89TH YEAR. N E DAIL BRITISH W KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902. IG. 'LAST EDITION. FANSY FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. See our Tea Curets, $1.50 and $2. See our Fancy Rattan Chairs, $2, $2.- 25, $3.50, and wp. . See our Fancy Morris Chairs, $4.50, 6.50 and up. io our acy Cake Stands. See our Fancy Gentlemen's Chiffoniers, 7.50, $8.50 and up. See our Fancy Ladies' Desks, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50 and up. All Christmas Goods sold at Special Low l'rices. Robt. J. Reid, Two Doors Above Opera House. Ambulance Call 577. Princess St. KINGSTON COVERED RINK. season Ofice opened for the sale of tickets. A season ticket will bo the best 'Xmas box you can get for vour boy or girl. SEASON RATES Gentlemen (Single)... ... Lady's (Single) Children under 13 yea. Family of 3 Family of 3 ~ Family of 4 or & 8.00 Family of 6.to 10 .... .. 10.00 W. E. BONTER, H. W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Secretary-Treasurer. N.B.--Thoss wishing to secures good lockers should apply early. OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) / Are particularly suita wedding and birthday gifts." It will he a pleasure to jsh them to you. Z KIRKPATRICK'S ART STGRE. AUCTION SALE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Perfumes, Plat- ed Ware, China, Jewelry, Cutlery, Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoatings, Clothing, at 228 Princess street. Sales afternoons and evenings. ALLEN & SON. Auctioneers. KINGSTON & BATH ROAD CO. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders will be held at the office of Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, On- tario street, ON MONDAY, the 5th January, 1903, at 11 o'clock, in the morning. V. 2.00 6.00 7.00 for R. ROGERS, Acting-Secrétary. Kingston, Dec. 20th, 1902. NEW LAUNDRY. 1 HAVE STARTED A LAUNDRY A~ency at 358 King street. Parcels col- lected on Monday and Tuesday and de- livered on Friday and Saturday. Rates reasonable. Delivery prompt. 1f you want the best work, give me a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Late of the Kingeten A. J. LOVE, Steam Laundry. SITUATION VACANT. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A live business young man with small capital to sell exclusively an article of general consumption in town and country. Apply by letter to J. R. , Whig office. PIANO FOR SALE. UPRIGHT, IN GOOD CONDITION, $150 cash. Apply through Whig office AN FOR SALE. TEAM. Apply to William auctioneer. Market Square. TO-LET. CARRIAGE Murray. S, 'STORES, Regl STORAGE. J. DWELLING S. R Estate, Etc. . . McCann, 61 Brock street, FURNISHED 57 George St. ply to M ray's. 212 HOUSE, NO Possession at once. Ap- rs. Lesslie, at Mrs. Mur Kine St. ) WANTED. A CHAMBERMAID. tel Congress. APPLY AT HO- AT ONCE, A GOOD girl. Apply at Iroquois DINING-ROOM Hotel GENERAL HOUSE WORK. GIRL Appiv at 148 Johnston street GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing or ironing. Apply at 55 ieorge street 7 INVESTORS FOR REAL ESTATE. Debentures and bonds. J. S. R. Mc- Cann. 51 Brock street. "EEACHER FOR KS. NO. 1, for 1903 Apply to Robert secretary-treasurer. Mountain Ont . OLDEN, Flynn, Grove PER 1.000 either sex lars. Twain Building, $15 COPYING AT HOME two stamps for particu- Novelty Co, Omaha Chicago ENFRCGYFTIC AGENTS, CAPABLE OF handling sub-abents. to sell the A R. Wiens new Dustless Floor Sweep- er, 225 Cedar strect, Milwaukee, Wis. Christmas. Jenkins. Christmas. Store open every evening till Christ- mas. 'Xmas perfumes at Taylor's. © LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily. Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By, Jenkins' for men's presents. ; Band at the covered: rink to-night. Christmas tree, St. George's Hall, 7 p.m. " Daughter of Hamilcar," Grand opera house, 8 p.m. The sun rises Wednesday at 7:32 a.m. and sets at 4:28 p.m. Nominations for separate school trus- tees, Wednesday afternoon. When a man has a peck of irouble he is satisfied with short measure. Money makes the mare go, and if she has any name it is advertising. A double-barrelled shotgun is the worst type of the deadly parallel. As a physical exerciser the old fashioned woodpile never had an equal. Open to-night fos Christmas buyers. George Mills & (Co. furriers, Wellington street. There is only one way tu advertise, to hammer your name, your business, so constantly, so persistently, so thor- oughly, into the people's heads that if they walked in their sleep they would turn their heads to your store.