-- THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE Every working girl who'is not well is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for advice; it is freely given, and has restored thousands to health. Miss Paine's Experience. ¢] want to thank you for what you have done for me, and recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all girls whose work keeps them standing on their feet in the store. The doctor said I must stop work ; he did nct seem to realize that a girl cannot afford to stop work- ing. My back ached, my appetite was poor, I could not sleep, and menstrua- tion was scanty and very painful. One day when suffering I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and found that it helped me. I continued its use, and soon found that my menstrual periods were free from pain and natural ; everyone is surprised at the change in me, and 'I am well, and cannot be too grateful for what you have done for me." -- Miss JANET PAINE, 530 West 125th St., New York City. -- $5000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness can=- rot be produced. Take no substitute, for it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that cures. SUFFRAGE IN NEW ZEALAND. Not Followed by Harmful Results as Predicted. The following editorial from London Daily News regarding epecch of Preemie New Zea Lind wil Le of int t to the peopl: this country, the subject « wothan receiving Suddon of \ in where sufirace seriou onsidergtion. | he Seddon's Little 1 oucht hase peonle who are those people who are of ech to do a Nir. on wo man sulirgee cood deal lo encourage posed to the disfranchizemont men. Mr. Redden told the deput which intervicwed him yesterday when the proposal was first brought forward in New Zealand he wa posed to it. Circumstances to make him the however, pilot of the mea through the lecislature; and the that have followed have made taunch believer in woman suf None of the convulsions, atrocities which the man is apt to foresee as the re giving the vote to in New Zealand. progress and reform strengthened, and, importance, the so of the been im ednspired, sure results him a race. ti ns 1 olith sult of have come about The party of has been greatly what is of more cial causes--temperance, care of children--have wnsely advanced, Drink been closed on election de of politics has character of the ca tainly not dcterio regime. , And dan declares, for doubting Zealand woman is docs she even try to in parliamer An oun e worth atmosphere of conlecture and preju- dice, and hope that Mr. Seddon's narrative will do something to check the stupid idea that the ex eircise hy women of a citizen's respon 1" ility is bound to lead to social and political catastrophe. reag and in women care skopa the tone and the with and we no ¢ his. word, that the New till a woman, nor get cted to a seat experience is an ol we sincerely A Few Thinks. For those who are puzzled what buy for their gentlemen gas: Umbrellas. Ly Gloves, Neckties, Braces. Scarfs, Mutlers. Shirts. Extra qualit es and patterns for Xmas trade. Jenkins, As A Table Luxury. and in eve for the the As rv way satisfactory for, ~soiial | 1 grape juice has no e qual. In bottl Redden & a delicious bhevers table or Vinel: pint and urposes, quart Co's . , is cheat bert sells pure goods cheap I'he amateur known astounding vou writer is by hi abulary. are not snatching people from the grave. WE cannot say that we are restoring to health those who have been given up by anywhere from three to thirty eminent Doctors, . WE make only the very modest claim that IRON-OX TABLETS areaninvaluable nerve tonic, a cure for indigestion and con- stipation, a blood maker and purifier, a corrective of slug- gish liver and derangements of the kidneys. ONLY THAT! but perhaps that is enough for 25¢ have | nl BUILD ITSELF. THIS IS IDEA IN WINNIPEG COMMERCIAL CIRCLES Resolutions Adopted by The Win- nipeg Board" of Trade--No Public Help Should be Given Projected Lines. i Winnipeg, 2. a general meeting of Winnipeg. board of trade held yesterday, a resolution was adopted after lengthy discussion urging the Dominion government to take such immediate acticn as shall { remove the grievous disabilities under {| which the people of Manitcba and the | North West labor "in the matter of F railvay transportation