tin Strength. SANBORN, AY. AND BOSTON. ee & . Ities you canaot 'a i les ite tons eady for the needle, Se., 20¢. 'ro00f Than Ives the GAINS | Store, v. Table. he weak spots in our or bought too many enefit. > IN BEDROOM SETTS THIS WEEK. id Oak Bedroom Sett, rror, only $35 ; regular ey Birch Bedroom Sett, natural, onl 0; reg- 75. ' y $60; reg d Golden Oak Bedroom ish. Bevel Mirror, only ar price $60. lden Qak Finished Setts regular $20. ve Dumber is limited at ug Undertaker. Telephone J 47. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903. Next week we start stock taking, and in order to clear out our Lined Kid Gloves, we offer them at HALF PRICE; We keep nothing but the well known Perrin Gloves. 8 s JENKINS %; 114 PRINCESS STREET. 00000 WINTER SCHOOL FOR SINGERS. MR. A. U. BRANDER, Baritone Soloist and Teacher Boston, Mass., will conduct a ** Winter School for Singers at Kingston, during February, March and April. Term to begin January 26th, at Kingston studio, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sa- turday. . Mr. Brander can also he engaged for Song Recitals and Concerts. "hoir and choral work a specialty. Studio Golden Lion Block. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC At the Up-to-Date Music stoge, Princess street. "QUEEN'S COLLEGE SONG BOOK in paper hinding is here. Cloth binding will be ready in a few days. Add your name to the already long list of advance subscribers and secure the discount. HERE WE ARE ACAIN. Cooked meats of great variety, Pork Sausages, Tenderioins, Pure Lard, Mince Meat, Frankforts; always fresh "up to date," to be obfained at Myer's Pork Market, 60 Broek street. Also Hams and Bacon, which lead all other fancy smoked meats in eure, flavor, and appetizing appearance. Call and be convinced. hone 570. NOTICE. TO OUR REMOVAL TO 1, all outstanding accounts must be paid at once. All accounts not paid by February 2nd will be placed in solicitor's hands for collection \ A. C. JOHNSTON & BRO. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Calvin Company, Limited, will he held at the office of the 286 Company, at Garden Island, ON TUES- DAY, the 10th Day of February, 1903, at one o'clock n.m. CALVIN, SANDFORD C. NOTICE. VICTORIA WOOD YARD, EARL ST. above Barrie, - Open for business, MON- DAY. Jann 26th. Hard and soft wood, kindling, ete., for sale at lowest rie: _B. BARNEY. ARTHUR H, HOWELL, SENTING THE LONDON ollege of Music, visits Kingston Tuesday of cach week. Address Box 278, Brockville, Ont. Secretary REPR WANTED, A CHAMBERMAID APPLY HOTEL Iroquois. A FEW GIRLS. APPLY KINGSTON Hosiery Co GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, OR A nurse girl: family of three. Refer- ences. Apply to 201 Brock street RELIABLE GE "LEMEN, SALARY $12.50 ger week, guaranteed Ap- ply to W. IL. Oliver, Windsor Hotel A GOOD COOK AND HOUSEMAID References required Apply to Miss Joe; 45 King street, in the even- ng. A HOUSE, WITH EXTENSIVE FIRST oor, modern hnprovements. Send rent andl | particulars to 40 Fronte- nac street. . EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. REF- erences required. Apply between 7 and 8 p.m. rs. Francis H. Macnee, 252 King St. TEACHER. FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 4, Township of Lavant. Apply stuting salary expected Experience, Etc., to Benjamin Cameron, Flower Station. Ontario. eee ete eee. WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH locality to work for us at home during spare time. Pleasant work. Liberal pay. Imperial Company, London, Ontario. RENT, A MODERN 9 ROOM dwelling, from April 1st; also a 9 or room dwelling, modern, from May Ist. Apply to J.S.R McCann, 51 Brock St. $5 TO $10 WEEKLY, FOR A FEW hours writing in your home. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope for position to Frederick Co., : w 42nd St.. New York. AGENTS -- RESPECTABLE, ENER- getic men and women can make ex- tra good wages handling our lines Teas, Coffees and Household Special- ties. Avply at once. The Starr Co., 185 lington St.. Kingston et ett eer eet MEN, TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Short time required by free work, expert instructions, etc. MN ad vantages until comipetent. . Tools, A prowas, positions and board given gue mailed free. tes. Ca Barber College, Chicago, Jil. LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers t0 Post Themselves By. Closing forestry lecture, 7:30 p.m Queen's conversazione this evening. What is a kiss ? The microbe of ali- mony. Improve every minute and every will yield a profit. Rummage sale to-morrow at old Whig Building, King street. Attend Campbell Bros.' rebuilding sale for big bargains in furs. If vou let the grass grow under your feet it will spon grow over your grave. Trouble, like cayenne pepper, is not very agreeable in itseli, but it gives zest to other things. A woman never feels absolutely sure that her husband has loose habits until he comes home tirht Bquality is an illusion that makes a man imagine he is equal to his superiors and suncrior to his equils The thing that makes one woman love another more than anything else is to hour knnw that she is better looking More folks are eating Ouaker Oats than all other cereal foods combined. When you get your free semple try it CLOSING LECTURE OF THE FORESTRY COURSE Will begin at 7:30 instead of 8 this evening. The subject will be ¢« The Forester and Engineer," and the lecture will be profusely illustrated with lantern slides, in- cluding a number of coloured slides; from photographs of Ca- nadian river-driving scenes. CHINAWARE ! If you have not a complete Dinver Set,--One that you want for '* Dest" or special occasions--it isn't likely you'll ever have another chance to gel one so cheap as now. Handsome decorated full sets, $7; regular price, $9.50. Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and odd pieces at alluring prices, ..ROBERTSON BROS.. (GRAND OPERA OSE. MONDAY, Feb. 2nd MR. DAN. DALY and hia Company in his Great- usical Comedy Success THE NEW CLOWN BY H. M. PAULL. Prices 25c., 5Oc., 75c., $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale at Hanley's Thursday, Feb. 5th, the successful mu- sical gaiely, "THE WILD ROSE." 80 people. POPULAR CONCERT ONTARIO HALL MONDAY EVENING.. ETURN OR KILLIN-KEOUGH CONCERT COMPANY BY REQUEST. ASSISTED BY LOCAL TALENT. 25 AND 35 CENTS. WHERE [MEAT IS GHEAP ! LALONDE, BROCK STREET, Sells Cooked Ham at 25¢. a 1b; Fear- man's and Matthews' Ham and Bacon at 17c. a Ih. Everything clse in pro- portion. Give him a call 111 BROCK STREET. "PHONE 225. LOST. A 'SMALL, RED COOKER SPANIEL pup with white spot on hreast Will finder kindly leave word at this of- fice ET TEE TT A WAY OUT. Difficulty in the Venezuelan Al- fair. London, Jan. 30.-The nation is anxiously awaiting the end of the Venezuelan affair. A temporary im- passe seems to have been produced by the refusal of Great Britain, Germany and Italy to admit equality of treat ment all around, but there will pro- bably be a way out of the difficulty. No solution of this international pro blem can, however, remove the deep impression which was made when the policy of the British foreign office was first revealed to the country. The re putation of the government has been seriously damaged and, a warm time consequently is ig store for. the minis ters when parliathent meets on Febru ary 17th. May Equal Power Of Niagara. Augusta, Me., Jan. 30.--The Bangor board of trade has taken the initia tive in a movemént to utilize the im mense water power of the Penobscot river, and a company organized for the purpose will soon be chartered. The plan of the promoters involves the outlay of about 210,000,000, and it ix expected that 60,000 to 100,000 horse power will be developed, or a force al most 'equal to Niagara. Romulus Knocked Out. 10 PAY BILLS THE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN A VERY PROSPER- 0US ONE. Dates of Importance to the Retail and Wholesale Trade--Compe- tition is Said to be Very Keen --Cut out Credit Business. Montreal, Jan. 30.