon and orange peel Ibs. new selected raisins, new currants, 2 2 quarts fresh cranberries, 25¢, Corner Johnston and Division streets. Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings For some years past nothing has given such universal satisfaction, and such genuine pleasure to the children as Tom Smith's stockings. It is won- deiful how much "enjoyment tan be crowded into these fancy open work hose. We have them in all sizes and prices. Jas. Redden & Co. Will Address The Board. Stearne Tighe, rector of All church, will appear before the Board of Education at its next meet ing to lay before the board some facts concerning the pupils of the Col Institute, Rev. Saints' legiate Ladies' Fur Jackets. The best stock and lowest prices at Campbell manufacturers of furs, SM Princess street. ------------------ dros... currants, new figs, new almonds, new walnuts, new Brazil nuts, new pe- cans; new filberts. Jas. Redden & Co. New. raisins, new dates, new new peels, Overcoats at The H. D. Bibby Co. LIVINGST #7, THE SMARTEST ~~ SWAGGER OVERGOAT EVER PRODUCED AT $10.00. We have the Swellest Swagger! Coat to be had in Kingston. genuine Saxony Cheviot in Oxford | Grey, lined with Best Italian Cloth, | > Slash Pockets, Velvet Collar, Cuffs: = regular $15 coat; on sale (RE ADY- TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT) o SATURDAY for $10. | ON BROS. PROVINCE WINS ITS CASE AGAINST THE DOMINION In Regard to the Matter of Inter- est--The Question of the Boun- | ties in Iron Has Been Finally « Settled. Ottawa, Dec. 5.--Justice Bourbridge in exchequer court to-day, decided in | favor of the iron company, in action ! against = government bounties under interpretation of Auditor-General Mac- dongall. The amount claimed was $196,967.15, but when accounts are taken this will be swelled to about $800,000. His hon- or decided that pig iron-includes that substance in a hquid"ér molten state as well as in its solid form. In the case of the Dominion of Can- ada vs. Province of Untario, a dispute as to interest on moneys, owed by the province to the dominion the judge found in favor of the province. The province thus saves $113,176.54. The tragedy of life is told in the story of four English girls who recent lv came to Canada to accept: situa tions as weavers in an Almonte mill, brought hither as experts td illustrate the improved methods of the trade. On the voyage over, travelliffiy steer- age, they took ill, and two deaths re- sulted. A third one is now in St. Luke's hospital, ill with typhoid fever, but with a prospect of recovery, and the fourth, her sister, is in Almonte. Miss Marsh is not aware of the death of her companions and will not be made acquainted with the facts till her recovery is fully assured. : ALPHABET ON PINHEAD. Remarkable Piece Of Work Done By An Engraver. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 5.--R. H. M. Jantzen, a Pittshurg engraver, has engraved the aiphabet and eight other letters, making thirty-four in all, on the head of an ordinary pin. This surpasses any feat of the kind on re- cord, and required the best of skill and patience to accomplish. The al- phabet alone has been engraved fre- quently heretofore on a pin head, but the difficult task of adding eight other letters almost surpasses belief. The pin head has on it the alpha- het, 1902, and R. H. M. .]., the en- graver's initials, .and under a micro- scope can easily be read. Three-quar- ters of an hour was required to com plete the task. PREMIER ROSS SPEAKS. Thinks the Conservatives Aided the Prohibitionists. Toronto, Dec. 5.--Premier Ross, in an interview, this morning, states he considers the returns from the cities of the province are a mandate "to close the bars." At the same time, considering the large vote in Toronto, Mr. Ross is inclined to accept the view of the licensed victuallers that conservatives had worked for the act tor ulterior motives. For instance, North Toronto, last May, defeated the prohibitionist candidate, G. F. Mar- ter, by 232 "and, yesterday, it carried prohibition by 1,574. The returns in Stratford, Mr. Ross says, show the same conduct by conservatives. 1f Stratford had voted last May as it did yesterday, the result would have been very different at the general elec- tion. PAIN SPURS VICTIM. Francis G. Beach Shoots Himséli In Groin. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 5.