while Positive feels asing -digestive 1 ig Years. pgsition to her constituent of dy the prodet medicine or * vibly. create puré '18 Dy tablets cure stomach troubl. their usé give the stomach » lo 'vest and récuperate;: one t's Dyspepsia lets con post ive Siowbuis waffivien to | ains ordinary food nieat, eggs, "ete. an-of dieting is simply an ne for starvation, and the wrepared foods and new fang akfast foods simply makes worse as any dyspeptic who 1 them kngivs. - Benmets says, the only rea in imagine Shy Staart's Dy< ablets are not gniversally 5 who - is troubid vy a f stomach trouble doinbined. = 5&0 . ESTATE SALE. instructions: "to 'sell the valu- perty, consisting of two Brick Nos. "477 and 479 Princess id thé land and. buildings * in ve beitiy half an aces, known eCrea. Carriage Works! The gs are suitable for storage, wring pouliey caisipg, ete. Will ta bargain. ..R. McCANN, ock St. Grownd Floor. 133, Foot of West St. $10,000 Hit in Music. + & Sixty-cent piano piece 30 cents, §s long as supply SPECIAL Hn' for-sale, iw good orde chide or $8 oT SC B10 $4 down snd $1 per i paid." og In muse. § i Special colonist rates from Kingston daily until April 80th, as" follows : 4 J by Be RE i] i to . HANLEY, Agent, pr , > have ch which will promptly " hly digest wholesome" ood be. ood, "nerves," hirain. tidsue and . body re aw tion, * food aky nerves, "when a' ee as lenishing - - the waily d teas of the body from fermenting 'hall digested onc. vo stomach - itself wants hel, no xound; shout way either; i iceoty unmistakable assistance given hy one or twa io spepsia 'Tablets after each "SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO CANADIAN NORTH-WEST WILL LEAVE KINGSTON EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL ATS:10 AM. REDUCED RATES UNTIL APRIL 80th, 1903, COLONIST RATES xr FR TO Seattle, Vi Vancouver, Cdlotude 'Springs, 'Denver, tario St. , A. FOLGER, JR. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE"FO DeserSuto, and all lo- RR fice, Clarence street. ALLAN LINE id in drug Stores or is pro trade must be a whereas 88.8 matter of wv druggist 'who is 'observant hat Stuart's' Dyspepsia Tab- & cured "more people of indi heartburn, heart trouble, prostration' and rus-down n generally then all the pa- licines and doctors prescrip- March 14. 'March Corinthian, March "28. March 80, 10. p.m: RATES OF PASSAGE. Summnter rates -in effect April. 1st. $55 and upwards $75 and upwards Second Cabin--Liverpoof, London, Lon- 52 Other steamers $37.50 Class, $25 and $26, Liverpool, Derry, Beliast, Glasgow, London: golian, April 2. Leurentian April 16 AN classes of passengers: at low rates HANLEY, Agent, SLEEVE, Clarence strect. DOMINION UNE - STEAMSHIPS: BOSTON AND HALIFAX TO LIVER- POOL, via Quaenstows. Boston. Canada w. « . April 2nd. BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Norseman, April 4 VONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL, From Portland. BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Cambroman, March 17, Commonwealth Vancouver, April 2nd.'Cam- . P. HAN , GTR. J. P. GILBERSLEEVE, 42 Clarence St. The Dominion Line, Montmal & Port- .BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS i headqudirters of the and navy, is unrivalled forty-eight hours from New York. ing every SATURDAY this winter. pn 3T. , A, BARBADOES AND ERARA, also afford beautiful teresting tours, all reached by steam- Quebec Steamship Company d dates EMILIUS OUTER- Broadw, 4 EFVE, Kingston, Ont. UR AHERN, Seeretary, Quebec. IN THE SPRING When you repair the house, get those electric fixtures repaired? or put new ones in. We will do the thoroughly for you, « PRUNCESS STREET. Ganong's G. B. Chocolates, 50c. Put up to suit you'at _A. J. REES Up in Despair aind Neighbors Camen to See Her Die. 2 Others Had Been Benefitted, Strongly Advised the Peerless Remedy, Powley's Liquified Ozone. Almost Immediately She Began to Get Better and After Having "Taken Four Bottles Was "Entirely Cured--18 Now a Different Woman. London, Jar, 28, 1903. The Ozone Co., Limited, Taronto, Ont. Gentlemen, For ble sufferer from kidney 'trouble. I have ta great deal money in doetoring, but got no relief. My suf- fering at times would prostrate me and I was un. able todo my little housework. Itried all kinds of medi- cine, but. to no purpose. +1 have been a 3 dreadful. sufferer from Sasthma also. Many times I have been so bad my peighbors thought I would die. Iwas ran-down and was a. physical wreck. My husband --hed-given up-in despair and sboth he and myself thought I would never-get better: = Some of the attacks svere so bad that neighbors would come in. to see me die and my husband wonld opénthe window to let inthe air and watch mo, thinking I was dying. x Mr. E. W. Boyle, droggiet. advised me to try Powley's Liguified Ozone. 