89TH YEAR. NO. 295 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1902. FANCY FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. a Curets, $1.50 and $2. tan Chairs, $2, $2.- $4.50, See our Te See our Fancy Kal 25, $3.50, and up See our Fancy $6.50 and up: See our Fancy ee our Fancy Gent 88.50 and up See our Fancy Ladies' $4.50, $6.50 and up. All Christmas Goods Low L'rices. Robt. J. Reid, Two Doors Above Opera House. Ambulance Call 577. Princess St. KINGSTON COVERED . RINK season Morris Chairs, Cake Stands. lemen's Chiffoniers, Desks, $3.50, sold at Special Office opened for the sale of tickets. A season ticket will be the best 'Xmas box you can get for vour boy or girl. SEASON RATES Gentlemen (Single)... ... Lady's. (Single) os Children under 12 years ... Family of 2 Yamily of 8 Family of 4 or 3 . Family of 6 to 10 . . i: WwW. E. BONTER, H. W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Secretary-Treasurer. N.B.--Those wishing to secure good lockers should apply early. OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) Are particularly suitable wedding and birthday gifts. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. IRKPATRICK'S ART STGRE. AUCTION SALE "=p Furniture. WE WILL SELL ON Friday, Dec. 19th, AT THE CLARENDON HOTEL, 33 Brock street, all the furniture, consist- ing of Brussels. and "Tapestry Carpets, Cabinet, Organ, Bedroom Suites, Bed- steads, and Bedding, Springs, Mattress- os. Toilet Sets, Feather Beds, Fin Class Square Heatine and other Stov Centre and Side Tables, Sideboards, Kx- tension Table, Dining Chairs, Crocke Glassware, Pictures, Cutlery and Tin- ware. Sale at 10:30. Terms cash. LLEN & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES SATURDAY, Dec. 20th UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE Warden of the Kingston Penitentiary 1 will sell on the Market Square four or five Heavy Working Hors for which the institution has no further use. Sale at 11 o'clock a.m. Terms cash. W. MURRAY, JR. Auctioneer. THROUGH THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF GETTING READY FOR CHRIST- mas, remember the 'Old Reliable ' pork market, 60 Brock St. Here you can get the best assortment of cooked Meats, Sausages, Bacon and Hams, in the city. Always fresh and up-to-date Special for Christmas--Iinglish home- made Mince meat and pure Lard. 'Phone 570. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: table board. Apply 168 King stree Wast, near City Dark. for ALSO t RAGE. J C., DWELLINGS, STORF 5 tate, L NS. R. McCann, Real NS. R. Et 51 Brock street, ro Es HOUSE, NO 57 Jeorge St Possession at once. Ap- ply to Mra. Lesslie, at Mrs. Mur- ray's, 212 Kine St. WANTED. FURNISHED SECOND-HAND OFFICE DESK. Apply at Whig office GENERAL SERVANT APPLY TO Miss Folger, 18 Sydenham street. LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell Bros.' for furs. Jenkins' for men's presents. Civic board of works, 4 p.m. to-mor- row. . Played out at the start--open-air 'cons certs. "Nobody's night One Claim,"' opera house, to- ought to get facial massage at value. . 6 furniture, norrow, 10:30. public schools close Christmas holidays. Christmas tree entertainment churcn this evening. Fven the unaffected put on a great deal : Queen's German dramatic vocation hall, 8 p.m. Sun rises to-morrow and sets at 4:25 p.m Queen's medical dinner, this evening, eight o'clock. Respectability is all right; but it is not the only qualification an alderman should have. The sale of government Murray will be on Saturday, 20th, on the Market Square. Peautiful Christmas cantata, ing Kriss Kringle," at hall, on Friday evening. and 25 1 . . 4 Crarendon---hotel; to 1 to-morrow for at Zion milliner has to club, Con- at 7:29 a.m. Ontario hall, horses by December "'Catch- church 25¢ A BEAUTIFU!. TABLE. An artistically arranged table delight of all persons ol taste, reverse is unpleasunt. 1t behoves you to gelect good and pretty China, which you can do here at a very moderate cost. : Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- ful. We carry a large line and prices are right. ROBERTSON BROS. evenings during De- Open Saturday cember. oe ------ ([ GRAND OPERA (HOUSE. |) Thursday, Friday, Saturday And Saturday Matinee, Dec. 18,19, 20. olden Brothers' Attractions THURSDAY, the most powerful drama of the day, "NOBODY'S CLAIM. FRIDAY, the scenic sensation of the century, "THE DENVER EXPRESS." SATURDAY, Matinée, * NOBODY'S CLAIM." - SATURDAY NIGHT, ""SAPHO. Popular \rices--Iovenings, 15¢., 85¢c., boc. Matinee, 15¢. Ang 25¢. Seats on sale. Tuesday, Dec in the "DAU is the and the 25¢. lanche Walsh, HAMILCAR." CONVOCATION HALL QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY December 18th, at 8 p.m. ORAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT Part I.--German Music. Part II.--German Comedy in one act, * THE ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR," by Students and well-known City Amateurs. Tickets; 25c. at Uglow's. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. On Saturday ma- tinee and evening, Dec. 27, a' notable revival of T. W. Robertson's sparkl- ing comedy "Caste" will be given at the New Grand Op- §%- erag House by =e a distinguished com- pany headed by Mary Scott, the beautiful Californi- an star; America's foremost charac- ter comedian, Robert V. Fergu- son: the Countess de Castelve :chio, the famous grand niece of Napoleon Bena- parte, who won her dramatic spurs in Sir Henry Irving's company and Wil- liam Haveltine, who occupied a lead- ing position in the late Augustine I'a- lv's company. This promises to he the most important theatr cal event of the censon. Sale of seats will commence at Hanley's, Wednesday morning, Dec. 21th, punctuallv at 10 o'clock. Prices cents to $1.30. On account of the interest already manifested in the en- gacement and the large number of in- quiries made at the box office it has been decided that applications for coats sent in before. the opening of the sale will be filled in the order of their receipt. Free list positively and en tively suspended. 3rd, B {TER OF \ A CO Breek, 1 street. OK. APPLY TO MRS H "Sunnyside," Union NO WASH- A GENERAL SERVANT, at 55 ing or ironing. Apply George street. INVESTORS FOR REAL Debentures and bonds Cann, 51 Brock street. ESTATE S. R HOME particu- Omaha COPYING AT either sex. two stamps for lars. Twain Novelty Co, Building, Chicago. -------------------------------------------------------- AGENTS -- RESPECTABLE, ENER- "getic men and women gan make ex- | t es handling our lines and Household Special- | Apply at once The Starr | 185 Wellington' St.. Kingston. | A! $15 PER 1.000 tie Co.. A TEACHER. THE HOLDE third-class ceptificate of to take ch of pu} tion No towns Frontenac num Address perience Dn School Board When In Doubt hrother ties, He Gi your Christmas many. e Bibles and prayer 'boo! Uelow's Qee Taylor's 'Nma: witdows, Sce | Lg [ awall se Display of China Painting, THERE WILL BE A FINE DIS- play of China Painting at Spangen- herg's for a limited time. Very suitable for Christmas gifts. Call and see them ------"---------------------------------- eee BUFFALO ROBE FOR SALE. LARGE SIZE AND IN nH ORDER Annlv- to Kingston Exchange, 37H King street. INSURANCE CASE. G. $500 Left By Thomas Davis, of Napanee. Thomas G. Davis, died he left a $2,000 policy in A.Q.UW., to be brothers. Peter Davis was 1 Gillet the Xander Over Napanee, the between his to receive Alex When divided divi Al disigie tw roth A. G. F the A.O.LWV., court to I paid the money into ot tlement. 1S DISTRUST Washington Not Told Of Germany's Coercion. TOO GREAT RISK THE BRITISH PEOPLE FAVOR ARBITRATION. Remarkable TUnanimity of the Press--Hard and Fast Agree- ment Will Be Obnoxious If It Embroils Britain and the Uni- ted States. New York, Dec. London cahkle 18.