--Jahn Wanamaker. CHINA. We are still showing a full line of handsome goods. Can suit any taste. Dinner Sets Nice sets of 97 pieces, stippled handles, for $5.50. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. (CaAiND OPERRYHOSE.]) TO-NIGHT WACENHALS & KEMPER PRESENT BLANCHE WALSH AS SALAMMBO Ia Stanislaus Stange's New Play "THE DAUGHTER OF HAMILCAR" 67---PEOPLE-67 Seats on sale at Hanley's. Prices--25¢c., 50c., 75c., $1, CHRISTMAS DAY, MATINEE & NIGHT The Newest Novelty, the big Oper- eratic Comedy Company. THE SMART SET In the Spectacular Extravaganza, ¥n- chantment, produced under the personal direction of Edgar 'Temple, with the createst Cast oi Colored Entertainers on earth. A Superior Grand Opera Chorus. Cast headed by Ernest Hogan and Billy M'Clain; 50 Singers, Dancers and Comudians. Prices : Eveniig, 25c., 85c., 50c., 75¢. Matinee, 25c., 385c., boc. Matinee at 3 o'clock. Iivening at 8:15. Seats now on sale at Hanley's. ------ SATURDAY, Dec. 27," EVenike George, H. Brennan's revival of T. W. Robertson's classic English comedy "CASTE" Gorgeous costumes, artistic scenic effects, company made up of such well- known stars as Mary Scott, Robert V. Ferguson, Countess de Castel Vacchio, and Wm. Hazeltine Prices--Matinee, 270 Box 3 c. Evening, $1. $1.50. 50c¢. , o0c., The. )X seats, 'uesday, lish melo 1.50. ' Dec. 30th--The famous Eng- drama "THE GREAT RUBY.' BIG OFFER! TO INTRODUCE AND SSTABLISH the Peate School of Music to the people of this city and vicinity, the manage- meat offers a $15 MANDOLIN FREE To every scholar who will take a 30 lesson term. We do not ask cash down, but give the scholars the privilege of paying @sthey go along. We will be pleased to show what can be done on the mandolin and explain fully our offer in aH its details. Please call at PEATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Exchange Building, Brock Street, Opposite McRac's Warehouse. LOST. MUFF, ON Reward ior SATURDAY its return to A SABLE morning this oflice. CONTAINING TOWELS, in the city, on Monday Finder will please return W. Folger, hing street. PARCEL, and ties, 'morning to Mrs. B YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, ON WEL-~ lington or A Princess streets, BLACK SILK BELT, with buckles Finder please return Whig office and receive reward. silver to FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. -- Boys' overcoats at Oak Hall Raspberry vinegar at Redden's. Fancy handkerchiefs at Livingston's. 70c. box fancy chocolates, 50c., Gil- berts. Newest things in men's ines at Roney & Co's. Christmas chocolates 35e¢. Taylor, successor to Mitchell. Charlotte russe, cream pufis, cho- colate eclairs and cream rolls, all filled with pure cream for Wednesday. W. J. Crothers. neck dress- Ib. per Persian Lamb Jackets. Plain and with mink and A! sable collars and reveres. Russian lamb jackets, Bochnan and Astrachan lamb jackets, electric seal and raccoon jack ets: prices from $25 to 8150. George Mills & Co... furriers, Wellington street. Phone 238, Teachers Wanted To buy their Christmas candies from us. We mover had as fine and large an assortment of Christmas novelties con- sisting of Calbury's, Rowntree's and Robertson's fancy and plain boxes Tom Smith's stockings, ete. J. His cock. > ---- Purses at lowest priceés, Taylor, DEATH ORDER The Sentence On Yukon Murderers Stands. THEY WILLHANG SIR WILFRID MAY STAY AWAY TILL THE 10TH. Mr. Schreiber Back From Washing- ton--McGill Man Appointed-- General Items From the Capi- tal. Ottawa, Dec. 23.