* THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 27. bm -- HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE. Symptoms of a Very Common Trouble ? There is no disease so common in the United States as catarrh because it appears in so many forms and attacks =o 1. .ny different organs. It is a cominon mistake to suppose that catarrh the nose and throat. Any inflammation of the | mucous membrane wherever located ac companied by abnormal secretions, 1 catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or blad- | der, or intestines is 'nearly as com mon as nasal catarrh and much more | serious although it is true that mach catarrh and catarrh of other in- ternal organs is the result of neglected nasal catarrh. ° A new remedy has recently appeared | which so far as tested seems to be re markably effective in promptly curing catarrh, wherever located. The pre- | 'paration is sold by druggists general- | ly under name of Stuart's _Catarrh Tablets and in addition to béing very palatable and convenient, poss traordinary merit, in many cases giv ing immediate relief from the cough ing," hawking and constant clearing of the throat and head, those symptoms with which everyone is familiar whe has suffered from colds in the head and throat. Catarrh is simply a continnation of these symptoms util the trouble be- comes chronic and grows gradually worse from year to year. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are com posed of blood root, red gum and stm ilar antiseptics and. catarrh specifics, from which it will be seen that no se cret made of the ingredients and also that no mineral poisons are used, as is the case with many well known catarrh medicines : For catarrh of bronchial tubes, mach, intestines or paration safe rapid and permanent art's Catarrh Tablets. All druggists sell full sized package. with assurance that tract the cocaine or morphine the results from this catarrh apparent, from. the first day's use. confined to sto- | | | | | ses ex { ever is throat, catarrh of sto pre such Stu- the for bladder and results nose, no is so gives as 50e. for use them not + habit as | cure them at You can vou will con are -- DDB DO O--® WOOL ART SQUARES sitting fact In bedrooms, rooms, any e cold satis- For dining for the some rooms, in room in the house winter days there is TD good wool It and the faction in the of a square under foot. makes 4 room seem so warm COSY. If oil with floor dining-room the and you have cloth a find it the We in in a linoleum on it well put wool over vou will rug money invested, and prices are surprisingly hundreds to choose oriental and floral all the best color low have from effects and combin=r ations. We You. R.. McFAUL, Kingstoa Carpet Wa chouse. EE would like to show them to O-->--® Aftermath. to clear out odds and ends left over from the Christinas slaughter -- a few We commence at once of this, one or two of the other-- all good, but we prefer to have them out of tae way before stock taking in January, 1903. Carpets, Curtains, Parlor Suites, Odd Parlor Chairs, Cabinets, Comforters. T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertaking and Embalming, Phones, 90 and 91. 9 . Wood's Phosphodine (be Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re- liable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists In the Dominion of Cana- da sell and recommend as being the efore. only medicine of its kind that cures ¥ and gives universal satisfaction, It promptly and permanently cures all forms Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or, cesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants; Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price $1 per package, or six for $5. One will ease: six will cure. Malled aptly on receint of price. Send pamphlet--free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. After. Rugs, A | ferent sections of (OMMISSION To Investigate and. Report | In School Affairs NEED FOR SCIENTIFIC VISION 'IS IMPERATIVE. | The Appointnient of a Commis- Men and Educationists Would Greatly a Con- sion of 'Business Assist clusion. Principal W. S. doliowing letter to the press : Two years from now there in Reaching some important changes in the school curriculum, according to the promise of the minister of education... This would, therefore, seem to be a proper | time for bringing forward a proposal to have the remodelling done in systematic and rational way. At pre- sent no one can deny the need for im: provement, but unfortunately expe ence has taught us that there may be a great deal of change with very lit- tle amendment, that even a poor course of study. isnot to be lightly meddled with, notwithstanding many bad precedents to