Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1902, p. 5

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"Prompt Service. We have recently increased our staff of help and withott difficulty are able to serve you promptly and rightly, ' too. During Christmas month when your time is taken up with so many little extra purchases we have the ample method to of time. We respond to your call, your wish is handed over; unquestionably low price gets the parcel tied up, and away you go satisfied with vour bar- gain to attend to the rest of vour af- fairs. It will be to your interest to amine our furs before deciding your Christmas gifts. JOS. SILVER, Olothier, Gents', Furr.icher aud Furtier (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenulne Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signacare of fee Fre &ee Pec-Simile Wrapper Below. ex- on Vary small and as exsy to take as sugur. FOR KEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FCR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW: SKIX. "\ CURE SICK HEADACHE. © CLARK'S MINCE MEAT For Pies--Ready to use-- Made from selected meats : --Pure fresh spices. Perfect. Sold by all Grocers. In tins. i - | became necessary for him to engage an Makes pieslike | assistant. A deputation from our the ones mo- | council waited HpoR the city council, ther used to {| Kingston, on Monday night, for the make. . jpurpose of securing their assistance in getting a landing in the event of. a ve | new ferry. Do you know | een te roke Her Leg. Clark's deliciods § | Blonmfield. Dee. 11. -Mrs. Bell Jack Pork and Beans? | son fell on Friday nicht breaking her lee. As she is an old lady fears are entertained for her recoverv. Mrs. Ri chard Chapman fell, injuring her hip severely, Mes: Clayton Burr left this » week for Toronto to visit her paremts till after Christmas holidays. The cheese factory closed November 30th SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the unde rsigned, and endorsed Ter der for Blind River Whart will be r ceived at pis oflice January, 11903 struction of a whart 1 "tool wecording he seen at Fsq., life to the Posu and at the Ottawa Tenders will not he cone on the torn supplic the actual signatures of until FRIDAY, wclusively, tor the cou at Blind River 18- and Fn Buildin O nt of Public Works, idered unle and "signed tenderers made with An aceepted cheque on a chartercd tank, payable to the order of the \M ter of Public Works, for twelvé hun- dred dollars (81.200 00 must pany each tender. The chegue will r rieited if the party de ¢ the con- tract, or fail to complete the work con- tracted for, and will ke returned in cas ol non-acceptance of tet he Dep wiment does aciept the lowest or any tend By order FRED GELINAS Secretar Department of Works, Ottawa, Th 1002 Newspag 2 this advertice ment with « from the Dep ment will not be paid for it a ATTENTION! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NIW and Second Hand gowls, Clothing, Fumiture Stoves, etc. Alwavs on hand, new cloth Gent's + Fumishings, Dry Goods, "Jeweirv Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. | bave a large stock of Second Hand Stoves ond Fumitore that must be sold for want of wpacs. I have evervthing from =m needle to, an anchor to wit the publie. Give me a' wll 271 and 273 l. ZACK Princess St. | Second door below Corbett's. | t T wait on you without loss v| ciation has placed itself on record, in {in the Masonic | Success. | take joining the | lured at I with the vears, | cheese Tactory ~Fetmher-mitk R12 Tere | prisiny harness maker, NOT 11S LINE THE DENIAL OF §| OF SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY Opposed to the Abolition of the Flour Standards Board -- Enough Evidence Already to Annul the Election. Montreal, Dec. 12.--Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, denies the reports relat- ing to the C.P.R. as having acquired the uncompleted Cape Breton railway from the Dominion Securities com- pany of New York. The Montreal Corn Exchange Asso- a lengthy resolution, apgminst the de- cision of the department oi trade and commerce to abolish the flour stand- ards board. It is claimed the action proposed will result in chaos in the trade. A deputation will go to Ot- tawa to lay the matter before Sir | Richard Cartwright. The taking of evidence in the St. James division election case, against the sitting member, Mr. Brunet, has been concluded, the judges having stated that suffic -ient evidence had al- ready been presented to annul the el- ection, Mr. Bisallion will not take | the necessary steps for an effort to procure the disqualification of Mr. Brunet. 7 AT THE GRAND. The Pictures On Satur- day. a= The coronation pictures® to be { shown on Saturday afternoon and ev- ening by the Pan-American Electric Carnival, at the Grand, are described as remarkable productions of that his- torical event. The audience can al- {most imagine itself in London, view- ing the whole grand affair as it actu- | ally .took place. The numerous other | pictures cover a wide range and form | an excellent combination for education and amusement. Edward E. Boyd in- troduces several new beautiful | lv illustrated, songs, | | | ( " The Wizard Of Oz." "The Wizard of Oz," the new specta- | cular production which will be seen at the Grand * Opera House, December 17th, is not a musical comedy of the | kind now popular, nor is it an extra- | vacanza of the old-fashioned type, which used to be variously character ized as burlesque or Christmas pan- | tomine, but it is said to be a ha combination of all these piauant en- tertainments with additional frills for | supposed good measure. | | | Here For Three Nights. | The Holden Bros." attractions hold the boards of the Grand the { three days of next week, producing | "Nobody's Claim," "The Denver Ex- press" and "Sapho." Those are all to the Grand's patror R. G. | Crawford is in town arranging for the cngagoment, will last | new Wolfe Island, Matters. | Wolie Island, Dee. 12.--Rev. Father Spratt has moved into his new resi dence. The school concert, to be held hall, promises to be a A couple of weddings will place shortly after Christmas. | Henry Putty left last week on a visit [to the old country. Mrs. Daniel Baker is cradually growing weaker. Michael | Flood, Kingston, has been appointed | caretaker of the Roman Catholic ceme | tery He will reside in the house ad- cemetery, Miss Edna Me { Rae, who had her eve injured recently an accident, is improving and will lose her sioht. Keys, in the raising of a barn at T. McReady's, is now able to move abut aid of crutches. William Hall has rented T. Key's farm for five The patrons of Silver Spring received for their Nov- OuF @nter- Andrew Ryan, has found business so brisk that. it bv not George now the butter factory is in operation, William Lovelace returned 'last week front -the north#vest. Rev. Robert Me- Hardy, evangelist, who has been con- ducting services in the Methodist hurch for the past two weeks, left hore on Tuesday. Wilirid Burr "has rented his store for five vears and is HOW selling off his stock of goods, McDonald & Coopér loaded a car with harley last week. Webster Talcott has his farm and intends moving to ih illage. John Jones and wife. of ton, visited their daughter, Mrs, i. M. Branscombe, last week, Reus To The Sault. Duncan H. Campbell. chief train des- matcher and pense) car agent of the i n & Per : 'nilwayv, "has re- Las Lo aecept a similar rey) woke wn posiaon WORTHY OF NOTE. man, taking a consumptives husband to the mountains of Arizona, was shown an old abandoned claim by her Indian servant. She took it, with great difficulty secured $500 to work it, and before the year was out sold it for $50,000 and a life interest. A watch made entirely of ivory-- works, hands and case--is the produc- tion of M. Henri Houriet, of Switzer- land. The material was taken from a billiard ball. The watch keeps excellent time. A remarkable specimen of street naming in Toledo, the ancient capital is "Calle del Diablo Pertence al Ay- untamiento,"" or in English 'I'he De- vil-Belongs-to-the - Municipal -Council street." Some of the Venetians--those who have never been to the mainland-- have never seen a horse. A showman once brought one to a fair and called it a monster, and the factory hands paid a quarter to see the marvel. Trained cats are the latest fad of French society women. 