Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1903, p. 3

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-- = -- 01 Nol No! Noi 8 word is used four ti o Hodgion Elli, te Dy En uion Gover jes of Sunlight a of his Unsaponified fat "; that mess » free alkali"; o 16, clothts or hana" 10 y loading mixture ™; that atom is pure soap. Means ould : know. : 208 " LR *>0-0-0-0- 00000 000000004 owflake aking Powder OO00000 STRICTLY PURE' 28¢. | PER POUND. ¢ »1d only by S . B. TAYLOR,® 'harmaceutical Chemist. 3 Princess St. Phone 59, 2 ccessor to E. C. Mitchell. -O-0-0CO000CO000000L MPOUND SYRUP Hypophosphites, 85c. a bot- , Iron and Wine, 65c. a bot- ry Webb's Chocolates -- al- fresh. EBBELS, CHEMIST and . DRUGGTST. Squaré Drug Store, r. King and Market Sts., Kingston, annel AND eynoldsville ump For Open Grates. case MES SWIFT & 00. © + 'Phone 135. 3 900900000000 00000000¢ re Washed and Brushed. lump stands by itself na hy S12 1 of Fhe fmpurities ale er i ereafter it ia screened ines before A reaches you, and alers are ue EO hax, very careful. Good - -OSy x - ght Fire attraction for every one. eery glow and immense our coal will make itseil h pleasure during the cold It's just the kind to ith, too. Let us fill your TH'S COAL. e 133, Foot of West St. NOTICE eby given the public that 'ose making it warm for ons using my Coal next Your order is solicited. WALSH, BARRACK STREET TRUISHED ROOMS. WITHOUT BOARD: ALSO board. A ear. oly 168 King street LAILY TI REL LSE | LINE TIME B4 Tralds Zoave the Gity apo, Faot of Johnston Street : GOING EAST: No. 3, Fastern Flyer .". - 2:28 AM. No 16, Local .. 'ew ei 8:18 AM. o. 6, a tt then 2:58 P.M. No. 4, Fust Express 1:17 Poa Ne. 13, Logal w sams a» 2318 P.M. No. 6, + 3d Ne. 3: © 388 AN No. 11 . 9°08 A Neo. 1, . 12:38 P.M. No. 7, Mail .. . .. 8:20 P.M. Ne 15, goal iL en dt 8:03 Pa os. 1, 3, an , run daily. daily, except Monday. a duly. No. 3 Nos. 6, 7. 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, ex- cept Sunday. or Pullman accommodation, and all other Ps oa jou, uskews J.P. BANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Cankdian Pacific Railways, v Trains Leave Kingston : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Erancisco. 580 p.m.~Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.K. east and west. 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, fo} Renfrew . termediate points. re asd in Passen leaving Kingston at 12:40 5:00 i .m.; arrive in Ottawa at p.m. etorboro, 510 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 Boston, 7:80 John, p.m. am. . N.B, 11:35 am. = i Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 5 r ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR.. Cen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. /THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- cal points. Train leaves City Hall De- ot at 4 pan. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. 'elegraph Office, Clarence street. . BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable commuaication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beau- tiful scenery and 1 roads, headquarters of the British army and pavy, is unri in its attrac- tiveness, reached > the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD 'or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York, Sail- ing every SATURDAY this winter. The tropical islands, includin SANTA ST. KITTS MARTINIQUE, teresting tours, ships oi the Quebec Steamship Cow from New York. . SPECIAL CRUISE 0 THE TROPICS PER 88. MADIANA, 6th FEBRUARY, 1908. For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sail- ing apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 390 Broadway, New York; J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. 'AR. SHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS BOSTON AND HALIFAX TO LIVER- POOL, via Queenstown. R From From Boston. Halifax Canada, . .. March 8th, March 6th Canada .. .. April 3nd. April 3rd BOSTON TO. LIVERPOOL. Mariol ... iv ss: oinisee yin use FD. PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Irishman, Feb. 7, Californian, Feb. Norseman, Feb. 21. AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL, From Portland. Englishman, Feb. 14, BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Commonwealth, Feb. 14 Vancouver, Feb. 21. New England, Feb. 28. Cam- brotian, March 12th. for further particulars apply to od, P. HANLEY, GhR. J. P. GILDERSLELVE, 42 Clarence St 2 The Dominion Line, Montreal & Port- and. ALLAN LINE From St. Joba. From Halfax Numidian Jan. 81. Feb. 2, 10 Parasian Feb. 7. Feb. 9, 106 RATES OF PASSAGE. FIRST CABIN--Parisian, $55 and up- p.m. p.m. wards; Corinthian, Pretorian and Nu- midian, $50, upwards. SECOND CABIN -- Pretorian, $40; Other steamers, $37:50. Liverpool, Lou- don, Londonderry. THIRD CLASS -- $35 and $36, Liv. erpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, and $ondos. Through tickets to South rica. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian, Jan. 24, Sardinian, Feb. 21. Sardinian carries 2nd and 8rd class passengers ony. J. P. HANLEY, Age, City Passen- wer Depot. J. P. JILDERSLEEVE, Clarence street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. rp ---- LONDON AND GLOBE mpany. Available In addition 2 or LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance Col assets, $61,187,315 which the policy ho security the unlimited liabilit the stockholders. Farm and city property ivsured at lowest possible 0 rates. re renewing ald or giving new business wet Tra m STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm bropasty. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- lars in sums from one thousand to ten thousand dollars. For ticu- lars . apply at GODWIN'S SUR- . ANOE EMPORIUM, over Express ONS. Market Sauare. TO-LET. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen street. DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, J. 8. R. MeCann, Real Estate and Insurance, 81 Brock . emt eet FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, : with d, with all modern con- veniences, at 191 University Avenue VPNDERTAKERS. HARRISON ©O., UNDERTAK- 933-385 Princess street. Quality the best. Prices the Warerooms Harrison, 91. mr. PF and el lowest. 'Phones -- Night calle--T. F. 8. S. CORBETT. FUNERAL DIREC- 281 Princes SL , Kingston STAMPS AND MARKERS. RURBER . STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, Self-Inkers, N tos, INFANT °° FEEDING. The first years of our life are the most important in our existenee, That is-the time to build the foundation for sturdy manhood in the future. In- fancy is, therefore, the most vital period for proper nourish- ing. A baby secures the best possible nourishment from a healthy mother, but unfortu- nately very. few mothers can nurse their children. What, then, is the next best food ? Cow's milk should not be solely depended upon for it lacks a proper amount of what a child needs most--cell- building substance. Moreover, it is said by authorities on the subject, that the frequent hand- ling such milk undergoes, from the cow to the time it is fed to a child, robs it of much of its original value. Its quality varies and its grades are nu: merous; the stomach of an infant is much too delicate to make up such defects in its food supply. Scott's Emulsion simplifies the food problem for children and counteracts these defects. The artificial foods that are so largely used very rarely contain milk, hence they im. perfectly 'nourish the child, Evena small amount of Scotts Emulsion, one-fourth toa half teaspoonful, inthe child'sbottle seems to be of special value in adding a very important element to the food. Its bene: ficial results are quickly seen. Scott's (Emulsion is based on this true food principle. It provides nourishment for a child in the easiest, quickest and most palatable form. No baby is too young, no stomach too delicate to receive and re- tain Scott's Emulsion. Even a few drops in a child's milk seems to provide considerable nourishment that cannot be otherwise :secured except in a mother's milk, If a mother whose milk is not furnishing a child with proper nourishment will her- self use Scott's Emulsion it will greatly improve the qual- ity of the milk. It benefits the. mother as well as the child. A child of any age will be benefitted by Scott's Emulsion. It furnisheis the means to meet and overciome the strain of growing. 'Being prepared for easy digestion Scott's Emul- sion does mot tax the stomach or disturb Lhe digestive organs of children. Its greait value as a child's food comes from the nourish- ment it gives, the ease with which it enters the system, the quickiness with which it brings abiout a change for the better ztnd the permanency of its bene fits. The child who is not doing pas well asit should needs Scott's Emulsion. We'll send tyou a sample free upon request. SCOT1I' & BOWNE, 55 Front Sti, W., Toronto. Sanitaity and Scientific Basis. Clarified milk- and cream is prepared for delivery wit'd the greatest care. Alwa, ready, always pure, sweet and palatable. Try a sample and he convinced that our product will give you more pleasure and satisfaction than you can Ret else where. 'Phone B67 yur order, or purchase from any ot our drivers twemty quart tickets a 81. Aucticin Sales. SAVE M ONEY B Y FMPLOYING WHAT'S COMING} GIBBONS WARNS OF IN- CREASE OF DIVORCES. Catholic Prelate Declares Domes- tic Altars of the Nation Are at the cathedral on "Christ, the Only Enduring Name in History and the Only True Reformer of Society," Car dinal Gibbons sounded a note of warn ing in a discussion of the growing number of divorce mills. "I'wo thousand years ago," said his eminence, "pagan Rome had all of the temporal blessings this country now enjoys. 