Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1902, p. 7

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THE D 869TH YEAR. NO. 284 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 1902. ITISH HIG. LAST EDITION 3 2 A POINTER ! Are you in need of an overcoat, if so you must buy one at once or you will freeze. Spend 10 Minutes And 10 Dollars In our store and you will be comfortable for the winter. OUR OVERGOATS FIT WELL, ) WEAR WELL, LOOK WELL. SS JENKINS 3 114 Princess Street. AUCTION SALE ] | PICTURES Goods At- 7:30 At the King St. store. are sold at your own price. tend the sale; 2:30 and every day. No reserve. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE rn (J nn Dwelling House. WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUC- tion by Allen & Son, auctioneers, at their rooms, 27 Brock street, on: Tuesday, Dec. Sth at 12 o'clock, noon; the frame dwell- ing and premises occupied by John Hyland, 153 Nelson street, containing six rooms, summer Kitchen, frame stable and a good well. Lot is 33 it. 'front by 132 ft. deep. Title good Terms ten per cent. down, balance in 30 days, subject to one reserve bid. Other con- ditions the standing conditions of the cotirt" or further information apply to JOHN MUDIL, Vendor's Solicitor BLAND'S IRON PILLS 100 in a bottle. FOR. 25c. SOLD BY E. L. EBBELS, cuBmIsT ana Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King-and MarketSta., Kingston. oOo One Ofe OJ Oofe Oo OJe Of OOO Overcoats | Good Selection, Reasonable Prices; Best of Trinumings. Up-to-Date Style, Fit and Work Guaranteed. CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS ; OOOO OBO Oude Oar ON Ose COING OUT OF BUSINESS. THANKING THE ruBLIC FOR past favors, 1 desire to state that my place of business will be closed after the LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell Bros. for furs. Queen's Alma Mater elections, 2 to 8 p.m., Saturday. The sun rises Saturday and sets at 4.23" a.m. at 7:19 am, Three weeks irom to-day Christmas will be a year distant Burglars are willing to enter almost any housc--except a station house. City hands new arts building over to Queen's university authorities, 8 p.m. Many a mau finds it dificult to induce his neighbors to have a good opinion of him. When a woman keeps a secret she cant keep secret the fact that 'she is kecping one : The man who pays his rent must hus- tle, and the man who doesn't pay is obliged to Keep moving. J.eave your names at subscribers' list and secure for Jessie McLachlan concert, 12th. Uglow"s for choice seats December Special services at St. George's ca- thedral daily at 10:30 am.. 5 and 8 pan. Bishop preaches each evening. All seats free: strangers welcome. That advertiser has much to learn who is deterred from advertising in a medium because he does not like its poli- | religion or its politics. in the world's history : make cy. its This day Brit- ish garrison in Kimberly SUCCESS= ful sortie, 1899; Papineau's insurrection began in Que 1 7 Dom Pedro, of Brazil, died, 1891; dinal Richelicu died, 1683; Thomas Carlyle born, 1795. A BEAUTIFUL TABLE. An artistically arranged table is the delight oi all persons ol taste, and the reverse is unpleasant. It bekoves you to select good and pretty China, which you can do here at a very moderate cost. | Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- ful. We carry a large line and prices are right. ROBERTSON BROS. Open Saturday evenings during De- cember. ([ GRAND, OPERA CHOUSE. |) TUESDAY, Dec. gth. Alden Benedict Presents the Eminént Tragedi JOHN GRIFFITH, ina Grand Spectacular Production of "MACBETH." Poweriul_compuny of players, special scenery, efdetrical effects. _ . Popular prices--15c.. 25c., 35c., 5H0c¢. Seats on sale at Hanley's. Thursday. De nber '11th, ERN MAGDALEN."" Overcoats and Suits Of the Best Quality, With Geod Trimmings, FROM $14 TO $22. * A, MOD- FANCY VESTS AND WORST ED TROUSERS, FROM $4 TO $6. JOHN TWEDDELL.. Tailor and Importer. Horse