Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1902, p. 3

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ar. THE DAILY WHI, ET a SSI TR ese LR HS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES. Siagle PirsteClass Rave : Going December 24th and 25th, valid returning from destination on or before Lecember 26th, 1902; also going De- | cember 3lst, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid returning from destination oun or before Januarv 2nd, 1908. Firsi=Ciass Hare and Ome-Third Going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, also December 29th, 30th, 81st, 1903, and January 1st, 1903, valid re turning from destination on or before January 5th, 1908. Scheel Vacations. To Teachers and Pupils of Schools and Colleges, on surrender of Standard Form of School Vacation Railway -Cer- tificate, signed Ly Principal, Round Trip Tickets will be Issued at lowest ONIS WAY FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONI- 'THIRD, good going December 6th to 81st, inclusive, valid returning from destination on or before January 1%th, 190. For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, sem. City Pasa SOCIAL SATL ------------ quite certain that of all the enjoyed than the which took place in the George's cathedral , of the sincere gdmiration : stereotyped phrase being a living general good behaviour by giving each after which the choir went forth autiful old-world i Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacifico Railways. FOR New Year's Vacation: Will {ssue return tickets to GENERAL PUBLIC. At SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good going cember 31st, 1902, and January 1st, valid returning from destination on or before January 2nd, 1503 At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD going December 29th, 30tl end 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903 returning until January 5th, 1903 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, from December 6th, to '31st, 1904, inclusive, good returning until January 19th, 1903. For full particulars at KX. & P. and | an C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | NEW SHORT LINE FOR --~ Tweed, Napance, Deseronto, and all lo- cul points. Train leaves City tall De- pot at 4 p.m. HR. J. WILSON, Cr. R Telegraph Oftice, Clarence street DOMINION LINE NAIL STEANSRIPR, LIVERPOOL SERVICE Colonian . - +.» Dec *irishman .. Dec. California, 1 .. Jan. 8rd *Norseman Jan. oth *Ottoman Jan. 17th Colonian ... Jan. 24th RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, $50 and upwards. For Avonmouth Dock asd Bristel From Portland. *nglishman about 3rd Jan. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- sengers. NEW SERVICE Boston nto, the terranean. Commonwealth, «. Jan. 3rd, 1903 Vancouver ...... Jan. 10th New Kngland Jan. 17th Cambrowan, .. .. Jan. 31st. Midship, Saloon, slectric light, Spa- cious promenade decks J. 2 Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, IR. Station, 43 Clarence St. D. A ORRANGE & Co. Gen. Agts Montreal & Portland. . BERMUDA... THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equable winter temperature of G5 degrees, beautiful seenery aud 100 miles of good roads, headquarters ol ihe British army and navy, is unrivalled in its atiractiveness, reached by the first- class won steamers TRINIDAD or 'RETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing evary SATURDAY this winter Tha tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford beautiful and interesting tours, all. reached bv steamships of wha Quebcs Steamshi Company from New York. SPECIAL RUISE TO THE 'S PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIDGE * CO., Agents, 89 Brogdway, New York; J. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- LEEVE, EAR Out. ARTHUR AIIERN, ib bbing Quebeo. ALLAN LINE For Livur ol, Callioy at Moville. REL ID WIRTUR RATES. From St. John. From Halifax Dec. 20th, 10 p.m Jan. 3th, 10 pm J an. 10th. Jan. 35th 10 pa CABIN Funisian and Bava. and . $55 ds > orian, E50 and upwards. SECOND CABIN--Bavarian, 'Tunisian Pretorian, £40 Other steanicrs at. Laverpool, London and London- lin D CLA} ~§25 and 26. Liver- pou, Derry, Glasgow, Belfast amt--= New York to Glasgow and Vondowderry Dec. 27th, 10 a.m Jan. 10th, 10 a.m 1 Jan. 24th, 12 an carries 2nd and 3rd class rs only HANLEY, P Youd P nt, Citv Passens MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1908, I respectfully so- lait your votes and influences to elect me. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston: J. T. WHITE. To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN =I respoot- 11 solicdt your votes and taffoence 0 eleot | ss Mavor for 1908 J. H. RELL. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD ALSO tale board Applv 16S King street mst. near City Park Is there 'anvthing in the less than the small bov or small girl running errands. You start them out on a couple of small messages, i would probably take t and stiffened: up muse -- about Jaf an hour's easy going t but making all due allow- windows and the fascinations lure to lingering, awiul wrath to find ab- that serene infant hopping alone, first Yate's wara at the hospital, was very much appreciated. on2st those who kindly contribut «1 t¢ kindest thought, ters gave in the school room of Chal- on the afterngen of the much happiness came not the tired workers who had planned the buns and milk in abun- , composed the feast, gifts topped off the happv afternoon. » £0 . ile warm and true friend are powerless to relieve one whit family of the: late one of the foremost, as the quick and keen tractive personality. Her funeral took place from For reawr ori the town coune il, cal organizations, the various county families cipal mourners were her husband : Milbank, and Sir alike of the hum' girlh oor s home noted men and women with has been associated 1 Roderick Mackenzie Bampficld will be extr -| DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED | re ach the diseased portion ! i one way to cure deafness, L¥ constitutional | Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- When this tube infiained you have a rumbl MAYORALTY 1903] ai inflammation can be taken out hearing will be destroved for- "condition of the mucous One Hundred Poliars for that cannot he cured bh C Rend for circulars. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O fv Drur~ists, 73e. Hall's Family Pills are ths best. RDAY NIGHT. | times enriched the cathedral, by pres- enting the Very Reverenl the Dan. with a beautifully ¢wbroidered festi- val stole, of white brocade. Miss Avadne Cottaris with Mrs. Cottar, Alired street. Miss Robinson, of Winnipeg, gave a heon last week for Miss Edith Jack Hamilton, of the Imperial Bank Toronto, and Mr. Colin Hamil ton, of the Bank of Montreal, in that city, spent Christmas day with their mother, Mrs. Hamilton. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Forsythe, Syd enham, were guests of Canon and Mrs. Grout for a few days this week. Mr. Charles M. Wrenshall, who is at present in charge of the St. John's branch of the Merchants Bank, spent Christiga s day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wren- +h ll, Albert Street. - -a -. - Mrs. Rayson, who is missed so much out of Kingston, is at present staying with the Rev. William and Mrs. Joho- ston, at Holland. Mich. Mr. and Mrs Johuston have lately moved into a new, and 'very comfortable rectory. Mrs. Frank Strange gave one of Christmas night's large' family din ners, and Mrs, Francis Hill Macnee al so entertained her people at dinner. Miss Florence Franklin has returned to town. Mrs. Carruthers has promised a se- cond Christmas tree, at which some larger people than were bidden to the Flirst, will be the fortunate guests. Mrs. Agnew is spending Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Dowsley. Nirs. Thomas Mills gave a Christmas tea and party for her little daughte Mav, when about forty guests w present. . The Rev. Prof. McComb is in New York, where he wil spend the next wack. Mr. Robert Moore, with his 1§gtle daughter, Mi Lou, and Mr. AY Moore, were here for Christmas dav. Dr. .J. R. Shannon was home from New York for Christmas day. Madame Duplessis has bidden a larce number to the Christmas tree which she is giving to-night. The tree will be decked in the German wav, as only those who come from the Vater land can deck it. | According to Ger man custom, none of the presents ar put on the tree. but are piled Shot its base, while the tree itseli bears only the candles and other orne- ments, Mr. Courtland Strange was in town for Christmas, and Mr. Cyril Jones was also up for the dav. Probably the largest and jolliest of the many family dinners which were given on Christmas night was that which claimed Mrs. Kent as hostess. The dinner, which extended its bor- ders to include several fortunate out- siders, was followed hy a tree, at which there were about fifty guests, and which proved delightful, as: onlv Christmas trees can, to all concerned. - - - - Is, of To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Case ronto, are fivith Sir James and Lady Grant. Mr. and Mis. Reginald Northegte cave one of the Christmas evening's pleasant dinners in Toronto. 