THE DAILY by RIE Fr 3 WHIG, THURSDAY, THT | DECEMBER 11. _ Hundreds Accumulate Thousan @ 100% ADVANCE JAN. 1st. $200.00 Becomes $500.00 Becomes $1,000.00 in 24 Day $1000.00 Becomes $2000.00 in 24 Days---Pro Which would you rather have, one $100 bill or two $100 bills ? If you have of two things: FIRST--You can put it in a bank or other ordinary investment and on Jan. 1, 1903, it will be worth exactly the same, or SECOND--You can invest it in Eastern Consolidated Oil Co. Stock at soc. a share and see your motey double in TWENTY-FOUR DAYS! A New Year's Message. Every dollar of indebtedness discharged. That is the message that will give a feeling of satisfactlon and gratification to every stockholder at the opening of the year 1903. This means prosperity and big dividends in the future. lt means that the stock you can now buy at 50c a share, and which advances to $1 in 24 days, will be worth several dollars a share in a few years! 07 Per Cent on the Investment Another dividend has been declared! This week thousands of dollars will go out in checks for dividends to stockholders all over the country. With the dividends paid this week this stock has actually paid 27 per cent on the investment in thirteen months! An investment of only $500 made thirteen months ago HAS PAID $135 IN DIVIDENDS | A Clean Balance Sheet. This company has actual assets near the million dollar mark! : ~~All its properties in Santa Barbara and in Kern River, California, are paid for. Only a small indebtedness remains on its Ohio pro- perties which will undoubtedly be paid by Jan. 1. It has a modern equip- ment of engines, derricks, pumping and drilling ma- chifgfy. ~~ It has already'expended upwards of $150,000 on de- velopment work. It has paid dividends for $50 or $1000 to invest you can do one PRICE OF STOCK ADVANG: The 50c. allotment is nearly |- exhausted. The price may be 13 months: advanced without warning. It EASTERN CONSOLIDATED certainly will advance on or be- STOCK WILL HAVE ADVANCED 400 PER CENT. IN TWELVE MONTHS. EVEN THEN ITS ADVANCE HAS ONLY JUST COM- MENCED. fore New Year's to $1 A SHARE By JAN. I. $400.0 O in 24 Days---Profits Are s--Profits Are $20.83 a Day fits Are $41.66 a Day THE MANAGEMENT OF THE | crane wacmerr secs mews. HOW ERNEST S40V. PRES. HOGE CHARLES J NOVEL WARES. EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL GO. The success of this company is due to its energetic but conservative manage- ment. The names of its officers and directors inspire confidence because they are men who have succeeded in the management of large private interests. Treasurer Bennett. George W. Dennett, of Bridoeport, is the trea<urer and secretary of the company. He is well known as: a busi- ness man throughout Connecticut. He secrdtary to Hone Morgan Mr. is a shrewd and caveful financier. was formerly private D. N. Morgan, when Mr. United States treasurer. was Bennett He makes frequent trips to the oil fields, and knows every acre and every oil well on the company's properties both in Ohio and California. | Hon. Ernest Cady, Ex-Lieutenant-Gon |i Hartford, dent of President. ernor Ernest Cady Connecticut, is the presi- the company. lew men in Connecticut are better known than he. Pesides being elected lieutenant-gover: nor of the state, he has also been his party's candidate for governor, and also for mayor of Hartford. Governor (adv has visited the company's differ ent oil holdings, and is familiar with detail. time and splendid business energy to every He devotes his whole | this company. Vice-President Noyes. Charles J. as he ;s better known in Bos- Hon, or Judge Noyes, Noves, ton, is the vice-president of the East- orn Consolidated Company. Judge Noves has been state senator, eight Massachusetts five times returned to the House of Representatives and times speaker of the House. He is at the present time judge of one of the important courts of Massachusetts. He takes an active part, in the company's management. HAS MADE THIS COMPANY WHAT IT IS TO-DAY, The Safest and Best-Paying Investment on the Market. The World Is Burning Oil! In thousands o f homes, hotels and factories oil is being WHERE COAL WAS USED ONE YEAR AGO ! Oil has-replaced-eoal--on tives, scores of ocean going steamships and 5 k been tried successfully in the 0il is cheaper, cleaner, less bulky and better in every way than coal. With 75,000 to 100,000 barre from its Kern River Wells the Eastern Consolida- ted Oil Co. will be cne of THINGS THEATRICAL. General Notes About Plays and Players. The - Montreal Theatre Royal has "The Scout's Revenge" this week +The Queen of the Highwav" is at the Toronto Opera House this week The Kingston Grand will have ma tine and evening performances on Christmas day. : Richard Mans&ieldeis plaving "Julius Caesar," at the Herald Sauare I'he tre, New York, "When Johnny Home' begins a ment on the 16th. "A Chinese Honevmoon' is Comes Marchi New York engan geting well on to its 250th performance at the New: York Casino, and its papu larity i. unliminished. "The Darling of the Gods," the Jan anese plav in which Blanche Bates i starring, at >the New York Relasco Theatre, i~"one of the very notable phe of the year. tobertson's" English co- medy Castle," will shortly vo on a tour, the latter part of December. The company will plav New York state in to Canada, thence westward as far as 1 : | Arch loacon; Frank Watkis, and oth- the: friends of N. CC. Goodwin | Maxime Elliott have been oiving a hearty welcome at the Knickerbe Fheatre, New York, where they and them ker are acting "The Altar of Friendship," af- 1 ter an absence of two vears. They are éxeveding the success which they achivved in "When We Were Twenty One." 'wo weeks aco, in Philadelphia, Henrietta Grosman, in "The Sword of King," played to $4,075. This is verhaps record-breaking receipts for a the orformay at two dollar prie vs, oid to make dt possiole even in th creat Academy of Music in the Qualer City, the orchestra was placed behind the scenes and their space oc- cupid by extra chairs. | | A Lasting Benefit. Don't suffer with rheumatism. Get cared, us aid Johnston Larmon, Oso Station. Ont. He had rheumatism in one «f his hips for years, used all kinds of medicine without getting any relici. Tv. o bottles of Hall's Rheuma- ¢ 1ir cure cured him completelv. He : t had a pain or ache for three San Franasco. {: This great blood purifier is Madame Albani, the p in in bottles containing ten davs' donna. will be 1 nt, OU cents at Wade's. in the New Year, bri land her own concert will include Adela' Verne, a pianiste, who has made a sensation bw her per formances recently in London: Madame Beatrice Landley, the violinist who ac- companied the prima denna concert tour of Cg the ago; English baritone, : which | upon a ada some six vears Albert . This is a genuine sale. Great Clearing Sale i During the month of December. Pre- | vo-t. of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, is having a great sale commencing on December 4th, in ready made clothing. order work and gents' furnishings. See hand bills for prices. ing propositions on the Pacific coast. my burced hundreds --of the biggest loot Already the Many of our o small blocks of ," public buildings for fuel mas gifts. $100 or $1000 locomo- 250,000 share; even | subscription is navy. . : doubled once and am rejoiced to hear 1s of oil monthly | x double aeain Before Jan. 1st. Jt would © have 1 vears to have received the above amount frond money earn- by New Year's ! a tockho $1,000 in astern Consolidated 0il Stock 13 Heavy Orders For Christmas | C hristmas rush has commenced. 1d stockholders are Eastern Consolidated purchasing for Christ- What better present. could one make ? presented Christmas day doubles 1 s subscribed the past six days---over- i nevitable. A JUBILANT STOCKHOLDER. L ONLY ONE OF MANY! : lder writes as follows : ceived $270 in dividends ! any bank usd my principal would have pledsed. and have recopnmended this stock to 2 ES 7,0 J 4 h \ nhs oth WARE QR N Q¥ | IS ae N AL 5 | \ \ \ nN LE \ 0 9 3 3 \ EA a 1 | } oh " ! / fl) f, } HS 1 In i ( { ( Ay \ "Strange about ! "Why, how's that ¥"' i "You cau bear 'em tea minutes them automobiles, isn' Periods Of Recognition. 7 Meddergrass tit a-ks Mi beiore they get to you, and smell 'em ten minutes after they pass." , of $6,000,000. $833 a Day "If you put $50 or $5000 into Eastern Consolidated 0il Co. Stock at once on this 50c allotment, you will have the certainty of the stock's going to par, $1 a share, in 84 ays. That means that every dollar you put in will double in 24 days. 21,000 Acres of Oil Lands. ZL 1.200 acres in Ohio, comprising 18 farms and containing 107 producing oil wells. 10acres in the heart of the Kern River district, Cal.. owned in fee simple, three wells now produc- ing at the rate of 25,000 barrels a month, five more wells drilling. Every rod of this is pro- ven oil land. This little plot of ten acres alone can produce aver 100,000 of oil monthly. Over 19,000 acres in SantaBarbara upon which de- velopment work is begun, Superintendent Howe wires that he is certain [ito] strike oil there soon. 109 Producing Oil Wells. One year ago the Eastern Consolidated 0il Co. had 18 producing oil wells. To-day it has 110 wells and an enormous production of oil, which is sold regularly with a monthly cash settlement. 107 wells are located on 18 farms in Ohio. Three big producers. are on the Kern River tract in California; TWO MORE WELLS WILL "COME JIN" ALMOST ANY DAY IN KERN RIVER. Enormous Qil Production. The three new wells in Kern River are producing at the rate of over 25,000 barrels of oil « month. The pro- . mise of the management for an INCREASE of 50,000 bar- rels of oil a month will be more than fulfilled. George F. Wright of the Midland Pacific . Company says Kern River can pro- duce more oil than any sec- tion in the United States. Two pipe lines, one by the Standard Oil Company, and one by the Associated Oil Companies, are being constructed from KernRiver to San Francisco, at a cost FISCAL AGENTS, This stock is-- for --sale- by popular subscription only through its accre- dited fiscal agents, to whom checks should be made payable. C. B. HEYDON & GO., Rooms 401 and 402 Manning Chambers Bldg., 72 QUEEN STREET, WEST, Cor., Queen and Terauley Sts, Those who invest THIS wonrt Hoke. Sai ds WEEK will share in Decem- = W TORONTO, ONT. ber dividends. : --D IN OUR OWN CIRQUIT, sr-- [ CALEB MALLORY INJURED. | | Former President of the Patrons of Industry, Coboura, Ont., Dec. 11--=At the Kinesi on creamesy, one mile east of here, yesterday, rs, Caleb Mallory was instantly killed, and Mr. Mallory verv seriously. injured. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory were deiving to town, and when the horse saw the west bound train it is supposed it became. un manageable. At the present time it cannot be; learned" how badly Mr. mal lory has been injured. Mr. Mallory was the president of the Patrons of Indus try. n-------- The Child Precocious. Here is another contribution to the savings of children, by a corgespon dent of the London Spectator: A little orandson of mine, living - in Cape l'own, when about three years old; was taken to church, and 'the bishop now the archbishop--was preaching. Growing tired, he said out aloud : "Mother, | wishgs gbishop would Cgo back to heaven; | wants to go home.' Meeting his lordship some time after wards, | told him this adding that 1 thought the child had paid him a very delicate compliment. The same boy. had a little garden of his own, which was much ravaged by neighbor ing large and fierce, of which Phil' stood in great fear. So one night he added this petition to his usual prayers : 'Please God, send an angel to take care of my garden, and it had better be one that's not "afraid of Tom cats." story, cats, -------- Xmas giits at Jeokins'}. Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Albert College, Belléville, has closed until January 6th, owing to a "skin diseage, vekembling ringworm, having broken out. On Friday last Miss Lottie Curry, of Kemptville, was married to Francis Byron Newman, a prosperous young farnier of Spencerville. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, at the home of John Simpson, Belleville, when his daughter, Miss Frankie Pearl, was united in marriage to George Gilbert Vandewas ter, (orbyville. Miss Ina Bailey, Foxboro, is dan- gerously ill of blood" poisoning, caused by her boot rubbing her heel and dye from black stockings getting into the sore. Very little hopes are enter- tained for her recovery. Mrs. Andrew Keyes died in Roches- ter, N.Y. She formerly lived in Belle- ville. One daughter, Mrs. William Gib- gon, resides in Belleville, two daugh- ters and a son in Rochester, and 'a daughter at Warkworth. The home of Dr. A. J. File, Amelias- burg, "Valley View Lodge," was the scene of a pleasant function on 2nd December, when his eldest daughter, Mabel Louise, was united in marriage to Henry Franklin DeLong, of the same place. News b Hard or soft corns cured with threa applications of Peck's Corn Salve, 15c. at Wade's. Sachet powders. All the new odors. McLeod's drug store. Xmas ties at Jenking'y