Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1902, p. 3

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ov EE THE DalLY WHI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. TRAVELLING. DRE Sees BRANCH LIKE TIME TABLE} sains Leave the City Depot, ' Foot of Johnston Street: GOING EAST. 2:28 AM. 8:15 AM. 12:53 P.M. 1:17 P.M. 7:13 P.M. GOING WEST. No. 5, Mail . 1:03 A.M. No. 3, Fest 2:28 AM. Neo. 11, caves 9:08 A.M. No. 1, International Limited 12:23 P.M. No. 7, Mail .. 8:20 P.M. No. 15, Local . 8:03 P.M Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run a. §; daily, except Mondav. : Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12, 156 and 18 daily, except Bunday. For Pullman sccommodation, tickets and all other information. apply tc J. P. UANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mouatreal, Quebeo, St. Joba, N.B.; lalitax, Boston, To ronto, Chicago, Denver, Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Beattle, Portland, and San Frandsco. 8:30 p.m.--Looel for Sharbot Lake, eon- mectiag with C.P.R. east aod weed. 8:10 a.m. --Mized, for Renirew and inter mediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 p.m: arrive im Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Pe ro, $:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.: Boston, 7:¥ a.m.; Sv. John, N.B., 11:35 a.m. Full particulars s¢ EK. & P. and O. P. R. Mickes Oflics, Oatario St. PF. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Na , Deseronto emd all local leaves Oity Hall Depot at 4 p.m. R J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telwraph Of Boa. Clarence street. DOMINION LINE HALL STEAMSKIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVICE Colunitd .. x «i we ww "Dee. 30th ®*irishman ... . Dec. 27th California, 190 ... Jan, 3rd *Norsawman . Jan. 10th *Ottoman Jan. 17th Colonian vest ae . Jan. 21th RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, $50 and upwards. For Avonmouth Dick and Bristel Frow Portland, Turcoman . about 20th Dec. *knglishman ... ... about 3rd Jan. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- sengers. NEW SERVICE Boston to the Mediterrancan. Commonwealth, ..... .... Jan. 3rd, 1903 Vancouver . «Jan. 10th y England Jan, 17th ibrowan, . Jan. 31st. Atidship, Saloon, Electric light, Spa- cious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J £2. Gildersieeve, Agt. G. TR. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANCE & vo. Gen. Agts. Montreal & Portland. Y ALLAN LINE CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. From St. John. From Halifax Corinthian, 13." Dec. 15, 10 p.m. YPretorian, 1 20.. Dec. 22, 10 pn. FIRST CABI Tunisian and Bavarian, $60, upwards. Purisian, $55 and upwards. Pre- torian Corinthian, $50 and up- wards. SECOND CABIN--Tunisian and _ Bavarian, $400, Uther steamers, $37.50;7 Liverpool, Loudonderry or Loudon. Third Cluss--$25 aod $26; Liverpool, Dorey, Belfast, Glasgow, Loudon. J. I. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger D.pot, Cor. Jel m sud Ontario Sta. I GIEDIEUSLEL , Clarence St. .. BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication #nd equable winter temperature of 7 degrees, beautiful secnerv end 100 nile of good roads, headquarters of the British aruwv and navy. is unrivalled in its atuactivenoss, reached by the first cluas won steatners FRINIDADR or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter. The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. RI' TS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also atford beautiful and intercsting tours, all reach bv steamships of the Quebec Steamshi Company from New York. SPECIAL CRUISE. TO THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For" d.scriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIT CO... Agents, 39 Broadway, York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Sécretary, Quebec. hs MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for-1908, I respectiully so- Meit your votes amd influanes to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. BR MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIRS AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a oan: didate for the mayoralty for the yoar 1908, and respectfully ask for your votes and in- fluence vo my J. T. WHI1E. ER MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I reepvot- fully solicit vonr vows and imflnence to elect me as Mavor for 1908. . » J. i. BELL. and INVESTMENTS --IN-- REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 1183 BROCK STREET. Henlrew, Sault Ste. | I A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. C ), BEELLAMS Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Head- ache, Giddiness, Fuhiess and Swelling after meals, Dizzine<; and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings seat, Loss of Appetite, Short- ness of Br 1, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin. T _turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, eryous a and =k TR oF JOSE Twenty Whur is is no fiction. very sufferer is earne. nvited to try one ox of these Pills, and heh will be acke rowledged to be WITHOUT -A RIVAL. BEECHAM'S PILLS taken as direc. ted, will quickly restore Females tocomplete health. They promptly remove any obstrugs tion or irregularity of the system. Fora Weak 8tomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver, Vio Ors Preto tiocs. ing the muscular System, restoring the long- lost Complexion, ringing back the keen bling WILL GIVE RELIEF | h i stly i edge of appetite, and arousi with the Rosebud of Health the Whole hye sical energy of the human frame. hese are *facts" admitted by thousagds, in all classes of society, and one of the st guar- ahtees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEECHAM"S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicines in the World. Beecham's Pills have been before the public for half & century, and are the most popular family medicine. No testimonials are published, as Beecham's Pills RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, England, Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. Diamond Brooches. EACH ONE of the nine Diamonds in the Brooch shown<here is a faultless gem. This is our No. 4704, which we sell for $175--We guarantee the quality. Write for cur new catalogue. It illustrates an unlimited variety choice jewel prices. Ryrie Bros. Jewelers, Yeage and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. 'WOULD HAVE TO STOP HER -HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE TO DO THIS FROM DAY TO DAY? MILBURN'S HEART axp NERVE PILLS are a blessing to women inthis condition. They cure Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Weakness, :noss, and all troubles peculiar to the sex. «. James Taylor, Salisbury, N.B., inrecom- m 1g them says: About eight months ago 1 ery badly rundown, was troubled reatly with palpitation of the heart and would get so di I would have to leave my work and sit own. I seemed to be time, until a friend advised me to try MIi- BURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. can truthfully say that they do all you claim for them, and I can recommend them to all run-down women. Price 5c. per box, or 3boxes for $1.25; all deal« ors, or The M.lbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. CAPILLI FORMA getting worse all the WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. Prevents falling and gray hair Cures Dandru Fezema and Neuralgia. Head 1 Face Massage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired. Mme. Elder, New York, 166 Princess St. I Mrs. Herbert Robinson dispensed T10LD IN THE 3 TWILIGHT. The afternoon tea and sale oiven by the members of the Church Woman's Aid of St. 'George's cathedral was very successful indeed. Mrs. George McGowan was at the door and the tea-table, the next attraction, looking very .pretty with its cglor schemes, white and yellow, and its' gleaming silver, was in charge of Mrs. Hubbell, rs. Basten Burns, Mrs. Newton 'v, and Miss Annie Muckleston. Miss Lorraine Dalton reigned alone at a little table whereon were doilies and fancy work of various hinds. Farther on Mrs. Kent, Mrs, Brownfield, and the most toothsome of. sweets, and the work table, which was full of all kinds of useful and pretty work; which found a ready sale, was under the manage ment of Mrs. Ladd, Mrs, Bampfield, Mrs. Harry Tandy, Mrz. W. H. Mar- tin, Mrs. Noel Kent, Mrs. Routlev and Miss Lillian Dalton. In the evening - a delightful musical programme under the management of Mr. R. R. F. Har- was rendered, those taking part vey being : Mrs. Martin, Miss Grace Ev- ans, Mi Waldron, Miss Mona Knight, Messrs. Charles Harvey and Kelso. Invitations to Miss Jefi's cerami: art exhibit have drawn many this clever little Trenton lady's admirers to Kirkpatrick's this week. Her dis- play is very large, and many of her pieces of work verv pretty, indeed. Perhaps her most ambitious attempt is a large and handsome jardiniere. which is on exhibition downstairs. In the gallery' the prettiest things are two tea sets done in tones of brown, one of a quaint little grandmother shape, the other moulded in an odd design. A vase in burnt olive, and a set of hali a dozen desert plates are very pretty. Some bread and butter plates, and a sugar basin and cream jug with ornamentings of gold seroll 'work were also attractive 'bits. Alto- gether Miss Jeff is to be congratulat- al on her work, for which she is pret ty sure to find numerous purchasers with the holiday season so close at hanl, and the dithculty of finding suit- able gifts so very dificult. Ihey have the courage of their con- victions in a city not a hundred miles from the Rideau canal. In writing up the Musical Club's concert the remark was made that while a certain pian iste's playing was classical in the ex treme it. was somewhat over the heads of the audience, and speaking of ¢'s singing, the brave would be much more ap- preciated if he would pronounce his words so that they could be under stood occasionally. Lots of us feel just this way. The prize winners at the Rideau Euchre club last evening, were Mrs Smythe, Mrs. Hughes, Messrs. Bamp eld and J. S. Skinner. The West End Euchre club holds its ot come one scribe says fortnightly "meeting to-night at Miss Macaulay's, King: street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rathbun, of Deseronto, sailed for Ingland last week. . - - - The last reception of the seis which their execllencies have given'in Montreal took place at the viceregal residence on Friday evening, and was a most pleasurable' success. The hand- residence (Lord Stratheona's) thrown open for the occasion. Fires blazed in the hig fireplaces, wat from the fountain in the conservatory,- palms and exquisite blooms filled the recesses in the draw oom and reception hall and beau the = refreshment table in "the dining-room, An orchestra was in attendance, and the whole mansion Sone er rippled was ablaze with lights, making it an altogether brilliant scene. The Hon. Senator and the Misses Fulford arrived in London, England, from the steamship Oceanic on Thurs day, Noveniher 270h, Justin time to be among the honored guests of the American: Society in London at then 1 hanksoiving diuner at the Hotel Ce cil. The Senator and his daughters k for Paris on Thursday last-and will remain there a week, proceeding to Monte Carlo for a few davs, going to Egvpt for the Christmas holidays and continuing their journey té India on January Ist. 7 - - - * Mr. and Mrs. Kohl have taken a hanuse on Waterly street, Ottawa. Mr Kohl, having lately been transferred from the Brantford branclt of the Bank of Montreal,- to that city. Mrs a charming little lady. Kohl. who is will be a great addition to Ottawa so ciety. Mrs. Franklin Dawson was hostess at a tea last week in Toronto in hon or of her two friends, Miss Grace Dud vinmne, Litt mild fifa 6 Avepr's Hair Vicor g It is a delighuui preparatc J.C. Ayer Co, Lowell, Xf The beginning of baldness is dandruff. Dandruff is a disease and can be cured. Cure the disease that causes dandruff, And the dandruff will disappear for good. Use only some old established remedy. We know one tested for more than 50 years-- Ayer's Hair Vigor It cures dandruff, checks falling, makes the hair grow, always restores color to gray hair. » cared my scalp f a bad case of dandruff. a to use. . Mrs. L. H. Budd, Lebanox Springs, N. Y. - ley and, Miss Edna Hunter, who were with the Floradora company. .ausie was one of the attractions 'of the hour. Mrs. Campbell Reeves will not re- ceive until the first Tuesday and Wed- nesday of the New Year. She and her husband returned to Toronto K last week from their trip abroad and are the guests of Mrs. Reaves. Lady Grant was hostess last Satur- day in Ottawa, in honour of Mrs. E. (. Grant, who left that city on Mon- day with her husband and little son for England. Mrs. Osborne, "Gloverhill,"" Toron- to, entertained at a dinner and the- atre party on Tuesday. in honor of Mrs. Hugh Fleming and Miss Gorm- ally. Mrs. Havter Reed gave a charming little dinner in Quebec last week for Captain Rogers, who is on his wav from China and Japan. Mrs. O'Hara was hostess at an' en- joyable little tea this week, in honor of Mr. O'Hara's mother and Miss Kathleen O'Hara. Miss Jessie Scott. of Quebec. who has been staying with Mrs. George weMurrich, in Toronto, has gone to visit Mrs. Rathbun, in Deseronto. Miss Higginson, who has been with Sir Sandford Fleming, is now in nali fax, where she is the guest of Mrs. Albro. - - - - An Anglo-American wedding in which society has been greatly inter- ested, took place in London, Encland, last week, when Miss Alice Constance Ward, daughter of the late Mr. An- drew Henshaw Ward, of Boston, Mass, was married to Captain Cvril Blackburn Tew, of the West Yorkshire Regiment. Mr. Reginald Ward gave away his sister. Captain Tew was ac- companied by a number. of officers of his regiment. A _ thousand invited cuests attended a reception at the Hyde Park Hotel after the ceremony, given bv Mr. Ward. The marriage of Miss Violet M. Ma- dill, daughter of Rev. J. C. Madill, to ('. Liscum, will take place on the 15th of December, 1902, at the Manse, Low- er' Fort Garry, Man. The engagement announced in Montreal of Miss Laura Gray, young- est daughter of Mr. W. Gray, of Mon treal West, to Mr. W. I. Box, of Sher- breoke street. The marriage took place in Ottawa vesterday of Miss Florence .ay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ray, and Mr. James McEvoy, of Fernie, B.C. The engagement is announced of Miss Julia Dunsmore, of Stratiord, to Mr. Hugh Combe, of Clinton. - - . * is Lady Mary Lygon, the popular sis- ter of the Earl of Beauchamp, is lady- in-waiting to the Princess of Wales, and is well remembered in" Canada, having accompanied her Royal High- ness on the