'The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Hayter, Mr. ani M Leich Pemberton, Mrs. and Miss Pemberton, Mrs. Hugh Scott and Mr. W. Scott Chief Justice gnd Mrs. Falconbridge, Mr. end Mrs. Ince, and Mr. and Mrs Chadwick of "'Lanmar," gave happy family dinners of large dimensions last even'nz. Thirty-nine sat down at Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick's hospitable home, w hi ve the children were enjoyably en tertained in the afternoon with a Christmas tree, when Mrs Grayson Smith was the admirable Santg Claus of the occasion. Mrs. Cliffo:d Sutton, of Quebec, has arrived in Toronto, and the guest of Major and Mrs. Victor Williams. The Rev. Ernest Wood, curate for some years 'at St. Simon's church, Toronto, has accepted the rectorship of Dorchester, New Brunswick. Mr. Bueth Sims, of Ottawa, spent the holidavs in Montreal. Lady Chapleaun, of "Spencerwood Quebec, is to spend the winter in: 2 muda with her father. Lieut.-( Ning. Mrs. Alex. Rosamond came in to Ottawa from Almonte for the Christ mas vacation and has been with Col. and Mrs. Cotton. Mr. Jameson was the guest of Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright this week. : v Mr. Robin Jellett, of the Bank of Montreal, Toronto, has been remosel to the head ofhce in Montreal. Mr. ani Mrs. Haney, Miss Haney and Miss Eva Haney, of Rosedale, left Toronto last week for the round trip of the world, and do not expect to retin home until the month of June. Mr. Henry McGee, a Canadian war rior, who saw much service in th. South: African war, [i¥st in Lond Stratheona's contincent, and in the South African Constabulary, ar rived in New York on Monday, a pas sencer on the SS. St. Louis. Mr. and the Miss s Strevt will sail ior England chortly, to mest | Mr. Street, who will be out from Indig on ave from his regiment. Skating costumes gre all the go at present A pretty fancy is to line pleated rts with plaided silks, =o that the bright hue may show whn dark tweed or cloth moves, a full of the same being put inside the hem. Red cloth also is most effective when trimmed with very dark or very Licht fur. A plain white costume i nely chic too, white hroadeloth or serge and white toque and furs Lady Dundonald" and Lady Grizel Cochrane were among th o the wedding in London of Ladv Ad laide Meade to Capt. Stantey Colvill, antly. The Prince of Wales, Prin Christian, Primcess Victoria «s Henry of Battenburg the guests, There were 4 teautiful pre silver boll fro and tFay fron s. a silver tia equip wise, and the hil ttexl travelling | fran Christian, and a pair of tures from Princess Her tenberyg : Miss "Han nston was the guest of Ler parents, Rev. Canon and Mrs. SATURDAY, ssn in Ottawa. She 'ork on Sunday. - Hanington, this week, will return to New Y - The engagements of two Host popu- gratulation among a host of friends, namely, f Hughes, of Montreal, of the late Mr. dangher, r of Mr 3 . marriage will only take place linston, and Tranby Park, Wilson-Todd is related one of the old families settled in edericton, New Brunswick. . . Magdalene's church, the marriage took place of Mr. lLawson-Johnston i daughters of Lord i who arrived at church with her f wards gave her chiffon driss and a white satin train trimmed with nose-point lace, iff, carried a bouquet of lilic the gift of the groom. the bridesmaids the bride's sisters, bridecroom, at well as Miss Duberly and Miss Harrison. i pink roses, and made of pink roses. E hundred guests r the service the wedding party ad John held a reception. cluding a gold watch and chain Lord and Lady St. i Lawson-Johnston; diamond and pearl butter-fly Lord and Lady Duncannon and presents of plate from Lord and Lady A Lawson-Johnston travelled in a gown of blue cloth, with wore u travelling coat of sealskin and George Lawson: Johnston returned shortly the continent, gnd were in residence at Lawson-Johnston's country place, a Canadian winter picturesque town. is certainly one of the finest views in the world. Lady Curzon has secluded women of high caste in India sce something of the behind a latticed the. amphitheatre, of Delhi shall be belle wherewith to The thread like chains from wonderful and a hali a vard wide. el coats with CUrapAinES of lea ther and epaule ttes of the same. fashionable fur, pouched and belted. - " The .dresses worn in the captivating front with a blue from the top of the on the public oceas let vewvet embroidered with gold and bh are "add d chop ped | fruits, a itil of eac h -are chopped in bits [ irom Madrid. The authorities are t Rishop Walsham A } DECEMBER 27. EE T tion, "Wha a church warden," he wrote, "A chur¢h warden is a godly layman, who appropriates the funds of the ofiertory, and acts as a check on the extravagance of the ju:rochial clergy." A Sunday school is not alone a place for imparitag religious instruc- tion to the young. bul it is also a place where cre ces much exercise in the difficult art 5 keeping one's visi ble faculties under a certain degree of control, as many a teacher can testi ftv. Two Sundays ago," when the church brought before her chitdren"s minds, the subject of the Christian ministry, a teacher was instilling into her class of small boys the lesson of the day, and aiter having elucidated her remarks on the first two ordors bishops and priests, with illustrations drawn from hfe, and had reached the lowest order, she asked--"Now, boys, who comes next? lI know," said the bright boy with gleeful joy. 