Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1903, p. 3

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- --_-- 58 x ---- Months of Peace After Dread. _« Tul Suffering. oral 8 are becoming a fad. every wg y as soon as he is gradu. rom a medical college, considers oh : ool fandertaking the $eTIQUS and. eo ated, surgic, 3 nd pantie Tot Brees cal iced anntatly to this made four, wompetent men, to rush into vw, only em aken os last .. only] ost sa ple re of (hes i, to read fallow ) letter fr one omgn who | as been saved from of these ¢ gdous. portion [ v 1 # ve infeed you |, ng re; rin, y nse of. lites go done me, candid believe | 5, d. * t" December 'BF sent for your k I have never sheen bothered e then, and before 1 hud suficr. the last eleven yefirs, und at sik wrote. I had given birth t, , I, and they came down with i}, J of the child by the handful, uld not get them baek and I suf i everything, and the dobtor said ping but an operation would ever we me; but I read of your remedy ur daily newspaper and 1 told 1 band to get me a box and I would it a trial before consenting to the g, and thanks he to vour wonder medicine; I was sgved from the ope ing tahle: very person suffering from piles my Jusband and myself hear of, recommend your wonderful medi- I just used one $1 box of Pyry- Pile Cure, and two boxes of vr, Ointment and two boxes of Pvra. ° Pills, and I was, I hope, = com- dy cured. If they ever = show slightest return I will cergginly some more medicine, but 1 hardly k I will: need apy more for it will a year the Sth day of Deceraber i I had them and 'that makes it months and past now. Thanking again and wishing you abundant igs, I remain, Mrs. S. Hodgeon, W. 11th street, Des Moines, u' ramid Pile Cure is sold by drue- for fifty cents a package or will wiled to any address upon receipt rice, by Pyramid Drug Co., Ma: , Mich. Write this firm for little . describing the cause and cure f Moth Exterminators : ? Y Moth Camphor in balls or flake, § "sheets, for trunks A Tarine Moth Proof Bags § For ulster, overcoats or business pit are sure death to moths. Talenmmm Powder, 10c. per tin Violet Ammonia, large bottles, de Castile _soap, 15¢. Our Chocolates at 40c. and 60c r 1b., are unequalled. per 1b. |. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist. . 34 Princess S¥. Phone 59. luccessor to E. C. Mitchell. SON & RISCH PIANO and PIANOLA ITAL AT WABEROOMS OF D. A. E & CO., 121 PRINCESS 8T., ight and To-morrow Night 7:30 to 9:30. re and hear this most wonderful player; also judge for yourself the ence of tone and design. of the 1 & Risch Piano. Spetial price. » & CO., Kingston, Agents I LOCH EED, M.A., Toronto, District Superintendent. 47 41% rx wish to 'get partleulars as soon as le of good: dwellings for sale or this spring. Applications are be- ceived now, and as a general rule, est class apply early. Property gs are hereby requested to ate with or call on us during this as regards the spring renting or com- S. R. "McCANN. Brock: St. Ground Floor. otto ~ Yotto ARC LIGHT For shops and business places. YOTTO Ight is best. We are 'selling them cheap. Call ia. BRECK & HALLIDAY. otto Yotto EAA NPE ROOMS. ALS OR WITHOUT 5 |0 Sr AR Roe "tifa Toads, hésdquarters 4nd nuvy. de unrivalled in ita attrac DR. S. GOLOMERG, The World-Famous Specialist on Nervous Y » will kend you free his Bon' aid blagk for this Latest Me! hod Home's It nodilfezence why has failed you before Dr. Goldbers GUARAN cure you of you 40 Bot Pp J & oe: t i a famous phy: fis 8 specialist of hi order, Noldidg ourteen Sipious, cemilicn © ete. from medical colleges warld, which testify yo his standing anda! ®Al cereceiveshis: wp atten sacrediy coufidentia',. today and remember that you do nos ha pay scent you are thorough vy convine: that © cure has been acs j TRAVELLING, TENE SETTLERS Special Trains to Manitoba and the Ganadian North-West. With free colonist sleebing cars will leave Toronto at 9 p.m. every Thesduy in March and April and run vip North Bay, Special colonist rates from Kingston daily until April 30Lh, as follows Billings, Mout. ...... $38 05 Battie, Mont., Colorad: ir, Cal, ete 43 05 8) ah... or ,e 43 58 Nelson, B.2., New Westminster, B.C., FPurtland, Ore, Robson B.C. Ross land, BC, Seattle, Warh.. Tacowna, Wash., T7ufl, B.C, Vapcouver, Be § Victoria, B.O., eto... .,.. ~ v ' Los Ang Bte..... For full particulars apply to « P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. San Francisco, Cal,, 48 08 ED Kingston & Pembroke & C Pacific Railways. SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO CANADIAN NORTH-WEST WILL LEAVE KINGSTON Y TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL AT 8:10 A.M. Direct contiections, 2 REDUCED RATES UNTIL APRIL 30th, 13, COLONIST RATES FROM KINGSTON TO Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland, Roseland, Nelson, $46 b Trail, Jobson. ... Ven » BROOKES: » oon oorerense 1+ ser avinreone $43.58 Antoudi, Butts .................. 