to t woul he sity wo loo the di ary thatthe cit quest] venue from Bell stated | terest. one ean por : a | $246 to colloot about it about time the old systepy wus re. commit tes the advisability of substituting the i & for the present system. Aldseman i Leod pointed out that the bailiff received only $150 as such; 'the | 4 caretaker of the fuir Tt used fo cost the city £30 3 of the rr rounds le the sity is two ter to cut rewaj kd hor fas, At on with the company. The "oh th Alderman had under for along isl oH ayor 1 that repairs had cut down « earetakershi Alderman Mook a present caretaker ol Inst year; | ST : < Serie g rE f3s8s £ £3 YO & Ceri Hell's sug: ubtaib a 1 y- allen: task the ground Sowntil should Jouth in: oranting licenses There were far too many taverns iy | of them. some and he willing1o present there in existence, estimated re. , Mayor "Three new planks cut down the in- cent," remarked Alder took the ground Id ' have a vearly hom the Catara: city ig heav: interested the bridpe and the .people's representatives should have hy a to what rate of debate followed on the to the collection Meek new system of eol- ax under the old; now it took £300. He thought of claimed Aldermen Walkem and MeLeod as: sured the council that the Dnance consideration How replied for this present | moming, that ddled Could wot lation. Aller | street pax JE | nystem. : Mayor the eouncil that oxo Bull. , 'of the eom- * [lraig : : Xa credit nt 20 tiee, fo ha mites pea or: the Ip Tt dae that if the city pro- 1 "Alderman Tait took the ing was a fad. With limitless at the city's dis- to | wit to adopt a cost! b- "40 overdraw- appropria- tions without reference to the council. Mactar! lane stated, in ro- Alderman to tingencies. that it be placed the eredit of con J suggested § pointed out the necessity 'of having a competent typewritist in ty buildings. -A be for riting in connection with the of of the eity clerk, the same be met [hy 1 it off the salaries of the glerk and his assistant. a The item of $150 for a typewritjset 'was wiruck from the list of salaries end placed to the credit of contin os. a On motion of Aldermen Craty and Leod the item of $35, the salary of a chimney viewer, was struck from the lint! of salaries and placed to the cred it of eontingencies. Bin Deinted out hat according to by-law, tl imney viewer should be paying the city, not | the reverse, as at present. I -- ------------ THE CURFEW BELL. ; -------- It 'is Not Giving Satisfaétion -- Seeking to Have it Improved. [At the meeting .of council on' the 2nd inst., Alderman Meek presented a resolution, asking the chief of police dor a report as to the effectiveness of 'the enrfew bylaw. At last night's meeting Chiel Baillie reported as. fol- "With our limited force it is im: ! icable to have the men leave their heats to escort boys home who ; may be found on the streéls after the 'rings. At a great inconvenience children, ver, have at different times heen taken home, but almost in- variably the police have been abused for their irauble by the parents, or informed t the Shildren were on Messages, or some other: excuse given for their presence on the street. I think if we had power to brine bovs down to the city buildings who are Hound running at large on the streets after the curfew rings, and to detain thom there until taken away by the parents, it would have a much bet: ter effect, and parents would be mors likely to look after their children, es- pecially if a was i | where the parents were at fault for the pres: enve of their children on the streets." Ald Meek and Kent moved; "That the report of the chief of po- dice be referred to the city solicitor, with roquest that he advise upon the widdom of amending the curfew by-law, in accordanco with the report of the chief of police." Alderman Mowat put himsel on re- cord as being opposed to any such re. ulation. ---------- ESTABLISHED A PRSCEDENT. : ------ By Saddling the City With the Cost of the Deputations. Al last night's meeting of the city council a communication was present: od from the city engineer and city solicitor; re the result of their trip to Ottawa, regarding the Montreal street subway matter, The railway commit- tee refused to open the matter, and upon. request of the county's counsel J, McD. Mowat, had saddled the cost of the deputations upon the city, "Mr. Osler stated to the committee that. the Toll Road company was will- ing that the company's offer to the city. to macadamize the subwav and