rAE VAILY WH. 6, FRIOAY. DECEMBER 19. Regulate Your System. You can protect yourself . against chronic constipation, biliousness, typhoid fever, grippe, and all kindred, Somplaints It will keep! the various organs of the body working smooth. ly and will drive out the poison that causes disease. It is the most won- derful regulator of health, the greatest preventative of disea- se and the best tonic and laxative known. Sold by all druggists. Back of Ma- terial and style there is a sweep cf experience in 66 9 Shirts that pleases the most fastidious dresser. Look for this name Inside the Collar. For sale by all best dealers. CLARRN'S CHRISTMAS Plum Pudding; A pure product of skill and experience. Perfect to taste. Always ready. th W Clapk Montreal (N Put up in air tight tins and sold by all gro- cers. Do you know Clark's deli- cious Pork and Beans? Cut There is no cut here, cut the clothes, but we do cut the prices. Remember us when you look for anything in the line of CLOTIHI- ING OR GENT"S FURNISHING: and don't that the lead in and LADIES' T'URS There is wisdom in filling wants (rom reputable dealers. GIFT PROBLEM s our present leading feature attentively in that matter. forget we are MEN'S your on impor JOS. SILVER, Successor to B, Silver, 102 PRINCESS STREET. Corticelli 81. 10: dlework, and al Weekly S ¥ amily Teral hand ms , Just think : Con TIC) oy S41 G, St. Johns serve you tant the A Ltd ,- Box i= an able pre: [in on will nesday | Edward nor do we Home | IN CONFERENCE. PROVINCIAL PREMIERS MEET IN QUEBEC. The Meeting is Private--Dominion Government Must First be Made Aware oi the Decisions. Quebec, Dec, 19.--The first regular meeting of the interprovincial confer- ence took place at eleven o'clock this morning. It was presided over by Hon. S. M. Parent, prime minister of the Province of Quebec. The sessions are strictly private. The business to be discussed and agreed upon at the conference will not He made public until a report of the same is forwarded to the Dominion government. It would be unpolitic and unusual, according to the president of the conference, to make known what transpired at the conference until the resolutions are adopted and in the hands of the Dominion government, the party most concerned, second in importance to the provinces who are applying for their just rights. The prime ministers are expected to close their important deliberations at noon to-morrow. The distinguished visitors will go to Ste. Anne de Beaupre in the afternoon to visit the famous shrine, and they will be dined to-mor- row night by the members of the board of trade at Kent House: Back From Hunting. Barriefield, Dec. 19.--The council held. the last meeting of the year on Monday. The trustees swarmed from all parts of the township and came near. swamping the tax collector and council, because they had no money for them to pay the teachers. J. P. Shortall, teaching at No. 2 school, will resign at the close of the season. EE. Corky, marine engineer, returned home Thursday. after taking a boat loaded with coal to Toronto, on Sa- turday, then laying up his boat at Picton. Capt. Batten has returned after his second hunting expedition, highly successful and loaded with partridge. In Sudbury district he vis- ited some of the nickel and copper mines. In some as many as 800 men were working, and all who could get work. People Rowman bridge vears of public deserves especially for of the village are happy that Pros. have again leased the toll privilege. Their many invaluable kindness to the more than gratitude, all the parcels, pack- etc.. that are safely cared for sent on to the owners without or even thanks. Job's patience not anything compared to that Jowman ages, and pay was of dros. The City Made Deposit. The water works' committee has paid the captain of the An nandale a deposit of 835 to allow its anchor to remain on the suction pipe for the present. Superintendent He witt feared that in attempting to get it free, the pipe might suffer damage, unless great precaution were exercised, and gdvised the water wor commit to make the money deposit. Later on the anchor will Le secure and either retained by the city or return ed to the schooner's captain for the 315. This sum, it thou tht, very small, as compared to risking » break in the pipe. Vessels have always been warned not to cast anchor oppo the water works, but the Annan daie did on a dark night, not knowinr exactly where it was. schooner tee was site SO Will Go To Guelph. Eber Crummy, BAL, street Methodist church, has g¢ the invitation of the Noriolk Methodist church, Guelph, to be pastor if the church authorities to the transfer. Mr. Crummy ther, a fine pastor, and all his 'methods and plans fully + to the requirements of the hour. : popular with the young peo B.Sec., of foplesm is Will Have Christmas Dinner. Miss Brooks, the county jail, has, through the kindness of generous friends, collected a small fund with which to provide a bounti ful dinner for the inmates of the jail Christmas day. The dinner will sist of fowl, vegetables, tea and offee, pudding, At present there are four male nt one female prisoner confired in the jail, hut preparations be made to feed eight. matron of Presented With His Portrait. At an emergent meeting of Catara qui lodge, A. F. & A.M. held Wed- the able tyler, was presented with a portrait of hiws J, handsomely The affair came as a great to Mr. Ball, who managed to na'e a suitable replv after ne himsell. The presentation o the popularity of the aged tyler. evening, vener tall, large framed. surprise recover- testilies * Ignorant, Or Mean ? Every day some persons send manu to the Whig, putting one cent np upon the envelope, thus costing receiver two cents. There is no cent postage now, either in town of it, except for printed matter, l letters are becoming so frequent, there will have to be a rule not to tae them from the post-office. out Had A Fine Closing. wo pupils of the kindergarten class i 1 Lo i enjoyed their an Christin Each it. as well The Larilaw entertainment thi little pupil received 4 as a supply of candy, class presented Caretaker with a fine big turkey. A number of parents and friends of wils were present, tres WY Rn large he | Send Us A Post Card. ad to have the visitors to the city, on a postcard (sign wame, but not for I we will print the Whir will always he gl! in this way names of Put the The Lion Brand. a naval ora t, at Carnovsky : wl noes, od andl Swe Electric scarfs pivs, the latest nov at DPreck & Halliday's, Princess fesrens in nechwear Co. Roney & INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Pure cider at Redden's. Oak Hall jor Xmas scarfs. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Four pounds nice mixed canly at Carnovsky's. Zion Sunday school held a Christmas entertainment last evening. Raspberry vinegar at Redden's. Dr. Bogart does not intend to begin practice here until about New Year's. W. S. Adams, Smith's Falls, will spend the Christmas-tide in King- ston. Mrs, ped and fell, the knee. The most stylish overcoats now very small prices. Roney & Co. Red and white Spanish onions and Italian garlic, at Carnovsky's. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. The Gananoque Journal says the St. Lawrence river in that vicinity is now frozen over from shore to shore. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. Orders re- ceived at McAulev's hookstore. Police Constable Tuttle has dispos. ed of his fine trotting mare to a Montreal buyer. The price paid was S150. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Miss May Weir attended the wedding Toronto, of Miss May Lappage, to Ralston, son of J. G. Ralston, mayor of Brantford. Stuffed olives at Redden's. The Whig, of Saturday, will be re- plete with Christmas reading. Special writers have been providing us with Canadian Christmas news. Dennis Farney, the obliging clerk at the British-American hotel, will leave to-morrow on his annual vacation. He will visit Detroit and Buffalo. Cut prices on overcoats to clear. Roney & Co. Two eivie committees were summon ed to meet this afternoon: The fire and light at four, and water works gt five. These will be the last committee meetings of the vear. This morning Allen & Brown offered for sale by auction the household el fects of Thomas Sullivan, Clarendon house. The attendance was large and good prices were realized. The best $17 can be had now for $13.50. few left. Roney & Co. This afternoon a horse owned by W. Lemmon, painter, ran away on Wil liam street, smashing the sleigh to which it was attached, but fortunate- lv not doing itself any injury. He who misses the is a loser, wh ther he knows it or not. When vou want oysters buy Carnovsky's blee points and vou will get the best. W. 8S. 'R. Murtch, grand superintend- ent of St. Lawrence division, No. 12, Royal Arch Masons, left at noon to- dav for North Augusta, to pav an of ficial visit to the lodge there. At Mullins : 3 lbs. Boston crackers, lbs, fruit biscuits, 23¢.; 1 1b. mixed peel, 153¢.: 5 Ibs. cléan currants, Me.: 3 Ihs. laver raisins, 23e.; 2 lbs. Selina raising, 25c.; 1 Ib. good cook- ing butter, 1c. At noon to-day J. H. Mills offered for sale by auction a dwelling, situat- ed in Victoria street and owned by D. H. Gunn. The price offered, $500, was a little below -the ups t price, so a sale was not efiected. The list of polling sub-divisions, de puty veturning officers, ete., has been prepared bv City Clerk Shannope--~--~+G he confirmed by by-law,at next Mon dav night's meeting of council. Gilbert sells cooking butter, Lieut.-Col. Ogilvie, Kingston, accom- panied hy two non-commissioned ofl cers will leave on Monday for Aldershot they will undergo a course of instruction. Nergt. Instructors Gim- blett and Melntyre were to have gone, but they declined. Mrs. Sally Burnett, late Jasob Burnett, of Woliord, died 2He., J. W. Martin, Elginburg. slip- fracturing her leg below at in the city Only a overcoat in best 15¢. 1b. where relict of the of the township on Thursday. It is thought she had attained the age of nearly 100 years. She was born and Fatsed nen Raston scorers. 5 Prof. Martin attended the closing exercises at Svdenham sch this forenoon gnd made gn decided bv a pleasing and popular addiess. Many parents and friends enjoyed the excel lent programme presoited by Miss Davis and her pupils, : Aavertisers should take the precan- tion to Ind ont the circulation of the papers they put money into. Cireula tion is both living and dead. In manv a printing office there is a grave-vard printea papers find rest, they opened hy readers, Elmer, of the fire department. the seribhlers of the local with him on the lawn Brock street, at 12:31 Christmas dav. te he careful con ool hit where are never Chief has invited pme-s to dine at No. o'clock, invitation sideration For the holiday trade ing the finest assortment ever offered in this city chocolates put up in one and two pound fancy hoxes make a nice pack for your friends, The above are the best that can he made are not cheap goods. We have tons of mixture at all prices from Ge. up. We have a very hier assortment of fancy boxes! new, designs, just what von want -for the Christmas tree. Give us a call. We will try and please you. W. J. Crothers, a7 noon, will oiven ofier bons are of bon and our new we age and also Died From Starvation. * New York, Dee. Is.--Jacob RButhren, Sixty-seven vears has been re to a Brooklyn hospital from hi: home, where he was lying alon ide the (dead body of his brother, Michael, se ty three vears who ix supposd to i tion. 'The maker's Shep and « the neighbo I ing had been seen or heard iro- thers, and a neighbor, bejoming alarm «1 the police, who made an on 'with the result stated. wn reached the hospital the that they had ne cmaciation, moved old, died from tatva little «hee mix with two weeks noth we WN two men kept a not of the When Rut loc tors ver seen His re said Aiftpr J. Castell Hopkins. 19.