THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. coisa e"®" P9990 9@ ©00E©09 AT LIVINGSTON'S. £ Gift Hints to Ladies If you have any of the following on your list o don't pass us by :-- Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Mufflers, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Smoking Jackets, Dressing Gowns, Bath Robes, Fancy Vests, Umbrellas, Dress Suit Cases, etc. etc. A Wide Range at Popular Prices. N.B.--For the convenience of those unable to shop during the day this store will be open TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. SEPM EPLMEee eC. LIVINGSTON & BRO. 0030E@ 3808 ©SOINCCOO® ©OEO©C® ao [HE & P.M. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. et $52620108003¢0T9040 A FEW CHOICE OVERGOATINGS Boies | Right. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--Tke Market News. The south now spins nearly one-liith of its cotton crop. The Bell Telepl p h in- 3 CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS R [creased its capital irom $6,000,000 to 10,000,000. s a on co-operative beet sugar OAOObOt OR Ok Osh HROUG THE HUSTLEAND BUSTLE OF GETTING READY FOR CHRIST- mas, remember the '.Old Recliable" pork market, 60 Brock St. Here you factory. at Lehi has produced 22,000,000 pounds of sugar this year. The three great coal-producing coun- {ries of the world are the United States, Great Britain and Germany. The out- put of these three countries combined makes up 81.61 per cent. of the world's can get the best assortment of cooked | iy) Austria-Hungary comes fourth, Meats, Sausages, Bacon and Hams, in |jpa,ce is fifth, Beigium sixth and Rus- the city. Always fresh and up-to-date. |¢ iy seventh Special for Christmas--English home- |" Th, director of the United States mint made Mince meat and pure Lard. 'Phone 570. CAPILLI FORMA POSITIVE HAIR PRODUCER AND ngrve tonic, cures headache, neuralgia, dandruffl and eczema, sold during the holidays for fifty cents per bottle at Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors, 166 Princess Street, Kingston. reports that the total output of gold in Alaska this year has been $18,900,000, or over $4,000,000 more than last year Of this amount about $14,000,000 came from the Klondike district (including the Canadian Klondike), and the rest from the Nome district. 'Xmas chocolates at Taylor's. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Stuffed olives at Redden's. 'Xmas perfumes ut Taylor's. Well Assorted Stocks. We Always Carry a Large Variety of Goods Suitable for Christmas Gifts, At No Moment Do We Allow the Assort- ment to Become Broken. You Can Always be Sure of Obtaining Every Size and Every Style From Us. . Kid Gloves. Our guarantee goes with every pair. We are quite willing to exchange these gloves after Christmas should the sizes you seleet be unsuitable. Styles--Mocca, Dogskin, Kangaroo, Undressed Kid, Glace Kid. Prices $1, $1.25, $1.50 pair. MITTS thoroughly lined, splendidly sewn, neatly finish. 5oc., 75¢., $1, $1.25 pair. GAUNTLETS for ladies, children and men $1 25 pair. ed. 50c., 75¢., $1, Handkerchiefs. Liverything perfectly fresh. No crushed or creas- ed ones, An immense variety to select from on centre tables. PLAIN HEMSTITCHED, 303, 3s¢., 4oc., SOC, FANCY EMBROIDERED, 10c., 12ic., 15c,, 20C, 25¢., 30C., 3s¢., 40c., 50c, HoC., 75¢., 51. FANCY EMBROIDERED STOCKINGS, soc., 6oc, 75c., $1 pair, NECK SQUARES, 40c., 50c., 6oc., 75¢., $1, $1.25. FANCY RIBBONS, 20c., 25c., joc., 35¢., 50¢. FANCY IRISH LINENS, Tray Cloths, Covers, Runners, Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Etc. CARDIGAN JACKETS, goc., $1, $1.25, $1.50. $2. SWEATERS, soc., 6oc., 75¢., 9oc., $1, $1.50 yard. BLOUSE SILKS, soc., 6oc., 75¢., 9oc., $1 yard, UNDERSKIRTS, $1, $1.25, $1.49, $1.65, $1. 98, RED STOCKINGS AND MINTS. 0c, 1z2lic., 15¢., 200, 25c. 2,10, rss ------ R. WALDRON, Corner Brock and Wellington Sts. WANT CHANGE CALCULATE ON THE LATEST CENSUS Premiers Practically Unanimous on the Subsidy Question--The Division of the Fishery Award. Toronto, Dec. 23.