1 bought "a bottle and began taking it accordi to directions. 1 had not taken-it long before 1 began to ges bets ter. I have now taken Tour bottles and I am completely relieved of the asthma and have not had an attack of my.old troubles for over two months and am in perfect health. My neigh- bors. all tell me.I am a different woman, and I feel that I am, ns 1 have not had such'good health for nine yoars. I'think there is no other such medicine on earth . I know 1 should have been in vA grave but for Ozone. I recommend it to everyone I meet.and forall. ills, is find words to praise it enodgh and my husband says it is the sheapasgdootor ho can have and does not begru the money he pays for Ozono, as he gets full value.in using it. We would not be without it in eur house if it post $5 a bottle, for it is worth $5 a bottle. 1'gave a neighbor part 'of a bottle to try it and, told .him it was the only medicine that did me any good. MRS. JOSEPH WRIGHT, 768 York St., East London, Ont. A | What Mrs. Wright's Case Proves. sthma and kidney tronble are two widely different: diseases, and as & rule a remedy that would "cure. one would be entirely worthless in the oatmont of the other. ' The fact that rs. Wright was cured of both proves that each of these diseases is caused by disease germs and that Powley's Liquitied Ozone destroys disease germs wherever loedted, Send For One of Our Free Books. We have books on both Asthma and Kidney Trouble that gontain consider able information of interest and value to persons suffering from these dis- cases. We will mail either of thele books free on receipt of name and postal card now. THE OZONE CO., Limited, . Toronto, Ont. nr FENGE POSTS A nice lot of Cedar Posts for I ) 60 VARIETIES ~ ives' ° Ganong's Reliable and Famous Chocolates NOTHING BETTER Ganong's Lily Chocolates, 40c. SHINGLES S. ANGLIN & COMPANY,' Foot of Wellington Steeet. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FURNISHED CUT STONE HOUSE, No. 57 George Street. Immedinte to Mrs Ww yossession Apply Lessiie, 213 King street. over 'nine yeans I have been a- terri- { know it is a great medicine. I can't address For fear you forget write a 1 sa ER + DAY SERVICES. Mrs. Asa Gordcn Addresses Latge General Church News, ay, Rev. T. W. Savary delivered an interesting sermon wpop the subject of that period of Christ's life. immediately preceding His erucis fixion, basing his remarks og the text' "It is axpedipnt that one man should die for the people, lest the whole ha he tion. should perish. It was the rpl gious people of . that day, ssid speaker, who persecuted and crucified Christ. The Jews had long decided up: on His death; they sought to slav Him 'because of prejudice. and the fact that He worked miratles on the Sab- bath day. Peter and Judas were wit nesses against Him, being weakest when they should have been strongest, the evening Canon Macmotine based a thoughtful sermon ou the text found in Psalms ev, 4, "Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermore." The speaker dwelt upon the importance of living a Christian life, as exemplified hy the life | Christ. Christ's whole life was one' of devotion; though He was of God, yeb He spent a considerable portion of His Hife in prayer. One essential law | of Christian living is the habit' of pray. or, It may be that "al the momeit when ont is kincerest .in a desire to pray his spirit is wrestling in conflict; Satan trembles when he sees even the weakest saint on his knees, 'and as sails his" heart. Christ's . spitit, throughout His whole earthly life, was continually thwarted, vet at the close of the husiest day, when rest was al most indispensable, He found time to pour 'out prayer, which, though . il. layed, was never omitted. During the offertory, at evensohg, the choir rendered with pleasing effect and. in finished style, Dr. - Thaw, bers' beautiful composition, "Seek Ye the Lord," Miss Bailey very sweet, ly presenting the solo and obligato. Trooper Mulloy's Address. the City hall Sunday to be present at the first large Y.M.C.A. meeting, for men, held in Kingston. On the plat form were E. P. Jenkins, president cf the Y.M.C.A.; 0. Chown, ex-president; Prof. Pike, Abram Shaw, Secretary Lawrepce, and a choir of male sing ers. lt