Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WRIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8. I guarantee + Varicocele and stores pow BErvousness, w ment par exoeljgnce. ; in Stricture it absorbs been established. This shoul Treatment, otherwise I could not make you this proposition. hs to cure you, call or write me. Each Time You CaH You See Me Bersonany, Or each time you write it recet The established In Detroit, and the cures A one given up by other SF doaior, has placed me as the foremost specialist of the country. write for blank for izni for home treatment. Perfect system of home tseatment for All medicines for Canatian patients Jinn ig who cannot ca BOOK FREE. indsor, Can. An duty and express charges prepaid. id WOODWARD AVE., DR. GOLDBERG, Wear a Pair of our Women's $3 Shoes And you'll have the sat- | isfaction of krowing that] your feet are as elegantly | dressed as any in town. i Their goud fitting quali-| ties and comfort have rever been bit more money, and wear | there's no end to it. Mclematt's 5 ie | . And Take No Substitute. 8 Prep JA w. 1. oWBRIDGE Ji Hull, Eng, ye and sold bv all drug rists, ¢Never Tire Of Eémembering It." "We tetul, 1 shall never tor others your Houlllworth, 5 Newing astouizhed and gra tire of recommending ndid remedy. South View, rton, Hull. were | sph street, --A BRECHE A MANON LADY TELLS OF HEE E EXPERIENCE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS The Great and Well-Known Kidney Specific for the Cure of all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Mrs. P. Bertrand, right for me to let you know wlat DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have done for me. For five months I was badly troubled with a sore back, and such severe pains in my kidneys that I could scarcely walk at times. I NEY PILLS, and before I had them half taken I was greatly relieved, and with another box I was completely cured. 1 cannot help but give them all the praise ¥ can, and will never fail to recommend them to all kidney sufferers. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. are 50c. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. A Cos) Bright Fire Is an ateraction for every ome. The 'cheery | will | the | immense 'heat of our coal iteelf felt with pleasure during weather. It's jost the kind «to Let us fll vour bin with glow and make cold with, too. BOOTH"S COAL. 'Phone 133, Foot of West Street. cook Taian Meshod rosacea) 10 be 8 permanen cture, wi ut eutting, stre absorbs the bagging, or wormy condition, equalizes #lso all drains, ereby giving the organs 8 'their ess, backache, ete. a ne in all prostatio So positive am I shat my treatment PAY WHEN CURED Yeouneed pay Bothing until a sre convinced thas » thorough and eempl convince you that I have confidence in my Latest Method equalled except in| shoes that cost you a goed | STORE, THE KERN BURNER | the wheat and the oats and put them |J. W. OLDFIN, | em | n | ng, pg Breche A Manon, | Que., writes:--I think it nothing but | got a box of DOAN'S KID- | ; | | 1 | sp | e-- URI ri ture tissue, 830) sensa ty it is the tres eure you, you ean . ete cure has Is makes no OONSULTATION FREE. gsent C.O. RB COR. WILCOX 8ST. ETROIT, MICH. No ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine ~ Carier's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Sigrna.aro of Jf Ferrel! a See Pac-Sicille Wrapper Below. Very omall and a2 cnay to take 83 sugar. { | CARTERS fon siaamess. | ITTLE FOR RILISUSHESS. IYER FOR TORFIB LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. | | FOR SALLOW SKIN. | | FOR THE COMPLEXICH]| | i i | a EuoY ins Ronit, oh "\ CURE SICK HEADACHE. | Wonderful Success. | | | THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. i wot be disappointed by buying cheap | | im. De So mantle burners when you can buy | the best. | 1s made upon honor, and every one guar- | anteed. They are made of heavy material, finely | finished, equipped with the best mantles and classware Give the light and save gas. 253 KING STRERT. BOATS STILL RUNNING. | Craits From Deseronto Crossing to Bswego. | Dec. SA. Vallean to es Edward county | account of the serious ill | father. The steamer = Re an unus rough. pass Oswego Tuesday night. day pa [ oii quictly here, 212 for and #9 i Deseronto, was called recently on s of his had from tion beimng being frozen, to inake account of the | Ella Ross was not trip to Belleville. The Reliance and Resolute are their trips o and Charlotte. Mis. JJ. Roblin and son, Belleville, spent a dew dave with Miso AC 307 Valleau. The Girls' Guild of k's church hell a handkerchief ba wr, on Friday afternoon and even in Donoghue's hall, which proved Mrs. (Capt.) Me Mas- returned home, ls the r visiting friends : The new railroad he and Deseronto is ay able the to Usweg St. | reat Success Toronto, h after 2 in Deseronto. n- Napanee | tw el | ly. completed 3 i With The Journals. | tmas numbers of United | ,, the great ivllows, | of the kind vet Herald's will any at New ith Delineator o Conmemor: lor the PSWers York contains ite its 015.000 requ mber Dice thirtieth anniversary. copl T2Ntone™hr pape ed. The Wa Times its morning edition. . Waukezy health powder is being advertise from Rattle Creek, Mich. also is the Salvator Cerum com of Chicago. Paul Despatch takes twenty ents per year its weekly edi and has speedily run up a cirqu- | of S0,000. It is well loaded up advertising. -hington has dropped The | any Ihe St for ail order | "Bibby's. | boy our H. D. ii sin ibby's."? Oak Hall. rood overcoat for Mii medicine. 50 to $3.50. Th w | new | Bib. your See ------ 'ambhon. retivinr F ren h min al Vraedki cood | wt of the anction of his | wld o men ard women pave | prices for stall they didn't | i in a 1 sak 1 oolds, prettiest this Christ Street . . 1 Jenkins', ! tag ware, the stocl vls in Kingston for avior, 121 Princess dressing gowns at veoh Gray? | 25 The color of seventy years in yout hair? , Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less | than a month your gray hair |a will be rich and dark. SI. All droggists. "2 1... AVER CO, Lawell, Mass. | J Ev is the product of all our domestic ani- | mals in the | numbers: | roing from the United | cattle | to $11,000,000; our sheep to 52,000,000. | that $90,000,000. Lis e stock industry in its products. { is the | have | cheese | middle < | who was very | HR. {on the | ther, {al { Visitors : | ters | Lemmon [Miss] | den ar | Ah what some Liraves ¥ oung lady | Hosp in B AGAIN IN TOILS TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN RE- ARRESTED IN OTTAWA. He Was in the Penitentiary and H Good Behaviour Got Him Out' -- Found Breaking Into a House on Sunday. Ottawa, Dec. 8.--Nelson Gorden, a ticket-of-leave man, is in the police cells, having been captured last even- ing when in the act of housebreaking. The prisoner was sentenced in Nos ber, 1899, to five years in the tiary for a series of burglari oo com- mitted in house, including St. An- drew's manse, the 'occupants of whisk were absent for the summer. On June 14th last, Gordon was released on ticket of leave and has reported regu- arly to the police ever since. His last appearance was on November 17th. The prisoner was observed by Wyatt S. Words, 531 Gilmour Street, a cus- toma appraiser, to enter the house of Mrs. Bearman, opposite, by the front door, first unlocking it. Knowing the family were at church, his suspicion was aroused. Slipping a revolver into his pocket, he hurried across and canucht the burelar as he made his ex- it through' the rear door. Aided by Mr. Croil, of 416 Bay street, he held the prizoner till the police arrived. Gordon had in his possession several kevs! Two were found in one boot, and cne in the other. A neat little oil can was among his accessoriez, and on his person were £124.95 in hills and silver, two gold rings, a watch and two con- federate states hills, one for 8100 and ona for £3. Tt is not known whether he had secured anv booty in Mrs. Bear- man's. The prisoner has married since released in June. He gave his res - dence at 20 Florence street. pe SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE Before Western Live Stock Breed- ers' Association. I want to call your attention a mo- ment to the magnitude 'of the live stock interests. Our animal production a vear amounts to 900,000,000 in the United States 000,000,000 annually United States. The dairies amount to $172,000. The little speckled hen of the barn-vard cackles out $181 .