0.5, 43.05 Colapado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, Salt Lake SALLE LE ry 43.08 Ban Fragcisco 48.03 Full particulars at K. & I'. and OC. P. R. Ticket Oflic., Ontario St. FF. CONWAY, PF. A, FOLUER, JR. Gen. Puss. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, | Napanes, Deseronto, and all lo- cal points. Train leaves City Hall De J. WILSON, CP.R Rboaraih Sifice, ion treet. DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS From From Boston. ax. Canade .. -- April 3ad, April 3rd MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. Kensington, May 16. Canada, May 9, BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. New England ..... 'is April 11th PORTLAND. TO LIVERPOOL. Tauric, March 88. Irishman, March 21. Norseman, April 4. Englishman, April 11 VONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL, From Portland. Manxman, April 4. Ottoman, April 18. BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Commonwealth Mirch, 28th Vancouver Cambroman 4 ancouver . h . May 16th For further culars apply to J. P A ERY: 4 Olkrenceit N 3 a Arent ERSLEE ret ¥, P, GILD -_e Pe Line, Montreal . BERMUDA .. TUE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beau- 1 scenery d 100 miles of good of the B veness, reached » the first. steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA iv forty-eight hours from New York. Sail ing every SATURDAY this winter. The cal including SANTA CRUZ, ST. ITTS. MARTINI . LUCIA, BARBADOES AND ARA, also afford beautiful and in He a iar dissmiyCopsny mpany from = New og a For descrip: QUF. DEM- 'fea namphlets and dates of sail orp ly to A. EMILIUS OUTER Bi E's Co. Agents. 39 Brosdw New. York: J. P. HANLEY or J SILDERSLERVE, Kingston, Ont. AR THUR AHERN, Beotatars. Quebec I ERE TI PTR I. G. BOGART, M.D, C.M. MIRMER RESIDENT HOUSE SUR mon of the Kingston General Hoe Office residence, 138 Wel Ep oR THEY 4 ---- WHAT WISE CITY FATHERS 4 TALKED ABOUT. ---------- Charaiber Dige Consolidating Civic Offices. not available at version - of the hall into at the next meeting of council. these: members answered to £ehan, Craig, Hoag, Kent, Knapp, McCammon, , Meek, - Mowat, Reeves, Sears, Tait, Walkem, Mallen, The minutes, as were adoptéd, King and: Knapp. Communications Considered. school' purposes. Ryled. James Stratford, taxidermist, Prin cess street, complaining Henry Stratford adyertising the fire hall in the city's and Tight committee. City Solicitor Melntyre, stating that the electric light history of the case to date. City Bolicitor Mclutyre, copy of a bill to amend the municipal act, 80 us to vest in the city the pow Eyled. --Fyled. W. J. Fair, in behalf of the Kings ton and Storringten Toll road com pany, asking thegity to pay over the who appeared before the railway com mittee at Ottawa recently, namely, $50.--Finance committee, in behalf of his wife, who slipped and fell on Queen street, near Wellington street, on the 2nd inst., injuring her right - arm ' and - wrist.--Board. of works. . Frank Conway, in behalf of the K. & P. Railway company, asking for value of horse which dropped dead re cently while drawing a fire engine to a fire near the outer Grand Trunk de pot.--Fire and. light. committee. County Clerk Edwards, enclosing copy of resolution, asking the On tario government to appoint an in- spector to inspect all toll roads, with power to force all toll road = com panies to comply with the law.