Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1902, p. 3

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YCRAND TRUNK SVsvem CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR': HOLIDAY RATES. Slogle Rirst=-Class Fare Going December 24th and 25th, valid returning from destination on or belore December 26th, 1902; also going De cember 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid returning from destination on or before Januarv 2nd, 1903. First-Class Fare aud ¢ne-rhird Going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, also December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid re- turning from destination on or before January 5th, 1903 Scheel Vacations. To Teachers and Pupils of Schopls and Colleges, on surrender of Standard Form of School Vacation Railway Cer- tificate, signed by Principal, Round Joe Tickets will be issued at lowest ON WAY FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, good going December 6th to 81st, inclusive, valid returning from destination on or before January 19th, ai further pariiollers SLE, 10 City. Pgs Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian * Pacific Railways. FOR CHRISTMAS VACATION Will issue return tickets to GENERAL PUBLIC. At SINGLE FIRST-CLASS I'ARE, good going December 24th, and 25th, good returning until December 26th, 1902. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1902, returning until January 5th, 1903. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, from December 6th, to 31st, 1902, inclusive, good returning until January 19th, 1903. For ful] particulars at K. & PY and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario' JF. 'CONWAY, FA, FOLGE Gen. Pass. 'Agt. Gen. 'Supt (HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napaase, neni aad all local prints. Tea Ion City Hall Depot at 4 pm. RJ. WiTRO. C.P.R. Telgrsrh Of Boa, Clarence street. DOMINION - LINE MALL STEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERYICE Colonian w. w wo we w- we «Dec. 20th *Irishman .. - - California, 1903, -- ws mtr dan. 3rd *Norseman ... a *Otteman ...... . . Colonian ... RATES oF PASSAGE--Suloon, $50 and upwards, For Avonmouth Dock and Bristol From Portland. Turcoman ... ... ...... about 20th Dec. *Englishman ... about 3rd Jan. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- sengers. NE Ww SERVICE Boston 30 Wl reun. 8rd, 1903 Jan. 10th Jan, 17th Jan. 31st. ctric light, Spa- Commonwealth, Jan. Vancouver ...... New kngland Cambroman, ... AMidship, Saloon, cious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.'T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANCE '& Co., Gen. Agis Montival & Portland. BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beautiful seenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British armv and navy, is unrivalled in its aturacuivences, reached by the first- class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eicht hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST, LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEME RARA, lso afford beautiful and interesting tours, all reached bv steamships of the Yhap Shertens Company from New York: SPECIAL CRUISE TO THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMIL!IUS OUT- ERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, New York; J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Becretary, Quebec. AY ALLAN LINE CHRISTMAS IN GLAND, From St. John. Frow Halifax Corinthian, Dec. 18. Dec. 15, 10 p.m. Pretorian, Dec 20.. Dec. 32, 10 p.m. FIRST CABIN--Tunizian and Bavarian, $60, upwards, Parisian, $53 and upwards. Pre- torinn and Corinthian, $50 and up- wards, SECOND CABIN--Tunisian and Bavarian, Sin Other steamers, $37.50; Liverpool, Londonderry or London. Third Clnes--$25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Ballast, Glasgow, London. J » HANLEY, Agent, City [Passenger Depot, Cor on and Untario Sts. rr GILDI bh 5 MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND CENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1908, I respectfully so- : licit your votes sad Influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. |, The bones of a baby are soft--so very soft that at first they can scarcely be called bones. They grow hard in time, but the period of their growth is a critical one. Loose joints, bow-legs, en- larged head and hip disease are evidences of rickets. If not checked they lead to de- formities of a permanent character. This is the natural result of improper bone nour- ishment during the period of bone development. The child needs mineral