tour of the Ophir. Lady Mary has had an active life. In addi tion to her position in the Princoss' household, she was her brother's chief helper and companion until his mar- riage last year. When he once before held the position--as he does now--of mayor of Worcester, Lady Mary made a capital mayoress, and was most popular. During Lord Beauchamp's time in New South Wales as governor, his sister procured leave of absence irom the Princ of Wales, and went out to him for several months, during which time she was a graceful, charm- ing, and eflicient hostess for all his entertainments. Lady Mary is a fa- vorite with all who know her, and her tact and perfect courtesy go far towards making that popularity which has been so universally. gained by the household of her royal highness the Princess of Wales, and which was con- spicuous during the colomal tour. A London letter says the first poli- tical reception of the winter season was viven by Lady Colebrook, who herself was quite the loveliest woman present, in white satin touched with silver, a pearl rope and dog collar and a high, all-round diamond crown on her beau- tiful dark hair. Lord Rosebery stood boside her-at the head of the stairs, with the blue ribbon on the Garter across his breast. The house is fa- mous for its pictures and collection of enamels, > Girls are tang up lacrosse in Eng- tant, and the first match of the Can: adian game between school teams is reported. It was vlaved at Hampton Wick, and Heathfield Ladies' College, Ascot, won from Rodeane College, Brichton, by twelve coals to four. ssw From Paris comes the leading novel- ty in head dress. 1t is the coronation wreath, made of small ivy leaves per- fect in imitation of the real Enelizh ivy, and edged with silver spanoles ike a rim of dew. Some are edeoed with cold. The wreaths are made in small bunches of the leaves, ending in a spray of single ones that fall upon the hair, as though fresh gathered 4rom the garden and placed there. Du Barry wreaths are so much in vogue that all manner of materials are made up into the Du Barry head These half wreaths are of flowers of leaves, -of pleated orass, with bunches of the grass on each side of the hair, and are also of satin ribbon, with or without floral effects. Holly berries elow amid green or frosted leaves in tha Du Barry wreath, or in the simple wreath worn in front, and not around the back of the hair. Little bows of red velvet, less than half an inch in width, are used in the back of the mis- tletoe and holly wreaths, and give a pretty touch of color to them. The newest ball dress fabrie is called "erepe meteore," a beautiful material, to - be trimmed with silver tissue on the bodice, the garniture of which is getting daily more important. A gown of pink «chiffon is described as *'shad- ed up from palest pink to a deep rose, with a berthe of jewelled lace." Coarse grape lace, made partly of wool, ar- ranged on a white silk frock, touched with emerald green velvet, is another creation. dress. ee Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain, and Most penetrating liniment on the mar- Let to day, is Smith's White Linimen A positive cure for sprains, swellit ' inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and 'lumbago. Big bottles, 25c., at Wade's, a ------ Cardinal Gihbons and several emin- ont Aguerican prelates will leave for Rome in January. The sacred college {esires thelr presence, Christmas jewellery at Bass', Prin cess street. { Xmas walking canes at Jeakins', Be injurious to fIn The Literary : ; World. In Country Lanes. O country lanes, white starred' with bioom ! Where wild things nestle; shy and sweet, . Where all your waving grasses laugh And part before my cager feet-- Could I forever dwell with you, Letting the mad old world rush by; And just be glad of, wind and sun, Of rocking nest and brooding sky ! How* often in the crowded streets, I dream of you, sweet country lane, And feel once more your soit breeze soothe My sordid breast and wearied brain. Fver above the city's din, Above the clink of vellow gold, I hear a wild bird's ringing call, I catch the breath of -leai-strewn mould. Your grasses kiss my fevered cheek, Your hawthorn drons her scented rain; I am a child again and dream That Heaven bides here, O starred lane. flower- P---- A ¢ New Thought " Book. Some time ago the Whig favorably reviewed "The law of The New Thought," by William W. Atkinson, and published by the Psychic Research Company, of Chicago. There was much to praise in the book. From the same source. has come 'The Heart of the New Thought," by Ella Wheeler Wil- cox, but why the company ever pub- lished this volume is a mystery. The type is large, every two or three lines ave broken up into a paragraph, and the thoughts are repeated time and time again with little or no chance of expression. This seems to have been necessary to (ill out the book, and vet it is not large enough to throw at a man's head in case you were angry. Old axioms and rules of living, that we are accustomed to see confined to one or two lines, are prefixed and af- fixed until they occupy pages. There are some paragraphs very am- using to a sensible reader. For in- stance the author says: "If you want to train your mind to the new thought, the thought of your divine inheritance of all God's vast universe of wealth, vou can do it. Begin by giving away vour old clothes." Here, then, is a new recipe for the train ing of the mind! After reading this remarkable book one is inclined to be- lieve that its ninety odd pages could have been summed up in the six words : "Be a good boy. Good-bye ! and that nothing of importance would have been omitted. In a chapter on "High Noon," Mrs. Wilcox says that the wage-earning woman an evil that should be abolished. We agree with her on this point. 18 Trade Competition. A pamphlet entitled "The Competi- tion of the United States With Great Britain,' reprinted from Popular Science Monthly, of October last, has reached 'the Whig office. The writer is Prof. John Waddell, D. Se., Ph.D, of the School of Mining, Kingston. He reviews the keen competition given by the United States in the production and exporting of such commodities as coal, cement, soda, salt, iron and steel, tin plate, rolling stock for rail- roads, machinepy, shipping, bridge construction, ete. All of this has been British trade. He gives as a reason for the United States' ad- vance, her hatural advantages and the charactertistics of her people. The objection of British trades unions to a man looking after 'more than one machine, where it might be possible for him to look after half a dozen, in- creases of cost of production, aml prevents the Britisher from meeting ither American prices or time limits. The cheaper of transportation and the more advanced technical training in the United "States are a lvantages in her favor, says the writer. "Probably "the greatest hindrance to advance --in-Britainis trades union ism,' says Mr. Waddell; "but - the fallacy of their doctrine may soon he vealized by the workmen." The writ- or. however, takes an optimistic view of the future. Hf British manufactur- es increase and if Britain grows com- mercially it will he to the interest of the United States, because Britain is Ler best customer. '"There is room for all the growth possible in both Brit America," he con ludes, "and it is to be hoped that civilization may be advanced and the world benefitted by the competition of the United Siates with the United Kincdom." Mr. Waddell presents facts ard figures to prove his .epery statement, and the he draws are logical and cost ain and con: lusions sound. The One Thing Needful. If vou want to live to a green old age, take care to keep 'your blood pure, lmpoverished . blood is account: able for nearly all bodily ills. Take Waded Tron Tonic Pills, and you wiil find your health benefited, your blood purified and nerves strengthened. 50 pils for 25c., at Wade's. « Bibby's."' Oak Hall. '¢ Bibby's." Our whole overcoat stock says "Come in." Westminster overcoats, &%, S10, R12.50, $13.50, 814, $15. The H. D. Bibby Co. ---------------- A Good Sign. The articles advertised regularly in good publications have merit. It is safe to buy it. Ask for it and see that you get it Substitution is fraud. . « Bibby's."" Oak Hall. ** Bibby's." We do not urge you to buy--our clothing does that. Overcoats 8 to £15. The H. D. Bibby Co. William FE. Norris, the Devonshire novelist, started on Wednesday, from Pari<, on the first stage of his journey around the world, which includes a vear hence passage from Vancouver to (hi 'ago; thence by Toronto and Wash ton to New York, Hon. Arthurs Elliott, that, as he is aware, there is no foundation for the report in ciru lation that hi< brother Lord Minto is about to resign the governor-ceneral hip of Canada ' Ladies' ge in M.P., states so far wat ote, only Guaranteed hain, comj C. L. Bass, Princess street. "JC, would say Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt. HLOR Jim Dumps his luncheon oft eat : At "Hashem House' in "'Hus- tle Street." ' There men gulped heavymeals each day While Jim ate ' Force --but now they The wisest¥ren all follow him-- Save health, time, cash, like * Sunny Jim." "FoOrRcCw" The Ready-t-scrve Guiisd Best for Stomach Rest. * *Foree' fe certainly the best of everything for stomach rest, : * GEORGE Francis Trax, "53 years young, Mills Hote No. 1, DR. J. COLLIS BROWN'S as ready a: (he appetite. "New York City," ODYNL THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. CHLORODYNE CHLORODYAE CHLORODYAE CHLORODYAE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable reuedy ever discovered. is the best remely known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. acts like a charm in Diarrhoea and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysen- tery. effectually cuts short all attacks of Ep- ilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms, is the only palliative In Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tooth- ache, Meningitis, etc. From W Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D., formerly Lecturer at St. George's hos- pital, London--"I have no hestitation in statin that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic and a sedative. I have used it in consumption, Asthma, Diaarhoea, and fectly satisfied with the result." "Earl Russell communicated to the ceived a despatch from Her Majesty's Council Cholera has been raging fearfully, andthat the only service wag CHLORODYNE.