AN N THE DAILY WRIG, THORSDAY. DECEMBER 18. Revolution in Knife Cleaning! BLT (Et RI CU > SSL A 'Treasnre and a in Bute. Simplicity Blessing every itself ! A Gives a brilliant Makes no Dust Cleans every Cleans at the rate of 500 per hour. Mighest Award, Gold Medal Military Exhihition, Fayts Court, london, 1901 THE WORLD'S KNIFE 7 POLISH Pe Suitable for old or new style of knife cleaning P¥epured by all latest improv- ed machinery and guaranteed of the fin- child polish Dirt Knife can use it or sive of est quality procurable, in nwely decora- ted tins. AT CORRETY'S BARDWE RE. f you like a good cup of tea tr) ou "INDIA BLEND" 25¢ , 80c , Sic, 40¢., 5U¢. pou d For best resulis in baki g nse STARR BRAND BAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. THE STARR CO, 185 WELLINGTON ST. A Popular Dainty During The Holiday Season. addition to table ady in the city so dificult to Cream recherche a cup of tea or delicacies, that would use it, get 'Phone 567, order to the CLARIFIED MILK COMPANY, and you will be convinced that it is the best. Cutters Sleighs "Hava Your Cutters and Sleighs Fixed Up at Laturnsy's, Where you parts properly attended to. 390 Princess St. Phone 25! HARD GOAL The O14 Reliable SCRANTON, Un- equalled for Heating and Conking. is so an cofiee, and other every it not fresh cream were good or send your can have all S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington St. STAMPS AND MAREERS. RUBRER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SEL Lokers, Linen Markers. Dates. Seals, Stencils Bank, Ticket and Office Stampe, oto. Ravairs rami IOUN AFPORND to ORs GIVING AWAY PERFUMES » A DR. CHOWN'S CRUG STORE For One Day NEXT SATURDAY, DEC. 20th 1 tle oe We will present a bot of per- to each' custon making a ase of 25 cents or 1%, the value of 'the perfume to equal 20 the to 25 per cent. of the value of purchase. REMEMBER, DR. CHOWN' 185 PRINCESS STREET. DRUC him durnz the STORE, ! we Years THE WHIG -- 69TH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Streets at" $6 per vear. Editions at 2:0 and 4 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub- lished every Thursday mornine at $1 a year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work; mine improved Prise, EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. t HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Ortem Dacor.' A COMMON-SENSE POLICY. The Globe has been defending practice of giving the news of the day, including a summary of the addresses made by conservative leaders in its a political campaign. Our contemporary has been = accused, unjustly, of con- tributing in this way to the political It has done no more than other liberal success of the conservative cause, papers. It has aimed at being first of all a newspaper, and it could not be that the of any party. It did the wise act, in the last election, of presenting the salient and ignore proceedings points of the opposition programme, and in that way the people were in- formed of the hedging which Mr. Whit- nev anl his associates indulged, of thar changes of sentiment and tactics of could on one page enjoy Mr. and his colleagues in the government, the as the battle went on. The reader the paper the admirable discourses of Ross and on another criticisms and apologies of the opposition leaders. The often remarkable, and much to the advantage of the li- beral cause. The Globe was not calleq contrast was upon to: defend its policy. It was emi- nently fair and common-sense: WILL GET MORE WAGES. The chairman of the Anthracite Coal Strike ly made, casual not in the way of a formal deliver Commission has ance--a very important decision, It is in effect that the coal operators to business can afford "and if a wages the "This pay fair wages, cannot pay fair employer ought to get out of it is the conclusion of one commissioner, after he had listened for days to the evidence of the miners concerning their He had weati'd of the exercise and ended the remark herewith quoted. Of course he ecarninrs under certain conditions it somewhat suddenly Ly making added a qualifying clause, that™it. the operators sail they could not pay a coal min- higher rate for getting out the the commission would recall the ers for such testimony as they had to It offer. looks as if there is to be an advan ¢ in the miners' tariff as a re sult of the arbitration. The argument of the hola, namely, that anthracite coal will not operators will hardly sell if it becomes unduly excessive in above the cost of bituminous The own experience upon this point. It has that at 1s cost coal. strike has produced~< its demonstrated will burn the Pe ople reasonable the anthracite any prie. They have had enough of soft coal. PROHIBITION A contemporary IN POLITICS, that the