--The Tribune's" says: The British public's distrust of Germany lights up afresh as evidence is supplied that the details of the coercive measures against Venezuela were not, as has been generally inferred in Britain, pre- arranged with the Washington gov: ernment. Liberal, conservative and indepen- dent journals deplore the facility with which Premier Balfour and Lord Lans- downe were drawn into a hard and fast dual agreement, and emphatically declare that Britain's interests in Venezuela are too insignificant to jus- tify the risks of a misunderstanding with the United States, and describe arbitration as the best chance of de- liverance from an intolerable situa- tion. The unanimity of judgment of British press' on this question is markable. An alliance with Germany, for any purpose, would have been un- popular after the dubious results of the agreement respecting China, but it will become highly obnoxious if sus- picions are justly aroused that the German emperor has sought to em- broil Britain and the United States. Premier Balfour's implication that a state of war exists in con-eguence of the seizure of vessels and the blockade of the ports startled the House of Commo! last evening, but the logi- cal force of the declaration is ad- mitted. If this theory be adopted by the allics, neutral commerce will be interrupted and an attempt will be made to starve Castro to terms hy virtually closing the customs houses without seizing them. It cannot be believed that the force of public opin- ion here in favor of arbitration would he irresistible if proposals were pre- sented by the United States with a practical' method of guaranteeing the payment of the award. The newspapers, this morning, play a good deal of anxiety in _com- menting upon the latest development of the Venezuelan situation. Premier Palfour's statement in the House - of Commons, it is believed, accentuates the increasing seriousnes: of the posi tion, and the government is warned against the policy of embarking upon hostilities of indefinite duration end unknown magnitude which cannot be stopped without Germenv's consent and cannot he continned without en- dangering Anglo-American friendship. the re- 8, dis- BOXERS AGAIN ACTIVE. Two Cities in State of Siege-- Troops Failed. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 17.--Mail vices received from Chang King 'in the Szechuan province, China, report that both the cities of Mei Chou and Kia- tingfu have had their gates closed ana a state of siege declared, owing to the numerous bodies of armed Boxers in their vi inity it beiny feared by the of- ficials that the insurgents may take the cities by surprise. Troops were sent to raive the siege of the two cities but failed. Kiatingfu, one of the cities mention: ed in the above despatch, is a mis- sion station of the Methodist church: The mi:sion rooms have as vet re- ceived no advices of this dang though their missionaries have instruc- tions to cablelii_the danger is acute. ad- SAVED THE MONEY. Township Officials, Attacked by : Robbers. Elmvale," Ont., Dec. Fachern, treasurer of the Nottawas- aca canal, and J. L. Sinclair, were driving home from Duntron, after a meeting of the council, Mr. McEachern, having $7,000 of tax money with him in a satchel, when two men sprang in- to the road and seized the bridle of the horse. A few blows of the whip caused the horse to shake off the high- wavmen and Mr. McEachern discharg- ed his revolver, one of the men firing at him in return. The highwaymen then escaped. 2 18.--Neil . Me- Plum Puddings For Christmas. London Dec. 1R8.=1t is estimated that during the past two or three weeks the steamships leaving England have carried upwards of 300 tons of plum pudding, or roughly speaking ab- out 170,000 puddings. To an English- man a Christmas dinner without plum pu lding would be like a production of Hamlet without the melancholy Dane, and the Britain's weakness in this particular is one that always sticks to him, even though he migrates to the other end of the earth. As the ilayv approaches each vear | of festive pudding find their wa I rt} tons X from ndon all ove world, : ent as Christmas United vortior fi the hundreds of 1} fin Sonth to in Many tre and Suits. prercoats. " *"Dundonald" And thing Xn H. "Westminister for Chns writer LAKE TRAGEDY. Seven Of Oswego's Popular Citi- zens Given Up As Lost. Oswego, N.Y., Dec. 18.