--The 4th of Feb ruary and the 1th of March are dates of importance to wholesale and retail houses for on those days accounts are settled for the past year. For many years the prospects of satisfactory 'settlements have not been The wholesale houses look forward to few and to comparatively few requests for ac counts to be carried over. In fact, business has gone more on a cash ba sis during the past twelve months than at any time previously in recent years. The volume of business accounted for on these two dates is enormous, as it is. "reckoning time" for outside retailers. It would be so good as now. losses, also impossible to arrive at an accurate estimate of the money paid into the wholesalers' hands, but it runs into many millions of dollars. The October sales are due for pay ment February 4th and the November, March 4th. For two years, the wholesale men have been very strict about protecting small retailers without capital, and the result has been beneficial on busi ness, reducing it generally to a cash basis, which accounts for the small number: of failures. "1 consider. that the settlements this year will be generally prompt," said Mr. Rogers, of Gault Bros.,, 'for it has been a good year with the retail dealers. It is too early as yet to give any accurate idea of the percentage." Wholesale men in other lines said practically the same. They had re ceived exceptionally few requests for an extension of time, which indicates that the paper in their hands will be met. 3 Some vears ago March 4th was a day of disaster to a percentage of the retail dealers. 1f they tided over the day, 'their credit. was good for an other year; but otherwise, it meant going under. There are many retail dealers who do business on a cash basis, who urge that the long credit system should be abdlished, as it hurts trade generally. For instance, a retailer can buy spring goods in November or December, and get four months' credit dated from April 1st, which is practically ten months' credit. The result is that many small retailers overstock and end up in bankrupt I'he business system is sixty days' credit, from the first of the month following purchase, ard its introduction would be welcom- ed by a large priportion of business men. y ER Competition has grown so keen on account of invasion of foreign goods, that many Canadian houses have now to look for new outlets for their goods. Instead of proceeding cau tiously as during the past two years, some of them are protecting retailers without. capital in order to get a sale for their goods. Conservative business men predict that next year will not soe the encouraging absence of failures that distinguished 1902, but that a good percentage of the "mushroom" businesses that now starting up, will come to grief. Wholesale men are are more confident and say that they have received few requests from retailers to be carried and that those who get what they want, are on a sufficiently solid foor ing to weather rough times. Td Look Into Matter. Jan. 30. ~The exerntive of branch of the Canadian Manufoct rors' Association has ap jointed a (ommittie to investizate the recent grants to private corpora tions of jrivileges to develop electri cal power at Niagara Falls The com mittee will probabty co operate wih Toronto, the Toronto the city in sceking municipal privi teges for the same purpose. Smallpox In Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 30.-- Health Inspector Officer Langrill has discov ered a case of small-pox, the victim teng Adam Waddell, Simcoe strect west. Wadell is fifty-two years of age and an employee Bf the Gartshore Thompson pire foundry. His house hes been quarantined, and be will be removed to a place of isolation as soon as possible. May Be Made A Judge. Winnipeg, Jan. 30.--An Indian Head, N.W.T., dispath to the Telegram ways there is good authority for the statement that among the political possibilities of the near future in the North-We t 'Territories is the resigna ticn of the premier, Hon. Mr. Haul (ain, to accept a new judgeship, which it is said is to he created in the west ---------------- Death From A Shot. lowmanville, Ont., Jan. 30. Ris coll. the thirteen year old son of Chey Rome, Jan. 30.