lifted of philanthropy and announces of is now the matter of prohibition field reform If it The attempt was made on we eve out moral into that of practical is at hand. of issue having politics. is its defeat the general elections to make the a political One party aorecd 'to submit the 'Liquor Act the vote of the people the other party his one. to opposed it, and its leader, by speech and action, played for the sup port and favour of the liquor men. Yet the temperance workers included both conservatives and liberals. They The licensed both parties. worked side by side. victuallors represented I'hus far the campaign has heen fairly, not wholly, nonpoliticial. The change may come with the demand for ad Mr. the bona fides of some He the vanced legislation. Ross has rea son toh suspect is confirmed in prohibitionists, this suspicion hy rash criticism of the Liberator, a prohibitionist pa er. | Fhe contemporary. ith a demand leaders," "call the will Act The conservatives will help temperance savs a wither vote and base the on the a victory, to have put in foree, without hrousing the liguor vote, and the liberals will maintain that the real interest shown does not warrant anv further action." Then it is as sumed the row will begin, As soon as | the politicians guarrvel over the pro blem so soon will it lose in the efforts | of some men to give it a practical so lution. -- | WIFE MAKES THE MAN. So little has ten said the Mis. U. to about tht she was only econ late NS. Gran, one Is left infer that becats: of husband's great of however, her that Se us Tie pen the f fat, largeiy due to an admirer brings it ROSS, that was out nobl counsel ton and int give way. to Spo i which at times threatened to overcome f nparative Na: wd that trinmphs n arms, a In the iu howrars of his later showered up¢n him i gi ls that it is impossible to ! lah 3 by a grateful ond apprecietive naticn, in the courtesies paid to him mn his travels a read, in the gloom of his was ever the same, le oic, helpful long illne-s, she the woman of lrave, spirit, th: wife whose judgment seldom at fault. The pert of woman, as the companion of the man, is not was always recognized. There are cess in of sympathy makes wedded life the reverse of what it ovgbt to be, but in most cases the man is improved by the counsel he re- ceives from his "beter half." whose memoirs which a want Some of the gseat men, or biographies give glimpses into their inner life, have paid tribute to the their ives, anil Gepe- He was inspiration of ral Grant was one of them. a man of very taciturn temperament, and not given to the expression of his all that Mrs. Grant was to him may never be known, Lut emotion, and there is suflicient to warrant the con important factor, his career, and that she deserved to share viction that she was an force or stimulation in the successes and honours which were Lis. EDITORIAL NOTES, The mayor of Montreal proposes to cell soft coal at $3.50 per ton. What is the freight to Kingston? Mr. Foy does not see in Mr. Ross' last address to confidence. Does he sce it in the dre-s's of Mr. Whitney ? the people a note of ad A toy trust has been formed. It is backed by millions of money. Even the babies must be robbed of the oe- casional coppers they possess. » ---- Uncle Sam is said to be for peace. He is expected to settle the Venezuela service which the dispute and perform a will command the admiration of Watch him act. The Christian Guardian is down lon world. Of course it is impartial in its denunciation and means that the the lobbies of the prc hibition lobbying. men who haunted lesislature in regard to did a great and serious wrong. has it that is to be 'the Toronto Telegram the bill re vived and that it is to be made the The Orange remedial school issue in the next election. element of the conservative party is said to have bolted, and Dr. Sproule has gone on strike. has | intense Water come The fuel Montreal and Toronto famine in In tonwn the coal is scarcer than in King The where the corporation can keep some fuel for ing=more and more of a necessity. Dr. Neshitt the lance 'of the conservatives in the gene the long ston. municipal wood yard, the deserving poor, is hecom Beatty says vigi modified re form practices. Put after the election Mr. Whitney said he the ral election greatly Indesl ! had evidence of a liberal raid on not a word of the ballot 'boxes, anl yet evidence has been presented in The inference iz plain. Mr. the ness js re sponsible for the recent slump in the But out courts, Clergue says re- that thins Thq the impression stoek of his company. he is He closed sponsible himself. the mill it press did not ann for for amother. was one while was closed create that the steel rails could pot he made pay unless the tarifi were raised ! CLIPPED HOT STUFF. Want The Sock First. London News. How would vou like to find a ton of coal in vour sock for Christmas? Sure Of That ? Thomas Journad. When a man carries g picture in the inside of his watch there is generally a woman in the case, St And Well-Founded. Montreal Herald It i: a popular belisf among chorus keep a coming to the bald-headed from front. man It All Depends. Toronto Stax Maybe Canada wants recipro.dty and maybe khe doesn't. Much depends on the kind of reciprocity that 'may be proposed. Do You Catch On? Free Press do you call "Venezu-e-ler" "Venez-you-la," say it «is Ottawa What it ? "Vene-zoo- with a drawled or how ? The "Va-neth-wa out E. authorities la." --- It's Surely THe Same. Ottawa Citizen We knew it was coming. The colloyes are going to graduate bachelors of domestic siience. The hanl that rocks the cradle: will be the hand that rok ed the policeman in the bachelor's gay student days. « Torontc's Doughty Firemen. Toronto Telegram They always said that Toronto five Lricade an Orange Lodge Now the brigade is a b ized labor, and mav refi: conflagrations which do not wear union label. TK htm-------- "Full .of Snap and G I< what good dn neckwear. Not one pu shape in any other clusive 'neckwear at Co. was the the -------- are the Co. overcoats land. Roney & Dressing gowns, £6.75 ta 324. kins. tar WiLL GET ONE, INGSTON TO HAVE SCHOOL OF FORESTRY A Letter From a Friend of Queen's ernment Will Carry Out Its Promise. This extract from a letter to a Kingstonian from ga friend of Queen's University in the west has been com- municated to the Whig : "Work seems to be going on smooth- ly at (Queen's, and I am glad to hear people speak so highly of the new principal. Being an old friend of Prin- cipal Grant he will, mo doubt, con- tinue the latter's policy. It has been almost amusing during the past sum- mer to see little "squibs™" now and then in the newspapers relating to Queen' Some people have become brave since Queen's lost her prindpal, but, if I am not mistaken, they will Touching. the Subject -- Gov- | advancement. No words of attack on 'toronto University, as a barnacle on the ship of state, heard in this eastern but one cannot long tratel about Torcnto anti the without kéing told, as an e ho from Chancellcr Merelith and the World especially, that the Kingston mining are section, west school is a graft ci the province. To ronto is welcome to the spectaele it presants in this particular. The will help bot! Kingston an! Guelph s hoois in their got ernment The expenditure will to other Lonuses ard sul'sidies, and th rcturn will 'n thirty years, by the growth of new wood and the pro laudable eco ts. be small in proportion be certain. tection of old forest, the province will be repaid, both on public and jrivate domain, g hundred fold. let us have both s hools and thon nt be half enongh education on a great there will subject of national strength. A cable from Berlin says the Kaise has been secretary of the foreign oflice at Perlin. ie-West, of England, is His wile, a noted ind a fighting crowd gown there yet, and one which will get j done to the 'University of Eastern CUn- tario." The strength of Queen's has been due, in no small extent, to the fact that the citizens of Kingston and the university authorities have always pulled well together whenever asking for public support. "I saw by the Globe that Principal Mills, of Guelph, is trying to get the school of forestry for the Ontario Ag- ricwltural College. Imagine las at: tempting this when Principal Grant was~still -alive--after the school had been publicly promised to Queen's. it can he easily proved that Kingston is much better location for a s heol of forestry than Guelph. (1) The scientific training given at Guelph--in chemistry, physics, ete.--is necessarily very general and element ary. An examiner of the University of Toronto told me, a few vears ago that the answers he received to chemi- cal papers « from B.S.A. candidates were not equal to those expected from high school students. It would cost a great deal to place the scientific staff at Guelph on as strong a footing as that which already exists at Kings ton and a strong course in chemistry (organic, ete.) is essential to a com- plete course in forestry. (2) The experiments in and study of forestry will have to be or should be carried on in our more rocky and wooded districts, not, for the present, at least, in old agricultural districts «uch as that about Guelph. ®Kingston is in a suitable district and a forest reserve has already been laid out with in forty or fifty miles of Queen's. While forestry in acricultural districts is of some importance, the object of establishing the school of forestry © as with the 'view primarily of adding to and preserving our timber suvply. *(3)" Forestry is no more clearly connected with agriculture than with mining. In fact the latter industry ix almost always or will be in (Intario prosecuted in timber districts in which there is little agriculture. The mining man like the luniberman has an oblect in preserving timber. He needs lots of it for supports, ete., underground, and jor his fuel (which is large in quanti- tv, comparatively), buildings, rail wavs, tracks, ete. After yz farmer has his buildings up all he needs is a hit- tle wood for fuel. He wants few trees on hiss land while the miner tries to encourage the growth of structural timber as near his plant as possible so as to Keep down cost, At some of the great Michigan mines the timber jor undercround work alone costs much as the rest of the underground work, blasting, hoisting, From thic will be seen that niining and for e twin sisters and should net stice ete, estry ar he separated." The Whig, while proud of the quali- fication of Queen's and eager for Fer <uccess; has no jealofis foelinrs regard ing Guelph. The government. hy the proposed combination cou in Teo- Guelph school, rso ronto university and has amply covered class room work, and Queen's will gladly welcome their <tudents later, as an addition to its own forestry students, for the practi- al experimental and r straining work } irre on readily and do government hos as! the it will Le able to « e<sinllv near its WIS. Wien any su the od at opize vala nes or me in King | able ansion, 1s davs or to a=sist ton, members have | wed for to suceved Lr. Von Holleben as amba sador at the German Em bassy at London, and is at present in , not | that ministers Possible New German Ambassad or to United States and Wife. r has selected Prince Henry of Pless Washington. Prince Henry who was Miss Mary Theresa Cornwall beauty. - --_ --_---- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The testamentary begue ts for reli gious, educational, and charitable pur- IT in England during the last year exceed £1,500,000. » M. icbaudy, Paris, has challenged Santos Dumont to sail balloons for 106,000 francs, the Aero Club to ar range the details, ' Lord Minto has accepted the -invita- tion to open the convention of the Dairymen s Association, to be held in Gttawa, January Tth, Sth and 9th. President Gompers before the coal commission stated that he could prove the coal companies were responsible for the bringing of immigrants to the coal regions. The Costa Rican government will discuss the Venezuelan situation, but it can be said on good authority favor President Cas tro's attitude. An order in council was passed on Tuesday authori ing the separation oi the town of Smith's Falls from the jurisdi tion of the county council of the county of Lanark. Several deputations representing in- terests opppsed to the Newfoundland- United' States recivrocity treaty were heard by the United States senate committee on Wednesday, Alleged charges of ballot box stuff- inr and impersonation, said to have taken place in Ottawa, on December 4th, when the liquor act was voted upon, are to be investigated. The Canadian Manufacturers' Associ atin has secured the services of Wat- son Gritlin, a well-known journalist and writer on tarifi affairs, to con Fduet its campaion for tarifi revision. According to despatches from Hun gary, sixtyv-three persons were frozen to death there during the last three Wolves are devastating the days. and have devoured three <heenfolds "shepherds. M. lelune; a Pelgian engine r, has invented a method of obviating the danger from five damp, which has ac hieced remarkable results. A state commission hes been apointed to in ve tigate the invention. A proposal to increase the tonnage lies ot Southampton is grousing con sides ahile opposition amone the ship ning The harbor hoard has received protests from the Ameri vnicn, Roval Mail, Elder Pemp Peninsular and' Oriental and linis, consequently the heen referrd to the finance further consideration. companies. can |ier, other has committee for : 1 back : Teachers Wanted To buy their Christmas candies from us. assortment of Christmas novelties con- sisting of Cadbury's, Rowntree's Robert-on's fancy and plain Tom Smith's stockings, ete. cock. hoxes. J. His Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain. and most penetrating liniment on the mar- | ket to-day, is Smith's White Liniment. A positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, | and lumbago. Big bottles, 2Jc, at | Wade's. Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. Everything now and fresh in wear for Christmas. All shapes f pri es. neck and 'Nm: e perfumes at Taylor's KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. ' TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO = ft, \ r cron vdetation Life Buildings oront matter | and | THE H. D. BIBBY CO, JAMES REID, The Give Warning of Approach of; [ore Serious Trouble.- . Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability, bordering upon hysteria? Are your spirits easily affected so that one minute you laugh, and the next fall into con- vulsive weeping ? . Do you feel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten- ing to choke you; all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light and sound; pain in the ovaries, and especially between the shoulders; sometimes loss of voice; nervous dyspepsia, and almost continually cross and snappy, with a tendency to 7 at the least provocation ? f so, your nerves are in a shattered condition, and you are threat- ened with nervous prostration. . Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nine cases out of ten this is caused by some uterine disorder, and the nerves centering in and about the organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system. Something must be done at once to restore their natural condition or you will be prostrated for weeks and months perhaps, and suffer untold misery. Proof is monumental that nothing in the world is better for this purpose than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; thou- sands and thousands of women have written us so. How Irs. Holland, of Philadelphia, suffered among the finest physicians in the country, none of whom could help her -- finally cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mgrs. Pixknay : -- For over two years I was a constant suf- ferer from extreme nervousness, indigestion, and dizziness. Menstruation » was irreguldr, had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak- ness. I was so bad that I was not able to do my own work or go far in the street. I could not sleep nights. "I tried several splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I soon began to feel better, and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at every step. I continued to take the medicine until cured. "J cannot say enough in behalf of Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine, and heartily recommemd all suffering women to try it and find the relief I did." -- Mrs. Frorexce Horranp, 622 8. Clifton St, Phila- delphia, Pa. (Jan. 6, 1902.) ' Another case of severe female trouble cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after the doctors had faileds "Dear Mrs. Pixgmaym:--1I was in poor health for several years. I had female trouble and was not able to do my housework alone. I felt tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. I doctored with several doctors. They doctored me for my stomach, but did not relieve me. I read in your book about your medicine, and thought I would try it. I did so, and am now cured and able to do my work alone, and feel good. I was always very poor, but now weigh one hundred and fifty pounds. "J thank vou for the relief I have obtained, and I hope that every woman troubled with female weakness will give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. I have recommended it to many of my friends." -- Mrs. Maria Bowers, Millersville, Ohio. (Aug. 15, 1901.) Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by Lydia Ii. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince the virtues of this medicine ? How shall the fact that it will help them be made plain ? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and siék, and discour- aged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange= ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will heip you just as surely as it has others. WE CLOTHE THE ~ WORKINGMAN Here's a Clothing Store That Wants the Workingman's Trade. We know that when the worki ngman wants a Suit, Overcoat or pair of Trousers, he wants them made upon honor--made to stay. He wants Clothing that will give satisfaction. He wants it cut in style. He wants it to look well ; but he wants it durable, and he wants it at a reasonable price. The workingman is a welcome visitor at our store. STYLISH WINTER SUITS--AIll the newest styles. $6 50, $7, $7.50, $8, $8.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $13, $14, $15. . ELEGANT OVERCOATS--The short, long and | medium lengths, in newest materials, $6, $7.50, $8, $9, | $10, $12, $12.50, $14, $15. We n'ver had as fine and large an | One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. Christmas Specials A beautiful line of Golden Oak or Mahogany Cobble Seat Rock- ers only $2, regular $3. Fancy Rattan Rockers or Arm only $3.50, regular $4.50. ldren's 3-piece Toy Sett only ( $1.75. > gE Screens, filled or in frames Easels only 50c. for the holiday season. Ambulance, Leading ' Undertaker. 147.