your votes and t me as Alderman GENTLEMEN :--Your are tully so- wie na 'Alderman for H. R. DUFF. U WARD. el » = aii abi a= Cm SESE f= Eg22z%3 ph wos ES - 2382s D GERTLEMEN '--1 re RS :--Your vote and 1 solicited "by me 23 t You Pay MAL 5 ke epresenting Ri {for a few days. Major James Galloway, D.8.A., Tor onto, is in the city spending a days with Li nds, x tis in Napanee that R west this week, A. lady in church, Portsmouth, on Wednesday team. E Archie, son of Robert Pybus, Strath conn, is in the Kingston General Hos pital to undergo an operation for ap Wednesday = afternoon of Willian O'Shea, Cataragni, and Cusker, formerly of this city. The police were called: to livery Thursday night where a soldiers were talking loudly. The ser people celebrated the dawn of the New Year bv ringing bells and firing off guns and pistols. The Portsmouth philosopher is said to have taken a prominent part in" the z108, Fred. Shibley, of Rochester, left last night, after a few days' visit with his parents, Rev. 8. Shibley and wife, Di- vision street. Mr. Shibley has lately been mada manager of a department in Sibley: Lindsay & Curr's, Roches- ter, N. y , . William Crumley, brother of Fdward Henry Crumley, this city, was mani to an estimable voung lady of Rochester, on December 31it. He and his brile sailed to-day on the steam- hip Celtic, on their wedding tour to England. Teath Of Mr. J. Haddigan. Shortly after the now year had been ushered in, the spirit of Michael J. Haddigan took its flight to its eternal rest, The deceased, who resided at No. 256 Johnston "street for some years) was aged eighty-five years, Bora in Ireland, he <ame to Canada when a young man, settling in Kings ton. For years he was in the em Ployument of the firm of Brown & Harty, but in 1878 was appointed to the customs department under the re. gilme of the Mackenzio government. He served in this porition for fifteen vears, and in 1803 was superannua- tod, Hin wife pre-deseased him by many years. One daughter, Josephine, survives. The deceased was a man of many fine qualities and held the re spect of all with whom he came in contact. ¢ ------------ ; Knight--Ward. Sa the last day of the old year a let, but very pretty wedding-tdok A at the TeriTonce of John Ward, Bath road, when his only daughter, ma, was united in marriage to Lieut. Sandfield Kuight, of the 4th Ussiaid, son. of Archibald Knight, Sunnyside. ' The ceremony was per- formed by Rev, William Craig, of Cataraqui, in the presence oi the im- mediate relatives of the bride and eroom. Miss Gertrude Haffner, cousin of the bride was the charming brides maid, while Percy Ward supported the room. The bride was becomingly ot ied in her poing-away gown, After partaking of the tustv weddine break. fast, the young couple took the Cape boat to spend their honeymoon in the United States. On their return they will take up residence in Sunnyside, -------------- Wi Hippo--Hdppy--hio--New Year, Miss onk ! I'm comin' up to--hic.~make a -- .Germany's Exports. "Reelin, Jan. 2.--Partial returns from the consular lists indicate that Ger many's exports to the United States increased in 1902, by about 85,000,000 over those of 1901, The imports from the United States fell off, but no re liable figures are dvailable, ® 000OFD EE ®6 ope ett & Co, NewYork, is in the ci y few was married to a wealthy Watch service was held in St. John's Rev. Mr. Crisp officiating. night, Re hockey ten is to meet Yale 'IL he wedding took place at Hamilton Miss Mo Jenking' few | ner of the district, was roti Vices of the police were not needed to in- | quiet the men. for } * Portsmouth a pulation of 89,000 atid Aged Couple Lived Alone-- The Lamp Was Owrturned-- Remains Found® in 'Smoulder- ing Ruins. if: (Ottawa, Jan. 2A holday eelebra- tion caused the death of Philias Pich- étte and his wile, Marie Michet te, who ded alone. in a hase in West apleton about two miles from Ga- Gueau' Point. By the owrfturning of a #8 their humble hone was destroy- perished in the ted the village of y andf jmbiked rather / | Gatineau Ni + ave taken li freely, He i y eddabrate the | quer home wlievad that he in New York on the th. On the | now vear, a parting of it, 20th it will play the St. Nicholas | and hi . Neighbors made save the building, thut 8 Inmates the flan," it being gone td visit at '8 home. The overturned t "| fruitless effor with no tho - | were perishing thought they 1 | truth was not diseoy the couple Ming ruins. ful], coro { of the were found in the smoul? Dr. Charles BE. Grahaw, affair and he made An inves As the fire was clearly of act origin he decided that an inques unnecessary, Pichette was years of age, and his wife was fi eight. The family consisted sons and two married and living in Point. One son, Fides, lives in Mon latter treal, and another, Frgd., lives in Hull. Joieph McCabe, of Chicago, has fyled a caveat against the probate of his father's will, the late Principal McCabe, of the Normal school, which left 8500 to charity and the balance to a widew.