the contrary. For a quarter of a century now the department of education. has been patching and repatching the work with' the result that we have to-day a curriculum that is un- scientific, that is educationally un sound, that fosters wrong ideals, and sets up objects of attainment that are both in tendency and consequence there is vast vaste of the productive capacity of the in the lost envoy and time of childhood, as well as in unde- veloped ability and thwarted enthusi asm. How large a problem this is to deal with and how great the results to accrue from a proper solution of it, one may cath knowit that there are hali a million children in the that th are ten thou sand persons engaged in teaching, that the annual expenditure for education is seven million dollars, and that na tiongl prosperity or national stagna tion * stake for which the eifort being made. The manner in which these children. are heing fitted for the duties ¢jtizenship, and in which their intelligence is being developed to meet the demands of the new economic and industrial conditions, then, he comes matter of serious inquiry. If a business plant of dimensions were run by the methods of twenty vears ago and fitted with equally an cient machinery, and if the manager had never attempted any svstematic overhauling, but had contented him self with a little dab of an experi ment and another there, the sharcholders of that company might well ask for assurance ag to the sibility of suecessiully venture, This letter is to#Propose the apnli cation of just such a measure to the schools. Instead of departmental tink ering with the curriculum to some petty examination det top clamorer's have a basis of a SO the schools, mischievous practipe. In tion, from schools, the sued pos ving on the meet or to let us 1 rearrangement that will 'give confidence for a rational and efficient course of school work. Such a basis can be obtained by appointing a commission of educationi RB business men in- touch with al work report We *h now vince sone noise, sts and of 3 A education to mnvestucate, consider and recardi school alfuirs, have precedents in plenty Qa proceeding." We have had, or have, commissic in this pro ' to build railw to look int, Inances, to report on public property, LO examine into university afiairs, ; do many things. Repeat commissions have larg lv caused the re organization of and tor ns to other and re arr ment school work in the United States In Germany, the two nation neland's oreatest industria It would quite usel to have such a body loaded partmental | That has unopposed control sof the situation twenty-five vears, and has left us Very nearly where we were in methods, Ideals and aims that the outcome can only he described a Such a commission should be of men actively en caged in teaching, who know our Svs tem practically and historically, are familiar with what ) In other countries, and quainted wiph the progress world; in HG capable building for the future, not make provision for st With these should be a representation of men, progressive who could jue of the from the productive sid Fhe chain man should be a hright, alert educa tonist, whosé whole time would devote to th: work, and h means enough obtain With their 1eport that serve as n has cational prog for the Permaneney of ai corre that are rivals, however, with had for SO be oflicialism. failure, as 1s proposed made up mostly ] who Is being done somewhat a t oi content to conditions, of a men business citizens, country's necas bie who control wanted ry should Wie h information two in which to eqn mvestigat on, there containing would at w hiat years on he a recommendations s for next de tion closer rela of hools consequent ~hip and expenditures of S and h curtailment energy, Iv operations, of time results Used money might well be Fook Ot this proposal out of the ordinary in a couple of ways, hut experience of what y tomagy makes something It educational rather than Sone an Cours $a | routine IS Cus hitle up vive the direction of altars to l to a usual, would cationists Toy Wood's Phosphodine fs sold in Kingston wt all drug stores KINGSTON BUSINESS KINGSTON. TORONTO 3% vous) COLLEGE TORONTO. facilities Uneqgualled for securing posi- tH i Largest and best equipment in Canada 321 Queen Street, Kings | SEND FOR CATALOGU ! Coniederation Life Buildings, Toronto. COLLEGE niembers of an t dol the would nu sand in SS enterprise This signature is on every box of the genuine ! Laxative Bromo-Quinine asics the remedy ihat emres a cold in ome day, CURRICULUM. | RE- Ellis has issued the are to he ol the case of education the cash pay- ment is not the most important item of the account, the possibilities of the future have to be reckoned with, hence the need for assurance that thé output of the schools is of the quality requir- ed. Recently we have heard on more than one hand pretty plain intima- tions that things might be better than | they are in this way. | It does not seem unreasonable, then. , that we should be assured on the best authority available that we are travel ling the road of progress, hence the | proposal for a proper method of get- iting at a basis of efficient and un | wasteful school work. SUNDAY SERVICES. The Filling of The Pulpits on Dec. 28th. s's "cathedral.