--=Francis (i: Beach, a prominent resident of New Haven, was taken to the New Haven hospital last night suffering from a pistol shot wound supposed to have been self-inflicted. Mr. Beach had partially recovered from an attack of grip. During a fit of temporary aberration, cadsed by ex- cruciating pein, Mr. Beach, it is sup- posed, shot himself in the groin. After a consultation of physicians his con: dition was said to be seriogg. Mr. Beach was a postmaster at New Haven under former President Cleve- land, and he was captain of Connec- ticut volunteers in the late war - with Spain. A NEW FEATURE. Illinois Has Ordered a Cattle Quarantine. Montreal, Dee. 5.--The Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific railways have the state of Illinois cattle quarantine the affected New been advised that has ordered a against, not only England states, but_ those bordering thereon, such as New York and Penn svlvania, as well 'as the provineds' of Quebec and Ontario. The usual steps to prevent the possible spread of 'the hoof and. month disease to Iliinois must be observed in connection - with cars.in which cattle have been trans ported. and, they will not be admit- ted to that state until the reguire- ments of the quarantine law has been FRONTEN. C'S VOTE Was Strongly In Favor Of Prohi- | : TELEGRAMS FRON FROM THE FOUR bition. Frontenac decided strongly in favor of prohibition, hut the total vote cast | was not two-thirds of that at the May general election, which totalled 3,540. The largest majorities were secure at | Cataraqui: (No. 2 Kingston), West- "brook (No. 4 Kingston), Sunbury (No. 2 Storrington) od Inverary (No. | Storrington). Wolfe !sland. polled a decidedly small vote, and against the act. Tt is understood that Portland gave the act a majority of 250. So tar the returns received are : No. Garden Toland i 10 Kingston, No. 1. . 5 20 Kingston, No. 2. 103 19 Kingston, No. 2. . .. 88' 13 Kingston, No. 4 (maj.) S6 Kingston, No. 3 22 28 Kingston, No. 6. 34 16 Loborough, No. 1 78 32 Loborough, Ne. 2. . . . +36 13 Loborough, No. 3. . . , 2 16 Loborough, No. 1 72 38 Pittsburg, No. 1. 22 25 Pittsburg, No. 5. . .. 54 15 Portland, No. |. . ... 76 16 Storrington, No. . 103 7 Storrington, No. 132 13 Storrington, No. 3. . . 96 13 Wolfe Island, No. 1. . . 7 21 Wolfe Island, No. 2. . . 17 46 Wolfe Island, No. 3. . 8 26 Twenty-four polls out "of thirty-five give approximately : For 1,450, against 425, t Prohibition Vote In Lennox. Yes. No, Adolphustown, No. 1. . . . 55 13 Adolphustown, Gosport, 2 . 21 4 Amherst Island-- Stella . . 52 00 vis == == Emerald, No.2. .,...... -- --e Bath Village... . . . , . . . 47 28 Ernesttown-- Millhaven, No. ; 3. B Storms' Corne No. 2. ..065 27 Odessa, East, No. 3 ....5 29 Switzerville, No."4. . ...--- -- Wilton, No.5... . .., , .187 7 Odessa, West, No. 6. . . 64 40 S. Frederickshurgh-- Sillsville, No. 1. . . . .. . 75 3 Town Hall, No. 1. . . ... . 068 S Hawley, -Nof 2. .., .. .. ... 61 12 N. Frederic Ksburgh-- Wigeins', Na. 1 ... ..... .. i R3 16 Hough's, No. 2 ....... .-- .--- Sheflfel's, No, 3. ... .. 2 23 Napanee-- West Wand, No. 1... ... 67 20 West Ward, No. 2. -. |. SO 24 Centre W; ard No. 1... ... 68 35 Centre Ward, No. 2. .:. . . . 66 20 Fast Ward, . . . .., . .. 8 30 Richmond -- Selby," No. . 122 12 Forest Mills, Be... ey Roblin, No. 4. 133 4 LATEST SUMMARY. How The Vote Stood This After- noon. Toronto, Dec. 5.--Summary : Latest returns for the act, 114,758; against the act, 70,491; majority' for the act, 41,297. Total vote, 185279." Thirteen constituencies not _included in these figures. They have not reported, or reported only majorities. Only a few constituencies have sent in complete returns as yet. The total vote in the province.is not likely to be known for two or three days. President Eighteen Years. At the last meeting of the local 16dge, Y.1.C.B.A., these: officers were elected by acclamation : President, J. J. Behan; first vice-president, P. Morahan; second vice-president, P. recording | secretary, P. financial secretary, G. Han- son; treasurer, J. Mitchell; marshal, P.. Fannon: guard, J. Cullen. The members seem to repose great confidence in their energetic president, J. J. Behan, whom they re-elected to office for the eighteenth time. Is Now A Millionaire. The many Kingston friends of J. H. Loftus will be pleased to hear of his good fortune in having fallen heir to one-sixth of an estate valued at 87,- 000.000. The estate is situated in' Ire- land and comprises land and money. Mr. Loftus is a grandson of the late Sir Nicholas Loftus, of Mount Loftus, Kilkenny, Ire. Upon his death the es- tate passed to his grand-children, six in number. A son of Hon. Edward Blake is looking after the interests of the Canadian heirs. The Kindergartners Busy. The pupils in the various kindergar- ten class®® in the city schools are hard at work making presents for their parents and friends, and getting ready for the usual entertainment. A Christmas tree will be one of the at- tractions for the little folks, and. in each room it will be laden with the gifts their little fingers, have been so carefully taught to make. The par- ents will be invited to these entertain- ments. Parson Shoots Burglar. : Dee. 5.