approaches, and to maintain; them af- Aerwards, should be incorporated ii the! order of the railway ittee, and Mr. Blair stated he would diveet that to be dove. The committee thus, as tg the Toll Road company, did what the eity had already asked the committee to do, which the committen had refused to do and had muloted. the city for asking the committee to do. 1 have enquired of gentlémen fa- miliar with the practite of the rail- wav committee for vears; and they in- we that within their experi ence the cominittee had never ordered eosts in connection with any applica: tion to it." Early Canadian Experiences, Rev. William Wye Sniith has an in- loresting sketoh of early conditions ih Ontario in a revent number of . {Svottish American. One. thing he says is: CA) told me, only this en she was a gid, living in Kingston, Ont., the farmers from. the * 'back townships' would come in, with a rack on their ox- sleds, full frozen 'carcasses' of mutton, for sale at a dollar a-piece." Beware Of Tha grippe, which is very had this Avoid it: by the immediate use eq orin"s Wine «© phates: This ion i led for lung dis- nd that paving t the fire in yeste to the fiving & visiting team their 1 yet the spectators behave teams. to put al rink recently. mark on the wee, if President Robe cape. 0, Toronto, Toronto, tion of perfection { / ---------- % Sport In General. The Montreal | Shamrock the C.L.A. The Kingston curlirs on cold weather for a week, could beat Paris. final match," incapably filling place of a better team. The A. C. team hy 5 to 0. badly used ap ers, and heincked him sonseloss. Toronto Telegram : Father | neaving his championship title: of "Badger" bad to beat. ference to Dr. Clark of the O.H.A. ture as a hiss, wont to issue Horn edifice. gram should practice sound in, unison. which sounds this these players as Juhior hockey team : tre, Carreth, 'Varsity; rover; [Upper Canada College; Williams, Kingston; son, Marlbhoros, The time was w ists were faster O.H.A. ranks, obvious. tario very fast a small could defeat those mack faster. now the rinks in' thie. Th junior are faster was ten yoars ' 0. lengthening of the up. Most Penetrating. most penetrating liniment on the A inflammation, ia, and lumbago, ade's. es / COLLEGE PROFESSORS Talk Of Foods. one of the leading universities. ley to prepare the starchy part digestible and nutritious. first and a scientist afterward that 'such foods could be made instead of by! boiling in water, bahics or powerful rebuilding element ple to stone bhschall umpires, cause their team didn't win, and to hiss and hoot at hockey referecs for took 'great a iingston over # of Bellevills a spectator. vould fever occur in City of righteousness. i de- or. ays Wa match at the bleacherite with hii a while there was « eh Sh maa Sc e bre ta iceman on the gl el effort to locatd the cowardly misereant, but without iad under Sosa, a he had wormed his way los: into crowd.' i The Sdvisatility of clos: om oh Tet Sho thi oon McLeod [Ving in Toronto ! But after all, there that the $150 set apart as [1% no need for wonder. Tt is a very of a typewritist be placed to [common occurrence for Toronto pep! bos due! ere an assault takes place on the Toronto rink, with its boarded sides Kingston has no boarded sides, anid with more dignity and respect to visiting The OHI. took the trouble hack rk Kingston Now the Kastern On: tario hockeyvists will eagerly await to far rtson and Secre- tary Buchanan will call a meeting and Jota a resolution of censure tho Toronto risk, whose authorities and police allowed 'the offender to es on how thou hast fallen from thy false posi: lacrosse chub will oppose the Ottawa proposi- tion to allow professionals to play in after waiting same discouraged, and ordered the rink closed for the season. Toronto Marlboros declared last week that Belleville hockey team Therciore Bellevills can beat Marlboros, and so the latter admit they had no right to be in the the Bankers' team are champions of the Pittsburg, Pa.; hockey league. the final match they defeated the P. Reyner was and had to retire. Hamilton hit Howard, of the Bank- In "Celtic Badger," O'Gormans dog, is rapid The reverend gentleman - is reported to Jove, cab for ihe best bitch in Great Dritain, and if this venture materializes as well as the purchase they will make a team The Toronto Telegram's sarcastic re: shows very bad taste, coming Trom the official 'organ It is of the same na- were forth. from the Tin 'he Star and the Tele- snake ereo