Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY WRIG, SATURDAY. DECEMBER a. a The very best medi- cine for the relief and cure of chronic coughs and bron- chitis; dry, harsh throat coughs; irri- tating coughs of grippeand consump- tion; whooping cough; ecroupy coughs of children, is Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion. It soothes and heals the in- flamed and irritated mem- branes of the throat and air passages, promptly 'relieves the cough, removes foul mu- cus, makes breathing easy, and puts the respiratory organs in a strong, healthy condition, so that they are able to resist fyrther attacks. It is pleasant to take, agrees with weak stomachs, aids di- gestion, and has a healthful = TPT oi Pil ™ THE WHIE -- 69H YEAR | But it will be removed ere Mr. Cham- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each | berlain returns to England. He has evening, at 306-310 King Street, at $6 Per | had his enemies, but even they will , iti 2:30 and 3 REEKLY BRIVIS WHIG, 12 pages, pub- [ not deny that he is a great construc: ovary Thurgday mowsive "ai 318 | 0. genius, a political seer, a strate- Attached in hg of the best Job Printise gist, a diplomat of marvellous energ Qe uns a. 4 > courage and discretion. In 'turn he EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. has played many parts, but he has THE. DAILY WHIG. [Pov Opifer yer Orban Dicor.! REVIEWING THE SITUATION. ---- -- The referend);n has not decided the EFFECT OF A SCANDAL. question with Which it was connected. The average individual who gives | Neither the prohibitionists nor the the matter serious consideration will anti-prohibitionists appear to be sa- not be kindly disposed to the Niagara tisfied with their accomplishments. It Falls church which figured so unfor- is, therefore, certain that sooner or tunately in the referendum cam- later théy will have to fight the bat- paign. tle over again. It is generally admitted that the lhe fixing of a certain vote as a voung woman wiuo addressed the dis- necessity for the enforcement of the tillers at Walkerville, and solicited a Liquor Act of 1902 had its advantage sample of their goods, for sale in be- and its disadvantage. It invited that hali 'of the organ fund, did so inno- expressicn of public opinion without cently. But when the fact became ap- | hich' moral movements cannot be parent subsequently that she got successful. A prohibitory measure what she did not want, in the deliv- could not be efficiently administered ery of the goods, her duty was very without a support of the majority. very clear. She should nave returned The maximum vote, however, was not them, with regrets that a mistake a possibility. This is the conclusion had been made in asking for them. of those who worked in the election A grievous wrong was committed and honestly sought to reach the when the secretary of the Sales Com- mark. mittee, in consultation with two of Hali the vote cast in the legislative: her associates, undertook to realize election of 1398 seemed to be attain: upon the goods privately. They com- able in view of the enlarged voters' promised themselves, the Ladies' Aid lit, enlarged by the revision and ve- Society, and the church, and commit- gistration of last May. Put only ted a scandal which will be long re- fon the voters were sought was it memberea. The sin of the transaction apparent that.a serious loss in ballot is duc to the methods adopted by power Would ensue by the absence and NEWS OF WORLD| | TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. ---- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Buffalo, N.Y., has an epidemic of small-pox. The Galt, Ont., police are working The French Chamber of Deputies, on Friday, passed a bill approving the Brussels 'sugar convention, Twenty-five survivors of the erup- tion at St. Pierre, Martinique, are advertised as an attraction at a cir- eus in Berlin, Toronto, which has sheltered 8,742 little ones, asks for donations for the little sufferers, The Dominion Wrought Iron Wheel