-- See Lancet, December lst, other diseases; and I am per- College of Physicians that he re at Manila to the effect that REMEDY of any 1864. CAUTION--BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DR. J. COL- LIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE ; that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was delibertaely untrue, which he re- gretted to say had been sworn to.--See Times, July 13th, 1864. : Sold in bottle of 1s. 14d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lls. each. Nine is genuine without the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming | Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE MANUFACTGRER--J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, London, Eng. SOLDER and BABBIT ALL GRADES. THE CANADA - METAL CO.. WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT DR. MAGGS RESIGNS. Principal of Wesleyan Theological Coliége Will Go Back. Montreal, Bec. 11.--Rev. J. T. L. Magy D.D., principal of Wesleyan Theological College here, has re- ieneld, effeptive May, 1903, and will return to England," whence he came three vears ago. Family sickness is the cause of his resignation. Dr. 'Magis is sii! a member of the English Wesleyan conference anl will return to work under its auspices, hut the actual of his future labors has not yet Leen settlad. Rev. Dr. Mares has been principal of the Wesievan College. "for nearly three vears, having beep -heré since the beginning of the sessdon of 1900- 1. He came to Montreal from the pas- roral charge of one: of the largest Weslevan churches in Sheftield, Eng., where he had gained a high' reputa- tion as a preacher. He has y Justified tions of all in the college by his scholarshi Whil: the representative men of Canadian Methodism have al ways had the apprehension that he would return to England before long, his resignation at the present moment scene has caused much _rexret for the loss the church sustains thereby. Rev. Dr. Mages was granted the degree of D.D.. by Vitoria University last spring, and was already a oraduate in arte honors of London gnl in divi- nity of Edinburgh universities. Not A Quarter. But 10 cents, ana 40 doces in a vial of Dr. Agnew's Little Pills. No pain, pleasure in every dose little, but aw- fully good. Cure Sick Headache, Con- stipation, Biliousness, Nausea, Sal lowness. Sold by Henry Wade and H. B. Tayior.--117 : ------ H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's, New York. Orders eived_at McAulev's Lookstore, Xmas fancy vests at Jenkins'. Many people were frozen to death in Germany. from re- em the expecta-- Almost Racked . to Pieces. MISS SADIE E. RUSK, | OF RUSKVILLE, ONT., HAS A TRYING EXPERIENCE, Ruskville, Ont., March 1st, 1002.--I¢ affords me much pleasure to testify to the excellency of DR. WOOD'S NOR- WAY PINE SYRUP. About a year ago I was attacked by a hacking cough. It was so distressing that I was almost racked to pieces by its violence. I saw DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP highly recommended for coughs like mine, so I purchased a bottle, and it completely cured me. I find it equally beneficial for colds in the head, ey an, obstruction of the nasal passages, It is an excellent preparation, and too much cannot be said in-its favor.--Sadie E. Rusk. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP contains all the essential lung healing principles of the pine tree, and is a won- derful cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Pain or Tightness of the Chest, and all Throat and Lung Troubles Price 25¢. Bottle, at all Dealers. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY {BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, Auctioneers, UNDERTAKERS. Smee I. ¥. HARRISON CO.. UNDERTAK- ers, 233-285 Princess street. Quality and etliciency the best' Prices the lowest. 'Phones -- Warerooms, 90. Night calla--T. F. Harrison, 91. FUNERAL DIREC- Street, Kingston Drennan. 8. 8. CORPETT. tor, 281 Princess Successor to W. M. Waltham " Constant as the ¥ + # The Perfected American Waich,"" an illustrated book of interesting information about watches, will be sent frcz pon request, Bargains in Taylor's 25c. window on Saturday. American. Waltham Watch Company, vg. ae k ailnam, Mass, Watches. Northern Star." s,s 3 |

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