Schooley, of Toronto, picks the best all-Ontario Goal, Macedon. nell, Kingston; point, Corbeau, Pene- tang; cover, Brown; Marlboros; con- Morgan, g right wing, left wing, Ander n Eastern hockev- the teams and the reason was Most of the rinks in On- were of, small dimensions, and 4 skating was not only im- possible, but it was not required. .On rink, a feat of fair speed in But s Ontario are being built larger, and speedier players are the result, Kingston is an example of ' Beechigroves to-day than Queen's senior team The further ingston rink will add to the speed of the younger hoe keyists,. who ate continually springing Give them lots of roomt on the ice, and they'll skate like 'the wind, The quickest soother of pain, and mar "> ket to-day, is Smith's White Liniment: itive cure for Apraing, swellings, umatism, Big bottle, 25¢ at The New York papers recently 'con: tained gu long account of the so-called discovery of a celebrated professor in The "discovery" related to' a new and sue. cessful way of treating wheat and bar- by dry baking, so it would he made more Thereupon Prof. Livingstone commenting on the discovery of the other professor says, "A discoverer whey was a business mun found more digestible when cooked with dry heat and has already placed on the market "he food which he discovered prior to Dr * This refers to Grape:Nuts, the' most scientifically made. food known, FGrupe-Nuts pan he easily digested by anyone with a weak sto- mach and the food contains the most known, particularly as relates to the rebuild. ing of the brain and nerve cemtrés. It is a delicious food requiring no cook: inz hut ready for instant service just as it comes from the pack A re Seige Book Trae ach. BAckG®' des i » made 4 Thert's: | communication which Archie Aberne- wl 'received from P. C. Folwe Roches: manufacturing firms NAN The lector, in i Canada, and B. E. Moloney spent all lust week here with 'me, prospecting for lace to establish a factary, and FW hive vepeivid: a good deaf of en- towns, and Ke hay gone home again turn in a couple o days, when we expect to have. well-defined offers from at lent two of them. "My ohjset. in Writing you is to ask how Kingston would like to have us locate there. "IF you think the city would be willing 'to aid us, and to what : tent, lot us know. We are going to make the finest line of fine shoe wear, the same as the firm. makes in Ro. chester, and we will be able to give them to the trade at United States prices, Inid down, thay suvitig twenty: five per cent. duty. The firm will in- stall a plant worth about $18,000, and guarantees to employ not less than fifty hands from the start, with a pay roll of not less than $1,600 a month. We hope to increase this showing right along, as our object is to, get as large a business as possible, We would require & suitable building for a factory and a cash honus."' -------- WOULD HAVE SUCGEEDED ------ Had He Fought For a Legal Di- vorce Court, Toronto News --- Had Justice Britton remained in the house in place of accepting the judi- cial position which he now adorns, he certainly would have continued the fight for the removal of obsolete res- trictions in respect to the securing of legal divorce. Mr. Britton showed that there was no desire to legislate in fav- or of cheap and easy \judicial sever- ance of the marriage tie. His object was to put an end to what really is class legislation. The rich man can make his case strong beyond perad- venture if he has the evidence by, fay, engaging in a civil suit for dam. ages in a provincial court and, after winning it, repairing to Ottawa with the verdict as a piece of strong and incontrovertible corroborative evidence, This plan has keen followed in Tor. onto with complete success, but, of course, it could be utilized only by a man of wealth. It.wak Mr. Britton's object to place all petitioners on the sawe footing. The house did not look favorably on the proposed" amendment to the British North America Act--it seldom. does accept any idea until that idea has been made the subject of +a fight. If Justice Britton had re. mained in politics: he would have con- tintied his- battle until he had: come out successful: Perhaps some other member will take up the issue, and pursue it unto success. ---- The Old Bobsled. St. Joe Gazette. When the snow is on the highways and the A are coming down; When 1 hedr the merry jingle of the sleighbells round the town: Then' it ¥s I am reminded of {He times I used to ride In a bobsled