RAILWAY FINDERS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES. Single Fir«t-Class Fare Going December 24th and 25th returning from destination on oO December 26th, 1902; also going De cember 81st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid returning from 'destination on or before Januarv 2nd, 1903. First-Class rare and one-third joing December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, also December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid re- turning Irom destination on or before January Sth, '1903. school Vacations. To Teachers and Pupils of Schools and Colleges, ' on surrender of Standard Yorm of School Vacation Railway Cer- tificate, signed by Principal, Round Trip Tickets 'will be issued at lowest ONL WAY FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, good going December 6th to 31st, inclusive, valid returning from destination on or before January 19th, 1903. ' For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLEZ, Agent, City Pass. Depot. valid before Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. FOR CHRISTMAS VACATION Will issue return tickets to GENERAL PUBLIC. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS going December 24th, and returning © until December FARE, 25th, 26th, At good good 1902, i At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1902, returning until January 5th, 1903. TEAGHERS AND STUDENTS. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, from December 6th, to 31st, 1902, inclusive, good returning until January 19th, 1903. For full particulars at K. & P. C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. . CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Twead, Napanee, Deseronto and all local potats. Train leaves Qity Hall Depot at 4 Sots p 5 WILNON, C..R. Telegraph OF Olarence street. and & PURE, FRAGRANT, CLEANSING. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrrs. MONTREAL. w-2 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Qenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills #Must Bear Sigaa.ure of See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as esvy to tals as sugar. FOR GEXDACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BiLIQUSRESS. Boa. etre MAIL STEAMSEIPS, Colonian .. *Irishman California, "Norseman *Ottoman . Colonian ... ... RATES OF and upwards. For Avonmouth Dock and Bristol From Portland. Turcoman ... .. . about 20th Dec. *knglishman ... ...about 3rd Jan. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- sengers. NEW SERVICE Boston to the Mediterranean. Commonwealth, ...... .... Jan. 8rd, 1903 Vancouver . Jan. 10th New England . . Jan. 17th Cambrowman, ... ... .. .. Jan. 31st. Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spa- cious promenade decks. . J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANCE & Co.. Gen. Agts. Montreal & Portland. . BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beautiful seenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British armv aod navy, is unrivalled in its attraetivencas, reached by the first class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eicht hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter ' The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford beautiful and interesting tours, all reached bv- steamships of the te Company from New York. RUISE. TO . THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 89 Broadway, New York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Out. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. From St. John. From Halifax Corinthian, Dec. 18. Dec. 15, 10 p.m. Pretorian, Dec. 20.. Dec. 22, 10 p.m. FIRST CABIN--Tunisian and Bavarian, $60, upwards. Parisian, $55 and upwards. Pre- torian and Corinthian, $50 and up- wards. SECOND CABIN--Tunisian Bavarian, $10 Other steamers, Liverpool, Londenderry or Loudon. Third Class--$25 and $26; Derry, Belfast. Glasgow, London. J.P... HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot, Cor. Jehnston and Ontario Sts. I GILDERSLEEVE, Clarence St. LIVERPOOL RERVICE 1908, -. 'PASSAGE--Saloon, $560 and 7.50; Liverpool, MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan: didate tor Mayor for 1908, 1 fully so INION LINE FOR TORPID LIVER, FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION GRENUKNIE MUST mv: TUR oS, | purety Vogetatte, Cre iioet) = AURE SICK HEADACHE. CAREER AT END. A SKETCH OF THE NOTED "SHANG CLARKE hiodrtMlattt "et Sent Down For House-Breaking and Larceny in Hamilton--He Fell and Broke His Leg -- Police Got on to Him in Hos- pital. Hamilton Spectator. William McFarlane, alias Shang Clarke, one of the most desperate and notorious criminals with whom the local police have had to deal, is dead. The end came last Friday while he was serving a three-year term In Kingston penitentiary, having been convicted before Judge in Snider, August, 1900? on two charges of bur- "glary. t Death was indirectly due to injur- {ig received in Hamilton, while en- i deavoring to make his escape, after being caught in the act of bur- glarising Robinson Pirie's residence, 09 East avenue south. 