'the sexton." a . - - - Lace covered wrist bags and card caws are decidedly new and smart and are. appropriate with dressy cos tumes. Mrs, Alfred (i. Vanderbilt has a small bag of white Irish point lace, lined with white silk. It has gold mounts and hangs from a long, slen- der gold chain over her arm. » - - - For a salad of celery and Brazil nuts, one cupful of shaved Brazil nuts and two cups of celery cut rather] small. Mix with a cupful of mayen naise dressing. Chicken mav be add- ed for festive occasions, but it is quite as delicious without. The Brazil nuts are easily prepared and they make the best of all nut salads. A Chicago paper gives the following recipe for "Canadian Apple Pudding" One quart of quartered sour apples, one-half cup of sugar, one-fourth cup- ful of water, a pinch of grated nut- mer. Bake these ingredients together for twenty minutes in y deep pudding dish; then remove and pour over the apples the following batter : One cup- ful of flour, one tablespoonful | salt, one Leaten ego, two tabiespoonfuls f soft butter. Return to the oven, in crease the heat and bake for twenty minutes mere. Serve with maple sauce, BOER CONTINGENT. Will Serve With British in Soma- liland. Durban, Dec. 26.--Replying to an address of welcome on his arrival, yesterday, Mr. Chamberlain said the object of his mission was two-fold. In the first place he wished to express, on behalf of the king and the govern ment, svimpathy with fellow subjects, and a desire to understand them bet ter and to cement their new roie- tions. In the second place he was here to gain information which would only be gained on the spot. He de- preciated the notion that by the wave of a magic wand they would settle every difficulty. Patience would iw needed to accomplish this end. The sacrifices that = had been made, how- ever, must not be 'thrown away. He hoped that selifovernment of the new colonies would soon come, but there could be no greater mistake than to hasten this prematurely. Mr. Cham- berlain announced that the offer oi a Boer contingent to serve with the British against the Mad Mullah in Somaliland had been accepted. What Is Expected. New York, Dec. 27.=The Tribune's London cable says : P rot sts from the loyalists against the indifference to their losses during the war and re- monstrances from the Boers against the annexation of Wakkerstroom and Vryheid, to Natal, are the chief dis- cordant notes in the paeans of tri- umph of Mir. Chamberlain's first day in Natal. The first stage of the colonial ve retarv's note-taking visit of inquiry is the easiest. The Transvaal and Or. ange River Colonies will offer more arduous tasks, and Cape Colony, with Sir Gordon Sprige, supported hy Dutch svmpagthizers with the rebellion and deserted by the loyalists, will be the most difligylt ground. HOMELESS WOMEN PROBLEM. Unable to Find Solution for Pub- lic Lodging-House. Londen, Dee. 27.--The decision of the London county council to estab lish a common lodging house for wo men has excited the keenest interest For years it has been a scandal that there is practically no place in Lon don where y respectable woman finding herself suddenly homeless can take re fuve. . Time giter time philanthropists have discussed the matter Lord Rowton and Mr. Farrant had plans and esti mates drawn up and the Salvation Army went so far as to seeure gy site in Old street, but neither scheme was pursued. Glasgow corporation has for some time had a women's lodging house run as a family home, where widows with children can find cheap lodging, and can have their children card for while they are out at work. In managing a female lodging house th: main problem is to decide what women shall be excluded. If all com crs are admitted, the house would coon be unbearable. The rule that will probably be adopted 4n London is that the Place will he open to all sober women who behave themselves while there, and who do not openly abuse the privileges. It hus so often been declared im possible to do successiilly what the council now proposes that the experi ment will be closely watched. a It Was A Canard. Paris, Dec. 27.