i 8 of LE TME TIBLE gains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Johuston Street: : GOING EAST. Ri teisssine srw seees a GOING WEST. ba 'ast . International Limited 7, Mail op £- pREERER Monday. . 32°71, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except ul 3. For Pullman ae all other information, § apply tc City Pass. ption, tickets and HANLEY, Agent, Pepor. ¥ Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian 3 Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Montreal, Quebeo, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To roato, Chicago, 'Denver, ltenfrew, Marie, g Seattle, Portland, snd San Francisco. Sault Ste. Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, 5:30 p.m.--Loeal for Sasbot Lake, eon | meoti ag with C.P.R. east j 6:10 am--Mized, for Renfrew and inter mediate points. passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 o. Tricken up Your Blood for winter. Our winters will shock the hardiest of constitutions unless fortified with such a tonic lax- ative as **Abbey's." Do you feel that every wind that blows chills you to the very marrow ? You need * Abbey's" to thick- en up the blood--it is a fruit } salt that eradicates impurities --promotes regular action of the bowels--stimulates citeu- lation--tonesthe nerves--paints everlasting health roses on the cheek--try it. Ask your Druggist for " arrive ian Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; $:10 p.m.: Toronte, a.m.; St. Jobn, N.B., 11:35 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and O. P. Ticket Office, Ontario St. '7. CONWAY, . nee. 7:30 p.m.; Boston, 7-36 F. A. FOLGER, JR., ; Gen, Bu 0 R pt eo ES i [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napames, Deserol points. Train leaves Oity Hall Depot em. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Gos, Clarence street. at nto and all local 4 of I DOMINION BAIL STEANSHIFS. Colonian ... 20 *lrishman .. ... a . . 27 California, 1903, ' we . 8 *Norseman + . 10 *Ottoman eiiis in XT Colonian ... ... . Jan. 24 RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, $ and upwards. For Avonmouth Dick and Brist Fiow Portland. . about 20th De about 3rd Turcoman *Englishman sengers. NEW SERVICE Commonwealth, ..... .... VANCOUVET ...... sores os New England Cambroman, . . . Jan Midship, Saloon, Electric light, cious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence S D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts Montreal Boston to the Mediterranea Jan. 3rd, Jan, Jan 31s LINE LIVERPOOL RERVICE th th rd th th th 50 pC i Jan. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- n 1903 10th 17th t Spa- J. 2. Gildersleeve, t. & Portland. ALLAN LINE CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. From St. John. From Halifa Corinthian, Dec. 1 Pretorian, Dec. us FIRST CABIN--Tunisian and Bavarian, $6 upwards. Parisian, $55 and upwards. torian and Corinthian, $50 and wards. SECOND CABIN--Tunisi $40, Other steamers, $37.60; Londonderry or. London. i i Class--$23 and $26; Belfast, Glasgow, London. I. HANLEY, ° Agent, City Iupot... Cor... ehnston, I'. GILDERSLEEVE, Clarence 3 an _. and | | | Sta... x Dec. 15, 10 p.m. Dec. 22, 10 p.n. 0, res up- Bavarian, Liverpool, Liverpool, Passenger .. BERMUDA. TIE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH comminication and _equable temperature of £5 degrees, beautiful and 100 mils «i good roads, headquarte of tha British armv and navy, in ita atiraciiven ss, 'reached by cable the winter scenery rs is uaorivalled firat- class iron steamers TRINIDAD or I'RETORIA York. The in forty-eizht hours from New every SATURDAY this winter. tropic: islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS Company New ork. SI TO TROPICS PER SS ARY, 1903. For seriptive pamphlets ar Sailing al S MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford beautiful interesting tours, all of the Quebee teamehip CRUISE and reached bv steamships from AL THE . MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- nd of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- dates ERBRIDGE & CO.. Agents, 89 Broadwa id v J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, ZAR MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As didate for Mayor lor 1908, I respectfully so Hoit your votss and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. RR MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 am acen didate for the mayoraity for the year 1908, and reapeotiully ask for, your votas and in fleence co my behalf. J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY (903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN --I fully solicit your votes and influence to we as Mayor for 1908." J. H. BELL: INVESTMENTS --IN REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stock See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. reapeot- eleot S ! HENRY P. SMITH, In the peculiar entity called Shirts They give much distinction excel. in personal ap=- pearance. Look for this name Inside the Collar. For sale at all best dealers. KINGSTON auaivess COLLEGE KINGSTON. TR COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. target end best equipment In Canada Uneqaallod facilities lor securing positions 821 Queen Btreet, Kinguton. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confedaration Life Buildings, Toronto. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY {BY EMPLOYING "ALLEN & SON, Auctioneers, MONEY AND BUSINESS. eeap---- [1IVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addiuon to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city propery insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business wet rates from STRANGE & STRANGLE, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates oi interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGlLL, manager of Frontenac Loan and in- vestment Society. Qilice opposite the Post Office. x TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- Jars in sums from one thousand to ten thousand dollars. For particu- lars apply at GUDWIN'S INSUR- ANCE EMPORIUM, over lixpress Ofilice, Market Sauare. GOON FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR rithout board, 101 Queen street GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, board, with ail modern con- at 191 University Avenue. roun with venicnces, KING STREET fully situated, facing the Harbor, Jent $240 and taxes. Apply +o jurkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. eee eee WEST, BEAUTI- HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, MO. 56 BAY betwéen Dbagot and Rideau also stable and sheds in Apply 45 William street. ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE second floor over Mabhood's Drug Bu corner Princess and Bagot streets. trance an Bagot street. ore, Fa fOWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, MERC ants' Benk Building, Wellin- tun streets. > 'Phome 212 ARTHUR S, ARCHITECT, site © Tew DnB Hall, Qreo, OFFICE vear coruer of and Mou/real Streets ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Souware, MR -- UNDERTAKERS. ---- ee: RRISON CO., UNDERTAK 33-235 Princess street. Quality ciency the best. Prices the 'Phones -- Warcroomns, 90 Night calls- F. Harrison, 91 SS. CORBETT tor. 281 Frincess Street, Kingston FUNERAL bIrec- puccessor to W. M. Drennan, H corner Brook and ! "Phone | THE' DAILY WHiL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. AGRICULTURAL THE BEST BREEDS THE CHEAPEST AFTER ALL Farm Labor Bureau Opened in To- ronto--Feed Well 'and Results Will Come--Best Way to Fat- ten Chickens. Charcoal should be kept in a box in the hog pen. A horse must have exercise to do well. It is its nature. Feeding too much grain is not con- ducive to health or egg production. Feed good clean feed and enough to keep" the fowls in good health and flesh. To make the, raising of stock for market profitable, production must be made cheap. vr D. Urquhart, Hensal, Ont., is ship- ing great quantities of oat meal to (ireat Britain. All young animals to be profitable should be kept growing from birth until matured. Regular feeding ties will secure the best: results growing pire, Bran is 1i'h bone and muscle form- ing elements of feed and helps to keep the bowels open. The 4,000 harrows shioped by Mas- seys to South Africa, passed govern: ment inspection first. All bedding for hogs should be dry. Rheumatism directly results from damp and filthy beds. The value of anv kind of farm stock is largely" determined by its iveding the first vear of its life. ~ Be a liberal but not a wasteful feed- or. 'The value of gooil feed is wonder- fully increased hy close attention. A number of Canadians, after living in Michigan for several vears, are mov- ing back, to settle in New Ontario. The water for cooling milk should be pure and clean, as well as the wa- ter used in cleansing dairv utensils, Great Britain has given to the world its finest breeds of cattle, indeed, practically all of them have come from that favored island. A breeder who not weed out the poor animals cannot keep a herd up to their proper standard no mat- ter what the ancestry may be. Sheep may be kept in an open shed facing south, free from draughts and drv under foot. They will do well ina vard where they are unmolested. Apples keep better if hurried into cold storage as promptly as they are picked inztead of being left in the or chard in piles or in barrels to sweat. Dairvmen who have all their lives heen keeping one particular breed of cows are apt to get into the notion that no other breed can compare with theirs. The best form of farm waggon is one with axles of equal strength, broad and wheels thirty to thirty-six inches hiah in front and fortv to for tv-four inches behind. It is claimed that chickens can be fattened three or four cents per pound cheaper in'a crate than in a large pen and four five cents per pound cheaper than allowing them lo run loose. The Ontario covernment is opening a farm labor bureau at Union Railway Worry Over Little Things. and liberal quanti- with does tires or Feelings of Languor aud Despondency the = First Symptoms of Nervous Exhaustion -- Reconstruct the Wasted Nerve Tissues by Using 'Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. e------ When you become restless and peev- ish, worry over little things,*and are aflicted with dyspepsia, which cannot be attributed to error in diet, you may be sure that the trouble arises from nervous disorders. Other symptoms are sleeplessness, headache, low spirits, and a tendency to put off the duties of the day. Liic seems to lose its brightness, and things go wrong. When in such a con- dition you will find yourseli verv sus- ceptible to change. of air. When the at- mosphere is fresh and clear you have plenty of vitality, but with heavy wea- ther you drag yourseli about feeling more dead than alive. The first necessity is rest from work and worry, and as much fresh air as possible. "Then the system must be built up and the wasted nerve force restored by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. So much mystery and uncertainty has formerly surrounded diseases of the nerves that people often make the dreadful mistake of neglecting them They feel weak, miserable, and nerv- ous. but try to «console themselves that it will wear away. No so. Nerv: ous diseases do not get well of "hom- selves, but gradually weaken the sys tem until there is nothing left to build on. Mrs. James Hurst, 159 Pine street, Kingston, Ont., states: "I frequently had distressing dizzy { feelings in my head in the morning and suffered a great deal with pains in mv back. About two months ago 1 be- can a treatment with Dr. Chase's | Nerve Faod, and it was not long be | fore I noticed a great change in my | condition. I rest and sleep well now | and get up refreshed in the mornings | groger, { The pains in my head and back do not bother me any more. I am firmly convinced that this preparation is i thoroughly and permanently curing | me 'and that mv system is much bene | fitted be its nse" Dr Nerve Food mav not cure week or even mm month, but it ind to benefit vou and will naturally and ctore viror to bodv and nerves. is mo treatment so thorough and fective in curing mervous disorders and none which has been: so generously en- dorsed by physicians' and lavmen alike. The secret of its remarkable power lies in the fact that it is a food | for the nerves, and acts ih ac ordance | with nature's laws, 50 cents a box, at Chase's vou in a is bo certainly JI! dealers. or Irlmanzon, Bates and) R Co.,» Toronto, Station, Toronto, to be worked in connection, with farmers' institutes. The department had applications for S00 men this vear and placed 500. Too much corn fed to young pigs es- pecially. may cause soft pork, but even a large proportion at the finish- inv stage has no such effect. Feeding skim milk with corn will counteract the tendency of corn in' producing soft pork. Heavy hogs are liable to break down in the hind. legs if obliged to run over slippery - or uneven places. Some breeds have very fine bones and are more susceptible to injury in this wav than others. When a hog is injur- ed the best way is to send him to the butcher at once. An English breeder says: "The one sound maxim for the stock breeder is to produce the best, breed the best, and let others go in for the second- rate qualities which command only a secondary position in the market when they come to be sold, though they cost as much to produce. A farmer should never raise anv more chickens than he can feed well. 1i the chickens are seven or eight months old before they are marketed they have developed a spur and a chicken with a spur sells about two cents per pound less than birds with- out the spur. They should be sold when they are five months old. ---------------- QUITE A WINDFALL. Former Toronto Woman is Heir to Big Fortune. Detroit, Dec. 11.--Mrs. Gertrude Washburn, who was born and grew to voung womanhood in Toronto, but who has resided at 4814 Brush street, in this city, since last January, has fallen heir to a fortune that runs into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mrs. Washburn received a letter from a niece of hers (in New York city, stating that her uncle, John Findley, the brother of her father, had, just prior to his death, made a will mak- ing her his sole heir and executrix of all his wordly possessions. "I don't know how much there is in the estate," said' Mrs. Washburn, "but my niece informs me that I can surely count on $75,000 in cash and some very valuable real estate be- sides. Among his belongings is an ex- ceedingly valuable piece of property on Broadway, and there are many oth- er properties in New York almost as valuable. 