was, indeed, a grand sight, and the thrilling talk. that followed will long be remembered. Trooper Mulloy spdke for thirty minutes on "War and Ite Lessons." In South Africa the men. learned 'to obey, and under awful fire, how to be courageous. . His description of « "field engagement wav so vivid that one could almost see the flving Squad: rons' and hear the boom' of the big, ugly guns. At the close, with an: eloquence seldom listened to, Mr. Mulloy 'drew a few lessons, urging those present #0. become Christi soldiers, and took his seat amidst hearty se. Recretary Lawrence announced that Mrs. © A. Gordon, lady 'evangelist, would speak next Sunday. Mrs. Gordon's Addresses. Although the morning was very un favorable, a fair congregation asrem- bled in Brock Street Methodist church to hear MPs. Asa Gor¥8n, Ottawa. Rev. Nr. Wellwood opened the meet ing, then Mrs. Gordon sang a 'salo, "Passing Away, accompanying, her- self with the auto harp.. She took af her text Paul's words, found in Colo «ans I, 16, The subject was confecra- tion and the: leading thought, imdivi- dual esponsibility to . God, first, Le- canso He created us; second, bécalise He: redeemed us; third, that of grati- tude of heart for his mercies and; foutth, because of the blessings it brings to our lives and to ere through us. *Life' and Btémity'l Was Mrs. A. Gordon's subject at Sydettham Street Methodist church, in the @ven- ing. Life, said the speaket, is hut the vestibule to eternity; it is like ' a vapor,: a Hower. In mastetful "lan, guage Mrs. Gordon pictured the awiul state of the lost and then the'pliss of the saved. Interesting features of the service were Mrey Gordon's effective solo, I Want To Be There," and the large number of people who rose for prayer. "The pastor gave an opgortunity for membership to aay who desired. Twelve received the right hand of fel lowship, making 110 who thus far have united with the church in con nection with the evangelistie servievs. A junior league and catechemen class will be formed, over which exocelleat Cliristian ladies will be placed, Church Paragraphs. Iw Si. Mary's -catheiral yesterday high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Salmon Rev. Father McKernan preached a wery inleresting sermon'to a very large congregation, In Queen Street ethodist 'church fast evening, the solo 'The Gate of Life, or The Pilgrim's Prayer," (H. L, D'Arcy | Jaxone), was sang by J, Shea in & very aceeptable manner, Rev. Prof. Jordan preadthed to a large congregation in Convbeation Hall on Sunday afternoon. His text was Luke vii, 31, Christ's likening ' of he men of that time to childeen sit ting .in the market place. Rev. 'W. E. Stafford, B.A, of St Catharipes, preached at the morning service in Sydenham Street Methodist church, yesterday, to a very interest ed congregation. His theme was the power of #ifi and the superior power of grace; the human will in relation to salvation. A reception service was held at. the close by the pastor, Dr. Philp, when twenty-three came forward .and re ceived the right hand of fellowship. Statements were made by the pastor concerning futare work. A new -class for ladies is being organized and plac od under the care of Mm. Pike, to meet Friday at seven o'clock. "A eon. gregational school for Bible at ndy will be held each Sunday at 3 pw. in the auditorimn of the church, under the kgdership of Prof. Pike, of Queen's -- It is. expected. that this 1 Bible school will ba very largely at tended by the members of the congre. sation, The Fopworth league will hold a reunion this evening, at eight Congregations--Rev. W. Bri Stafford's Discourse in Syden< Ohvarel | +} AL the morning service. in St. James] church yesterd Mand hundreds of "men-gathered-- in Sg gr The World. : ie desk-mate and first pill be Mr. Foy. 3 Boo sailed on Saturday 1,320 branches of the "has o population ef. 13, n Galway, Ireland alone there ary 17,598 pergons who can speak nothing The. Dinorwic, Man., hotel and post offite ween, Burned. The 'hotel oven pants in their nigh clothes; « An official telegram from Ades re ports. the Sinttasiul executipmnhi the forward move in the campaign against the Mad ie ; ' Mess, {Hévt has given a $15, 000 organ ter the Methodist church of hor native city, Stamford, Ct, as a memorial to her husband, 'James , an indigent pauper, committed: from the. township i of C died in jail at Cobourg on Friday, eighty-one years. A telegram states that the (lerman: American liners: have raised the steensyre fare to 180 marks. The oiaile