--It is claimed that the excavations tha® Prof. Airoli is arrving out in the forum have con clusively proved that Romulus did not Rome, but that Etruscans e themselves on the Aventine before Romulus came found tablished Hill generations on the scene. + m-------- Thirteen trains of dogs, gaily decor ated with ribbons, arrived in Selkirk, on Wednesday, with thousands ef do! lars worth of furs from the Hudson's Bay company for a Norway house. Rumntage sale at old Whig building, King street, to-morrow, : a farmer living near hete, with another lad, Howard shooting at a mark when, he received 5 charge gun in his within a tor Power, in compeny Foley, wa | by sone means, | from a double barre Hed ri: ht The boy. died few hours. side ------ Sutherland's Last Big Day. Tomorrow night the big sale ends. | We have lived up to our advertise ment during the red letter sale, and | our patrons have reaped a rich bene® | fit. row, NEW LINE LOCATED. Survey of Ottawa and Belleville _ Railway. Cttawa, Ont, Jin 30.-E. J. Walsh has completed toe s.riey of the pro posed Uttawa, Dio kville and St Lawrence railway. ihe new lie as' s.r.cyed will ven through Richrodnd, Nerrickville, and other towns in Car ton county not formerly touched by any railway. The live will provide a much shortgr route to Brockville than now in dt is probable that as coon as arranfemects can Le made the work of grad.n: and construction will commence. Sir (harks Ross has informed the minister of militia that by April he expe ts to begin the manafa ture of rites for the gore nmnt at his Que bee fa tory. The marire department is about to test the valve of a life raving lelt lately invented by Henry Aylmer, ex M.P. It is of water tigit web and contains calcium carbide, which, on Leing immersid generates acetylene gas from inside the belt (0 sustain seve jal jeople in the water. The minis ter of marine has talen an active in terest-in the device and may adopt it for tre Canadian sovernment service if it proves as salisia tory as it at frst sight apf ears PLACE OF CONFINEMENT. Will Work on Behalf of Col. Lynch. ; New York, Jun 30.--A London cable cays that Col. Lynch will be re moved to Parkhuist, Isle of Wight, from Pentonville prison, whe:e he has been since his arrest The news of the commutation of the ceath sentence on Col. Lynch was not y surprise to the Irishmen of this city, but pesal s-rvitwle for life is looked upon zs a painful substitute, It was the general belief that Col. Lynch would be sentenced to exile from the king's dominions. The com mittee to devise 4 plan to secure cle mency which was appointed at the conference of leading Irish citizens at the Hoffman house, on Sunday, has decided to continue its labors. Cause Of A Murder. New, York, Jan. 30.--FEnraged at the conden n ition of Col. Lynch, Thomas Lynch, aged fifty five, of Brooklyn, in a drunken argnment, s abbed James Golden to death in front of a saloon at 343 Hamilton avenve. The argu- ment began when Lynch taunted Gold- en with the boast that he would kill fifty Englishmen for the condemnation of Lynch. The murderer was arvest ed. HAS NO RIGHT, Ontario Government Can Tssue Ferry Licenses. Toronto, Jan. 30.--For some years past R. D. Perry, Toronto, has oper ated a ferry boat from Sault Ste. Marie, OUnt., and Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, under a franchise granted by the Dominion government Last summer the Algoma Central railway began to operate a ferry on the same route, under a license granted by the Ontario government, id Perry at once brought an action "to stop it The attorney general for Ontario, find 10 TEACH EN Canada's Course A Hint To South Africa. GOOD SYSTEM IS IN VOGUE AMONG THE IN- DIANS. German Agrarians Worry a Man Into Suicide--Sousa's Band to Play at Windsor and Dublin-- A Literary M.P.'s Divorce. Loudon, Jan. 30.