'The wealth of the nations poured into her lap. Her empire ex tended over three continents. She far excelel us in the arts, in oratory, poetry, philosophy and hterature, and in all of the refinements of cultivated society. Her paintings and sculpture, her literary productions, are ih our models. And yet, while she was in the senith of her material splendor, she was in a state of moral and political decay. "There is a barbarism more dense than the barbarism of the savage tribes of the forest. For the children of the forest taught by the God of Na ture, adore the Great Spirit., 1 speak of a barbarism which eliminates Gad and an overruling Providence from the moral government of the world, which "fakes no account of a life to come, and of the responsibilities at tached to it. ""Lhere is a social scourge more blighting and more destructive of fam ily life than Mormonism. = It is the fearfully increasing number of "divorce mills throughout the United States. These mills, like the mills of God, ade slowly but surely grinding the do mestic altars of the nation. Husband and wife are separated: on the most flimsy pretexts. And as if the different states of the union were not sufficient ly accommodating n this respect, South Dakota has the enviable dis tinction of granting a divorce for' the mere asking of it, on the sole condi tions of a hrief her borders." sojourn within een ./ THAT OLD PAIN AGAIN. ee m-- Gnawing, Piercing Pains That Al- most Make You Scream. It is your old enemy, rheumatism. come again with the winter to torture vou. These pains, remember, are caused by bad blood, you may ease them by rubbing with liniments and outward lotions, but cannot get rid of them in that way. Rheumatism is caused by bad blood and the only certain way to drive it out of the system, is to enrich your hjood by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There is no case of rheumatism Dr. Willi ame' Pink Pills will not cure if given a fair trial. By making new, rich, red blood and strengthening the nerves they strike at the very root of such diseases as rheumatism, sciatica and Jumbago. We give. one case out of thousands to prove the truth of this statement. A. G. Lacombe, Sorel, Que., says: "For five years I was a vietim to the tortures of rheumatism At times the pains in my knees, shoul hips were ahnost past en: Often 1 could not dress my elf without assistance. 1 tried manv remedies but 1 never got more than temporary relief until T began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 used al together eight boxes, and since taking them | have not had a twinge of the trouble, and 1 feel better in every way than | did for years before. 1 would «trongly advise every rheumatic suffer: er to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." Remember that only the genuine pills will cure--imitations can't cure, therefore see that the full name 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People' is found on the wrapper around every. box- Sold by all medi- cine| dealers or sent post, paid at 60c. per box or six boxes for &2.50 by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockyille, Ont. -------- ders and durance Guelph College Exams. The results of thé Christmas exami rations at _the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, just published, show that the following students from this district have passed J. Bracken, Secley's Bay, stands first in the order of general proficien cy in first vear examinations. G. G. White, Perth, stood seventh; C. Aj Marshall, Westbrook, thirtieth, and H. Leavens, of Chisholm, Prince kd- ward, took fifty-fiith place. The latter starred in veterinary anatomy. In second year examinations J. E Melntvre, Renfrew, passed and starred in soil physics; A. S. Ferguson, Belle« ville, passed, and A. A. McCrady, Lvn, passed and starred in soil phy sics and chemistry. Bracken headed the honor list in animal husbandry, took second hon ors in daivving, third in poultry, se cond in agriculture, first in veterinary anatomy, third in botany, second in class two in chemistry, third in arith metic, and fifth in Englih He made a splendid showing. Mr. Marshall al- «0 obtained honors in animal bus- handry, dairying, poultry and chemis- try. Roger Bresnghan Weds. Toledo, 0., Feb. 4, --Roger Bresna- han, catcher of the New York Nation- al League baseball team, was married here to-day to Miss Adeline Leidke, of this city. The ceremony was performed this morning in St. Ann's Catholic church, which was thronged with friends of the couple. 3 eee All Hail, King Platt. Thoe New York aldermen who pro- posed a salute of only a hundred guns in honor of Seuator Platt deserve to le 'punished for Jese majesta. A mil lion guns woukl be none too many with which to recognize the honors of one of the greatest of the getters of the goods. ------ How He Gets It. Dick--"Do . you over get the lust word with' your wife?" Charles-- Ob, yes: but 1 have to say it to myself when I get out"on : | the street.' New York Chocolates, 50c. and 60c. U The "Queen of the le" Slowly . But Surely Being mings, gave an exhibition on the Ground. rink last Thursday. evening, in spite Baltimore, Md., "Feb. 4.