--The Bjh- preaches in the even: St. Geor op of Ontar.o ng. Bethel Congregational church--Rev. { D. N.- Morden, minister. Services, 11 {am and 7 p.m. Strangers cordially | wvited. Seats are all free. The Lord Bishop of Ontario. | Rev. Dr. Mills, will preach in | Paul's to-morrow at 11 o'clock. otie welcome. Holy communion at a.m. Brock Street Methodist church.- | Rev. Eber Crummy, B. B.Se., pas- { tor. Sunday, missionary anniversary | day. Services, 11 a.m. and pa. Rev, J. Wood, Gananoque, Sunday school, 2.15 p.m.; pastor's Bible class will be withdrawn, First Congregational church, corner Wellington and Johnston streets.--I). M. Solandt, R.A., acting pastor. Ser- vices, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. H. D.. Bor Ly, of Queen's, will preach at the mornin service. Sunday-school and ible class at 3 p.m. Praver-meeting on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. Seats ave free and all are wel come. { Cooke's Presbyterian church.-- Rev. | Alexander Laird, minister. Sunday ser vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at. 3 pam. Stra welcome. December 2Xth, Loth "services will lu conducted by Mi. Laird. Morning sul, lect, "The Profession of Our Faith : evening subject, "The Close of th Year," "Arise ve, and depart, for thi is not vour rest.' Queen Strect Meothodist church, Dee 23th, 1902--Rev. J. Cooper Antlii, M.A, D.D., will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morning music: "Softlv the Night is Stealing": "Hymn of Nativi tv," Mr, Shea and choir; evening an them, "Christmas" (Shellev): solo "lhe New Born King" (Hammer: J. Shea. Sunday school at 2.13 va Watch night service on Wednesday 11 pm. All welcome. Sydenham Street Methodist church, Rev. Dr. Philp, pastor, Sunday; Dec. 25%th.--Sermons by the pastor, 11 a m., 'Voices From the Past'; 7 p.m., "Paul at Athens; the Unknown God." Morning anthem, "Star of Peace" (Parker): solo, "lhe Angels' Message,' Miss Flleda Perley, © Evening anthem, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sine (Schu echer; solo, "Night of Nights" (Van dewater), Miss Elleda Perley. Special music by the choir. All made welcome to these services, 15 p.m, Sunday school and Rible 10.30 pone, Wednesday, watchnight service. TO USE BALLOTS. Right Ste Iv ery N HS al class, Voting Machines Will Not Be Used This Time. A spedial meeting of the city council was convened Friday night to repea a by-law which authorized the of voting machines at tions. This action was found neces ary of a request of the in ventor, who withdrew the right of the city to the machines, because he was not satisfied with the counters now contained in them. There were present: Mayor Shaw, Alds. Beil, Graham, Hipson, Kent, Nin Knapp, Mallen, McCammon, Maetarlane, Tait, Walkem. Ald. Kent ented the by-law, which was passed aid became law about five minutes, The council will now- resort the provisions of the statutes and make use ballot pa pers at the approaching elections! In reply to a question by Ald. Mac tarlane, the city clerk stated that one counter mn mad hine in the last municipal election had failed to regis ter, but the candidate it afiected had not been counted out. The inventor did not desire the machines used any where in Ontario until he had perivet- ed a counter that would not become disordered. use because use in to of one Sons Of England Officers. At a meeti for election of ofthcers for 1903 of Leicester lodge, SO.E.B.S., the brethren, with much ceived the resignation of W. H. Cruse, who faithinlly and consistently hed t rosition of secretary for abdut fifteen vears, hut owing to increasing infirmity felt he must he relieved and take a well-earned rest. 'Fhese of cers were elected: WP, W. Hug Stunsoury: Pp'. dain, J. F. Lit Selby; secre n, +. Hughes: « nner S regret, re chaj Charles tary, Edward Leach; sur Bell, M.D; first guide, I. cond guide, W. A. Twigg: sb. Tayler, Sr; outer guard, ton; auditors, B. F. Lit Swaiw, HH. Hughes; Smythe, T. Lambert, ®umitter, Messis. bury, Taylor. A. Hug vens Stans Memento In Mori. 