'The deceased was about sixty-seven years of age, and in his younger days made his home in Toronto, where he has re- spectable relatives. He was a printer by trade, and served many years at the case lefore branching out on his carcer of crime. In the local police records the fol lowing reference to Clarke is to be found, dated ~ December 22nd, 1583: "William, alias Shang Clarke, the best known thief in Canada. He has heen convicted many times, and has served various terms in prison. Inti- mately connected with the pest thieves oi the day, and has had a hand in some of the biggest jobs of his time." Few of the present members of the police department can go back to the days when Shang Clarke gained his reputation as a desperate criminal, but none knew him better than ex- Detective Joseph Gates, now of the customs department. Clarke's forte was safe-blowing. About 1880 he and Sam Lindsay, another desperate char- acter, were arrested by Detective Gates for entering the West Flamboro postoftice, blowing and rifling the safe. Lindsay was convicted, but Clarke got off. He next came to the notice of the local police in 1883, when in company with Edward McDermott and William Brennan, he was arrested at Lockport, for carrying a burglar's kit. Detective Gates went to Lock- port to identify him, and he always gave the detective credit for getting him off. About a year later Clarke was the head of a gang that enter- ed the humble home of an old couple in the woods of Northern Michigan. The old couple were supposed to have a large sum of money, but they de- JUST A COLD SETTLED IN THE KIDNEYS, BUT IT TURNED TO DROPSY. ._ IT WAS CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Read of This Wonderful Cure. It May Do You or Your Friends Some Good to Know About It. Miss Agnes Creelman, Upper Smith- field, 'N.S., 'writes:--About "18 months ago I caught cold. It settled in my kid- neys, and finally turned into Dropsy. My face, limbs, and feet were very much bloated, and if I pressed my finger on them it would make a white impression that would last fully a minute before the flesh regained its natural color. I was advised to try DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, gnd before I had used half a box I could notice an improvement, and the one box completely cured me. I have never been troubléd with it since, thanks to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Price 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealers, or The Doan Kidney Pill Co, Toronto, Ont. : TO-LET. mr TET IE TCT TE NTIS GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen street. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, with all modern con- veniences, at 191 University Avenue. 43 KING STREET, WEST, fully situated, facing the Harbor, Rent $240 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. BEAUTI- 5 HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY street, between Bagot and Rideau streets; also stable and sheds in rear. Apply 45 William street. ARCHITECTS. OFFICE, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. floor over Mahood's corner Princess trance on Bagot street. POWFR & SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH Buil and ants' Ig, oormer Wellington streets. "Phome 212. Moit your votes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a cea didate fof the mayoralty for the year 1908, and respectfully ask for your votes and in- Suence on my behall J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I respoot- fully solicit your votes and influence to cleot wy as Mayor for 1908, J. H. BELL. Leading medical men to-day increasingly recommend the MAGI Caledonia Waters after one hundred years' experi- ence of their merits. Sold everywhere. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE ute of New Drill Hall, near ecorner of Queen and Momtreal Streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Building, ETC, Sodio , Market Sgmare., 'Phens IMONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVI'RPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE F Insurance Company. Available 215 In addition to the policy holders have for the unlimited liability oi all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rutes. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. a N which MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans eranted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGILL, manager of Frontenac Loan and In- vestuient Society. Otlice posite the Post Oftice. % TWO HUNDRED lars ir THOUSAND DOL- suws from one thousand to ten. thwusand dollars. . For particu- lars apply at GOODWIN'S INSUR- ANCE EMPORIUM, over kxpress Ot!Te, Market Sauaree UNDERTAKERS. Ee HARRISON CO., UNDERTAK- 233-235 Princess street. Quality the best. Prices the st 'Thones -- Warerooms, 90 Night calls--T. F. Harrison, 91 - - ef rm mee S. CORBETT: FUNERAL DIREC- tor, 281 Princess Street, Kingston Successor to W. M, Drennan. diciency Ss clined to make known its hiding place. Clarke put red-hot irons to the old woman's feet, torturing her for the purpose of making her tell where the money was concealed. 'She was badly burned. Clarke was soon afterwards arrested, and again Detective Gates was sent for to identify him. The populace was greatly stirred up and threatened to lynch him. On Detec- tive Gates' advice he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to twenty-one years' imprisonment. It was only a year aiter regaining his liberty that Clarke came here "from Detroit, and into trouble acain. It was ona Sunday morning that the residences of John McCoy and Robinson Pivie were entered. Mr. Pirie heard some person in the house and ran down stairs just in time --to see 'a man making his escape through a window. He followfd in his 'night shirt, and was just in time to catch the burglar scaling the fence. He sue- ceeded in pulling him back into the vard, where they had a tussle. Mr. Pirie finally got the purglar down and was sitting on him awaiting the ar rival of assistance when he felt the l arrel of a revolver against his fore- Lead. He was ordered to get up and into the house, and, seeing that the burglar was desperate, he did as Le was ordered. The man made his escape. Before got go daylight the same morning THE FOOD SYSTEM THE SOURCE OF LIFE. Any Derangements of Liver or Kidneys That Interfere With Digestion and Assimilation of Food Rob and Deplete the Body. DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. prin, It matters not how good your ap- petite, how you relish your food or how much you eat, so long as there is anything to interfere with proper digestion and assimilation of the food by the body, strength and vigor will gradually decline and weakness and debility take their place. The most frequent cause of disorder- ed digestion is sluggish action of the livie, kidneys and bowels. The whole alimentary canal, through which the food passes on its way through the body, becomes "choked and clogged, and the system is poisoned and dis- eased. Dr. Chase's Nidney-Liver Pills have been marvellously successful in exact- ly this class of disease, principally be- cause they act directly on the Kidneys, liver and bowels, regulating and in- vigorating their action, and restoring them to health. Mrs. Owen Cummings, Ont., states: 1 was in health when 1 began to Chase's Kidpey-Liter Pills. 1 bad been a greaf sufierer from constipa- tion and stomach trouble and was weak and run down in strength. 1 was gradually growing worse ery day, and finally decided that 1 would have to do something. Hearing of many being cured by Dr. Chase's nid- ney-Liver Pills | began using them, and soon noticed a marked change for the better. | continued this treatment until 1 was cured of constipation and my stomach was restored to a healthy condition. It only tock about three boxes &f pills to entirely cure me." Dr. Chas Kidney-Liver Ills, one pill a dose, a box, all dealers, or Bates & Co, Toronto, Deserento, very poor use Dr. 25 cents Edmanson, | the door bell on H. G. Wright's resi- dence, Emerald street, rang, Mr. | Wright went to the door and found an old man lying on the verandah. He 'said he was a traveller and that he had fallen and broken his leg. The ambulance was telephoned for dnd he was removed to the hospital. The day following, when it came to the notice of the detective department about the i man breaking his there was a strong suspicion that he was the burg- ! lar who had been operating in the east end. Detective Campbell went down to the hospital to look him over, but when he entered the ward the injured man covered his face with the bed- clothes. This aroused the officer's suspicions and he returned to the hos- pital the day following, had a good look at the man and thought he re- cognized him as Shang Clarke. Others who were better acquainted win Shang were called in and he was identified. Knowing that he would take all kinds of chances, the police kept a close watch on him until he was well enough to be transferred to the cells. The broken leg was not properly set and he suffered great agony. The doctors wanted to re- break and re-set it, but Clarke would not allow them to, and frequently spoke as if he wished death would end his sufferings. He was under a doctor's care in the jail for several weeks be- fore he could be taken before a judge and tried. The detectives in the mean- time searched among the shrubbery and dug up the ground in front of Mr. Wright's residence and found con- siderable of the property stolen from the Pivie and McCoy residences. Judge Snyder found Clarke guilty of break- ing into both the McCoy and Pirie re- sidences, and sentenced him to two terms, two and three years, to run concurrently. A sad feature in con- nection with his death was that his reprieve arrived soon after he passed away. Although it was known that "Shang" Clarke was an assumed name the local police are not sure what his right name i Ex-Detective Gates knows, but he will not tell. He