--The rumor current | here that Frederic Humbert, the hus banl of the notorious Mme. Humbert, of "Crawford Millions" fame, had been. found dead in his cell in the jail at Madrid, has not the slizhtest foun da'isn in fact. It was a sensational street rumor, and was discre the officials here, and*formally. de nr minute precautions against sui cide $2, And $2.50 Pants For $1.50. Prevost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, is offering a creat bergain in ready-made recular prices ¥2to 250 aj 1 be sold during the sale for 81. 50 g ra'r. This is the greatest bargain of Eng Mn at in Tol to tbe ques: | over offered to the trade yet. BIG OVERDRAFT OF THE CIVIC FIRE AND LIGHT COMMITTEE. What the Books of the City Treasurer Show -- Alderman Bell Sailing Under False Colors. Kingston, Lec. #1. (To. the' "Edit C One side of the story always sounls plausible until ' the other is told. 1 was much impressed by the re _eated statements of Alderman Bell, that the fire and light committee of this' year had been very saving, and would pass out of office with little or no de . hating had a smaller ap bropriation and speniinz less money than any of the preceding committees since IST. Out of curiosity 1 j aid a Visit to the office of City Treasurer Ireland and requested him to give the statement of the figures, showing con- trollable aod uncontrollal le appropria tions, and actual expenditures of the committees since INT. He kindly took the trouble to furnish me with these totals. | find by them that the fire and «ight committee of 1902 will co out of office leaving a deficit of SISS2N, which is greater than that left hy any of the committees of the yeas 'he named, exceptng that of 1900. : As to appropriations. That of {he fre and light committee of 1902 was M000; only one committee within the period named hy Alderman Bell had larger one, that of 1589, whi. h hod 2 But in 1899 council passed SLS00 for 4 special and specific pur- pose, viz., the purchase of certain ap pliances for the fire department that were ghsolutely demanded by the in surance underwrite's. So that deduee ing this SLNO from the committee's owdinary appropriation of that year would leave an actual appropriation of $7454.25. | mightdadd that the committee of 1899 left office with a creditable surplus, as the city treasus er's hooks will thes, It is, therefore, manifest that the fire ang licht com mittee of 1902 actually controlled more money, and nt more pro portionately, than any other of the preceding committee since 1897 that is as far back as my researches ex tended, as that covers the period nam ed by Aldérman Pell in Thi state ments. 1 do not desire to trouble your readers with the figures, as sta- tistics make dry reading, but if any body asks for them 1 will willingly furnish them throuch vour columns, or they ean do as I did, cet them from the city treasumrer. y Alderman Bell my w attempt to show that the deficit of his committee is not as large as I have quoted, by $110. Let me explain that item. A Neck or two ago the committee sold one of the fire department horses for $110. 'j hat money cannot be shown on a financial statement of the committee as an asset; the committee cannot spend the money except hy re-vote of council. I one sense, the money does exist as an asset, but as against it there must appear the deficit of one horse. 1f i were possible for committees to ac quire pa surplus by this means, few of them would go out of office leaving a deficit. Alderman Pell"s statement, that his committee this year had 5 smaller ap propriation than any preceding fire and light committee since [8 . not borne out by the figures in the books of the city treasmier; neither js his secon! statement, that this year's committee carried on the work of the department with a smaller expenditure than any committee since 1897, and the same can he said of his third ~tatement, that the committee will leave office with a deficit of only sixty odd dollars. If he attempts to show a reduction of the committee's actual deficit, hy the use of the $110 obtain ed by the sale' of a horse, he is sail ing under false colors. The committee of 1902 spent $1, MT.61 more than that of 1807; $1. 11 more shan that of S98; S797 more than that of 1899. 320 more than that of 1900, ynd $482.51 more than that of 1901.