Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1903, p. 5

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THE FEAR OF HUMBUG revents Many People From ing a Good Medicine, Stomah troubls are il in midst « re that people are apt + wpicion on any rome ly a ro hia permanent ran sia and indigestion M msclves gn their a being humbugged, ai1Cines. his fear of being "humbugg.d carried too far, so far, in i it many people suffer for vey, ak digestion rather than i) lo time and money in fuihi ting the claims made of 4 1, mn sa reliable and unis ered) Stuart's Dysg ejpsia Tablet 8 w Stuart's Dy spepsia Tai let; tly different in ome importa t from ordinary proprietary for the reason that they peret patent medicine, wo secret of their ingredients, hut them to contain the atu estive * ferments, pure psc the digestive acids, Collen cathartic, nor do they act |. harti neither do they act powe lly on any organ, but they cur stion on the common sense ligesting the food caten thorg efoie it h time to ferment, ausn the mischief. This is 1} v secret of their succes atbartic pills never have and n re Jndigestion and tomach because they act entirely ti Is, whereas the whole trouble in the stomach, 1 ia Tablets the food. That Food not dig half digested is poison as ip cre acidity headaches, palpita: the heart, los: of flesh and appx | many other troubles which cn called by some other nan ar oll' by drug he { ere at 30 cents per package HO-O-O0-000O0O000O000000000e A Talk On Chocolates 3 people think that cl the het for I applies only to a po ocolates and choc crear fillings which will not ve after keeping a month y tively stale A of our goods HAVE YOU TRIED THE V * 40¢c. and 60c. Per Pound. Our sales are constantly OOP OOOOOOOC 4. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist. 124 Princess St. Phone 59. Successor to E. C. Mitchell. ® | Boos, SOOOOO 000000000000 Butts Cannel AND Reynoldsville Lump For Open 9090000000000 000000 Grates. JAMES SWIFT & 0.3 "Phone 135. PO0400000000 'Cosy v right Fire an attraction for every one cheery glow and immense t of our coal will make itself with pleasure during the cold ther. It's just the kind to t with, too. Let us fill your with JOTH'S COAL. hone 133, Foot of West St. : nitary and ientific Basis. ified milk and cream is' prepared livery with the greatest care ays ready, always pure, sweet and \ble. a sample and be convinced that roduct will give you more pleasure atisfaction than you can get else ne BA7 your order, or purchase any of our drivers twenty quart \ for a 3 he experimental peried as long past with the [AGI Caledonia Waters, nd for which there is no ibstitute. Sold everywhere IS YOUR AUCTIONEER . MURRAY, Jr. - rving nearly every body now in line. He bas & reputation bod sales, prompt returns and tary sotilemgots You will Ue in pocket by employing MURRAY, Jr. TRAVELLING. Colonist Excursions February 15th to April 30th To British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, Utah, Washington, Etec. For full particulars apply £0 J. P. HANLEY, AGENT, City Passenger Depot. Kingston & Fegbroke & Canad an Pacific Railways. | ---- $46.05 Kingston to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Rossland, Greenwood, Mid- way, Vancouver Victoria, New Westminster, B.C., Seattle and Ta- coma, Wash., Portland, Ore. $42.55 Kingston, to Spokane, Wash < . $43.05 Kingston to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo., Pocatello, Idaho, Ogden and Salt Lake City, | il Utah. g February 15th to April 80t vo3. Full particulars at K. & P'. and C. P R. Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR Gen. Puss. Agt Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY | NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo cal points I'rain leaves City Hall De | ot at 4 pw. R. J, WILSON, C.P.R Tolograph Oftice, Clarence street ALLAN LINE From St. John, From Halifax Mongolian, leh Feb. 16, 10 | Corinthian, Ie 23, 10 1 Prot Fe & Ma 2, 10 p.m. N uni Mar. 7, Mar. 9, 10 pa Tunisian Mar.'14, Mar. 16, 10 p.n RATE 5 Of PAS: SAGE irst Cabin Tunisia $60 and up- wards Uther steamers $00 and wup- wards Sceond Cabin, Tu ar Pretoria $0 Other stealuer & 50, Liver- pool, Loudon, Londonderry Third Class, $25 and $2¢ Liverpool Belfast, Glasgow Derry London Through tickets to South Alrica NEW YORK TO GQ LASGOW. Carthaginian, Fel , 12 noon Luurcntian, . 11 noon r HANLLEY, Age ger Depot. J. PP, Clarence street. DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS BOSTON Sup HALIFAX TO LIVER- |} OOL, via Queenstown I'rom From Boston Halifax Canada, .. . .. March 5th, March 6th Canada ... April 2nd April 3rd BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL Merion March 19th PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Otte M N M 1 In ¢ M J Murch 28 VONMUUTH DOUK AND BRISTUOI From Portland Ott mn M ) Turcoma \ i BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN Camb n. Mar 2 Wonwen Murcl \ aver, April 2nd. Ce For fur the sr part culars apply to J. P. HANLEY, G.T.R., J. P. GILDERSLELVI 2 Clarence St The Dominion Line, Montreal & Port- land. BERMUDA "" Pug Now FAR- F AME D ¥ Kener " IrLselithy New York. Sail AY this winter. "The ii every NN ncal islands. Hreluding . SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE NT. LUCIA," BARBADOES AND DEM Y.RARA, also aliord beautiful apd in- teresting tours, ail ships of the Quebec from New Ye tive "ts ing atol ro A HRIDUE & CO. / New York ag. P » Company descr DERSLEEVE, . SH R AHERN, Seeretary, Quebec ge. tp 4 DON'T HIDE THEM. i # £ Breck & Halliday, ARTHUR H: HOWEL L, REPRESENTING THE LONDON Engi « K e of Mu Box Brockv: THE DAILY MARCH 2 A GOOD SHEE Dyspersia For on yaa, | Constzatly Hungry, Mesurier, cf Aare Dare Not Eat, aad Existence Be- CHEESE FACTORIES T0 the SYNDICATED. & It is an ill wind that blows no oz good but all winds are hard on the man with weak lungs, they these colds have a way of Shilolv's nsumpiion Cure. has made its renutation by its thousands of absolute cures of chronic coughs and old colds that have hung on for months. is the most wonderful Lung Tonic of the ages. It is the remedy that is guaranteed to cure or money Y refunded. Surely it is worth a trial, is'nt it? hanging on. of Powys Liquified ing Four Poitles He Was A Rabbi's Experience, y cold and it quickly cured nie * in any wav affficted wit University Ave. Synng Sccond-class Colonist Tickets good A PRETTY CLEAN CASE femperance People Again Knife a Matter How Chronic + pockets of the patron hevse was 'owned by the Cured Bronchial Trouble. Effect was wonderful. Toronto, Ost, Independence, Towa, y bottles of your My wife was ve il with a cold on her lungs, and fond much difficulty in breathing. She took one sample bottle of your Shilah's Consumptic u Cure andthe effect was nothing she of wonderful, An improvement was app arent from the first dose, and she red before aie had finished the ile bottle, J. 0. JOSLIN, « in Canada and United States at 25cts, S0crs, $1,00 4 bortle. Zuarantee goes with every bottle, If you are not satisfied SHOULD | HAVE A BAPPY WHY THOUGHT RANGE IN MY KITCHEN ? ECAUSE It is exceptionally easy on fuel, It is beautiful looking. It wears well and bakes perfect- ly. There are more Happy Thoughts sold in Kingston than all other ranges together. Just think; ove er 1,700 have been sold in this city. This fact alone is worth your consideration il you require a new cook stove, We take old stoves. in exchange. d 71 Brock St., . IMcKELVEY. & BIRCH, = kingston ASK FOR LABATT'S ALE 'The Purest AND Most Agreeable Beverage ON THE MARKET. 4 Not Carbonated--Made From the Best of Malt and Hops. « McPAR LAND, AGENT. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE | UNSIGHTLY THAN TO SEE | Bitter Oranges, A PERSON WITH T FACE COVERED WI MRS, JOSEPH ROY, by ateam- / IS THERE ANYTHING 6 UNCOMFORTABLE AND PAINFUL THAN TO HAVE BOILS? BAD BLOOD [s the Cause of Boils and Pimples, | -- Bad Blood can be Cured by rdock Blood Bitters. Mr. Wm. O'Madlay, Malawarks, ool.) writes: --I used to-be terribly bothered with boils and pimples, caused by bad blood and run-down system. I took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it nice and ¢lear, and built up my constitution. Any person using it will never be bothered with skin | Sag MEN AND WOMEN. | nS K AT ES a pee Fiatioas or petite and can cat anythin SSIE THOMPSON » etal fl ad het nit iris ed roe bean vou SE | 10% Reduction. . of sont In plain pati} was much improved 1n H. air F alls | Ayer's Hair Vigor is the most economical preparation of its kipd on the market. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, to make the hair grow, or to restore color to gray hair. 4G. AYER C0, Lowell, Hoss. | T E 020 IN E co., Auction SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, Auctioneers. Oils for Tost it an convinced. - 'Phoile a party of from three 40 Sweet Navels, Sweet Jamaicas Soft Wood, AND Pry Kindling, ANGLIN'S Wop YARD, Foot of Wellington 88, © 2 | Strachan 8 Hardware | SHLL n THE FRONT RANKS. | won ROOMS AND ELST CLASS r MY ard, aiso table Doatd Mag be aH 2 Yen | fiery at Mrs. lireden's, Stoart St, = | , contra hn ar from. CIN avait Parks, Suilabig Earl street.

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