For Sale By Auction. W. MURRAY WILL SELL :'TO-MOR- row, SATURDAY, at 11 o'clock, a Bay Horse, about 11 hands, city broken, kind and gentle, good driver. CREDITORS OF THE LATE MARY Doney, Innkeeper,. are notified tg, send in their clans immediately Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Solicitors. Dec. Ath, 1902 WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE venta falling and gray hair? Cures Dandruff, Eczema and Neuralgia, llead and Face Mas sage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired Mme. Elder, New Verk, 166 Princess St, MBER 15th of December heiore which all ae- {ON DAY, DI SRD, counts must' be paid and parties haying on West treat: or King street West, accounts 5 He xu present them SMALL CAMEO BROUCIH. Re- jor payment and oblice, W RANSAM ward al 107 Bagot street P.S.--Wedding breakiasts, etc. sup- . : SH T : plied, as usuzl, from 65 Allred street ON KING STREET, BEKIWEEN MUR- - phy's grocery and Barriefield, A PURSE comtaining money and some FURNISHED ROOMS. pap Reward "for. its return to WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD ALSO this 2 table board Appiv-108 King Sirept | West, near City Park WILL BE CANDIDATE. WANTED. Thomas Mackie, Pembroke, Will Frm = Stand For Election. GOOD COOK. APPLY A WIN) Ottawa, Pec, 3~The Free Press sor Howl + Says | Mr. Mackie, son of the late A FEW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, | Thomas Mackie, M.P. of Pembroke, goad salary Apply to W. 'H. Hodg- | will he the nominee of the reform par son, 51 'Brock street tv. in North Renfrew for the local leg- : - - -- -- islature. Peing interested in his fa INVESTORS FOR RAL Lara ther's extensive lumbering business, Dehentins Caidlision oi he is wiilelv known in the constitu- - en ------ ency and possessing a lovial and at- THOSE DESIRING A FIRST-CLASS | tractive disposition and trained busi waitress for dinners, etc, can call | ness qualifications his chances of elec at No. 11 Montreal street tion could not be more fullv assured. He has established himself in the AT ONCE A GENERAL SERVANT. | highest estimate of. ail who know Shad JRL i yl) AY AL Holl | him, and will bevond doubt receive a ine to s n McRelve) Lo : 110 Wellton strept | large majority: of the votes in the : i riding. The voune vote of the con- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PO OUR | ~tjtue nev. anid all patriotic electors TOTk et Dome, hore Alisa Mee will undoubtedly give Mr. Mackie cent stamp. Box 249, London Ont heir unanime support, as by O ------------------------------------------------ 114 Vv he howing to the AN ELDERLY MAN, WITH BENE OF jj i g that North Renfrew references seeks employment as' wants the local house as well as ookkeeper time Keeper or any r SH 1 re hog . iii tnt Arak R. Ostler 1 ! ony the best 1 269 University Avenue. procu e to represent them AGENTS -- RESPECEARLE, FENER- Christmas Near. retic men: and women can make 'ex- y 4 4 : io ood wages handling oar. lines. A large stock of fine furs suitable Teas, Coffees and-lHouscho!ld K al- | for Ct 1 ! Campbell ties Apply at once The Starr Bros Co., 185 Wellington St. Kingston | REFERENDUM Voting Returns From Many Places RESULTS SHORT VOTE NOT LIKELY TO REACH REQUIRED NUMBER. The Returns Show a Decided Ma- jority in Favor of the Liquor Act of 1902 Coming Into Force--But it is a Small Vote Cast. Toronto, Dec. 5.--This morning the Globe gives the following summary of the votes cast so far as reported : For the act, 107,502; against, 65,363. The returns, last night, came in very iragmentarily. Only partial results are given from the country ridings. 'lhe vote in the cities and towns head from : Cities. Yes. No. Brantford .. . .*1800 Bellovillé ; .- . . . 580 Chatham ...... 678 Guelph. . ... . . . 1,082 Hamilton. . . . 3,068 Kingston. . . . ..: 1483 1,580 London (maj.) . 189 Ottawa. .'. . + 3,996 4,617 St. Catharines. . 760 O82 St. Thomas coe 951 855 Stratford. . . . . . 774 96 Toronto .., ....14,6005 [13074 Woodstock .