company, Toronto, has practically decided to build a factory in Orillia during the winter, Prof. Glacobine, an astronomer of Nice, Italy, has discovered a new co- met, moving north-west across the constellation. Monoceros. G. W. Bennett, a small jobber in the American markét on the London stock exchange, shot and killed him- self with a revolver at his residence. The memorial service for the late Dr. Parker, was one of the most im- pressive ever held in Encland, Royal- tv and nobility were present to honor the deceased. Trouble among religious students at Odessa, Russia, led to fifty being hard to break up an organized gang of | { burglars Operating here. The Hospital for Sick Children at | OLD TIME COUNCIL SCENE, Present Day Ructions But a Mere Incident in Comparison. From Whig Report. Ingston City Council, Nov. 27th, [1850 : A communication was read from {James O'Reilly barrister, resigning | the office of alderman, in consequence | of the illegal and unwarrantable pro- | ceedings of the majority in the coun- | cil, thereby rendering it impossible for | {him to be of any service to his con- stituents. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Jenkins, to lay Mr. O"Reilly's re- signation on- the tahlé. Mr. Shaw suggested that this was a | very improper course, and a very un- {justifiable one towards Mr. O'Reilly. | He was opposed to faying the resigna- tion of any member on the table; he | théught it wrong to force any mem- | ber to serve, when circumstances pre- | vented his doing so for the benefit of { his constituents. put the city to the expense of a new election. Mr. Davison expressed himself favor- | | able to receiving the gentleman's re- | signation. Mr. Rowlands thought that gentle- | | men ought to consider before they ac- | cepted the resignation: it might be [dangerous to do so without ordering | fa new election. "Why was not Catara- | qui represented," exclaimed the coun- | leillor for that ward. (Here a general | row took place, during which, amidst | cries of order and exchange of bitter | language, the reporter could make no- | thing out.) Mr. Macdonnell--Allow me to tell the member for Cataraqui, tnat if he don': keep order, there is a mode prescribed | by the act to the mayor to enforce or- der in the council. Mr. Bartliff, rising much excited : I NR... A ; SOME TIME WHEN YOU ARE FFELING BLUE BUY "From ANCIENT INDIA and SWEET CEYLON. SMILING AGAIN TEAS At $1 per 1b., Brew It, Drink I¢, and the WORLD WILL SEfim It Drives Dull Care Away, AT YOUR GROCERS, Mr. Butler was in favor of accepting [ Mr. Reilly's resignation, if it did not | TTT TTT ee ------------ - We Have An Idea... That we are going to smash the "record on $i0 and $12.50 Ovarcoats. gare popular prices with many an cvercoat, and we have set out to capture the doliars of those men with the very swellest coats of the season. bi 4 ¥ ~ arrested and 30, 1 rusticated., | ie churches in raising money. Thee 3 ho voted in May The revolutj 0 bo ng Pusticated, |, Mr. Mayor, will you allow this, will 1 some churches g : death of many who voted in May. The revolutionary movement is caus. fuver, ; GROSVENOR, WESTMINSTER. GLOSTER scal and * anxiety carry them to Under the circumstances--that both | ing anxiety to the authorities. [A Slo his id serge fo REGENT : : scribed by physicians, used in hospitals. aad oo by | lengths "which are not approved by ides did their best and failed in their Henry Bremner, Toronto Junction, { down In this manner by threats of x . NL Thyicing s g sides dic a will spend the next fifteen years of [ mandamus and other humbugs, by a Oo f d G S F . B Vi ; [fellow like that ? Will vou, allow = a Xior reys, rieézes, Beavers, icunas or Montenacs--No man ever saw handsomer Overcoats. Shaw on November 91st shame, hissing, roughing, cursing, > : swearing and cheers, from the galleries) . The i 5 J they took in the scandal. They ap it stands or is being conducted. A ens, Ont. After the pause of a few minutes, pear to have understood the case order being restored, Mr. Bartlifi re. ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY, kis life in Kingston penitentiary, serv- Overcoats, $6 to $15. Mr. Bartlifi speaking loudly all the Time Tor A Change. | sumed : "Mr. O'Reilly © never would E@3JoN, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. | wise man generally, who, with the dan- continued © demand for prohibiticn. ing two terms of that length, to run | Miserable pup like that. to jump up | ta [ time. "You think to gag me, vou : oi cannot "do it, I dare you to do it: Athens In The Swim. | are ° ® r *s : : ; : hs . : have sent in his resignation had it not eloped it for camnpaign purposes. avoid all violations of its provisions, [Montreal star. action upon the bowels, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is indorsed and = . The Pi is sd . Shelt: hefier fudgment. The pastor is a plans--it is reasonable to anticipate a knowing what is being : baibly be amended and the law nade by all the societies which have to do : more exacting. with the church of which he is the Salghe Ir 'the vole of Wis people. hoa) for Us sive being though it dons not give the Liquor As for the distillers they are not x Te he Ly PRESS POINTS . done publiciv tart and attempting to shoot John [1° (cries of order, order, shame, : complimented upon the part : Ti p trade as ! A ey J to be comyj ' I protest against the liquor trade a The ping'pong tines has strack Ath- | all, I defy you to do it. On ger of being meddlesome, insists upon | Meanwhile the license system will pro- | concurrently, for shooting Charles M- | 8nd speak whenever he likes, and gag Brockville Recorder, mayor, aldermen, councillors, cne and . . e Price Clothing Store, Qak Hall. friendly print advises the licensed vic from the beginning, and to have de tiallers : To live apr. fo the Jaw, to 4 Ene . They are going to allow Sir Wilfria | been for the treatment received from The correspondence was carefully pre . - oo Viewed ; si- ' : 5 : MatOrity oof ap 4 s I'he corresy A 1: I to give greater dignity to the busi to eat more. Tart will no longer be | the majority of the council. It was served and in due season given to nes and such advice preceded the | the only dainty on his bill-of-fare, the unwarrantable and unjustifiable, the public as a sensational form. It high-handed gagging proceedings of \ i : : : i the majority, for carrving through a a s - reflecting upon the y J ) ving : had its point in reflecting a ou the vote of the 4th. Torino. Sap job for the benefit of Mhvor Counter's church which was zeprosentee as p Some comment has been made on One good way to make money these | Property, which had compelled him to ing a very active part in the prohibi thie fact that the lector ard not. al OVS, It AU Hob 8 Core apse resign, as he felt that he could not tion movement, the church whose sit in that council a tongue-tied slave, declaration against the barroom in 5 ny Better Than Rock. § ( i Special Despatch to ihe. Ontario and California Qil Co., Limited: influenced by principle. True, | and then save a liberal percentage M ; out of the campaign expenses. and not be allowed to raise even his Voice 1 protest against the perpei | tion of such a notorious job as this. 1 am sorry that a countryman of mine, ways The complications © of a gencral elec- the Jigquor traffic in the most emphas tion have 'n tendency 0. sparote sen tic way. That church does not as- Chatham, Dec. 1, 1GC2. The Gusher was turned on to-day and in five hours filled up all the Standard Oil Company's available tankage--so far has given one thousand barrels, at the rate of fifty barrels per hour. superintendent had fulminated aghinst ! Our Wicked Neighbor. : . | who would unite on one issue. In a St. Thomas Journal. Se sume | responsibility. for the act of municipal election temperance cannat For its size, St. Thomas harbors | an Englishman, should sit on that thr ¢ foolish voung women, but it more gamblers than any city in Can- | bench, and so prostitute the powers : : : ; - | ada, barring Fort