Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1902, p. 8

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ASK TO SEE THE Universal Meat Chopper. | The only cutter that chops everything. Meat, Suit, Bread, Savory, Nuts, ~for making mince-meat, causage, cake, etc. Only '$1.50. W. A. Mitchell. Guaranteed or money refunded, Follow the Leaders. "Wall Street's Battle of diants' [HE 3 PH. EDITION. SECOND EDITION EXEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. The estimated profits of the Le Roi mine for November are placed at $75,- vo A French statistician estimates the number of cows in the civilized world as 630,880,000 and the amount oi butter tuey yieid at 2,640,000 tons a year. "he North American Coal and Develop- ment company has purchased, it is said, eigut and a huli square miles of coal lunds at Kiver Inhabitants, Cape Bre- on. The Empress of tolia, B C., from the Urient day with the largest silk DS AB across the Pacilc, valuéd at over $2,000,000 The Grand Trunk railway system has issued the Jollowing statement of ings Week ending Deceguber Tih, S611,233; corresponding week, $546,986; increase, $64,247. American capitalists have made the proposal to acquire 5,000 shares of the unissued authorized stock of the Royal Bunk of Canada and are willing to pay the rate of 250. The directors recom- mend the shareholders to renounce their India arrived at Vie- on Wednes- cargo ever 3,100 bales, The winning forces predominate in the first rights to the stock and allow of market and now controlling prices; what the proposal being accepted aiter which, they will probably do, quoting Na-|g500.000 will be issued to the share voleon's famous utterance, "Providence |pgiders, making the total capitalization 1s always on the side of those having | of the concern, $3,000,000, while under the heaviest artillery." A letter, theore- |p. present proposal the present reserve vically outlining their most likely plans, | jund will bg brought up to $2,480,000. with a view to formulating an opinion 7h, pames!of the Americans are not Of the current market, such as will en- jf givyiped. eble the Speculator and Investor tos i follow we Je rs. 18S ) bd } i UPON REQLUF S WELL AS Oldest L.0.L. Elects Officers. ( DAILY MARF LE TTE RR" ' Wanoo dee. No. 6, met last ; LF 'GUIDE TO INVESTORS.' Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 6, n ] evening and elected the following of- HAICHT & FREESE G0. [ ficers tor the ensuing year: WAL, Wil liam Moore; DM, James Bromley ; Kingsten, « Ontario, chaplain, Joseph H. Gould, P.C.M; STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTOK. |recording-secretary, David Brown, I. * the character and fname C.M.; treasurer, David Hay; financial ibility of Jou bro er, secretary, James McCammon; lecturer, i 9 seontion 0 Tigy Valter Babcock; director of cere- monies, Fred. J. Pollitt; committee oil, nas Worth, Messrs. Hendrie, | ualled, men, Thoma ; y 3 Seldom -q Tuttle, Mouck, and Woods; trustee, Never Excelled, [Joseph H. Gould, PCL; auditors, ars ) i smdrie. Thi Is The Universal Judgment Mess T i and Hordris hi» _ Passed of lodge is the o est in the eity, aie a jute years ago a'great many military OUR PURE FRUIT CHOCOLATES |... u were connected with it. After the : officers were installed last evening by They have 4 rich creamy flavor | the «istrict master, Ro J. Eliott, the only obtained when the pure fruit | lodge adjourned, and the members is combired with high-class cream. |partook of refreshments. Only 80c¢. per Ib. To Show Pictures. ther grades 20c., 30c., and 40c. . : vis ) On Saturday afternoon and evening per pound. the Pan-American Electrical Carnival Don't forget the address : will be at the Grand. The pictures are n D all new and good and admirably well THE WEMP PRICE co chosen and arranced, so that the pro- s gramme is calculated to please every- one. The manipulation of the machine TENDERS FOR TOLLS which is a particularly fine one, left . . nothing to be desired. The pictures Cataraqui Bridge Co. were sharp and clear and larger and more steady than those usually SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED | hown. to the unders cd, will be received at - 79 Clarence street, Kingston, unul 3 TE ol Tor a ILO oF te ent At Mullins' This Week. Cataraqui Bridge for one year, from the Good cooking butter, 15c¢. per lb. frit uy, of Sunuary next: iho lowest | 1 upeepnler of cream baking powd l'hose tendering to name sureties 20¢. Five Ils. cleaned currants, THUS 8 i i or Three Ibs. new select raisins, 25¢. Or- Dec. 8th. 1002 Secretury-Treasurer ange and lemon peel, 15¢c. per Ib. Mo- " lasses, 10c. per quart. One pound of pure coffee, Java and Mocha blend, 25¢. Corner Johnston and Division streets. Where Is The Box ? The Frontenac prohibition returns Books for Boys, : were fo be announced to-day by Re Books for Girls, turning Oflicer Dawson, but this could Toy Books, not be done a he bes trom No. 2 "hoi sub-division of Bedfor ad not ar- Christmas Cards, rived. Deputy Sheriff Asselstine left Calendars, fat noon for Tichborne to find out Bibles and Prayer Books, 3 pat