--Morang & Co. against J. paid him, an alleged defendant Tupper. Tor and for 500 damages for iveach of contract by the a life of Rir Charles to write Bitter 20c¢. At Carnovsky's and and Choice Fl for STANDS FIRM. | MONTREAL HOCKEY cus] The { marks obtained by the pupils of MUST SOON DECIDE If It Will Play for the Stanley Cup on the Dates Ordered by the Trustees--Tidings from the Metropolis. Montreal, Dec. 19.--P. D. Ross, Ot- tawa, trustee of the Stanley cup, has civen the Montreal Hockey Club until December 27th to decide their course of action in regard to the challenge states Chitty, president of the club, its that %he club will stand firm in position. The story printed in a Toronto pa- per about the G.T.R. acquiring the RR. & 0. navigation steamboat busi- ness, is pronounced as foolish in offi- cial. circles here. It is stated here in banking circles that W. D. Ross, formerly manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Charlotte- town, P.E.l., but latterly chief clerk of the finance department at Ottawa, has been offered the assistant general managership of the new Metropolitan Bank at Toronto. A remarkable woman at her home in Point St. Charles yes- terday in the person of Mrs. Esther Dunn Jones, at the age of 105 years. Mrs. Jones, who was a native of hil dare, Que., had been a resident of the Point for fifty-four years, and enjoyed remarkably good health until a few days ago, when she contracted pneu- monia, to which she succumbed. Mrs. Jones leaves lineal descendants to the number of 104 people," including sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. passed away WOLFE ISLAND CONCERT. Audience--A Fine Pro- gramme Presented. Mevysville, Wolfe Island, Dec. 17. he public school concert held in the Masonic hall, Wednesday evening, by the two popular teachers, Misses Allen was erected by a crowd ed house, proceeds devoted to enlar- ving school library. At the opening an address was given by the chairman, Dr. Spankie, touching on the pains the teachers had taken in rehearsing the concert, and thanking Miss Annie Hogan for kind assi stance rendered. Ihe programme consisted of : Chorus, W. Watts and all who took part; dia logue, Miss Allen and Lloyd Card; so- lo, Miss Ella Rice, Cape Vincent; duet, Miss Cattanach and H. Lavis; dialogue "Way Down Fast," Miss Burt and G. Whitmarsh, solo, Miss Hattie Mc- Laren, encored; solo, "He Said It So Politel Melville Watts. The ond part was openel by Miss Alice Kevs, with several (selec. tions on the gramophone; solo, "Ro- salie," W. Watts; dialogue, Popping the Question," Fred. Whitmarsh, Miss Maud Ryle, Miss Allen, Henry 'thorn ton, Lloyd Card, and Lucy Keys, Miss Oattanach; Miss Rice, encored; soxtette, "Floradora." Dr. Spankie cave a short address, thanking all for order and the large attendance. concert closed with "God Save King." 'Those who tuok part, with some fii were invited hiv Mr. and Mrs, Card to their Leauti home, where an oyster up er awaiting. Large and Hiscock, solo, cood I he the ul was TARRED STONE FOR COAL. How a Benevolent Stranger Fool- ed Customers. Derby, Conn., Dec. Many. anury persons"in this vicinity are hunting for a benevolent-lookine stranger who sold them crushed stone coated tar for coal. The fellow he syndicate which, from motives, was distributing a limited quantity of coal throughout the state and that he could sell to one house: kold not more than two: bushels. He "Aid the price 16a was fifvy cents a bushel, which just covered the cost, including delivery, and that o ders taken would be filled the next day, cash on delivery. He took many orders, and, the dav he delivered the allegea coal in a large waggon and received his money. The. fraud in almost all instances w; discovered within a few hours, It i thought the fellow is the same man sold several hushels tarred to a tenant of Chiof Police James Wrinn, of New Haven. 