--Rev. John B. Shellinberger, a local preach- er of Bonnerville, in Snyder county, shot and mortally wounded a burglar. Selina Grove, Pa., carried out to the satisfaction of the state officials, = . It Costs To Win. | Henry Labouchere, editor of Truth, i who for twenty years has been the | frequeng defender of libel suits | was 4 son of the late John Co Davies week. An adventurer named Cowen had been exploiting lords and earls, and finally the Chinege ambassador, in a clever scheme. This was rithless It sal The burglar pried open a window, setting off "the electric alarm. The preacher quietly made his way out of the building, rifle in hand. The burg lar struck a mhtch near a window, and the preacher, having a good view @f him, fired, with the above re sult. A Peculiar Statement. ly exposed by "LabbyY' in Truth. A man who boasts that he is a great There were two trials of the suit for temperance advocate dddlared in a itel. It cost 1 abouchtre 8125000 46 | Princess street store, this afternoon, defend the CRE and he can only re- l ihat he would vote for a liquor man rover [25.800 In gs. In other | anv day in preference to Premier Rose, words, his victory Fim 200,000. | 4 nan who has done more for the tem sd erance people than any other politi Offered Site For Shops. jh A has ever amily It Montreal Deas 5.--The town of La- Ys such men as this that do harm to 2s ood the Grand Trunk a | the témperance cause, Ce land, it the ¢ompaay : { repair-shops in that town. Would Like To Realize. TT : Toronto Globe The latest emriosity -at the British Mr. Clergue estimates the waterpow museum is a Chin bank note of the Jer of the St. Lawrence betwesn Kings breton century. which was discov: [ton and: Montreal as worth 10,000,000 ered in the ruins of d statue of Bud- | tons of In the present predica dha at Pekin. It is worth noting | ment we would like to realize on a that paper morey 'was, not introduced into Farope till the seventeenth, cen tury I'he telephone was an invention to enable men to liv to each other with part of it in coal. Ladies' Fine Furs. dest stock in Kingston and prices at Campbell Bros The lowest » out blushing. wanufacturers of reliable furs. NEWS OF WORLD QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The amount of the German claims dgainst Venezuela is said to be near ly $600,000. 5: Por. 1 he vote in Newburgh w 153; against, 71. At Moscow, for, 110; against, 55. »~ The states of the middle west and | south are in the grip of a fierce snow and rain storm. Some Toronto citizens who purchas ed Welsh coal are demanding the re: turn of the purchase money. During a protracted session of the German reichstag the members called one another scoundrels and dogs. Gilbert Milks, Cattaraugus, tried three tins for arson, was acquitted vesterday after a trial lasting four days The steam fire engine belonging to Emerson, Man., broke through the ice and is now in the bottom of the river. T. B. Reed, speaker of the States senate, who has been ill sonie time has taken a turn for worse. The British government definitely an- nounces that cattle shipped via Bos- ton or Portland will not be allowed to land. The British press holds former Uni- ted States President Cleveland re- sponsible for the present difficulties with Venezuela. Owners of property on the shores of Moose Lake are disputing the owner: ship of the lake bottom, in which nickel has been found. The Woodbine hotel, near London, Ont., was destroyed by fire. The in- mates escaped fromy the upper rooms by a rope made of bedclothing. An explosion of a gas stove in the crowded Lincoln Hotel at No. 176 Ma- dison street, Chicago, caused the con- flagration in which fourteen lives were lost. George Levh, manufacturer, glass of beet, contained poison. pected. Scrutineers in Ottawa succeeded in blocking between 200 and 300 at- tempts at personation and there is no doubt more than as many more es- caped them. On December 2nd, Margaret Dawson, relict of the late Alexander MeCornell, Richmond, died, at the age of seventy- five years. She leaves three daughters and a son. The Painters' union of Schenectadv was restrained from crossing a man, whose offence was that he served with the National Guard, from the mem- bership roll. A Russian Jew from Montreal, was arrested at Ogdensburg for piloting into the States a number of his coun- trymen, suffering from eye disease. The