says Clarke was a blood connection of one of the best families in Toronto, and for that reason he does not care to speak about his past. On,the police records he is given the alias of Wil- liam McFarlane. His' friends were al- ways willing to lend him a helping hand, and advanced him money nearly every time he was in trouble. They would willingly have given him a fresh start had he shown any inclination to reform. The true story of how he came to break his leg is not known, as he refused to speak. It is supposed, however, that after his scuffle with Mr. Pirie he tried tp jump the fence. Be- ing, at the time, sixty-five years of age, he was none too nimble, and pro- bably fell from the high fence and broke his leg. He must then have crawled to Mr. Wright's residence, which is more than a block away, and after hiding the stolen property in the front yard aroused the inmates of the house. It was merely an accident that the authorities ever found out who he was and succeeded in connecting him with the burglaries. eg, 18. A PLAN PROPOSED. Want to Send Negroes to Phillip- pines. Washington, Dec. 17.--Senator Mor- gan, of Alabama; is the principal ad- vocate of the plan for using the Phil ippine Islands as a colony for Ameri- can negroes. He has been urging the some tine, and is enthusiastic about its possibilities, He has also consulted Governor-General Taft about it. In course of time, Mr. Morgan believes, the project will be far enough advanc- ed for legislation. Mr. Morgan thinks that millions negroes will .go to the Philippines in case the wav is opened to them, and that this will go far toward settling the race problem in this country. His idea is to_incorporate steamship tran- sportation companies for them and to oive them homesteads of about twenty acres each, with the best business ad- vantages that can be secured. This plan, unlike the old scheme for send- ing them to Liberia, would not prive them of their citizenship or their protection under the American flag. He thinks the climate is exactly suited to the negroes, and in = proof of this says that negroes were the ori- cinal inhabitants of the Philippine Is- lands. The Malays drove them back from the sea coast, but the Philippine negroes still live in the hill regions. of de- Burned At The Altar. Vienna; Dec. 17.--The Greek Oriental church at Tohat, in Hungary, was the scene of a terrible fatality last Sun- day, whilst a clerevman, Silvius Blad, was being married to Sidonie Brateau. Just as the ceremony was closing, the bride's muslin dress caught fire from a taper, and in an instant she was in flames. Two bridesmaids, rush- ing to her help, shared g similar fate, Finally the bridegroom succeeded in tearing off the bride's dress, but the unhappy girl expired very soon after- wards. The other two, though badly burned will recover, $2, And $2.50 Pants For $1.50. Prevost, of "the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, is offering a great bargain in ready-made pants, regular prices 82 to 2.50 a pair, will be sold during the sale for $1.50 , a pair. This is the greatest bargain ever offered to the trade vet. Wedding In Capital Society. Washington, D.C., Dec. 17.--The Church of the Ascension is to be the <cene this evening of the notable wed ding of the season. The bride-to-be is Miss Mabele Herman, daughter - of the commissioner oi the land oftice and Mrs. Binger Herman, and the bride groom, Howard Prescott Gatley. Free! Free! ! Free!!! Until Christmas we will initial free of charge anv umbrella or walking cane bought here. Special handles spe- ial prices. Jenkins, Bibby's. Ask to coats in fi ometh ny Eibby Co. Overcoats. Bibby's. our Westminster English, vicuna 812.50. The See overs ne swell, H. D. Good cooking butter, 13c. at Gilbert's. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Roses, carnations. Johnson, florist. 1b., scheme upon the war department for 4 cloth, | DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the Feopie Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. . Oak Hall for Xmas scarfs. English holly. Johnson, florist. Holly and evergreen at Hiscock's. Dressing gowns, $6.75 to $20. .Jen- kins. White lies make a black mark the soul. The kind of Christmas present that we don't like is tax bills. Don't allow yourself to get inté a Hipppant habit of speech. Electric walking canes at Breck & Halliday's, Princess street. Bathodora, the new bath perfume in packages, 10c. McLeod's drug store. The deeryers of soft coal are now mighty glad they have any coal at all. Jurglars most any Louse. Have you paid your newspaper subg scription up to date? Now will you Le good? Oak Hall for Christmas neckwear. Every nation is in favor of disarma- ment. And every one continues to buy warships. Smoking Jenkins. The funniest looking thing is a fat woman sitting on a little bit of a piano stool. Holly and evergreen at Hiscock's. Generally one's eyes sce what they want to see, especially if they ought not to see it. Narcissus, primroses, Johnson, flor- ist, Many a man finds it diflicult to in duce his neighbor to have a good opinion of him. A full assortment fine toilet soaps, 3 cakes for $l. leod's drug store. The man who pays his rent must hustle, and the man who doesn't pay is obliged to keep moving. Oak Hall for Xmas scarfs. Some fine examples 'of still life are said to exist in the mountains of Ken- tucky, but they are hard to find. Take the conceit out of some peo- ple and their most intimate friends would be unable to recognize them. Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cut lery. Those English rag dolls displayed in our window are not for sale. We vive one "Free" with a pound of tea. Stroud Bros. Don't behave in the street in a way to attract attention by rolling about, attitudinizing, or shrieking with laughter. Oak Hall for Xmas umbrellas. Sir Charles Tupper believes Tarte to le the ablesst man in the liberal party. The old man wouldn't have viven that certificate a year ago. l'hose who have attended our 20 gf cent. discount sale are all more han pleased at the big bargains they can get from us. We do just as we advertise, 20 per cent. discount on all lamps, china, silverware, etc., at Stroud Bros. on to enter al- a station are willing house--except jackets, $2.75 to $9.50. Roger & Gallets Me Christmas Umbrellas. Fresh from the manufacturer. tiful designs in handles, and the roof warranted watertight. If vou aretin search of something fine in the wav of an umbrella, we can please you. $1 to 85. The H. D. Bibby Co. Pld Beau- Christmas--Jenkins--Shirts. The new small patterns that are so popular with the young men are am- ong our Christmas assortment. $1, $1. 25, $1.50. -------------- { lis. mixed candies, : 3 Ibs. cream candies 2 lbs. maple choclates, , oranges; 5 lbs. cooking figs, PRATAP THERE IS MONEY ANOTHER. special despatch from the Raleigh: Oil Fields : - Fox & Ross, Toroato : "Toledo drillers struck «il o-lay two miles from first gusher, encitenent utes , WJ extending, drilling derricks everywhere." ! THE DRIIULS are be iunin THE RISK 1s becoming less. THE TIME to buy shor. + IN Tua ONTARIO AND CALIFORNIA OIL CO., Limited, IS NOW A Home Company, shares fully paid and non-asses: abl: 3000 Acres in Kent County Of which about 2,000 acres are in Howard and Harwich Townships, near the village of Northwood, on the G. T. R., ten miles N. E. of Chatham, with seventeen wells completed and drilling others con- tinually--AND > About 1,000 acres in the 12th, Raleigh Township adjoining the big gusher lands (the big gusher is in the 13th Concession). Several wells are being drilled there simultaneously on the 0. & C. 0. Co's properties as fast as money and men can drill them. Don't Wa. it now and Wish later on. ORJER NOW Send for monthly report, application forms, etc., and get your orders in ON TIME. APPLY: 0R FOX & ROSS, Stock Brokers, TORONTO. OIL. - -- roe rv ovee CVO PC PVVIIVEIIT FI EOP ROTO SSA pont Rr tev COAL AND WOOD PRODUCE HEAT. E.B.EDDY'S MATCH REATE FIRE. The latter is indispensable to the former. No fire can be started with so little trouble as with an EDDY PARLOR MATGH FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. J. A. HENDRY, Agent. Kingston. SAG ALAAAA CANS SALE PIPDOOLO LORIN RL sd A 2 C0 BASSI rabbi Chocolates for Christmas _ We are showing the Largest Assortment and the Finest Grade of CHOCOLATES in this city. Our lines are all open--don't wait for the rush. Come and see our FANCY NO VELTIES for Christmas. \¢ HOLLY \g \g A. J. REES, Princess St. ™"" Na'. to tell the tale. 13th and 14th Concessions in The block of stock which the company is offering at 25c. per share is going rapidly. J. L. FINCH, Secretary Ontario and Califurnia Oil Co. TORONTO, limited] am-------- ---- Don't ex- periment with other and inferior brands. UseEDDY'S Our Brands: Kin dward 5000" Headlight 300 Bagle 200 and 100. Comet "As POYGP ICV POIVEIVIOL OO Victorl Little 40000000400 00000 +000 rive. *Pivvée Give Him a Box of Good Ciga rs for Christmas P panied by this Coupon. We pay postage. prices :-- 100 for $7. Your money back if not UR for anything like that price. would make such acceptable holiday gifts, we have put up ten Surpass Cigars ina neat box, which we will send anywhere in Canada, at'75 cents a bcx, if accom- Remit by postal note, costs 3 cents. Larger quantities at the Box of 25 for $1.75. 50 for $3.50. CANADIAN CIGAR SYNDICATE © 821° CRAIC STREET, MONTREAL. 10 Excellent Cigars 75¢C. You can buy ten cigars in any cigar store for seventy-five cents--you can buy them for much less - but you cannot buy a cigar that will even nearly equal the LT i WL bs A Truly Satisfactory Smoke, - As a special introductory offer, and because they { Canadian Cigar Syndicate, 821 Craig Street, Montreal. Enclosed find .... dollars .... cents for .... boxes of Svrpass Cigars, each bex to contain .... cigars, you paying postage. = Should they not prove satisfactory, after trial, I reserve the right to return the balance and have money refunded. S \ following Name ...... Al tisfied. Addre-S..covvivi T.wn.... .... Province... ..