1 have not the slightest idea at present how much it is worth, though I am told that mv uncle was a very wealthy old man. For all 1 know it mav reach a million dollars, and I will not be surprised to learn that it does reach that enormous sum. 1 alwavs knew that I was his favorite niece, but it is thirty years since I have seen him. I was a little girl then." Mrs. Washburn is of Scotch parent- ace, and has three sons, the oldest of whom is eighteen years old. Fashion Hints For Winter. From the Delineator for January. Velvet, velveteen, and corduroy cos- tumes are among the season's smart- cst modes. . An excellent is a fabric texture, such hair. The sloping or dropping-shoulder ef- fect is seen in many of the newest bo- dices: and the Duchess closing is a distinctive feature of the newest shirt waists. At last a change has come in skirts, which for the street are noticeably shorter; there is a marked tendency to give up the furbelows and ruflles and adopt the severer tailor-made models. The hip yoke is a feature of the ma- jority of the new skirts. I'he hoa is a picturesque stole, and cape collars: of every shape and design are prominent among the fashions. Among the innovations in materials are the metallic tints and effects in heavy, rough, clouds, zibelines, vigog- puns and. 2Caxonation cloth," a heavy winter goods suitable for skating, golf, ete. Long nap plush is being revived this winter, and pompadour silks as a foundation for chitfiom and other sheer textiles are established in hy favor. Among street attire shaggy, hairy zibeline or camel's choice for showing" a as season's nes. home ele net, the smartest accessories of the toilette are a tall s=tock-collar, cufis and belt girdle, preferably of a contrasting material. imbroidery is very prominent in all the fashions. One of the latest novelties employed in trimming for tailor-made gowns is suede undressed kid skin. A unique trimming is the new cloth ribbon embroidered in Oriental colors. The Toll Gates--Off With Them. W. W, Wee. ** Relics ol them ? Don't let antigquarians hear you, Such a rude name might appal them-- Quite unsafe to let them near you, They would smash the shallow pates O01 all who oppose the gates. barbarism," do you call Pwas 'the pioneers who built them, And we must not ridicule them; Yet the tines has come to tilt them, So we'll plan to over-rule them." Such heroic words were Tait's, Having reference to the gates. These old landmarks of the fathers Served a purpose in their season, But what modern progress bothers Should not blind our better reason: Whate'er sentiment creates Banish with the ancient gates. On this issue speaks the county To the busy Limédstone City, « Give iree markets as- your 1{ vou would secure our pity Then. in spite of old-time dates, Off will go the hind' ring gates." hounty, Fiven. tho' To the [it will not come compensation government he given, he an occpsion Of hard bargains being driven Mutual right must rule the rates aid for the obstructive gates int shouid all negotiations Prove but, vain and unavailing Wwe would speak no condemnations Nor express a note of wailing Ii the fiends of evil fates Broke in pieces all the gates. Christmas Neckwear. in neckwear, The H. D. mal ibby Exclusive effects pecially for us oO. All the leading perfumes at Me [eod's, Pivers, Roger and Gallet, Lu bin. Crown Perfumery Co., etc. Me- Leod's drug store. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's, New York. Orders ceived at McAulev's hookstore from re- Little prices. but values at ney & Co' Bargains in Taylor's 23¢. window, STOLE AN EYE. SACRILEGIOUS LADS CAP- TURE SOUVENIRS. Celestials Are Aggrieved And Know Not What Yapsili, the Now One-Eyed Deity, Will Do --The Police Have Done Nothing. Montreal, Dec. 11.--The eye oftheir «tar idol has been stolen, and NM.» treal Chinamen are at present only waiting to see what form the wrath of this patti ular Joss will take. Several young mien--very young men -- are meanwhile dividing their time between nursing bruises and injuries and glit- ing over the tery newest and latest thing in the way of souvenirs. There is only one other party interesud in the case--the police--and they have not yet done anything; although the Chinese settlement is living in hope. The incident took place Saturday nizht, when some half a dozen well: known younz Montrealers wandered down Lagauchetiere street in search cf some rare and Bohemian experience for which this part of the city is so widely and justly famous. They found it. Up two Hights of stairs and across from a row of laundries on a corner where the mysterious acoma of stale opium smoke mingles with the ordin- ary Lagauchetiere