Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1902, p. 1

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THE. 69TH YEAR. NO. 285 DAILY KINGSTON. ONTARIO, SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, RITISH 1902. HIG. LAST EDITION ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, Opposite Windsor Hotel. T.lephone 877, Ambulance. The Nicest Gift FOR CHRISTMAS For a gentleman is a Chiffonear, ranging in price from 75¢c. to $25. Morris Chairs, $4.50 to $15. Arm Chairs, $1.50 to $3.50, $4.50, $5. Book Case, $3.50 to $15. : Book Shelves, $1.50 to $3.50. Robt. J. Reid, 222 PRINCESS ST. EXECUTIVE MEETING The Anti Bar-Rocom Fixecutive meets at Mr. J. A. Gardi- ner's othice, Wellington street, at 10 a.m., MONDAY. At this business meeting a mass meet- ing of all enthusiastic workers will be called for an early date, probably J ukSDAY NIGHT, in Y.M C.A. build- ing Will the collectors in the ck urches, etc., as well as any to whom accounts are still due, report at once to ww. J Crothers, treasurer, Wellington street J. D. BOYD, Secregary. -- BR -- Dwelling House. WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUC- tion by Alen & Sen, auctioncers, at their rooms, 27 Brock street, on Tuesday, Dec. 9th at 12 o'clock, the frame dwell- ing and premises occupi¢d by John Iyland, 153 Nelson street, containing six rooms, summer kitchen, frame stable noon; and a good well. Lot is 33 ft. front by 132 ft. deep. Title good. Terms ten per cent. down, balance in 30 days, subject to one © rve bid. Other con- ditions the standing conditions of the court For further information apply to JOHN MUDIE, Vendor's Solicitor. BY JOHN H, MILLS Auction Sale Attend the Slaughter Sale of Pictures at the King street store, Engravings, Water Colors, 0Qils and other Pictures and Mirrors, are all being sold without re- Attend this sale; 2:30 and serve. 7:30. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. NEW TELEPHOXE DIRECTORY THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF Canada will issu a new subscribers directory for "the District of astern Ontario. including the City of King- ston, carly in January, 1903 Orders for néw connections, changes of firm naanes, ete, should be placed at once to sure appearance in thes book H. W. SNELLING Local Mand 1902 ger Kingston, Dec. 6th, SITUATION VACANT. "HOME WORK KNITTING GIVEN honest industrious families, every locality Good wages n° dollar outit required. Write Glasgow Woollen Company, Toronto ' FURNISHED ROOMS. OR WITHOUT BOARD: ALSO board. Apply 168 King street near City Park. WANTED. WITH table West, A FEW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, good salary. Apply to W. lL. Hodg- son, 51 Nrock street. INVESTORS FOR REAL Debentures and bonds Ji Cann, 51 Brock street. ---- THOSE DESIRING ESTATE, Bode waitress for dinners, ete, can call at No. 11 Montreal street. : LOST. $15 PER 1.000, COPYING AT HOME: a amma either sex; two stamps for particu- f ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER: 83RD, lars. Twam Novelty Co. Omaha on West sueet, or King street West, Building, Chicago. A SMALL CAMEO BROOCH. Re 3 ward at 107 Bagot street. AT ONCE A GENERAL SERVANT, good, high wages. Applv at any | ON KING STREET BETWEEN MUR- time to Mrs. Fred. McKelvey Bell. phy's grocery aud Barriefield; A 140 Wellington street. ru RSE containipe money and some papers. Reward for its return to LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME this office £20 per 1.000 Send stamped enve- - jope for application. Leslie Novelty Co, bept. 72, Chicago. WEST'S DEMAND. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family. wages 14 or week Apply, with references, hy Jetter to "A. B..'" this office LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DO OUR work at home, spare time, $5 to $10 per week Address with two cent stamp. Box 249, London, Ont. ee ---------------- LDERLY MAN, WITH BEST OF Mec- A FIRST-CLASS LOCAL MEMORANDA. -- The Daily Note Sook For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. This is St. Nicholas' Day. < Cigar coupon scheme on page eight. Christmas hints on pages eight and nine Castor oil taken in meal and water is tasteless. > KRead clearing sale advt., cliffe stock. ; . r Lecture, St. Andrew's, Sunday even- ing postponcd. Starr & Sut- Sun rises to-morrow at 7:20 a.m. and sets at 4:23 p.m. Read Bishop Mills' sermon on tem~ erance in all thugs - A cood cement to fasten on lamp | tops is melted alum. Sale of pictures old Whig building, King street this evening s Some folks smile--and then their face cing. lock. may be slow, but the world. on "Grace," flies back like a sp Growth in character it is the steadiest thing in Bishop Mills' final addres St. George's cathedral, Sunday evens ing - > When knives have ivory or bone han- Mes eapose them to the air occasionally to prevent them turning vellow. Miss Jefl's Christmas xhibit of China painting at Kirkpatrick's art ihm Tuesday, Dec. 9th to Saturday, Dec. 13th. Too little food mav cause eczema. Such patients are cured by sufficient, well-cooked food containing considerable cream, butter, and oils Plan will open for Jessie MacLachlan rt at Uglow's, Tuesday, I sub- , and Wednesday for public. Have name put on list and secure first- seats. day in made from Robinson died, 1887: enta- S$20.000 nurse to late Hon. A. recognition of his services and the country. 1900; 1889: Max Muller born, Hutton born, 1848. vouf choice of the world's 'This un Kimberly Sortie Bryan tion of S. Hardy in to liberalisin Jeff Davis died. 1823 Mai.-Gen history : 1899; , Sir A BEAUTIFUL TABLE An artistically arranged table delight of all persons oi taste, reverse is unpleasant. It behoves you to select good and pretty China, which you can do here at a very moderate cost. Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- ful. We carry a large line and prices are right. ROBERTSON BROS. is the and the Open Saturday evenings during De- cember. ' -- eee? (CaRAND PER HOUSE. TUESDAY, Dec. gth. Alden Benedict Presents the Bmi Tragedian, JOHN GRIFFITH, 1 Geand Spectacular Production of «MACBETH." Powerful company of players, special scenery, electrical effects. Popular prices--15¢ a5c., 85c., Hoc. 15¢., Seats on sale at Hanley"s. THURSDAY, DEC. 11 And the best acting company in America in MISS RCSELLE KNOTT, MR. W.J. FERGUSON, Best acting company in Ame- «A MODERN MAGDALEN' By Haddon Chambers, England's great- est author Entire superb production us presented rl New for 200 nichts in York W auc. 4 . 81.50. Momday ey's Dee 13th, A ROYAL 'matinee and night. and Suits FROM $14 TO $22. FANCY VESTS AND WORST ED TROUSERS, FROM $4 TO $6. .JOHN TWEDDELL.. Tailor and Importer. Must Look to Ontario and Quebec > For Supply. Toronto Dee. 6.--A North-West cor respondent calls attention to the in demand for school teachers in the territories. He points out that on December 3ist; 1898, there were 579 districts in the territories, and in the creasing | trouble with the students, THE QTY ---- Of New Arts' Building To Queen's HANDED OVER. MAYOR SHAW. Sir Sandford Fleming Accepts the Building on Behalf of The Trustees--Address Made by Rev. Dr. Campbell Touching the Installation of the Late Principal Grant. A ceremony that will find prominent mention in the domesday book of Queen's "University and in the muni- cipal records of ningston took place Friday evening. It was the formal pre sentation, or the handing over of the keys to the university trustees, of the new arts' building erected by the citizens of Kingston as a further con- tribution to the cause of education, and as a gift in appreciation of the great work done by the late Principal Grant. The day had a two-fold signi- ficance, it being the twenty-fifth anni- versary of the late Principal Grant's installation, and the day when the new principal, Rev. Dr. Gordon, was appointed. The presentation took place in the large mathematics room of the new building, before a large assembly, which included members of the board of trustees and city council. After the invocation by the chaplain, Rev. Dr. Campbell, Renfrew, Mayor Shaw, who was invested with his chain of office, delivered a short address, in which he referred to 'the alacrity of the city council in submitting a bonus by-law to the people, when Principal Grant called for civie assistance in his en- deavor to increase the bounds of the university; and how the people had favored the $50,000 bonus by a vote of three to one. When a lad, his wor- ship said he had registered at Queen's under Prof. Dupuis, whom, he was happy to still see in academic harness. As chief magistrate he was glad of the close relation between town and gown, and of the fact that the city had no as Toronto had. The students, he declared, fine citizens, and it was a pleasure to the people of Kingston to have them in their midst, fact that they robbed them--of daughters. (Laughter.) In conclusion Mayor Shaw "Jt gives me great pleasure, Chancellor, building to yourself and your board of trustees. (Applause). . Sir Sandford Fleming, {he university, replied to the mayor, the trustees and while he spoke as follows : "(On the occasion' of the presenta tion of this building, the magni'i-ent pift of the