men will be returned to Russia. A deficiency amounting to several thousand dollars has been found in the accounts of Albion F. Welch, late treasurer of the Danvers, Mass., Sav- ings Bank, who died a few weeks ago. Countess" Selkirk was the victim of a big jewelery robbery at her house, Berkley Square, London, Wednesday night. The thieves stole a pear neck- lace of great value, brooches, brace- lets, rings and other jewelery. On November 29th Miss Edna, the nineteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sampson, Salem, died af- ter 'three weeks' illness. Two, brothers and twp sisters also survive. The de- ceased was a bright and lovable girl. This morning while members of the Cleveland, Ohio, fire department were fighting flames, a wall fell upon mem- bers of engine company, Nof 15, bury- ing them. All were rescued excepting Patrick Joyce, who is still deep under piles of brick with no hope of being United for the Brooklyn, a wealthy | died adter drinking a which was found to have Foul play is sus- 9, "taken out alive. The British steamer' Leicester, ar- rived at Queenstown, from San Fran- cisco, reports that on October 23rd, some American sailors .aboard the v sel mutinied and fatally shot the: cond officer and twice wounded captain. the The mutineers then made a raft and left the ship in mid-Atlantic. AT Merritton, Grand Trunk em- ployees tore up a bridge on the main street to put in a new structure. Citi- zens objected, and the fire depart- ment. was called out and turned a stream of water on the railway men, who retaliated hv cutting the hose. For a while it looked like a fight, but another stream was turned on and the railway men decamped. Fur Bargains. Large Alaska sable scarfs for 86, at Campbell Bros., manufacturing® fur- riers. ¢'Macbeth"--Tuesday. leading tracedian, John Griffith, will appear at th® Grand on Tuesday, Décember 9th, in his now famous impersonation of Shakespeare's *"*Macheth." Exceilent acting company, correct costumes, novel electric ef- fects, special scenery painted expressly for this play. Aperica's Shot In The Arm. Henry Green, a young man residing near Bedford Mills, was brought to the general hospital on Thursday after noon to have his left arm repaired. the trigger While hanging up a gun, the snapped, and the charge entered arm, tearing the flesh severely. Will Be Helpful. The Whig will publish on Saturday designs for' many pretty, Christmas presents that can be made at home. The plates will, undoubtedly, prove of interest to our lady readers at this season of the vear. Frost Proof. lettuce and other fancy fruits to without freezing rer, { sky Woo ean denver getables and all parts of the city, The oll reliable nner epee eee. arrison arti! Fete de Pont tender ve fruits arnov "on the ( ohean Li lery O) company, arrives at barracks to-morrow to take a in equitation. Military Court Farl Roberts holds another dance in the Whig hall next Thursday night. a - i mmm---- 7 $ Excellence and Completeness nderwear ~« Hosiery The marked feature of the LADLAW } UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY stocks are the excellence of quality, comfortable fit, sensible shapes and large variety, together with the low prices made possible by the large purchases made for wash. Boys' | 3 THE Wool and Prices 10c, 123%¢., 15¢., 18¢,, 20c, 23c., 25C., 30C., 35C., 40C., 45C., 50¢. and up, Children's Stockings. Ribbed or Plain Wool, Ribbed or Plain Cash- mere, Medium or Heavy Makes. moderate. Made for rough wear growing boy. UNDERWEAR Women's Underwear, | Vests and Drawers, 3 different weights and 12 different qualities. 25¢, 33c., 45¢., 49¢, 50¢., 69c, 75¢., 89c., 99c., $1, $1.25 and up... Women's Stockings In Fine Wool, in Cashmere, in Heavy in Black Fleece Lined Cotton. Prices very Yarn Knit Stockings, Just the thing for a MEN'S Fleece L:ined Shirts and Drawers. Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers. Fine Heavy Wool Shirts and Draw- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. Pass TASS 0 APMP CANS ASS ANS wa rei rE For Upright, Downright Good Shoes, Easy to the Foot, Pleasing to the Eye, The nes SLATER The Place LOCKETT SHOE STORE ; NO at & 18 TROUBLE To sweep any and Seren wih 4 a first- class ial | . Carpet 4 ; 4 Aids "3 Sweeper We have them from "Inzde: $150 Up. McKEL VEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. stp. The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | .ondon Porter Full of the Virtus of Mait and Hops. | Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. "McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. ---- ld --

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