--A leading article in the Morning Post (conservative), dealing with the Canadian Indian, praises the Indian agents and mis sionaries, and calls the reserves an ad mirable system. The Indian himself, it says, is a hobble-dehoy among the racial types of today. This paper urges the government to apply the Canadian system to the Kaflirs, say ing that the governments first duty is to teach the Kaftin to work for him self, as the Canadians teach their Indians. Henry Norman, the author and M.P. for Wolverhampton got a divorce this afternoon from hix wile, who is the authoress of many novels. The suit was undefended. The co-respondent was Mr. Fitagerald, who is also an author Mr. Norman spent rome months in Canada once, writing it up for the Pall Mall Gazette. He is one of London's best-known journalists. Sousa's band is again to be bonor- ed by the king. His majesty had the band at Sandringham as a surprise for the queen on her birthday. All the members of the royal family were so delighted with Sousa and the per: formance of the band on that occasion that the king has commanded them to play at Windsor Castle on Saturday night, when there will be a large num ber of guests™ After playing at Cork on Tuesday next the band plays, by Lord Dudley's command, at thé vice regal function at Dublin, The Herlin correspondent of the Times says that the tragio suicide of a prominent Posen official, Herr Wil lich, casts a engular light on the so cial life of certain German elements in the province. Willich opposed the agrarian organization and refused to fight a duel with its leader, Major Von Endell who recently was accused of mal administration of funds in the local chamber of agriculture. After persecut ing and - boyeotting ich until the chancellor removed him, the Agrarians determined to wmdke his departure ignominious and tried to force him to leave the province before the official celebration of the kaiser's birthday. Willich, being of proud and sensitive nature, took the situation greatly to heart and blew cut his brains. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, A Remarkable Episode for Janu- Vary. Fran'.ville,; Ont. Jan. 30. The barns of Wesley Soper, two miles east of here, was struck by lightning and ing that the right to issue an exclu sive license was being claimed by the Dominion government intervened. 'The action was tried before Justice Street at Sault Ste. Marie, and in Toronto, in December last. Yesterday Justice Street handed out judgment sustaining the contention of the attorney general of Ontario and holding that the do wminion had no right to grant such licenses. Between fifteen and twenty ferries in Ontario will be afiected by the decision ACCUSED OF FRAUD. Trying to Secure Estate For Fam- Countess Isabella Weisxierserka Kwil eski, wile of a great Polish magnate, on tte charge of substituting a child as her own for the purpose of sieuring ker family sn o-tate of 18,000 acres. The trial will : place in Berlin and two hundred wWRnpesses have been sub poened -- Coming Events. Toronto. Jan. 30.~The conditions of four early elosing events to he given hv the Ontario Jockey Club are an nounced by Secretary W. P. Fraser. Only one, the hmg's Plate, is to be run this year. the others being the Maple leaf and Breeders' Stakes 1901, and the Stanley Produce Stakes 1906. All four will close March 2nd. Three of 'them are for Canadian breeds, and onc, the Stanley, is open. They have liberal amounts of added money, 835,250 in all. of Eulogized Marconi. Jan. 2.~In the chamber of yesterday, Signor Frascara order of ghe day eulogizing whose achievements Rome, deputies, moved the Signor Ma oni were described as conferring, fresh | glory on Italy. Signor Bottelli, in | supporting the motion, moved that ! the order should mention Marconi in connection with the names of Galileo. Ferrasis, and Paccinietti. This evoked cheers. Death Of Presbyterian Minister. Chicago, Jan. 30. --Rev. Charles S Hoyt, for nearly fifteen years pastor ! nople. of the First Presbyterian church of Oak Park, died Wednesday night of | meningitis. He was forty eight | years old. For six vears he occupied a chair in the Robert College at Constanti Attended A Banquet. Johannesburg. Jan. 30. Many Ame ricans en) Englishmen attended a Lamguet, on Tuesday, in Ronor of the kaiser's - birthday. The meet cordial | fockines were exiressetl (nm both. sides. | king was toasted Again we say, Last day to-mor- pe yeahh of {hat of the Rateet : of | {burned, last night, together with twenty one cattle and thirty hogs, al £0 nu thresher, two fexd crushers and other machinery. Loss about $2,400; insured for $800. Another Barn Burned. Sydenham, Ont., Jan. 30.