-. . . S02 Towns. Yes. No. Brockville. . . . .. 667 S13 Brampton . . . . . 313 133 Berlin, .,.. 419 L131 Cobourg . . . . . Clinton , , , Dunnsville. , .. . . Drayton. ., .. .. Dundas, ,..,. .:. Febgus. , ...... Gananoque . . Goderich . ..., Ingersoll , ..... Markham . . ... . Oshawa, , .. ... Orillia. . .... Perth. , ...... Pembroke. . Petrolea. Paris, . ......, Renfrew. . . .. . Smith's Falls. . , . Whitby... ..., .. Welland. . . . Waterloo-, , . . . . Owen Sound, . ... Samia... ... North Bay ....... Toronto Junc. 616 Baprie , .. .... 176 Peterboto. (maj.)- .. 500 Prescott. oo. Carleton Place Rat Portage... ... Port Arthur . . . . Napanee. paging Fort William . . . Comwall . ,,... Sault Ste. Marie foal)... .. 112 -- Fenelon Falls. . |. . 108 53 Trenton... .... . 4 20 82 Goderich: +. 390 0x3 Mattawa, . . . .. od RY] Windsor =r 105 955 Picton. . . 365 79 Port Hope. 278 251 Listowell 2% 65 Alexandria 112 168 Milton 118 7 Previous Votes. Previous plebiscites have resulted as follows in the different provinces : For. Against. Manitobha-- July 23rd, 1892, 18,637 nH Prince Edward Island Dee. 13th, 1893. . | 10,585 3.331 Nova Scotia March 15th, 1891... 43.756 12,335 Ontario . Jan. Ist, 1894, JU2A89 110,720 Dominion Sept. 29th, 184 . INO 264,693 Manitoba April, 3rd, 1902 1,137 17.464 In ISOS, thé vote in was {| the larger cities For: Against. Ottawa, 2.612 3.310 Hamilton. . 2514 1,376 London. . 1.510 2 Toronto . . 6,115 06 The Whig does not, turns from the various ridings of ~ the province as they are so unsatisfactory that it would he a waste of space to tell of the partial figures. To-day sults were dribbling in to the return- ing ofticers. It will he to-morrow before any sunstantial results will be kndwn. Twenty polls in, Frontenac give: For, 1,115; against, 392. to-day, give re- re- Was Foul Play. Winnipeg, Dec. 5.--Investigation far into the fire at Russell, which re- sulted in the death of five Galicans, mother and four children, appears to indicate that there was foul plav. The apparent © lack of, motive, however strengthens the theory that Mrs. Har- took had became tired of life and, af SO ter taking the lives of her children: set fire. to her domicile, took a deadly poion herself and lav down to die becide the lifeless bodies of the child ren. Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. 0 beauties are our Grosvenor over coats, New styles The H. Db. Bibhy Ce Boys' Overcoats. Raclansy --Chesters, reefers, {2.50 to RG.50 Jenkins, . KILLED FOR INSURANCE. An Epidemic of Poisoning in the Quaker City. Philadelphia, Dec. 5.--What looks like an epidemic of poisoning children to secure the insurance on their lives has broken out in this city since the details in the case of Williams and his wife, charged with murdering their three little ones with arsenic, have been published. Three more suspicious deaths of children' have come to light, and Coroner Dugan has called upon the entire police force to aid him in unearthing the crimes. The first of the new cases was that of a child who was insured in a bene- fit society. The little one died yester- day, with no physician in attendance. A four-months-old child, insured in the same company, was reported dead in the same neighborhood. The state law prohibiting the insuring of chil dren under one year old was evident- ly violated in this 'case. The third victim was a six-months-old baby who died in a children's hospital. A coron- er's deputy is now investigating all three cases. : RULED OFF FOR LIFE. Turfman's Fate on Account of a Woman Tragedy. San Frandisco, Dee. ingway of the well-known Kentucky family of that name was, vesterday, ruled off the California turf for lite and was told to remove his horses from the Ingleside race track. After a meeting of the executive board of the new California Jockey Club, the order was issued by Presi- dent Williams. It was brought about through Hemingway's alleged connec- tion with a tragedy in which a wom- an figured prominen.ly. Hemingway has been regarded a fairly clever horseman. Whether he will try to continue racing elsewhere is problematic. He says he does not yet know what he will do. : 3.--Robert Hem- ~ as Good Outlook For Holiday Trade. New York, Dec. 3.--New York mer- chants are of the opinion that all re- cords will be found to have been eclipsed when the figures for this vear's holiday trade are summed up. The rush with which the season has open- ed certainly tends. to strengthen their sanguine expectations. Leading job- bers in all lines of business report more orders on hand than they can fill, while the crowded streets in the shopping district about Eighth avenue and Twenty-third street afford abun- dant evidence that the retail stoves are getting their full share of the harvest. Reports from all points indicate that the couptry at large is enjoying the same measure of prosperity and abun- dance that is apparent in the metro- polis. Splendid Work In Apples, Walkerton, Ont, Dec. 5.--At the Fruit Growers' convention here, Jas. I'weedle, Fruitland, described his large crop of this year, and attributed it largely to the absence of the codling moth, which' usually took three-quart- ers of the crop. He had shipped ap- ples to Germany this fall, and had netted 83 per: barrel for |greenings, 33.12 for Baldwins, and $3.52 for Spies. He had cleared $2,000 from four and a half acres of apple orchard this fall, for which he had to pay $65 in rent. From another orchard of twen- ty-five acres which had previously been a_headquarters for Canker worms, he liad got $3,000 this year. A Trip For Teachers. Toronto, Dec. 5.--School Inspector Hughes is. planning an educational tour for Ontario teachers to West Virginia for the Easter holidays of 1903, It is proposed to take in the fa- waus battlefield of Antietam, the Lu- ray Caverns, and the Natural Bridge of West Virginia. The proposed tour will extend probably over a week, in- cluding a trip through the Alleghany and' Blue 'Mountains. By securing special train at a reduced educational rate, Mr. Hughes calculates that the railway fare will not exceed £20 for each tourist and $20 more will cover the other expenses. y Dairy Produce: : I, Dee. 4.-The stock cheese Montreal on December 1st, 1902, IN2,000 boxes, There: was no change' in the condition of the mar ket, which rules quict and steady at 12¢, to 2c. The stock of butter in Montreal on Montre of in was December Ist, 1902, < 61,118 pack- "ages creamery, and - 5 butter, A very firm feeling prevails in the mar ket for creamery and the range of RON dc. prices i= from at 17c. up. to 22ic. 'and dairy South African Memorial. London, Dec. 5.--=The warmest aj proval is expressed of the sugested memorial to the 6,000 colonials, Can adians, Australians and South Afri- who lost their lives in South Africa. It is hoped the memorial will be vermitted to be erected in West- minster Abbey: otherwise arran ments will be made to have it in St. Paul's, where Sir John Macdonald's memory is commemorated, o cans, Complete For Amalgamation. Quebec, Dec. 5.--Plans are 'about complete for the amalgamation of Morrin college and the<bovs' high school. The building of the latter will ['he sold. The coll build will be {torn down and rebuilt $e the joint institute at a cost of [3,0O, Compliment To MP» Willison. Toronto, Dee. 5.0 The <tafis of the Globe wil Ton Saturdav present J =. Willison, the late editor, with a S100 silver service. '« Bibby's."' Oak Hall. ' Bibhby's." Westminster overcoats, perfectly |S, RIG, S12 12.00. $13.50 The H. D.'Bibby Co. Christmas bhuvers are very enthusias over our pretty stock. Taylor. [RTL . At. A PRIEST THE SAYS IT IS VOID MARRIED BY CHURCH OF ENG- LAND DIVINE. Offspring of the Marriage, a Son and a Daughter, are Illegiti- mate--Startling Statement of Defendant. Ottawa, Dec. 5.--Judge Rochon has completed the hearing at Hull of the sensational case of Smith vs. Cooke, in which the wile seeks a separation on account of her husband's alleged brutal ill-treatment. The evidence showed that the defendant came to Juckingham in answer to an adver- tisement for a Protestant teacher for the school there in 1874. He professed to be a Protestant, and gave as his reference Rev: James Foster, Anglican clergyman at Three Rivers. Cooke boarded with Mr. Smith, father of the wife, who was at that time secre- tary to the Protestant school com- missioner. Cooke became a communi- cant at the Anglican church at Buck- ingham before his marriage. The mar- riage ceremony was performed by a clergyman of the Church of England, and after the marriage Cooke con- tinued to communicate at the English church. Two children, a son and a daughter, were the ofispring of the marriage. The son recently committed suicide. Gradually the husband gave way to drinking, and then the ill-treatment complained of commencea. In June last the wife entered suit for a sepa- ration, and then, and not till then, the husband declared that he was at the time of his marriage a priest of the Church of Rome, and that, there- fore, his wife was not his wife legal ly, and theig children were illegiti- mate. At the conclusion of the argument his honor took the case en delibere. THEY SEVER TIES. Husband And Wife Require Two Salaries. Washington, Dec. 5.--As a result of the recent order of Postmaster-Gene- ral Payne, that after the first of the vear women employees of the depart- ment, who marry must leave the ser- vice, a clerk in the department has given up her husband. The woman said : **My husband and 1 have talk- ed the matter over and we could not figure out how we could get along without two salaries. We have lived rather independent of éacl' other and have not "been particularly congenial and we agreed the best thing to do was to separate. I could not take the risk of dismisyal merely because 1 had a husband." Ready To Denounce Treaty. London, Dee. 5.--In the House of Commons, vesterday; vice-president Cranborne, under-secretary for foreign affairs, annoufittd that Russia had intimated to Great Britain that the imposition of countervailing duties on Russian sugar would be regarded as an infringement of the Anglo-Russian commercial treaty, Russia suggested that the question be referred to The Hague arbitration court. Great Bri- tain refused to arbitrate the question, but renewed its offer to denounce the treaty of 1869. Football Men Prayed. Detroit," Mich., Dee. 5.--A spedial to the Free Press frome Menominee, Mich., 's that Rev. August F. Bruske; pre sidlent of the Presbyterian college at Alma, Mich., declared in a lecture last ht that the Alma football team a. wave offered up a prayer before en- tering a contest on the gridiron. Dr. Sg Jruske characterized football as ne of the mainiiest of sports. Peers Leave For India. London, Dec. 5.- The Arabia, which take people in time for the Dur bar. Among the notable names on the passenger list ave those of the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Durham, Lord and Lady FElcho, Lord and Lady Powys, Lord William Sevmonr, Lord and Lady Wolverton and Sir Edgar and Laay Helen Vincent. to Death Of Alfred E. Buck. Washington, D.C, December 5.-- The Japanese minister called at the state department in haste yesterday to in- form Secretary Hay of a cablegram he had from the minister of foreign affairs at Tokio. stating that while Mr. Buck, the Ur S. minister to Japan, was on a hunting trip, he was taken suddenly ill and expired. received Another Indian To Swing. Sioux Falls; RD, Dec. 5.#George Bear. a Brule Sioux Indian, hanged at the ° penitentiary here day. Bear's crime the murder John Shaw, his and C. Kd ward Tavior, a school be to of 18 to was stepson, teacher at the Pinca sub-agency on the Rosebud re servation. Move To Abolish Titles. Raris, Dee, The correspondent of the Londen Times save a prososal for I thi: abolition of the titles of the no { bility has 2 heen submitted to the Chamber of Deputies by M. Fourier { Titles svere abolished i in Februarv, ISIN, and re Na polean on January Sed, Jenkins' Overcoats. This is the weather for overcoats Our ith wee for COA Hong R10, R12 fil) leit to day for India, is the last ship- CHEMIST WINS FAME. Freezes Liquid Sulphur, But That's All That Happens. Chicago, Dec. 5.--D+*, Alexander Smith, professor of general 'chemistry at the University of Chicago, who has been devoting himself to_experimenting with sulphur for several months, has succeeded in establishing the fact, heretofore unknown to chemists, that liquid sulphur can be frozen at a cer- tain temperature. Although the discovery has no com- mercial value, it is considered a chemi- cal triumph. In othér experiments in | the way of analyzing sulphur, Dr. Smith has determined certain laws which may have much influence upon its future practical uses. He has sep- arated the amorphous, or solid, from the soluble, or liquid sulphur, and learned many facts of their natures under varied conditions. WILL CHALLENGE A Rochester Syndicate Will Build A Yacht. Toronto, Dec. 5.--A' Rochester, N.Y, special says that at the annual meet- ing of the Rochester Yacht Clup, last night, it was announced that a syndi- cate, headed by Commodore Charles Van Voorhis, would build the vacht, which, it is expected, will be the chal- lenger 'for the Canada's cup. The vacht will be a forty-footer designed by a Roston firm. The trial races to select the challenger will be sailed off the port of Charlotte early in August next vear and all vacht clubs on the great lakes are invited to enter. SIX DIE IN YEAR. Revelation at Inquest of St. Louis Woman. St. Louis, Dec. 5.--Deputy Coroner Boogher, in an official statemgnt de- clares that the inquest held over the body of Mrs. Karl Smith, whose death was the sixth during the last eleven months of persons nearly relat- ed, revealed that all of the dead, ex- cept a baby, had been insured. Nearly all of the six persons died suddenly. The fact that they were insured and that they all exhibited similar symp- toms, caused the inquest to be held. KAISER INDOORS. - German Emperor Laid Up With Inflammation of the Eye. Berlin, Dec. 5.--Owing to a slight inflammation of the left eve, the em- peror was unable to go hunting as he proposed, at Slawentzitz, Silesia. He remained at the castle, and cancelled an engagement to lunch with the of- ficers of the cuirassiers. Volcano Killed 3,000 Persons. San Francisco, Dee. 5.--From the Guatemala coast the Pacific mail steamer City of Sydney brings news that the deaths resulting from the re- cent eruption of Santa Maria volcano numbered about 3,000. This is aocom- panied by the statement of Gautema- lans that reliable information was still diffieult to obtain. This estimate is considerably smaller than that pre- viously reported. Rowntree's and Cadbury's Famous Chocolates. Our Christmas "supply of these cele brated goods has arrived. Anticipat- ing an increased demand, we have in- ported a larger quantity than usual. Although our stock is large we would advise an early choice, so as not to be disappointed. The quality is the same as alway but' the boxes are prettier than ever. Jas. Redden & Co. Too Ill For Trial. Toronto, Dee. 5.--The case of Alfred McDougald, lately solicitor to the pro vincial tseasury, charged with having misappropriated the funds belonging to, the government, was to have been tried vesterday, but a doctor's certi- licate was put in to the effect that he was still too ill to appear. Called To Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C., Dec. St. An- drew's Presbyterian church decided last 5. night to tender a unanimous call to Rev: W. J. MacMillan, Lindsay, Ont. and formerly of Mount Plea=ant church, this city. The stipend offered is $3,000. Mrs. Leys Dying. London, Ont., Dec. 5.--Mrs. Leys, wife of Col. Leys, who sufiered a par- alvtic stroke two months ago, but had almost recovered fom the effects of it. had another attack yesterday, and is in a dangerous condition. The attending physicians hold out no hope for her recovery. Gives Favor To Silver Issue. Paris, Dec. 5.--The Chamber of Deputies has ratified an additional monetary convention between France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland au- thorizing each country to issue * ad ditional silver coins to the value of £2,500,000, Confirms His Nomination. Washington, Dec. 5. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes, of Massachusetts, was confirmed by the senate to succeed the late Justice Gray as a member of the bench of the United States supreme court, The Finest Furs. Within reach of the lightest purse. You will have no trouble making a selection from the fine stock of stylish furs at Campbell Bros. furriers. '* Bibby's."' Oak Hall. " Bibby's."' Westminster overcoats, master pivees of tatlor' Xx, RO, R250 Ri3.50. The H. BD. Eibby (4 For The Boys. * Heavy suits. Ragalettes and reef Livingston Bro New tomatoes, new corn NEW pias uew beans. Jas, Redden & Co. manufacturing | WEATHER 'PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont. and northerly winds, local snow flurries; Saturday, fair continued cold. Dec. 5.--North-easterly fair and cold, with and One Relies FUR (Spon. We want our customers to understand that in this store they may rely implicitely up- on the fact of our furs being what they are claimed to be. One does not need an expert knowledge of fur to buy here. We challenge fair ex- pert criticism, and, moreov- er, we will refund your mon- ey if you think you have any cause of complaint. Every - reason, convenience, satisfac- tion and economy in purchasing your furs here this winter : WOOL UNDERWEAR Special values for Babies, Children, Misses, Ladies, Boys and Men. LADIES' COATS Our stock is most complete now, ' Don't put off buying. Assortments are at their best for sizes and qualities. Inspection invited. TO-1LET. DWELLINGS, STOR . STORAGE. J. S. R. McCann, Real Estate, kite, 51 Brock street, FURNISHED HOUSE, NO b7 George St. Po ion at once. Ap- ply to Mrs. Lesslie,' at Mrs. Mur- ray's, 212 Kine St. EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL CO. OFFICIALS SAY PRICE 1S 50 per cent. per annum, quarterly, and bet- ter promised. A buyer before last rise, needing funds, will sell part, up to 1.- 000 shares, at £35 per 100. At this cost dividend equals 33 per cent. Who will take this rare bargain ? Writy promptly or wire GG. K. Morton, pris vate banker, St. Thomas, Ont Y.M.C.A. Men And Matters. Already the Y.M.C.A. New Year re- ception invitations are on the Whig press. They will amuse and please be- cause of their odzinality. Photographs will soon be taken of the various rooms in the building. Mr. Clinch, the new janitor, is al ready np friend of the boys and young men. ~ Posters are np all over the city an nouncing Rev. A: Margrett, who speaks in the Y.M.C.A. building on Sunday afternoon. Every voung mans invit- «ld to be present » ** Bibby's.'"" Oak Hall. ' Bibby's." Westminster overcoats have all the touches, that give character to the ap pearance, XS, R10, 12.50, $13.50. The 1. D. Bibby Co. Boys' Overcoats. reefers, 2.50 wilans<, Chesters, OU. Jenkins, Charles Jenkins, barrister, returned to Petrolia on Thursday, after vi it his mining properties. in North Frontenac Shop early Saturday at a to the Grand L nion. Overcoats, overcoats. The only -place to buy Christmas perfumes is at Taylor's, Sw aww nawens OUR ¥ CHRISTMAS ¢ STOCK Is all in, ready for inspec- tion. We think there will be a greater demand for our goods this year than ever, and desire our customers to make their selections as early as De- liveries to of purchas- possible. be the wishes will made suit PTV ETT VROTNS TRAILERS SARE TVS, - ers. We have all the newest and most to-date articles, at prices more reasonable than uj ever. All goods sold at' reduced prices FOR CASH ONLY. A C. JORNSTON & BRO. JEWELERS.

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