'Lhe animal must be educated entirely by its own- er, and several of the best-known wo- men in Parisian society are giving an hour a day to training their pets. The rarest shell in existence is one called the "Cone of the Holy Mary. There is a specimen in the British museum, valued at £3,000. Two monster vegetables--a turnip weighing twenty-three pounds and a cabbage weighing fifteen pounds--have been grown at Foulmere, Cambridge shire, Eng. Swiss cowbells have been introduced into the Himalayas as a protection for cattle against tigers. The tigers run as soon as they hear the beus. In many hotels in Europe the guests are provided with slippers. The soles are of pasteboard and the rest brown paper. New ones are furnished to each guest. 'One of the Peruvian quicksilver mines is 480 feet deep. In .this abyss are streets, squares, and a chapel where religious worship is held. An inventor has patented a process for converting sawdust into a material harder than mahogany, which will take a high and lasting polish. Great Britain buys over 11,000 tons of German toys annually, while the United States ranks next, with an im portation of about 6,000 tons. The longest continuous stairway is that which lads to the tower of the Philadelphia city hali. It comprises SUS steps. Statistics show that the longest lived people have generally been those who made breakfast the principal meal of the day. Ninety, thousand pounds of snails reach Paris daily. They come from Jurgundy and Provence , prigeipally. A dollar loaned lor a hundred years and compounded at twenty-four per will amount in that time to $2,551,789,101. « A pearl fisher, named Broome, value of 375.000. In Italy the manufacture of playing cards is a state monopoly yielding an annual revenue of $1,000,000. A million one dollar bills, solidly like leaves in «+ book, make a pile 275 feet high. The population of Malta, about 200, 000, relies wholly for its milk supply on the goat. The odds holding fo 1. of western Australia, has found a pearl of packed would against a whist player all 'trumps are 158,753,389,800 A Deer-Hunting Story. A Portland, Me., hunter is widely ex- ploited in the despatches for having brought down two deer at one shot, though he aimed at but one. Such an instance of good luck once fell to the fortune of a Deerfield, Lenawee county. settler, and he goes the Maine man one better. In dressing the deer which had been struck bv the ball after it had-pasced--throngh<its-mate~the-=et tler recovered the lead. Lead was lead in those days, and the hunter preserv- ed the ball, reloaded with it, and had the satisfaction to add another deer to the record of his day's slauchter with the same bullet. ee Bg His View Of Marriage. Now that Mr. married it is Dunne is going to be interesting to recall "Mr. Dooley's™ expression on the sub ject of matrimony. "Fh raison | niver got married," said the philoso pher to Mr. Hinnessy, "was 1 niver cud pick a choice. I've th' makin' iv an excellint ol' Turk in me, f'r 1 look on all th sect as illigable fr me hand an' I'm on'y resthrained ir'm rrentin® Lincoln Park i'r a home an' askin' them all to clave on'v to me, be me nachral modesty an' th' laws in th' state in Illinye." Every Hat Came Off. Kansas City Journal At Cherryvale, on Sunday. Rev. M. D. Atkinson delivered an illustrated lectures He asked the ladies to re move their hats so that all might see te pictures, Several ladies did so, but most of them did not. All ladies," said the preacher, after an awkward pause, "who do not crimp their hair and those with false bangs may, keep their hats on." And every hat came ofi with a jerk. Smallpox At Deseronto. Deseronto, Dec. 11.