--Board of works. James Norris and - N.C. Pdlson, drawing attention to dangerous con streets. <Board Ontario 'and Princess of works. Report Of Finance Committee. Alderman Walkem subriitted the re port of the finance committee, recom mending payment of these accounts ; Engineering Record, 85 board of works pay roll, 8109.64; Uglow & Co., 6c; K. & P. Railway company, $5.30; Bell Telephone company, $56.15; T. C. Wilson, $2; Grand Trunk com KIDNEY TROUBL AND LUMBAGO. Thirty Years of Backache and Rheumatism «« Winter Seas son's Especially Severe--Ate tributes Cure to Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. This season of the year is especially trying on the older people. The: pains and aches grow more severe in the cold and changeable weather, "the kidneys get out of order, rheumatism and lum- "od Jbago torture their victims, there are aching backs and limbs, stomach de: rangemcnts, urinary and bowel disor- vers and serious, painful . and fatal maladies. Dr. Chase's Kidney-LiVer Pills are particularly suited to the needs of retsons of advanced age. They regul- ate and invigorate the liver, kidneys and bowels and prove efféctual whea ordicary medicines fail. This" letter from Mr. Robert Jackson gives some idea of what this treatment is ac- complishing every day. Roleit Jackson, ship @arpenter, Port Robinson, Ont., states: "I was afflicted with kidney trouble and lum- bago for about thirty years. The win- are were always very severe on me, and 1 was many tines incapacitated with all the serious symptoms of both troubles. I had backaches, biliousness, rheumatism, headache and constipa tion, and was wrecked physically. used all sorts of medicines and have been treated by the medical profession to no purpose. "In the spring of 1902 I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and from the start received great benefit. 1 continued the treatment until I fully recovered good health and vigor, my old troutle heing a thing of the past I am 'eventy-five vears olf, and if, at my advance | age, I have received such srand ragults from the use of Dr. Chese's Kidney-Liver Pills after years of unuecessary suffering there can be no doubt of their efficacy in the treat: went of younger persons. 1 recommend them to everyone. I have tried to think of words to express my grati- tude, byt .it is bevond expression, for they have done more for me than onld have believed." . Pr' Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents 'a box. 'AY all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Toronto. . Y BUSINESS Jr. | The Advisability of Converting | Ontario Hall Into a Council ome Im- l'urtant Resolutions Adopted-- Outside of the budget, the most im- portant business considered by the "ity council at last night's meeti was the a . vas question of converting One trio hall inte a council chamber, and thé asphalting of some of the streets, 'I'he council decided that, me was present for the eon- a council chamber, and' Alderman McLeod re. ported "thy board of works had the subject Nofe paving under advise ment, and would report, most likely, When Clerk Shannon called the roll their names : Mayor Bell, Aldermen Bass, King, ofarlane, Mec. Sands, presented, printed, on motion of Aldermen John Macdonald, secretary of the Board of Fducgtion, notifying council that the board would require $27,680 for. public school, and $6,100 for high | of Fireman himself as a taxidermist, and doing work ip time. ~Hire ; company had given notice of appeal, and giving a concise enclosing Wil Isaac i bial] patrick; § Ms Intyre, $14; On Municipal World, | 182, Dr. Abbott, 85: The committee further rece that the city. ntent inauguration of ¥ tion. That the the adoption of the report. take space in the being prepared Folger and Noonan. Alderman Walkem adopted. Alderman McLeod presented the re port of the printed. moved the adoption of the report. In explanation asked for-by Alderman Meek, Alder city engineer upon the matter of lay- ing walks for private citizens, recom mending that hereafter before such work is undertaken citizens be furnish ed with an estimate of the cost-of the put up a forfeit covering the same. With. regard to a daim of Dt. Nich- olla asking for a refund of money, on deposit, the city engineer considered it advisable to retain the money for some time. . Alderman Behan supported the last suggestion. Money put up ns a forfeit for opening up streets should be re: tained for some time after the work has been completed. Alderman Tait took the ground that costs of the company's representatives | Lzap ). , | walks to 'walks on private property. Traverse Blakely, claiming damages | dition of prossing at the corner of | AL offices could be rented. He I | blank er to pass a by-law toi protect, under | the city had no right to lay asphult penalty, the water works suction pipe | for private citizens, as it interfored with private enterprise. Alderman Walkem replied that the | city had the only plant for doing such work. It was quite proper that the city should do this work. The city, in any case, would have to fill up anv created between new asphalt Alderman Meek took the ground { that if the city was supposed to fill | up these gaps, there were hundreds of | citizens who had claims against the city. The reported was adopted. Other Reports Presented. Alderman Maefarlane presented the report of the fire and light committee, as already printed. = Aldermen Macfarlane and Craig mov ed the adoption of the report.