--Almost the last ray of hope for the ill-fated steamer John C. Hall 'and her crew was blotted out last night when the news came that the vessel ashore on Salmon Point was the schooner John R. Noyes and not the steamer Hall. She had rolled her masts out in the gale and thus deceived those who saw her from a distance into the belief that she was the Hall A telegram from Picton, Ont., Capt. Thomas Crimmins of the tug association, says that wreckage ® in great quantities has been coming ashore all afterncon and among it is a piece of a schooner with "John R. Noyes" on. The message further says the vessel was a total wreck and has been broken to pieces by the tremen- dous seas. A life saving crew, which went on a special train and then by boat to the wreck, reports it positively to be the Noyes. The report that came in the morning to the efiect that the wreck on Sal- mon Point was the Hall raised the al- most vain hope that Capt. Donovan and his crow might have survived all the terrible expecicnces of the week and still be alive and aboard the wreck. At night they gave up in de- spair. There is only one hope and that slim one. The Hall may be ashora on the Duck Islands gnd may have heen miss- ed by the steamer Aven in the dark- ness and thick weather. If she is not there, vesselmen say she is wely at the bottom of Lake Ontario with her crew of at least ten. The tug Charley Ferris will leave this port as son as weather permits to search the Ducls. The Hall left Charlotte with the Noyes in tow one week aco, both lad- en with coal for E. W. Rathbun & (0. Descronto. 'The crew of the Noves was taken from the vessel by the Charlotte life savers, Monday after- noon, off Lakeside and thirty miles out in the lake. It was the most heroic achievement of the life saving service on the lakes in many years. The exact make-up of the crew of the steamer Hall is not known here. It is known absolutely, however, that there are seven Oswego persons aboard her. They are : Captain Timothy Donovan, First Mate Jerome Donovan. First Enginter John Donovan. Qecond Encincer James Donovan (all relatives). Thomas Cochrane, wheelsman, Daniel Bigelow, wheelsman. John Dixon, fireman. There are also aboard Thomas Ty- lev, fireman, and Mrs. Brown, cook, both of Bulfao. : to a boats, which £35,000. Donovan owned both were valued at about is no insuranée on vessels or cargoes. The tragedy has cast a oloom over this city. The sailors of the Hall are all well known and nopular bere and their probable fate is being discussed everywhere. Telegraj h offices, police headquarters and vessel offices are de- iuged with inquiries for news, but nothing of a cheering nature cap now be given. - Stevenson Crew Safe. The barge Stevenson which broke away from the steamer Avon Tuesdav afternoon near the Galoup Islands. is ashore on Stony Islind and a tele- gram announces that the crew is safe. The captain of the Stevenson is J. Mallet, Jr., of Kingston, whose wife was also aboard. ARE TO CONFER. An Irish Land Conference is Ar- ranged. Londen, Dec. 18.--~The Exchange Telearaph company says it learns of- ficially that arrengements for an Irish land conference are now ecom- plete, and that the representatives of the lawdlords and tenants will | meet immediately at Dublin. Lord raven, the Earl of Mayo, and Everad will represent and John Redmond, William O'Brien, Thomas Russell, member of parliament for Tyrone, and the Lord Mayor "of Dublin, the tenants. : GREAT ACTOR FALLS. John L. Sullivan's Engagement Cancelled Owing To A Spree. Detroit, Dec. 15.--The death kneti of John L. Sullivan's popularity here was sounded at the Avenue theatre, when it was announced from, the stage that his engagement for the remain- | der of the week had beep cancelled ow- ing to the fact that the ex-champion pugilist had appeared before the atter- noon audience in a drunken condition and was still too drunk to go on in the evening. " Congressman Blackburn Weds. Washington, D.C., Dec. 18.