--A case, of small pox was discovered in town to-day. An Indian named™ Andrew Calbertson, who had heen workine in the woods north of Lake Superior, was the victim. By of er of the medical health officer he on with the Al:oma Central and Hud on Bay railwav. He will leave 1 norrow for Sault Ste. Marie, where wll in future resich During his five vars in Kingston, Mr. Campbeli | has nade many friends, especially am | or ming men, who are plad "to | now that his abilities have been ry { oZitized and "that "He Rasbtoem--alled | v an a lvanced field of labor. | ¢ Oak." Boys' Clothing. '* Hail." | Boys h the stvle of our overcoats yothers ike the wear and nakinze fathers He the ie, 83 to INI, the H. DP. Bibby Co . Christmas Umbrellas. A special range of new handles | Ivek mounting: initials put on free, | nrice Jenkins m= Fleetrie walking canes at Breck & Halhdav'e Princes stréet Roll butter. 20¢. Crawford's ! friends at their home was immediately removed to the io lation hospital, out-ide: of the town and all mecautions taken to prevent a spread of the disease A Warm Charge. "The drug store which sells opium and. morphine to drug fiends." said Rev. Cassius M. Carter, of Muncie, Ind.. in his Sunday. sermon, 'is, of wicked and damn these drug to walk on the a saloon keeper ww on earth, and are not worthy walk with the owhers of Christmas Braces in a box, Special patterns, pair and Toe a very nie present, 25¢., Sle, Jenkins. one ---------- and Mrs. Edward Short, entertamed a large Rideau number of Mr treet The Observant Newspaper Men : See Things. About five years ago-a- Maine wo- Christmas | PARAGRAPHS, PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Maple syrup. Crawford's 'Xmas scarfs at Livingston' s. Bargains, Saturday, Taylor. Westminster overcoats. Oak Hall. Christmas presents; big sale now on at Weese's. About the only thing that changes as suddenly as the weather is a poli- tician. Your money talks, so do our prices. Let's introduce them. Roney & Co. Canada's favorite piano, The Heintz- man Co's will be used this evening at Jessie Maclachlan concert, city hall. Mathias Gilbert, fourth concession of Thurlow, died Wednesday at the age of sixty-three. He had been a resident of Thurlow all his life. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of James A. Moir, the well known milk dealer, Smith's Falls, and Miss Grace Palmer, Christies' Lake. The best assortment of holiday pre- s'nts at Livingston's. Next Wednesday Miss Maude Fitzpa- trick, Smith's Falls, will be united in marriage to W. W. Cock, a popular C.P.R. dispatcher located at Mon- treal. 5 Ibs. figs, 25c. Crawford's. The thermometer "loop-the-loop™ act, to eight degrees morning. The applause. Prof. Taylor has resigned as organ- ist at the Presbyterian church, Og- denshurg. and gone to Sche mectady to reside. is a son of Jonathan Taylor, i 25 ordnges, 1f Canaditns hands like the performed another and dived down below zero this coal men gave hearty Crawford's. had a job - on their venezuelans have got they would not need to complain of the cold weather: thev would be en- joving a hot. old, time. Frankiin Roberts, sho essaved the role of Eric Hargreaves in "A" Mod- ern Magdalen," at the opera house, last evening, is a nephew of Lord Roberts, field marshal of the British army. The names of the medical and arts' students, who were responsible for the breakages at Queen's old arts' build- ing last night, have been recorded, and: they may be asked to pay the damages. Shop at the Grand Union Saturday. Big reductions in men's heavy suits and overcoats. Dunlop, the Grand Union. A Wolfe water Islander slipped into the while walking from the island across the ice to the steamer Pierre- pont this morning. He was Pulled out by another islander amid great ex citement. The Whig will be a ten page paper on Saturday. Among the features will be Jroadbrim's