comes inlo-foree immediate: v ¥ we 2 Sime the opening of the traneSi- berian railroad, the population. of Siberia «hes increased fifty por cent. and towns 'ave. springing up on. all sides. b he Socialists ns u party in Vas sachtisetts have carried - some seven teens offices in the late election: In Amesbury the new party wade a com Mande Adams will not get this year the theatre; New York, Edgar Selwyn has been engaged as ber aman. ' senate pute un ban on Chistian Seleuce. healers, must bold a license from the state medical examiners before they can practice the profession of healing. ; King Bdwawt's hospital fund for London has received £4,600, a quar: tors ividenih drom the sscutition given sin egual{anount by, Lord. Mount Ste " Strathcona. Fohmwton, wo hin + sister-in-law; were th, own 'ont of their 'carriage in: . a runaway and-Miss Johnston was kill- ed, Mr. Lit was badly hurt." Miss. Alice w will he wedaed to Lord Yarmotith! at Pittsburg, Pa., on Fume 20d. Meds expected that Lord Yarmouth's parents, the Marquis and Maichioness -of Hereford, will come over forthe marriage. The number of crippled children who applied for reliei atthe New York hospitals during "the - visit of « Dr. Loren, was over 8,000; nearly all were sent away beennwo of -the inadequacy of the hospital for their care. A statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, the 'placed in vary hall at Washing ton. The t approves of the scheme 'and has recommended ihat the senate poss a bill to that effect, Al Lynh, Mase, to establish «record for rapid hs Lon ready to wear in thirteen minutes, The price is regilated by the demand. One thousand délla¥s a week han been paid for. "The: Prisoner of Zenda,' 8600 for "Secret Service," 8500. for "Trilby" and "The Little Minister," Bronchial Colds Promptly te "OF - LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. should use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin tion: been so combived with 'a half doren other ingredients im Dr. Chase's Sy- at the same time pleasant medicine. As is frequently the. case with an un- Syrup of Linsésd and Turpentine is imitated. Theres are now hosts of pre parations with names' similar to tifls, and some even goo far as to imitate the bottle and" wrapper. It therefore becomes necessary for you to be very careful when buying. Insist on Seeing the portrait and sighature of Dr. A. W. Chiase on the wra 3 We know that Dr. Chowe's Syrup of Litiseed and Turpentine will not dis: appoint you, béthuse it has stood the test of time, aud the sales, which ure at feast triple that of any similar pro paration, are steadily ificreasing year by year. " 2 As a positive eure for croup, bron- chitis, asthma, throat troubles, and re- vere cough and colds, Dr. Chase's Ny- rup of Linseed and Purpentime has a reputation which eansiot: be stolen by the cheap and oft injurious cough mix: tures which aré 'offered in place of it by some dealers, , . ven . the consumptive, who has reached the latter sages of his insidi. ous discase, finds ease and comfort in the use of this preparation, while it is impossible to estimate the countless pumber of lesw Severs cases which it | has nctoally cured, Dr. Chase's Syrup i of Linseed and Furpentine; 25 vents # 5-18.40 be. incorporated uy bus' will 'open 'her season next year ag HUT ® Emart" head from being & loader jw § fairs in this town an to tt the way the knight ata. **** pickles. The knight had a.* t this he grew with and the Goat Whig to give oe fel: a aes 0 hit hy a a John Lithgow, Chatterton, and Miss | pretty girl 0 Pret. and ree colored with a Yehaty coat. of *****; dnd when he went ho! an epiv poem about ham.' great confederate general, is to_ be | There is a Quecn--an Easto 'woman's shoes made in req! Aity opera tion. two machings and - 100" pieces. All these parts 'were - assembled - and made into 'a 'graceful - pair pl shoes There is 'no setup royalty on plays. fow plays bring léns they $100 & week, PR Ie and Chest Pains Croup, Bronthitis, Asthma, Coughs' "&iid' Colds, Yield DR. CHASE'S SPRUP There are many reasons why you seed and Turpeatine in preference to any other treatment for diseases of the throat and lungs. Of these the most important one is the fact that it has been tested for° years and absol: utely proven its right to first posi: Nearly everybody knows of dhe re tsarkable valve of turpentine mand lin- peed as remedial agents. They have rup of Linseed and Turpentine as to form a most thoroughly ellective and usdally successful #rticle, Dr. Chase's 