- 000,000 worth every vear. We sent ab- road last year our live animals and animal products $211,000,000 in round the vear before it was $233,- 250,000,000 worth of things States. Our exports, live cattle last vear, amounted to $392,000,000; horses 000,000-- our What we used at home and what we send abroad added together makes Those are the inter- gentlemen, that we represent. You can take all the cotton and all ests, all together, and they don't equal the Budget Pros 'Sharpres. Sharpton, Dec. 6.--Many think this hest vear for farmers in a long The returns from the. dairy bedn very sa isiactory. The factory will not close before the of the month. A concert given in aid of the Roman Catholic church, Odes=a, was lg v attended. Voting on the liquor act was carrjed on verv quietly here, only half the full vote i polled; thirty-four voted ves, sixteen no. John Brethen em ploved in the United States since last pring, is expected home. (i. Saunder ook will work his father's place next W. Main hes bought the Burke I'. Maxwell has bought "the Mc- farm. Little Monica Mohan, sick, is now quite well. has leased" M. Vanluven's purchased Mr. Vanluven's property. IF. Taylor visited Tavior, Hartington. 1% has sold his farm to .J. Fvans. J. Smith has. been working road for the county engineer. Bell and wife visited her bro Rev. Mr. Wood, Battersea. There a very enjoyable surprise party Mr. McQuay's the other night. Mrs. L. Spencer at Napanee; and Mrs, Lemmon-at the ir daugh Mrs. Smith, Harr 3 0, Stephens and the Spencer, So Summerville's; : Lemmon at Me. Meliowan's; . Karin at his si er's, Mrs Drumm, Belleville. J. has returned from Manitoba his brother at Emerson envmon. =chool teacher, is the pupils for a Christmas wtainment on the 16th, at the school house. T. Brethen and J. Red cutting wood for Mr. Mec Gowan. DD. Parks on the road peddling Msi al instruments. R. Pat and Summerville have jobs of putting' gravel on the road. Some are decidedly opposed to the aboli m of todloates, Many think it would tell he v in the taxes and strongly in favor of doing away call relics of barbar is an impression that bound. to come ana time. year. farni. 'arty J. Grant farm and personal his uncle McKinley ¥. W. was Mr. after visiting training tree ents is erson ar there are long! But roads that beigre Died In The Hospital. After a week's illness at the General Hospital, . ay thirty-one rest, Sunday. 1led here former home was at Ridean. Her brothers wides in tht a member of Brock church. The funera Tuesday from the General to Cataraqui cemetegy of poems mia Miss Marindy Years, . ba The dec for od ssed axed cicht Kil nother, ® UV on |i Her con the v sitters pnd ars. marnoc foun Vethodis: on ital lace Died Looking At Face Of Dead. Wil iamsport. Pa, Dee. Miss Aly Miller, aced twenty-nine years, visited Lin heme { lo take a t lo { ward Fits who lav A« she Miller i Ito t } ng hae od her "Bibby's." 210 Oak Hall. "Bibby's. Our } strong bid for bhy Co, Xmas smoking jackets at Jenkins INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Om Their Rounds. Sachet powders. All the new odors. McLeod's drug store. Xmas gloves at Jenkins'. With two polls yet to be heard from the prohibition vote.'in Fronten- ac stands : For, 1,503; against, 606. Xmas braces at Jenkins'. See our 25¢. basket of perfume, bottles perfume and a cake of soap, all for 25c. McLeod's drug store. Xmas sweaters at Jenkins'. Perfumes, make your selections now. A full assortment. All prices. Mec- Leod's drug store. ' Xmas umbrellas at Jenkins'. Three French bishops have had their salaries suspended, as punishment for sirning the manifesto to the senate. J. J. Behan left this morning for the west on a tour of inspection in be- hali of the weights and measures de- partment. The 'civic finance committee met Sa- turday afternoon and transacted rou- tine business. A large number of ac- counts were passed. All the leading perfumes at Mec- Leod's," Pivers, Roger and Gallet, l.u- hin, Crown Perfumery Co., etc. Me- Leod's drug store. Capt. Miller, of the steamer New Island Wanderer, is confined to his home for a few days. Capt. Carnegie is taking his place on the steamer, Xmas collars at Jenkins'. and John Stansbury is acting purser. Miss Galey, a recent graduate nurse of Kingston General Hospital, has been dangerously ill at her home in Belleville, but to-day is somewhat better. The Great North Western Telegraph company is now accepting messages via new Pacific cable for Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, at the regular rate of fifty-eight cents per word. Dr. o Robert Hanley received this morning from Florida a box of oranges, shipped to him by Mrs. O'Neil, who spent last summer in the citv and whose husband conducts an orange grove in that state. Xmas mufllers at Jenkins'. tev. Henry Wilson is in the city. He is on his way home to New York from Montreal. where he conducted Advent services during the past week. He is a guest of 'Mrs. T. Power and will remain over next Sunday. OFFICIAL RETURNS. For Kingston Give "No" Major- ity of 92. Returning officer J. D. Thompson, has announced the official returns of the prohibition vote in Kingston, the majority against being ninety-two. I'he corrected figures are ; Subdivisions. Sydenham, No. 1 Sydenham, No. Ontario, No. 3 .,. Ontario, No. 4 "is St. Lawrence, No. ! St. Lawrence, No. 6 Cataraqui, No. 7. Cataraqui, No. 8 Catarauui, No. Cataraqui, No. I'rontenac, No. Frontenac, No. Frontenac, No. Frontenac, No. Rideau, No. 15. Rideau, No. 16 Rideau, No. 17 Rideau, No. dideau, No. Victoria, No. 20. Victoria,, No. 21 Victoria, No. 22a. . Yietorin, No. 22h... No. 3 87 46 57 73 36 & 11 145 99 72 116 70 £2 68 Vi 32 41 56 67 29 11 36 79 Yes. 60 56 15 59 2] 92 35 25 49 14 61 + PS . 101 83 . 49 + 107 80 . 40 .. 11 . 126 NS 9... 10. de 19. Totals, 1,479 1,571 Majority against, 92. Sunnyside Tidings. Sunnyside, Dee. 8.--Miss Buck, the present teacher, has been rve-engaged for another year at an advance in <alarv. - AThert AvIEworth has acain heen successful in purchasing the toll rate for 'another year. He has soll hic cows, and his interest in the Byers' place near Cataraqui, and is moving into the new toll-cate house. Jacoh Harpell is improvinr. his property hy putting up new buildings. David Hamilton, Kingston, is about take possession of his property whith hays Leen rented to Harvpell for the past Clark is making daily trips ity, attending busin ter accompanied hy Cuthbert Hay, Glenburnic, and Wilkinson Haveock, of Cataraqui, has arrived in Vancouver, B.C. and has secigred --em Floyment. A number of the farme:: adding to. their stock so as to fod up their surplus fodder. Mrs. Haviland Flynn formerly Miss Liisi Knight), of British, Columbia, has ar- rived to spend time, visiting her old home and surroundings; James in the Hotel Dien for some boaek-at J. Heagton's. John Griffith in ¢ several Lo Jacob James to the <s college. Wal here, year. Cooke, of some Johnson, time, is Macbeth." the legitimate will be de- the performance of John greatest living tragedian, "In every city where he appeared, enthusiastic audiences, han eted th is dramatic genius. and proclaimed him America's most brilliant tragic star, The date oi his appearance in this city is Tuesdav evening, December 9th, at the Grand. Lovers of lighted with Griflith, the "Macbeth. has © ogre A._FINE SERMON, REV. DR. JORDAN SPEAKS AT CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. Professor of Queen's Reviews the Religious Movements of Last Thirty Years. Montreal Gazette Religious movements of the last thirty years were discussed by Rev. Professor Jordan, of Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston, who preached Sunday richt at Westminster chureh, Atwater avenue, where the anniversary Sunday was celebrated. During his sermon Rev. Prof. Jor- don gave a resume of the principal re: Hoious movements within his own ex- perience of the last thirty vears. From materialism the pendulum had swung to spiritualism. Agnosticism had been strong in the early days, and from this extreme people had gone to gnosticism, from doubting thev had moved to the other extreme, claiming knowledge of all things. The old ten- dency had been toward individualism, and in turn had reac "hed socialism, un- til to-day the ery wag "save society." Christianity is more than a belief or a movement, it is a living presence. A church may do the thinking for its people, put the cross on high and hang pictures of Christ on its walls, but that is not the church for men ; but the church that inspires men to think for themselves, that breathes of the very presence of God, that is the church of the people. "The man who gives himself to Jesus finds himself." Young men often keep away from church because they fear to lose their individuality. That is a small idea, it is not God's idea. Looking backward and viewing the men of the church, it is readily seen how different they wete, The reformers were strong men, show- ing that they had found themselves in the church. STRUCK BY TRAIN. Woman Killed and Several Injur- ed at Havelock, Ont. Havelock, Ont., Dec. 8.--James Rog- ers and family, of Belmont township, while crossing the C. P. R. track Sat- urday night were struck by the east- bound express. Mr. Rogers and his daughter and one son are badly in- jured, but hopes of their recovery are entertained. Mrs. Rogers is dead and the other son is injured beyond hope of recovery. Mr. Rogers is a much re- spected farmer of about forty vears of age, living near this village. The sons are twelve and fourteen years of age and the daughter about seven. The express always gives a long whistle when approaching this crossing, but it is supposed that being muflled up on account of the storm the unfortu- nate 'people did not hear the ap- proaching train. The C. P. R. sent the injured man and his children to Peter- boro hospital by special train. Canada Pacific Stock. Sore uneasiness appears as to pos- sible efiecct of mew construction in Canada on the future earnings of the C.P.R. However, its officials do not look upon this new project with alarm. The earnings are piling up at a grant rate: up to November 27h the C.P.R. has marketed 21,17 bushe od of grain, against at the corresponding date last vear. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, preside nt. the sale up to date this 5.000 acres of land in the nearly one-hali has been Americans, and the price very rapidly. Premier the North-West terri tories, in regard to the an nouncement that the Grand Trunk would extend its lines to the Pacific, that if at the end of five yet there were {wo transcontinental railways, they would have all the grain they could carry. ------ "A Modern Magdalen." Miss Amelia Bingham has staged her productini of Haddon Chamber's re matkable play, "A: Modern Magda len" wiih rare taste and beauty. In the appearance here at the Grand on Thursday next,-it is ne rash assertion to sav that it is the best company for general dramatic end avor touring the country to-day. Taken To The Prison. ternoon Deputy Sherifi Assel Charles H. Carter to thes Kingsto penitentiary to serve even vears sentence for forgery. The maintained his calm, cool the length of his sentence not to have discomlited announces vear of I, North-West: sold to is increasing fi faltain, - of says, This tine removed prisoner demeanor, smingrly hin. Only Routine Business. Tonight's meeting of the city coun cil ought " not to be a very lengthy 'the tolls question, will not come for consideration, as it has not been by "the finance business alone will aldermen. one, up vet committee, the considered Routine attention of the -------- Ie nkins'. S n:ul at d on ne lay fam ws occupy Xmas shirts at Thomas Nast, nadotr, di He was a Gnay- aquil, Ee from velbw fever. toon st. car Xnias scarfs at Jenkins': 'THE LAST VL To Imparts a natural glow of warmth and health, without which, the system is always an easy prey to colds, chills and influenza, which are engendered in moments of weakness and ondue fatigue. - Bovril is not metc- .~ ly a stimulant, but a highly nots ishing food, containing all the | strengthening propertics of beef in a most convenient and ap- petizing form. It.can be pre: "in a moment. Add a little boiling water and it is ready for use. sevsesescese -- Not A Bit Too Early To Tell You About Our New HOCKEY BOOTS And Christmas SLIPPERS Our Hockey Boots are exclusively our own @ creation, designed in our own custom work shop @® and thoroughly correct in every way. : UNION MADE RUBBERS. ° We are the Only Dealers in King. S ston Selling Union-made ® Rubbers. ® = 0) ® O SoeeoOee coseee OPTED p; ® J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO The Shoe Men. ® OOOO EOOIOIOOIOOO) ~ © TOIT EN Aa OO; e@® 'Kant | Krack Rubbers Sold in Kingston by A. Abernethy Only. Trunks and Valises, st 4 NO TROUBLE To sweep any and everywhere with a first- class Carpet Sweeper We have them from EA = 3 z $1.50 Up. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. ee -- 1,060 LBS. CANONC'S Chocolates and Bon-Bans For Christmas, "ancy Boxes, ail sizes, very pretty G designs. ar S Xhristaras Crackers, Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings. NOTHING LIKE TEM. A.J. REES, Princess St. Telephone No. 58. F HIS LINE.

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