letter, New York fashions, Ottawa and Kingston social affairs, and a tasty Christmas letter by Henry Folger. The Board of Education will have another meeting hefore its life ex- pires. At that meeting the salary question will likely be settled he management committee was not ready to report last night. The London Daily Chronicle savs® would net be complete without Tom Smith's crackers." We are of the same opinion as the Daily Chronicle, as is evidenced hy our large stock. Have a look 'at them. James Redden & Co. Trustee Godwin thinks there is foo much ca ssness shown in the matter of truancies from schools. He has no- ticed many the streets, who should be at school and he thinks the parents are not aware of the miscon duct of their sons. bhovs on 4 Christmas--Dressing---Gowns-- Prices to suit all nurses, suit all tastes. $20. Jenkins. ) patterns to English make, $6.75 to Retires From Public Life. Ottawa, Dec, After manv vearsj municipal experience, Warden Robert Cummings, of Carleton countv, is re- tiring and the event was marked bv presenting him with a golded headed cane. He has three times been warden and retires on account of ill health, Christmas Dressing Gowns. Prices to suit all purses suit all tastes, 520. Jenkins, Maple sugar, 12le. Crawford's. re ---- COMMERCIAL. , patterns to English make, $6.75 to MONTREAL STOCKS. Dec. 12th BY Y. SklLlL Canadian Pacific vi 1244 & 30 al te Ry. 272 Foronto Street Ry 11 Petroit United S41 Halitax Street Ry 100 St. John's Electric 113 itich ont. Nav. ui win City 1114 Commercial ( able' 170 Montreal Telegraph 164 Bell Telephone 160 Montreal Power . . STE Dom. Steel & Iron 531 Dowd Steel & Iron, Pid 91 Nova Scotia Steel 000 Nova Scotia Steel, Pid 000 Ogilvie Flour Mills, Pid. 1 130 f.aurentide Pulp -5 00 Montreal Cotton 12 Dominion Cotton 18 Mer Chants Cotton 00 Colored Cotton 00 non Coal 124 real Bank : Bank Onn Merchants Bank 165 000 -- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Dec. 12th OPEN. CLOSE inion Paciuc USE a7 St Paul 1654 1697 Manhattan : 1424 143 B. R. Transit . 61 ou Sugar ..... wie = 3 People's Gas .. U.S. . Prei Louis & Nach: Metropolitan ... .. «eee Pennsylvania RR exas & Pacific a ia wm... Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' y y DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE i BUY DRY CC AT '50c. ON THE DO.LAR? Ladies' $1 Kid Gloves, per pair Ladies' $1 White Kid Gloves 6 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs . 25¢ Combination Suits for : 4oc Vests 75¢ Corsets . $10 Tailormade Costumes $8 Tailormade Coats $4 Tailormade Skirts Children's 25¢ Flannelette Skirts : 12%c¢c 10c | ' 25¢ | . . 55¢ | . 35¢ i15¢c . 10c 12%c¢c 10¢ . dc $240 | . 64%¢ | . 50c . 45¢ 60c . . 25¢c . 25¢ $4 50 | $2.99 | $2 19 35¢ If so you will have to look sharp, for this store closes on the 1st day of January, 1903, but from now until then we intend to sell our Dress Goods, Ladies' Tailor.made Suits, Coats, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Grey and Blue Flannels, Flan- nelettes, Towelling, Table Linen, Blankets, Men's Underwear, Overalls, Shirts, Sox, Ties and Collars At About 50c¢c. On Dollar And in some instances you will find the prices even lower as the following list will show : STAPLES 25¢c Ceylon Flannelette at, per yard 18c Ceylon Flannelette at, per yard . 4oc Table Linen at, per yard 75¢ Table Linen at, per yard soc Table Linen at, per yard Irish Linen Towels at, per pair : 14¢ Shirting at, per yard 20c Grey Flannel at, per yard 15¢ Wrapperettes at, per yard . 12}c Wrapperettes at, per yard $3.50 White all-wool Blankets , 12%c¢c Prints $3 All-wool Gray Blankets for, per pair $2 HOSIERY AND GLOVES | Ladies' 25¢ Black Ribbed Hose,at per pr 14c | | | DRESS GOODS Our Dress Goods Departnient is full to overflowing with the newest and most up-to- oods turned out by the Europe and New York markets for this season's trade-- here are a few of the many snaps to be found mit -- 39c 29c 56¢ 7c 6oc and 75¢ Dress Goods at +. 