has become of the overdue box. Ete., ete, . Eleetrig scarf pins, the latest novel FE N E S B I T tv. at Breck & Halliday's, Princess ° ® sueet. The Corner Bookstore. Xmas dressing gowns at Jenkins'. Now'Is The AND Day Now Is The Hour. Having purchased from the largest whole- sale houses in Canada for cash over $2,000 worth English Worsted and Scotch Tweed Suitings, heavy weight, and a large number of Trousering Patterns, surpassed in any tailor which cannot -be ing house in Canada, we are now at liberty to offer to our cus- tomers and the public dinary low prices. English Worsted Suitings, heavy 'weight, worth $28, for Large number of Trousering Patterns, usual price $7 and $8, for English Worsted Trouserings, : worth $5, for $3.75 AND call. the following extra- $19 $5 . . This sale will last until further notice. The best chance ever of- fered in the clothing Tine in| the Dominion of Canada. LIVINGSTON BROS. 5-77-79 BRO CK STREET. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ii. ere HARDER TIMES THAN HAVE BEEN EXPE- RIENCED FOR YEARS Thousands Out of Work--Proposal of a General Strike in Ship- ping Trade--Theatres Enjoying a Boom. Lonion, Dec. 11.---Tt that 500,000 persons in the United Kingdom, and the hoard of trade returns show the largest ver- centage for ten vears past-of unskilled persons out of work, while the propor- tion of skilled men without employ ment is constantly growine, The Wool i3 estimated are out of work wich arsenal authorities have dis charged two thousand mechanics since the winter set in, and are pre- AT THE POIYCE COURT, A Case Given a Private Hearing To-Day. A private hearing was given by Magistrate Farrell this morning in the case of a dealer charged with sell- ing ammunition to a boy. He was i found guilty, but let go on suspended | sentence. A young lad by the name of Ryan was charged with sclling a re- volver to another boy. He was found guilty, and the magistrate ordered him to be flogged. Perhaps the provisions of the Crim- inal Code regarding firearms and am: munition are not generally known. It would 'be advisable for nrerchants, es- pecially, to take note of the follow ing : Every one guilty of an offence is liable on summary conviction, | who sells or gives any pistol or air gun or any ammunition therefor to a minor under the age of sixteen years; paring to let out four thousand more. (2) who sells any pistol or air-gun @ "» MRS CRAIGIE, ("JOHN OLIVER HOBBES") Mrs. Craigie is an American by phant-- little study * of contemporary birth, but most of her life has been | manners, entitled "Some Emotions spent in England. She began her lit and a Moral." Mrs. Craigke is among crary carcer while still in the early | Lord and Lady Curzou's guests at the twenties, and most critics can remem- | fortheaming Durlyar to be held in ber the sensation caused by her bril- | Delhi, India. of people out of work must be added 53,000 members of the armv reserve, who have been re- leased from service with the colors, The woest distress, naturally, is visible in the east end. A number of the newspapers have started subscrip- tion columns, and daily print harrow- ing stories of hali-clad school children. many of whom are without food ex- cept scanty luncheons furnished bv sympathetic teachers. A number of the ; London suburban councils are starting To the army public.works in order to employ = a small proportion of the idle persons. The Canning Town suburb, where the distress is keenest, has $50,000 for relief works. I'he London county council will meet to consider the progiosition for call- a conference of municipal bodies throughout the country to discuss what can be done towards establishing appropriated moe a permanent system for relieving the unemployed. . Coincident with the general dis tress--and-iHenesstheship--butlders' federation is quietly preparing for a test of strength with the labor unions that may precipitate a veneral strike equal to the great engineers' strike of a few years ago The ship bal fers, who have sufivred for vears from the restriction of the output countenaneed | bythe unions; have decided that itis | to introduce radical reforms in the way of labor saving machin erv. This means a reduction in the price of piece work, on which almost all the vards are running. The builders sav that if the men ac cept the introduction of machine made tools, most which are of American | origin, and agree to run the vards at by necessary ol their Tull capacity, it will enable them | not only to make more wages, but will largely increase the output of the vards. Even the most optimistic build ers have small hope that the reform will be accomplished without a stil ficht. Thev believe, however, that the tite is ripe for the experiment, since the new machines in many be run by unskilled laborers. It is long since the London theatres and restaurants have experienced profitable season as the present. The is ablaze with light mrhtly, amusement places av theatre supper parties | hotels and long after ca can | SO a west end all the and fashionable busy until crowded keep the taurants 1 i2ht. mid Died At Watertown, N.Y. Watertown, N.Y., Dec. 11.