cr ------------ I ---- VED A CAR HARDWOOD SELL IT IN SUIT .PUR- he Trade. reet. T'S ALE Purest ND ble Beverage MARKET. -Made From the t and Hops. ), AGENT. ND COUCHES. incy English Velour Il around, at $6. THIS PRICE. ading Undertaker 'PHONE 147. Couches Regular oer trod ode BITION, LONDON, 1900, es And The Aged. Reputation. sc he i in tae tiqn in saying it has prov 7th, 1901. proved YY GBRIDGE, ENGLAND. td., Toronto & Montreal. i BAGS AT COST AT een rnethy' S NUAL NUARY LE. inks and Valises. rincess St., Kingston. Heating Estimates furnished on of Plumbing or Heating. loy first-class mechanics antee satisfaction. al Attention | to Jobbing Princess St. YOUR AUGTIONEER ? AURRAY, Jr. nearly every body now in He has a Foputation sales, prompt returns and settlements. You will be cket by employing IURRAY, Jr. A \ | THE ,DALY JWHIG, SATURDAY. JANUARY 17. = == : 1 . op [= = .U37% 1] 4 made. ho exception of Mr. Canfield's w Ss' i * A Wonderful Modlcins. BRO ADBRIM Sr A ELLY. . ISLAND, ; ® ar apbern ust su zo 1 Bove hr Eons wa Spi [STORY OF ITS ORIGIN AND| Beacham's| |... ..c-- a ge TTI RE) J) PRVELOTMONL + neares v A Ww. : a 3 or » Weekly Letter From Greater | jiiowed police Precinct hat the pol- | The Rock Formation Tells a Tale It is.not 0 to have 'a' foreign name on . furs that will interest you. _ Pills Bilious and" Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Eng. Sold by all Druggists in Canada and U. S. America. Ia boxes, 25 cents. The best advertisement of CARLING'S ALE is inside tha Sole agent of Kingston, J. 8. Henderson. = ceecees n A thousand and one things about the house bes: Dye ides your dresses, ribbous, wil a iy if a prettily i Ma hi vy Soa is i) used for the purpose. Mm * No m no trou N\. ble." easy. Mm "N. safe, sure. The colors are bril- ".\. liant and fadeless. It dyesto Mn any tint, 0 Maypole Soap. Seid everywhere Rees 15. for Black. 2" Liebig's Fit cure for Epllepty and Xi affections is the only successiul remedy, od | S Ee Le recommended to the afiict EPILEPS' Y. FITS, STviTUy DANCE, Telatives that do so. s aiidren or iene that 1s amictod, then send He fro tral bottle and try it. It will be sent by mail Ea y ress to paper, and give full address THE LIESIG CO. 179 King street west, Toronto. ----- PLAIN TALK Some people may scoff at the idea of selling goods below cost. Here are facts visibly understood why we ware inclined to clear our great choice stock at even a loss We wish to hold ship in latest | styles and clothing and gents' furnishings on to our leader- up-to-date Qur counters are heavily loaded with such, even the extraordinary holiday rush effected little to lighten their bur- dens. > All this mug} be replaced with fresh selections for the coming séason. No carrying over stock is our motto, Jos. SILVER. 102 PRINCESS STREET. P.S.--We have some fair samples of EF Our Goal Is ft Were. Washed and Brushed. A FRIEND'S AGT. As.Clean As Though M y Lungs New York. RICHARD CANFIELD'S GAMB- LING DEN. Music of Wagner--Movenient to Shut Down Sunday Conoerts-- Another Unfortunate Woman Shop-Lifter. ¢ , Special: Correspondence, Letter No. 1,889. New York, Jan. 15.--New York has not experienced such a thrill of hor- ror in many g day as we experiénced this week when the daily journals gave out the news that a beautiful child bad been brutally assassinated by a discharged family coachman. It was the act of an inhuman. fiend, the like of which cannot be found in the criminal calendar of the savage and brutal Comanche. The provocation was insufficient for such a terrible crime as for a fancied wrong. As far as suffering is concerned, entertaining as the parents do, a Christian belief. All is well with the little victim that this barbarian killed, but for the poor mother, so suddenly deprived of her little darling, we can only say, God help her ! The most mercifil judgment is that the perpetrator of the crime is a madman, and the proof of the crime that ean be pronounced in such a case is very evident, for immediately after killing the child he blew out his own brains. It is terrible to think by what an uncertain tenure human life is held. Lincoln was assassinated in the pres- ence of thousands. Garfield fell in the midst of a crowd, hundreds of whom would have given their life for his. McKinley in the midst of a joyous as- sembly is struck down, though sur- rounded by an ample guard; and Bow this innocent little child, in its own happy home, is brutally murdered when no help was mear.' Stra , oh wondrous strange, Here: lies the soulless clod, A moment since with us, And now with God. The translation of Captain Miles 0'- Reilly has created a very lively stir, not only among the soiled doves, but also among the great gambling hous- es, in the closing up of which' he has had the potential aid of our efficient district attorney, and this active pair hitched to a police patrol waggon, af ter breaking into a gambling house they not only seize the proprietors thereof, but they carry off all the im- { should be finished joe force had got hold of no ordinary man. He called on the courts for pro- tection; the protection that every -ci- tizen has a right to, . He offered to swear there and then that Bo gambling had been carried on for many months and that instead of be: ing persecuted as well as prosecuted he believed that an American's home was his castle, and if protection for his rights had to be maintained in that defence, he would spend if needed the last dollar he had in the world, It was a bold bluff, but the district attorney called him. That was more than Canfield could stand, so he fled to Europe, and is now looking around for some place where there is no ex- tradition. England he found rather unsafe, but it will be pretty hard if Monte Carlo is not permitted where men and women gamble for millions and suicides are mot uncommon. From resent appearances it looks as if Mr. Canfield's exile would be permanent. So our district attorney has got the rambling fraternity on the run. There is no rest for the wicked where our district attorney swings the punishing axe, for if he ever does lay his hands upon Canfield, look out for squalls. After diving down through the slpms and investigating the had character of those who should have been our protectors and to whom we give handsome salaries for the protection they afforded us, it is a genuine plea- sure to turn to the music, fine pic- tures and rare works of art, where no black scandal deforms the work. A mecting was called here two weeks ago by Walter Damrosch, a worthy son of a worthy father and the great- est expositor in America of the Wag- ner mpsic, which now has a firm hold in every opera house worthy of name throughout the world. Dr. Damrosch, our operatic leader's fhther, a great leader and eminent composer, was the man who served in the emperor's op era house, in Berlin, and who visited this country for the sole purpose of fntroducing the works of his idol to the American people. Theodore Thomas vears before the arrival of Dr. Damrosch had made some , gf Wagner's music ,a8 po pular as the music of the Ttalian school had been many years before. Considering Mr. Thomas' early work, he was very deserving of reward. He looked forward to the day, no doubt, when our magnificent opera house and he would be invited to wave the baton over the finest orchestra ever assembled in the United States. A number of in fluential German citizens desired some thing better than Theodore Thomas plements of his trade. lt may be re- membered that some years ago John Morrisey ran the biggest game that was run in the city of New York. He had a magnificent place fitted up in Saratoga and he imitated as far as Goseible the financial abundance of onte Carlo. His patrons were no bunce steerers, steamboat solicitors or dead beats. Wealthy planters from the south crowded around the tables ev- ery night and so perfect was his rule and so supreme his power that the authorities dare not lay a hand on him, and the same may be said oft New York City, for he was, hand and glove with all the. civil and criminal authorities. He compelled the demo- cratic party to nominate him for con- gress, and though opposed by as po pular and wealthy a man as August Schell and running in the most aristo cratic district in New York, he was elected by the the democracy had known for a gen- eration. The nearest approach to the -unub fing power of John has been that of Richard Canfield. His bouse is pre- and wines provided were of the seemed to think that his place was as secure from police raids as if he back- ed his door in front and behind with the Rock of Gibraltar. Now, after I have heard that old saying, 'Where there is a will there is a way," and District Attorney W. F. Jerome Was almost the first man to find out that way. For many years this gambling boanerges has snapped his fingérs in the face of all the police officials and where his power was no fellow could find out, and it became evident that the power was confined to very few, but that few occupied' the highest and he goeth, and to an- one, "Go," and "he cometh. We other, "Come," knew as well know that the majority of our police captains were all goody goodies, and do you know it is a pretty hard thing to resist the golden temptation of $1, 000 a month? But old things had passed away, and our district attor- ney swears by the big boot that all things should become new and if they did not it should not be the fault of the district attorney or of his effici ent police supporter, Captain Miles O'Reilly. One day our district attorney made a destroying raid on the palatial es- doors being closed he-broke in with force, but encountered no resistance, but while no gambling wa going on and everything around was rare and costly--fine jictures, rare vases, one little article of bric-a-brac, a vase, was valued at $1,600. The place look- ed like 5 well ordered establishmegt of no gambling; but Mr. Jerome and his assistants have every establishment they raid. So they « Bao lump Stade Yd fre After 80 foal repthes [08 SUTRES, un? plied | YOU forgot to buy a bottle m or Jt 18. screened aver] 82 vers i ashes zou, 45d | Of Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral i he doles when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with ath yout. hard 25¢.. 50c., largest majority that | eminently respectable, and the viands | very | best and free as the air. Mr. Canfield | seats in the sanhedrim. They said to | as any one wanted to tablishment of Richard Canfield. The | a gentleman of taste, but there was | poking their noses in every corner of int you._ . poin xy \ J. G. AYER GO, Lowell, Hess. could give them, so they semt for Dr. Damrosch, paying all his expenses, and in addition gave a splendid sal | ary, to which might be added a prince ly present, and landed him back in Berlin "without the cost of a dollar His son, who remained behind, soon gained the confidence of all the musi «al support of the country and he is | now engi in raising one million dollars. From present appearances the sum will be guaranteed by the open ing of the next .winter season' and from the character of thé men engng Jed in the work there is very little doubt of its success. While on the subject of amusement, 1 see that Belasco, who took Mrs. Leslie Carter on -a tour of the world, has now got a theatre of his own. He has a new star to take Mrs. Carter's place, and from the fact that he comes back to the city where a few years aco he was only employed by- Manager Palmer as a play reader, it is evi- | dent that his lines have fallen in plea- | sant places, and it will be some time | before the ery of the wolf is heard at his door. A lively movement is being made to shut down on the Sunday concerts. They have assumed such a dramatic character as to become offensive to | tie religious people of the city. On | this question the fight will be bitter in 'November next. Every man who hus a vote thionghout, the Greater w York will be carried to the elec | tion polls if they have to do it in a navigable balloon, an automobile or on the backs of the general committee | of either party. We have just received word from Wantage that Richard ( roker will be here with us at the next election, and if ke does there will be a mighty pretty fig though Rich- | ard declares that he is only here to look after his lanes and penats, but | if his friends are in trouble he will | lend them a hand beyond a doubt. A cash occurred here last week which | was absolutely mournful to the fam- {ily of the woman who got herself and | her relatives into | ble. A magnificently dressed lady | passed through several of our great | department stores, © but, after. con- stantly examining a large amount of | ae ods, the departed without®making a | purchase. In one of the large houses | she was closely watched al was de- | tected in taking a valuable article j from the counter. The young woman | who hal heen watching her, conduct | «d her to the office and _ there, on a | seer. h Leing made by a female detec: tive, quite a large quantity of goods | was found concealed in various parts of hr dress. She begged for mercy, | but the frm had suffered so much that | they handed her over to the police. Her his'and was sent for, and arriv- nz at the polie office {completely and wept like a child. She turned out to be the wife of | capitali-t with no more need of com | an ugly fashion of | mitting a crime like hers than An- drew (ainegie or John D. Rockefeller. ('n consideration the magistrate con weeping es if his heart would break. | [ had --~BROADBRIM. A Lasting benefit. kinds of medicine without relief. Two bottles of tir cure cured him completelv. ears. This coughing, it will 'not disap- has not Jed hus eomplowle.' | Be such serious tréu- broke down wealthy clued to discharge her. The husband | ting a great deal, ant often exposed paid for the goods and conducted his | to dampness. 1 bave been a great suf erring wife away from the court | ferer from piles. As a matter of fact, Don't suffer with rheumatism. Get ltion of this grand reparstion d, as aid Johnston Larmon, 080 | brought me relief from the dreadful Station, Ont. He bad rheumatism | itching, burning sensations, and, less in ope of his hips for years, use® all | than two boxes mnde a perfect and any Hall's: Rheuma- ) He | ers to benefit by mv experience. with purifier is --The Elements Have Worn _ Away Rock Waste, Revealing Lines of History. On Wells Island, one of the far-famed Thousand Island group, is a remark- able rock formation that tells the story of its origin and development in a most interesting manner. As one coaches it he becomes conscious of 'the presence of an old shore line mark- ed by 8 .xsteoatng slope 'af rounded stones, having an average diameter of six inches. "These stones are strongly cemented into a mass as unyielding as the ordinary sandstones. The cement- | ing agent is silica. Among the sands |" that fill the spaces between the stones are occasional quartz crystals. The old shore surrounds an area ap- oximating ten acres. It varies In eight from ome to six feet. Resting on the shore formation and covering much of its inclosed area is a sedimentary sandstone, varying in thickness at the shore line from a few inches to six feet. This sandstone floor is slightly inclined, so that it slopes upward very generally toward the south. The southeast portion is the highest ortion of this old shore. Here the ormation already described is dupli- cated. At the base is a well-defined shore from one to two feet high, su perimposed by sedimentary sandstone about four feet thick; then another shore formation about four feet high on which rests & comparatively fine textured sandstone, from four to six feet thick. Much 'of the exposed surface of this inclosed area shows glacial scratches, deepest where latest denuded. The vegetation of this old land form is scant, indicating a depth of soil in- sufficient to hold moisture necessary for a liberal plant growth. But the presence of many cedar stumps, two feet in diameter, shows that some time in the past, it was well covered with rock waste. Since then, however, through the agency of storm waters the rock waste has partially buried the lower portion of the shore and filled the old bed. The land bordering this "island" is stiewn with stones weathered from the old shore, those fartherest away covered by the being more or less Weather erosion slowly forming turf has under. ined the overlying sand stone which vielding to the pull of gravity, has broken off in hage blocks and fallen to the ground. This process of weathering has caused the old shore to retreat one or more rods through out its length. From this "island" the land slopes gently in all directions, the northern slope being the longest, per- haps a mile in length, the southern the shortest, about twenty rods in length Small areas of the surrounding 'mea dow' are swampy (observed in Au- gust, 1901), and here and there may be seen a boulder of transportation. The story then that these rocks tell is this : In some remote ages, here was an island with a shore covered to a considerable depth with loose stones. These by means of wave motion were worn and rounded as we find them to day. Then the island was submerged. During its subniergence those stpnes were solidified and superimposed ' by strata of sand which also became soli: dified. In time the earth forces acted in an opposite direction and the sub merged island was raised above the surface of the water. Then the con tinental glacier in its course moved --------------------EEETEE-------------- CURED OF PILES SEVEN YEARS ACO A Chronic Case of Twenty Years' Standing Cured Perman- ently by Dr. Chase's Ointment. To be relieved of the dreadful suffer ing caused by piles is a wonderful thing, but to be permanently cured is even better. Dr. Chas€'s Ointment brings relief from the very first appli- cation, and as is proven by hun such letters as the following, it cures thoroughly and permanently : Alex. McLaughlin, for thirty years a resident of Bowmanville, Ont., writes: "For twenty long years 1 suffered from itching piles, and only persons who have been troubled with that' an- anoying disease can imagine what I endured during that time. About sev- en ago | asked a druggist if he bad anything to cure me. He said that Dr. Chase's Ointment was most favor: ably spoken of, and on bis recom- mendation 1 took a box. "After three applications I felt bet- ter, and by the time 1 had used one box | was on a fair way to recovery. [ gontinued the treatment until thor- oughly cured, and I have nut suffered anv since. | am firmly convinced' that the ointment made a perfect cure. "I consi Dr. Chase's Ointment an invaluable treatment for piles. In mv case | think the cure was remarkable when you consider that I am getting up in years, and had been so long a sufferer from this disease." . John Tuttle, expressman, 107 Stuart street, Kingston, Ont., states, "Like most men who do much driving, sit- for a mumber of years, and t nearly everything I could hear of in a vain effort to get cared, but only succeeded when I used' Dr. Chase's Ointment. The first applica: t cure. | am grateful for the Tn from suffering, and desire oth- Dr. Chase's Ointment. > the label; » mC UBAN-MADE CIGARS. S. DAVIS & SONS. uality and workmanship are pro- ? EE , of our HAVANA 'Retailed at 3 for 25 cents to 3 for 50 vents. THE over it. and scratched and grooved ite surface. When the glacier retracted it left a quantity of rock waste which later supported a growth of forest trees. The rock waste also covered the lacial markings, and preserved them from the elements until the present time. But the elements have worked on the rock waste removing it grain by grain, denuding the rock floor, and revealing the lines of history that were written during the faraway age of ice. Note.-- This land form is close to the highway which extends from Thousand Island Park to Westminster Park. It borders the grounds of Gen. John B. Van Petten"s summer cottage. The Black-Lace-Mitted Grandmas. Los Angeles Herald. Lan tL you shut your eyes and see them-- eur 01d souls of long wgo 7 - Dweel KIRUUILOLICES, 8% Wu Anew Wubh ues tide Was al ils low, GLOOU VIL NMOLNErS Ul Lhe presents Licss Len every one, 1 say, Widh heir tender, Liesckiou laces ANG heir hair besurewn wilh gray, but if 1 coud gu back thurty --iorly yours ugO aud wee oul biatK-latestitted grandmas ib would be a treat LW me! them Lear, Dita old eyes and brass-bowed glasses, SUnatil Cheeks Gnd parchment ssi, iy, Awu-hauuled, black woik lsket 1 hat they Look their °° knitiin nm proaktust shawl! put on three cornered, * Siat sunbonnet, and a pair Uf old-iashioned black lace ' hall- hands Leaving knaried old fingers bare-- Ab, UU 1 could go back thirty--forty / years ago and see Dear," oid black-lace-mitted grandmas it would Le a treat Lo we! Knuckles big and brown and--ugly 7 God forbid that 1 should say, Hands deformed by tasks of beauty Hands that laid their dead away, 'Though they craved more years ol ser vice-- God forbid that 'these should be Aught but beauly"s very essence, Soul of sacredness to me ! - ©, if 1 could only go back thirty years or so, 1 know 1'd seek first the lace-mitt grandmas of the dear, dead long ago! as Crude, unlettered, bent with toiling, 1 Blunt, unskilled in tricks of speech~ Yet as good as gold of Ophir, Fit forevermore to teae All their daughters by example, 3 What the mother-heart should know--- Inspirations to devotion, . Dear old souls of long ago ! Let we take the whole world with me on my backward prip to wee Blessed, black-lace-mit grandmas that are still so dear to me! Grafting Pig Skin Globe girl having been so badly the back that the skin re- fused to heal, the surgeon conceived the idea of using the cuticle of a voung vig. A small black pig was oh tained, chloroformed imo ingensil ili tv, and brought into the 'operating room swathed in sterilized towels. The skin was Jaid on in small picoes until it covered the bare space. It was then secured by bands. This ie the first op- eration of the kind undertaken. It is not expected, however that the pig skin will grow permanently to the child, but thet natural cuticle will fin- ally push it out of the way and cover the entire wound. London A voung burned on A Weighty Monarch. Thirty-ons HRuge and exceniliag iv | strong Havana cigars is the dailv al jowanee of King Carlos of Portugel, the biggest and the fattest of a! the reigning monarchs of the old world His bulk is something colossal, He. is built on much the same lines as his maternal ther, the late King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, only he is such taller, and his face, in spite of ite bvershundance of iat. is loth comely and pleasant. Notwithstanding bis arth, he still excels in all sorts of bodily exercises and enjovs the distine tion of being the only reigning sove cessful and skilful bul! fighter. To be free from sick headache, bili- owsnest, constipation, etc., use Car: ters Little Liver Pills. Strictly vege it Is Well to Remember That SOUVENIR | _~-the largest sale. Ss. J. HORSEY. GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Branches -VANCOUVER,, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL. reign who can boast of being A suc 'se. : treatment, 50 cents at blood put up in bores containing ten davs' Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60c. a box, at all duglore or Fdmansem, Bates & Ce.. Toronte > table. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach from bile. 5 RANGES WITH AERIATED OVENS "Are made by the oldest, largest and most extensive i stove builders in Canada. Consequently they have | Uur persona) guarantee goes with | Sold by leading' dealers everywhere. | Kingston. $ 'Hamilton. | every stove. Local Agent, < Limited, rs Best ith made. Por Nand WF - machine woe i Bas 88 qual Coriceth Sik rune Mmosthly in the aeedie) 8 I Always eves in size, and always folk tengrh and Al strength. Ak pour desler for "Cartieetil® and politely, Wut Remiy, refune all subatitutes, which some clerks may ty are. "jest a goed" Vou may be dure they off lack the many on ealiont qualities of the geawise Conicell Silk ASH FOR AND BIST WON GETING Hn ~ Cortieetti Skirt Protector in of ew ween thsture. When soiled o sponge of Brush makes ft clean again, and ne damage dose. Conicolh Shirt Protector is a great favorite with faalion- athe an tut dremers MM oyou are not already & sebscribén to Cortical Home Needlework Magasios, become agw. Full information on ap- application to Corticelli Sik Co, St. Johus, P. Q, or any other Corticeih office. NOLDER 71053 SAKS BLEEDING ®:LUNGS is cured and the weak parts healed by bridge. .----1In successful use for over 28 years.-- Prepared by W. T. OwsrIDGE, HULL, ENGLAND. At all druggists, price 35 cents and 75 cents. TR0 amp TIS Ee, AIRE om-------- ' % «Your Lung Tonic has done w onders for me in stopping my cough and bleeding from the Lun gs. It certainly is a wonderful medicine. ADA FLETCHER, Lawson street, Darlington." Are an invaluable remedy for all diseases and disorders arising from Weak Heart, Worn Out Nerves or Watery Blood. They are a true heart tonic, nerve food and blood enricher, renewing Td Tt i ho as on d resto ' who a } body sud vustering. SUITE 15 Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Anmmia, General Debility, After Effects of La Grippe and all troubles arising from a run down system. 8 MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS : tre 506. par bo or 3 bexas for $1.26 at all druggists, or wil De pent on receipt of price by coon The T. KILBURN CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | ereree------ = THERE IS "BRAINS" ™ °*" "mets ate .. TONS IN DAILY USE .. = THE CANADA METAL C., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ON LS