--Car- ried. : In reply to a question by Alderman Behan, Alderman Macfarlane stated that the recommended incredses in the salaries of firemen were in necordasioe with thg.grading schedule adopted lust wear: » Alderman McCanimon presented the report of the city property comivittee, as already published. Alderinen Me- Cammon and Hoag moved the adop- tion of the report, Aldermen Kent, Tait and Mallen, members of the committee dissented from = the provisions of clause two, setting apart $600 for converting On- tario hall into a council' chamber, Aldermen Tait and Macfarlane mov- ed that the clause be gtr from the report. Both aldermen considered the present council' chamber 'quite satis factory. So also did Alderman Sears, who pointed "out that the present chamber had' been fitted up at a large expense. Alderman Craig pointed out that there were seasons of the year when the present chamber was unsatisfac- tory, unhealthy and undesimable. If the - council' chamber were moved up stairs the present chamber could be leased at 4 good rental, so that the cost of converting Ontatio hall into a chamber would be niet in that way. The council should have a place of meeting that would be a 'model for other bodies 'in the city to copy. He hoped the report would carry. Alderman Reeves considered that the city' had 'not 'any money to spend in. this way this] year. The council chamber, ~ he Ahought, was healthy enough. ' Alderman Mcleod pointed out that Ontario hall would not be as conveni- ent for a council chamber as the pres ent one. The city engineer had estim- ated the cost of ventilating the Bes ent chamber at $100, and he favored having the work dome. The chumber could be made more inviting if paint ed and decorated up a bit. ' Alderman' Behan took the ground that while it would be a wise' move to have the chamber located in On- tario hall, in: view of the fact that money was not available at present, he could not see. how the proposed change could be carried out this year, He was pleased to learn that the pre: sent chamber could be ventilated for £100 and hoped the finance conmmittes, would 'be able to help the propeity committee to meet the outlay. Alderman MeCammon informed the ¢ouncil that at present Ontario hall was a dead Joss to the city. I it was utilized as a council chanber, snd some of the offices moved wo there, the present chambers und som» of the had alren-ty been approached ' and offered a good price for the use of part of the pres ént council chamber, It would be a wise move to expend this money; the city would get it back again, The amendment offered Ly Aldermen Tait and Macferlane, to strike out the $600 clause of the: report, was adopt- ed. The report as amended wos there upon adopted on motion of Aldermen McCammon and Hoag. Printing Contract. Ald; Abbott presented the report of the committee on printing, recom mending that the contract for print ing be awarded to the Whig Publish: ing" compny: and for stationery and hooks to T. McAuley, these tenderers beine the lowest. Aldermen Abbott and Bass moved the adontion ofthe report. In reply to a query by Aldermen Meek, Alderman Abbott stated that Kelly, $4; A. Mcllquham, $2; by 4 Me- mmended ain visitors to the rineipal Gordon to a complimentary excursion among the Thousand Islands, That no actign be taken on the 'communications of D. Noonan, H. 8. Folger, G. F, Danicls ant the Ontario Beet Sugar Associa communications of Mrs. M. E. Wade, 'Miss McConville, C. B xirkpatrick and 'R. 8S. Dobbs be Y. Aldermen Walkom and Boban moved Alderman Craig asked "why it had not been recommended that. the city advertising folders by Messrs. Daniels, replied that it was thought the city's finances would not alow of payment for such space. Alderman Reeves considered that _ it would be money well spent to take up space in these folders. The report was board of works, already | more efficient "enforcement: of the city Aldermen Mcleod and Hoag of certain clavess; man McLeod read the report of the work, and that they be compelled to poor Indian. ed a serious were very plentiful in those days, and tnjoyable one, the supper was an ex. cellent ome, and the fifty-one guests, who are members of the new society, found the occasion an entertgining one, The Four