--Samuel North, aged and respected citizen of Wa died Tuesday ht his eighty-third year. He a na- | tive of England and had been in this since IS. and had lived in al that time, excepting eight an wertown, nig mn was country this city OTHER. BAR GAINS Which will be made]; known to you when you, | | | | He i 1.od nada and one of n Fran up to his was the city vears when he was in ( vear when the Pac CIs For he Iron thirty retirement a few years ao superintendent of the plant Bagley & Sewall company in the Wate He ie survived superingendent at Sa and Was works years a member of & was AM small vote { good tempered man. heen without keeping: a record of the sale, the date' and the name of the pur: chaser and the maker. OVER FIFTY YEARS. Galusha A. Grow to Retire at End Of Session. Washington, Dec. 11.--The feature of the house proceedings yesterdav, was a thoughtful speech by the venerable Galusha A. Grow, Pennsvlvania, on the relations between labor and capi tal. : At retives ter over in the the end "of at the a career h the present season he re of seventy-nine, af- in public life extending century. His first speech was on "Man's kivht to the Soil." He was the author the free homestead act. His speech vesterday was as his valedictory to public lile and was listened with attention bv his colleaoues. His conclusion was that of co-operation he tween Tabor an'l capital was the only impending problem. ao use of réecarded cle we to some sort P.E.I. ELECTIONS. Two Conservatives Elected to Local Legislature. Charlottetown, PE 1. :{Pec. H=The {local byv-elections in the third dis trict 'of Kings and the second district of Queens were held vesterday in a blinding snow storm and intense cold. The roads were blocked and only was polled. W. A. Morson, conservative, of this city, defeated Me- Laven, liberal, by twenty-three votes in Kings. James McLean and John Wheatley, liberals, were defeated by Dopald Hurrie, in Queens, by twenty- tour votes, a HARTOPP CASE. Duke of Devonshire a.Witness for Plaintiff. London, Dee. 11.--The Duke lof Dev anshire went into the witnes§ box on behalf of Sir Charles Hartopp, in the hearing of the latter's suit for divorce against wife. He described Charles as a The Havtopps had at Chatsworth and never saw any act of his Sir his guests elsewhere and he | unkindness on the part of the plain- | tiff toward Lady Hartopp. More Oil Found. Chatham, Gmt.. De. H.-L] his s sn found in oq well operated hy Be inzer, of Clev wl. ia Ral ich, one half nil sou th of the Gurd gusher Drilling is bei pushed .night and day and a greater flow of oil is ex pected momentarii Lhe appearance of oil in a v well of the Standard Gil company is also reported. Brelwer Fie ld, manager of the company, is cn the spot. . Got The News. Toronto, Dee. 11.--The Flavell Wil lion svndicg i ompleted the tions r imchase of the Christmas Neckwear. es on pret- now rested vour® ey Co. oun never we show Bibby Xiuas collars at Jenkins', TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. | Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--UlLittle of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. J. B. Ellis, Pembroke, eighty-three. He was father of J. D. Ellis, B.A., Carleton Place. At St. John, N.B., it is rumored that a large steamer is ashore at Grand Manin. It may be the overdue Corinthian. An internatio nal lacrosse game be tween the Harvard team and the Ox- ford and-Cambridge team will be play- ed at Cambridge next June. Present indications are that Italy will not officially participate in the St. Louis exposition, owing t,, lack of the necessary appropriation. It is understood that the differences of price between the German tenders and the Clergue tenders for steel rails for the Temiskaming railway is ¥3.25 a ton. Tuesday, January 6th, has been sel- ected as the date of the Laurier club's banquet -in Toronto, at which Hon. Rayniond Prefontaine will be the chief guest. George is dead, aged Rev. Tomlinson, senior at the Chatham, Ont., water works, died very suddenly on Wednesday night of heart failure. Mr. Tomlinson leaves four children. At the National Reciprocity conven tion, Detroit, John Charlton, M.D, made an earnest plea for closer trade relations between the United States and the Dominion of Canada. Robert Harding, ' Milward, London, formerly solicitor of the Duke of Marl- borough, and, at one time, a leading lawyer of the Midland counties was, engineer to-day, sentenced to six vears penal servitude for misappropriating $14,- 000 from a "firm which became bank- rapt in June. The Ottawa civic finance committee has issued a statement, claiming 313, 000 surplus for the year. the city used $35,000 borrowed money By reason of the discovery of valu able iron and gold deposits in the Lake Temagami district it has become necessary for the government to make special regulations for mining work on lands set aside for forest reserves. DON'T DESIRE TO GO. Critics sg German Machinists and the Man From Buffalo. So far' the stranger from Buffalo, N. Y., has not succeeded in enticing any