--At a meeting of the cabinet, on Saturday, an order-in- council was passed allowing the law to take its course in the case of the two Yukon murderers. E. Labelle will be hanged January 10th, and his as- sociate, V. Fournier, on January 20th. The evidence in the Fournier case was only submitted to the justice depart- ment on Friday, so that there was no delay in disposing of them. In fact, this case has been successfully handled throughout, and shows that the administration of justice in the Yukon is well and promptly carried out. The despatch with which these murderers were tracked down and brought to justice also reflects the greatest credit on the North-West Mounted Police. About the end of June last Labelle and Fournier mur- dered and plundered G. Baudoin, L. Bouthelette and A. Constantine, and later Joseph Guibeault. The crime was the most heinous and deliberate ever recorded, and both men were crafty and astute in their defence. Mr. Scheiber, deputy minister of railways, has returned from Washing- ton, where he went to get approval of a dam in the St. Lawrence river from Adams Island to Galops Rapids, as the boundary line is in the centre the approval of the Washington authori- ties was found necessary. The plans were referred to the local United Sta- tes engineer, and in due time they «ill be approved and the department at Ottawa notified. 7. Cote, who spent four days with Sir Wilfrid at Hot Springs, Vt., has returned to the city. He states that the prime minister is now in better health than he has been for some vears. The premier may not return before. January 10th or 11th. Dr. G. A. Charlton, a graduate of McGill University, has heen appoint- ed house surgeon in the new contagi- ous diseases hospital in Ottawa. Rev. Edward Pick, who, for the past few years has been pastor of the parish of Beachburg, whose difficulties have been from time to time aived at synod meetings, has sent resignation to the bishop of Ottawa. His resigna- tion has been accepted and Mr. Pick has allowed himself to be placed on the superannuation fund with an al lowance of $300 per annum. Mr. Pick severs his connection with the parish immediately, and a new incum- bent will be appointed shortly. By the resignation of Mr. Pick a long standing trouble has been finally set- tled in Anglican circles in the Ot- tawa diocese. LIKELY KILLED. In a Railway Accident Near Am- herst, N.S. Amherst, N.S., Dec. 23.--An acci- dent occurred to, the early morning freight from Moncton in which it is supposed Walter Clarke, the forward brakeman, has lost his life. When near- ing Dorchester the heavy engine left the track, turning completely over and now lies in the ditch in four feet of water and it is supposed that Clarke, who is missing, 1s lying under the engine. No trace of him has been found. The accident is supposed to have been caused by a misplaced switch. Clarke belongs to Minudie, this county, and was married about seven months ago. Q CONVICTS AT LARGE. Tried to Secure a But Failed. Buenos Ayres, Dec. 23. Fifty-one convicts escaped from Isla de Los Estados on December 6th. They se- curetl arms in some way, and embark- ed in boats, steering for Magellanese their intention being to capture the transport Ushuia and use her for pir- atical purposes. 'They failed in their object, however, the Ushuia being an chored 'at Port Cook. The govern- ment has sent a patrol in search of the desperadoes, who it is feared, will attack small coast towns and ves- sels. Ship, ARCHBISHOP DEAD. He Passed Away From Effects of Old Age. London, Dec. 23.--Most Rev. Fred erick Temple, archbishop of Canter- bury, and primate of all England, who has been ill for some time past, |i dead. The archbishop passed away quite peacefully at S:15 o'clock in the presence of his wife and two sons. The primate died of old age. He will be buried at Canterbury. The bishop of Winchester is considered likely to be his successor. 18 A Fur Lined Le a suitable for wife or mother, largest stock to select range from $12 to 850. & Co... manufacturing lington street. Phone Cape. Christmas gift We have the from. Prices George Mills furriers, Wel- 238. Would Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. Warm comfortable dressing gowns for the Xmas 'trade, 8.75 to $20 in many pretty patterns, Purses at lowest prices. Taylor, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Qulled From . All Over The World. German electrical firms are organiz- ing gigantic combinations. The state of Connecticut has been declared free of the cattle disease. E. T. D. Chambers has been pointed editor