-- Preaching of the iact that the sides of the rink WHI WEDNESDAY, , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. L 5 -------- 5 » Business Notes And News From Sudbury. Sudbury, Ont, Feb. 1--(To' the Editor) ; The past week has been the roughest of the winter so far. Be tween rain one day and a hte Liz sard the next, it has been very un pleasant. Miss Cum: were two inches under water. She cer tainly deserves great praise for ber graceful and clever performance. Mr. Osoli, of the wholesale grocery fiem of Hudon & Orsili, Montreal, is in town this week, going over the books of this branch of their business A representation of Swift's, Hamil ton, is also here arranging gu local branch of that business. At present they have no office or house here, but s:nd a couple of cars along the line and unload each order at the station It is believed, however, that next sum mer they will have a warchouse here John Charlton, of political fare, is here alo looking after the interests of his firm, J. & T. Charlton. They ure doing a large business in the lam ber district of Straight Lake. Johnston & Beveridge have a large contract under Charlton and are working it extensively at Pogama sing. Mw Johnston is the mayor © Parry Sound, and gnite prominent in political circles. (. Roterts, a son of Rev. Mr. Rob erts, who for years was rector of Am host Island, has accepted the posi tion of head clerk in the freight shed of the C.P.R. at this point G. Effects Of Prohibition." * Kingston, Feb. 3.--(To the Editor) At this time, when a band of zealous individuals, known as probibitionists, are clamoring at the doors of the provincial legislature for the enforce ment of an act repudiated by the peo ple, it may be of interest to recall the workings of just such an act in other Prohibition failed in Maine and Vermont, and now it'is declared a failure in New Hampshire The Springfield Republican, than Ww hich there is no more reliable newspaper in the United Rtates, says in a recent 18 states. sae "The new governor of New Hamp «hire announces the failure of prohibi tion in that state--such having been the conclusion of the republican con vention which nominated him and the legislature is expected to take steps looking to the-substitution of a high license, local-option. system ol regu lating the liquor traffic. New Hamp hire has heen even more neghgent than Maine and much more than Ver mont in enforcing the prohibitory law. 'In the Maine legislature the at tack on prohibition has been rene wed with a noteworthy accession ol strength, while the Vermont voters are soon to pass upon the question of a license substitute for the present policy. Here, in these three states, are the last strongholds of prohibition, as they were the earliest, in the whole country, and that poliey is at the moment in great danger of being driven from all of them." Ontario might well be guided by the experience of the past, but advanced so-called reformers are not likely to accept this teaching. They want to do a little experimenting the mselyves Then, #iter they have destroyed a large revenue, ruined many a legalized business, furnished a cause for the mushroom growth of dives and illieit «tills, induced men to become perjur uccepting ers and wrought many attending evils,--after all this has been"done, they will have to acknowledge the act a failure and its repeal a matter of necessity, just as all other states have one. But though the act may then be repealed, its evil effects cannot. They will long he felt, and regret will reign through out the province Above and bevond all, the cause of temperance will be sadly injured and discredited. --CALL A HALT. workings of the A Great Snap In Clothing. Prevost of the New York Clothing store, Brock street, is offering the choice of any suiting in his window, consisting of Scotch and . English tweeds, all new goods, for 815 a suit, made to order They are worth from 818 to $20 a suit. A first class fit guaranteed, ---- Come And Be Astonished. Prices decreasing; crowds increasing, at Abernethy's shoe sale. 5 linen collars for 25c., egiilar Ibe and 20c. qualities. Jenkins. A card from Boston, Mass, states that John Stevenson and Miss Amelia Church, Sweet's Corners, were war ried on January 28th, Have you used Taylor's cream for chapped hands. We are grieved to report the death of' Albert Clark, son of George Clark Miliord. He was taken suddenly ill Lettuce When baby awakens FEBRUARY 4. Group and Ae usually diseases of childhood and Towards night the hoarseness comes an gives warning of troubles that are SUDDEN AND DREADFULLY FATAL d thorcug™h treatment. anless sh» can bring re send for the doctor or even to go In results and can only be cured by prompt an on may soon for medicine, and hence jronc are the dread of every mother" MRS. ILER SAVED HER BOY'S LIFE 4t nicht with the dry, harsh, croupy coug lief to the child suffocat end all suffering, NN BABY ILER Turpentine, mother's favorite of throat and lung troubles. While bronchitis may not be so fatal in results as croup it tends chronic and appear again and agai invite consumption or pneumonia, » Ss. 