--~Thomas Leonard's barn, at Hartington, was struck by lightning in the big storm which visited this section, last night, and was completely destroyed. The Cheese Market. 29. ~The cheese situ strong and unchang Montreal, Jan. ation continues ily. ed, and so far as prices go they are Berlin, Jun. 30.--A sensation has | nominal, no new business of conse been caused among the Polish and | quence being reported since the last German nobility by the arrest of | transactions noted in this column on Saturday morning. Two exporters, D. A. McPherson and James Alexander, practically control all the remaining supply there is, and having realized 13 3.8¢. already, they are not urging wales, though they could easily clear out all they have at l3ec. to 138 But they consider that it is perfectly legitimate to obtain all they can real ize for their goods, they recognize that viewing the welfaré of the market as a whole, it would be unwise to force values to an extreme figure, and they don't propose to do so, because it would be apt to have evil results after the new season opened. Regarding the situation in England, mail advices to i day contained the following signifi cant sentence: "It is satisfactory to note that in spite of the very consid erable increase in prices during the past few weeks there is no indication of any curtailment of the demand. -- -- They Were Going Home. Halifax, N.S., Jan. 30.--The West Indian liner Ocamo, which arrived here. yesterday, brought 200 time ex pired officers, sailors and mariners from the West Indies, who were imme dintely transferred to the troopship Laurentian in waiting and sailed for Liverpool. The returning sailors were from the cruisers Indefatigable, Charybdix, and Terror and bad all taken part in the blockading of Vene zuela. Don't Be Sorry Afterwards. Our red letter shoe sale will posi tively end on Saturday night. You can't save 25 p.e. discount next week, | because the sale will be over, Come to- morrow. Sutherland's. Ladies' Fur Jackets Ard men's fur coats at genuine bar gain prices. Campbell Bros'. wehuilding sale, Princess street, next to Corbett's hardware. horseradish, leeks, sa- red cabbage, fresh dug Artichokes, vory cabbage, parspips and carrots at Camoveky's, i COME TO TERMS. Touching the Wages to Be Paid Halifax, Jan.' M0 At Glace Pay, Toto, Pus, Ih Decidedly colder: spowinlly Aurties. Saturday, fair and cola. during the ra t few Weeks a I of conferences Fave taken place be tween Manger Bur hel, of the New Campi eilton Collieries Co., of Port Morien, and his men. The manage: ment agreed to give five cents per ton ebove the usual price in consideration of the men working four shifts of six hours each, in , rather poorly ventil- ated mine. Workmen deman ed ten cents jer ton extra. No agreement was really reached. Grand Secretary Moffatt, of the P.W.A., called the men out. Further attempts were made at wottlement. On Tuesday © a lengthy conference broke up, leaving matters still un eettled; very late last night an agreoment was arrived at. The men will go to work in four shifts and will recoive ten cents per ton extra in the lower levels and five cents per ton extra on the high levels. Men are now getting ready to go to work agoin and an era of greator prosperity may ve looked for at Port Moren dur ing the coming rea'on. RETALIATING POLICY. ---- Papers Urge Actiom Should The Treaty Be Rejected. St. Johns, N.F., Jan. 30.