and to take uch further measures as shall efiecta ally prevent the recurrence of | condition A wa | 1 y | troduced and | prevent also will be further discussed lat a postponed meeting, to he held on | December 20th, upon the Dom l inion government and parliament that no money, donation or bond guarantee | be oranted to the Grand Trun Pa- | cific or the Canadian' Northern railway and that the government of Canada | should forthwith. proceed with the work of construction pro fitably, to develop our present system {oi government railways by purchasing lor building an extension of the In {colonial railway from Montreal { Lake Superior. resorution Li urging necessary 10 TWO ENTERTAINMENTS 1 By Chalmer's and Cooke's Sunday Schools. Standin itoeven when and tr e opened and Star room w at m a premiuin church Christmas was given. The pro ith a duct by Misses alker Stewart. A. Ci sang "The of Bethlehem," and Leon ard Cook, "Behold 1 Bring You Good | Tiding both in voice. A droll recitation, "Mr. DI on Christi iN vas cl given by 3 W. Jack well re Cooke's school room, the annual concert gral 1 good oley ence lv | Ada Solos by Miss Nelzon Chown son fund Mrs. ceived. The cantata well presen ed, reflects great on thos who drilled the children in their vari Mr. Mclntyre gave a briéf a is Je Craig was the eof ent chairman hall was beauti lly decorated for the cecasion, and a Christy ted wlanmed ! were was and credit {ous parts l and candle Ss attraction. wl ti last evening i s<hmient and tree, with the ol Sunda Chaliner Chri tertaiinment everything After promicii space v round the room, and not | cast enjoyable part of the evening was the fun and racing of the prome nade for a wd ha ir. Then a f i ith and thera al \ pronoun ro in 1 cleared a i the! al, programme, w sever most wast a wial this time aifts for dis who might such thir on itations, 'was ven, Vv received. i in the brought | tribution amongst t need and appreciate Christmas dav, and the offering was larce, valuable, and varied, from new blankets down to doll's hats: clothing. bocts and 3 books ang toys; pre things to be sent shoe value le morning, v. Mr. Ward managed thangs well. tinas al . al . rable money. and CLOSING EVENT. | The Orphans Had a Happy After- | noon. The Cha tion closin the public 0 ans' istma SChoc Homie, ernoon, in the of the chil occupied tke chair, \ hich of very on oof Mr. mdu manv as Meck ted y of and was made uj | propriate gramme, an and re by wrican, Jessie p M. Wilson, and A by sung, imber ap tations, The | recitations were Vicior | Waters, Willie Hendrie, EF Smith Newman, was the tions. given n Gedke The resa Very swe and she author of of the recita All the pupils acquitted them | selves creditably and were. highly com { plimented by the vis the exercises were in {tion of boys from the senior division of Cataraqui school arrived. and dis | tributed an abundance of good lin the form of fruit and candies, this the ol applause. Spirited addresses wer | made hy John McIntyre, Ma Lam { bert. Rev, Mr. 'Savary Dr. Duff, all* of whom. expressed their gratifica i the of the pupils and ment of the carried away the been ade presentation There was a solo tly one progress cheer, and occasion considerable was and m with work ndid manag: home. by to i the vis which wl and In n olars turn pil they ; remem Books And Pictures. Peautif:l holday in n and art pict : i:] presentation Ue hooksellers goods. Jenkins. Christmas. wening till Christ- Christmas. Store open every « INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Stuffed olives at Redden's. Gilbert sells cooking butter, 135c. 1b. It's a cold day when some people get right. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. ives fear burglars will break in and husbands fear the baby will break out. The prettiest packages in Xmas pei fumes. Taylor, successor to Mitchell. Electric scarf pins, the latest novel- ty, at Breck & Halliday's, Princess street. Hops are said to be a sedative, yet most f are troubled with chron insomnia. A bachelor who has heen rejected hy seven girls says that feminine beauty is on the dechne. Cunningham, piano Chickering's, New York. Orders ceived at McAuley's hookstore. It is really remarhable how hig load of cold a very little child on the streets can stand under. The newest odors in Xmas perfumes, Tay lor to Mitchell An KE lish sparrow ougat but kill him with a brick; don't him starve to death in the snow. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. There is nothing an old woman likes Letter than to g hold of a sick man who willing to try homemade remedies. It's usually easier for one father to support ten small children than it is for ten grown-up children to support one father, Raspberry vine This is the time when the real eco nomizer will e some poor devil a quarter to shovel off the snow instead of doine it himself. : At Mullin's : 3 lbs. Boston crackers, 22e.; 3 lbs. fruit biscuits, 25¢.; 1 1). mixed peel, 15¢.; 5 lbs. cléan currants, lbs. layer raisins, 25c.; 2 lbs. Sultang raisi 1 Ib. good cook- ing butter, 1c. TS from re tuner a sSHecessor to die, let 15 at Redden's. 2 3 2c.; It Came Upon The Midnight Clear this oo tire of It will until the Many will never niticent hymn. through the oes the m. It was 1550 imuund HH. pon the midni glorious song ol mag down coming written of in Sears, touch their on earth, heaven world in 0 hear the Still throw With peacerul I their core, heay wi war wit ng which noise And 'The wan, at love-so ish the ar the angels s And ve, beneath Whose fons Who toil along With paintul Look, now; for glad Come swiftly on t Gh beside the And hears the angel olden hours road, By When s are hastening on "foretold, circling years ace of gold Wi & all over all the ts' ane fling, And the whole worid gives back the song Which now the angels sing lo the prophet with earth splendors Chain Of Circumstances. Here worth of circumstances M. Reichint his own house is a chain follow was in in entally jumped a ball window. The ball roci of a draw smashed a alarmed the lamp. The lamp The fire call- ving Paris, through an 1 fell through the i next vase, The smash I'he cat upset the sot the tapestry od out the department. The confusion o the invalid lady of the she died. The death of afiected Mr. Reichart's iancee that she refused to marry him. One never what is going to happen to him and how. 1r-room door and cat. on fre. alieeted onse that t lady } SO knows Poultry High Priced. Farmers scarcely knew what to ask for poaltry on the market to-day. All the way from 81 to 83 was asked for birds that Hy sell at from de. to £1.25. The price per pound asked was f to 13¢c. G broucht from cach; to SI a Nie. a parr to tk De usu je. Geese to NI pair: chickens, heef, to ti to-Yes m ducks, Se, ae. to pork, Se rotator ton, Je. armps, rots, parsnips, a hutter, . a pound; prints, 2c, dozen: An Emphatic Denial. Minnes, auditor, al auditor, em county and 1 maae Fron the statement paper on Friday that ad a deficit of 811.550. They writer of the letter to prove nt, and ; prepared to the coun {iiahces gre in their reports show that first class condition, as 4 HOPE 1S GONE. QUITE LIKELY THE CREW IS LOST Wreckage ot the Ill-Fated Steam- er, John C. Hall, is Coming Ashore at Henderson and Seals the Doom of the Ship- wrecked Mariners. Henderson, N.Y, wreckage of the steamer John Cc. Hall, * which, with her crew of nine, was lost in a gale on Lake Ontario, December 1ith, is coming ashore in in great quantities at Stony Point, about thirty miles from Oswego. This leads to the abandonment of hope for the safety of the crew, which, so far Lnown, consisted of Capt. Timothy Donavan, First Mate Jerome Donavan, Iirst ee. 28.--The Donavan, Se cond Enoinecr Donavan, re latives: Thomas Cochrane and Daniel Bicelow, wheelsimen; John Dixon, fire- man, all of OCswego: Thomas Ryler, fireman, and Mrs. Brown, cook, both oi Buffalo. The vessel leit Oswego with the schooner John R. Noyes in tow, De cember 11th, joth laden with coal for Deseronto. The vess parted in the storm and the Noyes drifted south. Her crew was taken. from the vessel by the Charlotte life savers, Mon lay afternoon, off Lakeside, and thirty miles out in the lake. Fusincer John Janus Facts For Business Men. London Chronicle. . There is absolutely no success with- out advertising of some kind. Even th preacher must have publicity in order to succeed. You cannot sell gold dollars for fifty cents unless the offer is advertised.. And the man who says he never reads advertising or is in- fluenced by it is deceived. Advertising for 'general publicity--to create a mand and meet it either in advance or afterward--is adapted to some kinds of business, such as proprietary arti- and is distinguished from mail- order advertising, which introduces the advertiser to his customer, leaving fu- ture relations between them to be worked up and maintained by corres- pondence. Present day advertising dis- criminates very carefully in its medi- ums and methods, according to what it is exploiting. If the advertiser is prepared to meet a rational demand, is advised to use gener- al mediums; if he can handle only a locality or district he should select publications covering that territory ; it he is seeking a mail order business, he must use mediums circula tion was largely secured hy advertis- ing. de- anvwhere, he whose < Right-Handedness And Left-Brain- edness. The Huxley lecture of October 21st was delivered hy Prof. Cunninghan:, who took for his subject, "Right- handedness and Left-brainedness." So far as evidence goes it seems probable that right-handedness was a character- istic of man at a very carly period. It is an inherited quality in the same sense that the potential quality of articulate speech in man and of song in birds are inherited possessions. In- vestigation that right-handed- transmitted func- tio pre-eminence of the leit brain, and this factor 'prevents an oscilla- tion of the condition from one side to the other in those curious cases in which the right and leit of the body are reversed and the thoracic and abdominal' viscera transposud. The greater part, if not the whele, of the motor incitations which lead to articulate speech from the speech centre in the left cerebral hemi- sphere. Left-handed people speak irom the right brain. shows due to a ness is sides go out Bret Harte's Last Poem. Harper's Magazine. When your men bowed heads together With hushed lips, And the globe swung out irom gladness To eclipse. When your drums from the equator To the pole Carried rouna it an unending Funeral roll. When your captains from far Norway To the Cape Through their streets houses Trailed their crape, and from their Still the sun awoke to gladness As of old, stars their midnight Still enrolled. And the beauty born of dies, not half-masted skies. For the glory goodness Never tlag is In the And its A Qualified Proposal. Arabella's wistfully along the rocky pro montory, lighthouse stood. "How beautiful Jim Lackpenny, "Do vou know, believe I'd like somewhere. It life." "Arabella," he responded, 'it weird, wild life, but if it had ocenrred to me that that sort of thing at all in vour line 1 should long avo have beoged to my wife and go to light housekeeping with me." Silence and the lap of the waves. wandered to the the great eves shone where is!" she said to beside her. Jim, before | die 1 to keep a lighthouse must be a weird, wild it who sat ever was vou become ---------- What He Laughed Most At. General "Phil" Sheridan was at one time asked at what little incident did he laugh the most. "Well" be said, "l do not know, but I always laugh when I think of the Irishman and the I was riding down the line when I saw an Irishman whi h was ka ing freely, The finally f eauchitsin the stir- rup, when in the excitement, the Iri "Well, bLegorrah, armv mule. one dav got remarked: goin' to get man . vou re off Deep English Lakes. The -deepest. lake lands has be § John Mu thanka to vey of tne liscovere ch water i it Y n Invern 1,00 feet--se than ar v pr The survev results. Figh- soundings' of 200 fect, 400, and two oR t mors ded depth. ws some surprising teen lochs save nine gave 300, five ga over 500, |Ontario & California 0il Co. Read what the Chatham Daily News of Dec, 16 says... ACT NOW A CHRISTMAS BOX THAT WILL GROW 500 SHARES 0. & C. OIL CO. STOCK. FOOT B= 5 The Drills are going down. YOU CAN buy now. No time to write long advertisements--we are too busy working to make the On safest and best of all and le nd Yor monthly report, applic re--subject to immediate adva J. lL. Fi biggest, Ss Sec. Ontario & California Oil Co., Limited, TORONTO, LIMITED. LATEST OIL NEWS. Chatham, Dec. 16.--On lot 23, con. 12, on the farm of J. J. Johns, the On- tario and California Oil Company are drilling, and at a depth of about 170 vet there is a good showing Curling up from the pipe is a wealth of gas--in fact the drillers informed The News man that there was enough gas to light and heat a whole city block. Think of it jor 4 moment, ve people not yet awake to the tremendous natural wealth at your doors Drilling proceeding rapidly Another well being drilled Ly the same company (who, by the way, have secur- ed wany valuable leases) 1s in course: of completion on the Alex Boyes' farm, lot 21, in the 13th con, north-west corner, facing thie 13th con. road. This well has reached a depth of 210 feet, and is regarded as a good property, etc. t results speak for themselves ation forms, etc., and get your orders nee or withdrawal WITHOUT NOTICE. NCH, or REFERENDUM VOTE. The Figures For The Riding Addington. Newburgh ... ... Camden. No. 1 Strathcona 2 Camden East 3 Yarker Moscow bes Last Enterprise 6 West Enterprise 7 Croydon Hinch 9 Milsap 10 Centreville Sheflicld. Iainsville . Tamworth, West Tamworth town hall. f Black's Mill... ... ... ... Kaladar, ete, Io. | Flinton 2 Cloyne reeves 8 Northbrook ... ... ... ... Denbigh. No. | Dentich 2 Vennachar 3 Hartsmere Palmerston, ete. No. [| Mississippi 2 Town Hall 3 Ompah Clarendon and Plevna Wensle Ardoch Barrie. No. 1 Cloyne and Ss. H. Kennebec. No. 1 Arden ... ... 2 Dead Creek Olden. Mountain Grove ... Oso. No. I Sharbot Lake, No. Crow Lake, No. 3 Clar- endon Station . 66 Hinchinbrook. No. 2 No. | 2 9 o> Station Miller. No. i ven ver 9 3 3 2 Beech Cor 1 2 Parham 3 Wilkinson 4 Buxckley's Y, Majority for prohibition, 668 11 rejected ballots. There were It's Up To You, Dad. Ma will have her Christmas jo Letting us make lots of noise; Dud will bring all Santa's toys And have a kiss for ma and sis, Dad Comes Walking Home Like This Ma will worryv--awtul Kids will erv--and All of us will feel so bad And everything will go amiss, If sad Sis get mad Walking Home Like This. Christmas Stockings 10 cents. 20 cents. 10 cents. Tom Smith's Stockings at Stockings at Stockings at Stockings at SO cents. Stockings at one dollar. Nothins gives the children such un pleasure as Tom Smith's alloyed ! See them at James Red- stocking's den & Co \ ---------------- Do You Smoke ? % It doesn't matter whether you do or not vou will be very comfortable in one of our new house coats, $2.76 to $0.50. Jenkins, a t------ Patronize McLeod's drug store flavoring extracts. Gilbert sells turkeys cheap. The solitude of peopleléss places ap: to the thoughttul soul. confiding woman should of selection. He Knows Consult your doctor. If he says take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your cough, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We are willing. 3c, 50, SLO. 4g dC. AVERCO,, Lowell, Mass. for peals study wtrine / 2 LITTLE MISS CARNEGIE. Never Taught She Has ¢' Great Expectations." New York, Dec. 20.--The Evening Post say$: "In our real estate columns of yesterday, in our reference to the sale by Mr. Carnegie to . Mr. Burden, of Fifth avenue, we spoke of Mr. Carnegie"s own house, which is to be a Christmas gift to his little daughter. 'This item had been printed before and we took it to be an undis- putable fact. We now learn that it has no foundation whatever,| and that nothing could he less in harmony with the ideas of Mr. and irs! €arnegie than that their danohter should now he overburdened with great wealth, Least of all is she 10 be taught "in vouth that she has 'great expecta tisns or any expectations at all be vond a moderate competence. Neither of her parents deem great wealth yn desirable possession for the morning of life, or for any part of life, or ex- cept as it may be employed for the advancement of the human race." A Big Hotel Project. Syracuse Post-Standard. Plans have heen completed by Archi tects Benson & Brockway, of this city, for u large addition to'the club-house known a he Manatauck," at Pros peet Point, on the St. Lawrence river near Clavton, which will cost more than $100,000, nearly tripling the ca- pacity: of the house. A large number of millionaires are interested in the project, including the Vandergrifts, of Pittsburg, and W. Davis, of New York. Syracuse people are -also fnancially interested. The nal huilding was about three vears ago at a cost of 210,000 and was conducted two sea- a club for the parties property. Last year it with E. D. George or erected sons ago as owninz the was conducted as a hote Dickinson as