Winds. Charles Henry Liillers. Wind of the North, Wind of the Norland snows, Wind 'of the winnowed skios, and sharp, cle; Blow, cold and keen across the naked ills, And crisp the lowland pools with crystal And blur the But go not near my love. Wind of the West, = Wind of the few, far clouds, Wind of the gold and erfmson ands-- Blow fresh and pure. across. the peaks And broaden the blue spaces of the hea- vens, . And sway the grasses ghd the meuntain pines, 4 But let my dear one rest. Wind of the east, Wind of the sunrise seas Wind of the clinging mists and gray Blow moist and chill across thé wastes And shut And lash the boughs against the dripping caves Yet keep thou from my love, Put thou, sweet wind | Wind of the fragrant south, Wind from the bowers of jasmine and ee YR Over magnolia blooms and dilied iakes And flowering forests come the dewy wings a And Etir the petals at. her feet, 'and Ld The low, mound where she lies. oH. Cunningham, Chickering's, New e prised at WoAvler's honketops, hat the finance committee be request tat ine consideration the § " ting certain ecivie with a YW to oltaining great- economy in their "ad was withdrawn NM and other members eommittee gave the mover and r assurance that t committee already had such a under consideration. Aldermen = Holi and Mowat wioved that a new- riting machine be purchased placed in the office of the sity clork, and that the tvpewrit- er now in the elerk's officé' be trans: ferred to the oflico 'of the city engi neer, and, also, that the assistant city clerk and clerk in the city engi: neer's office instructed to become proficient in Fuse of the machines, without delay. 80 that all reports of punibtens and Fall aivie business may pV Larried, : ery Leod and Walkem pre muted JRC, which council ad- opted: © referred to the fiance co to enquire whether a hy laws or certain of might be red by the apy nt of the chief of police as city commis- sioner, and to that end to confer with the commissioners of police, and anv other proper persons or authorities, and to report to this council at an early date. - -- SOME FARLY HISTORY. The Chilliwack Historical = So- ciety's First Banquet. The agural banquet of the Chil- the by-laws + + liwack ( ) Pioneer and Historical Society was held at the Harrison house, Chilliwack, on February 2th, A copy of the Progress, kindly sent to the Whig by a former Kingstonian, Matilda Ha fH, containg a verba: tim report of a most interesting pa- per read at the banquet . by Rev. Thomas Crosby, In it he gives frag ments of "the history of the settle! ment of the Chilliwack Valley. Indian: history and tribal warfare lead up to the coming of the first" white man, about 1798, when Mackenzie came across the continent and reached 'the coast at Bella Coola, or when Fraser came down the river now bearing his name. When the Indians saw ghis stranger, &o different from gnyone they 'had ever seen hefore, they cried out iti amavement, "Here is the Child of the Sun." The crowd rushed down to his cance, carried him up to the great feast house, set him down in the place of honor, and danced in honor of "their guest for days. Soon the great fur-trading companies came across the mountaing yd reaped great fortimes in the prosecution of their in dustry. Twenty bear skins had to be given for one blanket, a pile of mar tin skins six feet high for a flintlock musket, a large beaver skin for a short plug of dirty, black tobacco. Years passed oh and next came the Roman Ogtholic wissionaries from Columbia. river,. Washington territory. The natives were easily impressed with the new religion. The priest passed on after having appointed a chief or leaditiy man as local priest, who in turn appointed 'watchmen, These watchmen brought sinners to be fog ged. The move lashes the poor prit could takesthe better he would be in the end, or the more nice furs he could give the 'better. A story is told of the white men who began to crowd down the Fraser in search of gold, Many of them had come in by way. of Okanagan, and wished to reach the river beds below Yale. It is said that, in passing Spuzaum In dian camp, toll was demanded of them. So much had to be paid by every man who was not a good Ca- tholic,so the fellows, to ~ past free, began to cross themselves, bow the knee and become good Catholics for the {ime being. Other teachers came over from Washington, who told the Indians that men would come with short co ats, 'who would not cross themselves or flog simmers. These ure supposed to have come from the Me thodist