'k there cemetery ® "This beautiful ndson the a memory of that erected, in at Brockville, to the resident We was monument late beloved Mrs. A. Henry Su This me morial was a tribute fre her son, lev. Gi. Lothrop Starr, curate of St. orge's cathedral, Kingston, bat who was born in the Idand City, wi ! the remains of his saintly a town, I It Te ep mother The monument, whi of Was import from Kilpatrick, of the Marble Works. an Swedish granite cotland by KX, J ston Granite and takes the fo | and id of ru lonic cross, g Standing height, it pee beautiful to tl n and tribute imposing fitting cod and nobl lay tl tn 1 rida | puty returning o |outh of office. non municipal elee- HAVE RESIGNE IN THE O.H. A, Secretary Mills Has Sent the Resignation--the 0.H.A. Now Have No Jurisdiction Over the Kingston Team. Secretary W. Y. Mills, of the Fronte- nac hockey club, last night, forward- ed the resignation of Kingston's seni- or team from the Ontario Hockey As- sociation, His letter to Secretary Buc- hanan, explaining the course of the Frontenacs, is decidedly fair and hon- orable. It reads thus: "On bebalf of the Frontenac hockey club, of Kingston, 1 desire to notify vou that we herewith resign our mem- bership in the Ontario association, this to take effect immediately. We sincerely regret the necessity of this action, but we feel there is no other open course for us to pursue, when im- portant matters in which this club was involved received such unsatisfac- tory consideration at vour hands. The Frontenac hockey club may decide not to visit Pittshurg, Pa), but our many friends are of the opinion that suffi- cient consideration was not given our case as to justify our remaininz members of the association as at pres- ent constituted." General Sport Review. The St. Nicholas hockey team plays in Montreal to-night. McChesucy won the Christmas han- diap at New Orleans, running the wile in 1.41}, For the first time since the organiza- ton of the 0. H. A., Kingston is not represented in the senior of that organization, but it has two se- nior teams. At Edinburgh, the Canadian rughy team was defeated by only two points, their play showing decided improve ment. This afternoon they were to play ithe nburgh Wanderers, The K.B.C.-Ramblers had their first practice at the Kingston skating rink last night, having about fifteen on the The club will put two strong on the ice this season. The Toronto Globe declares that the Frontenacs will lose no honor while maintaining their loyalty to their own hockey association, by giving notice that the trip to Pittsburg is abandon- series men ice. teams + OHA. will have no jurisdiction over the Frontenpes now that they are leavinr the fold of that organiza- tion, and therefore will have no oe- casion or right to expel or stigmatize them. The Montreal hockey, club have ab- out decided to meet the Winnipeg Vie- torias for the Stanley cup. They might have done this several weeks ), for public opinion was all against their course and their league rule, too. On Thuesday nicht Berlin plaved a ti~ hockey match in Waterloo. It took three hours to play the match, delays being caused hy damage to plavers and boarded sides of the rink. The tie will be" played off on New Year's night. Sault Ste. Marie is the only place where a rink has collapsed he- cause of poor construction, The desire of many people is to get something for nothing, ynd so lone as architects and contractors are required to put up a building on the cheap scale, there will always he misfortune. English crigheters held a moeting re Lrently and decided to increase the width of the wicket from eight to nine inches, The method suggested to be adopted is to increase the circum- erence of the stumps. The alteration is of course, a concession to the bowl- who complein bitterly that in these davs of carefully prepared wick- it practically impossible to bowl a first-class batsman out. not ors, ots is CIVIC NOMINATIONS At City Hall And In Wards. At ten o'clock on Monday the no- minations of candidates for the may- oralty of 1903 will be held in the dy hall. The nominations for aldermanie candidates in the wards, will occur ftom twelve to one o'clock at the fol- lowing places : Cataraqui ward--Thomas Bennett's house, 218 Wellington street, James Barry, returning officer. Frontenae ward--Richard house, York street, George Keene. Ontario ward--Ontario hall, Alexan- der Jamieson. Rideau ward--Mrs. (Guy's house, Division street, James E. Hutcheson. St. Lawrence ward--James Slavin's shop, 175 Wellington street, A. E. M. Loscombe. Will Be Held é Savage's 85 Svdenham ~~ ward--Miss ~~ Sullivan's corner Wellington and Tsnac Kelly, Victoria ward - 21 Union Greenwood, house, stree Patrick strect west, Derry's N. T. house, And pleasant evening the home No. 4 Double Wedding A on Mrs, Reception. was spent Mr. Very Friday D. at of Kane, of Stella hane and two wedding parties. Miss Fred, © Kidd, both of and Miss Annie Schonauer James Hartmann, of Ardoch, united in marriage. Miss Muriel Covey Kane as bridesmaid groomsman, wtively. The numerous. Miss Toronto to at Mr. in Gananogue, Hartmann in Aa and were anogque; acted resj were and George and presents Kane came down from tend her ster Mh Kidd will and Mr. and Mrs. doch. received wedding. A Small Market. v morning's market a edly amall. Beef was the chicf thing sed for sale, forequarters bein le. to le. a lb, gnd hinguarters to be. a lb. Lamb 7 1h. Poultry vs for A10es were Saturd w de rom was jy the from 2 and N 1 was bringing. | scarce, sale Ye. a bag Police Court Tidings. as O'Neil, drunk, was with the mths in option bv y of En the A lad implica ir theft. of goods from a boat-house ton mill, was whipped ! wud sent howe. the of i near the cot- by the police EE -- D.! FRONTENACS NO LONGER } SAFE IN HIS KEEPING. Alderman Graham's Course Meets With Approval. Dec. 26.--(To the Editor): nan and ratepa i Kingsto "As. a workin \ + "{pould like to say a word publicly in Gore | and , Quebec street, | where a reeepiion was given in honor | and behalf of the candidature of Alderman Graham for the mayoralty. 1% would rather that abler plea than mine were employed, as the candidate in whose behalf | write possesses many salient qualities for the oftice, of which the ratepayers should be told. Though of a duferent shade of poli tics than I, still I have always ad- mired his straightforward, independent 'course in' the discharge of his trust as a representative of the people; time and again he has refused to be bound {by party ties and has voted ,entiously, and the wisdom of his judg- iment on such occasions has afterwards been made manifest. In this respect comparisons are invidious. We work- ingmen lcok upon him as the cham- i pion of our rights in the council. He j was one of the iirst in the city to re- ! cognize union labor, and it was he who secured corporation laborers union and union hours. He was on | the side of justice and equality when 'he fought the odious high license meat by-law, which, if carried into effect, j would have increased the already high cost of living to the workingman. He { will be remembered at the polls for this, if for nothing ¢l and his op- ponents will not be forgotten because of their attitude on thé question. As chairman of parks, he fuliilled all his promises, even to improving the King street esplanade, and we have to. thank him for the ornamental fountain which now graces the middle of the park, as it was his foresight that laid the ground work of ins "thing of beauty" as Aldprman King aptly terms it. | want to add that | nade it my business to ascertain, and found that Alderman Graham com- pleted his term as chairman of parks w th a surplus," notwithstanding mis- leading statements to the contrary. The interests of we Victoria ward rate- 'payers never received any attention until Alderman aham was elected to represent us, and through his zeal the ward has had more improvements be- upon it than it received from any oi his pred or His I ehalf of economy, cil and published 'reports will As a member of the mittee this vear, he stood out for jus- tice to all parties; and was plain spoken as regards his convictions, These are some of the reasons 1 hold for advocating the advancement of his candidacy, fecling confident that the city's afiairs may safely be trusted to his keeping. He fearless in his at- titude touching all public questions affecting the good "ard welfare of the city, and the citizens canvot make a mistake in giving him their support at the polls--VICTORIA WARDER. some conser stowed been raised in s minutes of coun- show. voice has water works coni- is Sydenham A.0.U.W. Lodge. The Sydenham lodge, No. 300, AO: U.W,, held its annual meeting in the hall, Sydenham, on December The following are the officers 1903 : EK. G. Ruttan, P, M. M.W.; C. Knapp, fore man; R. Guess, overseer; R. 8B. Gra ham, recorder: H. MacNamara, finan- W. Knapp, receiver; PF. Ruttan, C. Young, LLW.: G. Guess, 0O.W.; J. K. Godfrey, representative to the grand lodge; M. Trousdale, alter native; Dr. M. Lovell, medical examin er; RR. Graham, FF. Scrivens, audi tors; M. 