--To-day's , Parker, { large number of cong 1 ats, { men prominent in pub! | with their wives and daughters, {cheese wedding of Miss Louise L. Vaughan Parker, daughter of Colonel. Myron L. the millionaire capitalist rand former commissioner of the district of Columbia, to Representative Edmond Spencer Blackburn, of North Carolina, was given eclat bv the presence of a ~men, dinlom Is and other lif, together department of \ Destroyed By Fire. Gnt., Dec. Eutter | Cobourg, I~ : and about two east {obonuy was totally Mckav, ant, sl storey, 8 indow. | of or destroyed cheesems: s room in 1d escaping by jumping Th stant trom a w sprained , as insured. Purses ht lowest prices. Tavlor. Holiday shopping at Lglow" 8. Captain Donovan and First Encineer The cargoes are valued at 25.000 and there the landlor Is. i Juilding and contents partially "7 Comes To Us From All Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. WORLD I-------- Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Oven--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The miners closed their case before the coal commission on Wednesday. Thiee Newfoundland schooners, with crews agurepating twenty-three men are 'missing. Judson C. Crowe ed registrar of Welland, George liott to be deputy. There will be no decorations for the members of the Canadian civil service before next spring. The town of Andijan, Russian Cen- tral Asia, was totally destroyed by an earthquake on Wednesday. Winnipeg's buiding record for the season just closed is 1,000, the total value of which is $2,100,000. . A. M: Little was nominated for the vacant seat in the l.gislative assem- bly by the liberals of North Norfolk. Mrs. Langtry and: her theatrical company leit Liverpool on Wednesday afternoon on the SS. Celtic for New York. Collector Henry W. Gill, Sturgeon Falls, was arrested on a charge of embezzling over $600 of municipal funds. : Hon. Clifford Sifton will next month pay a \isit of inspection to the im- migration agencies in the United States. Ratepayers of Stratford voted ta guarantee the bonds of a new biscuit and confectionery factory to be start- «d there. A story has heen received at Otta- wa that Indians railed a trader's gtore on the Upper Pelly River and Lilled two white men. The Toronto hoard of control has ordeved the purchase of more fuel, in- cluding 1,000 tons of Hocking Valley coal, at $5.50, in Toronto. The United States senate in execu tive session has ratified the treatv of frien Iship and general relations be- tween the United States and Spain. Manager Paine, of the Ontario Pow- er company, promises to be supnlying Toronto and other points with electric power from Niagara within a vear. 'the Hanngna Falls Water Power company, the/ great electric power | plant of St. Lawrence county, N has gone into the hands of a receiver Fire at Charlottetown, P.E.L.. en- tirelv destroyed the market building. a large wooden structure, a character- istic institution of that agricultural prov ince. Ell. Hyman, who for over thirty vears had heen a beggar and rag pick- er about the streets of Toronto, died in the General Hospital, leaving stock certificates and securities indicating that he was worth over $100,000, The provincial government of Brit- ish Columbia is building a hatchery at Lilooel, and the officers of the fisher- jes department at Ottawa look upon thi as an infringement of dominion rights. William Stitt in January, 1900, was run over bv a street car at Fort Wil liam, and lost a lee. He has just ob- tained 81,750 damages from the ! court. The motorman was responsible for the accident, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy publishes {in the Pall Mall Gazette an emphatic i contradiction of the statement namipg {him as director of Hooley's Sapphire | Corundum company, now the subject {of adverse criticism in the English has been appoint- El- | press. | Lient.