- He was only married two weeks hefore his death, Mgr. Sharrette, the newly papal delegate, will arrive at Union depot, Saturday 1:30 o'cleek. He wil] spend Sunday at the archhishop's palace and will hold a reception at seven o clock Sun dav evening. w A® McKinnon, chicf of the divi ion of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, writing {rom England with reference to the Ben Davis apple tates that the enormous surplus in the western and south-western states is more than likely to lead to the treased export of the Ben Davis, es pecially in view of the fact that a large area of newly planted trees will oon be contrivuting to the tile hich according to Mr. Kelly, is already backing up, "I am no enemy of the Ben David, writes My. "but this quality is beginning to be better or 'worse' known here in Eng land, and our own growers must be on the alert and stop planting or begin '0 graft as soon as the situation de the morning, at in London, Jan. 2.--Reports which are reaching conservative politieal head- | quarters here, prove the unpopularity | of England's co-operation with Ger- | many in the Venezuelan dispute. Con- | servative agents in the northern coun | tes where the political discussions are | the. most keen, | fay that anpther blunder like this would make even tory strongholds liberal. Every effort is being made by the liberals to show. | that American friendship must not ket endangered, l ! a --t------ | TO RE-ARRANGE SAILINGS, | So That Vessels Will Leave Port | Daily. | Jan, 2 New York, Fhe Internation- | al Mercant. le company, Organized by | 4. P. Morgan, and with ( lement Aq Griscom as its president, took actual control, on January lst, of the man- | agement of the .various ed, says a dispatch from Philadelphia. | One of the first moves of public im portance will be a re arrangement of | sailing to give a fast passenger . and | mail steamship from both sides of the | Atlantic each day except Sunday, | mmr ceri DIES OF ODD DISEASE. ---- | Minister Xilled By Bony. Growth | That Spread. Shelbyville, Tenn., Jan. 2.--Rev. Dr. | Marks, a retired Methodist clerg Vins, | aged * eighty, died yesterday from a | thsease. which batlled physicians of New | York, Chicago and other cities. A thin | sheet of bone, commencing its growth four years ago, encircled the man's body frony, the pelvis to the bhest, | N.J., with an aeroplane, which COrro. borates Prof. Alexander Graham Be Statoment that an gere plane kite | could be made that would carry the weight of a motor end a man, and | thus solve the problem of, aerial navi- | gation. Mr. Kddy asserts that Prof. Bell's discovery will revolutionize fly- ing machine invention. . '8 Who He Is Fighting For. I Tangier, Morocco, Jan, 2.--7he pre- | tender has issued a proclamation that | he is not fighting for the throne for | himself, but for the sultan's imprison- ! ed brother, Mula Mammahed, surnamed | "Fhe One Eyed," | Gibraltar, Jan. 2.-The dispatch of | | Spanish re inforcements to | has been countermanded. The latest | advices from Fer, Mordoco, say that the city rémains calm, Morocco a ------------------ Paint Every House. Mexico City, Mex... Jon. 2-The | mayor of the City of Leon, which has ja has issued an' ouse in the city % within a month. ia that every stock depleted os & order. i 8 result of the re. | til Thurs: | of two daughters, the e Gatirean | appointed | fruit | McKinnon, | Congre mands . it. If our neighbors to the | school. A Btions, music, ete., was gi south are trapped that is the time for | ings, recit scholars and much to the uk to shoot ahead with large con- {en by the fof many of the old i nments of high class apples in | pleasure resent, as well as the sound condition," | er peaple elections on the gramo- ---------- | children. dobert Hendry were appreci- WAS A BLUND shone by R 3 ELV} ER. : In y clock Santa Claus met a England's Co-0 + . At nine opme from the children. He - T 4 nine o y x « . G Peration With | hearty welcdleased with the reception SPmARY. I humorously proceeded to | accorded gud | tendered the | school to Mie, R. Boyd and Messrs, | getting up lines combin- | tention to fi acy 1 i ocean tratlig, gradually" suspending the functions of "Released F@i., Jan. 2.-Four hung the organs until death ensued, | St Jobn, N. rants, off the steam ----- dred of the immiglain, detained here A Great Discovery. jer Lake Chamifi ago on account of New York, Jan. 2---William E. Eddy | twenty one davst bt them, were taken the kite flying expert, has sugcossfully | smallpox amonog@nd here today, and experimented at his home at Bayonne, | of Partridge Isigfed to their destina { tions. started in the three o'clock, t¢ | ted the stores W. Butler, grog ---------- . deg store, 8 {it with g/d s0on she beats him with a i 'club,' " | Chicagd v°S8' butter, motherless chickens have had their | periors § PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled from All Over The World. poe A wealthy farmer of Woodstock, Conn., hes bad $1,230 stolen y's fichermen were drowned in a terrific storm which swept over the gui of Riga, to-day. : Vierpont Morgan has cleared off a mortgage on Church of the Epiphany, lirgoidyn, amounting to $15.900. A street car collided with the car ringe of Secretary lddings, of the t. 8], enthassy at Rome, and Mr. Iddings had his shoulder disloeuted, Jon Weeks, a Canadian, formerly of Woodstock. Unt., was drowned on Saturday last at Phoenix, Oregon. He has some relatives residing in Woodatovk, : William * Horrax, Mont fair, N. .L, thirteen vears of age, "Wis accidental ly shot through the heart by his bro ther, Gilhert, fitcen vears old. The bovs were playing with Flobert rifles The governor general's Now Year's levee of 1903 was the most lurgely at tended in years, more than five hun dred taking advantage of the occa- sion to pay their respects to Lond Minto. ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. Township Of Richmond. Re Witham Paul. L Councillors--Manly Jones, Alfred McCutcheon, Z. A. Grogms, Charles Anderson. > Ha J Township Of Camden. Reeve Witham M. Paul. Huncrllors--Joseph Teskev, John A tanan, Cyrus Edgar, Wesley Me- iwnship Of Adolphustawn. Toy-James Hanlon. ; : | Reoveillors--John B. Allison, Ed- Counciallagher, John Humphrey, ward uf | Thomas ESULT OF A FIGHT. ¥ : \ Bulgarians and Turkish | Betwee: Troops. i itinople, Jan. 2 worn Bulgarians and In a recent Turkish | | Conata | foe Ek the villuge of Dienovo, in | troops, @stery distoet, fiftein of the f ire Moncre killed or wounded. I'he among the who w smmander was Bulgarians, also {latter welt {Turkish killed. 14 in a house, | barricadedt the survivors escaped cap sustained { losses, bi . | ture. be y | htional Church Festival. | Congreg ie direction of Mr. Solandt, Under gurly enjoyable evening was a particg the scholars of the Sunday | spent bo ey evening in rirst nal Hall. The attendance and the room was appro corpted, the centre of at ing a Christmas tree hand sed by A. Jack, an = ok a life long fiiend of the read school on >» was larg | priatly di | traction bf | somely dre} ! 4 . { scholar ang'right succession of was - much | : E a good things from the distribute tiling valuable prizes to tree, includio obtained the greatest scholars wifiarks during the vear for number of nf attendance, church at | memorizing, § punctuality. tendan:s andfintendent, J. A. Hendry, The heartielt thanks of the supe tv lisses IL. Scott, Craig, lendry, S. Lilv and Sgn A. Jack, KR. valuable assistance in ta Claus, for}t® entertainment and (feessiul. Jack, E. Mad making it sud --peful Inventor: A Ho Canadian inventor Write down § discouraged and having one as not easily Bly charged. Frederick A. his hopes hichlScoty, mventor of the Knapp, of Prgship, is in Newport . and declares the in J. Pierpont Morgan of the ocean and Mr. Knapp and Marcus moter of the Knapp King arrangements with iphuilding company for h of another large tu pected to revolutionize tubular stean Nowe; Virginiaf't for the supre: river traffic-- Auerback, . pid system, are m the Newport sl the constructio bular vessel e renue Collections. account of excise at nue office for Decemler Inland Re Collections o the inland reveg 1902: Spirits, 87,73 tobateo and ci caipts, $35; ber, 1901, 810 596.23, malt, 81,592.85; 83,113; other re- Decem- om Quarantine. allowed to proce Jan, 2A fire which ick block, at morning, badly aut f B. W. Kerr and 1. .: > . ries, and Percy Los oke and water di} a as well. Milliown, N.B., ot of damage Of The Best. ocal minstrels' « jokes : wtrimony 2" uw ¥ vig game of chance. "The + 'heart,' the gentleman wins 'diamond, he gets hee 'hand' On One of the "What is "Don't kr nd veryy! Mtures Of This Century. Fey » Jahs Cowl od big, ------------ + pity js an illusion that makes bop ive ane he is equal to his su- | § and superior to his equals. vodless surgery. > nan from | DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3. REPORT UNTRUE MAJOR BITTINGER U.S. CON- SUL GENERAL, When the Scoftish Curlers Will Play--Theé Montreal Club Like- ly to Have a Go.,For the Stan- . ley Cup. y Montreal, Jan. 2.