Eric, the Canadian | conferred upon him. to serve his own it is altogether dominant it will nof suburb of Buffalo. interested views. Mp. Mayor, | again have the desired effect. It was prin- --_-- repeat that I am sorry for you; for ciple largely that influenced the forces Discovery Of A Rational Treas. | the efiect of that letter of resignation, es ! En ! Mie 2 i sth ment For Dealuese. that 'simple letter of Mr. 0 Reiliv's ment will compare with this? Fioure jt out--01L two dollars per bar- be made the léuding topic, and unless STAR SAFETY RAZOR, THE ORIGINAL AND BEST SAFETY RAZOR. Makes Seli-Shaving a Luxury and Home Comfort. feels the effect, in some measure, of their misguided service. A TRIBUTE TO POWER. There is no justification for the at- tack of Collier's Weekly upon Hon. Talk about dividends, talk about advance in value what invest- who contended on Thursday, and the result is called a moral victory. m---------- EDITORIAL NOTES. " The losses on the lakes during the Shaves Clean, Never Pulls, Saves Time, Inconvenience and Money. Joseph Chamberlain, whose virtue, of trying not to create personal antagon- isma, it disdains. "We expect," says Collier's, "that Every Razor fully warranted. subjects of the king with the servative party to aspire to power by tagonism to. the man who™ ruined commotion by 'i-sving a fly sheet 8 3.--8 ral drilling rigs NCW at different points on the company's properties; under the direction of the best oik men in Petrolea, men who are oil men in the full sen se of the word (not speculators)--con nected with the oil refineries and, the larg interests in Canada, and these oil men éame to this company, mq their_oficrs, put their money in. and are joining in the development of a large block of the Company's properties. Mr---€hambertain-- undertakes his {It task with - the assurance of success. | far into the shade. He has the ability ta grasp a large . - - - . * y = ! Hamilton is agitating for a repeal situation. © He has the capacity for strendous service. He represents a which vou wish to put on the table. rel--mieans earning one hundred dollary pcr hour-- ONE THOUSAND to what constitutes the proper meth- (Cries of hear; and loud cheering » ¢ i Calitorala oil _ Co. may |I PIOMD! alin on your 1 KE | ing his private life by his public - pal surgeons are emphati¢ in saying seat, - never, never, again to fill it, AT CORBETT'S HARDWARE, that the results obtained ae too un- which \ Birmingham his friends. It will be ciples. It seems) necessary that some- entirely on the application of medi hellish crown, Se hurled to the depths assessable, built and. quipped oor right patroiple Ta fa their country and took away their knowledging, in. their writings on this | hus resigned touches the pockets of neighbors of the Big Gusher ay so In the midst of all this doubt and (cries of order, speak to the point). sessment of vacant lots in cities: and treating. deafness and ear diseases, | as to Mr. O'Reillv's reasons for re are being put down as fast as men and money can do-it. A glance through the medical litera- or under the table, with contempt, will DOLLARS invested in this svndicate a few weeks aco--NOW AuCTU- ture of the last twenty years reveals |r VHF vou from that chair with ALLY WORTH FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. So to the close observer gq remarkable di- the contempt which Vour coh- versity of opinion among awis<ts as duct in this business merits. r 3 season of navigation aggregate about od of treatment for deafness and di- | hom the galleries.) Yes, Mr. Mavor REASONS * WHY REASONS WHY he will shecoumter ths difficile in 9 'mill and a hall. It cannot - be | ceases of th car. Some authorities re and amidst the groans of the people Stock in the Ontario and I Aisi I Lili 1 t ind Feoarded as 2 first-class year for "the contend as shstinecs tases, uipng whom vou argat tempting to rob. And South Africa--(the diflicu ty of judge . > away the drumhead of the ear, other i i { , : marine underwridwg oo. ' not you only will it hurl from yow Prove just as profitable - . I nr ii i 'within the mext f part is equired, acts)--where he jiitends to charm the The Montreal Star advises the con- \ Bm vou have done so unworthily, » acme Siw e elas: | certain to justify such . severe mea- | pug also the whole batch of gageing -- sures. Another class o dic MY allan . iiten « : ho w oe 1 : a fs genial manners that have made all the advocacy of great ideas and prin- | pas the treat ! Kop 3 ne Hoa) en aldermen and councilme n who compose 1.