substance to harden the bones and this is plentifully supplied in the hypophos- phites of lime and soda con- tained in Scott's Emulsion. The cod liver oil provides the element of fat needed to rein- force the child's ordinary food. Thus Scott's Emulsion "offers in a perfect combina- tion the very principles of proper bone and flesh nour- ishment most needed by a young child. The action of the Emulsion is so mild that the most delicate stomach will accept and retain it. This makes Scott's Emulsion of particular value to weak children and very young babies who are in absolute need of a mild yet effective food-medicine. Pale-faced children show they are not getting what they ought to get from their food. They need Scotts Emulsion to enrich their blood and give them strength to start on the right road toa healthy growth. If a child is thin, backward in. growth, or slow in de- velopment it will be found that Scott's Emulsion will quickly help it. There is nothing better for babies and growing children than Scott's Emulsion. We'll send you a sample free upon request, SCOTT & BOWNE, 55 Front St., Ww. Toronto. All Saturday' Ar: Bargain Days at the Grand Union, But TO-MORROW, thé Saturday before Christmas, we offer special induce- "| ments in Men's and Boys' | Suits and Overcoats. | 3 Suits 8 Suits 9 Overcoats £7 50 Overcoats Suits for $3.75 Suits Shop early Saturday: LE 1903 | } UN LOP To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 am a oan tidnte for the mayoralty for ths year 1908, | and respectfully ask for your vous and In fuence on my J. T. WHITE, MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--[ respoct- tily solicit your votes and influence to asleot vw ar Mayor for 1902 Tie bad sults from ex- or drink- ing are 1imized by users of the MAGI CALIDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. The Grand Union Ciothing Store, 122 Princess Street. Students and Young Men: There is nothing more up-to- date or interesting than our new ELECTRIC WALKING STICK-- the novelty of the season. Cal 1: and see it. Our ELECTRIC TINS are the talk of the 1¢ ELECTIIC CLOCKS for night use. BRECK & HALLIDAY, P=gEe.. WHO IS YOUR AUCTIONEER ? W. MURRAY, Jr., la serving nearly every body now im that lle has a reputation for good sales, prompt returns and satisiactory settlements You will be monev in pocket bv emploving 'W. MURRAY, Jr. a by Dr. Chase's for abon t two davs afterwe ard. I felt the 1 couraged because of my continued ill |OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Westbrook Waftings. Westbrook, Dec. 185.--The Methodist church Sunday school has started practising for the Christmas entertain- ment. Our trustees have secured the services of Miss Maggie Sproule as teacher for 1903. A goodly number from here attended the concert in Odessa on Wednesday, 3rd inst. Miss Maggie McGuinn, Kingston, spent a few days last week, the guest of Murs. G. Smith. McLaughlin Bros. have rent- vd T. Rose's farm. A popular young couple of this locality will be married soon. Kepler Communications. Kepler, Dec. 17.--The Sunday school children intend holding a conlert on Christmas eve. A number, from here attended the re-opening and tea-meet- ing at Glenvale. J. Wood, Syracuse, has purchased the farm of T. F. Law- rence for $1,000.- A baby girl has come to stay at J. Laidlaw's. Visi- tors: Mis: Zelda Waptman and Miss Boyce, Colebrook, at' H. Wartman's: Mr. and Mrs. W. Switzer, Switzerville, at C. Cranston's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Perry, Inverary, at J. MeBride's; Mrs, Frank Leeman and Mrs. Dole at S. Leeman's; Davmond Smith, Westbrook, at Sherman Pow ley's. Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, Dec. 15. --Robert Willis, Manitoba, is spending 4 few days vis iting friends in this neighborhood. He intends returning via the United States, where he will buy a carload of horses. John McGreevy held gn auc- tion sale of cattle at Lombardy . on y. Miss 8, Gilroy, Smith's spent a couple of days in this village this week. Several farmers are hauling logs from H. A. Crate's shan- ty to the saw-mill here. Osear-Blan- cher of Burg , has moved info this village. He is living in the house own- ed by Mrs. Kivne. Quite a number from here are going to the concert at Toledo. Michael Dermady is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Miss Lizzie Mil- ler returnedgihome after spending a couple 'of weeks at North Augusta. Bath Brevities. Bath, Dec. 18.