--Major Bittinger, United States consui-general, in this city, has returned from a visit to his former home at St. Joseph, Mo., and denies the reports of his intended re signation as well as the truth of the reports published in a St. Joseph pa per that he could not get anything decent to eat in Montreal hotels. The Seottich curlers' team have changed their plans for the city. They will go direct to Quebee from the low er provinces and reach here on the Yth mst, instead of. coming to Montreal and going to Quebec afterwards, . At the meeting of the Canadian amateur hockey league, to-night, the probabilities are that the Montreal club will be allowed to play for * the Stanley cup with the Winnipeg team before the end of the season. Quebec, Victoria and Montreal will vote 'aye' it is understood 'and, probably, the Shamrocks. WANTED TO RESIGN. Company Refused to. Part With His Services. : superintendent of he gas aepartment of the plant of the Lizht, Heat and Power company, has asked the company to relieve him of further service, This the company would not do, (but it relieved him of some of the arduous duties which he for so many years performed. He has been retained as consuliing superin- tendent of the gas plant.™% Mr. Kerr has been connected with the gas works for fiity-five years. He came to Kingston to install the local plant and remainéd with it ever since. As 5 gas expert he is unequalled on the continent, and his oyivion on mat- ters pertaining to the manufacture of gas were accepted throughout Ameri ea as beyond dispute. John Kerr, Marine News. Davis & Sons have received the con- tract to lengthen the government buoy steamer Scout twenty-five feet. This sel arrived here a couple of weeks ago. It is reported in local marine circles that 'a newline of boats mavghbe put on the Rideau next seasons in-opposi- tion to the Rideau Lakes Navigation company. ve The steamer Alexandiia is on the marine railvay at Picton, receiving ex- tensive repairs. Some chances are he- ing made Deseronto. Capt. Roys is making some altera- tions in the little steamer Jubilee be- fore shipping it to Muskoka. On its arrival there, it will be lengthnad twenty feet. to the steamer Reindeer at Clever Amateur Minstrels. The King Edward minstrels, a clev- er local troupe, gave two most ac- ceptable performances in the Grand opera house, Thursday afternoon and evening. At noon the company parad- ed the principai streets and created a favorable impression bv their smart appearance. Throughout the perform- ance not a suggestive word was spok- en; songs were new and well presented; the jokes crisp, keen and bright. The .specialties 'would have done credit to a professional company. Encores were 'quent, and graciously responded to. Two large audiences greeted the per- formances. The troupe may reproduce the show at a later date. Annual Oyster Supper. "The Knights of the Maccabees of Sunbury, held a meeting on Tiesday, December 30th, ana elected officers for the ensuing year. This lodge. was or- ganized two years ago and ia in a flourishing condition. After the lodge had finished busine refreshments were served. The new members pres- ent were much pleased with the cordi- sl welcome extended them. The lodge will on the evenisg of January 5th, hold 4 concert in the village hall, for whith a very select programme is he- ing prepared. Among The Papers. The Clarksburg, Va., Post and Tele gram have amalgamated. The New York Mail and Express has bern gwarded the contract for printing the city council Record for the vear, at $140,000. . Gorham Silver company, has done most of its advertising in the maga- zines, hut after an experiment in w it used two hundred newspapers twie a week, it has decided to appropriate 875,000 for dai'v ads. in the leading newspapers for this year. Police Court Tidings. Henry Stewart and David Hutche- son, two drunks, were discharged, at the police court this morning no made » great noise in the police ceils throughout the night Mithasl Fla herty, an indigent, was sent to the House of Providence Boys Are Dead. Norfolk; Va., Jan. 2--Four hoys, three white and one colored, have died in Norfolk 'since Christmas of tetanus, lock-jaw, caused by burns received in the firing of toy pistols charged with blank cartridges, Municipal legislation is proposed to prohibit the sale of these weapons. een Belleville Has One Of Them. * B. W. Folger, speaking of the pro- y of some cities in electrical mat- says that there.are onlv two un wl electric x Ameri one in Boston, other in Belleville, ouds in he he knows of Mass, and the Ont. Defeated Canadians Halifax, N.S» Jan. 2.--The Scottish curlers defeated two rinks from North Sydney, 25 to 17, and lost one rink to Sydney, 8 to 16 ------ John Driver, superintendent of lettor carriers, has resigned. John Purtell is temporarily filling the position, W. H. H. Ponton, Bocas del Toro, man and a fool get along { ogether than two wise men do.' mother in Belleville, South America, is home visiting his a~ MAIN OFFICHS--47 B Crompton's D: & A. $1 and $1.25. ~ 3 styles. a Children's Don't, You tural lines to to wear, Kid Fitting Corsets. $! and $1.25, French Corsets, $I and $1.25. Magnetic Corsets, Corsets, 50c., 75¢., Corset Waists, Giri's Cofsets, : Nursing Corsets. We have many other makes of Corsets besides those mentioned. ; JOHN LAIDLAW & SON bu AS ALS A ANA pam, AAA ~ Sometimes feel that perhaps you've been wearing a wrong Cor- st--One that doesn't fit as it should ? Try ournew KID-FITTING CO SET. It does more than fit, it gives na- the figure and it's so easy. a DOROTHY DODD Summer, and are cheaper boot. LADY SKATERS. -- estes SKATING BOOTS, PRICE $3.75. EMPRESS MAKE SKATING BOOTS, PRICE $3. After the skating season is past these make a most perfect WALKING BOOT for Spring and early also more comfortable than a THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. pica = HOUSEKE TELEPHONE 3 19 Wellin appheation, ELLIOTT BROS ESTABLISHED 1890, W. F. DEVER STOGK AND BOND BROKER, gton Street East, Toronto. teadway, New York; 60 State Street, Boston : - STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Particular attention 1ve : t daily (4 p.m.) on ab EPERS ATTENTION Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Coal 0il Heaters, etc. to reach our store. yourself with a lot of -- ---- Se Sold for Cash or oa Margin, Correspcndence invited Is called to our assoftment of cold weather necessities, such as Boards, Stove Pipes,, Coal Hods, stand in need of anything in our line longer than it will take you Don't burden money when you eome to buy, because we don't charge high prices. » 77 Princess St. "PHONE MAIN 4303. & G0. Cavadian Becurities. Market letters mailed "70TH YEAR ~ J'NURR) Furni SPECIAL I "On All Grades During Ja ROBT. J. 2 Doors Above Ambulance Telep ROBT. J THE LEADING | PRINGESS ST. BIG O] TO INTRODUCE the Peate School of f - oi this city .and vic m~at offers a $15 MAND! To every scholar w lésson term. We do but give the scholar paying as they go 3 pleased to show whe the mandolin and ex in all its details. P PEATE SCHOO Exchange Buildin Opposite McRa OUR' SMALL H PICT! (OUR OWN Are particular wedding and birt] It will he a pl them to you. KIRKPATRICK'S MOTHER ALL HEALIN( Will Cure Burns, Fro Rbeum, Broken eons . 8 Children's PIC) aly A HAPPY NEW COME AND BE can get the best e« kinds, fresh pork blood sausage, bacon, at Myers' street, 'Phone 570. filled. I. C. BOGART Former Resident We K ngsten Gen: Office and residen St., Kingstom, (ned Office). q Telephone, 475. pre MEDI 3 OUI LADIES medy for struation; it can Paris Chemical ( SITUATION "HOMIE WORK K honest 'industriot locality. Good outfit required. Woollen Conipany GOOD ROOMS A a Beard; aiso tal had at Mrs. Dred LARGE FRONT R single rooms, Ww fences, central, n and Macdonald ¥ «a party of from arl street. Sem -------- WAN" tee A CHAMBERMAID tel Congress. GIRL FOR GENEI Apply at 234 Ba GOOD COOK. evening to Mn " street. ' INUESTORS FOR Debentures and b Cann, 51 Brock ROOMS FOR PART dents, single roo preferred. -- Addres this office. PER either lars Bldg., 1000, CO S6X; LWO @Twain N Chicago. $15 GIRL, TO WORK er's store oun dipping chocolate rager, Box 304, I THREE GEE three furnished re ern conveniences ply to box "Y.) BY WE WANT A FEW locality to wor during spare tim Liberal = pav. London, Ontario, 5 TC £10 Wk hours writing stamped, self-add vosition . to Fre 42nd St., New Y A COMPETENT MA housework, : or with the .. FF. GX ton before p.m. St, : AGENTS -- RESPF metic men and w ' tra good wages Teas, Coffees and ties. Apply at Co,. 185 Welling