of the Quebec cury. The British cruizer Pallas, has been orderea from Halifax to Venezuela and sails to-day. A handsome residence has been of- fered -as a giit to the city of Hamil ton as a home for incurables. Hon. J. Israel Tarte refuses to dis- cuss the report that he may seek a seat in the Briti-h House of Com- mons. The personal effects of Mascagni, the composer, were attached at Chicago, on Monday, and his tour is again ab- andoned. The resignation has been announced of J. Frans Lee, who was traffic manager of the White Pass & Yukon railway. H. Wauden, M.A., assistant master of Tettes College, Edinburgh, has been chosen principal of Upper Cana- da College. The United States supreme court held that insurance on the life of a murderer' executed for his crime is not payalle. A London despatch from Caracas says that the report reaching there, from New York, that President Cas- tro is sick is untrue. Burt Barker, an English lad of eighteen, was killed at Port Colborne by 'a broken whilfle-tree striking him and breaking his neck. A Polish school girl was sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment for stamping upon a brooch bearing a picture of Emperor William, S. J. Jackson, Cornwall, has been appointed inspector of Indian agencies for the Winnipeg district, in place of E. McColl, who died recently. Warren Davidson, aged thirty-one, licht keeper on the Wolves Island, in the Bav of Fundy, was drowned while attending lobster traps off the island. With the acceptance of the principle of arbitration in the Venezuela affair it is probable that a guarantee for the payment of the award will be waived. Marconi, the wireless telegraphv in- ventor, talks of going to Cornwall in a short time to make arrangements for opening the system for commercial business. Sir William Mulock was banqueted by the citizens of Meaford, on Mon- day night, in recognition of his ser- vices in aid of the harbor improve- ments at Meaford. The British press now admit the self- evident truth that Britain, the United States and Germany, have been co- operative in the Venezuelan affair for the high ends of civilization, ana act- ing with good faith. It is announced that the prize offer- ed by the Paris Academy of Science for the best work in the construction of airships will be divided between the brothers Col. and Maj. Renard, the well known aeronauts. A despatch to the London Morning Leader, from Copenhagen, says that the United States consul at Gothen- bure has written to J. P. Morgan asking him to establish a direct line of steamers between Gothenburg and New York. The Hon. Sydn'y Fisher, Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, Hon. William Paterson, Hon. J. I. Tarte and R. F. Borden were among the speakers at the banquet of the Dominion Com- mercial Travellers' Association at Montreal. The agents of the Hamburg Ameri: can liner Deutschland say the vessel, whith arrived at Plvmouth, on Mon- day, in a partially disabled condition merely fractured a bolt of the low pressure crank bearings of the star- board engine. The emperor has begun his annual worship at the Temple of Heaven. For the first time since the railways were restored to the Chinese government the throne issued an order prohibiting all trains from entering Pekin for twenty-four hours. ' The expectation that the Venezuelan affair would be quickly settled pavea great fillip to Venezuelan bonds on the London stock exchange on Mondav. The price rose four per cent. to 35, the highest figure at which these bonds have been quoted since 1599, Jewels valued at $25,000 belonging to the Countess of Carnarvon, disap- peared while the Earl of Carnarvon and his-wife were travelling from Par- is to London. It is believed that they were stolen hetween Paris and Calais. There is no clue to the thieves. ap- Mer- AFTER THE MONEY. The Earthquakes Have Wrought Much Damage. Ashkarad, Russian Turkestan, Dec. 23.