'I'vousdale, KE. Lauren¢e, FE. Sills, business committee; G. Wal: worth, H. Thomas, C. Truscott, relief committee: CC. Wood, M. Spafiord, 1). Freeman, sick committee; E. Martin, S. Clark, NM. Spaliord, trustees. The installation of officers takes place on Wednesday, January 1th. town 21th. elected for W. A, Sills. cr vuide; oS. Dwelling Destroyed By Fire. On Friday afternoon, the frame house at the corner of Colborne and Main streets was badly damaged by fire. How the blaze originated is un known, but it seemed to come from under the stairs, and spreading to the dining-room, then upward George Shannon, driver at No. 1 was tenant, the dwelling being owned by W. Robinson, formerly of the cus toms house. It took the firemen an thour to extinguish the flames, which made 5 merry blaze for a while. No one was in the dwelling when the fire Mr. Shannon's furniture well destroyed, hat for insured. The house is also unst loss, fire station, broke out. was pretty tunately covered A Happy Affair. The annual Christmas tree the children of the Sunday Princess t Methodist church held last evening. The church crowded and a very happy time was spent. The paster, Rev. 'Thomas Brown, was presented with a hand some easy chair. An anonymous donor sent S10 in gold used in buy ing comforts for the poor. The difie ent teachers gifts from the pupils of their Santa paid the school a visit and from for of was was (reat school Sree to be received classes. a well laden tree distributed gifts ta all | arranged the pupils. A well pro eramme concluded the happy aliair. A Small Surplus Left. At last of the eity council asked Mav Shaw if it was the intention of the directors of the fair to present a fin ancial state to council; his con stituents were what had be come of the of S500, nicht's meeting Ald. Hipson nt ashing civie grant was left the mavor said that statement had been publi-h A small surplus not the intention | the fair dire to refund the | curplus to the council. a surplus "} the weral ed in the i mained. It papers re Wis small Commend It Highly. "Thirty Minutes With Santa Claus," written hy Honey F for the Whir, has been I copied in Canadian and United papers, and Mr, Foloer is the re of f' lett him on the oricinality t his cot Tha story, ent ores rs complinnen and unigus ness position. Furs. purchasing » wi Furs. who int 1a will do well ys hu the © that we have least money. Brock street, nd fur will best jackets for W. F. Gourdier, 75 and 5 ony sm ss ---- Claus | and | DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. - The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Chocolate drops 10c. pound. Creams 1Uc. pound. Peanut candy 10c: pound. Cocoanut candy 10c. pound. Butterscotch 10c. pound. At Mec- Laughlin's, 204 Princess street. Who are your candidates ? Sleighing in the country is fine. Four tramps were given protection in the pohce cells Friday night. The last meeting of the Board of Education will occur on January Sth, A former local lawyer has entered suit against a physician for the re- covery of $700, English and American fie., 60¢, and Ste, a lb. cessor to Mitchell, The court of revision will sit on Tuesday and Wednesday néxt to wind up the year's business. The number of water works con sumers at present is 3,520, an increase of thirty over last year, A new wholesale drug store is being opened in the Golden Lion block. Two hingstonians are at the head of 'the firm. Une thousand people ought to pay their Whig subscriptions or advertis- ing ere the vear closes. How many will 'do it? i Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cut- lery. . A Montreal . firm intends opening auction rooms in a Princess street store, where bankrupt stocks will be slaughtered on" the block. There promises to be a lively time at the mayoralty nominations on Monday morning. Some very blunt statements may be made. Portsmouth people expect to have four candidates hefore them for the reeve's chair--Messrs., Baiden, Marks, Matthewson and Halliday. The nomi nations are on Monday. Keep vour hands soft with Taylor's lettuce cream. sor to EK. C. Mitchell. The dairy school received 10,600 pounds of milk on Friday morning. and an equally large amount thi morning. 'These figures" are a record breaker at this season of the year. The new clectrical dynamo has been installed at Queen's, and henceforth there will be no occasion for the lights in the new Arts' building to fade away when social functions are in progress. No one knows better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stomach. E. A. Knapp, of Bloomfield, has sent the Whig stafi a fragment of the pa- rer's issue of March 10th, 1843, as a curiosity, with its advertisements and slashing editorial style. The paper was then published semi-weekly, as now. 'at the Atheneum, next door to the Lambton house." The former building still stands, divided into two small shops. 