-Col. Henry McLaren, com- man ling officer of the 13th regiment, will retire from the command at the end of the present year, and will be «ucceeded by Major Stoneman, who will be elevated to the rank of lieut- ¢nant-colonel. President Castro telegraphs to the Chicago Tribune that "'in this foreian aroression on Venezuela he cces a | threat against American interests an' believes that the situation mav he in- terpreted as a blow aimed at Ameri- can integrity." Captain and Mrs. Duncan MacInnes, who recently sailed from England for South Africa, were wrecked off the Ca- nary Islands, but were saved with all the other passengers, After a short delay they proceeded on their wav an reached Cape Town safely. Cir Henry Irving was the principal speaker at the dinnr of the Actors' Benevolent Fund, in London on Wed- I nesday evenine. The famous actor, ! whose provincial tour has heen unnsu- | allv vrosperous, was in hich spirits, and he made a touching anveal on be | heli of poor rlayers in their dark andl { bitter hour of helpless decay. Poison In The Serum. Allahabad, India, Dec. 1%.--A most inoculation As the great -anti-plague «cheme in the Puniab is reported. vn, the Indian inoculating n with H ¢ | | | i | { | { { i= well kn is practi the whole yond serin ain Kir ver villa unex near Gug ventas thik a i] ulated the a with poisonous remod hw : over nati pa rnimen to No ofhicial forthecom been Pibles and prayer books. See Taylor's 'Xmas painful occurrence in connection with | FORK IN HIS EYE. - A Young Lady's Fooling Had a Serious Result. Syaney, ., Dec. 18.--A man nam- ed McLean, arrived in Sydney from Oradale yesterday. to 'secure "shilled medical treatment for one of Lis eyes, whi'h was injured by a table firk ac- cidentally thrust into it hy a young lady at the supper table of his board: ing house the same evening. Mcican 2 considerasle "fooling" during the ev- eninr, and the young lady suddenly raised her arm with the fork in her hand. The fork stuck square into his eve, remaining there until he pulled it out himself. He wiil lose the sight of his eye. Law Is Constitutional. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 18.--The Imper- ial privy council, according to advices just received, has decided that the law of British Columbia, which. de- clares that a Japanes:, who becomes a naturalized citizen of the province, is not entitled to vote is con- stitutional. This judgment is a rever- sal of the verdict of the supreme court of the province rendered in March, 1901. Senn Hall Is Dedicated. Chicago. Dec. 18.--Senn Hall, the building recently added to the equip- ment of Rush Medical College, largely through the generosity of Dr. Nicholas Senn, was dedicated yesterday. Sir William Hingston, professor of clinical surgery in Laval University, Mont real, delivered the dedicatory address. Senn Hall was erected at a cost of $130,000, of which Dr. Senn gave [n,- 000. : Must Pay In Gold. Washinaton, Dec. 183.--Unofficial ad vices have reached here that Ching in- tends to pay the next instalment of the Boxer indemnity in silver. I he re- ports indicate that Ching is driven to this course by the fact that all of her revenues are payable in silver, and the great internal financial strain. makes it impossible to obtain gold. Flour Mills 100 Years Old. was grown in Alaska by the Russiahs a century ago is proven by the dis- covery of two old flour mills, built by the subjects of the czar. One of these has been discovered on Wood Is- land, in Southeastern Alaska, and the other in the interior. Enjoying Mild Spell. Winnipeg, Dec. 15.--Winnipeg has been enjoying a mild snap for the last three or four days, which is easy on the coal. Wood is commencing to come in and an average of three hun- died cords a day is arriving just at present. This will help out the fuel question here. A Midget Dead. New York, Dec. I8.--"General Pea- nuts," who for a number of years, was one of the best known midgets and clowns in the circus business, was ound dead in bel yesterday. He was a Japanese, thirty-eight years of age, and two fret one inch high. New Minister Of Justice. St. John's. Nfld, Dec. 18.--praward P. Morris. a member without porti folio of the colonial mimstry, heen appointed minister of justice in Premier Bond's cabinet, in succession to W. H. Horwood, who has been ap- pointed chief justice. 3 Ceneral Swayne Is Dying. New York, Dee. 1S.-- Wacer Swayne, ill for some time, is report- ed to be very low. Gen. Swayne ser- ved with distinction in the Civil war and retiregl in 1870. Hé has practised law in New York since 1880. ---------- Baptist Minister Slain. Pecatur, Ala., Dec. 18.