--A telegram, to-day, from the scene of the recent earthquake disaster at Andijan puts the number of vic- tims in the native quarter of the town at 4,000. Already cighty corpses have been disinterred from the ruins. The state treasury, containing 5,000,000 roubles, is in ruins and excavations to get the money are carried on under the supervision of a strong cordon of police. The water in the wells had disappeared and a general subsidence of the site of town is feared. The shocks continue with increasing violence. The area of seismic disturhances comprise 200 square verets. As A Table Luxury. As a delicious and in every way satisfactory beverage for the table or for social purposes, the Vineland grape juice has no equal. In pint and quart bottles, at Jas. Redden & Co's. Russian Squirrel Jackets. Are the latest creations: for wo- men's wear. Sold only bv George Mills & Co. manufacturing furriers, Wellington direct. Phone 23s, Xmas perfumes at Taylor's Fancy sox at Livingston's, a MARCONT WINS The Dominion Govern- ment's Help Commended BRITISH SLOW SHOULD HAVE TAKEN MORE ACTIVE INTEREST. High Scientists Impressed Years Ago With the Importance of Wireless Telegraphy -- The Cable Shareholders Have Be- come Frightened. New York, Dec. 23.--The Tribune's cable says : Marconi's busine-s asso- cintes here, had little additional in- formation t, impart, yesterday, re- specting the trans-Atlantic wireless messages. The receipt of the com- munication was confirmed, and plans for an extension of the service to the United States coast were vaguely dis- cusved. The British government is censured, in some quarters, for ne- glecting to take a more active .inter- est in Marconi's experiments, esjecial- ly when Idord Kelvin and Sir William Preece were impressed, several years ago, with the importance bf the wire- less system. The wisdom of the Do- minion goveynment in co-operating with Marconi is commended by several English jownals, and the interest of the King of Italy in the new system is attributed, by those who talked with him in Rome and Sicily, to his practical knowledge of electrical science. The shareholders in the cable companies are frightened by Masconi's triumph and offets of stock were plentiful on the stock exchange ycs- terday. TOBACCO WAR. Retail Dealers in New York Fight- ing the Big Trust. New York, Dec. 23.--The Retail Cigar and Tobacco Dealers' Associa- tion of Greater New York, has decid- ed to begin its active campaign against the American Tobacco com- pany on several lines. By a unanimous resolution the mem- bers of the association pledged them- selves not to purchase any new brand of tobacco from the company after January Ist, 1903. The on January lst, remove from their chow windows and stores all advertis- ing matter of the American company, and will so far as possible, remove its goods from their shelves and keep them out ei sight. They will keep only those brands of its tobaccos which are standard and for which there is an active demand. CHANGES AT TRINITY SCHOOL Rev. C. J. Boulden, M.A., Brock- ville, to Become Headmaster. Port Hope, Dec. 23.--An arrange- ment, it is understood, is about com- pleted which will make some changes at Trinity College School, Port Hope. After a good deal of consideration it has been decided to invite Rev. C. J. Boulden, M.A., Brockville, to become headmaster at Port Hope, and to bring his present pupils and part of his stafi with him. The change will go into effect after the Easter recess. It has also been decided to retain the services of the present headmaster, Rev. Herbert Symonds, M.A..:D.D., who will be superintendent of the col- lege and have, as at present, full charge. OVERTAKEN BY STORM. He Will Have to Havelis Toes Amputated. Buenos Ayres, Dec. 23.--Reginald Ranking ascended Mount Aconicagua, on December 14th, alone, his native guide having deserted him. A violent snow storm overtook' Mr. Ranking while he was descending the mountain, and he was compelled to pass the night in an unsheltered position at a height of 22,000 feet. He walked and rode for twelve hours the next day, with frostbitten hands and foot to Punte Del Inca. His toes must be am- putated but his fingers can be saved. SOLDIERS MUTINIED. The Situation in Xwang Si is Serious. Hong Kong, Dec. 23.--A report has reached here that the soldiers, who were recently sent from the north to suppress the rebels in Kwang Si have mutinied because of bad treatment. The governor of Kwang Si is surrounded by rebels between Kweilin and Wu Chow. The Chinese regard the situa- tion as very The victories of the rebels are having a bad in- fluence upon the people of Kwan Tung. serious. Made Factory Inspector. Toronto, Dec. 23.