with the "young folks" -- and my "purtner" by my side. Ah, the waggon box was cosey, for we hud it filled with straw, And we liked the snowy weather though the wind was raw. When the river chirruped shrilly to the horses how they sped Out across the waste of whiteness with the smoothly running sled. Yes, cach night was filled with pleasure and wp wade the welkin ring With our {strangely blended voices when XC vely tried to sing. It was great. We all got giddy and each fellow '"'sparked" a maid, And he hugged her just ns often as the sled was in the shade When the ehostly hour of midnight drew 80 near we bad to quit Just because the girls informed us it was time for them te flit; How we wished we might go riding the sleigh snother time With the girls and Hear the music the sleigh-bells' mellow chime. Then 'each fellow took is "'parteer" #ifely home and did not miss-- At the gate--the chance presented. Every fellow stole a kiss. fo even in Stewart. Beautiful Muskoka. The Grand Trunk Railway svstem has the advantage of having one of the most beautiful take districts in the world, for by its line alone can the delightful Muskoka Takes be an- proached. Notwithstanding this, the best accommodations as to train ser- vice, "comfort and convenience of pas- sengers, are to be found." ny The journey to Muskoka is one of the most beautiful imaginable. ~ Every inch of the way offers scenes of pie- turesquencss and beauty, from the smiling farm lands' outside Toronto, to the emerald shores of Lake Simcoe and Couchiching and later té the rug: ged and wild stretehes of land on this side . of Muskoka Whaef. Illustrate, descriptive matter sent to any ad- dress on application. Will Likely Die. William Scott, living near Dog Lake, went down, on Sunday, to shoot a muskrat. He tested the ieé with his gun, striking it with the butt end. In some manner the weapon discharged as he founded the ice, the te of the gun entering Seott's face, causing. serious wounds. His brother, James, took the wounded man home and a doctor was summoned. 1( iz not like- ly he will live. The young man is aged twenty-one vears, a son of Hoen- ry Scott, of Battersea. i ------ Fl, Everywhere Bromma Is Praised. The best tonic known for nerve and blood disease, general weakness, con- stipation, pimples, boils, eczema, aae- mia; pains in the liver, efc. Broma is further a superior tonic for women recovering from sickiess, weak and enervated girls, ricketty and vigorless children. - Ask your druggist for it. started her The steamer Massena A trips to-day between Noxaudsia Bay river down there end Ogdensburg. The is all open. s Try DTC. smoking tobacco at W./ J. Baker's, Princess street, 10c. plug. Lots of fresh eggs and butter at Gil 4 couragement from three Ontario side' to Rochester, and 1 expect him to re exa | THe Spice ot Every Day Tate -- | FipeRithg "Ge ED. Mol om- . an, i$ the dig ond aid » il What the People Are Talking Good baking pewder, 10c, Ib.,.. at Gilbert's. i 3 St. Patrick's day last vear was bright and cold; this year dark, rain and gloomy. ¥. R. Rees, township of Kingston. has reported to the police the theft of a set of harness from his prentises, on Thursday last. It was rouiored this morning that local temperance workers had brought a detestive to the city te keep a watch on local hotels, ~ + Dr. Coy, Stuart street, has com: plained to the police 'that a valuable dog owned by him was shot last eveding by some unknown person. Alderman Knapp will submit a by- law to cotineil providing that notices for committee meetings Le handed to aldermen 'a 'day previous to- the day of meeting. "A Portsmouth girl is apt to think her soul is yearning for the unattain- able, when the trouble "really is that she is hungry," says the Portsmouth Philosopher. 3 tins Delhi catsup 25¢., at Gilbert's, Michael Hawkey laid a complaint at police headquarters yesterday charg. ing Michael and Joseph Devine with assault, At the, . police ' eoiirt this morning the charge was withdrawn, The rain of last night and to-day will have a breaking effect upon the ice in the harbor. The steamer Pierre pont will new likely he able to get through to Cape Vincent to-morrow. The News need not lose any over the member for Kingston as his attitude on the' Gamey chardes. He will do what any sensible man would 'do, seek to have the charges judiciously passed pon. Then will be time et A gv act, Alderman Reeves' scheme ofstonsolis dating the civic offices is to wipe out the" water works and collector's of: fices, and have all money paid into the city treasurer's office, the elork in the water works office to be transfer: red to the office of the treasurer, T: R. Carnovsky has complained to the city . council. that on February 18th, water backed up from the Piin- eoss Strost sewer, "flooding the cellar under his dwelling to the depth of ¢izhteen inches, damagihg goods con: tained. therein. "The board of works will investigate. ------ Dominion Line, Montreal to Bris- tol, Next Summer. The Dominion line has made ar- rangéments to run a regular service next summer from Montreal to Avon: mouth. The growing importance of Bristol as a British receiving and shipping port is a sufficient guaran: tee that the Montreal connection will be a very profitable one. ! Avohmouth, which is really the har- bor of Bristol, has been rapidly for- ging to the front as a port. Few European cities contain a more enter- prising wet of business men than Bris tol, and they have always taken sleep to an especially friendly interest in Mon: treal. The already fine Avonmouth dock Aystem is to be practically doubled in capacity, at an expense of about $10,000,000, and the new additions -- whic are now under way--are expect- ed to be completed in the near Suture, The railroad connections with Lon. don and other great English coasina: ing centres are of the very best, and merchindise is often sent to London much more expeditiously by way of Avonmouth than direct to that great port itself, so that in one sense Avon: month is a sort of metropolitan burb to the great metropolis of world itself. Bristol is in itself a large consum: ing and an important distributing port in respect to Canadian produce of all kindé--grain, flour, provisions, cheese, pulp, butter, lumber, leather, ete. The Dominion. ling are placing in the service steamers fitted "with modern refrigerators, and especially adeipted to carry butter, cheese and" cold stor age freight. sus the iw : sg ' SY On Florida Sands. "When you came 'South for your health why didn't your wile come with you 2 : "Oh! well, vou see my doctor ad- vised complete rest and quiet." { axative Bromo Sure 2 Cold in One Day, G 2 Days ZZ on every G A YIU sm box. 35¢ Woaiy Ite ay HE prescribed 4 over 40 years, rouge himself most gerions and work," ane ago re the cured, book. since then, and deliv bl gould not fered everything, relieve me; but erating table: Every person cine. mid Pills, gnd 1 pletely cured. the slightest think I will need be a year piles. in sheets, suit are are une MASON & R Come excellence of tone Mason & Risch Easy terms. D. A.W L. ™ Ta To Real possible of good to let this spring. the best class owners are hereby sale. huntlred | aerihicd annvatly 10 this made followin as, been saved return Talenm Powder, "Castile soap, 15c¢. and hear this Piano. apply . -- ED THE KNIFE. Ten M. of Peace After Dread- «Tul Suffering. | Operafigns are becoming a fad. every OUNE MBN, as SOON as ed from a medical eis pry college, con undertaking dunt. Sichers the pli yd surgical "of lives of incompetent men, to rush into whith should only Be resort, e of Iekter fro, are frenzy Wark as lgot Most these from Us Gpergtion:. | believe mn bo have informed You long Fding my case of. pits ocd done me, and aad I am t' December EF sent for your I have never shee thered before 1 had suffer and' the doct, for the last eleven yodrs, and at (he time \k wrote. I had given birth (, , child, and they came down with the of the child hy the handful, get thom baek and. | suf r said nothing but an operation would ever read of your remedy suffering was, I hope, If they ever 5 apy more for i success, I rémain, Mrs. S. Ho 105 W. 11th street, Des M lowa." Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by gists for fifty cents a package or will be mailed to any address upon receipt of price, by Pyramid Drug Co., Ma: shall, Mich. Write this firm for little book describing the cause and cure i Moth Camphor in balls or flake, for trunks Tarine Moth Proof Bags For ulster, overcoats or business sure death to moths. 