manager. Enterprising Parkyn. Pr. Herbert A. Parkyn, Chicago, the once famous Queen's half-back, and nephew of R Dr. Jackson, formerly of Kingston, is a director and promin nt stockholder of The Motzorongo Co. (capital of 81,250,000) recently or- sanized in Chicago to operate the large plantation of the late General (Carlos secretary of state of thé republic of Mexico, at the time of his| dggeth. "This Mexican plantation onsists of over 25 miles of Pacheco, = the finest tropical land to be found in Mexico. square Who Stole De Coon. We didn't hut we did buy two men's No. | coon, and five men's cloth lined, with fur, at the biggest bar- cain in our fur selling history, and they last will sach coon note, and 812.35 each on for {ar 835 coats for Crumley coats, while save huyer a coon S60; othe s. « for Spot for fur ba Coons S2L45. cash prices. Aros. ains. Teacher Leaving. Dec. 19.---The English church Sunday school had a Christmas tree to-night. John K. Bourk had a shoot- ing match on the 17th. Mrs. William T. Bourk has another voung daughter. John C. Smith, Kingston, teacher, is leaving at Christmas. Cro, Turkeys ! Turkeys ! Turkeys! 100 chickens. 100 finest turkeys. 5 cooked ham. 20c. cooked tongue. 20¢. print butter. 2c. roll butter. Crawford. Free! Free! ! Free!!! Un'il Christmas we will initial free of charge anv umbrella or walking cane bonght here. Special handles spe- cial prices, Jenkins, ¢ Bihby's."' Christmas Scarfs. Our new scarfs aré so handsome and sil ant that they everybody. 30c. Jibhy Co, ACL ' 1 by The H. D. | -------------- A choice assortment of eb hair brushes cloth brushes gla McLeod's drug Until the wind blow let none of us to opinion Lovers use mirr and pital riddle | Four | lins'. Of all errors the judge author's heroes. Smoking Jenkins. Gilbert sells 5 ny and hand store from the east, are invulnerable ay we for many mar- other explains each that eves TS, Mul at st amazing 1s to morals by his me an i jackets, $2.75 to $9.30 . tin Ceylon tea, 81 in while the Apply F herd Ahem, | er-------- See what the Daily Press says ACT NOW A CHRISTMAS BOX THAT WILL CROW 500 SHARES 0. & C. OIL CO. STOCK. <J = The Drills are nearing the Oil YOU MAY NOT very shortly. a@rio & California Oil Co. the tock can still be had at 25c. FOX & ROSS, Stock Brokers, TORONOTO. Saturday's Are Bargain Days the Grand Union. But TO-MORROW, th Saturday before Christmas we offer special induce ments in Men's and Boy: Suits and Overcoats. $6 Suits ...... $8 Suits $Y Overcoats £7 30 Overcoats D.B. Suits Heavy Suits Raglans Raglans for tor § Boys' Boys' Boys' for Boys' for $1 Men's Men's Men's Men's Shop early Saturday" DUNLOP'S The Grand Union Clothing Store, 122 Princess Street. A RR Be Right Opportunity ! Not long to wait for Christmas THE BANKRUPT CLOTHING store, although doing rushing business, has not cleared out all its stock yet. The premises will be A chance of a life you your wants for little Just what want for the occasion, Perfect Fitting Clothing; fine, comfortable Underwear; Fashionable Gents' Furnish- ings, and a great lot of pubbers, very cheap. +. fOF « fOr for 12 10 15 12 for 8 8 $ = i] = a BE to for very | you soon have vacated. to fill money a | yin] JL EPLIETES | |] 3a Try us the sooner the bette 184 PRINCESS STREET. =J. A, MANAGER. Auction Sale To-mnight. [x [oe fae oe x] ATTENTION! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NI} and Becond-Hand goods, Clothing, Fumitu: Stoves, eto. Always om hand, new clothir Gent's Fumishings, Dry Goods, Jewel: Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. bave a large stock of Second-Hand Stow: snd Furniture that must be sold for want « space. I have evervthing from a needle an anchor to suit the public. Give me call. please; [oT ooo Fo oe x» Wan] 271 and 273 I. ZACKS, A ines St Second door below Corbett 's. WHO IS YOUR AUCTIONEER : W. MURRAY, Jr., Is serving nearly every body now im th: line. He bas a reputation for good en! prompt returns and satisfactory settlements You will be money in pocket by. employir W. MURRAY, Jr. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY IBY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, Auctioneers, KINGSTON LADIES' COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day School for Girls . Address MISS M. GOBER, M.A., - Princip]