---Thomas Keilty, of Brockville, is appointed factory in spector in the district from Toronto to Gananoque and Ottawa in place of J. R. Brown, who is moved to head- quarters. Handsome Women alike loud in their rich and mammoth Ow: is the store at which select Christmas presents. George Mills & Co.. furricrs, Welling ton street. Phone 208 And brave are praises of our stock of furs. 10 "Bibby's." Overcoats. "Bibby's."' There's a satisfaction in our cloth- ing that cannot be had elsewhere. Westminster overcoats, 5, 10, 812.50, $15. The H. DD. Bibby Co. -------------- Christmas gloves, 30c.; 73c., ¥l and up. Jenkins. Cadbury's coffee creams at Redden's. 'Xmas perfumes at Taylor's. members will ® A DIVORCE LIKELY. So That the Princess May Relief, Dresden, Saxomy, Dee, 23.--King George and the Crown Prince Freder- ick know where the Crown Princess Louise has sought refage, but they have decited to accept the estrange- ment of the princess and her husband as irreparable." They have made the cabinet privy to the circumstances of the princess' flicht as they see them and a decree of divorce is talked of as a necessary sequence to the prin- cess' resolution to leave the court forever. Get DIED OF FEVER. Contracted the Disease at Mayoral Banquet. London, Dec. 23.--The Very Rev. William R. W. Stephens, dean of Win- chester, who died yesterday, succumb- ed to typhoid fever. It is supposed that he contracted the disease at a mayoral banquet at Southampton, on November 11th, from eating oysters that were contaminated with sewage. Several of the guests who attended the banquet are ill, and two others have already died. JUDGE AND WIFE KILLED. Couple Murdered for the Purpose of Robbery. Ahnira, Wash.; Dec. 23. --Judge Lewig and his wife, an aged couple, have been found murdered in their home on a lonely road six miles south of here. The motive was robbery, as the safe, in which Lewis was known to have kept a large sum of money, had been broken into and emptied. They had heen killed with an axe, which was found nearby. There is no clue. A Fire At Arnprior. Arnprior, Ont., Dec. 23.--About 11 o'clock this morning, fire broke out in the cellar of the drug store owned and occupied hy A. L. Budd. The fire which came from the furnace was soon extinguished, but not before consider- able damage was done to the goods stored in the cellar. The floor in the rear of the store was badly burned. Loss estimated at about two hundred dollars. Died Alone In Detroit. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 23.--William Bromley, St. Mary's, Ont., died alone and apparently friendless at St. Marv's hospital yesterday. After his death it was learned from papers found upon the body, that Bromlev had a wife living at St. Mary's and that he also possessed a comfortable bank account, at a Windsor bank. Mrs. Bromley has been notified of her husband's death. Made A Comparison. Paris, Dec. 23.--A Cairo despatch to the Temps says Prof. Chantemesse has communicated to the International Medical Congress a comparison of the successful results of his new system of inoculating typhus patients with a serum obtained from bodies contain- ing typhus bacilli. Prof. Chatemesse injects fifteen cubic centimetres of the new fluid into the patient's arm. Dead In The Shop. Carp, Ont., Dec. 23:--Thomas Quin- ney, baker, of Ottawa, in the employe of Wiliam Rivington, Carp, was found in the bakery,:this morning, dead, with a charge of shot through his heart. It is thought to be a case of" suicide, as an empty shot-gun was besile him. An inquest will be held. Cakes, Fruit Cake And Pastry. It's cheaper to buy than attempt to make, besides you are very busy. We aim to make the best and I think you will agree with us that so far we have succeeded, our cream cake is the latest. Will have an extra supply for Christ- day. W. J. Crothers. Falls To Her Death. Binghamton, Dec. 23.