'The Lambton house has been weplaced hy the Macnee & Minnes block. The Trusts and Guarantee pany, Limited, 14 King street west, Toronto, has declared a dividend at the rate of five per cent. per annum on its capital stock for the half-ye,r ending December 31st, 1902. THE divi dend will be payable at the office of the company on January 2nd, 1903. chocolates, Taylor, suc and smooth Succes 8 com- Canadian Bacon. Mail advices from Liverpool, under date of December 23rd, in regard to Canadian ppa-fed bacon, sa "At the latter end of last week prices were easier, but the reduced quotations | brought on quite an active trade, and | arrivals were quickly cleared at ls. to advance, quotations ranging from to 33s., according to sizes anl brands." | ---- Just write a postal card a necd. That is all. cost 1s a0. If it rails, 1 will your mere word shall decide it. filled with 65,000 letters from would not need the month's tes to doubt No | apt prove my inith in my I have labored a lifetime strengthen the inside nerves, a It brings back the only power act. There is usually no other the trouble till the organ has Mv Restorative brings back of my "When that well, unless a cause like cancer cret succe. That is my way of convincing you. Could you come to my oflice But vou can't come here you who don't know me to perfect a remedy that When an organ fails in'its duty, the nerve power is weak, caus: that needs more steam: and no skill PROMPT SERVICE. We have recently increased our stall of help'and without diffcaliv are able 10 sorve vou promptly and rightly, too. During Christy month when your time is taken up with so many little extra purchaset we have : method of time. We respond to your call, your wish is handed over; un {uestionably low brice gets the parcel tied up, and away you go.satisfiel with your bar- gain to attend to the rest of vour af- fairs. : It amine the ample to wait on you without loss will be to your interest to ex- our furs hefore deciding your Christmas gifts. JOS. SILVER, on ents' Furnisher and Farrier, (SUCCESSOR TO B. SILVER, 102 PRINCESS STREET. Clothier, Soft, Smooth Hands Try Taylor's Lettuce Cream after washing; it gives a velvety softness to the skin this cold weather. and American 40c., 60c., 80c. English Chocolates, per lb. H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 124 Princess St. "Phone §9. Successor to E. C. Mitchell. Christmas Perfumes. IN FANCY BOXES, AT ALL PRICES. Fine Tolls Articles, Webb's Fine Chocolates, IN FANCY PACKAGES. For Sale by CHEMIST and E. L. EBBELS, DRUGGIST. are Drug Store, nd Market Sts., Kingston. PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. Con. Millan and daughter are visiting friends in Belleville, Dr. W. F. Guy, Chicago, is home to spend Chtistmas-tide with relatives. Stanley G. Claxton, Magog, Que, is in the city, visiting his parents, Ri- dean street. Miss Addie Snider, spending a couple of wee sister in this city. Police Constable Bateson is enjoying a few holidays. Constable Arniel is performing plain clothes duty. Rev. John H. Miller, of Eganville, visiting at W. H. Godwin's, preaches on Sunday in the Pittsburg circuit, a charge he was formerly on. Police Magistrate Farrell, spending Christmas with fidends in Smith's Falls. has returned' home, and this morning sat on the bench in the po- lice court. A. S. Hateh, « Winthrop, Mass. has accepted the mastership of the technical clagses in the Collegiate In- stitute and will be here on January 5th to begin work. " is her Napanee, with Just Say "I'm Sick" And | Will Send You a Way To Get Well. nd tell me which book you Then 1 will send vou an or der--good at any drug store for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative, month at my risk to learn what it can do. If it succee take it a the Ana You way pay the druggist myseli. 1 would show you a vault people whom I have cured. You then, t to convince you are a stranger s claus, treatment by letting vou take the remedy, then you can decide whether you or I shall pay. would that. organs nd my Restorative does that makes the vital +; The organ is like an engine in the world can remedy power to act. that power, and that is the se is done, the weak organ is makes a cure impossible, ahd bi In the past 12 years I have furnished my Restorative on trial to over hali 4 million sick ones. were diflienlt: many were desperate Nearly all of the cases Other treatments had fail- ed in most of them. Yet 39 out of cach 10 have paid for the treatment gladly, bhecanse they in 10 that 1 cure 1 fail. can i Simply state 40, Racine, Wis. un, t Were Cl I. There are 39 chan wid vou shall not lose a penny | Book No. 1 om Dyspapeln. which book you Bock No. 2 om the Heart want, and addres Dr. Shoop Box] on the Kidseys. Book No. N for Women. Book No. Book No 3 4 5 Book No. 6 Mild onses, not chromie, are often cured by ome SLoop's Restorative the J « is wold by all druggists.