1S. represented a philanthropic said nex ol of who tone 0ld Yacht Being Rebuilt The :vacht Katie John I'. Phelps, ine rebuilte It at Belleville, tw. Capt. Cuthbert, who modelled the At Janta, which contested at one time for the cup in the international races. The Katie Gray was purchased by William B. Phelps, Jr, and taken to Oswego hout twent At that time she was fastest vacht of her Ontario and won several first prizes in still vory fast and there but few of the modein des signed yachts that can show her their i owned hv NY. is le constructed rears ago by Gray, Uswepo, was firs t niy-hve veals ago. considered the cluss in Lake races. She is uy Sues To Recover Millions. Col., Dec. 19.--.). the original Portland mine at Cripple tiled a in the "district James F. Burns and the Mining company, sinth interest in axth interest in been Shipped. sined Fhe mine has S12.000 tem) the #0 that o X00 asain: Springs, one of Colorado D. O Hae, the has against Gold a one locat ors of Creek, suit court Portland for and a one which ha of discovery approximately ruling market praee, £3, 00000, ah the the ine ny mine one date deed at th is selling latm amounts t the Portland este at * Set Fire By Pet Dog. Joseph, Mich., Dec, 1. + Thompson, who was a few « Thompson agp, wed ar wd mass of her lap. sulted in burns that Christmas. 'dlore Jenkins. open « ry mas Christmas perfumes at with | i the : ber, | taimable 500: B. 1422; C. | i | 406; J. from the Victdrias, of Winnipeg. Mr. le. 3] { Smith, { Meek, SCHOOL RESULTS. Several Classes in . School. following the number For Louise of the senior fourth class, Louise school, for months of November and Decem- 1902, The number of marks ob- Power, Hl L. Mell- : B. Wil- Rose- . Tandy, McCall, 416%, 411; 0. Der- Darby, 408 ; 407; M. Mills, G. Talfor, 400 ; Smythe, 304: F. Flmer, 393; M. Higgins, 1. 0. Neil- son, 390; J. Scott, 356; N. Leavitt, 374; x Asselstine, 369; A. Sherbino, 368; J. Harkness, 3635; S. Anglin, 3€2; E. Knapp, 360; J. McKenzie, 357; R. Turnbull, 353; A. Elder, 342; A. Friendship, 333; E. Martin, 330; P. Fokes, 321; G. Saunders, 319; J. Bovd, 203: IP. Richardson, 290; C. Drurv, ; J. Joyner, 26S; J. Shaw, 253; SW. Kennedy, '186; *P. Bovsey, idl; *A. Staples, "146; E. Lundy, 131. Those marked were absent a great deal on account of illness. Marks obtained by the pupils of the junior fourth class, Louise school, since last September. Total number ob- tainable, 'Myrtle Culcheth, 475; Evelyn Newlands, 472; Marion Neilson, 460; Dorothy 'Orford, 457; Olive Boyd. 119; Nellie Gates, 439; Ethel Neilson, 28; Gordon Smith, 418; Leette Roney, Marjorie Merrick, 412; Richard Ethel Wilder, 394: Lillie Ferguson, 330; Edith McCartney, 371: Irving Martin, 366; lrene Mills, 360; Mabel Dunlop, 35%; Harvey Craig, © Bell'Brown, 3553; Marguerite Abell, Herbert Boyd, 336; Nellie Dainty, Hazel Cooke, 321; .Jennie Dates, 301, Gaston Chartrand, 320; Cleveland Met- calfe, 318; Greta Gilbert, 318; Mabel Mackenzie, 313; Mary Scott, 313; Bea trice Marshall, 311: Harold 307: Arnott Minnes, 302; Eileen Wr . 205; Kenneth Robinson, 2 Olive Fair, 232; Arthur Mitchell, uel Scott, 275: Mabel ae itanley Strachan, 271; Anita Day, 265; Irene Swinyvard, 243; Flossie Mc Kay, 232; Mabel Brown, 227; Harold Armstrong, 221; Mabel Richardson, 211; Alice 183; Edna Starr, 179; Mar Murray, 163; Wali Day, 161; Mooney : is ; qubam, #17; V. Vanluven, | der, 2:30, F. Gardiner, 42%; vear, sp Anglin, 123. 'ochrane, 421; B. 412; B. Mack ry, 409; Sparks, N. A. Price, § Graham, Rogers, 405; 'man, 398; Fr. A. Gates, 4 414; Crummy, 406; 70: Perry, aret Melmar 108, At Central School. Junior fourth class, Central school. Result of written examinations for November and December. Marks ob tainable, 350: Ella Porter, 324; Gracie Greaves, 323; Jennie Ball, 20; kEva Porter, 304; "Bessie Chapman, 301; Sa- die Vanalstine, 2Y. Ferguson Twigg, : Harry Pense, Irene Moore, Jessie Lowe, 260; Chrissie Gray, Pearl Campbell, 251; Celia Shap- iro, 250; Alice Long, 215; Bertha Ma- hood, 211; lrene Shaw, 233; Eve Crawford, 23 Magoie Nisbet, Ethel Jones, George Driver, Jean Gaskin, Jessie Reid, 2 Ernest Barton, 221; _Joseph McC and. less, 0): V era Carson, 217; George Gould, 216; Olive Drury, 21; Mabel Hunter, 208; Bella Holder, 207; John Metcalfe, 199; Stanley Driver, 158 Claudia Weese, 183; Lily Thompson, 152; Gi. Holland, 182; Norma Reid, 17 Robinson, 167; Frank Hyland, 163; Jessie Park Eliinson, Rankin Maund, 1 Allie Flet 61. Florence Rogers, 165; Melville hill, 136; Ester 119: Bert. 104; Kdna 3 Hides, Wool And Tallow. Toronto, Dec. 17.--Wool is firmer. Fleece is quict but a little higher at 15¢. for washed and Se. to Sie. for un washed. Pulled wools are in demand for local mills, and prices are higher at Ie. to 20¢. for extras and lie. to 16¢. for supers. Hides are quiet and unchanged, the market weak. No. 1 green, are quoted at Sc; No. 2 at Te. and No. 3 at 6e.: great steers' are quoted at 9c. Cured. hides are unchanged at Sic. for-cows' and iC. for. steers' Lambskins are steady to firm at Tec. Calfskins are steady at 10v. for No 1, and Se. for No. 2. Tallow is weaker. offering Ge. to Gle. Gye. but looks are to Local dealers and askin Glc. A Recent Case. Kinuston, Dec. 17.- the ori: A letter in youri of ber 15th, contains misleading state ments. The facts are: Over thre vears ago the late Stewart Davy wa through Christian Science | ray had given illness a Edit PPecem to ue healed r alter him no Christian Friday and on the the patient, to pacify con sented to, have a doctor, Sun dav the doctor was called and the pa nt continued under his loving and thal up to the time of his h ten days later. In view of these facts it is most unjust to attii bute 1 death iy any way Chris tian Science.--. Munro, medica his last was called following day friends, materia hope. In Scientist on one <0 on care to The Happiness Of Health. Exhilaration is the ripple and laugh ter of pure as it courses through the veins. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities and in sures the richness and purity that is essential to perfect health--successiul Lecanse it merits it--popular because it fulfils every promise--a kidney medi- cine solely and purely. It mever fails. Sold hy Henry Wade and H. B. Tay- lor.--126, blood Teachers Wanted To buv their Christmas candies from us. We mover had as tine and large an assortment of Christmas novelti isting of Cadbury's, Rowntree's Robertson's fancy and plain Tom Smith's stockings, ete. J, con and hoxes, Hig d $2.50 Pants For $1.50. of the New York Clothing roek street, is offering a )argain. in pants, ready ma prices 82 to 2 3 a during the s the g to t track ------------ fered of ebony good and rument hair brushes, cloth brushes la McLeod's drug © ass hand store Mul 2c. at Tent Cathert in: the store i men = ell: Hh! tin £% pre Christmas perfumes at "aylor's and Ruffs. $10 each. bined Caperines. $45, yours for $30. monials y County of Nayne. =; Io fool that vitality ak esses YE d_ Detroit wi ivi Goldberg's care, Dec. 23, 1898. less than one week; was disc had no return of said trouble. Subscribed and sworn to bet mL Cure Guarants JURE Vari aticomias and Stricture withoy Pri » i and Rectal alFreusica Consul a Sma tran All er pox yam, DR. GOLDBERG 3h af hn A CLEAN Our special barga: purchased from a mos facturing Firm at & utmost attention of ¢ swift pace. There a: 10 Sets of Stone Mart Regular price 6 Sable and Persian Lamt Good val Christmas! JOS. Al The People's Clo 180 Princess Street, . KID' All Forr Back If you have Col¢, Doa; They cured MR. T. Le He says,--I was my back, just over the u so I procured two boxes, relieved of all pain. The: D Oo A N Why do we Granby 5. Dealers all over Dominion sav better satisfaction than an people say they fit be wear better.--Because t. made out of pur¢ new rubbe. « Granby Rubbers wear liKe i: Raisin Seeders, Meat Choppers, Sad Irons in Sets, Razors, Jelly Moulds, McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. 'Some of the Good Ti We Have FOR CHRISTA Plated Kettles, Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots) The deal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | ondon Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate JAS. "IcPARLAND, AGENT, * «°° KING STREET KINGSTON. Porter