--The Ontario and California jl Co., Limited; is a home coms 8 ae) 8 a ase the treatment of deafness almos your "Tail," will, like Satan and his pany, organized under the laws of Ontario, shares fully paid and non hard to. convince "the homeless Boers thing he done to brace the party up. cated Ath Joven trough the below-- at the next election: Not one | FIIIS AND BIVIDENDS when earned from the ground, and this ob that they should not feel personal an- --_-- Dose an i i Shido a : kn by Way of the jobbing, "swindling majority § 'oct attained--NO STOCK FOR SALE BY THIS COMPA NY. Some one in Chatham made a great {© ie Lustachian tube, bu ! 15 1 will ever again be allowed to sit here. 2.--Owns the oil lenses on one. thousand acre id are next doop strange to find these. same nurists ac- The - question on which Mr. OReilly : Rejes, and ate next doo flag. The point is too nice for the | which. gave the - names of "bums, suthject that it is doubtful if medica: the taxpayers, rich and poor; it in o PEL "drunks," and "soaks" about town. tion applied in this way can, reach the vohes--a question whether the peonle Dutch mind. ; 1 oo; threw the church whiskey s anglal | scat of the disease which causes de- | gpg willing to be taxed from 9d. to fective hearing, Is. per pound extra, to pay this job uncertainty there jis fortunately the re Oh, gentlemen need not he impatient, . 3 > i 1 : cord of the discovery of a rational as I am just beginning--I am Just . of the law which permits of the as method, the Dronet Treatment, of | coming to the point,--I am speaking 1.--Ten days, to two weeks will complete a well. FIVE W ELLS . L : : : He do 1D sa Lr or oy { you like a good enp of tea try nation which is as generous as it is : hi 1 entific. f Leiont i "5 our i Wi ? | towns hs farm lands. Tt will be help- | which depends upon the scientific fact | signing: I intend-to occupy the gtten- d--0One may be a gusher, or all may he gushers; in either case the poweriu/, at other instance is ed along in this agitation. Every that the skin possesses. the property of tion of the council far two hours vet. advance will be REAL, and a few weeks will bring vou greator Pro : : . el ¢ uo s Qity + Ever . Y . : ! y : ! i 5 there of" peace with honour, of settle feialite } 0 : ould absorbing certain drugs applied to its To resume': Let me ask centlemen, its than you ever dreamed of. . i . , tar s! ¢ ir iy : a, : . py » : ment with a restoration o : losses | AUMCGIpaiity In ntario 101 Pro: | curface and of eonveying them by what they came here for this nicht ? | 4 went restoration of the lossy inst it lerlving Llood i 3 i. : re test against it. eans of its underlving bloo vessels 5 ve ry strious rd- RISK ? Yes--so there js, in everything the ¢ yo ul 0 by war, of surrender without humilia- 8 . m gi % cl vi g Ho ( i Is it to drive the industrious, hard pl I Aim 0, hors § nl nrwih Is others ; of uld, n t -- to the adjacent diseased parts. In this 3 : | 2 : - : His . 'king, producing population from ; 25¢, 80¢, Bbc, 10e., SU. woud. . ars Str . : fn , ba woriang, ng | and _Fiity Dollars, ' which in thirty days nia. he ' ys ' ' I fn, The © Boers will hel strangely School boys in Toronto on strike ! | method a plaster containing the. ne- | our city, by adding to our present ov- sand to 'Ten Thousand Dollars. Mastorly inactis is oH at. the-dne who has the temper - and What are the public schools coming to ? | cessary medicines js applied behind the erwhelming taxes ? Are gentlemen s an opportunity to make a fortutne--don't wait HOW and wish liter on Spare the rod and spoil the child. The block of stock 'Which thi Company mis OHOFING at TWENTY-FIVE CIN PER SHARE is daily potting not insult, who spared not expense in ' utller tune of some of our boys. changed his politics and his _ tactics; | land will have to cease his reading of month of 1 1 1 1 1 : . : A : ment, amidst roy ' ring, laugh thle, and cizing a heavy inkstand ment will find a full description in a | ND fo I > | } ) | } \vo for { art 1 vould ¢ : : , oy ng, ane howl the reson ! thre: + to knock the maver erfor-the liberal party: 1t would con Special niamber™oF the Journal for | 1M and" h : fon 3 . ;: | tion, which he clared carried, Mr. | down if he atteny to put the pre Barthifi speaking all th time with a!» bation } 1 -the thers Started to - their foot a 5 ral rushed toward apa =| =I a tn tn ee | Ss {0 | vp Breaks up , Many Pictures Sold hy dE ART | mre et en Sli RAAT | motte ard | SEE had at M Bred 2 t L. | mincham lately, a al RL ot bigot Re 5 y liberal dflicials, would be an eve open ot his wisdom, his experi temerity of John Bull, who brooked I | car and the medication, being absorh- come. here to-nicht to crowd onr the Good Samaritan when the oppor- | cording to the merits of each indivi taxes; vou yourself, Mr. Mavor HM EXTRACTS AND SPICES. | 3 ye : Apply to I. L. Finch, Secretary Ontario & California Like "all innovations, this treatment | The mayor--Mr. Bartliff will please en results so emphatically successful why 'Mr. (Reilly resigned. I have an i - IN CONJUNCTION WIT man of his day has done. In recent . : : : od Sn i , Lh krH on J. B to [nounced incurable hy aural surgeons, | council go inte committee. to take in- | ple looked Gn in silence, instances of recovery of hearing in ad--| Mr. O'Reillv." Now, gentlemen, ¢ con : 1s : ; - Jartliff --N y or 1 that > may rob the will be held as-follows ------ tear disease, that the victim of deai Mr. Bartlifi No, Mr. Counter, vou nt he : 8 : The navor. tb excites | her's exeitomiont An uncontrol given. available. Then, standing ot "in I'h mave excite Teaching foreefuiness and courage, he aching service, and very much to its advant- having written a series of populara For best results in baking use STARR BRAND I i d Th ed by the skin, penetrates to the mid- | streets with begears ? To drive the : that it? t would appear, so. he s aap inner ear. . where 3 y 8 3h for sJoss réeenting it, who was Duched with & dle ear and also inner ear, where widow and the orphan forth, homeless tunity for it arrived. dual® case, such antise tic medication | your tenants. can't pav their rents » oo ---- i ) Pa i Oil Company, Limited, T t p THE S TARR CO., In Europe or America to-day no Mayor Howland, of Toronto, does {or the car, nose or throat as may be | taken thus to meet taxes, will not you ¥ Ys + 10ronto, ox FOX & ROSS, Stock Brokers Toronmt s OU ' ato. ous than Hon. Joseph Chamberlain saving things abont him, and they | has received the 'everest criticisms, | confine himself to the resolution. His rise has been remarkable. He has [have not finished the story.-Mr. How- | but notwithstanding = such opposition, | Mr. Bartlifi-1 am speaking to the | OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC | but steadily, in spite of 2ll oppo ition, | them In ordes to avoid the remark that the usual medical opiniens on | other amendment in my hand which, fond Voice, and in great excitement, AND THE he has. advanced until he expresses L-that grate upon his feelings. the curabiity of deafness haye been | as it is not seconded, may not be | and in the most violent manner. The robust public opinion as no other | ---- completely overthrown. In the long | put, but 1 will read and then proceed | galleries were compietely" drowned hy n . McG 1. 3INIVED<ITV vois, . sabinet. Biinister. cas: | + B. Reed, wha rn ; p h iy f ; : : McGILL UNIV ERSITY. Tas, it As ac ie Hustler, cur distinction 8° the spoaisr ti have been reported enred hv the | to consideration the circumstances | exciting drama, while 4 ' ving vp ibi tO offs § mgs i'eaner to § President for Canada, His Ex- [Vig the responsibilities 'of office, he | Rt. Hon. the Earl of Minto Visi- | The restless vadical has gone and | been a great man--in intelectual pow vanced age, after fifteen, twenty, or Fhe fmavor--1 ray low 5 u to ug t words, hy i . | . . . » . . " a A * . <I & ; LOT ave 'g y us © ma r was abo 0 pul tor of the University. ziven place to the sturdy statesman, | 5. in character, in 'pattiotism, in' in- even thirty vears of. defective hearing, | speak any wore; you have read a 2 rae you ' ! | ' y n : dt .1 he issues of s g , " T + . cn cao . is me or: . mv constituents, rob the Theory fwritten), Muy ith. 0 the i t es of the hour. He ajups I'he succession of the Whitney party | ness finds renewed hopes, annot gi mi in this manner: iy | Kir avn ri i ractical, ma the himself 'with the knowledge that is Those who wish to thoroughly uy' | cannot shut mq HY pou dike, : In addition to the' Local Centre NM school Examinations, a Teachers' tinte of the 10. ur | carrie his points ang enforces kis the frst ! t ; Yi A ; f { : Es policy Before him weaker men go Aire ticles on this sub with whith ar | | [ contrate attention on the fuderal civil' the Deaf." the ffitor of "this paper | 1 . ! birch rod or strap or ferrule of other | the curative effects are exerted, To | and roofless, to shiver in the winter's ¥ Send for November Report, A; 7 Yo t 1 \ . feeling for the enemy, and who played | ; : or his simple procedure a ioined. ac . ro irl Q idan CT . : frag Hs, ute, and gol your ajo 5 Yo A days is missed=10 the great misfor- | this simple procedure js subjoined, ac blast, becanse they cannot pav their s order in, ON TIME . : ; ' ryt L needed, ourself drive them forth ? 185 WELLINGION ST. man occupies a place more conspicu- fnot like the papers. Théy have-been 3 ten vears' test of the method has oiv resolution: 1 am giving the reasons g ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC - : } ad, oe] 5 an Another notable lies in a precarious | list of cases which, after heine pro- | with my remarks. "Resolved. that the | the noise in_the conncil: and th ; House of Representatives hus | Drouet Treatment, there are so many | Which have cauted the resignation of cellency, the Governor General, | has not talked as niuch as formerly, Duse of lepreseniative is in re ; ; . i Y fae ¢ 5 . { + solution. question : , Counter has Examinations for the year 1902-3 | He works hard. He looks deeply in | teg¥ity, in moral and social Prestige, and in the face of the worst forms of (Notice of the exact dates will be wu to power, and, itz dismissal of a few Ay | derstand the Drouet method of Treat titicate Exam « (io itd dates above 1 ¢ t - | embodied the detgils of a larpe num ber of cured 'cases. With this ecial number is published 4 stpplement con Entries close on ' down, and behind him thew rally and | -- Syilat Nirt fit Becinior Theor < 20 "all mjorma. | Hind support. Hetter than all, tol The Hamilton Spectator is not satis tion can tained from 1 | J. A. NICHOLSON, Registrar, McGill University, Montreal. more stimulating he anv | flix ith the school svst if aro rs as 8 than any | fied with the ol system of Onta taihing a record of upwards of forts the consciousness that h because" Quy ge did not find cnees of the deafness and dizeases masses, that he a principal this province. College the ear, nose and throat cured bhy'T of king und totmirs. and Pads "are not the products of * school PFouct Treatment during the pact i ; month. Ta obtain veonv of the ent Park-road, | ondon,:- Fng- 1 : ie roo: Rh modern conven § Li. : 2 enclaced® a Report IF which oil ences. ce 1 far Cit : shal anvane to-ohtoee hon advice and Mace: Hn Table for wople he. has gone net He ar : ut i A party of three tos gf 1 } an : Havre a) ot mgd instructions for applving the Earl street. ¥ H # : : : Drouet Treatment at home. \ : J. S. R. McCANN. 81 Brock Street, Next to Wade's, 3

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