NS, Ss U NIFORMITY, AME. ib. OREN AARON: -------------------- | ses nea c OQ 4 4 that we're t 00 parti ither are DOO » . C cee ese sere re Bs cs estes ees eects see ss eB eee eR secs eee as h . oof G E CLOTHING HOUSE, © OAK HALL. _ of op T HERE 5 WAY! 'S, YOUTHS', BOYS AND SUITS ORE ices on the piles of r 'to. be of twice its ON. don't propose to We can use the 1. "ESS STREET, 'urnisher. ford's and Redden's. i ha the M an i med toria Ni ri ace Fehr ith. to v ormerly of Picton. L Mrs. Emmons, saved from an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "J am so pleased with the results I obtained from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conpound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. * I suffered for over five years with ovarian troubles, causing an 'un- pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks -- and saved me from an operation --all my troubles had dis- appeared, and I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real, true grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines you know noth- ing about, but take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a different woman in a short time." -- Mes. LAURA Exmoxs, Walkerville, Ont. ~-- $5000 forfeit if original of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your case which you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and her ad- vice is free. No woman eyer re=- gretted writing her and she has ot a thousands. Ad dress is Lynn, Mass. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. Orangemen At Verona. Fermoy, Feb. 10.--The annnal meet ing of the county Orange Lodge of Central Frontenac met in Grang Verona, on Tuesday, February and after the transaction of bu the following officers were elect the ensuing year: W.C.M., A. Sharpe; D.C. M George Killing, Sr; C.C., Rev. Mr. Richards; recording and financial secretary, Peter Botting ; court treasurer, John Truscott; D. of C., Lorenzo Ruttan; court lecturer, George Smith; deputy lecturer, George Butterel; deputy lecturer, E. 8. God frey. Lake Opinicon Notes. Lake Opinicon, Feb. 9.--Rev. Mr. Morehouse begins special serviges this evening. H. Dansie, Elgin, will preach : next day night. The nt are | mechanic. Ho ws in and out thé all busy banking logs™ and heading. same door three times a day and his Miss Maggie Linklater entertained her work gets monotonous. The boy who young friends last Tuesday evening leaves the farm to follow some otha Miss Austin, after an extended trip line of occupation soon realizes i to relatives in New York state has re there is much more eonik rt on the turned home. Miss Metta Lindsay is farms. Moreover. alter living in the visiting friends at Sydenham. Mr 3. | cay for a short ne je ascertains Nichols, Sydenl "Mrs. RB. Nichols, { Ii®t he can make £2 in the country to di hm : he city. When he lives in the Svdenham, spent a week with her mo Sl-in te oF . eS hing ther. Mrs. H~Kenyon, North Dakota. latter place he pays for everything spent several days with her sister, but pure ar . . . Mrs. A. Darling The Frontenac people have had ' experience with toll roads, and being ; Poole's Resort Reports. a De reative people, they cling ten Poole's Resort, Feb 10.-- Mrs. Wil aciously to these time honored insti liams has returned after an extended | (tions. At the beginning of the vear, visi with her daughter, Mrs. S. A hy an overwhelming vote, they resent Guild, Mallorytown: Miss Daisy Pooled od the attempt to deprive them of the is spending a fou weeks with friends } gnejent privilege of going down into in Toronto. Mrs. Thompson, one of} ypeir pockets, for coin every time they our oklest residents, is ab leaving od a gate. The scheme presented ot hole, lose Se wil in future re | had objectio nable features and there side a exandria Bay. iss Annie : € ; s Harper, Caintown was the guest of could not he expected a fair cxpre ; Ee t ' sion of opinion. But though krentenac Murs, W. F. Andress recently. School is slow to forsake her idols, other ia closed on account. of scarlet fever 4 sunties in Ontario will do so, if giv in the adjoining section This fev en an' opportunity has claimed as its victims two of Wy thur Dickey's children. Sympat hy. is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dickey, alse to H. Turkington, whom death late Iv robbed of his youngest daughter. -- Cows That Iaid Weil Maple Lane, Feb. 10.--Damon Hart man, has real 1 for the past season. | ty by her great grand for cheese and butter at current mar | nac looks upon such a reformation as ket price, sinee closing of factory, the | little short of sacriligious. Oxford neat little sum of $4%0, or an average |county council has also been obliged of 348 per cow. The cows are well- | to consider this same question We bred Holsteins. David Boice is engag-{ say "obliged," because the people of | have demanded it. County coun ils do ed hauling timber for 'the erection a new barn in the spring. Miss Bertha | very little that they are not obliged Davison has engaged with Miss Geor- | to do. When the latter council met at gia Watts, oo sa, for a tuition in | Woodstock last week, the toll roads music, The pe social at R. Gil- | question was introduced by a cot bert"s on Pade night. under the aus- | munication from W. T. McMullen, who pices of the Ladies' Aid Society of | on behalf of J. M. Powell, of Odessa, was a decided success. G W_ | <Zorra, notified council, that he had Lucas has a fine herd of swine, eigh- | been instructed by' his client to adopt teen in number, ready for shipment. me action to compel the County of A. M. Snyder will have in a few days Oxford to purchase its toll road about 1,200 weight ready for the mar- | Councillor Buchanan at once move d a ket. Several from here attended the] resolution to pass a by-law providing annual oyster supper at Odessa last ] for the buying up of the roads He week, it being in the interest of the | declared the time had ar hen it .0.C.F. Visitors : Miss Henzy, King | was absolutely essential th «ton, John MeCov, Kingston and Mr. | roads. and Mrs. D. R . Hicks, Morven; Miss I'he provincial legislature had adopt Pertia. Smith, Morven; Mrs. Sarah ed measures to promite; the plan of Graham, Walnut Grove; Mrs. A to ' «. It was nece ver, Odessa. cary to pass such legislation as ever . other me of settling the difficulty of ---- MONTREAL STOCKS Buy Canadian Pacific Toledo Street Ry 3 Montreal Street Ry ... . 2 Toronto Street Ry i Halifax © Street Ry 105 Winnipeg Street Ry 200 160 St. John Street Rv 130 115 i. & O . ¢ Com. Cable Montreal Telegraph Rell Te lephone Twin Ci Dominion Steel pid ... .= Dominion Steel, « Montreal Power Lage 3 Nova Scotin Steel... .. 1 Dominion Coal . . 28 Monireal Cotton . am MerchantsCotton ow 69 Dominion Cotton . 50 Canada Lolored Cation G0 Montreal Bank ph Ontario Bank .. -- 000 Merchants Bank 170% Suen Bank 1s toni Bank +. 1834 Hochelaga Bank . 56% = ® So Little And S Two little to Kiss Two little One little Sweeter lips voice than chink o Ong, little mouth to Two little arms to cli thoughts, perhaps his best. Tt Daily Prayer," expr ssion is uplifting petty round of irritati duties. us to perform them w kind faces; let cheer with industry. man. "Help'us to be is, help us to play the nr '0, keep poultry. shows a lively disposi the manacles imposed e road act 1 the Ie tik tuted a petit | 1 ro purchase of Oxford have tito wand the eved der tute Frontenac w ing to fi that she tv in Ont y to exist her Te '. "The wis dog 1 Qjr Walter Scott, the bull dog terrier. POPP OPVPee Ted, 'Round me and raise me up-- Proud as the proudest king Two wondrous eyes that look Up to me lovingly One sent irom God to bring Faith in Him back to me . wee The late Robert Louis Stevenson has left behind him many beautiful of which the and in sentiment "The day returns and brings in the Help us to be Give us to go blithely on our business all this day; bring us to our rasting beds 'weary and con tent and undishonored, and grant us in the end the gift to sleep. Amen." There is something more helpful in that prayer than in the hour-long supplication of the average clergy he true, to be earnest, to be strong to be courageous. Let us say to ow selves : "I will do all that may be come a man; who dares do more is none." Stevenson's prayer recalls to mind one uttered by Queen Matilda of Denmark. Though brief in the matter of words, it contains a great tho nt! great ! And when we remember it was a queen who pleaded thus, words take on an added meaning ss At a Farmers' Ins ¢ meeting Newington last week R. H. Field, Addison, formerly of Mallorvtown gave ple id address on 'Farming ation The following rom the re exsful in Ide a man should worl Ii vo o not Jike farming, choose another occupa tion." "The nts are la for the of voung City A well kept farm do much to prohibit v your family in some sim} : ment and try and make home | the farm as attractive a pos Consult your boys in the ma ment of the farm work." "The farmer has an endless variety of work to look after, as the dairy cow. the fruit. trees, swine, horses and It is quite different with the The counties council of Leeds and Grenville has voted a. large sum of money to assist in pbuving up the toll roads there. Leeds has enough of the gates, to be sure, but Frontenac can beat her about five to one Leeds on for signed by ' \ inicipality through whi h .a toil oad ran, and pre ented to the county douncil, was sufficient to force the 'council to adopt .méans whereby the road would be purchased. Arbitra tors mat be appointed, an equitable figure for the pure hase determined and the council shall pass a by law for the the road. been sending in such pe council must now pro the provisions of the ill wake up some morn which permits toll gates FORVPPOIOTI PO POOIRH alk by the Wayside. FOR THE WHIG. 3 By a Farmer's Son. . Pocsess wen o Great. hands to hold, to hear. f gold ng following is is entitled "A and and ennobling ng concerns aha the man, help ith laughter and fulness abound the man." That manly part; to make oth tion to shake off on her fathers; prosperi Eronte had proved ruil at present con the purchase of fiftv re atepavers The people of ta is the only coun ads . * ever had," says was what is ---- understand a great many words, inso much that 1 am positive that the com munication betwixt the canine species and ourselves might be greatly enlarg ed. Camp once bit\the baker who was bringing bread to the family. 1 beat him, and explained the enormity of his offence; after which, the last moment of his life, he heard the least allusion to the story, in whatey mentioned, to never one, yt. only ils surplus existing in its . 0» . . the noted Me heen holding ley & Hunter, hay« : v for wwo two latter i= the most attractive on the platiorn He is the vounger of the t anid posse great anima n and er He t himseeli, heart and son nto work, and keeps up the in terest of the audience at all point But there are ne of his utterand that cannot be cepted by the think man. We to « t ne of ti During Oo ening, b Preaching g en heaven earth I heat honor wroanv o an confer upon a man | has no desire to utter « word n the noble ing of the cler an ut, wore sacred than any other w Fe m the tone ter, of granite with $ wr and chisel, is doing a we just as noble, just as sacred providing he does it honestly, thor oughly 1 faithfully, rejecting the tone i discovers a flaw in it, or throwing he has injured in it aside ii th any way wr its appearance or iis utility work so performed is noble and holy: in this sense, there is no work that is secular. I never found more than one clergy man who agreed with this principle. I taught him te He is well known to Kingstoniaus, is one of omy Methodism, by his annual addr the other quently the was the frome not it more general INTEREST CONTINUES. In the Crossley and Hunter Night- cleveres and brethren member him once tell had incorporated this gx 1« Montreal contere: clergymen ob stat addres afterwa n of the i way. ly Meetings. Ihe Hunter ! al CAI manifest. marked feat Though both thew a smile, by raise mg on ville, spent been very A Great Prevost of store, Brock consisting Sir Sandie Mrs. for Ottawa. interest and Mrs, Fre of Watson, in stness Quigtness and res the flashes the burlesque, ar this heese bride; we exter Jacob Dan choice of anv # ( mectings gro ar of the ev of canct dave Goodman wa n unte Ir con fant « he last have gh. M reh. Ru ling in t des on we Sn the. New Yo street, is ing in Sentech They are $18 to $20 a suit. A fi guaranteed. eet 45¢ Jenki ns. 75c¢c. Onur large =t of stiff marked « n to the goi 15¢. and The., at Jenkins'. tet red at Fleming, Queen's, tied odman, week v and tweeds, all new goods, for 815 a suit, made to order In Clothing. . ! y York Clothing ley and i the span ¥ 15 very order are meetings. at times humor border an aw Here : ° Children No other food makes them so strong and rosy. s the food that makes big men and fine women of little boys and girls. They play better, sleep better, live better, when they ¥ Wy eat Quaker Oats. At all grocers Cercta Spoon Coupon inside. study better Quaker picture on every package and the THE AMERICAN CEREAL CO. Ns PETERBOROUGH, ONT. 1 last » hin rafulatior we retury r. and mor he ars a vor the w offering his wind Eng worth from ret class fit shirt of front ng prices f left to-day the guest © er voice or tone nt was without getting up and retiring into ful solemnity falls on orshappers ho durhist corner of the room, with | Some of the revival melodies that an great appearance of distres Then. if | being introduced will probably soon be vou said, "the baker was well paid heard in our workshops and on the or 'the baker was not hurt afier all." | =U0ets ' Camp 'came forth from his hiding Mr. Hunter, last ning, expound place, capered, and barked and rejoic ed part of the Biteor th chapter of the ed. When he was unable, toward the second book of Chronic les where is end of his life, to attend me on horse sot forth a great mn al in the reign back, he used to watch for my ve |! Asa. Jie dwelt upon the statement turn, and the servant would tell him, Foi hh Feit o Lod Cais upol 'his master was coming down the hill zariah,: thug Ho) IR Xp) Ale ull oun the "wborY and nlthough [hat followed; and. today if the spin} he didnot use gesture to explain his of God comes upon a may, he i at once x for e sh meaning. Camp was never known to b oh poteer th Ruad tl Bi mistake 2, but either went out at] lat DNS was far 5 of the usels ness of Luther, Knox, Wesley, White the front to go up hill, or at the] Wd. S 1M H i I fie ; geo ! Iv o sai back to get -down to the moor-side bo Purgeon al ( 4 1 w he spirit of Go He certainly had a singular knowledge io man with lac ! Tan 3 move not only Kingston, but the of spokerf language . . - . . . world. This is what the pulpit needs ™ : ' i to-day--men 1 n whom the spir ) The Farmers' Advocate, 'in referring | i 8, on upon. : pirit of 1 God has come igher eriticism in to the existing vacancies in the sen . ate. urges Pi 1 h the pulpit is not going to save sin te, +8 hd yr & er s \ q Hy aurier, in his} 00 God pity the institution that wearch for senatorial timber, to turn h i 3 . Lends out higher crit tead of men his attention to the ranks of the ag ¢ " or of spiritual power. In 5; ol the riculturists, where he can find plenty f- firsteel ligibl : I oventh verse of the chi which o irst a % eligible material t] states "Your work sha » reward pte proj: 5 poinis oul that am Jd," he remarked that the L er : 4 are ore, yy far the most power vice done for God's \ \ ul of Ph ian interest vitally | LL ombered. Even a cup of concerned directly and indirectly in the smallest of gifts has a the doings of parliament, and hen Ho urged that gifts should b ot he a f 1 love * a the need of some level headed farmers | jor paving off church debt nd th in both houses. Quite true. There ar h LI « many agriculturists in Ontario y n would be a power for ge in the the word The Waysider fidently outs | nd me mits the name f N. Vermilyea, of th al Husting erved for twent } hers ear t county council and has |, 1 arch ne nal public' servie® The farm | Mot rs ¢ are lacking ip coopera |. ua i tion and not persistent enough in | a I i their dems Were they thoroughly | trving to work onescli ft organized their power would be hard | OF AssHrance ( to resist. The present drift of event other blessing will In the forming of he farmers' associa | after necting to wh ral hundr tions and the necessity of fin nained, there were f i trusts and greedy corpora it | for prayer. Amo t! r would appear uch roan | the Revs. Dr Anthiff, th zation a p oun | 1 bh. Laing | t. T. Mer try districts fit battersea, and 1. ( Hrown . - . . ot n. The me i Free rural mail very would be | the A : bell was bei tolled, a a great boon to the farmers,' said | v8 o Jabez Robinson, M.P., president . of ---------------------------- ; allt ridge-Caske the Patrons of Husbandry, at the an | Walltridge-Caskey. nial convention in 'Toronto fast | An unusually brilliant wedding wa week. It might not be a success hr that on Wednesday evening, «ome of the sparsely scttled district 25th, at the home of Mr. a but it should be trie: in supe of the | Robert Caskey, Tweed, when the older and thickly-settled parts of ow | «ct daughter, Jenne M., wa ountry 1 knov of nothing that | by Rev. James Binwie, to Jan would do 1 farm life | bridge, wel h. The brid ' njoy abl the voung | a silk gown, 4 of er ' wid old folks on the farm as a mail | point d'esprit and pearl trim {eli ed once a day Our farmers | and carrving a bouquet of white sho do already do y are all an es, was given aw by her father. Th vious to take yz daily paper and Keep | bridesmaid, Miss Helen N. Wallbrid in touch with the outside world. Un | ister | of the gro was tastef les get a mail at least once gowneds. in pink crepe de 1 lay the farmers cannot properly at | and carried pink roses. J, €. Cakes tend t their business. If the post | (gudent of Quer University Ti master general, instead of going back | brother of th bride assisted tl to the old syetem of the weekly mail. | groom. 1s 1s K » some vases, will only The bridal party entered to th strot b out hi hand and reach th strains of Mendelssohn's weddir farmers every day. then will they have { march, played by Miss Louie Mailot some reason believe that the title | and took position in the bay wind of Sir William was not given him ini of the parlor h was tast | tain . : C corated with w satin ribbon and Sir William) has done much fo an | gmilax. The supper table was dec a in giving us. penny postage and | og with primroses and pink amd white in placing the post office department | curnations; pink and white ribhor on a paying hasis He i carned his | hung from the cei intertwined witl title, and may hi live long to wear | gnilax, hemeath which was the bride 1 Theie are few politicians at Ut} qke. About a } dred guests w tawa who come car Ks rol of present. tnjssman ws does Sit William | "rpg bride received many valuable Mulock fut, to get bas to wl re ne presents among hich were a hand starten Undon ierkiy a day nal come set of furs from the groom. a would be a geont boon tle e iarm cheque of 8500 from her father, and 3 hg log/ene ty rly hir il Po : a set of Limoges china from her broth . ter his home = pt iny int oo cin. The groan ft to the z 4 : ni 0 it eo greg unforgot \ 1 mun ati n wi rt hn a lomlit | man was a gold headed chony. cam te orld auts ) it ie do : . ro Ee and the bridesmaid a gold watch. Ti ful if the plan could be adopted 1 : i | i . ot tne Trae it bride's going away costume wa® a ¥ » wes time ei i 1 Canada at the pre tailor-made suit of brown cloth with has been in successful ation in the i 4 hat to match United States for six years, but cor d " sd ant there, The di litions are difiere ) Black River Bridge Breezes trict operated in are not sparsely Black R i F a9 sottled as in Canada. Here, as vet, 1t sack dsiver Sirah ah, Farm he would be difficult to find ¢ larg ers are busy ¢ ny up their wood arcas densely en . pop ulate Ad to | The muni ippl He m held last Mo make the schem feasible. The cost day for councillor caused hy the : of maintenance would be so great the ignation of W. B. Scott, resulted in a the department would at once find, victory for Mr. S over 8. 8. Far but a d rington, by ity-four vote Mi ' nt ' ) i 4 ' h aha f f [1 Pw ' 1 he 1 } y I) it \ r aged n } H I \ \ "Tt is with real pleasure that I certify to the effi acy of Iron-Ox Tablets. Having been in the Retail Drug business thirty-seven years, 1 have never sold any proprietary medi cine that has given the same satisfaction to my customers, such an 'easy seller.' or has been The packa age recommends and sells itself; the Tablets 'do the rest' Every box sold makes friends for the store and sells another box. '-- JAMES E, SOMES, Pharma- cist, Terre Haute, Indiana. Iron.Ox Tablets the best cure for 50 Tablets, 25 Cents Da. Hn. tonto WORTH taking last week. talk choice for AT OUR _BIG FEBRUARY Box Calf. Vici Kid, Patent Calf and e Patent Colt Skin. Didn't imagine we hadjso many until stock- We know it's rather early to about OXFORD SHOES, but take your $1.98 SHOE SALE J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO.,™ **% ® view i eee ®e® ibibo di eo! Ladies' Fine Oxford Shoes ® $2.50, $3, $3.50. @oeze® 20% McKelvey SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALE ENAMELLED KitcHENWARE Now Going On. DISCOUNT Off Regular Prices And a Large and Varied Stock to Select From SPECIAL PRICES FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. 69 and 71 BROCK STREET. & Birch,