4oc and 50c Dress Goods at =. : 85c and $1 Dress Goods at * *, $1.25 and $1.50 Dress Geods at . We have a very large assortment of Toys and Fancy Gocds for the Christmas trade at one-half their regular prices, To see them is to buy them. MEN'S UNDERWEAR 6 Men's 4-ply Linen Collars for . 25¢ $1 Fancy Cambric Shirts for . : 59c¢ $1.25 Wool Fleeced Underwear, per garment . . : ' : 45¢c 3 pair Sox for . . ' 25¢c 25¢ White Dress Shirt for . ' 40c 3 . STARR & SUTCLIFFE STORE 118=120 Princess Street, Kingston. As Toronto, to William ties of New interested torical hall to-day. the vol 1e purchase make a £370,000. vot Rroek comms made furn streel ned cloth hings last might Amal i per -- purchase vit Fraunce's Broad streets, in relics that visited | Mayor ant presented plans of the Pearl fir<t Commerce the famons © ton the of the Chamber held, and roon, where well to his officers included. is admirably preserved and is still cupied as a tavern. enough adjoining property to is estimated will be about olution is public that the cost to the city of the New the by 12 Mar made the Taverr where of in which Washing at order The | A delivered 10.000 tons of rails con Canadian to-day, company Globe says : Mr. Clereue had only tons, of the tracted for hy the railway. Mr. Clergue, the following statement : "The Clergue Steel rolled all the rails terms. of their contract Low city n; It park. at the It 0 FULFILLED TERMS. required with the York and othe preservation up close The a worl Christmas Shirts: ras Dressing Christ to suit all it all tastes, Engl x20 Tenkins (Qhri~tmas neckwear ish me { al other two Great Clearing Sale During the month of December. York Clothing i~ having ¢ on December See hand hill for a genuine sale. Ha Required By Contract With Northern R.R. Dec. from Sault Ste. special In reply Mackenzie's statement that Northern by adian Northern pailway." To Preserve Fraunce's Tavern. New York, Dee. 12.-- Leading bers of patriotic and historical socie- persons of hi delegation the meeting bade structure purposed Sherwell's Second Trial. expect- | has been | mm that he Evansville, Tnd., Dec. 12.--The of Wilbur KS; Sherwell, chars the murder of Fannie Butler, called to-day. The trial. it i od, wi'l commences next we Nhe is the former policeman who charoed with committing several mu ders of the Jack-the-Ripper which created a great sensation sansville. more than Tan Sherwell was recently tri for murder of Mrs. Georgia Bailey acquitted. At present two indictments for mmrder stand against him. evidence in the Railev case was sidered stronger than in the cases it is the general opivi will not he convicted. reat . in teacdy ind gents pricgs. e Gowns TOILET PAPER Many qualities and kinds. A Nice Roll For 5c. A-Good-Big-Package-for-5¢. We have nice fixtures, suit- wrwnwrewems able for any paper, from 15¢C. up. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON. Aco Not a. Cure-all But a KIDNEY PILLS Pi Il ~Ki d CURE 1 1 neys BACKACHE Only, LAME BACK T™ oy go straight to work at the right RHEUMATISM Ty aa working DIABETE Ss properly, stimulate their aetion, an enable them to off the impurities BRIGHT'S DISEASE which would yy irdulate | DIZZINESS ano ate through the system, ystem, brooding disease KIDNEY & URINARY DISEASES i mr Bao, V8, ARE GURED BY Try Shinya could hardly walk, rnd Fase was scanty and bighly colored. Sakina only two boxes of Doan's Keer, recorimend them to idaey BS RS San from kidney trouble. They are the Lest pills I ever took. Price 50c. per box or 3 for $1.25. All Dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. 1,000 LBS. GANONG'S | Chocolates and Bon-Bons For Christmas, Fancy Boxes, all sizes, very pretty designs. Bitger's Christmas Crackers, Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings. NOTHING LIKE THEM. A. 3, RELES, Princess St. sd ~ Sotoee and BABBIT ALL GRADES. | THE CANADA METAL €O., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT:

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