people- of Kingston, the hoard of trustees of Queen's Univer: said : Mr. Doran, Wathins, and many others of must always be associated growth and de- our citizens with the, remarkable velopment of Queen's. "Those splendid examples of private heneficence "are. . now followed by act of the municipality which may bx characterized as unique. In the tory of education in Canada there 1s no similar of the city of Kingston takes the first place among the municipalities as the "It is with singular appropriatensss, Mr. Mayor, day, the 5th of present this building sity, it being the twenty-fifth anniver- sary. of the Sastallation" of our late principal, ol a century whose strenuous the advancement of the to .the promotion of the cation in Canada. "On behalf of the trustees, I accept this magnificent gift Kingston." (Applause). Sir Sandiord then there were present who attended the installation of Prin cipal Grant exactly twenty-five years aso that afternoon and evening. chaplain was one, and Rev. bell, Montrea, another. The latter was called upon to address the as- sembly. He stated was an element of sadness in connee tion with the quarter century anniver- of the late Principal Grant's in Decemuper, 1902, guided our destiny, and life was devoted cause of edu- AN : Terr ; sary references seeks employment, as | past tonr years new distnets have been 2 e s . : 3 ; - ctallation, it should not he made a haokkeeper, . time © keeper, of any | organised as follows: 1809, 51: 10%. » } 5 i ih: position of ~ trust Apply R. Ostler] 4g" jan, =3: 1902, about 110 It ioe time of monrming, for if the 'voile : British Apple Markets. 269 University Avenue 3 nated "th at Ban w tea hers will hie that was still" cot:ld he present, ne Woodall & °° Co., Liverpogg. cabled t . at A © cachers , ? : . ey i AGENTS SP RCTARLE FNER- | required for 1903 anil last vear 300 would not hate it so. We <hould feel | Eben James, Foronte; thirty eight Sn coe women can make ex- aio teachers seen est id that Principal Grants life was a | thousand barrel selling. Market firm, tra good wages handling our lines Th wore uv pal ic S15 al fu'llv rounded lie, and thank God | with good demand at fast quotations. Teas, Coffees and Household Special w Sis niary pa er 3 sat "he was.' br Campbell ve allod | The Man hester- Fruit brokers cabled: ties Apply at once The Starr | month. he west must look to On : } he: allati The arket here ir Groend Co . 185 Wellinerton St, Kimgston tario and the eastern provineds to hat tact t rat at _t we installation on he mark he re Is fair ee ning, a mnt | piv her inex in lemand | womber 3th, 1837, hé had ce a- | bk to 16s. 6d. Baldwins, 12¢ 6d. to = t ne r demal (8) EE + td id x "» A FEMALE TEACHER HOLDING A} on o ' hire are Pah ob Led Principal Grant as 'the. "king of | 6d. w, {3s to FC Russets, third-class certificate for the amor | cachet i as the are good am or ra 4 had il "ol him as hi< lie to 1; Kiries. to 184, tel. division of the Portsmout Public | tunities for energetic and ambitious ¢ irony that time till h ath. | Nehnal. One with some experience | young men and women doubiles< | rie A : Lue ; en preferred Address on or hefore 17 | hing (Tat 1 Ouphec toachors will er have occasion «§Bibby"s."" Oak Hall. ** Bibby's." | inst; stating salary required | mat V ntario and thiebec teachers Wil on Th We ill oh <Q <) He IaRin IS ud o find their wav to the Golden Wesi 2 ily | e will charge 4 but 8s, S10 or TE pale. Te, Poo av of university [212.30 jor an overdfat that will be ' ening vears of the | Gyre t ase vour wi The.H: D EE Ee. Hitting Them Hard. var mterc i bie Bde your Aw obs os « Bibby's." Oak Hall. ** Bibby's i | : \ entered foe | Bi hy Co. i . : a no Spe ! y who wire presen Out Westfiinster overcoats do thd The Smart k who got up the gt the nstallation ago. In those " os i own talking and it takes but f=, R10 | "strictly con vial" Whitnev ire: dave, Principal Grant hb dt rept Taylor's is the place to buy Christ and $12.30 to buy them. The H. D. | lar added niany votes to the prohibi- 1 E> man mas perfumes. Our stock is hfe --and . : I in tati 'nn of bong ga I'> man, awl low Bibby Ce. tion side of the question. made notwithstanding the their to formally hand over this on_hehalf of aldermen, standing ty desire to place on record their | 1g one beautiful : 3 deep conse of the generous and en- Jorkshire meadows near Littleville, cop sense. he- genctous, he othe . harm lichtened liberality, which has found Pie I Wong Fhe ond came shunning appropriate expression in this very] ® iss Wimired, her hair going With the thal and weil form ¥ | wind as she rode with her little sis- ' " : yay 3 wri »d go-cart. "The gifts of private citizens have Eds 7 } gosan Winifred a . . . s . v er saw 1 88 PN 8 DR at all times in the history of the uni- ; a %--Wimired, 80 Li versity marked and stimulated: her story_goes, and Miss Winifred saw tote "The names of Carruthers Snyder. An introduction followed, progres, : : | and that night the two niet again at an his- instance. § The corporation dominion in its distin ruished regard , 4 ? eg ; 8 Judge TLeflet's court, chloroformed for the mental elevation of our peo- i ) ) Ai t 3 3 El her hushand and two little children ple: and it 1s with sincere gratitude . 