'EUGENE LER, was troubled with bronchitis, would trouble. anything We complete cure. If any of to fail to bring reliél, 1 wag troubled & great caused by indicestion, and was cured Kidney-Liver Pills. I have great Remedies and can recommend them Mr. Wm. Mc 49 onto, states :-- Thereis vo that can act more promptly abrolutely, in one night. was black in the face several doses nd in the morfieg wi fectly well, and gheerful. 1 must say derful medicine." : piratory organs, size, three times as much, 6o cents, News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. The librarian of the Picton public library, Miss Hudgin, has resigned Adelbert MeGhie, Elgin, died there last week, aged forty He was a bro ther of Dr. G. H. McGhi In the municipal election in South Marysburgh W, B. Scott was elected by a majority of twenty six voles G. W. Wrightmeyer, Belleville, while loading a rifle, received rather ng injuries from the cartridge exploding Miss Fdwards, Picton, un aged maiden lady, died after an illness of several weeks' duration. - She was a niece of the late Capt. Downs An old resident of Smith's Falls, named Mrs. Martha M. Pappin, aged eventy-four years, in Brockville un der medical treatment, died on Mon day. Thomas ed postmaster at room and stead of who resigned owing health. Mr. Wadsworth, Cherry Valley, who uffered frpm an illness brought on by inhaling foul gas in a well near Des ecronto, nearly two years age, diel on H. Slush has been appoint Thomasburg in the Kdward Elliott, to enfeebled Sunday. Much grief is shown over the unex pected death of Mr-. (Dr.} Yourex, of Wellington, daughter of the late Dr Porland, M. P. Her illness was of short duration. Mrs, Terwilligar died at the home of her son, 8S. B Terwillignr, Cove Minnesota, on . January 18th, aged seyenty-nine years I'he deceased whose maiden name wa Freclove Brewer, was an native of Prince Fd ward county At the annual meeting of the Prine Fdward conservative association, the following officers were ¢ ected Presi on Tuesday, January 27th, and died on Wednesday night. a only see Costs B ALL EN & SON. Reals, Stencils, ] Che Se 5 was Olen Auctioneers, per 1b. Webbs' fine chocolates, 30c. por 1b. B. B. Taylor. PFree from hulls and black speck -- lent, James Gibson vice president, Herbert Bedell; sceretary-treasurer, 1 H. Hubbig. George O. Alcorn, K. ( M. P., gave an address o more....Qualer R QO oN {s not a mere cough mixture but a thorough ¢ aids expectoration, loosens th account of 1ts enormous sale Dp. Chase's Syrup Has Many Imitations. u buy. 25 cents a bottle ; family EDMANSON, BATES & CO., Tosonto. 11 oF Insist on seeing portrait and signature dg 444s PiC of Di. A. W.C At all dealers, or Coffee Wash Sauce Th McK EACH PACKAGE nd far reaching treatment gh ALUMIN Tea Pots Preserving Kettles Oatmeal Cookers Milk Pans Oven Pans 3 THE AMERICAN CEREAL €o., h, nutty flavor.... figure on eath package. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpe which allays inflammation of tha res- nd Absolutely cures colds and similar ailments, On of Linseed and Turpentine hase on the bottla Purest of Aluminum, We Have a Nice Assortment Including Stew Pans Pry Pans Pots Basins Pans Cake Pans Dippers' Pie Plates Coffee Percolators, ese Goods Will Never Rust or Tarnish. elvey & Bi 69 and 71 BROCK STREET. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. d the hollow, croupy chest cough h it strikes terror to mother's heart, for she knows that In most cases there is no time the wisdom of keeping at hand a bot of De, : Chase's Syrup of Linsee remed croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and all Lo bronchial tubes and lungs become diseased and King St, Truro, states :-- From an infant one of my ¢ and the the Vo could not help -him and wero grea alarmed. Hearing of Dr. Chase's 3 ol Tau and arpentine a8 & freatment for ronthiiie we used it, and ave glad to state that It offected a tha children take a cold or cough 1 give this medicine, and have never known it deal from sick headaches faith in Dr. Chase's to others." ety In my Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine, It cured my son of Croup. We gave him a dose when him instant relief. Duri ho hoking, ve him instant re \ arin, e night ge a u a ' ntine JM WARE The Finest Cooking Utensils Produced °° Every Piece Guaranteed to be Made of the Pudding Pans Bread Pans Tea Strainers In pacKages and sudden and to become n until th \ Dr. Chaw's Ave. Tor= nion Symp of reh,

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