street smell, there i: a Chinese restaurant, where slum- wing parties are allowed to cat strange. viands--if their stoma:hs per mit--which are guaranteed to le genuinely oriental. There is no re cord of a party ever having repeated the experience, but this is a detail. Howexer, hack of the restaurant is a temple, and in the temple is the very great Joss, Ypsili, or something lise that, who is currently believed to have supreme and exclusive control of the fate of the local Chinatown. In addition to these powers. Ypsili also has two remarkably fetching eyes of colored porcelain and silver, cun- ningly combined. To be more accur- ate, it should be said that Ypsili had two such eves up to Saturday night. He now has but one. His shrine has been violated, his sacred = red cards torn and scattered, and sacrilege unspeakable has been committed. According to the story gleaned from the broken English of the attendants, a band of very young, fordign devils to the restaurant Saturday night and spent very lavishly and foolishly, a large amount of good (Canadian coin. Tempted by this liberality, an at- tendant offered to show them the Joss-- for a consideration. It seems they saw the Joss, viewed it from every standpoint as a work of art and as a graven image and finally by a: concerted movement ovegppowerad the cuardian of the altar, seized the votive offerings on the shrine as sou- venirs, plucked one eye ont of the ilol's head and disappeared. If your laundry is a little late, this week, it will probably be because John has been foregathering with his fel low celostinls and burning many vards oi good red paper and many rolls of incense in the hope of averting the wrath of Ypsili, now and forever, the One-Eyed. came Battersea Briefs. Battersea, Dec. 10.--The Frontenac Farmers' Institute meeting, held here on the lst inst., was well attended. W. H. Jameson presided. The speak- were : Dr. Reid, V.S of Georgetown, and Mr. Somerville, of Brockville. The lum recital, under the management Mr. Shurtlifi, of Glenburnie, held here on. the 4th inst., was not.as well pa- tronized as it deserved. The garohibi tion contest on the 4th inst., passed offi very quietly. Among those who come from outside points to exercise their franchise. here were : R. C. David son, of California; C. Knapp, vohn Hughes, 8. Anglin; Joseph--Robb: Kingston; Rev. T. Meredith, S. and W. Arthur, Inverary. Andy Slecth is seriously ill. ers Tessa « Bibby's."" Oak Hall. ¢ Bibby's."" There is an air of freshness and ex ahout = our Westminste: SS. 810 81250, The NH. clusiven:=s overcoats, D. Bibby Co. a ------ $1, £5, 26. Dunlop, taglan's Union. » » Jove the Grand Look After Your Feet. Keep Them Warm and Dry. vershoes To Fit All Shapes in Shoes. ee. SHOE McBermoll's STORE. Contains all the virtue of the whole wheat thoroughly cooked, scientifically combined with diatase of barley (the life of the grain). altatDifa = --_ Original Flaked ood. Appetizing, wholesome, malted wheat flakes. ALL GROCERS. MADE IN C. MALTA-VITA PURE FOOD CO., Toronto, Canada. ANADA FROM CANADIAN GROWN WHEAT BY CANADIAN WORKMEN. Burdock ajlele)n) \C SEIS) cannot be Excelled by any preparation on the market to-day as A Cure For AND ALL TROUBLES ARISING FROM THE Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. It has been in general use and every person who but words of praise as to its curative properties. century, Mr. R. J. N. Hoag, Sunderland, Ont., writes:-- After having suffered for nearly two years with indigestion and severe headaches, and getting no relief from the numerous doctors 1 consulted I decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters. After having taken a few doses my head began to ease from the continual aching, and by the time one bottle was taken I was completely cured of both the indigestion and headaches. Dyspepsia, Boils, Pimples, Headaches, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, for over a quarter of a has used it has nothing 1000000000 20220 040! 0000000200000 000 10 S0000002> COAL AND WOOD PRODUCE HEAT. .B.EDDY'S MATCHES CREATE FIRE. The latter is indispensable 900.9000 "GPSS PUIV I VEO TIIONEOICOS Don't ex- periment with. other and infe ior brands Use EDDY'S to the former. be started With so little trouble as with an EDDY PARLOR MATCH FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. J. A. HENDRY. Agent. JOP HPI EI ILS S00 10H E000 0900004 se OLN Laat ash ssa A ---------- Our Brands: No fire can | king Baware 1009. Headlight 500 Hagle 200 and 100. Victoria, Little Comet a -------- Kingston. | } | Rubbers. Rubbers ~ Sold in Kingston by . Abernethy Only. Trunks and Valises. a 2A Vp 5 74 The Ideal 'Beverage Oo JOHN LABATT'S 5) | ondon Porter "Fall of the Virtu2 of Malt and Hops. - : : Perfect! 3 Delicate Palate. y Agreeable to the Most { JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON,