7a ols HorH ly the families of ing parties were riots were tastefully desorated with plants and flowers and ir was very elaborate. 93% o ! the bride i was attended by a ar ™ { H ! is 2 : - Course Disapproved. and pointed to treasurer's statement. It didn't take Alderman Meek long either to shatter the ridiculous argument of Mayer Bell, and to gain t shation of several ecomservative ; and further, it didn't take bim two seconds Alderman Joseph Boomer self 10 be the shiest debater in the city council. The pity is that we baye pot more of bis kind, men who will ive of their ability to help their city # is proud of Alderman ~RIDEAU. WARD ELECTOR. se ------ Wowsinasits Of The People--What, 'They Ate Saying And Doing. Alderman J. T. White is in £ ville, Visiting friends. "] James Paul, Upper William street, ix confined to his room on account of illness. A branch of the Canadian Rubber" jon should be formed in everv city, town and village, says the Ports mouth phi { An on "Architecture as a Social Art," was given bv Prof Shortt, before Queen's Political Soi ence (lh, vesterday aftérnoon. Charles Howard, Ambebst Island wvuffering from paralysis in 4 ¢ity hotel had another stroke on Wednesday and Kittle hope is now civen for his recov. "vy. Ex-Alderman Wiliam H. Carson, the jal host of Westbrook Hotel, was 0 the city today reaewing aequain- tances. He was warmly greeted by old friends, . Morley Shurtleff has taken charge of H. F. Metealie's classes in the Busi nee college, while the last named is enzaged in auditing the books of the it y Market prices this morning were: Potatoes, 81.10 to $1.15 5 bag; fowl, Te. to We. a pair; chickens, 6c. to MWe. a pains turkeys, 12¢. a lb: pork, ee. to . a lb; butter, Me. to 2e. ab At a meeting, Wednesday nieht of the local council, C.M.B.A.. a resolu tion of condolence was adopted, ex- oressing the sympathy of the lodge to an, 4 former member. Miss Meleod, obief superintendent jor Canada of the Vitorian Order of Nurses, will be in the city on the 2th inst, and deliver an address gt the ennual nweting of the local INSPECTION ARRANGED. Army Service Corps Course Near- ing an End. Tt Bas béen arranged that the an nual inspection of No. 3 company. Army Service Corps, will take place in the armouries on Saturday might. Sist inst, by Col. Montizambert, D 0.0. In order to draw pay, every member of the company {at alien parade, and it is hoped that a credit able tern out will follow, Shrough an oversight one or two members were not given an opportun ity of gualifying in foot drill, but this oversight will be rectified Friday night when examination in carbine drill will take place. Next week will be devoted to waggon drill. Tonight will he de voted entirely to instruction in car bine drill. Last might Lieut. Col Biggar's bec ture was on the subject of "Meat." when the good and bad qualities of cattle were explamed. N Passengers. The night mail tonin from the west, pdue bere at 230 am, did not reach the city till mine o'clock this morning On account of the wreck alove Port Hope, it bad 10 go around by way of 4 Lindsay. At the junction, it was a tired Jot of passengers who disem- barbed and made y raid on the lunch room, Young ladies jumped off on 4 swowy platform in their waists, with their dainty feet displayed, gad scum ered along to get their little hily- white banls on some choice morsds of food. There was a large crowd of passengers on the train, several King sion people being among the number. The Belleville people aboard remained Jn their natural and every-day conbi tion--aslenp. Get At Them First Chance. Cooking butter, 15e. per Ib. 1 ib. tin good baking power, 10. 2 lbs. black Ceylon tea, . 1 Th pure Java ad Mocha Blend coffee, 25¢. 7 1b. pail pure Jam, 49%. At Mullin's, corner John- . ow] treet the family of the late Thomas Hog 4 The K.B.C Ramblers and Beech groves bad o practice match on Rock wood rink last might. The first nam- od team is in good shape to meet Prescott Monday night. The Pittsburg, Pa, Amateur Hockey Jeague has beem organized and will play its matches at Duquesne Gardea on Thursday nights. The teams now members gre the Guarantee Title and Trust company, Pennsylvania rail road, and the Lawrenceville Ottawa's chances of winning the Guta of the Canadian Amateur ockey league; down east, are good. Montreals are kicking over their de- frat of Saturday night at the capital, but the whole truth is that the Otea- wa bunch was superior, and won fair v . For the third time this season the champion Winnipeg Victoria hockey team, who will be in Montreal in ten days' time, to play for the Stanley cub, Were. beaten by the Winnipeg Rowing club aggregation by a score of 5 wd The match was the fiercest eve? seen on Winnipeg ice. The first semjor OHA. watch bh tween Cotnwall aml Smith's Falls took place in Cornwall last night, and resulted in § tie, each team segri one goal. "Chaucer" Elliott was" re feree. The result virtually means that Smith's Falls will win the round, as that team should be shie to beat Cornwall dn its own ire F Montreal Gusette: The Queen's MeGGill match rivals with the Montreal-Victoria game in the interest displayed, for, although the champion ship eomteénded for is not an inter provincial one, yet it ix an inter-col lege one, 'and the rivalry between the three great Canadian colleges in the line of athletics just) at present is very great. Queen's, always so confi dent of bersell in the realm of hockey, is sure to do her dtmost to defend her fancied title of supremacy, while the MeGill Bowe, stirred on by the sheeess of the football fifteen, will en deavor to win championship honor for themselves as well. The Quinte 1 hockey match in Deseronto, last might, between Picton end Deseronto, resulted in favor of the home team by 7 to 2. Referee Suth erland, Kingston, ruled players off no less than twenty-two times. Once there, were only four players on each side opposing each other. Tripping was the chief offence; notwithstanding his seberity, the referee received the commendation of the spectators, even the dear girls saying that be was all right. The Deseronto maidens can scream at a hockey match nearly as well as the Gananoque damsels do at a baseball conflict. Of course the western girls should be alepts at the s ree bh. since they live dide by side with the descendants of the warwhoop trite " Bibby's." Clothing. '* Bibby's." Anybody with money can fil a right kind of goods te fill it with people. The H. D. Bibby Co Frish herrings, haddock, 5c. Ib; saheits, salt herrings, fresh egus, cook ed Lam, 20%; head cheese, 12ic; sau sais, 12ic. J. Crawford. TE ---- FOOD vs. DRUGS. A Drug Man's Wisdom That Counts. It't 5 shrewd man who, while in the drug business, that although drugs are all right in their place, the vse of proper food will make medicine unnecessary in the majority of cpses "Tras elling through various towns," write: a drug salesman from Lancas ter, Pa', "drinking different waters to whi h | was not accustomed, wating strangely prepared meals at irregular hours. | contracted dyspepsia, accom panied by nervousness, loss of sleep and consequently Joss of energy. 1 often had the 'blues,' that indescrib ally tough feling which makes one kos on the dork side of every pic the shadows of life rath cubstance, imagine the thousand calamitids that were never in existence, and so render life almos* in esrable. Many thousands of men inlet the cicumstances would have esaried to stimulation frdm drugs or gt or. I hapgenad to read an article on Graze Nuts about a ease smilar to my oun and detcrmined to give the food a toial It agreed with we from the start ani the miserable distress that usually came after eating dud not manifest itealf when IT ate Grape Nats. | astod for this food at every bowl at which 1 and made it the principal part of the meal Ny stomach soon got so that 1 could eat any bind of rich food in conm-tion with Grare Nuts without it distressing me. My haepsia amd nervousness disapeared and life looked bright and happy one more 1 am pow weil, bealthy, happy and able to work six teen hours cut of 'the twenty-four and can sleen Like a healthy child the other eight hours My family socom tires of mushy ce. reals bat we never tire of Grape Nuts. The chiliren thrive on it and enjoy it. You may publish this if you nk it i will sncourage others to try Grape "Nuts instead of medicine or spiritaous rémedics that stimulate the system for a time but do not Heil it ep." stare with goods; but it 'takes the fore Dr. Barker 1 am indebted to A St. Germain "of your northern suburbs, who is § math Kingston, gradtared from a Kibgsten pristing 'ofits, and osce a daily " [faver in Toronto." Be has 'slo sop- plied me with a history of the 'arly days of the Kingston press. The writer himself has a preity good re collection of the old Kingston _-- er men, § Stephen Myles, of Pelicvill, bo, if alive, is now the father of the Cafidfian press. Not only is Kingston the place where the first daily paper in Ontario was start ed, but it is also the place where the first paper in Upper Canady wes started on The 3th dav of Septedn- ber, 1501, and it was named the Ga ette, fountled By Stephen Myles add Charles Kondall. Tt must have ban an oficial garette, or that an official garetts had receded, it, because the first oficial gnaette in Upper Canada was published in Kingston. The tia. rette was discontineed in 1818, "when the Kingston Cheoniclk and the King: ston Herald came into existence Among the Kingston eflitors were such well known men as Chief Justice Hagerman, Col. Cartwright, B. Bid well and the late Bishop Strachan, of the Epis-opal diocese of Toronto. The Daily News of Kingston was in existrnce in IST], when it became the preferred cohsérvative organ vnder the patronage 'of Sir John A. Macdonald; over the Iritich Whig, which had long been the favorite conservative paper; but the Whic bes over since been a Hberal organ, and the result has been tat Kingston, from an uitrs tory borough. has lwcome a liberal strong Bold. Kingston had dnee 5 newspaper too, pamed the Spectator. | am ia dodbt as to whether it was after that pajer, or up former Spe'tator publish ed in Hamilton and St Catharines, that Robert Smiley ramed his paper the Hamilton Spectator. Smiley gra dusted from a Kingston office (the Whig! and | am incline! to think it was the Kingston 'pajer he pamed his own after. The Hamilton Spectator was started as a semi-weckly in 1846, and was made a daily paper in 1850, the first west of Kingston. In 1542 the newspajers in Upper Canada might be easily counted. I re member the Evtown Packet, the Pres cott Telegraph, the Prockville Re carder, t ingston Whig and Chron icle, the Belleville Intelligencer and Chronicle, the Cobourg Star, the Pic ton Garette, the Peterboro Chronicle, the Toronto Banner. Examiner, Colon ist, Christian Guardian, Star and Mirror, The Globe was not then in existence When Dr. Barker started his Daily British Whig in the early forties he had no uncommon difficulties to oon tend with. Tt was all so different on the other side of the line. The vosta! system was yet under the control of the imperial goverpmunt, with T A. Staynor, British deputy rostmastor general, located at Quebec. Postal re- gulations were very illiberal, and the rates of postage so hich a5 to be pr, hibitory for the use of the mails, and the mails so slow as to be almost stagnant, so that publishérs bad to supply their distant subscribers by means of the drivers of stage coaches and other vehi les. The law of hbel was very strict gud burdensome, because it was the axiom that "the greater the truth the greater the libel," and pol; tical rancor was very malignant. Ap other thing, the '"'code™ was vet re cocniced by civilized men, and Dr. Barker, the first Canadian editor of a daily paper, was frequently challenged to the field of honor. The writer re members seeing Dr. Barker in those early days, and moti ing the big fur | cap with which his head was adorned He also remembers his Fitter contro versies with Dr. Stuart, the editor of the News, and hi: famous "Spring Walks," where he was wont to note all the building improvements in the Limestone City. When the first Canadian daily news paper (the Whig) made its appearance same of the American newspapers made merry over the event, pijuing the Canadians on their slowness, at tacking the postal laws of the time and comparing the backwardness of Canada with the progress, especially in the press, in the United States All of this is now changed. The tress of Canada will compare well with any press in existence in enterprise, intel § gence and tyrosraphy, and perhaps surpass most of its contemporary newspapers in the United States even. Laws have been liberalized, facilities have been mereased, support given, and it is in the van with the progress of the age. To Have A New Store. Campbell Bros, the Princess street batters and furriers, moved today in- to the store across the street next to Corbett's hardware, while their store is being rebuilt. Their old store is to be enlarged and remodelled, and when completed will he ove of the largest and most up-to-date hat and fur stores in this part of the province. Not Likely To Parade. There is not likely to be a parade of Irish societ's on March 17th. The programne ge at present sketched is to have the members of the societies attend mass in the mioming of the 17th or on the Sunday: preceding. A grand convert will He given in the opera house on the might of the 17t Meeting Of Creditors. At a meeting of ihe creditors of the Hobtein Bros, of Arden and Venna- cher, held at Toronto, 'R. Tew, 'us signee, presented a statement showing liabilities, $7008, and gesets aboat $5000. The creditors' meeting was adjourned to Montreal " Bibby's." Clothing. * Bibby's." You really cannot tell our ready mate clothing from custom-made. Suits, $15, $12.50, $12, $10, 88. The H. D. Bibby Co. Roads throughout the county lead: ing to the ¢ity are. reported bv farm- excellent i by Po Cereal Co, Battle $d ers to be in Cooked DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY] 'OUR BUSY REPORTERS. Tiilson oats. Crawford's A 'meeting of the city property com mittee was called for four o'clock this (queen s Glee and Mandolin Club, opera house, Friday night. Plen at Uglow's. Tickets 35¢. and 50c. 0 Limestone Lodge, No. ol, A0.U . meets this evening at > o'clock. Full attendance is requested. Spowtiake baking powder, pure as a falling snowflake, 1s always fresh, 25c. per b. HB Tavior. J Simeoe Islanders have bushed out. a roadway between that municipality aad the aty, across the ice. Fresh egss, fresh sausages, packed eggs, bead cheese, cooking eggs, copk od ham: 25 oranges, 2x. J. Craw ford. Potatoes. Crawford's. Extensive improvements and exten: sions will be made to the store occu pied by Campbell Bros. The work will be begun at once, Queen's Glee and Mandolin Club, opera house, Friday night. Plan at Uglow's. Tickets 35¢c. and 50c. At a monthly nweting last night of the Bicycle Club it was decided - to bold the annual "At Home" in the Whig hall early in February. Poultry was very scarce on the mar- ket to-day. From Thc. to 9c. a pair was ashed for chickens. Turkeys and geese were valued proportionately high. & . Try Tavior's Snowflake baking pow- der, 2c. per Ib. 'It is scientifically made as a chemist: alone knows how and i= always perfectly fresh Fresh eo Crawfogd's Some ers of the Army Servic in the recent examination ob obtained as high as per oent of the total Transport ninety-nine marks Chlorate potash tablets and soda mint tablets, in bottles, 5c. each. Mc Leod's drug store. The board of works should see to it that some of the huge snow banks on Princess street are removed. They ob struct the right of way and interfere with business traffic. Fresh herrin fresh butter, 20c; fresh baddock, 3c. lb; roll butter, Mic: fresh smelts, cooked ham, Ic; Snnan baddie. fresh eggs, fresh pork sausa Crawford at many citizens om the sidewalks emises. It is also a v official to see that out. duty of somse 1 wock is ca ansparent Glveerine soap, 3 cakes for We. H. B. Taylor. A great deal of freight is being han diad by the &. & P. company at pre sent. The delivery 'waggons are being worked to (heir utmost capacity in at tempt to keep abreast of the rush. Ice dealers Bave already 'staked claims" in the harbor snd are mak- ing rapid preparations for cutting and storing a supply of the congealed el ment for the forthcoming warm weath er. Hard or soit corns cured with three applications of Peck's Corn Salve, 15¢. at Wade's. Despite the heavy fall of snow, Wed- pesday morning, the K. & P. trains were not delayed. A snow plough was sent ont from Kingston and worked through to Renfrew, clearing the track. ' w Thomas McAuley has been engaged examining into the finé paints of a new gasoline motor for the past wee for pleasure vachts and giving the in ventor some points on how the motor might be improved Members of the yacht club will to morrow afternoon conduct a drivine narty to Westbrook, where dinner will be partaken oi at the Westhrook ho tel. followed hy a social hour ere the return €rip is begun. E. Newton Jory, of the Confedera tion Life Insurance company, is dis tributing one, for which thenks are offered They are the best samples of business calnders seen this year SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Inaugural Meeting--The Commit- tees Struck. The inaugural meeting of the year of the separate school board was held last evening with all members pres «ni. Rev. Father Kehoe was unani mously reelected chairman. Dr. Rvan was elected local superintendent of schools, and Alderman J. J. Behan was again elected secretary treasurer The appointment of a representative to the Board of Education was defor red until the next meeting. These com mittee were appointed : St. MaryS school-T. J. Leahy, T. Connor, A. Henley. St. Vincent Academy--Rev. Father Kehoe, W. Duffy, E. Cochrane. St. John's school--E. McFadden, J. Sowards, J. Langhern. St. Patrick's school--J. Norris, W C. McDonald, E. Mullin. Finance--J. Walker, E. McFadden, 7. x iy. - The anditors' report small surplus on hand Arrangements were made for sup fg ply substitute teachers in the ev-] ent of anv of the regular staf peg absent on adcount of illness _ . + & Nurrow Escape. Witham Graham, Portsmouth, em- ploved by the K. & M. F. company. while engaged in making pepairs to the barge Dakota, had the misiortune to slip and iall into the hold, a dis- tance of fifteen feet expected to pick him up dead, and were relieved to find that Graham had escaped with nothing more seri ous than a severe shaking up. He will be laid up for some days, as his muscles 'are very sore. ey $10 Wonders. $10. We propose to soll the best suit for £10 that M8 will buy anywhere. We're doing it. The H. DD. Bibby Co. Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes. { » handsome calendars to his friends. He has favored the Whig with showed a His companions aa oa dry potatoes, 'fit for a Baking Powder As pure as a snowflake. 'It's ® always fresh. It's always pure Care is taken to have each in- z " gredieut perfectly pure, and pro erly combined in their right pro- sjortions, as a chemist alone nows how.» It is mot put up ® in packages, and put away to de teriorate with age, but is always @® | * Snowflake ® kept perfectiy fresh "© i ® 25c. per lb. ® © Prepared and sold by - o B. TAYLOR, harmaceutical Chemist. : ® 124 obs oy "Phe 0 59. 0 Successor to E. C. Mitchell. ¢ DR. HOWARD'S SYRUP OF TAR AND "WILD CHERRY For Coughs and Colds FOR SALE BY E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST ard or. Market Square Drug Store, . Cor. King and Market Sts.. Kingston. iH. Sse JME WIFT & 50. Phone 135. 400 dur Coal Is As Clean As Though It Were Washed and Brushed. Each lump stands by . Good solid coal--so much solid . After the éurface of the earth dirt, slate, elec, really have chance, if the dealers are careful. i ¢ > OA THAT SUS, rolled cat: J. Craw . 16 No. 6, Mul 4, 2 os, cept Sunday wn 9 De -- -- ; <> = 0000006000000 000000 wards; mid S -- the mi impurities are picked out by hand. "Thereafter screeched seve: times before it ACs os and RANCH LINE TIM Trains Leave the City I of Johnston St: GOING EAST OC No. 3, Eastern Flyer .. Fast Express o Local .. .. .. GOING WEST Bo. 5. Mail .... o. 3, Fast Express .. . . Local i... o.oo o. 1, jntsrational Ltd. 7 ail .. "oa run ¢ 5, Lecal .. .. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and daily, except Monday. N 6% 1 8. 6, 1, 12, 15 and For ' Pullman accommod and all other information a hI HANLE City P Trains Leave Kis Y 12:40 p.m. Express, for { real, Quebec, St. John, ND 3oston, Toronto, Chicago, frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Du) Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat! and San Francisco. 5380 p.n.~Local- for 8S connecting with C.P.R. eas 8£:10 a.m.~Mixed, for Ren termediate points. Passengers leaving Kings sm; arrive in Ottawa at 'eterbure, 5:40 pam T m.; Boston, 7:80. am .B., 11:35 am. | Full particulars at K. & R. Ticket Office, Ontario & F. CONWAY, F. A. FO! Gen. Tass. Kt. THE BAY OF QUINT NEW SHORT LIN Tweed, Napanee, Deseronts cal points. Train leaves | ot at 4 pm. R. J. 'Wil Boh Office, fCinrence 1 BOSTON AND HALIFAX POOL, via Queent From Boston Canada, ... «. ... March Suh Canada... .. . April 2nd BOSTON TO LIVE Merion ... ... Jan. 17t PORTLAND TO LIV] Colonian, Jan. 81. ... Otto Irishman, Feb. 7. AVONMOUTH DOCK Al Califor From FPortian Manxman, Jan. 17. Turco Englishman, Feb BOSTON TO MEDITE] New England, Jan. Y wealth, Feb. 14. Cambro! Vancouver, Feb. 21 For further particulars ® 2 P. HANLEY. ( J.P. GILDERSLEIVE, - "The Dominion Line, Mol land. . .. BERMLU THE NOW FAR-FAMED with cable gommunicatior winter temperature of 65 tiful scenery and 100 x roads, bestiguarters of the and navy, is unrivalled | tiveness, reached by the | stewmers Inikana or} orty-eight hours from Ne farty ~igs SATURDAY tu wropical CRUZ, ST, isiands, includ KITT ) LUCIA, BARBADOR ST. ERARA, also afford beai 'teresting tours, all reach ships of the Quebec Stean from New Y SPEC To THE MADIANA, 6th FEBRUA) descriptive pamphlets and ing soply to A. E) BRIDG Hy New York: i Ps SIL DERSLOEVE, Kingst PHUR AHERN, Secretan ALLAN L ork TROPICS CO., Agents, HANL From St. Job» I Corinthian, Jans 17. Js Pretorian, ar . Numidian Ja. n Pe Pdrasian . 7, Fe RATES. OF PAS FIRST CABIN--Parisial Cosinthian, Pret , $50, upwards, isd CARIN -- P Other_steamers, $87:50. don, Londonderry. -- $25 THIRD CLA * ol, Perry, EI:last, Todon : thro Africa. ugh tick NEW YORK TO GI Laurentian, Jen. 24, Sar Sardinian corrics 2nd passengers ol il. nly. NLEY, Agen Rody Tp. on Berit iret esccocboossben : Substantis * Reduction : on All e WINTER € ® Crawford & | ® TAILORS and INP Poco besovve BROW Butter Scefeh, Mii Ww ---- Paces Street, 3 panos In Real Estate, » Mining an E GEO. ! 115 Brock Si