Episcopal ebureh. Then follow ed the great gold discovery of 15568 and 1859, when thousands flocked dn from all directions, bringing rum to deal out death and destruction to the Murder on either vide was not uncommon, and enly the good sense of Old Tndian Holms gvert- conflict. Wild animals destroyed many of the settlers and their flock. The banquet proved to be a ost ar stars films, Casement squares with glittering ice. sunset and plains, harsh rains-- of brine, 6k the sun Out, and the moon and stars Orders re: bert's. Large tins lobsters, and Meek moved | Cue has ope sorting to donehe, lets at 50c. for full wired racka. and he will tell you there is no safer, mare: table, efficient con tom | Be., at Gil | ala ed a number of frie and treated them to warm sugar. i---- Returned From Abroad. U.W. concert, held goss. The drills were well pe - : etertaimnents were in t-graduate work in the colle gland, has returned. He in the Mervickville. Miss Orley Bishop is Mills, wheit he has purchase Warren Doel is attending dairy school in Kingston. A Bridge Submerged. Moscow, March 18.--Sugar dict a continuation. ran away and before they were captured. Frank Amey, lege, spent Sunday at home, The Lon, ing at G. W. Lampkin's. Bros. fast, rural telephone is coming suminer, [ Forfar Facts. Forfar, March Ackland is Coon, sick with y for a teacher, the scholays, gave a Ta the child of William the eve their toba. George ' 8. nnedy the 19th, farm stock, ete. The west end, Milch cows are in great de mand and prices High. ------ Harlowe Heraldings. has started on the event of HAVE HAD THEIR DAY. -------- tarrh no Longer in Vogue. For many years past the 'principally of alcohol, never cured but simply give the tem porary relief and stimulation. catarthal poisons from the blood, A new remedy which meets the re quirements and which so far has been remarkably successful in curing ca tarch is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. These tablets act upon the blood and mucous membrane only, They can hardly be classed ay a se- cret patent medigine as they are com of such valuable remedies as Plood root, Hydrestin, red gum of Eucalyptus tree and similar antisep- tics 'combined in tablet form, which cure by eliminating from the blood and mueous membrane the poisons of catarrh. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleasant tasting lozenges to be taken internally, allowing them to dissolve in the mouth, thus reaching the throat, trachea and finally the stom ach. If desired they may be dissolved in water and used as a douche, in addi tion to the internal use, but it is not ot all necessary to use a douche; a lar daily use internally will cure the whole catarrhal trouble. without re: the inconvenience of a Dr. Bennett stated "that the intern: al treatment of catarrh by means of pleasant medicated tablets is ravidly taking the place of douches and local applications" and further "probably the hest and certainly the safext remedy at presen on. ihe mar savy that ket in the Stuart's Csatarrh Tablets, a8 no weeret in made of their composi: tion and all i really effidient ca- tarrh remedies" are this tablet." Prugeists sell Stuart's Catarch Tab: tarth cure known fo the trade. syrup, but the season is not comsid- erod good as yet. William Buell has. moved in He will have an wpio-date one: Aen old Avery and sister Mande, entertain. at their home, Bishop's Mills, March 16.~The A.O. Was A suc rlormed I and literary parts of the received. Dr. Redmond, who has spent over a year and hospitals of London, En: guesl of Mr. and Mrs: Connell. Mrs, 'and Miss Brown ave visiting friends in Jennie Alexander, Smith's "Falls, is visiting friends here, moving to Oxford a farm, We are glad to learn that Mrs! Ei Jliott and Mrs. Price ave convalescent. ry Mrs. Edward Alixaidel ia visiting friends in' Kempt- ville, makers report a poor- season so far and pre While W, Allen was drivigg a span of colts the team jumped several' fences The wag- gon sustained some damages, but for: tunately the horses came out unhurt, Kingston Business. Col: bridge is impassable, being sabme in about thred fet of water. The Whi: rock mail ig carried across in & boat, Mrs. Annie Garrison, Hawley, is visit- Vanluven received 'a 'var load of buggies last week, and arf turning them out De. Vrooman, Napsnee, made a professional visit here on Saturday. A strongly "advocated and will likely come into effect = the 16.~Farmers have tapped their sugar bushes and rt very poor sap weather. Miss Maud again "very ill.' Clayton appendicitis, is some: what better, but his vhysician advis- es an operation, H. M, Judson and family, Brockville, are visiting friends week on business. Arthur Breech was in the village this week. r Prosperity And Prestige. Melntyre's, 5 the sanitary out a la Kingston, Ont. : "Roil diinking water." A few farmers have tapped, but there is 8 rence. Much interest is manifested in }' regard to the present session of the provincial legislature. A few persons are leaving for Manitoba god: points west. John A, McDonald, visiting heve, Teaver toad for his home at Chatham, Ont, en' are_sedrco and cannot he obtained except for fabu- Jous sums. C. W. Buck, an old-time resident, leaves noxt week for the wokt. He intends: to settle along the Saskatchewan, having purchased an extensive ranch Yorkton, Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Daley left yesterday for Emerson, Man, Visitors: Alfred Bick at J. W, Boise's: Mr. nt T. Fronts ames Home at-C. W Clow's, ens of in burg are making Yirenuous efforts to break the, word of former years. The rattle 'of the milk. waggon, the i sap, the warbling of the bullirog, Akt Sum of the patent medicine man, all claim Jrospesity at home and prestige school i Leis Married At Cushendall, a Cushendall, Mouth. 46. : Volume, ne many who or epidemics of 'co, and a 16~Our couple of weeks, The school' ins Pereival, together with | dl party Lo i ynited ' in departure for Mani Johnston had the misfortutie to' break one of the bones in his ankle, which will necessitate his remaining indoors for some time. Wil: liam Kendrick is to have a sale on jt, Mes, Patt f . on Franklin, Youngest lnighter of the | Nate W. H. Franklin, and Richard Pat | factory has not opened yet; not ens | ough milk being in sight. J. W. Me. a general store inthe ganist of Zion church, on the | evlting in qudstion members of the | Harlowe, March 15.--8Sugar making! spring. | ing 'a timely Rev. W. Wiggs had a bee this week for a new shed, and 'also a hall. Those EE Old Fashioned Medicines For Ca- usual treatment for calarth dissabos was with local douches, sprays. inhal- ers and liquid medicines composed sll of which A thorough cure can be made only by the treatment which removes the many friends will be glad Mation in ade days. address, in contiection © with the pre- wentation, at South Lake on the 9th inst., of a handsome clock to Mr. and are to re Mrs, Robert Galway. few of them dissolved in the mouth. | if daily will be suflicient. However, w i there is much stoppage of the nose » douche made from these tablets will give immediate relief, but the regu Toronto University, who is sometimes | concentrated in) h fan nearly, all better. Un wen evening, 41h inst, Rev. R. F. Ofiver, at the Methodist church parso ; marriage Miss Yar y terson, of the Eront Roads Only the] very immediate relatives. of the eon racing Parties were present. As {| resu & presentat. ' rein place last Fri day evening at the home of her mo- ther. The young lady has for several yenrs atted most socey as or with a handsome wu couch. Mise Panay Oliver an address ex- pressive of sotigeatiflation, and mak- y to sbrvides the recipient had rondefod the church. Mes, | Charles Trotter formally presented the | lounge. Min. Patterson suitably re- Jlid, Both George Woods and Henry 'oner will have. a- Hoe for erecting the frame work for a barn, eto., this week, When a. conple, married in Kingston recéntly, arrived Bone a few days since, the good ig found 'barbed | Wire strung across it atewn: rl to his barnyard, -- a ing more or less in the stable door. It wat just one form of showing "ihe rejoicing of some of his' friends at the auspicious event. Miss Emma foods, seriously ill for several days with a low fever and inflammation of ihe bowels, 'and who is at the Hotel Dieu, is now out' of danger. Her to learn thas sho ix convalescing rapidly smd will likely he able to leave the insti: ju. James Martin Farlane attended the an- congregation: met aud presented her Iutored anil Joby nual meeting of the cotmty conserva Strong tive association; and Willism Hyland was appointed chairman of one of the poling places of this suly-division. r. Martin ix again the wub-divisioh © wn Some of the surrounded in Kingston they Sonifatulated a ately become Rev. BR, F. Oliver vend an \ A Good Story. ? A story fs told of ! Fletcher, of | unfading foap or exposure loenl sports ure pre not yet done talking of a festive) board the lately, when comradé who had but benediet.

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