--J. T. ---- MUST CONSIDER IT. Canadian Northern R.R. Will Ask For Aid. oranto, Dec. 27-1. D. Mann, vice: president of the Canadian Northern railway, states that the, company will apply for an act for its transcontin ental line at the next session of the House of ( ommonsf The company has not yet decided what it will ask for, but' it is wnderstood that no land grants are expected. In repeating a former statement that no negotiations were going on between the ( anadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific, Mr. Maan sail, "There is room out west for all of us." The news oi the Venezuela dispute will be referred to The Hague tribunal is received by today's London news papers with little enthusiasm It is feared that the aliair will not Le cle 1 up for many months should often say bowels. ood means irregular bow- Blood purifier means bowel feeulmor Constipation means bad blood. Bad blood means bad Lealth. Iron.Ox Means the Cure TIRON-OX TABLETS are a gentle laxative and a splendid tonic. They are not a cathartic, Cathartics do not cure. Fifty Tablets 25 Cents 2 Right & Opportunity ! Not long to wait for Christmas. THE BANKRUPT CLOTHING store, although doing a rushing business, has not cleared out all stuck yet. , The premises will soon have to 'acuted. A chance of a life for Pe: i: Fashionable Gents' Furnish- i1.3s, and a great lot of rubbers, very cheap. Try us please; the sooner the better. 184 PRINCESS STREET, £J. A, MANAGER. Auction Sale To=-night. suitor Being lost in India was found the image of the goddess Monas. Such is the power oi a beauti- ful face even in pictures. Coarse- grained skin and open pores will ruin amount of watery vapor and fluid masses exhaled from the average two and a half pounds daily. Close the too op- en Sores and purify the skin with CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM Price, Hutchings Medicine Co. Toronto. _ BRR ® RRR UE ARE El to {i'l your wants for very t ov Just what you for the occasion. ¢ Fitting Clothing; comdortable Underwear; FAMOUS BEAUTIES Princess De Conte Was a daughter of Louis X1Vv., of France. The King of Morocco han ~i love with her. Another likeness ng to sce her' portrait fell il Nictroy oi Lima a Tier hand. HER PICTURE natives who worshipued it as any complexion. The By mall, 85c. The UNION MEN, Attention ! We are agents for the only Union Brewery in Canada. Their goods are the finest product of Malt and llops. Try for your Christmas and New Year's order. We also carry a stock of the Finest Wines, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Whis- ) Brandies and Cigars, and manu- facturers of High Grade Mineral Wa- ters, Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale, ete. The Thompson Botling Co, 292 Princess Street. 'Phone 304. WEATHER STRIPS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS. They not only keep out Jack Frost, but they will help you reduce your coal alll, protect you from drafts and there- by save manv bad colds. Kasily tacked wear well. and the cost is but a STRAC HAN'S HARDWARE, = ren TO-LET. rma GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen street. DWELLINGS, STORES, STORAGE? J. McCann, Itegl Estate, ktc., 51 Brock street, FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, with all modern con- veniences, at 1v¥l University Avenue. FURNISHED HOUSE, NO 57 George St. Possession at once. Ap- ply to hE Lesslie, at Mrs. Mur- ray's, 212 Kine St. KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTI- fully situated, facing the Harbor, Rent $240 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nick HOUSE, 7 Rooms, NO. 56 BAY between got and Rideau also stable and sheds in Apply 45 William street. UNDERTAKERS. "HARRISON CO., UNDERTAK- 233-235 Princess street. Quality efficiency the best. Prices the lowest. 'Phones -- Warerooms, 90. Night calls--T. F. Harrison, 91. CORBETT. FUNERAL DIREC- 281 Princess Street, Kingston. Successor to W. M. Drennan. » found he wa oO has MERCHANT DERANGED. Wanders About The Country in Nervous Dread. N.Y., Dee. 27.--William Bowie, business man of Cleveland, Ohio, brought to the Troy jail in nented state suffering from a rare atnesia. He was found Schaghticoke oceupying a vacant sadly emaciated from the lack nourishment. For some days resi of that vicinity had seen him, but he always fled at their approach. Sherifit Woodworth captured man. He was unable to give any necount of himself and it was with difliculty that nourishment was ad- ministered. His brother, Henrv, arriv- identified the sick man. Mr, had been extremely nervous and a trip to Florida or Europe his health. four weeks ago. Schaghticok i= way off his route, he came there is a mystery, dressed in an ex- cuit, had nearly 8200 on his a good watch, chain and dia- An unloaded revolver was found in one pocket, and a diary gave information where he belonged and that" he had intended to com suicide Other papers cave his cupation and where from, December 9th, at Minneapolis, and Mrs. Amos H. Garret their golden wedding, M Garratt are Loth nites of Fle Ont., where they were married, They removed to Minneapolis jn 1590 are promincntgin the Society of "tried always used, Mcleod's cream for thay ped hand } nt i after <ha Mcleod' 8 drug 1 store, vier for purest drugs.

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