2 ho 1 ! de | in make her escape with William that the trustees accept the gift ; ro ! A Eo Bush. of Deshler, 05 The couple fled which to-day is formally offered by RTT - en a whar to this city and put up at a hotel as v mayo ) le 5 ) 0 oy ry," Jehan man and wife. Mrs: Everest did mot dv p ns > dy o citizens. deny the accusations made by her that you have selected this ao to the univer- the man who for a quarter Lo university and from the city of announced that several gentlemen The Dr. Camp- that though there x \ many people doubted the wisdom of the college trustees in calling him as head of Queen's. But time proved the wisdom of the board. . In conclusion, Dr. Campbell said it was a happy circumstance that on this date, Queen's trustees chould have chosen another principal, one of those radiant spirits, and who was present on that memorable day a quarter * of a century ago when Queen's received an infusion of new life. He was sure that the judgment of Queen's trustees in appointing Dr. Gordon would be justified in the years to come, with as much satis- faction as that of the dearly beloved principal who had passed to rest. (Applause). E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, also spoke. He remembered the fecling of pride felt by the people of the Bay of Quinte district two years ago over the liberality of the citizens of Kings- ton whom all thought had acted so wisely. He trusted that Rev, Dr. Gordon would receive the same gener ous support accerded to Principal Grant, and hoped that the giit of the new arts' building would redound to the credit of Kingston, and that the action of the latter would be a fit- ting example to the district to aid Queen's more in the future than had been done in the past. After the pronouncement of the benediction by the chaplain, the peo- ple inspected the building, the rooms of which were all thrown open. Music was discoursed by the 14th Regiment- al band and Mr. Arthurs' orchestra. eRe GEER as foe ae ov eM SRE TRY : To Visit Ireland. Ex Belfast, Dec. 6.--The Lord Mayor of Belfast announces that Xing Edward and Queen Alexandra will visit Ireland early next year. (3) 1) ug (EI fo] x] (x) fl (x) m1) ss sr oe eo] <x 0 AN INSISTENT LOVER. Eloped Once With Princess--Now Engaged Similarly. Buda Pesth, Dec. 6.--A bold but un- successful attempt has been made by Lieut. Keglevich to rescue Princess Louise, of Cobourg, from the Linden- hof Asylum near Dresden. He eloped with her several years aco, and when she was apprehended she was placed in an asylum. On a charge of forgery the lieutenant was sentenced to four years in prison, and when he secured his discharge he made it a life work to accomplish the rescue of his loved princess. He made arrangements with an attendant for a second elopement, in which the princess was a party, but the plans were communicated to the asylum authorities, who frustrated them, and Lieutenant Keglevich has returned' to Buda Pesth to consider new plans for the rescue. ---------- Maud Muller Again. Worcester, Dee. 6.--Dehind the ap- proaching dding of pretty eighteen- year-old Wiaifred Maynard to J. A. Shyder, of Brooklyn, there lies a ro- mance which --outrivals-- the poetical Maud . Muller, who, 'on a summer's day, raked the meadows, sweet with hay." ' In this particular romance, how- ever, itt was Shyder who did the rak- August day in the = an old-fashioned cookie party. They found time to steal away from the merry circle of friends and plight their vows beneath the silver moon. Miss Maynard's parents did every- thing in their power to keep the two apart. Suyder won. Romantic Elopement. Toledo, O., Dec. 6.--Mrs. Ellen verest, Sugar Ridge, 0., according to the story told hy her husband in husband before Judge Leflet, and as a result the woman was sentenced to the Toledo workhouse "for three months on the charge of deserting her childrén. ~ Refer To Tribunal. Copenhagen, Dec. 6. The lower house, wvesterday, passed a resolution toe the. efiect that it will be desirable hereafter in making treaties with Tors eign powers to insert a clause simi- lar to the one in the recently propos- ed treaty. with the United States that in differences arising thercirom it <hould be referred to The Hague ar- bitration tribunal. A New Steamship Service. . 6.--1t is stated that | a svndicate of English and Scotch ship owners has completed arrange- ments for a new steamship service to ew York and the far east. Vessels of from 7.000 to S000 tons will be cm ployed in the service. Glasgow, Dec BOWLES AG Called Attention To The Sugar Question BALFOUR'S VIEW CALLED ON CABINET TO HOLD PEACE. Liberals Thanked Mr. Bowles for Raising the Question--Imper- fect Translation of the Con- vention--Lord Rosebery Spoke on the Education Bill. London, Dec. 6.--In the House © of Commons, yesterday, Thomas Gibon Bowles, member for Lynn Regis, call- ed attention to the sugar question in connection with the Brussels agree: ment. Mr. Bowles said that since the house approved the Brussels conven- tion ten days ago and gave the gov- ernment power to ratify it had been found that the most important article in the convention--the one concerning its duration--was incorrectly translat- ed, while the translation of the con- vention was faulty, in many other re- spects. Under these circumstances he urged that the government should re- consider its position. Mr. Bowles con- cluded by accusing the government of equivocating in regard to the subject. Mr. Balfour, the prime minister, 're- plied by characterizing the action of Mr. Bowles as absolutely unpredecent- ed and most improper and advised the members of the cabinet to refrain from participating in the debate. The matter was not allowed to drop until after Sir Henry Campbell-Ban- nerman, and other liberals made speeches, in which they declared that Mr. Bowles deserved the thanks of the house and the country for raising the question. The debate on the education bill, in the House of Lords, last night, would have been very dreary, but for the intervention of Lord Rosebery, who' vigorously denounced the principle of the measure. He demanded a two- thirds popular control for the schools and declared that the supporters of the voluntary schools reminded him of the children of Gideon, who had imposed on Joshua with their rags and mouldy bread. The government scheme was not a national system of education. > The brilliant speech of Lord Rose- hery, which was heard with frank en- joyment by the whole house, was fol- lowed hy a fierce. intense utterance of Lord Halifax. Just before midnicht the Duke of Devonshire wound up the debate and at 12.30 o'clock the bill was read a second time in the upper house,by 147 votes to 37. The British claims against Venezue- la cannot be ascertained from parlia- mentary papers or official sources. The ageregate bill of damages is believed to fall considerably "below that pres- ented by the German government. The accounts taken together will, how- ever, justify the seizure of the customs of two of the chief Venezuelan ports. Experts familiar with the trade of Venezuela under normal conditions point out that the customs revenues are. chiefly derived from the imports of flour from the United States and (Canada, and the exports of coffee to the same markets, and that the seiz ure of the customs for the settlement ofthe British--and=--German--elaims would involve the wavment of just debts through the duties levied upon commerce from and with the two countries named. Neither here or at Berlin can any thing oflicial be asc stained concerning the impending action of Great Pritain and Germany in the matter of their dispute with Venezuela. The Berlin correspondent of the Morning Post as- certs that the British and German ultimatums, in practically identical form will be delivered simultaneously, perhaps, on December Gth, and Dec ber Sth, and only President Cast unconditional acceptance, accompanied by adequate guarantees for the fulfil ment of -the demands, will avert naval action. Heavy weather is reported from various parts of Europe. I'here was a slight fall of snow in London, yes terday, accompanied by a very keen wind. The cold is severe throughout the countty and a blizzard prevails in Kents----In- Paris the cold is intense and there have been two deaths from exposure. There has been a heavy lall of show in"the "Cherbourg district =r many places a foot deep. A strong northeast gale prevails off the port and there are grave fears for the safe ty of the fishing fleet. Sir Hiram Maxim, of the firm Viewrs, Sons & Maxim, will shortly for the United States where he intends to reaain for about two vears, pr.marily 'to try by breathing his- native air the is a. native of Maine) to .cure a troublesome throat complaint and is to prosecute experi 4 rents with-the-view-to--building -a ly ing machine. He that if "he does not build an air ship himself it is quite possible that he may become a consulting other parties. A despatch to the Daily Mail from of sail savs engineer on the subject for our prices St, Petershurg says that Phillipe, who Apreatomenthl-sulieving, AN HUNDRED THOUSAND. Likely to Enter the North-West Dec. 6.