--The agi: tation in favor of a retaliatory policy against the United States, should the Bond-Hay treaty be defeated, is grow- ing in foree. The Free Press, an independent op- position journal, declares that if the treaty is rejected the government owes it to the dignity of the British colony to act promptly and decisively. It is theught that retaliatory legis lation will probably be adopted with: out meeting with opposition in either branch of the legislature, REJECTED THEM. The Sixteen Persons Will Go Back to Their Land. Halifax, N.S., Jan. 30.--Sixteen of the 200 steerage passengers who prriv- od on the Royal mail 'steamer Numi dian, on Wedncs ly, 'were rejected by the medical otfictg, of the immigration department, and owndered to be « ported owing to indications of tra choma. The United States commis wie nor also held np six passengers and the whole party, which was made up of Finns and Syrians, were marched on board the steamer by the immigra- tion guardians MAY BE APPOINTED. On The Alaska Boundry Come mission, Toronto, Ont., Jan. 30.--A Halifax despatch to the Globe it is stat. ed" there that the wha Bow commission is likely to include a Nova Scotia representative, and the name of Justice Weatherbeoe, of the supreme' court of Nova Scotia, is mentioned as the one likely to be appointed." Justice Woatherbee sorted on the Halifax fish eries commission, which sat for six months. To Present Views. Ottawa, Jan. 30.--A deputation re, presenting the Canadian Union of municipalities, will wait on the min ister of justice, next Thursday, to pre wnt their views on prospective tele phone legislation. The mayors of leading cities and towns will com prise the deputation. and alko ex Mayors Howland, 'Totonto, and Light hall, Westmount, Dies Of Lion's Bite. Winston Salem, N.C., Jan. 30.--J. J a wellknown showman, the result of the 3 ay as bite of 5 young lion some weeks azo. He was raising the animals at home. near here, snd was bitten on the arm. Blood poisoning set in, and the limb was last week amputated. The Lody will be sent to East Drady, Pa. « Captain Gannon Ousted. New York, Jan. 30. Police Captain James Gannon, formerly in command of the East Twenty second street sta tion, who was tried by Deputy Com missioner Piper last week on charges of neglect of duty for having failed to close an alleged disorderly house, was dismissed from the foree "by Commis sioner Greene, Greeting The Scotchmen. Windsor, Ont, Jen. 30. The Scotch curlers are here avd received a recep 1i6n at the Crawford house on arrival. Detroit, Sarnia, Toledo and Windsor will play this afternoon and evening at the Windsor rink. January Growth. New Califlower, wax beans, spinach, tomatoes, salafy, celery, ete, at Carnoveky"s "on the corner." THE SNAP OF THE SEASON; ON SATURDAY We are offering 100 Boxes Chocolates at *25¢. Per Box. These are our regular 30c. and 40¢.' goods. Besides our regular line of Tafly we will have two new ones. BUTTER WAFERS, PEANUT FRITTERS, Both very fine. THE WEMP PRICE CO. 288 Princess Street. Oafoon's old gtand. nag = SPECIAL § SALE TO-MORROW SATURDAY, Roman Filo and Twisted Embroidery Silks 3 SKEINS FOR 5 CENTS. May Flower Knitting t ARDIN 26th, MARRIED. * SILVER=BELL~On Janus 1 8 1903, at Westbrook, " Rev, W. Craig, of Cataraqui, M. n Sil ver, Elginburg, to Susannuh Y, third - daughter of Alex. H.& Wisthrook. . PUNT ELLE--OLINTON<At H on Jan. Tth, Edward Blake Pi to KE. Maud Clinton, Hallowell, : - : COX~HBROWN~At Bloomfigid, ann Jan, 7th, William Cox to Mary Elizabeth Brow hoth of Picton. © FRITS {At ico 4 row Jaspers ¥ 0 of wellington. Paters, both DIED. THOMPSON-~In the General H n January 80th, John Thompson Londonderry, Ireland, in bis Slghty= doughter's third year. Funeral private, - from his Bagot street, - repidence, Lowe; DAVIS--In Kingston, January Louisa A. Howard, loved w John Davis, aged eighty years eleven months. Funeral private bc 00000000000 GO0OY, Is the latest and best, in § fact they are all the best of (® their kind. Our Taffies, Marabone, etc., etc., will { satisfy the sweetest tooth, and all fresh for Saturday. & No flowers. § WATCHES. | $ Wo Aro Cutting the ries of fur Watches Rogart- | "less of Prot. | Joan) Er Gents' Solid' 14k. Gel Hunting Watch, ne Watham movement, duced from $53 to J Lady's Solid 14k Gold Hunting Watch, res duced tO... vei 0 i a} & " os Lo