4 +: «=H. SEE BEB. | 3 i ---- % 3 17, ~Anagram~More'n Ever. LE REL mone 'sekroe, Spirit economies tres 1 on the fre te hissed, In' rumblipg iB colle | conrvere re com Well (heh, 6f 'cotires he met her on ihe co BF. And hia angry mind; While re a Mefry scorner, Per yet not unkind. So day BY Gay' ty" Whanghs, "owien | With ire_Done doubt { For mad thy have, "oftentimes Sus -unos. |" lacki Sonshine to talk about, per, usually, hus he a of how it feels to be . Then he sat down pple of thewerowd, and the br t Mim wreaths of flowers me Some one wrote ~ Myrtle. igh 8 gh rip a iA 18. --Enigma. rn, Queen-- Who is most wondrous, so 'tis said; For with hér foot tut off, she's scen To be the King himself, . Two favniéts; Snel of 'whom has sons, resolve to from ative and 'to Jeave their to management of their wens. ' A his farm between bis sons, "John Fred, in the vatio of Als farm to Wn, B divides his farm betwen his sons, Tom ahd Jou, also inthe ratio of A's farm to B's. How does Fred's share 'of land compare with Touie Sn---- 21. «Charade. Blow, "spléy Broesds'* of Caylon, Ring, Porcelain Tower, thy bells; t Yeodo's samisens twang on; Planted, and plucked and rolled it Like many egher herb I know, It needs a to hold it. Now if you own a rare COMPLETE, ° Satsuma or Nankin, he, very sight will be a treat, 0 empty itis seen, Put one that has a hole outright-= If badly cracked 'twill do-- Remains a treasure of delight To all your irfends and' you : ~M.C.8. '22.--A Book Shell. (The books are in anagram, the ale thors by descriptive initials.) 1. WHY VALE, TY Wonderful Stacy teller, 3. LEAN ON_DOOR. by Richly Descriptive Briton. 8. PINNES EXD, by Witty, Moving Taleteller. 4. CHALE A CRIME, by A Clover Detesuva, > PINK PEDDA: hb omantic Liternr ea fa Yavin, TO WIT, Nb Charmifig Describer.. 7. MOST WEARY, by Mastartul Fichler. 8. HOBBY'S U. Sn rvel rlater pry. ~Dorothea. -- Answers. The following are the prinas 10 the first set of. this class qf puzzles which apinared in the Whig of February rd. W 1,~8456)951207(275 6912 26000 24192 11280 18087 807. 2.--Out-selling. 3.1 Lilien. 2 March. 3 Mode. 4 Clad § Drone. 6 Victor. 7 Mood. 8 Civil, 9 Libellous. 10 Clime. 11 Dove, 12 Liver. 4.~Tick, 5.1 Oberlin, Berlin. 2 Kiowa, Jowa, 3 Carson, arson; 4 Staunton, Taun- ton. 5 Yoakum, Dakum. 6 Fox, ox. 6. Calipers. 7.1 Nail. 2 Lock. 3 Koy. ¥.--Lamentable. Winners. Only. ope correct answer was receiv. that from BE. M. Wylie, city. The seizes awarded to city people 'be Neve by calling at the Yehig Office; Answeic 'and names 'of wingers will be published two. weeks after puzzles | appear. . Jenkins' Shirts. "Ibe spring shits pro-very swell, new I ------------ The De Forest wireless . telegraph dolois, mew patferns, all prices. company, of Canada, has-obtaified an Ontario charter; Two months for nature study have heen added tothe third year course |. bottle, Family size, three times as at the 0. A C much 60c. At sll dealers, or Edman- | son, Bates & Co, Toronto. Household ammonia, haii ga on bot: Ues 25c. McLeod's drug In view hy the *™ Close at 35. St be col coMPLIETE he threatened, will 1urastipal now a aa 0% us, A a SR Ad fae { $ A B AD CASE Vighe a _-- . os i ¥od Be x PRR KIDNEY TROUBLE | PILLS recommended for just ; wrives'as mine, it otcurred to me ' Ron Re adie End iat ere ov------------------------m------ WHO 15 YOUR AUCTIONFER B drial : W. MURRAY, Jr, - that He bas: AL Sefutation for ympt returns and sativinctory ts. You will be A GENEROUS KING. The Irish. Have Warm Regardj' ; for Him. : Loudon, March 9.71. W. Russelljf member, for South Tyrone, and lesdes of the land purchase movement in UF}, ster, opened on debate on the Trish} Land question at 'the National Liber:} al Chib. Judge Adams, chairman | of J the Limerick quarter sessions, who made the closing speech, said that ene result of the quarrel of centuries Was that the em had wasted the valor of Irishinen. The empire, ve er, now bad a king full of and benevolence towards? subjects, and because that their belief Irishmen to-day felt towards | towards any king since Lhe crimibling Ny ay a, James. Limerick was the scene of the last battle fought against William BI. | The treaty of peace was signed thee, tsps 1 A body supposed to be that of Geo. Hyland, wes found in Toronto v. on Sunday. Tt hax also been identified as the body of George Drew. ) Pledsant to tak stomach, soothing 7 golly J ol is prescribed instead of cod CALL AND SEE THEM. Headquarters for Trunks dnd Valises' Y King Edward as they had never folt | e, agr