Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1902, p. 3

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A ATE TS TL " \ DARL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES. ------------ Single First-Class Fare Going December 24th and 25th, valid returning from destination ou or before December 26th, 1902; also going De- cember 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid returning from destination ou or before Januarv 2nd, 1903 Firsi-Liass rere aud "nce hird Going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, ver 20th, 30th, 31st, 19013, apvary 1st, 1903, valid re- turning fri destination om or before January 5th, 1403. # Scheol Vacations. To Teachers and Pupils of Schools and Colleges, on surrender of Standard Form of School Vacation Railway Cer- tificate, signed by Fracipal, Round Trip Tickets will be iss lowest ONE a FIRST CLAS FARE AND ONE- HIRD, good going December 6th to an inclusive, valid returning from destination on or before January 19th, 1908: h ticul } 'or further particulars a Lo J. P. HANLET, ty Pasa Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. FOR 7 9 § $ New Year's Vacation Will idsue"return tickets to CENERAL PUBLIC. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, going December 31st, 1902, and 1st, 1903, valid returning from on or before January 2nd, At good January destination 1003 At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, going December 20th, 30th, and 31st, 1902" and January 1st, 1903. reterning until January 5th, 1903 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, from : December 6th, to 81st, 1902, inclusive, good returning until January 19th, 1908. For full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Ofiice, Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, . A. FOLG JR., Gen. Pass. Supt. Agt. Ge. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Deseronto, 'and all lo- Train leaves City Hull De- R. J, WILSON, 'C.P.R. Telegraph Office, Clarence street. Roy voy, LINE AIL SIT. PTR SERVICE California, Jan. &rd *Norseman *(Ottoman Lolonian RAT ES' "oF end upwards. For Avonmouth Dock and Bristol From Portland. *inglishman ... about 8th Jan Steuluers marked . do not carry pas seugers. BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Merion Jan. 17th, Feb. 21st NEW SERVICE bostoy te we Commonwealth, vi ae Jan. 8rd, 1903 Vancouver ..... . . Jan. 10th New kngland . Jan. 17th Cambroman, .. vase' seein AN. Blab. Midship, Saloon, "Electrie light, Spa- cious promenade decks J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence St. DL. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. Montreal & Portlsud. . BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication equable winter beautiful seenervy headquarters ol the British army and navy, is unrivalled im its attractiveness, reached by the first elass iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA jn forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter The tropical islands, including SANTA CRUZ, ST. KIT] MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBAKDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford beautiful and interesting tours, all reached bv steamships g the Quebecs Steamahi Company from ew York. SPECIAL RUISE TO THE TROPICS PER SS. NADIANA, 7TH FEBRU ARY, 1908. For descrip pamphlets and dates of sailing apply ig A. ENILIUS OUT- 3 Agents, 39 Broadway, SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN. Secretary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE For liverpool, Calling at Mdwille. REDUCED WINTER RATES. From St. John. From Halifax 28th. Dec. 20th, 10 p.m Jan. 3rd. Jan. 5th, 10 p.m Jan. 10th. Jan, pth 10 pan FIRST CABIN---Tunisian™ and Bava. rian, $0 ard upwards; Parisian, $55 aad upwards; Corinthian and Pretorian $50 and upwards. SECOND CALIN--Bavarian and Pretorian $10 Other 37 50. Liverpool, London and ys £26. Liver- and Lon- Tweed, Napanee, cal points pot at 4 pm PASSAGE--Saloon, $50 Parisian, Dec Bavarian, Tunisian, Tunisian steamers, London- HIRD CLASS--$25 and pool, Derry, Glasgow, Belfast don New York to Glasgow and LLondouderry congolian ...Dec. 27th, 10 a.m. Sardinia Jan. 10th, 10 a.m Laurentian Jan. 24th, 12 noon *Sardiman carries 2nd and 3rd class engoers only. + e HANLEY, Depot. J P. © larence street hristmas at Smith Bros. Will he Brighter [Canes and and Better Umbrellas; than Ever. Chains and Gift Selection Lockets, Made Easy and Diamonds, Goods Put Pearl Sunbursts Away for 'Rings and Future Delivery Watckes, Picked While Cuff Links the Stock is Bracelets, Complete. Novelties in . Select Now, Gun Metal and Easy Prices. Silver. 350 King St. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that Agent, City Passen- GILDERSLEEVE, ~ I propcse making it warm for all persons u my Coal next win- ter. Your P WALSH, 55-57 BARR 1+CK STREET | lu JUST A COLD SETTLED IN THE KIDNEYS, BUT IT TURNED TO DROPSY. IT WAS CURED BY 'DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Read of This Wonderful Cure, It May Do You or Your Friends Some Good to Know About It. Miss Agnes Creelman, Upper Smith- field, N.S., writes:--About 18 months ago 1 caught cold. It settled in my kid- neys, and finally turned into Dropsy. M face, limbs, and feet were very muc! bloated, and if I pressed my finger on them it would make a white impression ghat would last fully a minute before he flesh regained its natural color. 1 was advised to try DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, and before I had used half a box I could notice an improvement, and the one box completely eured me. I have never been troubled with it since, thanks to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Price 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealers, or The Doan Kidney Pill Co, Tordito, Ont. - HAVE YOU We are offering $100, in cash prizes jor a name for our new cigar. Why not send in your suggestion See Mon- day, Wednesday or Saturday issues of this paper for parti- cuiars. CANADIAN CIGAR SYNDICATE, 821 Craig S Montreal. . SPECIALTIES FOR CHRISTMAS : Saguenay Salmon. Chinook Salmon. Malpecque Shell Oysters. Blue Point Shell Oysters. Shell Clams. Fresh Lobsters. Turkeys. Geese. Canned Oysters and Bulk Oys- ters of all varieties. DOMINION FISH CO., 63 BROCK STREET. 'Phone 520. a - now ? {oralaroo HA Happy i New Year Go All CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) Are particularly suitable for wedding and birthday gifts. It will he a pleasure to show them to you. KIRKPATRIGK'S ~ ART STGRE. WHO IS YOUR AUCTIONEER W. MURRAY, Jr., Is serving nearly every tody mow im that line. He has a reputation for good sales, prompt returns and satisfactory settlements You will be money im pocket by employing W. MURRAY, Jr. MAYORALTY (903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1908, I respectfully so doit your votes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 am aocaa- ddnte for the mayoralty for the year 1908, and respectfully ask for your votes and in tuence om my beball J. T. WHINE. MAYORALTY 1903 Fo the Electors of Kingston : 'LADIES AND) GENTLEMEN --I respect lv solicit your votes and imfluence 40 elect ss "dayor for 1008. J. H. BELL. VICTORIA WARD. FLECTORS --Lad respectiully solicit ince to elect me as the a one city will JOHN W. LITTON RIDEAU WARD. ! ; Bey. FRANK J, HOAG, End la few ' | ney WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Mill Haven Jottings. Mill .aven, Dee. 30.--Mrs. James Fairfield entertained a number of frien is one evening recently. Miss Hall of Kingston, who taught the school for the past vear, has been re-engaved for the coming vear. Mr. and Mrs. Al- hert Keys, oi Lethbridge, and Mr. andl Mrs. W. Clement and daughter, of Sy- denham, are visiting at John Cle- ments. Born on December the 26th, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ricke- Mi:s Fairfield, of Parrott's Bay, visit ed Mrs. C. Collins last week. Cole Lake Items. Cole Lake, Dec. 30.--The party at J. Lennon's was well attended on Christ- mas night. G. W. Killens and family have returned from New Boyne after days' v with friends. The hall at Piccadilly to-night promises to [le well attended. Miss Lizzie Camp- hell is home spending her Christmas holidays. She has secured a position in Toronto. A large number from here attended nominations yesterday at Piccadilly. Arthur Harten and Miss Annie Shellington" were united in mar- riage on Christmas eve at Mountain Grove. Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Dee. 29.--Strangers from different places are here' making merry with their friends. The Pennsylvania Mining company have moved their weigh scale to Verona. All the felds- par that is convenient to this station for the present has been shipped. Eben Revelle is engaged by the company to weigh the spar at Veronn.. Ernest Carscallen, New York, "is home vi ing friends and to make the last few days of his mother's life happier by his presence. Miss Collins has re-engaged school teacher coming Vear. for the as Had His Leg Broken. Dec. 27.--W. A. Chipman of is spending his holidays at his home here. Mrs. Wright is on the sick list but is somewhat better. Geo. Steadman and his sister and Miss Mary Preston, are spending a few days with friends near Perth. While loadiny wood, Edgar Leggett met with a painful accident. The sleigh was standing 6n an ice hill, and when the load was nearly finisheq the sleizh started and shoved him against a fence, breaking his leg and bruising him badly. Mrs. Smith, Renfrew, and Mrs. Church, Merrickville are the guests of Mrs. J. G. Preston. Crosby, Brockville, Prestonvale News. Prestonvale, Dec. 30.--Miss Moore, Carleton Place, and Hendry, Ottawa, are visiting Mrs. Hendry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (. Sinclair. The Christmas tree entertain- ment given by the Methodist Sunday school, was a success. 0. Roth well, of" McGill College, Montreal, is visiting friends in this vicinity. George Richards, of Shaw, and M. Kinackers, Perth, spent Christmas here. Mrs. Naomi Horning, visiting friends in Kingston, is home. B. Code, seriously ill of pleurisy, is recovering. S. I. Morris, the cheese maker, was mar ried in Lanark last week to Miss Wait. Etta Mrs. Soperton Sayings. Soperton, Dee. 31.--The Christmas tree and entertainment held in the Methodist church on the 23rd inst. in connection with the Sabbath school, was a decided success. The Sabbath school superintendent, Wilfrid Taber, was wedded to Miss Taggart, Smith's Falls, on Christmas night. Miss Jane Hannah, Harlem, the guest of her THE FOOD SYSTEM THE SOURCE OF LIFE. Any Derangements of Liver or Kidneys That Interfere With Digestion and Assimilation of Food {Rob and Deplete the Body. . DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS It matters not how good your ap- petite, how you relish your food or how much you eat, so lgng as there anything to interfere "with proper digestion and assimilation of the food by the body, strength and vigor will gradually decline and weakness and debility take their place. The most frequent cause of disorder- ed digestion is sluggish, action of the liver, kidneys and bowels. The whole alimentary canal, through which the food passes on its way through the body, becomes choked and clogged, and the system is poigoned and dis- eased: > Dr. Chase's 1s Kidney-Liver Pills have been marvellously successful in exact- ly this class of discase, principally be- cause they act directly on the Kidneys, hver and bowels, regulating and in- vigorating their action, and restoring them to health. Mrs. Owen Cummings, Ont., states: '1 was in very poor health when 'began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 had been a great sufferer from constipa tion and stomach trouble and was weak and run down inSstrength. 1 was gradually growing worse every day, and linally decided that | would have to do something. Hearing of many being cured by Dr. Chase's nid Liver 'ills 1 began using them, noticed a marked change for 1 continued this treatment cu f constipe n store Tha beh took it th tirely cure me.' neyv-Liver 1 t box. Dates Deseronto, *and soon the better until I. w ang xes of § Dr. Chase's pill a dose, dealers, or Edmanson, L; Toronto. one all ils, at & hi 25 cents a been | ister; Mrs. E. Johnston. Miss Sa- die Stafford, youngest daughter of Samuel Stafiord, postmaster, was mar- | ried last week,-24th inst., to walter Grey, all oi Soperton. They boarded | the B. & W. train and on arriving at | Brockville called on Rev. L. A. Betts, who performed the ceremony. They | afterward went to Gananoque to Mrs. | Gray's sister, Mrs. Mulvana. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Anglin, Bat spent | a few days last week visiting relatives here, having attended Wilfrid 'Taber's wedd ng at Smith's Falls. Rev. Mr, Williams preached an excellent Ch sermon last ~ Sabbath morning. | wedding in Soperton this | mas Another week. | Collins Bay Personals. Bay, Dec. 30.--Miss Morris, teacher, has been re-en- gaged for the coming year. Mr. and | Mrs: A. Howard and daughters, | i Edith and Mabel, spent Christmas with friends at Bath. Orval Lock- wood, Gananoque, spent Christmas here, renewing acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clement paid a flying visit to Odessa on Friday. Charlie Mail, as- sistant miller, spent Christmas at his home in Shannonville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross and children, Portsmouth, visited at H. Rankin's on Thursdav. Miss Alice Pell left for Montreal on Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Henstridge. Webster Clement visited friends at Parrott's Bay on Sundav. Mrs. Meachem has gone to Berlin to spend some tinge with her grand- daughter, Mrs. Buck. T. Cousins, formerly of ee > now of Toron- to, spent Christmas here with his many friends. We are sorry to note the removal of one of our old resi- dents, D. Wright, and family, who moved to Kingston on Mondav. Mrs. William Bell returned on Wednesdav from visiting her daughter in Deseron- to. Mrs. Thompson and Miss Mvrtle Storms spent Christmas with friends in Kingston. Collins our former Desmond Doings. Desmond, Dec, 29.--A number of the voung people attended the entertain- 'ment at Colebrook on Thursday night. The daily, mail delivery has changed to three times a week. J. W, Stewart has the contract for ai Pe foal this season. The choir from C. church has been invited to sing at or Centre- ville tea-meeting on Thursday night. , Vanluven Bros., IW, | vice A young couple from here, while cross- Varty Lake on Thursday night got lost, the nicht being verv It is to be hoped some one will so it ing last, dark, bush the road across the lake, will not be so dangerous on dark virhts. Rev. Mr. Wetherall filled his appointnizat here on Sunday last and preached a fine sermon. School re-op- «ns after New Year's, with Miss Price, of Hinch gs teacher. Horatio Bell has purchased a Newcombe piano from Moscow. A few of the people attended the Christmas tree entertainment at Moscow on Wednesday night. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bell, Mr. and Miss Milsap, of Moscow and Mr. William Cranston, of Switzervile, at-Mr- A. P. Bell's; J. Patterson, of Moscow, at H. F. 's; Archibala Carscallen, wife an . of Enterprise and V. Davison, Kingston, at John Carscallen's; Miss Williams, of Enterprise at J. N. Switzer's, voung Morton Murmurings. Morton, Dec... 30.--On Wednesday evening last Miss Belle Gamble was united in marriage to R. Bracken, of Seeley's Bay. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's par ents, near here. Rev. J. A. McCon- nell, B.A, returned yesterday from a Christmas visit to his home in' Lan- ark county. Rev. Mr. Bryan, oi Westport, took the Presbyterian ser- here in Mr. McConnell's absence. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Henderson visited friends in Westport on Saturday and Sunday. H. A. Germain leit on Thursday for his home in Kingston. Miss S. Willis, Athens, is spending her holidays at her home here. Richard Halliday and family, of Gananoque, were the guests of C. Dawson on Christmas day. J. Coon and family spent Sunday visiting relatives at Sand Bay. The Christmas tree held on Monday evening, the 22nd inst., by the Presbyterian Sabbath school, was a very successful one. A very good programme was given by the scholars, after which the presents were distribu- ted. Proceeds, $29. Before the close of the entertainment Rev. Mr. McCon- nell, on behalf of the three congrega- tions of Morton, Lyndhurst and Ellis- ville, presented three beautiful copies of the bible and Presbyterian hymnal, combined, to. the organists, Misses Simpson, White and Argin, as tok ens of thanks for the faithful services rendered by them during the past year, Oytlet Occurrences. Dec. 30.--Robert Boys ~ and Florence, of Lyn, were guests at J. H. RSlack's during the past week. The Christmas tree entertain ment at Dulcemaine qn Christmas eve was well attended. The proceeds will be given to start a fund for a new church organ. There was a Christmas entertainment at Sand Bay on Christ mas night which was a source of pleasure to all who attended. P. Sul livan captured what he and some others thought to be a young bear and a number of curious ones went to it. But the charm was broken when it was finally discovered that the "bear" was only a harmless half grown dog. On the 25th and 26th Mrs. James Fodey visited her sister, Miss Lizzie Dinean, of Brockville, who was very ill and found her somewhat improved. On Saturday evening a number of, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of E. vanluven to make a farewell visit to Mr. and Outlet daughter see | some in a blue | daughter of Joha lowell, | at the residence of the bride's | Mr. and Mrs. | much, | school or | Borrowers," | Great credit is due Mr. | superintendent, Jude's church; Prederick-Sexsmith, of | Richmond, was married to Miss, Rach- el Connors, second daughter of Thom- as Connors, of this place, the rector, {| Mr. Dowdell, performing, tie cere mony. The bride looked very hand- travelling dress with silk blouse and hat to match. On the same day, Miss Maggie Howell, and Gilbert quietly married by Methodist minister, father. Stormes have taken up | house in this village. The Methodist Sunday school concert was largely at- tended, the children enjoying it very there being a treat for each | child whether they belonged to the not. St. Jude's Sunday school concert came off Saturday | evening. It was pronounced a first- | class entertainment. A drama entitled "Turn Him Out" brought down the house. Another play, "Curing the could not be beaten. Richards, the for his zeal in the school. Mr. and Mrs. Asselstine, of Deseronto, are at R. Richards'. Miss B. Kennedy is at J. McGuise's D. Clement and family are at William Lasher's. Miss IL. Caten, who has taught the junior department of the school here, is leaving to attend Nor- mal. The pupils presented her with a handsome watch chain. Miss McKim is to be her successor. were Moore, Stormes, Rev. Mr. An Old Resident Dead. Sydenham, Dec. 30,--The annual en- tertainment in connection with the Methodist Sabbath school, 'on Christ- mas night was a great success. A happy event took place on Christmas eve, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawson, when their daughter, Miss Ethel, was united in marriage to Thomas Maxwell, Inverary. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. KE. Law- son, brother of the bride, in the pre- sen-e of a large number of friends. The annual bachelors' ball was held, last Friday night, and was largely at- tended. After an *llness of several weeks, one of Sydenham's oldest resi- dents, Mrs. S. Joyner, passec away, having attained the venerable ape of oiyhty-seven years. The funeral was argely attended, at her, late -home on Sunaay morning, the "services being conlucted by Rev. Mr. Forsyth. The deceased was a prominent member of the Anglican church, and highly re- spected throughout the neighborhood. James Grant is confined to the house, suffering with sciatic rheumatism. J. C. Lacey is improving in health Sydenham, Dec. 31.--Weddings are numerous this winter. The last one to announce is that of George Wood, Svdenham, and Miss F. Hamilton, Godirey. The ceremony was performed on Tuesday, in Kingston, by Rev. Mr. Mackie. Shortly after the ceremony the couple took their departure for Sydenham, where a sumptuous repast was awaiting them, and where a num- ber of guests had assembled to greet and welcome them to their home. The bride and groom are both well known here. Mr. Wood was born here and his friends extend to him hearty con- gratulations, and also cordially wel- come the bride, who already has many warm friends in this village. Mr. Steadman, visiting ham, with his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) W. I, Brown, has returned home. Mrs. Brown accompanies him on a short visit. Russell Thomas purposes going to Newburgh to learn telégraphy. It is said there will be another wedding here to-day. - The Methodist Sunday school entertainment, in Wesley hall, was a success, the proceeds amounting to something over 850. There is every veason to believe that building opera- tions will be gone into pretty exten- sively here during the coming sum- wer. Sydenhath is certainly growing. in Syden- A Lasting Benefit. Don't suffer with rheumatism. Get cured, as aid Johnston Larmon, Oso Station, Ont. He had rheumatism in one 'of his hips for years, used all kinds of medicine without getting any relief. Two bottles of Hall's Rheuma- tir cure cured him completelv. He has not had a pain or ache for three years. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles e§ containing ten davs' treatment, 50 cents at Wade's. mr ------ Given A Send-Off. Wilfrid Storms, spending the Christ- mas season in town, left Monday night for Ottawa, but he was not allowed to go without being remember- ed by his old friends. A number en- tertained him at supper at Congress Hall. The time was spent pleasantly until his train left. i pn -~ Mayoralty candidates were canvass ing last nicht up to a late hour "Hustle" is their watchword. Mrs. WG. Van lerhnirg, who leave won Wednesday for their new home at Ax den, where Mr. Vanderburg has pur chased che factory and will re the A very pleasant | was and although all | to part with" their young | thev are glad that their pros are bright -. the future Y that they make friends a a for evening are friend pects hope warm ing side ure, mont pen sorry they leaving in place to Co.) the home Warbur 26th \ Mi ton oi babv boy Mr the m rived at and Row thcona Announcements. Dec ~During Christ mas two marriages were solemn ized and two Sunday school entertain i wents came off. On the 23rd, in St. Stra Strathcona. 1 K 30 Wen Swee?, crisp flakes of wheat and malt. SOPI® 00 2060C0EEDe ib e ( e Very Happy New Year Go All. ee ° ® 3 i ®@ ® The Shoe @® 2) H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, ren COCOOOOIOLCODDIOOIOIOC ET VERY UNPOPULAR Is a shower bath of this dec If, however, it does -- . . cription. happen, telephone us and we will WH rtpaie it quickly and well. McKEL VEY & BIRCH, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS, 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT 'PHONE 581. the remedy for Children's Throat and does good by stopping a cough Coltsfoote Slocum"s Coltsfoote Expectorant is just and Lung Ailments. It is pleasant to take, and curing a cold. Price 25c¢. per bottle: always see that you get Yi xpectorant when vou ask for it wi "The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co., L imited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. Jim Dumps resolves oa New Year's Day That he'll not change last year's good way But daily dine on Strength's cure source, The bri sin-and- -brawn-producing "Force." A brand new lease of life and limb All can fores.c for Sunny Jim." The Ready-to Serve Cereal will make ALL the year happy. Vill 3s in Dem and Hereafter. ' years nf | ve, me of your funly t we nll. he verte of it. twill be in demand ter A : "E Carrexyorr, England."

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