--The wife of Pr. John F. Place fell from the win- dow at her home in this city, and died two hours later. She. was troubled with faintness and had gone to the window for relief, and losing her bal- ! ance fell to the ground. e-- Moccasins, Moccasins. The Lockett shoe store, good quality, child's sizes, 7 to 10, 50c.; boys' or girls' sizes, 11 to ) to 6, Me. Low prices at T5¢.; siz « Bibby's."" Christmas Shirts. Our shirts give satisfaction because when a man puts one on, he feels as if it were made for him,75¢c.,81. The H. D. Bibby Co. Suggestions. Our store is a fund of ideas for men's gifts. Drop in and see the dis- play. Jenkins. ---- Purses at lowest prices. Taylor, Acme Skates are very popular and make a fine Christmas box for the boys and girle. Strachan sells them at right prices. Louis C. Delatre, Vancouver, B.C', was killed in the Cornell mine, at Vananda, a blast going off unexpect edly. Every bone in Delatre's body was broken. Tom Smith's stockings, Gilbert's, Umbrellas ton"s. Charl's Dav Rose, son of Sir John Rose, and formerly a resident of Mon treal, is standing in the liberal inter ests in the Newmarket, Eno. election. 'Xmas chocolates at Taylor's. There gre thr the house of a family named Dickson on the Woodstock gravel road near Woodstock. The i= of a light form. > | Trian le briakfast food, 13¢. pack- ! age. Gilbert's, Rowntree's Redden's. Palme, ferns. 10c. size Se. initialed free at Livings- feseccmsecsssssrsvesssss see + cases of small-nox in disease reppermint creams at Johneon, florist. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Dec. 28rd, (11 am.)-- Wednesday, south and south west gales; milder, with light lo- cal slegt or snow, followed at night by north westerly winds and turning cold- "KID GLOVE ATTRACTION Toronto, Fair to-day: Undoubtedly the Most Appreciated of All + Christmas Gifts Kid (loves Note a Few of Our Makes and Prices: ""Steacy"s Special" Kid Gloves, a very Fine French Kid with 8- Dome fasteners, in all the new shades of Greys and Browns, as well as Blacks and Whites, Qual- ity guaranteed. Special, $1.25. "Our Marcelle" Kid Glove, at a dollar is a world-beater. We sell over a thousand pairs of this Glove every year, and seldom, if ever hear a complaint. We keep it in the newest shades Browns, Fawns and Tans; Greys, as well as White Black, 2-dome fasteners, French Kid, sizes 51 to 7%. cial price, $1 pair. Ladies' Mocha Gloves mode shades, with one dome fastener, very stylish, 54 to 7. Special, $1.25. Best Mocha's, in new Brown, new Grey and Black, with 2- dome fasteners, sizes 53 to 7. This the best quality, worth $1.75. Special, $1.35. Ladies' Evening Kid Mousquetavil, Suede and Glace Kid Gloves, in Cream, White and Black; length 24 inches, at $1.50. ®1.75 and $2.50. A Washable Kid Glove that will wash--'*Vallieur,"" finest of French Kid in Pearl, Grey, White and Cream. Guaranteed to wash with soap and water. Special, $1.65. "*Alexandre" Kid Gloves, finest quality. French Kid, 2-dome, in gloves and undressed, pique sewn and Paris points. Colors always in stock, Tan, Fawn, Mode Grey, White, I'earl, Grey and Black. Sizes 53 to 74, at Special, $1.85. Kid Gloves 2-dome Kid, new and Sizes 3 to 6. 75¢ Boys' Kid Gloves--For small Boys, 5 to 12 years, good qual- ity, same as men's. Special, $1. We sell only reliable gloves. Handsome Glove Box Free with every pair, $1.25 or over. Spe- in new large sizes is Gloves-- Girls' French Tans. ALBERTSON--KEECH--At the home of the bride's parents, Desert Luke, Loughborough township, Ont., Dec. 17th, 1902, by Rev. C. Cunningham, of Verona, John Albertson, o® King- ston, and Miss Imma Keech, of Desert Lake. MOFFETT-WHITTON---At Paris, France, on July 26th, 1902, William Adger Moflett, lieutenant United States navy, to F. Jeanette, daughter of James Whitton, Deseronto. Select Your Christmas Gift. For father, mother, sweetheart, sis- ter, wife or brother at George Mills & (o's. attractive fur store, Wellington street, Phone 2: - ---------- Tom Smith's stockings, 20c. size 124¢c., Gilbert's, Jenkins' the store for men's presents, Purses at lowest prices. Taylor, Dent's gloves at Livingston's. Waterman's Ideal ountain 'Pens The Most Perfect. The Most Acceptable. Plain or Gold Mounted. TTT T LRT AS Our assortment of ver a half gross is arge enough to suit all writers. A CG. 3 JEWELERS. VV JONNSTON & BRO.} -