--X& report issued by the dominion immigration depart ment indicates that by the end of this year the population of Manitoba and territorics will have been aug- mented by fully 100,060 souls. The number of immigrants registering at Winnipeg alone, up to October 3lst, was 64,0 According to the just jssuced, by the provincial depart ment of agriculture, the total grain vield for 1902 is 100,052,313 bushels. Of this amount wheat constitutes 53, 077.267 bushels; 2,575.182 bushels in excess of last year. Oats, 34 478,160 bushels. an increase of 6,651,572 bush- els, and barlev, 11843422 bushels, an increase of 5,312.2 bushels. er ---- FRED DUNLAP BURIED. r---- Famous Baseball Player Laid at Rest in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Dec. 6.--Fred Dunlap, famous before the Brotherhood war of 1800 as the king of second basemen, was buried, on Thursday, at Oddiel- lows' cemetery, from an undertaking establishment in this dty. Dunlap Lal heen in ill healugior a long time, and died Jast Monday at the Philadel phia hospital. He was forty-three years of age, and when in his prime as a ball player was considered the star fielding second baseman of the country. As a batsman, however, he was considered weak. When on the diamond Dunlap saved his money and at one time owned considerable real estate in this dity. Winnipeg, official estimate, ee -- Funds For Great Irish Building. New York, Dec. 6.--A demonstration and appeal to the public for aid in the erection of a building in this city for the use of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and kindred Irish societies, and which will stand as a monumental testimonial of the loyalty of the Cel tic sons of America to the Irish cause, will' be held to-morrow evening in Carnegie Hall. The idea of a build ing to serve as a home for the lr societies originated with the board of trustees of the Ancient Order of Hi hernians. Ground has been purchased at 116th street and Fifth avenue at a cost of $100,000, and the building is in course of erection. -------------- Will Build It Soon. Brockville, Ont., Dec. 6.--J: Carling Kelly, president of the company which is to build the Brockyille and Ottawa railway, accompanied By E. J. Walsh, engineer, drove from the capital to this place over the ground to be tra- versed by the proposed line. They ex pressed themselees confident that the road which will cut down the distance between the two points by nearly twenty miles, will be built within a vear. There are no serious engineering difficulties to contend with. n-------- From Twin Cities To New Orleans. Chicago, 11l., Dec. 6.--Especial effort is-to be made by the passenuer do- partment of . the Illinois Central to make southern travel from the North- West more popular = than ever this season. . To-morrow new train se vie and shortening of time wil be cm spicuous "in the winter schedule; which is then to go into efiect, and which will bring the Twin Cities and New Orleans nearer together by nearly ten hours. ---- To Make Steel Rails" At Ensley. Birmingham, Aia., Dec, 6.--As a re- sult of. the © successiul tests of the manufacture of steel rails, which have just been conmipleted at 'the Ensley plant of the Tennessee Conk; ron-and Railroad company, the rai] mill at that place will now be kept in steady operation. The sucepssful manufacture of steel rails is considered as opening a. new cra for the Birmingham dis trict. -------------- To Get Better Pay. St. Catharines, Ont., Dec. 6.--A let ter received here from the minister of railways and 'canals, Hon, A. GG, Blair, states, to superintendent Weller, of the Welland canal, that he is mak ing provision for an increase in the pay of the canal employees. An agita tion to secure :better pay for the can- al employees had been in progressitor some time past. e-------- Divorce Proceedings. Sioux City, S.D., Dec. 6.