of ' the German machinists from the Locomotive Works to go across the line. Mr. Bermingham was quite satis- fied that he should address the men, but the latter did not seem to desire it. Of course there is a certain legal limit as to the manner of enticement, only what is called 'moral suasion' being allowed. If parties go bevond that, legal proceedings can be taken asainst them, as was done in a recent police court action. The 'Buffalo stranger was joined ves- terdav afternoon by another man from across the border. The Germans do not seem to want anything to do with them! one reason being that they fail- ed to register at the hotel under their names or place of abode. The move- ments of the Buffalo men are being carefully watched, Yesterday afternoon, "Mr. Berming- ham addressed 'the Germans, throuch an interpreter, telling them to consid- carefully anv propositions made to them from outside parties, and as to whether they would be sure of work if they did go to the United States. From several of the Germans, who speak English, it is learned that their comrades do not desire to leave King- or ston, being quite satisfied with the place 'and treatment they are receiv- ino. One of them said he had advised his friends to hold no communication with the men who came here to entice them away, and from the manner in which the. strangers were received, it is clear that their offers do not hold much weight with the Germans. In the parlor of a down town hotel last night, the Buffalo man addressed a large number of the Germans in their native tongue. A Queen's profes: sor, and a German count, at present visiting Kineston, took part in the discussion which waxed hot, the Ger- mans seeming to be annoyed at an attempt to interefere with them in their work here. This morning the two strangers left the citv, leaving the the men of the '"faderland" to think over their ofier at leisure. SUBJECTS RELEASED. Venezuelan Troops Have Reached La Guayra. La Guayra,- Venezuela, Dec. 11.-- Ferrar, the minister -of war has" ar- rived here with 2,000 troops. Fight hundred men under President Castro's brother are expected here at ten o'clock. Only the British cruiser Indefatica- She is at anchor. in All the .oth- ble is now here. the middle of the harbor. er warships have leit La Guavra. Min- ister Haggard, and Herr Von Pilgrim Baltazzi, it was learned to-dav, left here last night. All the British and German subjects arrested were releas- ed yesterday. All Released. Washington, D.C., Dec. 11.--~ United States Minster Bovin, at Caracas, in a cablegram to the state department dated to-dav. confirms the press ports that all the German and British prisoners have been released. ESCAPED WITH LIVES. A Disastrous Fire at Sault Ste. Tr Rs NEWS OF WORLD Brand Coffee (1 .and 2 1b. cans) Its Purity is its Strength Flavor and Fragrance its natural attributes. imitations w= | CHASE & SANBORN, vols fem. MONTREAL AnD BosToN. AAC ASSN ANAS Now For The Rush. For the next two weeks all will be bustle and rush, so if possjble, shop before noon each day. The morn- is the satisfactory shopping time. We Have Just Received a Special Lot of 218 Umbrellas, Suitable for Christmas Gifts. The handles are the very latest desigas. The coverings are first class and all guaranteed and the prices are marked very low in order to sell -the lot before Christmas Eve. Ladies' Umbrellas, $1. 50, $2, $1. 75 $2. 25, $1. 69, $2.50, $3. Gentlemen's Umbrellas, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2 25, $2 50, $3, $3 50, $3 99. Kid Gloves, Genuine French Kid Gloves, made by Perrin Freres, of Grenoble, France. Colors are Black, White, Greys, Browns, Fawns, Tans. Price $1 and $1.25. Ladies" Mocha Gloves, Lined or Unlined. Gentlemen's Kid and Mocha Gloves, Lined and Unlined. $1, $1.25, $1.49. 5 i | Handkerchiefs, : A splendid new lot, suitable for Christmas gifts, Lace, Embroidered and Hem- stitched. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON Dir Ar ASA ASAN AAS ANAS NOW, FOR SKATING! GET YOUR BOOTS AT ie ale "a. Ne THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. HOCKEY BOOTS Men's, $2 and $3. Boys, $1.25 to $2 50. Ladies' Skating Boots, Box Calf or Heavy Kid, $1.30 to $3. F. G. LOCKETT. Ne "ESTABLISHED 1800. 'PHONE MAIN aay 'W. F. DEVER & GO. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. MAIN OFFICES--47 Breadway, York; 00 State Street," Boston, STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Bought and Sold fer Cash er oa: Margin. Particular attention a to « auadian tecurities. Market letters maile 1 daily (1 pain.) on application, ~ Correspondence mvited "LADIES FINE FURS CAT ee CLARK WRIGHT'S. New Marie. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Dee. 11.-- The residence of ex-Indian Agent Wil- liam Van Abbott, with entire con- tents, was burned this morning about four o'clock. Jt was one of the ' t frar il in the tom | } rt of | « ay ! 1 h also ith ma of the d building barely escaped with } ir lives. Mr. Van Abbott was cat ried out wnconscious Neckwear at The H. D. Eibby Co.

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