10c. per tin per 1b. qualled. ISCH and design oi Special in our daily newspaper and 1 told y husband to get me a box and I would give it a trial before consenting to the knife, and thanks he to your wonder. Tul: medicine, I. was saved from the op. from piles that my husband and myself hear of, we recommend your wonderful medi- I just used one $1 box of Pyry- mid Pile Cure, and two boxes of vr, mid Ointment and two boxes of Pvra- com- show IL will cergainly get some more medicine, but 1 hardly t will the 8th day of December gingé I had them and that makes it ten months and past now. Thanking you again and wishing you abundant 3 2 y lgson, olnes, drug- §000000000000000000008 Q Moth Exterminators © Q .0 Violet Ammonia, large bottles, 10c Qur Chocolates at 40c. and "60c per 1b, PIANO and PIANOLA RECITAL AT WAREROOMS OF D. A. WEESE & CO., 121 PRINCESS 8T., To-night and To-morrow Night 7:30 to 9:30. most wonderful piano player; also judge for yourself the price. Sk & CO., Kingston, Agents Ty LOCHHEED, M.A., Toronto, District Superintendent. Estate Owiters We wish to 'get particulars as soon as dwellings for sale or Applications are be- early requested to J. S. R. 'McCANN. ' B51 Brock St. Ground Floor. ing received now, and as a general rule, Property com- municate with 'or call on us during this month as regards the spring renting or Yotto in 'the ) Shui After, kind that ao ba posts . LA Impotency, pT I Den Re TY and alt tof abas S300np: ie use of Tobuero, Opium oF ulants, Mental ud Brain Worry, all of which lead to rity, Fab, roibon ator Oh wi Sl Ah Yotto OR WITHO a S- i - - 3 p ~ 0 Yotto 4 ' p ad. 4 ARC LIGHT { For shope and business places. YOTTO Yght is best. We sre 'welling them cheap. Call ln. BRECK & HALLIDAY. Yotto BIN INN PO ROOMS. . FURNISHED ao ) Se AP Jol Bae Sit Eivenete: SUFFERING - CAN BE CUREL Famous Doctor in - DR. S. GOLUHERG, The World-Famous Specialist on 5 Diseases. - patient until a cure is effect J, Writ DAY if yon are snd he will end you free his Bon' aid biapk for this Late<t Me! hod Home I's It nodiffezence who has failed you before Dr. Goldbers GUAKA oure you or you 40 not py ace t famous physician is 8 specialis order, Noldidy purteen diplowus, cer ete, from medical ¢nlley warld, which testify yo his standing av ®Al cereceives his w attention is sacrediy coulidentin today and remember that you do no! pay scent you are thorough v that © cure has been aco CLIT SETTLER Special rains fo Manitol the Ganadian North-Wi With: free colonist sleebing ca leave Toronto at 9 p.m. every in March and April and run vig Bay. Special colonist rates from ¥ daily until April 30Lh, as follov Billings, Mout. ....., Batre | ont., Color; Deuver, Cal, ete Spokane, Wash. ..... ............. Nelson, B.2., New Westminster, B.C., FPurtland, Ore, Robson B.0., Ross land, BIC, Seattle, Warh.. Tacouna, Vavcouver, B.C, 0, ops ' Varies San Francisco, Cal, RA Wash. Trail, B.C., Victoria, B.O., les C: For full particulars apply to « P. HANLEY, Ag FLA City Pass. | Kingston & Pembroke & Ca Pacific Railways. SPECIAL SETTLERS' TR T0 CANADIAN NORTH-WEST WiLL KINGSTON EVERY TUESDAY DI MARCH ANT APRIL AT 8:10 A Direct contiections, 4 REDUCED RATES UNTIL APRIL 30th, 1903, COLONIST FROM KINGSTON TO Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland, Roseland, $4 Trail, Jobson. ... Full particulars at K. & I'. an R. Ticket Oflic., Ontario St. . CONWAY, F. A, FOLUER, en. Puss. Agt. Gen THE BAY OF QUINTE RA! NEW SHORT LINE FO Tweed, - Napanes, Deseronto, and cal points. Train leaves Cit H t at 4 an. RJ. 1LSON, Rlegraiih Sitice, Clarence street. DOMINION LINE STEAM: BOSTON AND HALIFAX TO 1 POOL, via Queenstown. From ¥ Boston. Hi Canads ». ~ -- April 3nd, Api MONTREAL AND QUEBEC LIVERPOOL. 9, Kensington, M, IN TO LIVERPOOL Canada, May New England . - >is Apr. PORTLAND. TO LIVERPOO Tauric, March 88. Irishman, May Norsemgn, April 4. Englishman, A VONMOUTH DOCK AND BRI * From Portland. Maenxmen, April 4. Otteman, Ap BOSTON TO MEDITERRANE Commonwealth Mire Vancouver Ap Cambroman Apr Vancouver . Ma For further culars ap hE Ww J v Lb BRSLEEVE, 49 Clkre - . iJ 3 iy ps 4 PaLbERe Line, Montreal & «BERMUD/ TUE NOW FAR-FAMED BERM with cable communication and ¢ winter tomperature of 65 degrees, tiful pcenery and 100 miles of Toads, béadquarters of the Britist navy, /is uorivalled in its reached by the first-clas amets. PRINIDA ) or PRETOH oFty-eight urs from New . ing every SATURDAY Shia Wing i ng CR! ST. ITTS. MARTIN . LUCIA, BARBADOES AND ARA, also afford beautiful a Saresting tours, all ships of the Quebec from New reached by Steamship Co A For York « ing apply' to A. EMILIUS © in, ly to A. BRIDGE a CO., Agents. 89 Bro New. York: J. P. HANLEY or SILPERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont THUR AHERN, Secretary. Queb ERE TEA APTS I. G. BOGART, M.D. C. MIRNER RESIDENT HOUSE gon of the Kingston Ganers d idence, 11 Eitan Be ikpnien inear alte ¢ Tr 1