--Rev. S. A. Arthur, u Baptist minister, was killed on Tues lay 'night, by Casey Holland, a voiny farmer. Holland struck Arthur on the head with a stick of wood, fracturing his skull. Gen. Are You Gift-Giving ? If so there's nothing so good as a pood fur garm:nt, and none so good Come in and the fine vane of firs we are showing for Christmas trade. Campbell Bros., manufacturing furriers, -- Gets Fifteen Years. Lockport, N.Y., Dec. In. --William Michaels was sentenced to fifteen years and six months' imprisonment in Auburn prison for killing William Robbins at Niagara F#élls. : as ours. see Verdict Of Guilty. Montmagny, Que., Dec. 1X.--In the nw r case, a verdict of was rendered this afternoon. Marseilles Strike Ends. Marseilles, Dec. 183.--~The strike at an end. The sailors voted to resume work to day. Gosselin cguilty" 18 Flectric scarf pins, the latest novel- tv, at Breck & Halliday's, Princess street. You ean got that Christmas present at ('. L. Bass' with little money. Holly and evergreen at Hiscock's. Holiday shopping at Uglow's. government | Five per Cent will be charged on all unpaid taxes after December 31st. GEORGE THOMPSON, Collector. and the voung lady were indwlaing in Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 19.--That wheat | has | LAST EDITION. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, _Toronto, Ont, (10 a.m.), Dec. 18.-- Strong westerly winds: fair. Friday, fresh westerly winds; fair and continued n.ild. Shop Before Noon. Hints and su-~estions are aX you need with the store as full Aas it is of Christmas things. The whole story is inside the doors and they're all open from 8 to 6. Later on as the rush gets great- er, the shopping hours will be longer--but why not come before the rush ? The wiser plan is to shop in the morning: stocks are more even then and the whole store is in hetter shape for quick choice. Eight o'clock is none too early to come ior these things. KID GLOVES. o Special offer we Box with or over. Don't forget our of a Handsome every pair at $1.25 SAMPLE SILK WAISTS. No two alike, made of Crepe de Chene, D'oie de Soie and Taffeta Silks, leadine New York styles, including the New Plaids. You: know oi our reputation for exclusive styles in articles of wenr. 'This season our variety is greater than ever. Come and see if only to see. FURS. Special Sale to-morrow (Fri day), of Mulls, Ruffs, Collarettes, etc. Al good reliable furs at bie discounts off our well-known low prices for this day 1,000 Dozen Handkerchiefs. Linen, broidered, 23¢c., 35c | Fancy I Em 200¢ Ladies' ! Work, Hand 1 15. Gc +500 Sample Handkerchiefs' ceived © this mormne No alike, 15c. to $1 each A Linen, llemstitel 10c., 12{c., 35¢. re- two Tand- 20c., | wed I 5 15¢., | 30c., Ladies' and Men's Umbrellas Nobby handles, good coverings, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 up. NHieacy Lieacy MARRIED. MONK-L'HEUP--In Kingston, at Andrew s cnurch, December 14th, by the Rev. John Mackie, Marion C., voungest daughter of MH. J. Leleup, Barrencld, to krancis A. Monk, of Pittsburg : SMiltH-MORLEY--At the residence of the bride's mother, Westbrook, by the Rev. William Craig, of Catara- qui. on the 17th inst, George Al- bert Smith, of the fownship of kingston, to Olive Ethel, youngest daughter of the late John Morley St. Dead Meat Trade. Ottawa, Des. 15.--The next ateamer tor Australia. the Aorangi, will carry a lurve consi_min nt of frozen hogs tor that market, as there is a good ooen ing for their ile at the present time, Lut it is to be regretteds that the sup- nly comes from the Ameri an side of the border rather than from "'anadian pacers. The Swifts, Chicago, are the | main consignors. i - THE CHANCE That seldom happens to buy RELIABLE JEWELRY, WATCHES, etc., at Sacrifice Prices Owirg to our removal to we offer the best quality LADY'S GOLD- FILLED HUNTING $ Montreal, of WALTHAM WATCH, SIL. Solid Gold from $17 up. BVT VTA VLALNVELT TLL VELT TTT VLTVT TTBS Our on all goods cannot be equalled. prices CUT CASH PRICES. , G. JOANSTON & BRO. 5 JEWELERS. DVN BVT VLRTVRIRVOBTARTSR TTVLVTTVLLLTVRDLRLTLLBLDLOON :