--Mrs, Mo lineux's application for divorce will allege that' while Roland was in pris on he démployed detectives to shadow her movements, and by his distrust in her and in consequence of being fol lowed hy detectives she was caused Las. lo consti: tute cruel and inhuman treatin:nt. _ New Grocery Storel F. J. Hamilton opened-to-day-a-now grocery William and Division streets, with u fine new stock of goods. The public are Kindly in vited to patronize. Prices the eet i store, corner on ent. At Philadelphie--one firemen is dead, another missing and two are 4n-hos This Year. | falls. =| OFFICIAL SAY PRICE 1S 50 rer cent annum, quarterly, and be ter promised. . A buyer before last ri needing funds, will sell part, up 000 shares, at $5d per 100 A cost dividend equals 33 per x will Ww this rare bargain ? promptly or wire (i. K. Morton, pri= ate banker, St.'Lhomas, Ont. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, qa-- Toronto, Ont., Dec. 6.--Fair and cold: Sunday' continued cold, light local snow FURS ° "en We want our customers to understand that in this store they may rely implicitely up- on the fact of our furs being what they are claimed to be. One does not need an expert knowledge of fur to buy here. We challenge fair ex- pert criticism, and, moreov- er, we will refund your mon- ey if you think you have any cause of complaint. Every reason, convenience, satisfac- tion and economy in purchasing your furs here this winter : + WOOL UNDERWEAR Special values' for Babies, Children, Misses, Ladies, Boys and Men. LADIES' COATS Our stock is most complete now. Don't put off buying. Assortments are at their best for sizes and qualities. Inspection invited. AN, LNs DIED. Pittsburg, Dec. Gh, relict ot the late James eighty-three years. Funeral on Monday, at twelve o clock, from the residence oi her son-in-law Robert Hunter, lsle of Man, Pitts- burg, to Cushendall church, thence to Mary's cemetery. LYONS--On Friday, 5th inst. infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Lyons, Colborne street. Funcral REDFERN--In Mary Kelly Rediern, aged - Patrick, Charles private. LADIES 2 HARMLES » OUR medy delayed or suppressed 3 Menstruation; it cannot fail. Trial free Paris Chemical Lo. Mil- waukee, Wis. © LADIES : DR STRICKLAND'S Monthly Remedy reffeves in 5 hours. Sale and sure x ' free. Send stamp lor particulars. Crown Che- mical Co., Box 93, Milwaukee, Wis. TO-LET. STORES, STORAGE. J. ¢Cann, Leal Estyte, Etc., ) HOUSE, NO 57 Possession at once. Ap- Lesstic, at Mrs. Mur- SL. : FURNISHE George St ply to Mr ray's, 212 Kin~ EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL CO. ALL-HEALING OINTMENT. ; Will €ure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Bald itheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Dealing Fingers. PRICE--25c. BUSINESS CHANCES. SHOMIES WORK KNITTING GIVEN honest industrious families every locality. Good wages. Ten dollar outfit required Write Glasgow Woollen Company, Toronto.' It Often Occurs That Certain Articles Are GENUINE pital dangerously injured as the re Gilt of fire which destroyed -the steam boat Saxon this morning. A reconciliation has hetween the Aero Club, of Paris, Santos Dumont. the well known naut. Santos Dumont is preparing to renew his experiments. heen and aero hill | is caid to have extraordinary' in fluence over the czar, and who it was | [ recently reported here had been ban iihed from the court, has returned to | Livadia. where the. conrg 1x now so | journir and is entertaining their d the courtiers with spit itualistic | ¢ Bibby's."' Oak Hall. ** Bibby's."' | New collars, newest styles, 2 for 5c, The H. D. Bibby Co. At }he automobile exhibition at Parte--the Giggman the Mercedes car leads the worl ianufacturers with |! 'A petition) against the divorcee signed hy 3.500,000 Catholics ented in the Italian chamter Roman | was pres ! to-day, The petition occupied 7 volmnes, Nothing heard of the schooner Cl tic and her crew of eight men. Friends have given sup hope that Capt. Jef | frev will ever be } | from. | Reveral younc men ave been arrest {ed at In for "alleged complicity in a plot against Czar Nichola | Five Leamington. Ont., bovs, Sentd {Afric have been presented with watches, + has entered the To pronto mavoralty contest Qvercouts at The H. D. Bibby Co. ('. . Robins effected | | BARGAINS And you know it, but per- haps the article was not suitable for your wants. Our store was never better filled with suitable goods, which we know is al- | | | new { ways in big demand at this VTVVTVVTVVTTTVLTLLTNVTVLVTTT TITLES TTB LBOLSSY season. We prefer selling at bar- gain prices now, to moving it to Montreal later. Bargain prices are CASH PRICES. A C. JOHNSTON & BRO. | JEWELERS. evr

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