--A Globe special from Quebec says that there is pretty reliable authority for the statement that what the provincial premiers ask, by the resolutions adoptéd at the final meeting of the conference, on Saturday, is the re-adjustment of the federal subsidy of eighty cents per head of the population of the pro- vince so that, hereafter, the subsidy may be always calculated upon the basis of the last decennial census in- stead of upon that of 1861, as ar- ranged at confederation. On the sub- sidy question, the despatch adds, the delegates were practically unanimous, but, it is understood, that Attorney- General Longley, on behalf of Nova Scotia, dissented from the others® on the question of the fisheries award of $5,500,000, the division of which be- tween Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island is now demanded. William Stewart, counterfeiter, this morning, sentenced to three years in the penitentiary for having counterfeit dollar bills in his posses- 'The sentence will run with the was, sion. ten vears he is already serving. The further charges against Anson Ray- mond and his wife, in this connection, have been traversed to the March ses- siors. When William Stewart was arrested £37 good money was found in' his clothes: this morning he was asked whether he wished this money dis- tributed to those ha had given coun- terfeit bills. He said he had issued about three hundred counterfeit bills, but would prefer to have the $7 re- tained for his use when he leaves pris- «n. The judge reserved his decision on this point. The action of Totten vs. Nickel Cop- per company is being heard at Os- goode Hall to-day. The plaintifi seeks an injunction restraining the defend- ants, the Sterling company, Chicago, from acting on a second mortgage for £65,000, held by them on the Copper company's property. The other ac- tions to wind up the Copper company. etc., will come to trial later on, as the negotiations make a settle- ment have failed. to TEN SURVIVORS SAVED. Half-Crazed From Sufferings, Frost-Bitten and Helpless. Boston, Dec. 23.--Almost crazed from their sufferings, frost-bitten and help- less, ten men in g boat were picked up by the schooner Manhassett forty-five miles off Highland Light. Then for the first time it was learned the' schooners Frank A. Palmer and Louise B. Crary had been in collision, and had been sunk off Thatcher's Island, Wednesday evening. The survivors of the tragedy were landed here. Of the twenty-one men who madg up the two crews SIX were carried down when the two vessels sank, four died during a terrible three days' drift in Massachusetts Bay and another |e: came insane gnd jumped overboard. With no food or water, their clothes frozen in solid masses! and their boat being steadily driven before a bitter gale out into the Atlantic, it seems remarkable that so many managed to survive. SHOT HIS SISTER. A Lamentable Accident Occurred At Hull. Dec. 23.--An unfortunate accident occurred in Hull, this morning; at the residence of lsa- dore Desrosiers, 65 St. Bernard street, The two children of Mr. Desrosiers, a boy and a girl, were playing and the sister got something the brother wish: Ottawa, shooting ed to get. The latter got hold of a loaded revolver and threatened to shoot her if she would not give up | the coveted article. Upon her refus- ing he discharged one chamber of the weapon and the ball entered the girl's jaw and came out at the back of the neck. Dr. Ouimet was called and dress- ed the wound which he reports to be very severe and may be fatal. The boy is about ten years old. Many Gifts For President. Washington, D.C., Dec. 23.--Christ- mas presents are arriving in great numbers at the White House, coming from relatives, personal friends admirers of the Roosevelts. The char- acter of the gifts is varied. Some are costly, others unique, and not a few of the freak order. They come not only from the states but from the West Indies, and the far east. Cigars without number are sent to the presi- dent from Luba, Porto Rico and Mani- | evidently not being Roosevelt, la, the senders aware of the fact that Mr. unlike his predecessors, fondness for tobacco. and the Philippines come many curios and not a few of these are addressed to the members of the pre. sident's family. younger He Founded School. Water, Wis., Dec. 23.