--C. M. Nash, Kings ton, visited at his father's, Dr. Nash, on Sunday. Oliver Thurston, work- ing on the steamer Alexander for the past season, has returned to the vill age. Rev. H. S. Spence, of the M¢ thodist church, changed services with Rev. Me. Allan, Adoiphustown, on Sunday. James Fo Johnston spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Johnston. The auction sale at Ed ward Wright's, on Wed tay, was well attended and good | were re alized. Wilhham Preston, Stella, was the auctioneer. The Methodist Sunday school concert will be held on Tues- day, December 23rd. Mrs. William Cal vert has returned from her visit to Kingston. Cdessa Occurrences. Odessa, Dec. 17.-A quiet wedding took place at the home of George Watts, when B. Perry and Miss Fer suson, of Newburgh, were united in marriage hy the Re G. W. McColl. Jameg Wright, an old amyl respected gentleman, died at his hdme on Fri dav evening last. Mr. Wright was in his ninety-sixth year. 'The funeral was orducted by Rev. G. W. McColl on Do You Look On The Dark Side ? Are You Blue, Discouraged, Irri- table and Depressed ?--It May be Your Nerves Are Exhausted and You Need DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD, Irritability and mental depression, sometimes amounting to melancholy ind despondency, are marked symp- toms of ngrvous exhaustion. In the 'beginning yon feel languid and tired, find it impossible to con- entrate vour thoughts. The tasks of the day are put oli till the morrow, little thi worry you, you forget vour blessings and look on the dark side of things. At times there may be nervous head- aches, spells of dizziness, indigestion, sleeplessness and general weakness of the body. You dread what the future way bring to you and feel the work and responsibilities of life more than vou can bear. Mrs. Corkey, 272 Wellington street, Kingston, Ont., states: "l1 sulferea a great deal with nervous headache. In fact, I was so bad that at times I took weak, dizzy spells, and my nervy ous system scemed quite undermined und exhausted. Some time ago I heard of the good results accomplish- ve Food and be aan to use it. Since I have been tak- ng this medicine 5 great change has some over mie, the headaches have dis appeared, my nerves have been strengthened and 1 do not have any more of the dizzy speils. 1 have no- thing to thank but Dr. Chase's Nerve {ood for this change. Nrs. G. M. Brown, Cobourg, Ont.. states : 'I was completely run down in health last spring ana could not do hopes a Rumor savs three weddings at Christ. ne day's work without being laid up veak, langzuid. ana miserable most of | :, and was often b and dis- fth. When in this s to try br, Chase's d so with most sati It built up my svetem won I was aa Nery Food, v. strengthened ana fostered mv res and took away all feeling of anguor and fatigue. 1 cannot 3 wirthing too good about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and hope ti nay profit bv my experience.' ['r. Chase's Nerve Food 50 cents a at all dealers or LEdmanson, Re & Co., Toronto. He never Tuesday. John W. Denyes started for hi: mew home in Washington, on Tues- day evening last. George Watts "has been appointed bailiff and county con- stable of the sixth division... Miss Annie Metzler is visiting relatives in Syracuse," N.Y; and will -net-return- to her home until after Christmas. Quite a number of the young people attended a party at ames Davey's home, Wilton, on Wedorsday evening. Worthy McKee has retuned to his home in Smithfield. Wallace Laidley speat Saturday and Sunday at his home here. Public school closes for the Christmas holidays on the 19th. Marysville Doings. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Dec. 17.--! The funeral of the late "Kate Meagher, who died on the 2nd, after a lingering illness, took place to St. Mary's church. Miss Aggie Roach, of Brew- ers' Mills, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Fahey. John Ryan has returned after attending the model examination at Madoc. Frank Meagher and Robert Fuller have gone to spend the winter at Bancroft. Misses Edith Campbell and Bertha Gould, spent Sunday at their respec- tive homes. Joseph McGuire has re- turned from the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, much improved in health. Robert Harvey and daughter Jennie, spent Sunday the guests of John Meagher. Miss Rose and Messrs Orr, Rennie and { Russell addressed large gatherings here on the 6th, both afternoon and even- ting and as a result a farmers' and a women's institute were organized. Cushendall Cullings. Cushendall, Dec. 15.--It was intended to keep Pine Ilill cheese factory run- ning during the winter months, but the extreme cold caused the pipes -to freeze and so it was thought wiser to abandon the attempt. Alexander Mar- tin, brakesman on the G. T. R., run- ring between Belleville and Brockville, was for a few davs the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin. Many from here took poultry to King- ston on Saturday, finding a readv cale for the same. The annual school meeting occurs on the 31st inst., when a trustee will be elected. The death of Mrs. James Redfern occurred at the Isle of Man on the 6th inst. The sur- viving relatives are five sons, William, Thomas, Isaac, of Michigan; Benja- min of Chicago, and Edward of Cush- endall; and one daughter, Mrs. Rob- ert Hunter, Isle of Man, Pittsburg township. William Ahearn purchased a horse that 'has been used for some time on the Kingston fire brigade, the pice paid being $110. Nominations At Denbigh. Denbigh, Dec. 16.--The patients and many friends of Dr. W. A. Graham are gredtly pleased with his return af- ter an ahsence of over two months. Albert Stein has returned to Brock- ville but his family will remain at Denbigh during the winter. Rev. Pu ad family are still in New His family has been in "by the arrival of a little Rev. (i. Brackebush, of Fo anville, conducted divine service here during his absence once, and Rev. M. Voss, of Strathtay occupied his pulpit twice in the Lutheran church at Raglan. Miss Maggie Greer, profes- sional nurse in Philadelphia, 'has come home for a vacation and is stay- ine with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Greer. Mrs. E. Marquardt has started for Tyendinaga, where she intends to spend the holidays visiting friends and relatives. Thompson has been very ill, but is now improving. William John had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse which fell while drawing a load of logs up hill, and broke one of its front legs. The nomination of candidates | for' next year's municipal council was held yesterday. The following were nominated : For reeve, Messrs. John XR. Lane aod William Lane; for coun- citlors, Messrs. Guy, M. Debee, Robert Conners. George ox, James mond, William Sallans and Emil War lick. William Kich Death Of A Pioneer. Strathcona, Dee. 17.---C. W. Weir is able to be about avain. Mrs. Arm rong is a guest of Mr. Wilson. Shir- ley Fox's little girl is ill of fever. Mis. Rook is still confined to the house fiom the effects of a fall. A voung on came to "James Alexander's on 12th inst. The Sunday school of St. Jude's church will give an entertain ment on' 27th inst., in the hall. The Methodists are preparing a Christmas tree entertainment. P. D. Shorey has leon engaged as teacher for the com ing vear; Miss Caton leaves to attend the Normal; evervone regrets Miss Ca- ten's departure; she has performed her duties in the most creditable manner and endeared her-elf to the children. Arthur Darlington is sinking fast; no are entertained of his recovery, There died at his residence in this December 12th, Sidrey Files, seventv-first year. Though not ery strong, he was not seriously ill until a few davs before his death. He was a son of Benjamin Files, a pio ner settler, of these countic od was a quiet, unassuming man, hav- ing many friends. Beside his sorrow- Deceas i he leaves two sons and five srs: Mrs. H. J. Wood. of New- Mrs. A. Holmes, of Fenclon isses Elida, Gertie and Lena. are William, of Toronto, sand »osons Frank. who resides near OtTawa. 'Lhe fineral took place Sunday in the Me thodist church, which was filled to utmost cavacitv. Rev. Mr Moore officiated. The remains were placed in Newhburcsh vault. Just A Reminder. In the hustle and bustle of vour Christmas shopping, do not overlook the necessaries. We would just mention that there is no coffee equal to our Java and Mocha blend, We roast it on o premizes, ering daily and guaran eo it absolutely pure. Jamez Redden & Co. Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. A man can alwavs use another tie many. See our spe- ds for * Bibby's."" Christmas Shirts. Our fancy shirts are the talk of the town. exclusive pattoins, f1, The H. ia repr Notes About the Various Sport ing Fields. The. Canadian rugby team plays in Glasgow to morrow. "The K.B.C.-Ramblers will be the Kingston team that will enter the Quinte Hockev Leacue. Brockville hocse,iits want a match with a Kingston team. The K.B.C.- Ramblers may accommodate them. The Brockville hockey club has ask- ed the K.B.C.-Ramblers for a match, promising a home match in return. McCulloch, the Canadian amateur skater, will likely become a profession- al, if sufficient inducements are held out. Toronto St. George's fullv expect to win thé, 0. H. A. championship," and their chance certainly looks bright at present. Hockey will boom in the North-West this winter. The O.H.A. rules will be used in the Crow's Nest Hockey As- sociation. "The United States Intercollegiate Hockey Association, composed of Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia and Brown, refusea to admit Pennsylvania to the league. The Winnipeg Victorig hockey team will demand that the Montreals play for the Stanley cup in January. Ii the latter do not, then Winnipeg gets the trophv, and rightly too. This evening the O.H.A. executive will consider the request of the Fron- tenacs to play in Pittsburg, Pa. Ii it is refused, a higher power may be invoked, as the O.H.A, is but a spoke in the wheel. The K.B.C.-Ramblers will not send are of opinion that the league should stand the expenses of a delegate. It has been remarked that the Fron- tenacs had no representative at the annual O.H.A. meeting, ana perhaps it should be explained that the King- ston hockeyists were to have heen re- presented by Dr.- Clarke, but he was unavoidably detained at the last min- ute. the O.H.A., will serve as representa- tive to Kingston on that great hockey organization. For years he has al- way limestone City teams, as well as those of Queen's, at which he was once a riotous, but diligent student. Ret. R. Laird, Brockville, and Rev. opinions on the Burnside rugby rules. The Toronto Mail-Empire says that Rarr is better qualified to form a cor- rect opinion. But how so ? Can ""Bid- dy' read the future any better than est graduates in arts and theology ? Ten years hence we shall know. by the Toronto papers on the Burn- side rules, they have never vet answer- ed the Whig's charge, that in the last "Varsity-Argonaut match there was continual interference play by the for- mer team in its endeavor to protect with an expert referce-- 'Biddy' Barr: who was unable to stop it. If that can be done when the rules are in their in- fancy, what will be the result when tricksters have undermined them ? If the O.H.A. refuses permission to thei association. It is likely that the Fron- 0.H.A. then throws them out, they finothe r smaller league, fully convine- ed that they have done no wrong, even though the Toronto Telegram may throw up its pious hands in hor ror, and preach the Frontenacs' funer- al sermon of respect and sorrow. ciety Last Night. and musical entertainment in Convo charged, and that the attendance is i nited to those having sow: knowl language anl music. A very pleasant feature of the entertainment, which sence, as guests of the club, of abit arrived German colony, and ; core tainly manifested deep interest and enjoyment in the rendition of the pro- and vicorous applause. The first part of the programme consisted of seven numbers, four vo cal, one piano, one recitation, and a chorus. Miss Calvin played Lizsi's Lichestraum No. 3, as the opening number. Miss Massie sang "Home, Sweet Home," under the guise of "Das Heiniabland," while Miss Wal dion sang 'Robin Adair' in its Ger man form. Then came a recitation "Das Sanzers Fluch' by Miss Hawes. Miss Knight sang "Mignon," and Mrs. Farrell, selections from Heine and Schubert, when the first part Was closed by the chorus smcine "he Wacht am Rhein." The second part was a short Germ an drama of domestic life, presented by Messrs. Foik, McGregor, Brydon, and Misses Thampson, Williams, Jack son and McConkey. It was a case of all's well that ends well, where fami lv jars, lost keys, exchanged over coats, missing letters, eventually find «atisfactory adjustment in two propo Js and two acceptances he players, as amateurs, nobly sus tained their parts, showing evidences of careful study and practice. The so (ety is to be congratulated on its siecosafy) and characteristic entertain met "NOTICE | persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH Bibhy Co. & t ---- Smoking jacket $275 to $9.50 Jenkins. 55-57 Barrack St. last Christmas. delighted with them. of the world. ers for their children but yours. I will start immediately, as weighs so much that my reindeers they will have to rest now and then on the way. I will be at your store on WEDNESDAY, Dec. main until Christmas Eve. My best compliments to you and to all your children custo- Ever your admiring friend, S$ SANTA CLAUS 3 Santa Claus Fairyland Telezr~ 1" To. Utiopia, Drecamian tl. Dec. 19th, 1902. MY DEAR MESSRS. CRUMLEY BROS. A year has nearly passed since I was at your beautiful store I had a grand time wilh the children and never met a prettier, healthier, happyer lot. Tle good warm undercloth- ing, Pants, Fur Collars, Fur Caps, es, Clouds, Fur Boas, Mitts, Stockings, Toques, Sash- and Over Stockings have a great deal to dn» with keeping them thus healthy and happy. I carefully examin- ed your childrens' wearing apparel, both on and off, and I was by far the best I have seen in any No parent should think of buying any oth- my load is indeed heavy and cannot travel very fast, and 24th, at 10 o'clock, and will re- sentative to Napanee Saturday to assist in drawing up a schedule for the Quinte hockey league. The locals A. H. Beaton, now vice-president of s looked after the interests of the "Biddy'"' Barr, Toronto, hold opposite, y ; For your Christmas Purchases go to CAFE VIVVOVD PEL wIE PETIT POP IE Yer PPE re ®ve PE TPs COAL AND WOOD PRODUCE HEAT. E.B.EDDY'S MATCHES CREATE FIRE. The latter is indispensable to the former be started with so little trouble Jo qi iene s00 "Bobby" Laird, one of Queen's bright- Notivithstanding the eulogies passed its running half-backs. This occurred the Frontenacs to go to Pittsburg, there are oifly two courses open to the Kingston club--they must either break ontract or leave the Ontario VIG SL PePIV ever eee PPT. EDDY PARLOR MATCH {vscem.. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, ,2L8AEP0LI000 0000 sreeseaserereees anand asada std os ad tenacs will pursue the more honorable course, and keep their contract. If the 9 *90¢ will play independent hoe 'key or join Warm Slippers, Warm Boots, 'Warm Overshoes, Overgaiters and Rubbers A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR. Skating Boots "5, and ven ALL PRICES AND STYLES. Kant [rack Rubbers TRUNKS and VALISES. ABERNETHY'S. . Our Brands: No fire can King Edwaze 1000 Haple 30 and Kingston. FOCI PIP 00000000 000L 0000000000000 BAD BLOOD. Miss Mary M. Allan, Acton, Ont, says, For nearly a year I was troubled with pimpies on my face. Ltried several remedies but none of them seemed to hel I got Burdock Blood Bitters. great remedy for bad blood, and take plea- sure in letting you know that it did me more ood than all the other'remedies I tried. A GERMAN ENTERTAINMENT By Queen's Modern Language So- DYSFEPSIA. "Miss Alberta Murray, Campbellton, N.B,, says,~For five years 1 was troubled with Dyspepsia, and whenever I ate anything I suffered votold sgeuy. My parents got num- esrous medicines for me hut they did me no good. Isaw Burdock Blood Bitters adver- tised and solietuiig seamed to say, 'get a bottle." 1did so,and tomy surprise Cures Boils, Salt Rheum, The attendance at Queen's college Jiysivoiss, andall Bi Modern Language Society Dramatic all [ele 2] HeYe]o! - BITTERS cation Hall last evening was very good indeed, considering this is the nrst time an admittance fee has been HEADACHES. Mrs. Peter Bondreau, Glen Levit, N.B., says,--It is with pleasure and gratitude that T if can testify to the wonderful power of Burdock Blood Bitlers. My daughter was ears with headache and run tried several kinds of medi- At last a friend urged B.B.B. for her, ard after usin, e was like another being, never praise it emough. edge of and interest in the German deserves special mention, was the pues cine but to no effect. twenty representatives of the recently before I finished the bottle I found relief. I took all told 3 bottles, and have had no return of the trouble, CONSTIPATION. Miss Nellie Huggan, Merigonish,N 8,, says,--I was troubled with constipation for a year and tried different medicines, but they did me no good. I then took Burdock Blood Bitters and it cured me 50 that I Lave not been troubled since. £4 Mr. Whorten Barkley, Morrisburg, Ont, says-- I took three bottles of Burdock ck BI ood Bitters for constipation and found a com- plete cure effected. gramme by their marked gtteniion -- -- Chocolates for Christmas We are showing the Largest Assortment and the Finest Grade { CHOCOLATES in this Our lines are all open--don't wait for the rush. Come and see our FANCY NO VELTIES for Christmas. HOLLY A. J. REES, Ww Telephone Princess St. NODeA. CLUB GAMBLING. the King of Is hereby given the public that | I purpose making it warm for all HARD COAL The 014 Reilable SCRANTON, Un. equalled for Heating and Cooking, 3S, ANGLIN & CO. : Foot of Wellington St. 'Wonderful Success. THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. Do not be disappointed bL¥ buying cheap imitation mantle buroers when you can buy the best. THE KERN BURNER Is made upon honor, and every ome guar- Thay are made of heavy material, finely finished, equipped with the best mantles and InsswaTe. Give the light and save gas. |r W. OLDFIN, Kino

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