cigar. We intend to st be striking and vhole lot of names to As Follows : ved. ' red. ived. of every soth ini to smokers all over e be accompanied by ---- ---------------------- n Cigar Syndicate, raig St., Montreal; ed find ...... dollars ...... r ...... boxes of Surpass box to contain ...... Paying postage. l they not prove satis- after trial, I erve the return the balance and ney refunded. Ps g accidents, you ean children enjoying the '8 NIR ber that we are the ed in Canada (n:arly "five years now), and personal guarantee with every stove, so satisfaction is guar- d or your money SOUVEN:- I R S arey made in a hun- dred of different styles and sizes to suit every requi rement and need, of the best mate- rials, by skilled mechanics, in combine every moi: , Specially ineludisg SS. They are dally . endorsed by great labor, time the best og Limited, Hamilton. SEY, s St., Klagstes. . CHIBITION, LONDON, 1900, es | | And The Aged. d Reputation. ready used Neave's Food in two ot ies' Castle and the Village Home), tat » Sein haying it has proved very INGBRIDGE, ENGLAND, »Ltd., Toronto & Montreal. hl al Beverage LABATT'S . Porter 0 of Mall and Hops eable to the Most e. Palate. 70TH YEAR. . NO, 3. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, pros DAY, J ANUARY 5, 1908. | | 4 AA AARAARAARARARARARRARNARRARRARAZARARNS RAN AARRARARAAAR THIS SPACE ON Wednesda Very Important Announcement. JENKINS 114 Princess St. : 3 BIG OFFER TO INTRODUCE AND ESTABLISH] the Peate School of Music to the people of this city and vicinity, the manage- mat offers a $15 MANDOLIN FREE To every scholar who will take a 80 lesson term. We do not ask cash down, but give the scholars the privilege of paying as they go along. We will' be pleased to show what can be done on the mandolin and explain fully our offer in all its details. Please call at PEATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Exchange Building, Brock Street, Opposite McRae's Warehouse. ROWNTREE'S Voice, Cough, Glycerine and Menthol Clear JUJUBES, 80c. Per. Pi und. A. J. REES, Princess Street, = 'Phone, No. 58 HA Happy New (Year Go All 3 CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS d OrbeOspOntOf A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. COME AND BE CONVINCED YOU can get the best cooked meats atl of kinds, fresh pork sausgges, tenderloin, blood sausage, Frankfurts, ham and bucon,.at Myers' Pork Market, 60 Brock street. . "Phone 70. Orders promptly filled. FOR SALE. CANADIAN PATENT. SOLE RIGHT for the Counties--of Frontenac, Len- rox and Addington The Eureka Oil and Petroleum Heater, for fur- naces, Cooking Ranges and Stoves No odor, dirt or danger Cheaper than coal or vas Apply at 15 Montreal street, Where it can be seen in use. MEDICAL. SS RE: ed men- LADIES : medy USE OUR HARM for delayed or supp struation; it cannot fail. Trial free. Paris Chemical 'waukee, Wis A ------ 1 ANSWERS TO NAME A suitable reward will Earl A COLLIE DOG, of "Mark."" be given for his return to 96 street. FRIDAY EVENING, A GOLD-BAND BRACELET, carved, with initials M.K. between Ulergy street west University - avenue, Johnston, Divi- sion to Brock street. Will the finder kindly leave it at Whig office, as it is. a keepsake and valued very high- TT, WANTED. AT ON A CHAMBERMAID AND dining-room girls. Apply Hotel Iro- + Quois. A GOOD . COOK. APPLY IN _THE evening to Mrs. Hora, 45 King street. . ------e eee A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing. Apply at 1483 King street, after 7 p.m. ee iit INVESTORS FOR REAL a Debentures and bonds i R. Mc Cann, 51 Brock street. ------------------------------------------ GIRL, TO WOKK IN CONFECTION- er's store; one who understands dipping chocolates. App to man- ager, Box 304, Pembro ee eet terete WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH locality to work for . us at home during spare time. Pléasant work Liberal pay. Imperial Company Loudon, Ontario. $10 WEBKLY, FOR A FEW houps writing in vour home Send stamped, self-addressed envelope for nosition to Frederick Co., 240 W 42nd St., New York. teeter teeter A COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL house-wo! or a young girl to assist with the house-work. , Apply to Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 109 Welling- ton St., before four, or after six The Daily Note Book For Whig K.B.@-Ramblers vs. 4 POSITIVE - HALR: LOCAL MEMORANDA. Readers to Post Themselves By. Week of prayer meeting, Bethel church, 8 p.m. Many a man is flattered who is not worthy of being praised. intermediate series, Prescott, 8 p.m. A pessimist is a man in whose mouth Hockey match, everything leaves a dark brown taste. What is a kiss ? The drop that run- neth over when the cup of love is full * The right kind of a wife is the best possible solution of the domestic prob- found in the upper stories of men and old "houses. Amateur photographers are not the s who depend on others to de- "vis looking down from his pyl- d how all his people could 11. After he had sized up on box he kuew.. We are still showing a full line of handsome goods. Can suit any taste. . Dinner Sets Nice sets of g7 pieces, stippled handles, for $5.50. ROBERTSON BROS. (Cami OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 7th. Retrun of last season's nagnificent production of comedy drama "SWEET CLOVER." big sm the Se "A play that will linger lovingly "in the memory of plag-goers, with, Otis B Blanche Hall and an excel- lent y. Special scenery for every act _production."' Prices-- 50c. 5c Box seats, Seats now on sale at Hanley -- TO TEACHERS OF MUSIC AND COLLECES. AVOID PAYING DUTY . AND EX- press, etc., for your music by calling at the up-to-date music store, 288 Princess street. Kingston. Mr. Singleton will in three days have the complete cataloque of the Wood edition of Boston, in stock and will quote you ering equal to any house in America. CAPILLI FORMA CHR AND ugrve tomic; cures headache, neuralgia, dandruff and eczema, sold during the holidays for fifty cents per hottle at Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors, 166 Princess Street, Kingston. PIANO FOR SALE. AN UPRIGHT, IN GOOD CONDITION, £150 cash. Apply through Whig office. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO table board. Apply 168 King street West, near (lity Park SAVAGE WOLVES. Are Doing Dam¥ge In Rou- mania. Bucharest, Jan. 5.--Every day, as the winter advances, accounts are re ceived of the ravages of wolves all over Roumania. Hardly a newspaper appears without reports of hali » doz en cases where persons have been at- tacked and devoured by wolves. Last Wednesday eight officials left Tulcea on their way to. Galamz, on their sledges; 'when thcir anival was re- ported the mounted police started a search lor them anl, on 'Thursday, they found three broken sleighs. A number of empty revolvers and the trampled bloody snow told the story of the tragedy that had happened. Even the harness had been devoured by the famished beasts. ROBBED THE MAILS. An Eight-Year-Old Boy Arrested At Windsor. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 5.--An cight- year-old boy has been arrested on a charge of robbing the mails in Wind He discovered the sor. combination of one of the private boxes in the post office, and extracted from it a box containing three handkerchifs sent as a Christmas present. Small boys have been opeving the mail boxes in the post-office lobby for a month. They stan1 near some elderly ~ or careless person when he is getting his mail and decipher the combination, Then they help themselves when no one is looking. Result Of Elections. Paris, Jan. 5.--The electiany held vesterdav in ninet ght sena- torial districts. The returns are not yet completed, but it is apparent that the miristerial majority has been ma- terially strengthened. Prime Minister, Combes was elected in two depart. were ments, M. Rouvier, minister of finance, who i: now a deputy, was elected to the senate. M. Hanotaux was defeat- ed. Fifty Years A Nun. New "York, Jan. 5.~A golden jubi lee mass was sung, today, at St. Catherine's convent of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy for Sister M. Frances 'Murray, in honpor of the fif tieth gnniversary of her entranee into the order, Many Jrominent priedts and prelates of the Homan Catholic Shreh took part in the ecclebration. Large sweet oranges, 25c. a doz. at | p.m. Gilbert's. : » len . All sorts of useless things are to be | | Trouble In China "os | in the { Five thousand troops have been ! vince of Che- -Kiang. 0 VA - What Is Sent Out AS Late News. PRESENTIMENT, LORD ROBERTS IS NOT COM- ING ACROSS. A Tiancee For the Crown Prince of Germany--The Death Rate From Cancer Smaller Than the Year Previous, But Still 2» Very High--General Notes. London, Jan. 5.--The dean of St. Alban's, preaching ,n the cathedral, yesterday, announgdl, in connection with the recent death of the Bishop of St. Alban's, that the latver, a. few months ago, when apparently in sound health, declared that he had a pre sentiment that his death was not far digtant. The apprehension was . so real that he set his affairs in order to the minutest detail, investing his ar- rangements with special solemnity. Then he resumed his duties in his dio- cese, which continued unremittingly until the day of his fatal seizure, which the dean and others ascribe to overwork. Statistics printed by county council of the mortality of cancer ind this city during 1902 shows that the death rate, the percentage be ing ninety-three per 1,000, as com- pared with ninety-five in the previous the London year. 'The proportion, however, has been more than doubled within fifty years, the rate between 1851 and being. forty-two per cent, Karl Roberts, commander-in-chief of the: British army, has told an enquirer that the report that he had accepted an invitation from the Ancient and Honorable Artillery company, of Bos- ton, to visit that city, next fall, is not true. I . The Berlin" correspondent of the Standard contributes the latest rumor in reference to a finance for the Crown Prince of Germany who will be twen- ty-one years old, on May 6th, saying that he will be shortly betrothed to Princess Alice of Albany. The Daily Mail has received a tele- gram from Gen, Viljeon, the Boer leader, who is now in New York, ex- pressing his willingness to command the Boers, who have volunteered = for service against. the Mad Mullah in Somaliland if he is asked 'to do do. The report of the conference between Irish landlords and tenants has been issued. The proceedings were very harmonious. The report which is sign- ed by Lord Dunraven, the chairman, "John Redmond; - 3 Witliam- O'Brien, M.P., and all the 4 members of the conferences déclare that the only satisfactory solution of the land ques. tion lies in the abolition of dual own- ip and the substitution of an oc- cupying proprieatory. It is proposed that an equitable price be paid to sell- ing owners. based on their incomes as represented by "second term'. rents, this proposal being aimed to induce sellers to continue residing in Ireland. Other are alko specified. The report recommends a method of payment for purchasing tenants which will seeure a reduction of from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. in rents; it ad- vises state help in order to enable new inducements occupants to start well, and to pay their instalments as they fall due. Other recommendations deal = with evicted tenants and the houseing of lahoters. In co-operation with the movement, begun in Paris, to give President Roosevelt a work of art @ recogni tion of his services in the cause of international arbitration, a fund has been started in political circles in London'to present a testimonial to the American president. The aftitude of the Venezuel oh affair is appreciated very warmly, not only by members of hoth political parties but also by the king and' royal family. A member of parlinment will act as secretary of the persons who are getting up the testimonial. a ENTERED FEZ. The Pretender Has Met a Favor- able Reception. Madrid, Jan. 3.--A telegram received here, Fez, says the pretender to the Moroccan throne, has entered the capital and that he met a favorable reception. from * Will Punish Them. Tangier, Jan. 2.--A letter from the sultan was read in the Mosque to-day. He acknowledged his recent defeat, but promising to punish the rebels soon. Agreement Reached. London, Jan. 3.--~ihe Birmingham Post says that England and Spain have reached an agreement, guarantee ing Spain's interest in Morocco and providing for the dispatch of a Span- ish commissioner to Fez to assist in the settlement of the revolution. New: Departmental Store. Toronto, Jan. .5.--It is stated, "on good authority, that Siegel, Cooper & Co., the big United States retail merchants, have periccted arrange- ments for- the pening of -a depart mental store Toronto on a scale in ing with New York and o bus'n ring in their y options " have been secured property the north-east egrner streets, and it is in the early ions will be ~ on an { of Queen and Yonge expected that some time | spring building cpera {well under way turbances preading. sent | to suppress the disorders in the pro- Shanghai; Jan, 5.--7The interior of China an to this | TO SOLVE PROBLEM. A Great Step Towards Settling Dispute. New York, Jan. 5.--~The Tribune's London cable says: A great step has been taken towards the wettlement of the Irish land question. This is the general opinion in Dublin with regard to the result of the conference presided over by Lord Dunraven' The report has been sent to the chief secretary for Ireland, who has undertaken to introduce a land purchase bill into parliament during the coming session and he will, an btely. be consider- ably influenced Ly its suggestions. It is not, however, to be expected that Mr. Wyndham will adopt ail the re commendations contained in the re port as he 1s well aware that the con feren ¢ has not bern thoroughly repre. stative. Still he has an unique op- portunity for solving the Irish land problem. ' ees. MISS ELIZABETH A charming younzx her stellar debut night A NEW SEAPORT. TYREE actress who makes in New Yark to- Entrance to" Transvaal Through British Land. Ladysmith, Natal, Jan. 4.---Col. Sir Henry McCallum, the governor of Na tal, made gn important gnnouncement at a banquet in honor of Colgnial Secretary Chamberlain, Friday night. 3 de- cided to establish a new seaport at Umslatuzi, Zululand, and in this way connect the coast with the newly "an nexed territories of Vryheid and Utrecht. The connection would he made with the Transvaal and there would be no oceasion for using Dele goa Bi the seaport of Portuguese East Africa. WANT A BRANCH. And He said that the government had Hockey Clubs Join the Western Canada League. Winnipeg, Mawn., «Jans b.--Portage Plain farmers have asked the C. N. R. president to construct a branch through Longburn district to White Mud River. The Y.'M. C. A., Creggent and Rov- er hockey clubs, of Winnipeg, have af- filinted with the new Western Canada Hockey League, and will form a juni or series, Notice has been given that John Ar buthnot Lumber Co., will be incorpor ated with a capitalization of $150,000 and also the Sprague Lumber Co., with , capitalization of $750,000, POLICE AND STRIKERS CLASH Two Workmen Shot During Riot . "in Texas. Laredo, Texas, Jan. 5.--Word reach ed this city from Monteréy, Mexico, that 250 employees of the large Gug genheim smelter in that city have gone strike © be of dissatisfaction with a new system of pay started on the first of the year. About 600 others are affected by the enforced closing down of the smelters, It is reported that in an encounter between the police, the militia apd the strikers the oilicers were compelled to use their two of the strikers being injured, although not seriously. on ause revolvers, Vessels' Montreal, Jan. 5.--Allan line steam er Siberian, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool and Glasgow, arrived at St. Movements. 5 John's, Nfid., at 830 a.m., Bunday. The Allan line steamer. Arcadian sailed from Portignd for® Glasgow at 11.30 a.m., on inlay, The Allan line steamer Bavarian sailed from St. John, N.B., for pool. at 1.45 p.m., on Sunday. The Allan line steamer Sardinian, from Glasgow, docked at New York, at 11 a.m., on Sunday, Liver The Best Ever Made. Wind.or, Ont., Jan. 5.-- Hugh Mor ris, United States consul, estimates that the value of exports from Can ada info the United States, through the pert of Windsor, for the quarter ended December 3lst, will amount -to about $325,000. Compared with the previous' three months this amount is about $35,000 less, but as it repre- sents fewer returnable goods entered, Nr. Morris claims the showing for the past three months is possibly the best that has ever been made in Windsor. Want New Scale. Hamilton, Ont., Jan, 5.--~The mem- bers 'of the local 'carpenters' union hase made a demand on the bosses for a mew scale of wages to take ef fect on April lst. The new gale calls for thirty cents, with a njne-hour working day and double pay for over- time instead of time and a half. The New xk legislature of 1903 will assemble X noon en Janpary 7th for organization and for the reception of the annual message for Governor Odell. The construction of the upper body--the senate--is "twenty-seven re- publicons and twenty two democrats. There is a prospect of a reconcilia- tion between the Crown Prin.ess of Saxony and her husband. f WORLD NEWS Comes To Us From All ~ Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE YOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH: Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Oven--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Deax Publie. Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier arrived at Miami, Fla. The Moorish rebels have retired from their positions around Fez. President Castro is reported to have abdicated or to bé about to do so. Three new and promising oil wells are reported in Raleigh township, "have Kent couney. Thirteen anarchists have been put under a rest for holding a . conference at Dusseldorf. The Toronto Laurier Club's banquet arranged for to-morrow night has Leen postponed. , Canada is being asked to Jroside exhibits for twenty odd exhibitions throughout the world. It is said that the pope will appeal to all christian governments to take steps to stop duelling. It is more than likely that a Hali- fax man will succeed the Jute Senator Primrose, of Pictou, N.S. George Third, of Scarboro town ship, a prominent foothall player, died very suddenly at Torento. l.. C, David, Montreal, and My. Legris, M.P'., for Maskinonge, are spoken of a8 coming senators, The Fort Brady barracks at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, were destroyed by fire on Saturday. Loss $50,000, Peter Blinkley, a well-to-do farmer of Flamboro Centre, committed sui- cide by hanging himself in his barn. W. H. Biggar, Belleville, has been appointed a-sistant general solicitor for the Grand Trunk railway system. Engineers for a British company be gan boring for a tubular tunvel un: dor th: East River, New York, into Brooklyn. Burglars secured $4,800 at the First National Bank of Abingdon, Hl. They pazgd the watchman and blew open the vault. : The C.P.R. has bought a piece of land on Notie Dame streot, Montreal, to be utilized in enlarging Viger Square station. he proposed library and musuem of the New York Historical Society, will ccst $800,000. It will be on Cen- tral Park west. : It is reported at Quebec that Jus tice B. Caron will succeed Sir Louis Jette, whose term expires in February as lieutenant-governor, Exclusive of profits for the perform: anes at Bayreuth, the heirs of Wag- ner received during 1902, $115,000 in royaities from his operas. Ihe North Preghvterian church, 9th Avenue and 3st street, New York City, has been sold to the Pennsyl vania railroad company for $172,000. A public eeiebration was held in Honolulu on Saturday, in honor of the syccessful completion of the trans- Pacific cable, It was 4 public holiday. Arrangements have been completed with New York aml Chicago capital ists to build g $1,500,000 hotel on the west of Victoria Square, Mon treal French cotton manufacturers have formed the Colonial Cotion Associa tion to encourage the cultivation of cotton in the French colonies, especigl ly the Soudan In Chicago, I11., several persons were injured, some fatally, it is thought, in a collision on Saturday, between a side cable train and an electric car. Slip pery rails caused the accident. Conductor Mason and Motorman Renaud, employees of the Montrénl street railway, were arrested on the charge of using two boxes to collect fares and retaining the contents of one hox. A hail storm accompanied by thun- der and lightning passed over Wind- sor Saturday afternoon. The hail stones were of such size that they broke many windows in the king's green house, it is reported that Prine H Prussia will resign frym the navy and become regent of Prunswick | for which position he was a candidate a few years ago, when the prasenv re- gent was appointed, George Chapman stands accused of poisoning Maud Marsh, a London bar- maid. He made the subject of poison- ing a study and then followed the course up by trying the- effects of drugs upon the girl. The powers will notify China that she must fulfill her obligations under the protocol or elee stand the conse- quences. If China mgintaing her posi- tion some of the powers may demand territory or Bi i for compensa tion. The Dominion line of 'ste: aunships will rim a weekly passenger service be- tween Montreal and Liverpool during the coming stmuier as well as a weekly freight service between Mon treal and Bristol gnd Montreal and Antwerp Germany enry of is steadily progressing as a ld ne naticn. In ceasing to take British material the German bmilders for a time lost money, but the impetus which the shipbuilding industry. has received sive, hys made good all losses. A man. ogled and forced attentions on Mrs. Bitman, New York He call ed. at her house, she slammed the door in his fa Later he renyg the Leif, ure ol his w in and took hold of her. She streek him ithe a knife. Off came his ear, and: he fled. Gos Sen bo ) Denies Rumor -- British Officers Sieze Outgoing Mail. Caracas, Jan. 5.-The report that President Cestro 3 The to abdi- «ate, or resign the presidency of Vene- ueln, is untrue. A correspondent saw the president with regard to-this mat- ter and he said : "" will no more abdicute than I will resign. The Matos revolution, with: out assistance from foreign powers, will soon he a DpsL story." Bound To Hold On, New York, N.Y., Jan. 5.~Aeccording to the Herald's correspondent in Williamstadt, the revolutionists are advancing in three columns on Gen, Caver's army. . A desperate (fight oc: cured on Saturday night within eight miles of the city of Caracas, resulting favorably to the revolutionists. A committee of the most prowinent citi- zens haw gone to President Castro and made representations to him of how hopelessly untenable is his position, but the president insists on holding on until his Torces are dofeated in a de cisive battle.. It seems that this can- not be far distant. The correspondent adds that no attempt is now being 'made by the allies to conceal the fact that they are affording assistance to the Revolutionists. LADY SARAH IN KILTS, Created a Sensation at a. Fancy Dress Party. New York, Jan. 5---The Herald's London correspondent says © Among. var ous Christmas parties in the smart get none was more amusing than that given by Lord and Lady Howe at Gopshal Upon one occasion the guests appeared in fancy costume, and us a number of ladies wore mule at tire the scena was, to say the rast, quite interesting. Lady Howe appeared " a Knight Templar, but her sister, Lady Sarah Wilson, was quite the sensation of the evening as very dashing Prine Charhe, with a x kilt and all the acces sories of Hi hland dress. So keen was she that there should be mo detail lacking that her kuces were quite bare. \ ---- UPSET KILLED HIM. The Strange Death of a Guelph M Guelph, Ont., Jan, 5.--~John Bovle, a well known farmer in Puslinch township, met with an accident Satur- day afternoon, which resulted in his death at the General Hospital. He was driving on Devohshire street, when the hind wheels of the waggon slipped and upset him into an un. protected creck on the street, the way gon bbx upsetting on top of him. He apparently received only a few slight scratches, but he was to-day seized with hemorrhage of lungs, w with the shock, his death. He of are and leaves ighter. was sixty-nine v a widow, zon Affects Only a Smull Portion. Toronto, Jan. 5.--With reference to the Butte, Montana, dispatch, an nouncing that the Great Falls and Canada railroad has been transferred to the Great Northern RR. Elias Rogers, one of the directors of the Crow's Nest Paw Coal Co., * states that the transfer affects only a small portion of the railway from Great. Falls to the boundary.. The same in- tercsts which control the Lethbridge mines, he says, own the railway on the Canadian side of the border. Jews Will Support Pretender. Madrid, Jan. 5.--Telegrams received here from Tangier agus that the situ- ation is more serious, The post- -office refuses to be responsible for registered letters, Ome despatch says the Sul tan's position is extremely critical, as the Jews, of whom there gre 10,000 in Fez, smarting from injustice and cruelty, are inclined to support the Pretender, and an outbreak in the city is apprehended. When Knights Were Bold. lerlin, Jan, 5.--It haus * just hecome known that the English Roman Ca- tholic peers, , when Emperor Willian was at Sandringham, presented © him, through one of his entourage, with a petition asking him to repeal ail laws against monastic 2a and allow monks to settle in any part of Prus win. 'The kaiser was hurt end King as was angry. The incident crea- ted a bad impression ut Berlin. o Fatal Fire In Hastings: Pellpville, Cnt., Jan. 5.--~In a fire which destroyed the residence of John Craig, a farmer of Hastings county, residifig near Madoe, one of My, Craig's children were burned to death. The mother, who managed to escape, clad only in her night dress, suffered severely frém exposure, both &f her feet being badly frozen. Aftef A Canadian d. New York, Jan. 5.--A sf¥dicate of New York capitalists, inclucing Johan Gorin, Henry "W. Gennerich, William Hencken, Christopher F, Bode and Fro W. Salthsieder, has been formed for the purpdse of buying the Brockville, Westport and Sault Ste. Marie railway in Canada at the re ceiver's sale on january 20th. A Corner B Cheese. Montreal, Jan. Messrs. Alexan- der and Bn two of the largest cheese dealers in Canada have, it is reported, secured. control of all the chee wtoek in Canada, and a sharp advance in prices. is anticipated. Ths sprice advanced to thriteen cents yess teeday, apd thirteen $d one half cents a pound is asied. . Thete 1 a rumor thet one of Shep Morgan stesmship lines is li .make Bristol a port of Mrs. Baker, relict of the late Thom- as Baker, a pioneer of Kitley, died on Friday night. ; a ht bord Phi Bp And all next week we will Our well known low prices. Magnificent Range Of Mink, Near Seal, Ruffs, Scarfs nd} to select from. va pe Funeral sivats. No flowers. DONNIE Kmgston, ary, aged ui Fn] vrivate, 10 ral o "Monday, pe are oc ¥en ng as IX te papers please ony, CoNNOLY "As Dodson, La., B. gr nin 1a doi Cusker to W qui. MINISTER CHENG, 10 Daughter - of "Chinese tive at Paris the Bride. Pekin, Jan. 5.~8ir Li minister designate to the States, will marry the daughter of Chinese minister at Paris, Yu before leaving for Washi wedding will probably Canton. Yu Keng's daughter was cafed abroad po speaks English French. She is one of the women of modern education and dern i Ex-alderman Joseph Hook, Int., a Prominent ides old citizen, dind on Sunday. sixty years old and-iéaves a von and daughter. REMOV SALE ¢ We StartOn | TUESDA ' To Have Our §