--Morris this city. one of the early converts to spiritualism, and founder of the only school in the world de- voted to instruction in spiritualism, is dead from the effects of a paralytic stroke, received a week ago. White Pratt, of Vote In Parry Sound. Parry Sound. Unt., Dec. 23. --The of- ficial declaration of the vote for the referendum for the district of Parry Sound was made her&, to day : Affir- mative, 2,02% 'negative, TIO; majority for 1.317. Greene To Get It. New York, Dec. 23 According rumor Mayor Low has decided to se lect Gen. Francis Vinton Greene for police commissioner to succeed Col. Partridge Felt Slippers. For ladies and gentlemen very su perior quality, prices 3c. to 82, at The Lockett Shoe Store -- See our silk mutllers. Ronev & Co. Xmas chocolates' at Taylor's. and | has no great | From China | | connection with the sale of a horse. to A Pointer For Christmas Morning. { C. Mutchell. . DINED BY MAYOR. S-- Happy Time Spent by Gathering in the Big Hotel, Mayor Shaw entertained the alder: men, city officials, pressmen and friends to a spread at the British Am- erican hotel last night. After the din- ner was enjoyed speeches were in or- der, King," and 'His Worship" followed each other, Ald. Walkem toasting the mayor who in reply told of the trials of office, "The City Offi- cials" were honored and replied to by Messrs. Farrell, Ireland, McIntyre, Shannon. "The Board of Trade" had responses from John Hewton and H. J. Wilkinson after Ald. Mcleod had proposed the toast. 'The Prospective Mayor" was touchingly anticipated by the candidates, "The Press" and 'The Ladies" were honored, followed by "The Aldermen." The proposers of the last two were Ald. Tait and W. S. R. Murch. Ald. King replied for the ald- ermen. The concluding toasts were "The Juniors of the Council," "Chief Elmer and Fire Brigade," HP he Board of Education" (Ald Sears), "The Lady Mayoress" and 'The City Engineer." Good songs were sung by Ald. Walkem L. W. Shannon and Ald. Harkness. Bay Of Quinte League. Deseronto, Dec. 22.--At a meeting of the Quinte District League, held at Napanee on Saturday evening, it was decided to allow the Frontenacs of Kingston to enter. This will greatly strengthen the prestige of the Q.D.H. L., and will probably lead to Brock- ville, Cardinal, Iroquois and Morris- burg also entering next year. The ap- plication of Campbellford and Sterl- ing were refused, owing to distance and lack of connections, but next year with Picton, Brockville, Tren- ton, Campbellford and Stirling to form a western section, this difficulty wil be overcome; then with Deseron- to, Napanee, Tweed, Frontenacs and Ramblers' Bicycle Club as a central series, with a possibility of Brock- ville, Cardinal," Iroquois and Morris- burg to form an Eastern series, the future of the Q.D.H.L. promises to he as good as that of the O.H.A. Declined To Allow It. Montreal, Dec. 23.--The court of King's Bench, this morning, feversed the lower Piss i judgment in the case of Hon. A. R. Angers vs. Mutual Re- serve Se Fund Association, of New York. The lower court had ordered the to refund premiums and by Angers, from 1885 to 1898, but the court, to-day, decid- ed that after enjoying its privileges for thirteen yeare, plaintiff could not association interest paid ask cancellation of policy. It was a mutual concern and he should have familiarized himseli with the condi- tions on which the original policy was issued. Mormions Revere A Prophet. Salt Lake City. Utah, Dec. 23.-- Wherever there are Mormons to-day has been celebrated, and in a number of instances the festivities have entire- ly taken the place of the celebration two days hence by Christendom. De- cember 23rd is Joseph Smith's birth- day anniversary, and the observance of it and of Brigham Young's birth- day are official holidays of the Mor- mon church. The eelebrations take the form of anniversary exercises, To Feed Twenty-Five Thousand. New York, Dec. 23.--For two weeks past the familiar gypsy kettles have stood suspended from tripods on the street 'corners of the metropolis to receive donations. for the Christmas dinners which the Salvation Army gives to the poor each year, and the pots have bern "kept boiling" with such effect that the organization ex- pects to be able to fill 25,000 stom- achs with turkey and accompaniments day after to-morrow. Wedding Of Reynolds Hitt. New York, Dec. 23.--The wedding of Miss Edith Gray and Reynolds Hitt, which took place to-day in St. Bar- tholothew's church, was a large and fashionable affair. The bride is the daughter of Justice John Clinton | Gray, and the bridegroom is the. son of Representative Hitt, of Illinois, and at present is second secretary of the United States embassy at Berlin. Will Not Sell To G.T.R. Montreal, Dec. 23.--The Mackenzie- Mann transcontinental line will be completed in six, years. 1t will not be sold to the Grand Trunk, no matter what price they may offer for it. These are the two important state- ments 1D. D. Mann made here on his | return from Quebec. Young Havemeyer To Make Debut New York, Dec. 23.--Arthur Have- meyer, a'voung multi-millionaire, and | son of William F. Havemeyer, the su- gar magnate, is to be formally pre: sented to society at a ball to be giv- en by his father at Delmonico's to- night. That it will be a very hand- some function goes without saying. State Senator Killed. : Ashville, N.G., Dec. 23.--Information is received that Zeb Wilson, recently elected state senator from Yancey county, was killed at Burnsville by his brother, Hiram Wilson. It is re- ported that the brothers quarrelled in Resigns From Police Board. Montreal, Dec. 23. --Ald. Lebeuf, chairman of the Montreal police com- mittee has! resigned as chairman of the committee on account of the re- cent charges preferred against the com- mittee hy Recorder Poirier. Makes Rapid Run. Toledo, Dec. 23.--The Twentieth Cen- tury limited on the Lake Shore yester- day made the run of 121 miles he tween Toledo and Elkhart, Ind. in 127 minutes. A part of this run was made in a dense fog. The sharp stimulus of the grape fruit is the best thing to set the diges- tion in order for the day. Procure some at Carnovsky's. Christmas. Jenkins. Christmas. Store open every evening till Christ- mas. NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Marconi expects words «an hour. Rev. J. H, Macmillan, pastor of St. Andrew's church, Lindsay, Ont., has decided to accept the call to St. An- drew's, Winnipeg. A cash box containing £40 was sto- len from the safe of the Union House, Simcoe street, Toronto, early Mon- day. There is no clue. ! The Humberts have made up their minds to disclose the truth as to their swindlings, and to 'confound the au- thors of their misfortunes." The transport Thomas brings news of a new cholera outbreak in Manila. When the Thomas left there, thirty cases were being reported daily. Fire has burned three business blocks and the Masonic templa at Bea- trice, Neb. The Paddock hotel is now on fire. Loss so far estimated at $300,000. Lord Milner's departure from South Africa for England will probably be in April, or May. After rest Lord Mil- ner will be offered the governorship of the Australian commonwealth. The New York Herald says em- ployees of Wells, Fargo & Co., to the number of more than 6,000, will have their salaries increased from five to ten per cent., the increase to date from December 1st. Count Felippo Folchi, Rome, who eloped with Donna Flvira, the second daughter of Don Carlos, in November, 1896, is trying to obtain the annul- ment of his marriage to Countess Fol- chi, so that he may marry Donna. The death list of the Southern Pjy- cific disaster, at Byron, has been swelled to twenty-five by the death of Miss Stella Howard, of San Francis- co, and Walter Vernon, aged seven- 'teen, Vernon's father died last night. The section of the prohibition party which bows allegiance to 'W. W. Buch- anan, Winnipeg, is said to be consid- ering the advisability of bringing out candidates in the bye-elections in North Perth, North Norfolk, and North Grey. Crown Princess Louise, of Saxony, is at the 'Hotel Geneva, Geneva, with M. Gorin, professor of French. The prin- cess received a visit to- -day from two arch-dukes sent by Emperor Francis Joseph, asking her to return home at once. The red line steamer Caracas safely entered the harbor of La Guayra thi: morning. The mail, freight and pass- engers were landed at ten o'clock. The captain of the British cruiser Tri- bune notified the commander of the Caracas, that throughout her stay at La Guayra she must leave the harbor every night. to handle 1,000 The Christmas Dinner. "Twill not be complete without some of Ferguson's choice fruit--Florida or- anges, naval oranges, Russet oranges, Malaga grapes, bananas; etc. For the little ones' we have great stores of pure candies, at regsonable prices, besides toys, etc. Our fruit cakes are great sellers. T. H. Ferguson, King street. Four Bad Boys. Four lads were arraigned before the police magistrate this morning on a charge of breaking into a boat house near the cotton mill. The boys had a private examination. The magis- trate's decision was that one should be whipped, two sent home, and one retained, pending further examination into his record. Amherst Island Council. The nominations of candidates for the municipality of Amherst Island, took place on Monday and resulted in the return of the following : Reeve--William T. Hill. Councillors--George Morrow, Henry Filson, Robert Kirkpatrick, Samuel Fleming. Company Will Be Fair. "You can say that the Kingston Street Railway company will do its full share of repairing its tracks when the city decides to asphalt some of the main streets. We will meet the city in a fair spirit." This was the statement made this morning by B. W. Folger to a Whig reporter. Congratulations Poe Tony Pastor. New York, Dec. 23.--The home of Mr, and Mrs. "Tony" Sik at Elm- hurst, L.I., was the Mecca to-day of many theatrical folk, who called to congratulate the veteran showman and his wife on their silver wedding anniversary and to help celebrate the occasion. A ---- i i Ladies' Attention Please. Our new illustrated catalogue of fa- shionablq furs should be in every lady's hands. May be had for the ask- ing. George Mills & Co., manufactur- ing furriers, Wellington street. Phone 238, Russians Entertain Miles. Pekin, Dec. 23.--The Russian officials at Portes Arthur entertained Lieut.- Gen. Miles ou his arrival there and are now sending him to Taku on board a cruiser. ------ Christmas Confectionery. Our stock is complete with glazed fruits, bon-bons and those new cho colates, put up in our fancy boxes. W. J. Crothers. Free! Free! ! Free!!! Until Christmas we will initial free of charge any umbrella or walking cane bought here. Special handles, spe- cial prices. Jenkins. Senator Primrose Dead. Halifax, N. S., Dee. 23.-- Senator Primrose died at midnight. Deceased was a conservative, appointed in 1892, Gents' French Felt Slippers. Very desirable, price only $1.25, The Lockett Shoe Store at Dainty. Christmas perfumes, 10¢. to N fe > | 8, per bottle. Taylor, successor to E. , morhing | Fresh lettuce to arrive Wednesday at Carnovsky's. 'urses, purses, at Taylor's EEC. ~§ Open To-night Until 9:30. | sms seeseereerepsenres - | | 'Do You Know a Man Approcidtes" Something to Wear, Particularly if the Gift is From a Lady, More Than Any- thing Else ? We.Have Plenty of Suit- able Articles for Giving. Gentlemen's Umbrellas. 3 Just received and including many new designs of handles that you will see with no other firm here. The coverings are first-class and gu aranteed to us by the makers. rices $1.25, $150, $1.75, $3, $2 25, $2 50, $3, $3 50. Gentlemen's Ties. ; A most complete range of plain and fancy designs received with- in the past two weeks. Price 25C 35C 456.) 49¢. Gentlemen's Mufflers, New designs in black silk. others. Handkerchiefs. Gentlemen's Pure Linen Hemstitched, 1234c., 15C., 20C., 25C., 35¢. and up. §oc.,, 99¢. and Gentlemen's Fine White 'Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, (Lawn), put up in fancy boxes, 6 to a box. Price only 49c. a box. This is a very special' price. Gentlemen's Kid Gloves and Mitts, Also in IMocha Gloves with warm linings. Prices $1, $1.25, $1.49 a pair, Cardigan Jackets for Men, 95¢., $1, $1. 25, $149, $1.69 Collars, Cuffs, Braces, Cashmere Sox. Open To-night, and To-morrow Night. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON a AN AN ASA An Annan THESE : L | | | And many more nice things for Christmas Presents at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. 'Can as much be said of any other make? We find it pays in the. long run, beause Granby Rubbers ast longer, and give better satisfaction in every way. It costs us more, but it costs you less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. '" Granby Rubbers wear like iron." ETT Christmas Specials A beautiful line of Golden Oak or Mahogany Cobble Seat Rock- ers only $2, regular $3. Fancy Rattan Rockers or Arm Chairs, only $3.50, regular $4.50. Children's 3-piece Toy Sett only $1.75. Screens, filled or in frames. Easels oply 50c. for the holiday 'season. Ambulance, 147. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker.